Yesterday I read about a country where State agents marched into a Jewish school and interrogated the girls on sex. No, this was not Communist Russia nor Nazi Germany, this was Britain, 2018.
Why is Ofsted doing the secularists’ bidding?
On Monday, I visited the Yesoday Hatorah Senior Girls School in Stamford Hill, where staff and pupils were preparing for the end of term and the coming Passover holidays. Their light, open and modern building was opened by Tony Blair in 2005 when the school became voluntary aided. A number of voices in their community … Continue reading
The Yesoday Hatorah Senior Girls’ School in Stamford Hill, north London, serves the Haredi community and seeks to reflect Haredi values. This community is not down with the whole all-of-the-sex all-of-the-time agenda that now passes for the secular culture, a culture that frequently depicts the sex act on television, watched by millions.
Unsurprisingly, the Haredi have taken a pass on this culture, and that means, for example, that the school redacts GCSE textbooks to remove references to sex. It was one of these textbooks that was picked up by the secular campaigning organisation Humanists UK, who then complained to Ofsted.
So Ofsted inspectors made a snap inspection and asked the pupils about sex. Parents were furious. ‘Our daughters came home severely shaken after a day of inspection where inspectors have attempted to force alien concepts on to our children,’ one said. ‘
An alien discussion with our girls of their private bodies and of intimate relationships with strangers . . . serves to undermine our beliefs in every possible way.’
Later Giles Fraser, for the website UnHerd, took the time to visit the school. ‘As I wandered around the corridors, the atmosphere was quiet and studious, calm even. None of the girls’ school lockers was locked, despite containing their valuables. Stealing is unheard of here. Even the local Sainsbury’s waives the usual two-at-a-time rule for schoolchildren when it comes to Yesoday Hatorah girls.
The girls know to stand respectfully as visitors enter the room, and they listen to their teachers. A few years after opening the new building, the school was the top of the Department of Education’s league table for value-added student progress.’
Fraser spoke to some of the girls at break time and found: ‘The Ofsted inspectors obviously came with a fixed agenda, they wanted to talk to the girls about sex. And those who told me about it were obviously made to feel extremely uncomfortable by the questions.
Three girls complained to the Principal and he told them to explain that to the inspectors. They did – but that only made matters worse, and invited further interrogation. They were very upset by the whole process. “This felt like an attack,” one of them said, “because under no circumstances did we want to discuss things that we were brought up our entire lives not to discuss”.’
Do take the time to read the full UnHerd report, for it demonstrates the authoritarian nature of Ofsted under the leadership of Amanda Spielman and how the British values agenda is being used to attack religious groups, in particular those who wish to protect their children from early sexualisation, which I call grooming by the state, and popular culture.
This is the same secular culture the feminists denounce as a ‘rape culture’ but the vultures at Ofsted believe it should be imposed on this Jewish community.
In 1984, George Orwell said the future was a boot stamping on a human face. In fact, the present is much worse than that: it is a subtle but all-too-totalitarian power grab by the State nudging us here, stroking us there, to accept their entire Leftist ideology.
And, no, it doesn’t matter who is in government because when the Leftists control education and there is a permanent Leftist bureaucracy, who is in Number Ten is neither here nor there.
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