No kidding. Sweden announced Nord Stream 2 was attacked. Obviously, there was an explosion, and obviously, that explosion was sabotage. What is most remarkable is the unified reaction of the United States of America civilian, military and intelligence services leadership. For six years now everything bad that happens in the world is blamed on … [Read more...]
China’s End Game: Elimination of Home Churches
China claims the existence of the state-controlled Three Self churches demonstrates its tolerance of Christianity, but the communist government wants all other Christian congregations to disappear, warns International Christian Concern, which assists persecuted Christians around the world. Gina Goh of ICC writes that like Thanos in Marvel’s … [Read more...]
A Nation At War With Itself
President Donald Trump has decided to cease cooperating with what he sees, not incorrectly, as a Beltway conspiracy that is out to destroy him. “We’re fighting all the subpoenas,” Trump said Wednesday. “These aren’t, like, impartial people. The Democrats are out to win in 2020.” Thus the Treasury Department just breezed by a deadline from … [Read more...]
Baby Shoes, Never Worn
Those words were Ernest Hemingway’s response to a question of what the most compelling story he could write in six words would be. Yes, many thoughts can be brought to my mind at those six words, but I think I am archaic and old-fashioned, living longer than I would like, in a world I hardly recognize – and I am only 60. I am sickened by the … [Read more...]
God’s Mercy Prevailed!
Scripture tells us, “… if a man is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, watching yourselves, lest you also be tempted” (Galatians 6:1). Mario Cuomo, governor of New York, recently celebrated and signed into law the radical “Reproductive Health Act” he promoted with Hillary … [Read more...]
“Homeschool or Die” Wait! Isn’t This Extreme? Keep Reading…
Every time a tragic shooting happens, it takes about five minutes for renewed cries of “Gun control!” to come echoing down the line. The loudest cries come when the softest targets are hit – most poignantly schools, which are notoriously gun-free zones and therefore attractive to nutcase criminals. After the horrific school massacre in Parkland, … [Read more...]
Black Groups Contribute Little…Besides Complaints
Typically, the Black Star Group, a black Muslim front group, is busy blaming whites for black children failing in schools, but now they’ve added economic segregation. In the Jan. 8, 2018, issue of the San Francisco-based newspaper BayView, the group’s founder, Phillip Jackson, wrote a commentary titled: “Celebrate Black History Month By circulating … [Read more...]
Fruits of Feminism
The Aging, Sagging Fruits of Feminism Patrice Lewis shares lament from single woman longing for life’s milestones Ain’t feminism great? It’s opened so many doors for women. No longer held back by the male patriarchy, women are free to compete in the most cut-throat professions, to seek the most prestigious careers, to run for the highest … [Read more...]
Battle Against Globalists To Last Our Lifetimes
Ted Malloch has served on the executive board of the World Economic Forum. He’s held an ambassador-level post in the United Nations. He’s worked in international capital markets on Wall Street and held a senior position in the U.S. State Department. So he understands globalism because he used to live and work among globalists. And during a … [Read more...]
Why Christians Should Expect Persecution
During a period in church history from A.D. 100 to 314, literally thousands and thousands of courageous Christian men, women and even children sealed their fate with their blood. Secular historians agree that there were 10 great persecutions against the church, 10 major attempts to wipe out Christianity, starting with the wicked Caesar Nero and … [Read more...]