Frederick Bastiat in his powerful book, The Law called it the “vicious circle of socialism: the idea of passive mankind and the power of the law being used to propel people by “forced conformity and molding them through dictatorial arrogance and philanthropic tyranny.”
He describes how the law has been perverted by the influence of two entirely different causes: stupid greed and false philanthropy, which is the “fatal tendency of mankind.”
In the West today, most especially in America, to quote Voltaire, “criminals are punished for their crimes, unless when they commit them to the sounds of trumpets.”
Author and Economic Collapse Blogger, Michael Snyder says on his website, he just lost faith in the deeply corrupt legal system and in the Rule of Law in the United States:
I don’t know how any American is going to be able to have faith in our system of justice after this. We truly do live in a lawless nation, and if the American people elect Hillary Clinton they are willingly choosing lawlessness……
As a law student and then later as an attorney working in Washington D.C., I got to see just how deeply corrupt our legal system has become. But after today, I don’t see how any American can ever have faith in the rule of law again.
If the law does not apply equally to all persons at all times and in all circumstances, we might as well not even have a legal system.
It is indeed impossible to imagine at the very heart of a society a more astounding fact than this: the law has come to be an instrument of injustice. And if this fact brings terrible consequences to the United States, what about in other parts of Africa and Europe where the perversion of law is a principle or a system?
For instance, one of the most dangerous weapons if controlled by members of the power elite is the media. The big five main global media corporations have become major players in altering the politics of almost any country.
They’ve also been able to promote legislations that increase their corporate domination, giving them the power to restrict or abolish regulations that restrain their control.
This gives each of the five corporations and their leaders more communications power than was exercised by any despot or dictatorship in history. They have had the power that no media in past history has ever had, which has been created by new technology and the near uniformity of their political goals.
No imperial ruler in past history had multiple media channels, including television and satellite channels that could permeate entire societies with controlled sights and sounds.
Now what do we do when we are living in a corporate fascist tyranny and big power global elites control the government and write the laws? When will it stop? Anthony C. Sutton in his book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler has an answer for us to consider:
It will not stop until we act upon one simple axiom: that the power system continues only so long as individuals want it to continue, and it will continue only so long as individuals try to get something for nothing. The day when a majority of individuals declares or acts as if it wants nothing from the government, declares it will look after its own welfare and interests, then on that day power elites are doomed.
The attraction to “go along” with power elites is the attraction of something for nothing. That is the bait. The Establishment always offers something for nothing; but the something is taken from someone else, as taxes or plunder, and awarded elsewhere in exchange for political support.
We entrust men to make laws with the sanction of the majority, and as result, we have allowed the law to be the instrument of injustice, plunder and lawlessness so that people are further pulled away from God’s laws without any sense of being accountable for any sin or give some thought to the rule of law.
What is Lawlessness?
The dictionary describes Lawlessness as being without law; uncontrolled by a law; unbridled; unruly; unrestrained. It means to be without regard for the principles and regulations governed by a governing authority.
In a biblical and spiritual sense lawlessness is a disregard for God’s laws and established order. This mystery of lawlessness and the antichrist is already at work in America and subsequently around the world. There is greed, evil, corruption; injustice, lawlessness, and a desire to rule over others–all represented at the very highest levels of governments.
Continuing with His sense of progression in His Olivet Discourse, regarding the end of the age, Jesus says, because of false prophets, there will be a turning away from the faith which brings us to the love of the great body of Christ growing cold due to multiplied lawlessness and iniquity. (See Matthew 24:11-12)
Who is to Blame?
It’s the Church of Jesus Christ. The church has lost its prophetic voice and watered down the gospel of Jesus Christ and that’s why the powers of darkness have multiplied and invaded the hearts and minds of all people.
The error that lies at the foundation of this lawlessness of both individual and public moral conscience according to Revivalist Charles Finney, originates, no doubt, in the pulpit. Finney wrote in Decay of Conscience:
If immorality prevails in the land, the fault is ours in a great degree. If there is a decay of conscience, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the public press lacks moral discrimination, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the church is degenerate and worldly, the pulpit is responsible for it. If the world loses its interest in Biblical Christianity or religion, the pulpit is responsible for it.
If Satan rules in the halls of legislation, the pulpit is responsible for it. If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it. Let us not ignore this fact, my dear brethren; but let us lay it to heart, and be thoroughly awake to our responsibility in respect to the morals of this nation.
Since there is little teaching on the cross, sin, judgement, hell and heaven, the true prophetic church is being persecuted by the apostate and lukewarm church. As Paul reminds us:
For the time is coming when [people] will not tolerate (endure) sound and wholesome instruction, but, having ears itching [for something pleasing and gratifying], they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors they hold, And will turn aside from hearing the truth and wander off into myths and man-made fictions. (2 Timothy 4:3-4 AMP)
Inevitably, the kind of preaching that tickles men’s ears will result in lawlessness, disobedience and the love of the great body of Christ will grow cold.
For the mystery of lawlessness (that hidden principle of rebellion against constituted authority) is already at work in the world, [but it is] restrained only until he who restrains is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one (the antichrist) will be revealed and the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of His mouth and bring him to an end by His appearing at His coming. (2 Thessalonians 2:7-8 AMP)
Who is the restraining power Paul is speaking of here? It is the personal presence of the Holy Spirit within the church. Therefore, the only hope for America, Britain and the world in general is another Great Spiritual Awakening and true Holy Spirit inspired revival of religion which will bring a renewed conviction of sin and repentance, followed by an intense desire to live in obedience to God.