Bloodshed is coming to America, and it won’t be a response to oppression but the result of aggression – against God and our constitutional form of government. The increasingly violent acts in our streets, town-hall meetings and university campuses are simply birth pangs for a greater upheaval that’s brewing hot – and it’s not by … [Read more...]
Is America Already in a Civil War?
This week we were shocked when a deranged leftist named James T. Hodgkinson opened fire on lawmakers – specifically Republican lawmakers – holding a baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia. Once the dust settled, it emerged the gunman was an extreme progressive who loathed the right and followed dozens of anti-right groups on social … [Read more...]
Demonization Leads To Extermination
Understanding Trump Derangement Syndrome Recently, a long-time liberal reader of WND emailed me the following message – under the subject line, “The Real Republican Agenda.” “Hello Mr. Kupelian! I just found this on Facebook, and it’s a perfect description of Donald Trump, his administration and the Republican Party. It shows why so many … [Read more...]
Is Homeschooling Possible?
Exclusive: Patrice Lewis has advice from 2 experts stressing sacrifice, creativity Following last week’s column on the success of homeschooling our (now graduated) daughters, I received many comments about why some people can’t homeschool, either because both parents work, or because the parent is single (divorced, widowed, never married). Under … [Read more...]
Why I’m Through With Homeschooling
Exclusive: Patrice Lewis offers report card after raising 2 'socialized' daughters As many long-time readers know, we homeschooled our two daughters, now both graduated. We live on a rural 20-acre homestead on which we are endeavouring to become food self-sufficient. With a home business, the kids grew up with both parents constantly present … [Read more...]
Is College Worth it?
Exclusive: Patrice Lewis notes some now rejecting 'concentration-camp-style' campuses Once upon a time, a college education served one of two major purposes: To obtain a “liberal arts” degree, which rounded out a student’s education by exposing him to classic literature, art, music, political ideologies, history, and other useful and worthy … [Read more...]
Black is a Color; Not a Race
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28) Black is a color; it is not a race. Being black is not a human condition, albeit that is what many today treat it as. Those facts notwithstanding, being recognized as a skin color is the … [Read more...]
More Top Christians: U.S. on Course to Vanish Like Babylon
America has been weighed on the scales and found wanting. And the days of the Republic may be at an end. This is from Franklin Graham, who has a biblical warning for the United States, that Americans could share the fate of the Babylonian empire. In a recent post on his Facebook page, the son of the legendary evangelist Billy Graham told the … [Read more...]
Amerigeddon Depicts a Dystopia
'Amerigeddon' movie warns of coming chaos. Mike Norris: "When You Sell your Soul, it’s a onetime thing; There’s no Going back.” A true story that just hasn't happened yet. Imagine this: In the not-so-distant future, a large-scale electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack on the U.S. energy grid wipes out all power in the country. Electronic devices … [Read more...]
Are we Progressing Toward God’s Economic Judgment?
In his sequel, called of “The Mystery of the Shemitah,” the messianic rabbi reveals the shocking discovery that the five great economic crashes of the last 40 years – 1973, 1980, 1987, 2001 and 2008 – have all occurred in Shemitah years – those God set apart as sabbath years. The new book has rocketed to become an instant bestseller, listed at No. … [Read more...]