Covid-19 and the Vaccines

A means to an end?

If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12)

Since early 2020, our world and the lives of those of us who inhabit it have changed in ways that two years ago would have been totally inconceivable.

A “window of opportunity”?

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring a Pandemic Emergency of International Concern and our populations gripped by a state of extreme fear1, the opportunity was seized upon by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2020 to publicly announce the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

According to WEF Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, the Covid ‘pandemic’ was and is a “rare but narrow window of opportunity” to introduce the all-encompassing agenda aimed at comprehensively reconfiguring the world in which we live and operate.

Questionable practices

In spite of over 50,000 medical experts arguing otherwise for ‘Focused Protection’2, over the last 18 months we have experienced restrictions and controls on daily life and social interaction which would normally be unthinkable and totally unacceptable in a free-functioning democratic society.

As a response to Covid-19 and the WHO pronouncement, politicians used emergency measures to introduce a lockdown; and dishonestly touted the experimental and insufficiently tested vaccines as the only remedy3. These vaccines – which some describe as experimental gene therapies – have now been shown to result in very serious health issues and multiple deaths in some cases, and not enough questions have been asked with regards to the risk. Yet this programme continues relentlessly with contingency plans drawn up to vaccinate our children in order to “protect their parents”; and carrying the disgraced Matt Hancock’s coercive “Don’t kill granny appeal to the youngest of vulnerable minds.

As a harbinger of the type of draconian measures that may yet be heading our way, we now have politicians in Spain reportedly planning to requisition private property and assets, and the conscription of citizens to provide their services. Totalitarianism is most certainly in the here and now.

Satan’s agenda

Meanwhile, within the Christian church, the matter of whether this global crisis is in God’s express or permissive will is an interesting one. Indeed, many countries – the UK not least – are fully deserving of God’s judgement; and plagues have been and continue to be used in this fashion to discipline his people in a redemptive-minded fashion (2 Chron 7:13).

But in the all-encompassing sense, the vital theological issue is not who is doing what . What we can indeed clearly know from God’s word is that satan ultimately wants to bring the world into total submission, dependency and servitude; and this dynamic is clearly manifest as the WEF game plan unfolds. The devilish inducement to ‘be as gods’ (Gen 3:5) – exercising absolute control – has never died. The title of Professor Yuval Harari’s book sums up this ambition: ‘Homo Deus’ (or ‘god man’).4

In the last days, many will, voluntarily or under coercion, worship the Beast (Rev 13:7-10), receiving a mark which allows them to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17), allowing total control over the world population. The lockdowns and ‘vaccine-passports’ are but a shadow and a pre-cursor to what could arise. To achieve these things, WEC Chairman Klaus Schwab and the complicit cabal of NGOs, technological giants, billionaires and other globalist ideologues – all with the mainstream media in tow – are moving rapidly ahead with their long-in-the-making programmes to achieve their demonically-inspired aims.

Medical science is now capable of manipulating the human genome; altering the very thing that makes us what we are – which is truly made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26) The level of control which limits certain activities to the vaccinated could so easily be extended. It is conceivable that each individual could be uniquely identified, closely monitored and ultimately ‘controlled’ by Artificial Intelligence, which has already begun in China.

If this sounds far-fetched then it is sufficient to refer to Schwab and his ‘Build Back Better mantra of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind”.

So once we are hooked up digitally to the brave new world of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, digital currencies and genetic engineering, the potential for a circle of vice-like control will be complete. This is the global governance which big financial, pharmaceutical and technological corporations seem to be leading us towards.

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization’s (GAVI) ‘Trust Stamp development is currently underway in Africa and “marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform”. Meanwhile the Revelation to John tells us this is exactly what we should expect to see (Rev. 13:16-17).

End-of-age questions

But aside from all of this there is a huge problem for and in the Christian world: it is one of almost total silence. With the exception of very few brave voices, church leaders seem to be in a state of woeful unawareness or willful denial. There is either a failure to understand or an irresponsible ignoring of what is going on in our world with respect to what the Word of God clearly outlines as we approach the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So with a pressing need to ‘join up the dots’, the shofar is tragically silent.

World events are now moving at warp speed. If there was ever a time to fulfil the role of the sons of Issachar who “understood the times and knew what Israel should do” it is now. “Watchman, what of the night? The Watchman said: ‘Morning comes but also the night’” (Is. 21:11-12).

But there is good news in all of this. Many Christian believers are having to learn how to live their faith without depending on the institutional structures which have developed over the centuries, and they are returning to early-New Testament fellowship models.

Meanwhile in our fallen world, many of the unsaved are asking serious questions about what the Bible teaches; intuitively recognising that which swathes of the church are apparently failing to see. Those outside of the churches who might previously have thought little on these things are asking ‘end of the age’ questions. They need to hear of God’s offer and means of salvation; be helped to understand the true nature of the events of our age; and what the Bible teaches about the times preceding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the one who was and is and is to come. He is the true route to God for those who will turn to him in repentance and faith. The apostle Luke wrote: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). The remaining time for this troubled world could be shorter than we think.


1. The minutes of the SPI-B meeting on 22 March 2020 stated:The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased … using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”
2. The Great Barrington Declaration declared that the optimum response to the Covid-19 virus was to protect the vulnerable and allow herd immunity to develop in the wider population in a free-function environment. Currently this has been signed by over 57,000 medical experts and nearly 800,000 concerned citizens.
3. The highly-respected ‘Lancet’ medical journal admitted to publishing false information.
4. Harari Y. H.; 2016; Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow; English Edition; Harvill Secker 2016 ISBN 978-191-070-187-4

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