Culture and Identity Crushed
An old woman of 90 from Valdres, Norway had a vision from God in 1968 regarding people from poor countries that will stream to Europe. There will be so many of them that people will begin to dislike them and become hard with them.
Now another British MEP Janice Atkinson warns that the UN Compact on Migration would lead to Europe being flooded with 59 million new migrants within the next 6 years.
The document is not legally binding, but governments will be under pressure to follow its dictates. Numerous countries, including the United States and Hungary, have said they will refuse to sign the pact.
“If you think you’re in control of your borders, think again,” said Atkinson, adding, “This compact backs the EU and the UN’s aim to flood our nations with 59 million migrants by 2025…. just 6 years.”
The MEP criticised British Prime Minister Theresa May for promising to take back control of British borders via Brexit and yet planning to sign the UN migration pact next month:
Remember – the UN and the globalists want to flood our continent with 59 million migrants by 2025,” Atkinson emphasized, adding that the UN document states mass immigration is “inevitable, desirable and necessary.
She is warning that the plan would lead to European countries having their “culture and identity crushed,” She also pointed out that the pact could lead to hate speech laws that make it illegal to use the term “illegal migrants,” replacing it instead with “irregular migrants”.
It will be illegal not to use their prescribed language and European citizens should say goodbye to your democracy and your way of life, unless you demand your leaders refuse to sign the document.
Listen to her call to action in the next video