European Empire: What is The Reason Behind it?

The hope of reviving the Roman Empire has continued to capture the imaginations of European leaders for centuries.

After Constantine adopted Christianity as a State Religion between 306–337 AD, Church and State became one, the Holy Roman Empire. But 700 years later, with the division between Rome and Constantinople, this religious empire divided into two – Roman Catholic in the West and Orthodox in the East.

In 800 AD, Charlemagne who was (Charles the Great) in conjunction with the Roman Catholic Church laid the foundation for what came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.

It lasted until 1806, but it was never really a true empire. It mainly consisted of German states ruled by German kings who usually sought but did not always receive coronation as emperors by the popes in Rome. This was an attempt to revive the old Roman Empire, but it existed primarily on paper and in the imaginations of its “emperors.” Voltaire wrote, “It is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.”

Feudalism was the form of government that truly existed during the middle Ages. This form of government was in the form of tribal-states, city-states, and city-leagues.

The nation state came about in the 1700’s after the invention of the printing press and education opportunities, which made people to desire nation group states. But still, even this nationalism could not take away the idea of reviving the old Roman Empire. In the end Napoleon also attempted to revive the empire and he almost succeeded.

Then Hitler did the same thing and the results as already seen were disastrous, but the conditions and the blueprint of the Fourth Reich or European Union were set.

European Coal and Steel Community

The leaders of Europe realized that if they were going to rebuild Europe, they would have to put aside their differences and integrate their national economies. They established the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951 involving six nations; Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. In 1958 ECSC was expanded to cover all economic activities. It was renamed the European Economic Community.

Between 1973 and 1993 Great Britain was added to this community including six additional states. The turning point was in 1993 when member nations decided to surrender their political sovereignty by agreement to integrate themselves politically as well as economically. This resulted in creation of the European Union.

Today the European Union consists of 27 nations with a population of around 500 million people. Eventually, these states will unify to form the revived Roman Empire, which will consist of a confederation ten nations. This was again prophesied thousands of years ago by Daniel (see Daniel 7:24-27).

Europe Riding a Beast

How did the continent get its name, Europe? It came from Greek mythology. Remember when Jesus gave His revelation to John on Patmos, the common language and culture of those days in the whole Eastern part of the Roman Empire was Greek. The New Testament was written in Greek so Greek mythology was well known and understood.

Legend has it that in ancient Greek mythology; Europa from which Europe is derived was a beautiful Phoenician woman of nobility who attracted the great Greek sky god Zeus. According to mythology Zeus becomes so obsessed with Europa and climbs on top of it and suddenly the bull plunges into the sea and rapes her. Zeus then takes Europa away to Crete where he eventually reveals his true identity.

The Continent is named after this woman, and all down through the centuries the depiction of her rape by the bull has been a symbol of Europe-including on several first century coins! It has been extensively used as one of the key symbols of the European Union from the start. This is reflected in the religious symbols shown below that the Union has adopted in its flag and architecture.

The European Union flag consists of 12 stars. According to the former secretary general of the Council of Europe, Leon Marchal, “the stars are those of the woman of the Apocalypse.”

He further explained that “It’s wonderful that we have gotten back to the Introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It is the corona stellarumduodecim (the crown of the twelve stars) of the woman of the Apocalypse.” This is a reference to the woman in Revelation 12 who appears with a crown of 12 stars.

Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars….(Revelation 12:1) On the right of the above image is a statue which is right outside the E.U. headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, depicting the pagan goddess Europa riding a bull.

Other prophetic teachers believe that the goal of the E.U is to complete what Nimrod started which is the building of the Tower of Babel or a world government. Therefore the woman riding a beast is directly connected to Revelation 17:3. This means that those who are planning all this are openly revealing what they intend to do to mankind.

We also see that this same symbol has been promoted on posters, coins and various artworks throughout the E.U. For instance a 2 Euro coin was released in Greece that depicts a woman riding a beast. According to one source, to commemorate the second election of the European Parliament in 1984, a stamp was released with the same symbol.

The far left statue stands in front of the Winston Churchill building and on the right is a German phone card made by the E.U, the bottom far left is a cover of Der Spiegel featured a picture of a woman riding a beast and carrying the E.U. flag with the headline: “Good Morning Europe”And the bottom far right is some artwork published by Time Magazine of a “United Europe” that featured Europa riding the beast…..

And there is more! In 2000 they built a new European parliament-The Tower of the Louise Weiss Building. The building has a style of post modernism-which is a new architectural style that emerged in many Western countries in the decade after World War I.

It was reportedly completed in 1999, but since then the building has been a source of controversy especially in regards to its design. It looks as if the building is incomplete. Why is it incomplete? Experts say it is based on the “unfinished nature of Europe.”

However many credible researchers have pointed out the dark and deep symbolism associated with the building. Some claim it was designed with the express purpose of resembling the tower of Babel as depicted by a Flemish Northern Renaissance painter Pieter Brueghel.

On the top right below is a poster that was produced by the European Union symbolically depicting their mission. It has contains 12 stars of the E.U flag with the building of the Tower of Babel with the words Europe: Many Tongues One Voice. Some have noted that the stars are inverted pentagrams which are occult symbols for Satan.

The architectural images of E.U. Parliament building above depict a design that was inspired by the Tower of Babel. The official poster promoting the E.U. Parliament appears just like the exact tower that was originally painted by Pieter Brueghel, including the broken part of the foundation.

The Tower of Babel was never completed, so these so called Global elites are continuing the work that Nimrod the tyrant did not finish of defying Almighty God (See Genesis 11:1-8). And they are also telling us through all this architecture and symbols what they plan to do to humanity and how they’ve infiltrated every aspect of our lives with bogus laws passed with little question at a rate of one every 2 minutes!

In the Bible, Babel means rebellion against God because such efforts always end up with man exalting himself rather than God.  They built the tower saying, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).

They wanted to lift themselves up above God and before they could finish building the tower, God came down, confused their language so that they would not understand one another’s speech and scattered them all over the world.

The EU deliberately identifies itself with Babylon, with the Tower of Babel and with the woman on the Beast, who is described in Revelation 17 as Mystery Babylon!

Iron Mixed With Clay

The final part of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream concerned the final stage of the four world empires, when the fourth empire, Rome would rise again, depicted by toes and feet mixed with iron and clay, which some believe is the European Union, the period we are living in at the present time, and probably the last empire before the return of Jesus Christ.

As to prophetic implications, Daniel 2 makes it clear that in the end times; the revived Roman Empire will be an unstable mixture of weakness and strength as symbolized by a mixture of clay and iron, until it is united by the Antichrist who might use it as his base of operations from which to build his world empire (see Daniel 9:24-27).

Why would it be a feet of iron mixed with clay? Because the feet of clay and iron suggested that this ten kingdom, or ten nation regional global governments would not stick together because it is impossible to mix clay with iron, and will be destroyed by the coming of Christ (see Daniel 2:42-44).

That’s why some Bible teachers believe there will never be unity in the European Union, which has been evidenced recently by currents events surrounding Britain voting to leave the E.U and others nations seeking to leave as well.

Now after Brexit, many analysts believe Britain would be better off outside of the EU because God can still use Britain to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world again.

In the vision translated by Daniel, this world empire would be destroyed by the rock which is Jesus Christ and His Kingdom will finally come here on earth for 1000 years, and Bible says, the government will be on His shoulders.

Fourth Reich or European Union

We’ve all heard of Hitler’s Third Reich, but what about the First and Second Reich? The First Reich is known as the Holy Roman Empire. It was founded by Charlemagne or Charles the Great who was crowned emperor in 800 A.D by Pope Leo III after conquering most of Europe. This empire lasted until 1806, when Napoleon marched his troops into Berlin.

The second Reich was created by Prince Otto von Bismarck who was premier of Prussia and defeated Napoleon III in 1871. Bismarck’s Reich that was also headed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, lasted until 1918 and ended with the defeat of the Central powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. So when Adolf Hitler gained power in 1933, he proclaimed Greater German as the Third Reich.

What is a Reich?

The word Reich is best translated as “empire” or “kingdom.” To the German ear it almost has a sacred tone. For the Nazis that word Reich would come to express the mystical and eternal German kingdom. The Germans were told that they belonged to the Aryan race which was the master race. They were told their nation under the Nazis, the Third Reich, would exist for 1000 years and would replace the millennium of peace promised in the Bible.

In Europe, according to Adam LeBor in his political thriller-Budapest Protocol, there was a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. There, Nazi officials ordered an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany’s post-war recovery and also prepare for the Nazis’ return to power and work for a “strong German empire.” In other words: the Fourth Reich.

LeBor wrote his book as a work of fiction, but he was inspired by de-classified U.S. intelligence document, known as the Red House Report. EW-Pa 128 written in November 1944 by a French spy who was at the Strasbourg meeting.

As he researched and wrote his novel, he realized that some of the Red House Report had become fact. Nazi Germany did export massive amounts of capital through neutral countries and German businesses did set up a network of front companies abroad. The German economy did soon recover after 1945.

The basis for this plan had been developed years earlier, and on September 11, 1940 Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels delivered a speech, “The Europe of the Future” to Czech intellectual workers and journalists stating:

I am convinced that in 50 years, people will no longer think in terms of countries…. In those days people will think in terms of continents…. No single European nation can in the long run be allowed to stand in the way of the general process of organization.

LeBor writes, “The Third Reich might have been defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi era bankers, industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered in the new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause: European economic and political integration.

Adam Lebor then asks: Is it possible that the Fourth Reich those Nazi industrialists foresaw has, in some part at least, come to pass?

According to the 3-page Red House Report (marked “Secret”), on August 10 1944, Himmler’s SS Obergruppenfuehrer Dr. Scheid (a Lt.-General) began the meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel with numerous senior German industrialists and Nazi officials.

They discussed their plans for underground activity after Germany’s coming defeat. Dr. Scheid who presided over the meeting declared that the war could not be won and German industry should take steps in preparation for a “post-war commercial campaign.”

Each industrialist was instructed to prepare the ground for borrowing “considerable sums from foreign firms after the war and to make quite contacts with foreign firms “without attracting any suspicion. Such talk was high treason, and any ordinary Germans who expressed such views would likely find themselves very quickly inside a Gestapo cell.

After a good number of industrialists left the meeting, a smaller meeting followed, where even more sensitive and secret matters were to be discussed by the elite of the elite. The report recounts:

At this second meeting which was presided over by Dr. Bosse of the Armaments ministry, it was stated that the Nazi Party had informed the industrialists that the war was practically lost, but would continue until a guarantee of the unity of Germany could be obtained.

Dr. Bosse then laid out the secret three strategies for the Fourth Reich. The first one was, the industrialists were instructed to prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party, which would be “forced to go underground.

The second was the German government would allocate “large sums” to industrialists to establish a “secure post-war foundation in foreign countries”, while “existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the Nazi Party so that a strong German can be created after the defeat.”

The third was to export as much capital as possible through two banks in Zurich, or via agencies in Switzerland. German businesses would set up a “sleeper” network of agents abroad through front companies, which were to be covers for military research and intelligence, until the Nazis returned to power.

Previously exports of capital by German industrialists to neutral countries had to be accomplished by stealth and by means of special influence. Now the Nazi Party stands behind the industrialists and urges them to “save themselves by getting funds outside Germany and at the same time advance the party’s plans for its post-war operations.”

Partners of German companies in the United States were considered especially important, which is not surprising, as before the United States entered the war in 1941 there were extensive links between the American and German business establishments, especially in the oil and chemical industries.

The existence of these is to be known only by a few people in each industry and by chiefs of the Nazi Party but the German economic miracle – so vital to the idea of a new Europe – was built on mass murder.

The number of slave and forced laborers who died while employed by German companies in the Nazi era was 2,700,000. Some sporadic compensation payments were made but German industry agreed a conclusive, global settlement only in 2000, with a £ 3 billion compensation fund.

There was no admission of legal liability and the individual compensation was paltry. A slave laborer would receive 15,000 Deutschmarks (about £5,000), a forced laborer 5,000 (about £1,600).

Any claimant accepting the deal had to undertake not to launch any further legal action. To put this sum of money into perspective, in 2001 Volkswagen alone made profits of £1.8 billion… For now, the nation state endures. But these three typewritten pages are a reminder that today’s drive towards a European federal state is inexorably tangled up with the plans of the S.S and German industrialists for a Fourth Reich – an economic rather than military imperium.

Where Hitler failed by military means to conquer Europe, modern Germans are succeeding through trade and financial discipline.

Where Germany leads, the other 27 E.U nations follow. Margaret Thatcher, in a speech in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in October 1995 prophetically warned:

You have not anchored Germany to a Unified Europe….. You have anchored Europe to a newly, unified and dominant Germany! In the end, my friends, you’ll find it will not work.” It is Germany’s national character to dominate.


Whether you agreed with her politics or not, during her funeral, she once again reminded us through her granddaughter Amanda Thatcher that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (see Ephesians 6:10-18).


Most people are oblivious to this dangerous trend that is going on in Europe, and that is what happened before World War II. Many prophets have warned us but do we even care? Many analysts know that the Nazis were not eliminated altogether.

The Germans were defeated in World War II…but not the Nazis. They were simply forced to move. They scattered to the four corners of the world. Many of them came to the United States and penetrated what President Dwight D. Eisenhower termed “the military-industrial complex.”

Just like in Nazi Germany, the E.U is controlled by bureaucrats not by the parliament. These unelected commissioners are appointed to have power over every elected national government. It happened in Greece and Italy; when they wanted to solve the money crisis, they gave power to unelected men to take charge of the government.

Newspaper headlines read: This crisis will give German the empire it has dreamed of …European leaders hail leap towards economic union. The reaction according to one writer was “Ah, this is just what we’ve been waiting for!

This crisis was planned and created by the same people who, to divert the course of the war of in Europe, financed the Russian Revolution in 1917. Who were they? European and American capitalists!  With all its horrors and its terrors, it was a strategic plan—just as the E.U today has a strategic demonic plan to take control.

They are enforcing such levels of austerity that people will end up working as slaves to pay money back to the central part of the Union; and the financial crisis is handled from Berlin-where the Seat of Satan is!”

David Hathaway wrote a very interesting article in which he prophetically describes what is happening in Europe and how it will affect the whole of our lives:

Financiers make money out of war by financing “war machines.” Britain’s economy was destroyed by the last war—also the Greek—by Nazi Germany. After the war what happened? The American financed the rebuilding of Germany to become the dominant nation in the whole of Europe, setting in place the European Recovery Plan, which led in 1957 to the Treaty of Rome and the European Economic Community, and finally the E.U, all part of a master plan to conquer Europe…

A proposal is being made for a 2–tier Europe and they say that if the euro collapses the E.U. will collapse. They don’t want it! But who will become the leader? They removed our Hebraic-Christian God from their Constitution because He is the major obstruction to their temporal plans and now will take any human “Christ “because they sold themselves to the devil.

The devil himself is calling the tune in Europe and Bible believing Christians are his main obstruction. Hitler came to power in an economic crisis. Within one year he had established the first concentration camp, in Buchenwald: he first removed anybody who opposed him, then the gypsies, the disabled and the Jews.

The progression: first they applied a little pressure, then they took away their businesses, then step by step from their homes to the ghetto, then to death camps. But it was part of the plan. And will evangelical believers become the next target even in Europe?

I don’t have space and time to expand on this shocking real possibility of the Fourth Reich. Those who are interested can read the fascinating work of Adam LeBor and many other credible writers and draw their own conclusions.

Thinking Generationally

Continuing our study of the Lord’s word to the church at Pergamos, the Lord acknowledged that this church dwelt at the place of “Satan’s throne.” Pergamos had a literal altar to the god Baal called “Satan’s throne.”

In the 1930s, German archeologists excavated this altar and moved it to Berlin where it still resides in the Pergamon Museum. Interestingly, the Nazis came to power in Germany the same year this altar was moved to Berlin, and many Christians there do not consider this a coincidence. Understanding this altar can help us understand a major power that Satan uses.

This altar to Baal was used especially for human sacrifice. Most of these sacrifices were children. The following picture is one I took of the altar called “Satan’s throne” in the Pergamon Museum. Later that day, I walked past it and was astonished to see the steps filled with children without adults at all. I knew this was a prophetic picture of how children are still being sacrificed to the false god of Baal.

Even though some human sacrifice goes on today in cultic satanic rituals, thankfully there is not a massive altar like this one set up where such sacrifices are being done on a large scale. However, our children and youth are actually being sacrificed on a much larger scale by what we have allowed into the culture that kills them spiritually, and in many cases, naturally. We need to understand Baal worship and how it manifests in our time.

Consider this: The U.S. government has councils established by Congress and the President on just about every obscure species or subject. However, there is no U.S. government council on children. This is at a time when the most dangerous place for a child is the womb because of abortion.

Those who survive to be born must run an unprecedented onslaught targeting them with drugs, sex slavery, increasing violence in schools as well as what is taught in the schools that kills them spiritually. Many who survive the day at school then face constant danger in their neighborhoods.

We can appreciate the need for saving endangered species, but when our own children are in such increasing danger, how has it been overlooked to at least have a council to discuss this? This is very revealing about where our hearts and minds really are as a people.

When the Lord said that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He was stating that He is the God of every generation. If we are to have His mind and heart then we too must think of every generation, especially those yet to come.

One of the great hindrances to thinking generationally has been the development of some eschatology since the 1844 Advent Movement. These have had every generation thinking that they were the last before the return of the Lord.

This has kept the church from planning with strategy and vision for the future, and for preparing our children for it, as we should. As we gain a historical perspective that can and should influence our eschatology—and we see the unfolding plan of God—we see where we are and what is next so that we can effectively prepare for the future. Even the last generation will benefit from this.

Copyright © 2016, Morning Star MinistriesAll rights reserved.


The Blueprint According to Luciferians!

In 1871 one of the most notorious Freemason Grandmasters of all time, Albert Pike, received a demonic vision which he then described in a letter that he wrote to Guiseppi Mazzini who at the time was head of the Illuminati. Mazzini was also the founder of Italian freemasonry and the founder of the MAFIA.

The letter graphically outlined plans for three world wars that were seen as necessary to bring about a fully Masonic One World Order. Two world wars have come and gone. It is the final world war which is of interest.

[vimeo 204173959 w=760 h=420]

Copyright © 2017, Global Watch Weekly  All rights reserved.

Another interesting article:

Putin: New World Order Are In Final Stages of Their European Masterplan



The Russian Bear on The Moral Crisis of Western Nations

Stanton Evans wrote in Theme Is Freedom, “It was Christianity-not paganism, religious neutrality or secularism—which produced freedom and justice in the West and America.” But secular governments over the last few decades have managed to deceive the masses that their opinions have some value.

Now in a rarely seen speech, Putin states that there is a moral crisis occurring in the West and it is one that is purposely created by governments.

Many Western states have taken the way where they deny or reject their own roots, including their Christian roots which form the basis of Western civilization. In these countries, the moral basis and any traditional identity are being denied – national, religious, cultural and even gender identities are being denied or relativized.


You might call Putin a former KGB spy and dictator who breaks all rules and laws. But you cannot ignore his warning. This is precisely what the West has done.

And yes, God can use a modern form of Balaam’s ass to warn America and the West! After all we’ve refused to listen to everybody else. Those in authority cannot understand, that to reverse a nation’s laws and to change its moral and spiritual direction as America and Britain have done, so that the country becomes diametrically opposed to what God Almighty has laid down and commanded, are bound to put the nation on a course which is directly against God.

In short, the moral foundations of objective right and wrong often linked to Christendom have eroded. In their place the imperial oligarchs have erected a system that reverses what is good and replaces it with propaganda that leads to cultural decay and erasure of identity, according to Putin.

He suggests that traditional faith in God has been replaced by Satanism. It sounds crazy enough, but then again, there does seem to be at least some degree of affinity for occult religious practices among certain politically connected individuals.

Whether it is “Satanism” or something altogether different, is a question we will leave others to decide. He says parties which “promote the propaganda of pedophilia” have been seriously considered as legitimate due to the excesses of political correctness.”


Putin had to issue an immediate ban on U.S. adults adopting Russian children over fears for the safety of the children due to the pedophilia epidemic plaguing the United States.

The law, which was passed emphatically by both houses of the Duma, raised eyebrows in Russia, however Putin explained “the country will not be responsible” for the abuse of their children at the hands of pedophiles.

Despite the disturbing statistics, Putin’s ban on adoption to the United States has been seen as controversial in some quarters. The President tried to explain himself in front of a hall full of Russian and foreign journalists, many of whom were surprised by the adoption bill.

The first question asked why Putin had made “the most destitute and helpless children into instruments of political battle.” The second was even more blunt, calling the bill “cannibalistic.”

Live on Russian television, Putin mounted a strong defense: How could the journalists stand idly by while U.S. elites “abuse Russian children. You think that’s normal?” Putin demanded. “What’s normal about being abused? You like that? What are you, a sadomasochist? The country will not be responsible.”

Unless we, as a people and as individuals, turn around pretty quickly and seek forgiveness from, and reconciliation with God at the foot of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and unless we do it one by one, family by family in true and heartfelt repentance,  a terrible tragedy is inevitable. That is the real crisis which is looming up just ahead of us.

This is part of his speech and the complete transcript can be found here:

Another serious challenge to Russia’s identity is linked to events taking place in the world. Here there are both foreign policy and moral aspects. We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilisation. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.

The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.

What else but the loss of the ability to self-reproduce could act as the greatest testimony of the moral crisis facing a human society? Today almost all developed nations are no longer able to reproduce themselves, even with the help of migration. Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values . One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.

At the same time we see attempts to somehow revive a standardised model of a unipolar world and to blur the institutions of international law and national sovereignty. Such a unipolar, standardised world does not require sovereign states; it requires vassals. In a historical sense this amounts to a rejection of one’s own identity, of the God-given diversity of the world.

Russia agrees with those who believe that key decisions should be worked out on a collective basis, rather than at the discretion of and in the interests of certain countries or groups of countries. Russia believes that international law, not the right of the strong, must apply. And we believe that every country, every nation is not exceptional, but unique, original and benefits from equal rights, including the right to independently choose their own development path…..

America Pray for Your President….Whether You Voted For Him or Not

Prophet Sadhu was one of the prophets that says, God showed him that Donald Trump would become President of the United States. He is now giving an urgent word for Christians in America to pray for Trump.  Please pray for your president whether you voted for him or not, as long as you call yourself a Christian. Word given April 29th 2017

Jim Bakker is also saying the Lord told him President Trump’s life is in danger.

It is ironic that as President Donald Trump tells the World that America does not worship the government but Almighty God, he then tells Coast Guard Academy graduates to never, never give up, calls for his impeachment start growing.

All major news networks are publishing articles calling for the democratically elected president to be impeached for bogus claims. These include: the Washington Post, The Nation, The Guardian, and the Chicago Tribune.

In their quest to control the narrative using the education system and the media, the oligarchs (Deep State) have succeeded in clinging to power through force, deception and fraud.  Americans now have no counter challenge to their “truth” and can easily be fooled.

Russian President Vladimir Putin says he can prove Pres. Trump didn’t give away any secrets during a White House meeting with Russian diplomats.

Complaining about what he said were signs of “political schizophrenia” in the United States, Putin said Trump was not being allowed to do his job properly.

It’s hard to imagine what else can these people who generate such nonsense and rubbish can dream up next, said Putin. What surprises me is that they are shaking up the domestic political situation using anti-Russian slogans.

Either they don’t understand the damage they’re doing to their own country, in which case they are simply stupid, or they understand everything, in which case they are dangerous and corrupt.

Could this lead to mass riots this summer?  I dont know but America seems to be in such a deep sleep. Watch this video and make your own conclusions. But remember to pray and make personal preparations. Its going to be a very bumpy ride!!!

Another interesting article:

The goal of all this is the overthrow of the Republic and the final crushing of all voices of liberty

Learning to Worship Through Pain

Chris Quilala is recording artist and worship leader with Jesus Culture. He has been involved with the music label and church since its founding. If you don’t know his name, you probably know his music.

Studio 5 caught up with Quilala during a stop on the Outcry tour  in Raleigh, North Carolina to talk about his music journey.

Efrem:  “You’ve recorded your first solo project, Split the Sky.  What experiences birthed that out of you?”


Chris:  “For me, I mentioned this on my last album, my wife and I we lost our son Jethro. He was still born in Dec. 2014 and even in the hospital room we were praying that God would breathe life into him, and we didn’t see that. But we had to make a choice.

We were going to choose to believe that God is good. That God is a miracle working God. That God is a healer.

You may have been told otherwise from whatever perspective you’re looking at.”

“The truth is that God remains the same and my response needs to remain the same.So, for me, writing songs was my way for me to remind myself that God is.”

“I wrote a song called Miracles and it’s just about that miracle working power of God that god is faithful that he is with us,  that he remains the same.”

“All that being said it was just a season of writing and a lot of songs came out of that season of writing and a lot of those songs came out of the place of encountering God in the midst of pain doing my best with the skills I have in front of me to remind myself that God is good that God is faithful.”

Efrem: “How do you worship through pain?”

Chris: “It definitely is a choice. For us, during the loss of our son – I remember my pastor telling us, which in the moment spoke volumes, ‘You can trust God with the mystery.’ In the middle of pain, whatever circumstance anyone is going through there is always questions and they may never get answered. And it does take a certain level of faith and trust on our part to say, “God I don’t understand but I trust you.”


I had the same experience 3 years ago, and when this happened to me, I thought I would handle it. But in all honesty, you don’t know how to respond when you lose a child except to surrender and worship Jesus Christ.

Copyright © CBN 2017, All rights reserved.


Reformation 500-But Why?

500 years ago on 31 October 1517, Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg where he was priest, naming 95 heresies of the Roman Church against the Word of God. From this point on the Church in Europe divided into Catholic – and Protestant movements…

Many today deeply regret this. They say ‘Reformation 500’ is an opportunity to finally repent of the divisions in the Church, time to repent of the barbaric killings and the burnings at the stake that occurred in those days, time to forget persecutions, inquisitions, time to re-unite. But first…

…Why and what was the Reformation really about? Avoidable dissension? Avoidable division? No! It was an unavoidable confrontation between the Truth of the Word of God, what the Bible really says – and the terrible lies the Church had been teaching and selling the people under its care, even from the very first century after Christ.

John the Apostle begins His Gospel, ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.’ – John 1:1&14. Jesus! He is the Word of God, salvation is found in no other name.

Those who recognised Jesus as the Son of God in the very beginning, recognised Him by what He did – and they saw that what He did was the fulfilment of God’s written Word, the Scriptures. Those who did not recognise Him, could not, because, as Jesus said, “If you had believed Moses, you would believe Me because he wrote about Me.” – John 5:46. Also Luke 24:25-27 & 44.

There is no authority higher than the Word of God. Psalm 138:2 says He has exalted His Word above all things! The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures (which foretell Christ and which He came to fulfil) have been faithfully handwritten by specially trained Jewish scribes, through countless generations, countless exiles, countless purges and pogroms – from the exile in Babylon before Christ to the worldwide diaspora of today.

Every single scroll of Scripture extant today, wherever in the world it may be found, is identical to the very last letter!!! Only the Yemeni scrolls differ by nine letters, but this without changing the meaning of the text in any way.

No other culture, no other race, no other religion, no other people have such a record of accuracy!!! Today, when they search their Scriptures and their prophets, they know Messiah is coming soon as King! They are expecting Him! Because of their Scriptures!

Our New Testament – the Gospels, Epistles and the Book of Revelation – were written, not in Hebrew, but in Greek, the international language of the Eastern part of the Roman Empire into which Jesus was born, died and rose again.

As the number of non-Jewish converts from the Western part of the Empire who spoke Latin, increased, translations were made from the Greek to help them. But in the Roman Empire there was no such rigorous training of scribes as we see in the Jewish tradition. The Latin texts very quickly corrupted – almost beyond recognition…

…Until in AD 382, Greek and Hebrew scholar Jerome produced a faithful Latin translation from the original texts because, he said, there are “as many different Latin translations as there are manuscripts” and, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ!” But the same careless copying of his good new translation again corrupted the manuscripts.

Worse was to come. With the collapse of the Roman Empire in 376 and 476 AD, Latin fell into disuse as an international language. Most priests couldn’t read Latin anymore, the Latin Mass and Scriptures became like so much hocus-pocus to clergy and people alike.

In any case, clergy in training were first taught classical Roman and Greek philosophy and Church tradition and doctrine. They were introduced to the Bible last of all – to a Bible which was not just corrupted, but in a language most no longer understood…

Yes, even in those Dark Ages, several translations were made into the common languages of different European tribes and nations so ordinary people could understand. But before printing, it took much time to hand-make copies – which, when discovered by Church officials, were swiftly destroyed!

John Wycliffe, a reformer and critic of the ungodly practices of the Roman Church, made the first English language translation of the Bible in 1383. As many manuscripts as could be made were distributed, though the Church threatened anyone possessing a non-Latin Bible with execution!

John Hus, an active reformer and follower of Wycliffe, was himself burned at the stake. They used some of Wycliffe’s own manuscript Bibles as kindling for the fire!

The printing press was invented in around 1448 – and the first book ever printed was the Bible – albeit a corrupted Latin version. But printing was the start of a first, very simple, reformation – no more errors multiplying from handwritten copy to handwritten copy! Now hundreds, even thousands of identical copies could be produced from one approved printer’s text!

In the 1490s, Oxford Professor Thomas Linacre learnt Greek in order to compare the original New Testament text with the current corrupted Latin Bible. He was so shocked, he wrote in his diary, “Either this (the original Greek) is not the Gospel… or we are not Christians!” – The Latin text of the 15th century did not even preserve the simple Gospel message!

Also in the 1490s, another Oxford Professor, John Colet, began the public reading of the New Testament in Greek, translating it into English, in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London!

People were so hungry to hear the Word of God in a language they could understand, that within six months the Cathedral was filled with 20,000 standing packed inside and 20,000 outside! Revival! Colet only avoided execution for this crime because he had powerful friends in high places!

Here I might add that also Martin Luther’s conduct and writings were reprehensible to the Roman Catholic Church, and normally he would have been put on trial as a heretic and burned alive. But Frederick the Wise, alias Frederick III, who just happened to command the largest army in Europe, decided to give protection to this Germanic reformer.

In 1517, the year in which Luther nailed his 95 accusations against the false practices of the Roman Church, 7 people were burned at the stake in England, simply for the sin of teaching their children to pray the Lord’s Prayer in English!

But returning again to the very early centuries… As soon as Roman converts began to outnumber the original Jewish converts, many pagan practices and beliefs contrary to the Word of God were brought into the young Church – and many remain there to this day!

Ranking amongst the most wicked was the raising of money for the benefit of the Church by selling ‘Indulgences’ for the forgiveness of sin! You could purchase forgiveness for yourself; you could even shorten the time your dead relatives spent in ‘Purgatory’ – a fictitious place between heaven and hell for the punishment and purging of sin – entirely contrary to the teaching of Scripture, which is the free forgiveness of sin by simple faith in the shed blood of Christ on the Cross.

But how would you know if you couldn’t understand Latin and you had no access to any accurate Bible?

The sale of Indulgences was reaching its very peak in 1517 (the year we are celebrating as ‘Reformation 500’), because Rome had just begun to build the extravagant new Basilica of St Peter, a tourist attraction to this day.

Begun in 1506, it was completed in 1626, taking 120 years! If anything similar were to be built now, someone has reckoned it would cost in the region of 300 million US dollars! The Church was already in a financial crisis and the money had to be raised somehow! Luther protested.

There has always been a price to pay for the reformation of the Church. A price paid in full by many martyrs of the True Faith. The Protestant Reformation can never regret having paid that price to bring the Truth of the whole Word of God to ordinary people.

So what has that Reformation to do with us now? That was long ago. Let’s put it behind us! Let’s all be one, one with the whole Church, one with the whole world. There is no problem now! Or is there?!!

Today in the Church there are powerful lobbies which require reformation. There are those who profess to believe in the Truth of the Word of God, but in fact follow men who teach selected aspects of the Word of God which are out of balance with the whole counsel of God’s Word… Even things which are not in the Bible!

Lester Sumrall, who ministered all over Eastern Europe with David under communism in the 1980s, used to say, “For every false teaching in Western Europe, there are ten in America!” Christians are always asking, “Have you read this new Christian book on this or that?” No! But have YOU checked it out against the Bible?!

Then there are those who don’t believe in the Truth of God’s Word at all, yet call themselves Christian… German theologians of the last century spearheaded the belief that the Word of God as recorded in the Scriptures is not in fact true, but a myth, just a way of saying things…

Mix this with secular liberalism, relativism, tolerance and universalism, stir it all into the Church, call it post-modernism, and present the teachings of the Word of God in a manner that is socially relevant and acceptable to normal humanist thinking… WE DESPERATELY NEED A REFORMATION!

Pope Francis, in his own video address to the Catholic faithful in January 2016, looked forward to the unity of all world religions, saying there are many ways to God, but only one message, ‘love’. If anyone believes this, WE MOST DESPERATELY NEED ANOTHER REFORMATION – A RETURN TO THE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD!

And does the Word of God agree with the following? – Many say Christians, Jews and Moslems are all children of Abraham, all people of the Book. But the Koran is a fantastical remix of the Old and New Testaments!

In the Koran, Ishmael, not Isaac, is the child promised by God to Abraham. – But Jesus is through Isaac!!! In the Koran, Mary the mother of Jesus, is the sister of Moses!!! And Jesus is not the Son of God, but a lesser prophet than Mohammed!!!

The Koran says ‘God has no need of a son’ – and that Jesus did not die on the cross since God saw that He was too good to die, and had another die in His place!!! IF THE CHURCH CAN AGREE WITH THE KORAN, WE NEED ANOTHER REFORMATION!

At the very height of the Charismatic Revival/Renewal, David Pawson was preaching. He began, “Has anyone read a good book recently?” Almost everyone! “Did you read it right through?” Almost everyone. “Anyone read the Bible recently?” Almost everyone. “Have you EVER read it THROUGH?” Not one!

Unity amongst Christians – we all want that. Especially in this year when we remember the Reformation that divided the Church 500 years ago. But unity on what basis? The unity Jesus prayed for at the Last Supper can only be based on the Truth of the Word of God, no other way. He Himself is the Word of God, the Way, the Truth and the Life – John 1:1&14.

He said, “If a man love Me, He will keep My Words, and My Father will love him and We will come unto him and make Our abode with him.” Unity only comes this way. Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth to remind us of everything He, Jesus, the Word of God, has said. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, will only give life to the Word of Truth in us! John 14:17 & 20.


Copyright © 2017, Prophetic Vision-All rights reserved.

Image Credit: Derek Leman

10 Skills for Success in the Global Economy

As I have often said, and proved with documentation, forced institutional schooling was never a home-grown American phenomenon, but from the beginning was an importation from a socialist European military state by our industrial leadership, an import imposed by force on our population which, in many locations reacted violently to what was widely seen as a coup by financial interests, a coup intended to prepare our future citizen base to abandon its dream of independent livelihoods in favor of competing for “good” corporate “jobs,” employment subservient to managers.

It was a transformation noted with horror by Abraham Lincoln, who thought it signified a re-assertion of the British social class system on our shores, brought back by British bankers financing the westward expansion of the U.S., in the middle 19th century, men made uneasy by the voice given by America to ordinary families and working class individuals; men determined to end popular interference in management by infiltrating, and weakening the minds of future citizens.

According to a brilliant American scholar, Anthony Sutton, writing in a book I highly recommend, entitled, “America’s Secret Establishment,” schooling was inserted into America by an elite German secret society, working through Yale University and Johns Hopkins to gradually infiltrate every institution, directing all policy toward the end of American sovereignty.

Sutton supplies chapter and verse of this sophisticated conspiracy, tracking it through its inception at the University of Berlin and the Prussia of Von Bismarck and following it through the thousands of American young from wealthy families studying in Prussia for the coveted PhD degree, granted only there in the 19th century, not in the states.

To achieve this ambitious goal of national domination, the common American population, according to the plan was to be converted from an independent citizenry into a proletariat, a landless, lightly-rooted ignorant rabble, one freed from religious faith, an inactive, indifferent mass, one content to be taken care of by a paternalistic government, one stripped of religion and traditions of liberty, independence, self-sufficiency, family ties, and concern for politics, content to cede all such matters to bankers, lawyers, business interests and the American counterpart to Britain and Germany’s upper classes.

A mass man dedicated to the proposition that a person got ahead in life by pleasing higher authorities, and by surrendering any personal principles disfavoured by one’s superiors. These are the core principles taught by mass institutional schooling, habits drummed in by 12 years of confinement. If they were serviceable, according to what history shows to be America’s unique genius—invention and innovation, this coup might not be so objectionable, but obviously they directly contradict what earned us our wealth and leadership position among nations—ingenuity, inventiveness and common ambition.

The children I taught had been deliberately infected with the delusion that an entity called “mass man” actually exists, that human individuality is largely a reflection of economic and social class, and that it can be scientifically engineered by bureaucracies interlinked with one another– the great socialistic fantasy, an ultimate statement of materialism.

Socialist politics rejects individual enterprise as an enemy of collectivism; socialism holds that all human beings are the same at the core, without any proper claim to individualized treatment in preparation for maturity. In such a reality, only the political state can direct the training of young people.

But because state prescriptions are too rigid to fit everyone, children rebel, listen less and less; their disobedience is a natural defense of their unique spirits. The delusion that people can be treated as a mass leads inevitably to types of organization and procedure which drive people literally insane because it bleeds significance from everyday choices, makes a mockery of free will; this mental distress is a legacy of bureaucratic schooling, a byproduct of efficiency engineer Frederick Taylor’s notion that societies can be “scientifically managed” as if they were factories or coal mines, not much different than machinery.

But crucial differences exist, whether one believes in divine destiny or not; machinery can only be improved by interventions from outside while education only happens when much of the directing force is generated from inside the student; people only improve in limited ways from outside interventions. Individual growth has to be struggled for, to be taken. Nobody can do it for you.

A few years back, the School of Government at Harvard issued advice to those planning a career in the global economy of the future; it said that school credentials would be devalued compared to real world skills acquired by experience; it identified 10 qualities to acquire to meet the changing standards, none of which are usually found stressed by public schooling:

  1. Ability to define problems without a guide.
  2. Ability to ask questions that challenge common assumptions.
  3. Ability to work without guidance.
  4. Ability to work absolutely alone.
  5. Ability to persuade others that yours is the right course.
  6. Ability to debate issues and techniques in public.
  7. Ability to re-organize information into new patterns.
  8. Ability to discard irrelevant information.
  9. Ability to think dialectically.
  10. Ability to think inductively, deductively, and heuristically.

How could schools even function if children were encouraged to challenge prevailing assumptions? If you want your kids to follow Harvard’s advice, you’ll have to arrange a work plan by yourself, expect no help from your school district.

How far we have fallen from educational schooling since colonial days can be measured by a book published in 1812 by Du Pont de Nemours, the man who owned the gunpowder monopoly during the war of 1812.

In National Education in the United States, he wrote: “less than 4 in every thousand cannot read and do numbers with great facility.” He predicted that kitchen table debates about the meaning of disputed passages in the Bible would result in an explosive growth of lawyers in this country, a prediction the Wall Street Journal certified in 1990 when it reported that a quarter of all lawyers on earth were Americans!

A math book common in the northeast U.S. in the 1830’s was The Self-Taught Mathematician, the story of an 18 year old boy who taught himself geometry, Latin, and physics, having learned to read at the age of 8, after which, one by one, he acquired scholar textbooks, and by asking questions of adults, self-taught a college-level curriculum. The message was that if he could do it, so could you. And if Harvard is right about its 10 precepts, so had you better.

One final sign of educational deterioration is to examine the first 3 subjects George Washington studied, without a school to assist him. They were: 1) geometry 2) trigonometry, and 3) surveying. By age 11 he was official surveyor for Culpepper County, Virginia, earning the contemporary equivalent of $100,000 a year, a base from which he built the largest fortune in the colonies.

Force-feeding young minds with stimulating intellectual challenges is part of the time-honored formula of classical education repudiated by institutional forced compulsion schooling that seeks a different end-result than traditional educational purposes that lead to an active citizenry– the last thing wanted in a socialist state.

This philosophical debate between warring visions of the best future society should be understood by anybody seeking education because the reality of both sides in the debate must be dealt with by anyone growing to adulthood in societies divided against themselves; a price must be paid by those who deviate from the leadership point of view, and that must be weighed in decision-making.

Educated men and women understand every side of an argument and are careful to stay away from one-sided presentations which customarily distort half of every issue. Mastering all points on the political/social compass demands toleration of perspectives one may not like much, but which must be confronted.

If you can successfully predict what your source of data is going to say, that is cause enough to dismiss it as accurate or fair-minded– which is why CNN, FOX News, and partisan talk radio commentators are held in low regard by educated people.

Some years ago, a famous satire in Harper’s Magazine by its editor, Lewis Lapham, reported at length on the Republican Party political convention without even attending it! That was a flagrant example of so relentlessly broadcasting a biased point of view that one’s message is discredited in advance of being heard.

For devotees of television serial dramas like “Law and Order” and “CSI Miami” or followers of genre fiction like westerns, horror movies or science fiction, the formulas followed are so rigid that artistic insights into the human condition are unlikely and even unwelcome, so any educational value is strictly limited.

Once a commercial formula for storytelling is established, the tendency of financial investors in “popular culture” projects is to demand repetition of what worked in the past, making mass entertainment in movies, music, and drama virtually devoid of artistic insights and thus of educational value, reducing their value to time-killers.

For these reasons, and because time to learn is limited, prudent seekers of intellectual development often focus their investigations to time-tested “classics,” acknowledged by respected critics to contain artistic value.

This is to illustrate the Harvard principle that the best minds screen irrelevant material from their attention, principle number eight on the list above; of course, in institutional schooling one attends to what is ordered by superiors, no selectivity is allowed to students.

Merely disliking material is insufficient reason to avoid it, a case proving its irrelevancy must be mounted and accepted by authorities, Harvard principle number five in action. Finding ways to practice all 10 of these assertions will be a useful tool for all your students to use in demonstrating an educated command of mind.

Copyright © February 15, 2015,  John Taylor Gatto-All rights reserved.

The Coming Convergence

As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. “Tell us, when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3)

Is it possible to know the day of our demise? Jesus chastised religious leaders in ancient Jerusalem for not knowing the time of His first arrival. Will the prophesied final generation today make the same mistake? The Bible foretells that the end of days would be preceded by a sequence of global events that has never before occurred, but can this be proven?

Through newly exposed geological and statistical evidence, a convergence of events has now been discovered that many believe finally prove the Tribulation is about to begin!

This whistleblower film breaks the mold of what a documentary can be by pulling you deeper into the reality of the approaching apocalypse as you follow the story of a young girl (Erin Hawkins) that is living through the end of days.

Her cinematic interruptions throughout the documentary act as a warning to the genuine reality humankind will soon face. The conclusion of The Coming Convergence leaves such an impact that attendees during the film’s theatrical premiere in California were driven to tears and shock.

[vimeo 204939686 w=760 h=415]


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