Power Struggle vs. Power Healing

Wedding_rings1-1Sid Roth interviews John and Lisa Bevere, ‘fighting for marriage’

John and Lisa Bevere’s marriage didn’t start out happily ever after. They brought selfishness, temper and disfunctional backgrounds to their union, and clashed like Titans.

Separate visions three months into their vows made them realize their conflicts were fueled by Satan. They came to realize not only was their marriage under attack, but the very institution of marriage was being assaulted. They decided to voice out what God says about marriage because it’s so valuable.

Realizing too many couples in conflict cannot be effectively ministered to by people with happy marriages, the Beveres made the difficult decision to “air their dirty laundry” to couples who feel isolated and helpless. They teach lessons on the transforming power of God’s word so other people don’t have to learn the hard way.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhGomGcwBOQ?rel=0]