Twice in Romans 13:3-7 civil authorities are called ‘God servants’ and we are charged to give them due honor and respect. Unfortunately, the disrespect, cynicism, viciousness, character assassination and other hate attacks on America’s 45th president are unbelievable!
He cannot read, he’s unhinged, unintelligent and mentally unfit for office and many more….USA Today labeled him “uniquely awful”… “sickening”… “not fit for office” … “not fit to clean the toilets in the planned Obama Presidential Library, he has erectile dysfunction and Depression… Remember no reporter ever questioned Hillary Clinton’s health when she could barely stand up!
Assassination mocks have been performed on President Trump which barely gets media coverage. If at all it was the former President, these stories would have been front page news in every newspaper, and the top story on every ‘Ministry of Truth’ network. What a double standard! He is also been compared to Idi Amin, Hitler, Stalin and other despots…”
Trojan Horse President
I find it ironic to believe that people would compare Trump to Idi Amin and Hitler, yet the one comparing him to Hitler is the Trojan horse that was used to convince the world of the need for this satanic New World Order which is directly connected with the antichrist system whether people know it or not. He did everything he could to transform America by destroying the family, morality and its national identity.
Consider the unprecedented messianic rhetoric that reporters, politicians, celebrities, and even preachers used in celebrating the ‘spiritual nature’ of Obama’s rise from ‘obscurity’ to U.S. president, and how this reflected people’s strong desire for the coming of an earthly saviour. This is the guy who gave a speech titled: ‘The World that Stands as One’ in Berlin, Germany on July 24, 2008, saying,
With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and “remake the world” once again.
This is exactly what Hitler had promised to do and exactly where he had planned to memorialize it. And now in the audacity of his advancing megalomania, he is comparing Trump to Hitler. Perhaps he was just joking!
Is the President Trump a Racist?
Now we have the hilarious theory that the president is a racist. I don’t know what words the president used or whether he said them when describing poor African nations. However, as a rule, a President of the United States should not label countries as s**** holes. I don’t think the President is a racist, otherwise, he would not have allowed a black homeless woman to live in Trump Tower rent-free for eight years.
Immigration Crisis: “Give me Your Tired, Your Poor”
Merit-based immigration doesn’t make Trump a racist and immigration doesn’t change people. Furthermore, as Kevin Jackson quotes Karin McQuillan, who recently went to volunteer in the African nation of Senegal noted:
The culture is deeply embedded in African people. Dropping someone in the United States won’t magically erase who they were trained to be. Americans think it is a universal human instinct to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. It’s not. It seems natural to us because we live in a Bible-based Judeo-Christian culture. We think the Protestant work ethic is universal. It’s not. My town was full of young men doing nothing. They were waiting for a government job…..
The more I worked there and visited government officials doing absolutely nothing, the more I realized that no one in Senegal had the idea that a job means work. A job is something given to you by a relative. It provides the place where you steal everything to give back to your family. I couldn’t wait to get home. So why would I want to bring Africa here? Non-Westerners do not magically become American by arriving on our shores with a visa.
Already the United States had written some small print under the heroic declaration: Give me your tired, your poor. Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” It is now being discovered that changing a person’s geography doesn’t change their humanity.
The point is not a matter of where you would rather live; it’s whether people from certain nations can be productive and lawful members of society. The West has been besieged by thousands of people who wanted to emigrate to England, United States, or anywhere because of freedom.
It was the principles of freedom that gave people freedom of movement. This freedom enabled capital and labor to move from territories of less favorable conditions of production to territories of more favorable conditions of production. I am from Africa, and those of us who care about our fellow Africans need to be honest about our greatest problems: corruption, witchcraft and lack of leadership.
The Curse of Foreign Aid
Foreign aid given to corrupt governments has had a negative effect on practically every facet of the African person’s life. African governments who draw the loans from the IMF, World Bank, USAID and other bodies don’t achieve their objectives; they don’t increase the material well-being of third world nations.
Because of rampant corruption, there is no accountability; billions are wasted and diverted into illegal channels; meaningful projects and infrastructures that could have sustained the people and lifted their standard of living receive no capitalization.
The corrupt leaders of these poor nations have allowed other special interests in the world to take advantage of Africa for decades or even centuries. They trade the worthy and valuable goods, in return for unworthy goods, deceiving contracts, and political promises all at the expense of the people. Through such fake trade deals, the elites of this planet receive and control the natural resources of these countries, by keeping the countries that produce these resources in constant struggles and wars. What happens then?
These countries remain in need of outside help and this is where the imperialistic politics of the powers that be come in. More misleading aid and assistance are promised, to problems they helped create, in return for natural resources. The leaders who are meant to lead the Africans by example trade Africa’s worthy and valuable goods, in return for unworthy goods, deceiving contracts, and political promises.
Freedom of Choice
All the pain and suffering in Africa and the rest of the world are the outcomes of our sinful nature. God has given all human beings the gift and ability to choose and determine their own destinies. God created us and gave us a free will to choose. If God always fixes the outcomes of our choices how are we supposed to learn from our mistakes and use this gift known as freedom of choice?
Professor Ellis Washington identifies that there only one thing that can redeem Africa and what is that? Making the right choices! He writes:
Like all nations going back to antiquity, if Africa makes the right choices, it can be saved– but if Africa continues to make the wrong choices in its leadership, religious, economic and political philosophy, it is doomed to have the vast majority of its people essentially eking out a living in Stone Age conditions ruled over by a few ruthless, tyrannical leaders and their legions of crony autocrats from the West who, since the end of the white Colonial Period (1960), have continuously plundered and pillaged Africa’s vast natural resources while the people live in virtual voluntary slavery conditions – faceless, soulless proletariat cogs of a vast Marxist socialist state machinery that slowly grinds to death the people’s collective dreams, hopes and their pursuits of happiness.
If Africa is to survive and thrive, then three things must occur: 1) All of the murderous Marxist-socialist tyrants of the past must be vilified, forced from office and judged for their crimes against humanity; 2) Have African tribal and crony political and Marxist economic systems replaced by free-market capitalism throughout the continent; 3) Africa must turn from its tribal, pagan, witchcraft and Muslim traditions, repent and turn to the Lord, for if the trillions paid to “help” Africa from United Nations, European and American aid just since 1960 hasn’t put Africa on the road to prosperity, then only the Lord can save any nation.
The Protestant Work Ethic/Values
The Protestant Christian values are what people in the Western world lived by, and it is one of the reasons the West became successful in creating prosperous and wealthy societies. This work ethic became a vital component in the economies of the West and its impact is still felt today in businesses, professions, and manual labor. And even those nations that intentionally adopted those values have prospered although they did not have a Christian heritage.
An example is Hong Kong and Japan. For instance, the Japanese workers have been empowered to insist on quality at each step of producing their cars. Today, Toyota is one of the most successful corporations in the world.
Pride above all else is the root of sin; in fact, pride is the origin of all sin. You can see all this from the so-called utopian New World Order experiments of people who are convinced they could do a better job than God in ordering society.
This is a Spiritual Battle
America, when you allow your nation to be controlled by Satan, it becomes fruitless to vent your anger at this stage on your president. At least he is trying to do the right thing. No person with understanding should ever criticize any politician wishing to do his/her job. The pressures are, in many cases, insufferable.
So then, who is the bad wolf? The Luciferian New World Order-aka Deep State advocates. “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6: 12).
Unfortunately, the ignorance of the masses is appalling. Many people are incapable of having a rational and intelligent discussion without a flood of bitter emotions which shuts down all reason and critical thinking. This is the state of the world and the growing state of America’s population.
Education has been carefully designed to retard the students’ intellectual abilities, thus preventing them from reading and understanding current events. Instead, the media feeds them with confusing and deceptive messages.
The battle for the soul of America is not whether half the nation wants Trump dead. It’s because the proportion of Evangelical Christians was large enough to permit them to exercise a powerful influence over him becoming America’s next president. America and subsequently the nations of the world are facing the most critical period in their history.
The spirit of the antiChrist, which controls and guides the political leaders of the world in a united fashion, opposes anything related to Christianity. The message of salvation through Jesus Christ will increasingly come in blatant opposition to this New World Order. We must, therefore, keep in mind that in the near future this new global system will be so successful that opposition will not be tolerated. As a matter of fact, it will be unthinkable.
Final Thoughts
America you better stop fighting against each other, your President and his government, and turn your anger and bitterness towards repentance both individually and as a nation.
And Christians pray for your President and his government as all these problems confronting them are spiritual problems but most of them are not aware of it. That’s the reason why Paul admonishes us to pray for those in positions of leadership (1Timothy 2:1–5). We are not told to put our faith and trust in any human leader or to use him to achieve our objectives.
Otherwise, if we don’t pray America will experience ethnic unrest as tensions are stirred up by factions who themselves are secretly primed by New World Order agents and are following the plans of the Hegelian dialectic: the first step is a thesis, which is to create a problem. The second is an antithesis where opposition to the problem is generated through fear and panic. The third step is a synthesis that offers the solution to the problem created by step one.
Humanity is to be convinced through fear of the need for a world government or a New World Order which will deprive your freedoms, centralize economics, and control every aspect of your lives and your resources. My last warning is for you guys that are rioting and protesting against Trump: if you don’t free yourself from the illusion that you are in control, you will end up under a worse totalitarian system.
And to my fellow blacks: your loyalty to the skin of your colour doesn’t earn you any respect. Instead of criticizing and complaining about the President of the United States, you should find out how you can make an eternal difference in your society. When you are treated unfairly, refuse the bait of bitterness or to hold a grudge and forgive.