The proletariat did not have to seize the means of production in a violent socialist coup. Capitalism handed the means of production to the workers voluntarily. And it did so for a profit. We traded violent destructive revolution for peaceful productive markets… and accomplished more than socialism could ever imagine. And we are just … [Read more...]
Come-on Paul! Was His Funeral Really An Orwellian Space Opera?
The memorial services for the late President George H. W. Bush were so over the top that it transcended an Olympic ceremony or a Broadway musical production such as Les Misérables. Beneath all the pomp and ceremony were multiple messages for the primary demographic target — conservatives, Republicans and Christians. The purpose? To redefine and … [Read more...]
Last Days Deception
We live in a world where deception is rampant and true agendas are rarely revealed. Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Gary Stearman and Terry James discuss today’s issues and events that reveal that Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us … [Read more...]
Bilderberg 2018: Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ In A ‘Post-Truth’ World
The Bilderberg group was formed in 1954 by powerful international banking families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, along with the heads of royal families throughout Europe, members of the elite, and the heads of the world’s most powerful multinational corporations. The secret agenda behind Bilderberg was the creation of the European … [Read more...]
American Media, Soviet Tactics
The job of a journalist is to report facts, add context where necessary, and leave it to the consumer to decide what he thinks. In this video, James O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas, explains why fewer and fewer people trust modern-day “journalism.” Copyright © 2018 Prager University -All rights reserved What about? 13 Facts … [Read more...]
Welby, Curry And The Integrity of The Gospel
Michael Curry is a superb preacher and a delightful man. And if everything wrong in the world could be put right by charm and beauty and wit, we would have nothing to worry about. I was sorry to cast a cloud over what was and should be a very happy event, as two people celebrated their love in public. One of the problems was that some events … [Read more...]
Video Exposes News Stations Across U.S Pumping Exact Same Script
Videos that show the striking similarities between the scripts used by local TV anchors and reporters are nothing new, but a recent compilation has taken the Internet by storm as it shows dozens of news stations coming together to warn about the dangers of "fake news" with an eerily identical script. The video started with news clips from four … [Read more...]
Chuck Colson: “Salvation doesn’t Come on Air Force One”
Trump Has Broken His Promise of Defunding the American Abortion Holocaust If some years ago Republicans could not defund Planned Parenthood (the largest network of abortion and family planning clinics in the U.S.) because socialist Democrats had a majority in the House, in the Senate and had the White House, now the upper hand belongs to … [Read more...]
Brexit: Why Britain Left the European Union
Is the European Union good for Europe? Or would Europeans be better off without it? If one big government is bad, imagine how much worse two big governments would be. That’s the reality that millions of people in Europe are faced with today: their own nation's bloated government and the super-national, money-gobbling, regulation-producing … [Read more...]
Changing The Consciousness of The American People
Trumpocalypse, FBI And The Globalist Coup Against Donald Trump The clear majority of the mainstream media in true Orwellian form is attempting to change the consciousness of the American people regarding the truth of the FBI memo by using the Alice in Wonderland logic of the Mad Hatter. The simple truth appears to be that high-level members of … [Read more...]