All one has to do to see the crux of the matter is look at the electoral map. The states of the Northeast, heavily populated by those supportive of the globalist, power elite mindset, and those of the West Coast (same), all went to Hillary Clinton. So-called “flyover country” except for Illinois, all the Southeast, and the inland portion of the Northwest, all voted for Donald Trump.
And if one looks at the breakdown county by county, the real divide is still clearer: the “blue” areas of Hillary supporters are all the big and larger medium-sized cities. They subsist in vast seas of “red” outside the cities, even in so-called “blue states.”
The divide is as stark as I have ever seen it. We are indeed “two Americas.”
We are talking about two incommensurable mindsets and ways of seeing the world that have been battling, and will continue to battle, for control over not just the U.S. but the entire Western world, and more besides. In my last article I used the terms New America versus Old America. ‘Incommensurable,’ by the way, means approximately, ‘unable to be brought under a single shared vocabulary or consensus, and/or a single set of legitimizing rules agreeable to all parties to a dispute.’
The word seems perfect for the two mindsets battling for control over the public consciousness in the U.S. right now, neither of which considers the other legitimate.
The mindset that voted for Hillary Clinton sees itself as well-educated, sophisticated, cosmopolitan, supportive of what it calls diversity (the diversity of faces), tolerant, etc., etc. Its basic premises, stated or not, are those of secular materialism and worldliness. It has little use for religion, and sees allegiance to tradition as a sign of backwardness.
It disdains such things as private gun ownership; city-dwelling pseudo-sophisticates are basically afraid of guns. They make wonkish pronouncements on the issues of our times, on the strength of Ivy League degrees; or they working in or with the leviathan banks or other mega-corporations being paid more in a year than most people outside their enclaves will see in their lives; the elite mindset includes West Coast celebrities Hillary consistently drew on for support; it also includes, finally, the bulk of those who draw federal pay-checks, who as cogs in the technocratic machinery of the Deep State have no fundamental problem with centralization, micro-management, or top-down policies as a means of getting things done.
We know what’s best for you and we’ll do it for you whether you like it or not perhaps summarizes the elitist outlook.
The mindset that voted for Donald Trump is the mindset on Main Street, not Wall Street. Many of them have spent lives working with their hands, living in small communities or rural settings.
They intuitively distrust massive changes they never voted for and can’t control. Guns don’t bother them, since they grew up with guns. Handling guns safely is second nature to them. They are skeptical of the economics-über-allesmindset of the city people. They do not trust anyone motivated solely by money and power, and are open to the idea that the wealthy and powerful have routinely conspired against them.
They adhere to one of any number of Christian denominations; questioning God’s existence literally doesn’t make sense to them. In terms of politics, when they are actually interested in politics, they are small government folks who trust representatives they know personally and can drop in on for a visit to express a concern.
They prefer to live in a decentralized world, not a world of global economic forces dominated by city dwellers with soft hands, probably unable to change a tire or do simple household repairs, living in gated communities hundreds of miles away.
Leave us alone could well summarize what they want.
The latter have successfully expropriated and reclaimed the label deplorables. They took Hillary’s snarky comment and tossed it back in her face. Some of the Deplorables are now wearing the label as a badge of honour!
Neither group sees the other as well-intentioned, or as having any monopoly on truth or “the facts.” The elites have spent the past year tearing their hair out as their control over the national conversation slipped away. Their dominance of mainstream corporate media, emphasizing name-calling over substance, with its blatant pro-Hillary bias, backfired badly. Mainstream media is now largely discredited. Does anyone still take the Clinton News Network (CNN) seriously?
The elite mindset and its published products paraded Hillary as “superbly qualified,” or even “the most qualified candidate in history” (wow!) based on her time in government; its authors never discussed the scandals that have dogged her career from the get-go.
The Main Street, Old America mindset, whose stronghold is now the Internet and alternative media, are content to note the scandals, events such as Benghazi and the destruction of Libya she owns, as well as the “dirty money” finding its way into Clinton Foundation coffers. They concluded long ago that the woman is a pathological liar, very possibly a criminal who, if tried by the laws that apply to ordinary mortals, would have been behind bars years ago.
The incommensurability of the mindsets is further manifest in that the pseudo-sophisticates remain headscratchingly clueless as to why their heroine lost this election all across Middle America—all despite the “experts” polls that placed her ahead. This headscratching cluelessness stretches across mainstream media, mainstream economic-financial commentary, and Hollywood…….
These two mindsets are on collision course, and that’s not going to change!
I will look down the road, long term, therefore, and suggest that they cannot exist indefinitely under the same government. The one will eventually use the machinery of government to try to destroy the other, which may be forced into violence to defend itself. The result will be a bloody civil war which could have millions of casualties.
Peaceful separation makes far better sense to me, not just as a strategy but as an inevitability. The elites have no reason to allow this to happen, either, and have been fairly successful labeling all secession talk as “fringe.”
I suspect not even the Trumpists are ready for this. But as gridlock and dysfunction continue to fester at the center, with national indebtedness continuing to rise (it is unclear that even Trump can prevent this), eventually the corporate state centered in Washington and Wall Street will lose the will to stop it — just as the Soviet Communists lost their will to continue their empire.
What the “secessionists” have to do in this case is be patient, gain in wisdom and strategy, and begin working towards influence and eventual control in state legislatures, governorships, and perhaps entire regions.
Perhaps, somewhere down the road, we will have several Deplorable nations! The elites, in this case, can turn their cities into cesspools of crime, corruption, bureaucracy, chronic instability, and cultural filth if that is their choice.
Read the whole article right Here
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