Archbishop Vigano’s Message For the American People

DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects.

We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.

Last year, when many still had not yet understood the gravity of the looming threat, I was among the first to denounce this coup, and I was promptly singled out as a conspiracy theorist. Today more and more people are opening their eyes and beginning to understand that the emergency pandemic and the“ecological emergency” are part of a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are ideologically characterized as clearly anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian….”

One of the elements that unequivocally confirms the criminal nature of the Great Reset is the perfect synchrony with which all the different Nations are acting, demonstrating the existence of a single script under a single direction. And it is disconcerting to see how the lack of treatment, the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths, the decision to impose lockdowns and masks, the conspiratorial silence about the adverse effects of the so-called “vaccines” that are in fact gene serums, and the continuous repetition of culpable errors have all been possible thanks to the complicity of those who govern and the institutions. Political and religious leaders, representatives of the people, scientists and doctors, journalists, and those who work in the media have literally betrayed their people, their laws, their Constitutions, and the most basic ethical principles.

The electoral fraud of the 2020 presidential election against President Trump has shown itself to be organic to this global operation because in order to impose illegitimate restrictions in violation of the principles of law it was necessary to be able to make use of an American President who would support the psycho-pandemic and support its narrative.

The Democratic Party, part of the deep state, is carrying out its task as an accomplice of the system, just as the deep church finds in Bergoglio its own propagandist. The recent rulings of the Supreme Court and the autonomous action of some American states — where the vaccination obligation has been declared unconstitutional — give us hope that this criminal plan can collapse and that those responsible will be identified and tried: both in America as well as in the whole world.

How was it possible to arrive at such a betrayal? How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us, not in support of the common good, but rather to feed a hellish machine of death and slavery?

The answer is now clear: throughout the world, in the name of a perverted concept of freedom, we have progressively erased God from society and laws. We have denied that there is an eternal and transcendent principle, valid for all men of all times, to which the laws of States must conform. We have replaced this absolute principle with the arbitrariness of individuals, with the principle that everyone is his own legislator. In the name of this insane freedom — which is license and libertinage — we have allowed the Law of God and the law of nature to be violated, legitimizing the killing of children in the womb, even up to the very moment of birth; the killing of the sick and the elderly in hospital wards; the destruction of the natural family and of Marriage; we have recognized rights to vice and sin, putting the deviations of individuals before the good of society.

In short, we have subverted the entire moral order that constitutes the indispensable basis of the laws and social life of a people. Already in the fourth century B.C., Plato wrote these things in his last work the Laws and identified the cause of the Athenian political crisis precisely in the breaking of the divine order — the cosmos — between these eternal principles and human laws.

These natural moral principles of the Greco-Roman world found their fulfilment in Christianity, which built Western civilization by giving them a supernatural impetus. Christianity is the strongest defence against injustice, the strongest garrison against the oppression of the powerful over the weak, the violent over the peaceful, and the wicked over the good, because Christian morality makes each of us accountable to God and our neighbor for our actions, both as citizens and as rulers.

The Son of God, whose Birth we will celebrate in a few days, became Incarnate in time and in history in order to heal an ancient wound and to restore by Grace the order broken by disobedience. His social Kingship was the generating principle of the ordo Christianus that for two centuries now has been fiercely fought against by Freemasonry: because the Revolution it promotes is chaos; it is disorder; it is infernal rebellion against the divine order so as to impose Satan’s tyranny.

Now, as we see what is happening around us, we understand how mendacious were the promises of progress and freedom made by those who destroyed Christian society, and how deceptive was the prospect of a new Tower of Babel, built not only without regard for God but even in direct opposition to Him. The infernal challenge of the Enemy is repeated over the centuries unchanged, but it is doomed to inexorable failure. Behind this millennial conspiracy, the adversary is always the same, and the only thing that changes are the particular individuals who cooperate with him.

Dear American brothers and sisters! Dear Patriots! this is a crucial moment for the future of the United States of America and of the whole of humanity. But the pandemic emergency, the farce of global warming and the green economy, and the economic crisis deliberately induced by the Great Reset with the complicity of the deep state are all only the consequence of a much more serious problem, and it is essential to understand it in depth if we want to defeat it. This problem is essentially moral; indeed, it is religious. We must put God back in the first place not only in our personal lives, but also in the life of our society.

We must restore to Our Lord Jesus Christ the Crown that the Revolution has torn from Him, and in order for this to happen a true and profound conversion of individuals and of society is necessary. For it is absolutely impossible to hope for the end of this global tyranny if we continue to remove from the Kingdom of Christ the nations that belong to Him and must belong to Him. For this reason, the movement to overturn Roe v. Wade also acquires a very important meaning, since respect for the sacredness of unborn life must be sanctioned by positive law if it is to be a mirror of the Eternal Law.

You are animated by a yearning for justice, and this is a legitimate and good desire. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” says the Lord (Mt 5:6). But this Justice must be based on the awareness that this is a spiritual battle in which it is necessary to take sides without equivocation and without compromise, holding transcendent and eternal references that even the pagan philosophers glimpsed, and that have found fulfillment in the Revelation of the Son of God, the Divine Master.

My appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance — which I renew today — aims precisely to constitute a movement of moral and spiritual rebirth which will inspire the civil, social, and political action of those who do not want to be enslaved as slaves to the New World Order. A movement that at the national and local level will be able to find a way to oppose the Great Reset and that coordinates the denunciation of the coup that is currently in progress. Because in the awareness of who our adversary is and what his aims and purposes are, we can disrupt the criminal action he intends to pursue and force him to retreat. In this, the opposition to the pandemic farce and the vaccination obligation must be determined and courageous on the part of each of you.

Yours must therefore be a work of truth, bringing to light the lies and deceptions of the New World Order and their anti-human and anti christic matrix. And in this, it is mainly the laity and all people of goodwill — each in the professional and civil role he holds — who must coordinate and organize together to make a firm but peaceful resistance, so as not to legitimize its violent repression by those who today hold power.

Be proud of your identity as American patriots and of the Faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values, because you respect the elderly, because you protect life from conception to its natural end. Do not be intimidated or seduced by those who propagate a dystopian world in which a faceless power imposes on your contempt for the Law of God, presents sin and vice as licit and desirable despises righteousness and Morality, destroys the natural family, and promotes the worst perversions, plans the death of defenseless and weak creatures, and exploits humanity for its own profit or to preserve power.

Be worthy heirs of the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and do not follow those of your Pastors who have betrayed the mandate they have received from Our Lord, who impose iniquitous orders on you or who remain silent before the evidence of an unheard-of crime against God and humanity.

May this Holy Christmas illuminate your minds and inflame your hearts before the Infant King who lays in the manger. And just as the choirs of the Angels and the homage of the Magi united with the simple adoration of the Shepherds, so also today your commitment to the moral rebirth of the United States of America –one Nation under God — will have the blessing of Our Lord and will gather those who govern you around you. Amen.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,18 December 2021


The Lord is Separating the Wheat and The Chaff

Pastor Martin Niemoller (pictured left) was one of the members of what had become the Confessing Church during the Nazi German deception. He had been a U-boat captain during World War I and was awarded the Iron Cross for his bravery.

He had initially welcomed the coming to power of the Nazis in 1933, hailing them as the heroes who would restore the dignity of Germany, get rid of the communists, and restore moral order.

Niemoller thought that the Nazi victory would bring about a “national revival” for which he himself had fought and prayed for a long time. But this didn’t happen and before long he found out that he too had been deceived. Niemoller met Bonhoeffer and both began to play an important role in the church struggle against the Nazi regime.

When Hitler heard that there might be a church division because some pastors objected to his agenda, he summoned German church leaders to his office to rebuke them for inadequately supporting his programs. Hitler began by reproaching his guests, with a long vehement denunciation about how he was misunderstood. He told them he wanted Peace between Church and State and they were obstructing him and sabotaging his efforts to achieve it.

When the time came for those who were in the meeting to respond, Pastor Niemoller explained that he was concerned only for the welfare of the church and of the German people. Hitler responded angrily by saying “You confine yourself to the Church. I’ll take care of the German people.” Niemoller replied, “

You said that ‘I will take care of the German people.’ But we too, as Christians and churchmen, have a responsibility toward the German people. That responsibility was entrusted to us by God, and neither you nor anyone in this world has the power to take it from us

During the months and years following, he was closely watched by secret police. On June 27, 1937, Niemoller preached his last sermon in the Third Reich knowing that he was about to be arrested:

We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man’s behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man.”He further said “Christianity in Germany bears a greater responsibility before God than the National Socialist, the SS, and the Gestapo.

He was soon arrested and placed in solitary confinement.  The interrogation from police was easier for Niemoller to bear than some of the criticism he received from his colleagues for his words to Hitler. Clearly, the majority of the pastors had adopted an attitude of safety first.

More than two thousand pastors who had stood with Niemoller and Bonheoffer withdrew their support. They believed that making concessions with the Fuhrer would be the best strategy; they thought that if they remained silent they could live with Hitler’s intrusion into church affairs and his political policies. As the Lord Jesus says “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. (Mark 8:35)

In his classic book, Dr Erwin Lutzer says ‘the majority of the people, including the professing Christians, no longer believed that Christianity was worth suffering for, much less dying for. They were willing to substitute Mein Kampf for the Bible in exchange for jobs and the greater glory of Germany’.

Yet those who saved their lives lost them, and those who lost their lives saved them. What might have happened if all the church had condemned Nazism with one unified voice? In a sermon in 1945, Niemoller gave what could be the kind of epilogue on the German church struggle. He said:

There were in 1933 and in the following years here in Germany 14,000 Evangelical pastors and nearly as many parishes… if at the beginning of the Jewish persecutions we had seen that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who was being persecuted, struck down and slain “in the least of these our brethren, “if we had been loyal to Him and confessed Him, for all I know God would have stood by us, and then the whole sequence of events would have taken a different course. And if we had been ready to go with Him to death, the number of victims would have been only some ten thousand.

Niemoller has a word for us who live in the West. He was of course thinking of his own church and people of Germany when he spoke these words, but they are for us as well. Early in 1934, Martin Niemoller at his church in the Berlin suburb of Dahlem had prophetically declared God’s purpose in the trials that faced the German church. He said that:

We have all of us –the whole Church and the whole community—we’ve been thrown into the Tempter’s sieve, and he is shaking and the wind is blowing, and it must now become manifest whether we are wheat or chaff! Verily, a time of sifting has come upon us, and even the most indolent and peaceful person among us must see that the calm of a meditative Christianity is at an end….It is now springtime for the hopeful and expectant Christian church—it is testing time, and God is giving Satan a free hand, so he may shake us up and so that it may be seen what manner of men we are!.. Satan swings his sieve and Christianity is thrown hither and thither; and he who is not ready to suffer, he who called himself a Christian only because he thereby hoped to gain something good for his race and his nation is blown away by the wind of time.

Yes God is separating the wheat and the chaff! This is no time to pout but to accept our role as Christians in this society with joy and to prove our love for Christ and the Gospel. Make no mistake about it, without a Great Awakening both spiritually and politically, history is repeating itself on a far larger scale.

Andrew Torba the head of Gab social-media writing on his website has made a dire prediction for Christians in America and around the world, saying in the coming days believers in Jesus won’t be able to get jobs, use money, open bank accounts, or travel by airplane, among other routine activities:

On December 6th Twitter banned thousands of accounts in their latest purge of dissenting thoughts on the doomed and failing platform. As a result saw thousands of new sign ups per hour and our traffic skyrocketed. When Twitter Purges, Gab Surges. While this is great news for the Gab community, it’s not great news for Christians. In fact, it’s a sign of what is soon to come which will be much worse than losing your Twitter account.

Something that isn’t being said about the latest Twitter Purge is that it was almost exclusively targeted at young, White, Christian men. Twitter flipped a switch and made thousands of young Christians disappear from one of the world’s top communication systems. No longer can they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations on a platform where much of the world communicates daily. That’s a big problem, but that is only the surface level of what Christians have coming.

I’ve been trying to help Christians see the bigger picture for a long time about the reality of our situation. As I’ve already written the time for lukewarm Christianity is over. We must prepare ourselves for the inevitable persecution that is to come. We must not fear for we have a sovereign God who is in control. He has blessed us with the gifts to create, to build, and to reform.

If these demons in Silicon Valley have their way the only context that the name “Jesus Christ” will appear on the internet is to be mocked or scorned, just like He is in the rest of “popular culture.” We can’t let that happen. We can’t let our brothers and sisters be persecuted, silenced, demonized, and destroyed by these wicked people. Especially not our young people who are the future of Christendom.

I have long seen where things are headed for the simple reason that I’ve experienced it first hand myself. Soon it won’t just be Twitter. If you’re a Christian you won’t be able to open a bank account. You won’t be able to host a website on the internet. You won’t be able to send emails. You won’t be able to access the app stores. You won’t be able to transact with money online, or off. You won’t be able to get a job. You won’t be able to fly in an airplane. This is coming for us all, and it’s already happening to many of us right now.

Every day I wake up and work 18 hour days to build infrastructure for our future and bring glory to God because I know for certain that the one thing the Oligarch Regime fears is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can stop them. Not any politician. Not some billionaire. Not me. Only Jesus.

We can, must, and will lay the foundation of a new civilization, an unapologetically Christian civilization. A parallel Christian economy. Christ is our King right now and it’s about time that we start acting like it. We need to stop sitting around moping and being stepped on by the Enemy.

God has given us the tools and the talents to take dominion in this world in His name and make disciples of all nations as we have been commanded. We can’t do that if the Enemy controls the media, the banks, the governments, the tech companies, and so much more.

Jesus did not ascend into heaven and say “see you later guys, uhh just sit around and let the world trample all over you until I get back.”

He left us a set of very clear instructions.

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen (Matthew 28-18-20).

Jesus has ALL power, not just in Heaven, but here on earth as well. He told us very clearly to teach and baptize ALL nations. He reminded us that He is with us ALWAYS.

Gab is essential if we want to be able to share the Gospel on the internet and have fellowship with one another across the world. It all starts with true free speech. If you don’t have true free speech the Gospel can’t be shared. Period.

It will, and already is, being labeled “anti-semitic hate speech” and banned on Big Tech platforms and even those who claim to be “alt-tech” platforms. All that remains is some watered down subverted version of the true Gospel. It’s an imitation gospel. The gospel of the Regime. The gospel of Fauci. The gospel of Black Lives Matter. The gospel of Trump. The gospel of Fox News. The gospel of CNN. The gospel of Zuckerberg.

There is only one true Gospel and that’s the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We must see Him for who He is, not who the world tells us He is. Jesus is not some hippie Mr. Rogers that our culture makes Him out to be. He is King of Kings. He reigns. He rules. He flips over tables in the temple. He brought the temple down to a pile of ash in 70 AD, as He said he would. He scorns the Den of Vipers. He rebukes the Synagogue of Satan. This is the Jesus I know and worship. This is the Jesus of Scripture. Christians better start getting to know Him fast.

We must not only drive the moneychangers out of the systems of control in our society, rebuke them, scorn them, and flip over their tables. We must also build new systems and infrastructure to form a parallel Christian society that glorifies King Jesus forever and ever amen.

Copyright © 2021 Andrew Torba