The release of the memo regarding illegal FISA issued spy warrants on Candidate Trump and his staff should send Deep State servants to prison including Obama and Clinton. Now that the memo is being released, how far will the DOJ go in bringing the guilty to justice? How far will the Deep State go in diverting attention away from the memo? The … [Read more...]
The Prophetic Significance of James 5:1-8
A few years ago, a viewer wrote to me and asked if James 5:1-8 had any prophetic significance. To be candid, I had never carefully studied the passage in that light before. I was surprised to discover that its message really does apply to these times. To give you just a glimpse of what the Apostle James had to say, he begins, "Come now, you … [Read more...]
A New Religion That Will Worship A ‘Godhead’ Based On Artificial Intelligence
I know that the headline sounds absolutely crazy, but this is actually a true story. A Silicon Valley executive named Anthony Levandowski has already filed paperwork with the IRS for the nonprofit corporation that is going to run this new religion. Officially, this new faith will be known as "Way Of The Future". Of course nutjobs are creating … [Read more...]
90% of Television Is Controlled By Just 6 Giant Corporations
How much is your view of the world shaped by what you see on television? On average, Americans spend more than 150 hours watching television every month, and it is called "programming" for a reason. If you allow anyone to pour ideas and information into your mind for five hours a day, it is going to change how you look at reality. Everyone has … [Read more...]
Congressional Black Caucus Prayer Breakfast: The Great Black Deception
Flipping through my TV channels, I stumbled upon the 2017 Congressional Black Caucus Annual Prayer Breakfast on The Word Network; the world’s largest black religious channel. This year’s theme was, “And Still I Rise”. Folks, I thought, “Oh my gosh, these people have no shame.” This breakfast was all about exploiting black’s Christian heritage to … [Read more...]
A Web of Distortion and Deception
I am not inclined to believe in organized deceptions and neither I, nor anyone I know is a conspiracy theorist. Despite my inclinations, when I look at the media coverage of current events, it makes me realize there has to be more to it than meets the eye. Part of the problem is that the Americans or the West in general have become too civilized … [Read more...]
Times of Deception
The September 23rd deception, like those of date-setters past, will soon be debunked by the calendar itself. On September 24th, the world will not have come to an end. PlanetX will not have crashed into Planet Earth. The Millennial reign will not have begun. The earth will not have split in two. The star of Bethlehem will not have returned. Will … [Read more...]
The Nazis Were Leftists
Is it too much to say that since the French Revolution, the left has been the source of virtually all political evils, and continues to be so in our day? There can be no doubt that great cruelty and violence can be and have been inflicted in the name of preserving the existing order. But when we compare even the worst enormities of the more … [Read more...]
The Danger of Identity Politics
Though we do not want to think about it, and some will deny its existence, there is a worldwide phenomenon happening right now. It is ripping apart nations, communities, and even families. It's called "Identity Politics." It is dangerous. Those who engage in it are contributing to the destruction of our great nation. Those who promote it in … [Read more...]
Legacy of the First Black President!
Looking back over history, there have been numerous books and articles rating our United States presidents. Various criteria are considered along with the obvious subjective element. From the title, the reader knows whom I believe places last. From a biblically informed perspective there are 10 reasons for the unfavorable ranking. They're listed … [Read more...]