The British Empire was the greatest imperial power that the world has ever seen. It was also, comparatively, the most benign. The Commonwealth’s membership of 53 nations, nearly all of them ex-colonies, is testimony to more than the generosity of our international aid programme. Historically, most people around the world have been subject to an … [Read more...]
What Home Schooling Did For Me
I WELL remember a day in 1982 when, facing a pilot selection panel at RAF Biggin Hill, I asked the officers if they minded that I was home-educated from age eleven. They smiled and said, ‘The RAF doesn’t hold that against you in any way.’ My basic village primary school had left me unprepared for public school. After a few days of … [Read more...]
The ‘Brainwashers’ Trojan Horse
A free society intervenes in parental choice with humility. Requiring children to be properly educated is, however, a hallmark of a civilised society. So proclaims The Times in a leading article applauding the Government’s proposal to require parents to register home-schooled children. The irony of its supposition that children are being … [Read more...]
Bible-Snatching Police Confirm Their Anti-Christ Agenda
THE establishment pays lip service to Christianity, parading on special occasions in cathedrals and producing ‘safe’ Christian programmes such as Songs of Praise. But when it runs into unabashed Christianity prepared to deny progressive pieties, the mask slips. There is growing alienation between Christians holding a biblical worldview and the … [Read more...]
The Book No Socialist Dares Read
WHEN a visitor to the Soviet Union returned to his home country, he declared: ‘I have seen the future, and it works’. While this sounds as though it could have come from the numerous British socialists who made the pilgrimage to the USSR during the 1930s, it was in fact uttered by an American investigative journalist called Lincoln Steffens. He … [Read more...]
State of The British Male
Where have all the real men gone? Well, they don’t fly with Ryanair, that’s for sure. If you haven’t seen this story, where a disgusting white man racially abuses an elderly black woman, you should. At the start of the clip it is a woman who stands up and defends the older lady, who is disabled, in strenuous terms. This may have been her … [Read more...]
Our Battle For The Soul of The West
I recently read Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali’s book Triple Jeopardy for the West: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islamism and Multiculturalism. Nazir-Ali’s point is that all three movements pose a grave threat to the West as the vacuum where Christianity once was is filled. It is increasingly obvious that the multitude of errors in thinking that dog … [Read more...]
Jewish Schoolgirls Interrogated Over Sex. Not Nazi Germany, But Today’s Britain!
Yesterday I read about a country where State agents marched into a Jewish school and interrogated the girls on sex. No, this was not Communist Russia nor Nazi Germany, this was Britain, 2018. Why is Ofsted doing the secularists’ bidding? On Monday, I visited the Yesoday Hatorah Senior Girls School in Stamford Hill, where staff and pupils were … [Read more...]
How The Left Took over Academia
We start the working week by pointing you in the direction of this Rubin Report interview with Niall Ferguson. It is a very interesting conversation that covers the familiar areas of Leftism, Brexit and Trump. It begins with an examination of just how the Left took over academia. Niall Ferguson is a well-known historian very broadly ‘on … [Read more...]
People From Commonwealth Countries Were Never ‘Immigrants’ But Mostly British Subjects
Seventy years ago on Friday, the Empire Windrush arrived in Tilbury Docks, where 492 passengers from the Caribbean disembarked to begin a new life in the UK. Many had already been to the UK, fighting alongside other soldiers, airmen and sailors in the British armed forces in the Second World War. 1948 was a very different time from today. The … [Read more...]