Is America Spiraling into Totalitarianism?

Is America spiraling into totalitarianism? All the signs are there, suggesting we’re well on our way. Naomi Wolf, a former adviser to the Clinton administration, has been warning us about this for well over a decade.

In May 2021, I interviewed her about the 10 steps of tyranny, described in her 2007 book, “The End of America.” While we’ve been inching our way toward tyranny for many years, Wolf warns we are now at Step 10. Soon, there will be no turning back — unless we break free, assert our rights starting with our freedom of speech, and put a stop to this transformation.

As noted by Benjamin Franklin, “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” Similarly, Samuel Adams stated, “For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous.”1


In the video above, Yeonmi Park, a human rights activist and author of “In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom,” talks about the clear parallels she sees between the United States and North Korea, one of the most repressive countries in the world.

Although she’s been presented in a critical light by an Asia-Pacific owned publication,2 I am a huge fan of Park as she is such an inspiration to warn us of what will happen if we neglect to preserve our hard-won freedoms. Please be sure and watch the much longer second video below. I suspect you too will be moved by what she and millions of others have suffered and are enduring in North Korea.

Park fortunately was able to defect from North Korea to China in 2007 at the age of 13, eventually settling in South Korea two years later, but only after first falling into the hands of human traffickers and being sold into sex slavery for less than $200. Her mother was sold for $65. Park and her mother were eventually able to escape to South Korea through Mongolia.

In 2016, she transferred from a South Korean university to Columbia University in New York. In a June 14, 2021, interview with Fox News,3 Park stated she believes “America’s future may be as bleak as North Korea,” adding that “even North Korea was not this nuts.”

I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” she told Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.

Not Having Problems Is a Problem

In the video above, Park explains why she told her story to Fox News rather than a more mainstream media outlet. The answer? They were the only one that asked her to share her views.

While the Fox News interview went viral both in the U.S. and South Korea, not a single legacy news outlet picked up the story. This makes sense, considering corporate media are part of the tyrannical network responsible for the implementation of this brainwashing.

I would rather die a free person than live as a slave,” Park says at the end of her video. “You cannot even fathom what it’s like when you don’t have freedom … America is falling into tyranny … Let us stop this before it is too late


In the video above,4 Park is interviewed by Valuetainment host Patrick Bet-David. I know 90 minutes is a long video, but trust me, your life could change if you watch the entire video. If you don’t have time now, just watch it instead of some movie or TV series. I suspect very few of you have any idea that this type of tyrannical oppression and unethical human behavior is rampant in North Korea.

In this hour-and-a-half interview, she delves a lot deeper into what life is like in one of the most oppressive regimes in the world, and what it really means to lose your freedoms. Even certain words have been censored from the North Korean language.

There are no words for “depression” or “stress” for example. The absence of such emotions is further indoctrinated through the one and only available TV channel, where every program highlights the rightness, beauty and benefit of the socialist system, and how wrong capitalist Western systems are. Here are some other examples in real life:

Government tells you what clothes and colors you are allowed to wear
Government tells you what haircuts you are allowed to have, with choices being limited to fewer than 20
Government tells you what kind of makeup you are allowed to use
Government decides what kinds of songs you are allowed to sing and what music you can listen to
Government dictates what kind of dance moves are allowed
Government tells you what kind of movies you can watch
Your profession is dictated by the political class of your parents
Who you can marry is dictated by the political class you were born into
Public executions are routine and everyone in the neighborhood is required to attend, including children. Crimes punishable by death include watching banned movies, reading banned books and criticizing the regime

Every single thing about your life is dictated by the regime. You have no individuality. You have no “personal choices.” Guaranteed, you can say goodbye to gender pronoun preferences. That’s just being pushed right now to lure you into this false idea that the socialist system actually provides you with more of everything — including individuality and individual rights — rather than less.

But if you think about it logically, how can we create an “equitable” society unless all individuality is removed? How can you and I end up in the same place and be treated exactly the same unless everything that separates us — our individual characteristics — are eliminated? The end result is the oppression of everyone and the wasting of everyone’s natural talents.

Corruption is also guaranteed. Regardless of your profession, your salary will not be able to feed you, let alone pay for anything else. As a result, corruption is the norm. Food is also always scarce. Park routinely caught and ate grasshoppers. That was her primary source of protein growing up.

In fact, Park admits that it was hunger that drove her to risk death to escape North Korea with her mother. “I didn’t know I wasn’t free,” she says. “I didn’t know what freedom was. I risked my life for a bowl of rice.”

Reject the ‘New Normal’

The good news is, the would-be tyrants have not won. That said, we have no time to spare. Time is of the essence and we have no time to remain idle, hoping it will all just go back to normal on its own. I can confidently assure you it will not, and you will need to take action. I believe one of the answers is peaceful civil disobedience.

In the U.S., we do have the Second Amendment, which allows citizens to own and bear arms. That said, peaceful disobedience is still the primary and preferred strategy. We must also rally behind legislation that prevents the alteration of laws that safeguard our freedoms.

I believe that we will ultimately stop the globalists’ drive toward global tyranny. It’s not going to be easy. It may take years, and it may get far worse before it gets better.

The founders of the U.S. fled repressive societies or were children or grandchildren of those who did. They had to personally reckon with criminalized speech, arbitrary arrests and state sanctioned torture and even murder. The men who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that if they lost the war, they would be executed for treason.

The forefathers of the United States were radicals, fighting for liberty and personal freedoms. They had a vision of reality that was an absolute slap in the face of what the rest of the world tolerated. They were willing to sacrifice their lives to turn that vision into a reality.

Park discusses this in the featured video at the top of this article. How the story of our Founding Fathers — who cared enough about equality and human rights to sacrifice everything to achieve it — has been twisted.

It requires an illogical mindset to get our history so backwards. But each of us, individually, must also accept our share of the blame, for as Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”5

We must also realize that the current cancel culture trend is not about tossing a dusty past into the trash bin and highlighting more pleasant aspects of our history. Far from it. As noted by The Most Important News:6

A huge national debate about our most important national symbols has erupted, and it is rapidly becoming one of our hottest political issues. But what most people don’t realize is that this isn’t really a debate about our past. Rather, it is a debate about what our future is going to look like. Those that are demonizing the American flag, the national anthem, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are not doing so for the purpose of winning a historical debate. Their true goal is to ‘cancel’ those symbols and replace them with new ones, because our existing national symbols represent values and principles that are diametrically opposed to the values and principles that they wish to impose upon society.If they ultimately get their way, the United States will eventually become an extremely repressive high tech dystopian society where absolutely no dissent is tolerated.

Focus on Taking Action Locally

Get involved in your child’s school, and make sure that what is being taught is in line with your values which, hopefully, if you’re reading this, this includes personal freedom, which is what the United States was indeed founded upon. Remember, the American system of governance places the bulk of the power at the local level, not at the federal level.

Government is currently fighting to centralize power at the top, but they can only do that if we let them. In the United States, local action can eventually have national impact, and that is how we peacefully take our power back and ensure our freedom. We’ve had this power all along. We may have just forgotten how to use it.

Copyright 2021- rights reserved.

The Rise of Authoritarian Government–It’s Now or Never

While most Americans are enjoying the beautiful summertime and going about their lives as usual, it seems to most that all is fine with the world right now.  Oh, most understand that the “new normal” we’re all adjusting to is a little challenging sometimes, but most are also pretty insulated from the nefarious things taking place around the world. I dare say, most would rather not even think about these things. It’s just too depressing and if one would really take the time to study and understand, it would bring great anxiety and distress.

The world we live in is rapidly changing. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like frogs. The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream internet video sites are working overtime to maintain and drive the official New World Order Globalist agenda.

They’re scrubbing the truth from view as they censor reality and replace it with lies. And as we should all understand by now, a lie told often enough soon becomes “reality” in the minds of most consumers of false information.

Meanwhile, those who tell the truth are now in a more precarious position than ever before. If you dare tell the truth today, you’ll be immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and publicly ridiculed at the very least. If you’re in a position where your truth-telling will influence too many people, then by doing so, you’re literally putting your life on the line. Truth cannot be tolerated.

I think it would be appropriate here to read some Scripture from Isaiah 59.

Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear. But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have made Him hide His face from you so that He does not listen. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers, with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, and your tongues mutter injustice. No one makes claims justly; no one pleads honestly. They trust in empty and worthless words; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

Their works are sinful works, and violent acts are in their hands. Their feet run after evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are sinful thoughts; ruin and wretchedness are in their paths. They have not known the path of peace, and there is no justice in their ways. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks on them will know peace. Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We hope for light, but there is darkness; for brightness, but we live in the night. We grope along a wall like the blind; we grope like those without eyes. We stumble at noon as though it were twilight; we are like the dead among those who are healthy.

We hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us. For our transgressions have multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us. For our transgressions are with us, and we know our iniquities: transgression and deception against the Lord, turning away from following our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart. Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is missing…

This is where we’re at today, and it’s not just those we would view as “wicked” that are the wicked ones Isaiah’s referring to. No indeed. We need to look in the mirror as well. So many church-goers are content to continue to “play church” in the midst of a demonic takeover of this world.

They’re happy to continue to gather in their weekly social club meetings, pretending to worship the Lord, but I have to wonder if He even hears the prayers of those who choose to sit on the fence, bury their heads in the sand and never consider the fact that we’re living in a time of spiritual warfare like never before.

The devil is loose upon the earth and he’s having a field day — especially with our young people and children, but in many cases, he’s just as successful with the older ones and even the elderly. Very few of us have ever been taught anything about spiritual warfare. Oh, we know the verses about how we wrestle not against flesh and blood and how we’re supposed to put on the full armor of God… but that’s about as far as it goes with most of us. Most of us are very ill-equipped to actually go to war against our adversary, and have never put on a single piece of spiritual armor. No one’s ever taught us.

It saddens me that 60% of Americans — and that includes professing Christians It’s much more convenient to just sit and wait for the “rapture bus” to take us out of here. But what if the Lord doesn’t return for another fifty years? What sort of slavery are we leaving to our children and grandchildren?

Not to mention, if the Lord DOES return today and call us home, what will we have to say for ourselves when we stand before Him? Will He call us “good and faithful servants?” Or will He say, “I never knew you.” “You never showed up for the battle. You were AWOL in the spiritual war I called all of My followers to. You never carried your cross. You only pretended to follow Me from a safe distance.

Those of us who carry the name of Christ absolutely MUST be vigilant and alert right now. We must be studying to show ourselves approved, but we must also be doing. We need to be sounding the warning for all those deceived by the enemy.

Unfortunately, when people like myself and others do that, we’re looked upon as “conspiracy nuts” by our family and friends, and especially those who avoid sitting next to us in the church because we’re “one of those fanatics.” Why does this surprise us? And why do so many work so hard to avoid all semblance of controversy? Why are we so fearful of man for simply telling the truth? God’s Word tells us that our worst enemies will one day be those of our own households.

Our church friends, our work friends. People who know us. I’m afraid that day has come, folks and unbelievers alike — have already taken the COVID jabs, despite overwhelming evidence of the dangers of these things.

A Christian friend of mine was one of the first. She and her husband got theirs as soon as they could because they’re retired and they want to be allowed to freely travel. Others got their jabs so that they could receive “permission” to remove their masks. Nevermind this is clearly the biggest scam the world’s ever seen. Nevermind that the real science clearly shows this is all seriously evil.

Countless doctors, scientists, investigators and researchers around the world have provided absolute proof of the dangers of these injections. I will not call them “vaccines,” because these are experimental drugs and we’re the lab rats. These injections alter one’s DNA, something that can never be reversed.

Reputable doctors have warned that if you don’t die quickly or have immediate adverse health effects after receiving your jabs, it will only be a matter of months before you do. Many (and not just a few) doctors have warned that millions are at risk for death, as early as this fall, once the experimental chemicals have worked their way into every cell and tissue in their bodies.

Of course, the official narrative will be that millions are dying because of those who refused the shots, or because now there’s a “new” strain of the virus we must all panic over. Mind you, this whole thing, nearly two years into it now, has turned the world upside down and backwards, and when all is said and done, officially 99.97% of people survive COVID infection. It seems to me there’s more here than meets the eye, and a whole lot of lies are being foisted upon ignorant, compliant citizens.

We’ve all seen the hundreds of videos showing magnets sticking to the injection sites. Yet the internet “fact checkers” tell us what we see before our very eyes is not really real. Recently a friend who works as a private investigator noted that “bug detectors” — (those devices used to sweep a room or area for surveillance devices, devices that emit radiation, and are used to track, monitor and listen to private conversations) react strongly to the injection sites on the human body. Why would a “vaccine” cause that? What’s IN these injections that cause magnets to stick and radiation emissions?

And why are the Globalists so intent on injecting every single person on the planet with whatever poisons they’re pushing? Why is this so extremely important? Why do we have a 24/7 propaganda machine running at full speed, pushing these jabs as being vital?

Why has Biden and Company become so desperate now, that they’re sending the “medical brown-shirts” door-to-door to make sure everyone’s been injected? When has this ever happened before in history? And yes, it’s already started in multiple states, including Wisconsin, North Carolina and Georgia to name a few.

In some places, the “jabbers” will just show up at your door and convince you that everything you’ve heard, everything I’m saying right now is just taken out of context. Their job is to tell you outright lies, disguised as truth to get you to voluntarily comply. In other places, the door-to-door teams will show up unannounced and uninvited, fully equipped to give you the jab on the spot.

Things are getting very interesting. A lot of people on social media sites are big talkers — “just wait til they come to MY door,” they say, “they’ll wish they hadn’t, that’s for sure!” I have to wonder. These are the same people who voluntarily wore their masks for over a year so they could shop in stores that required them. Now they say they’ll draw the line at the jab. But when the medical “brown-shirts” show up at their doors, speak their smooth words and have their syringes ready — along with all the benefits of a “vaccination passport” as a reward for compliance, I wonder how many will stand their ground.

Currently, only 30% of people worldwide have refused the injections. As it becomes increasingly difficult to live normally without them, when airlines require them to travel, when stores require proof of your compliance to enter, when your employer requires proof for you to work, when you can no longer buy or sell or travel freely without the jab… I wonder just how many will bow the knee to this evil.  I wonder.

In the UK, France and other areas of Europe, citizens are rising up against increased pressure and tyranny. There are massive protests in other countries. But Canada is completely lost to Global communism now, and America is well on it’s way.

Are you aware there were three countries that initially refused the jabs?  All three of their leaders died suddenly and unexpectedly. The president of Tanzania refused the jab for his citizens and he died March 17th at the age of 61. The official cause of death was reported as a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  Likewise the president of Burundi died on June 9th, reportedly of a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  And on July 7th, the president of Haiti was shot dead at his home.

If you research this on the internet, you’ll find very compelling versions of these news stories, explaining how the very idea that these presidents were killed because they were “vaccine hesitant” for the sake of their citizens is complete conspiracy theory nonsense. But the fact remains; these three countries had previously refused the vax. Their presidents all died — and no one will ever know what really happened to them, with the exception of the president of Haiti, who was obviously shot to death — and now the new leaders of these countries are obediently “fast-tracking” the jabs for all their people.

Friends: 24/7 propaganda and ad campaigns; door-to-door medical authorities coercing citizens to comply; countless bribes and so-called “incentives” for compliance and increasing punishments for disobedience. Clearly something very fishy about the injections themselves, with untold numbers of people dying or suffering life-long injuries within minutes or days of taking the jabs.

Doctors warning of the dangers, and ending up jobless or dead for doing so. Presidents refusing to allow this in their countries, all suddenly dying. I don’t claim to understand all that’s involved here, but clearly it’s very, very important to the Globalists that everyone be jabbed and marked as quickly as possible.

They’re not playing around. And those who attempt to sound a warning, like the warning you’re hearing from me right now, end up censored, ridiculed and even mysteriously dead.  The devil is loose. The deception is thick. The pressure is on to comply. The Globalist “Great Reset” is coming like a tsunami and I have to wonder why all the jab advocates are also life-long world de-population advocates. I urge you all to do your own research. Don’t be afraid to share what you know with others.

Speak now, while you can. Because one day, perhaps soon, you’ll have to give an account to Christ for your actions in these days. Stay strong, bold and courageous. Speak and share the truth.  And note that Revelation warns that all cowards will have their part in the lake of fire. It’s now or never.

© 2021 Rob Pue News With Views All Rights Reserved


Is This Why Magufuli and Moise Had To be Murdered?

Magufuli warns against foreign Covid-19 vaccinations

Tanzanian President John Magufuli on Wednesday warned the Health ministry against rushing to embrace Covid-19 vaccinations that were being promoted by foreign nations.

Speaking during the launch of a public forest in Chato, Geita Region, President Magufuli said any decision to adopt Covid-19 vaccinations should not be taken lightly.

“You should stand firm. Vaccinations are dangerous. If the White man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids by now; he would have found a vaccination of tuberculosis by now; he would have found a vaccination for malaria by now; he would have found a vaccination for cancer by now.”

He said Tanzanians must be cautious of things that were being brought to them by foreign nations.

“Let’s not think that they love us very much. This country is rich. Africa is rich, and everyone is jealous of our vast wealth. We must be very careful,” President Magufuli said.

He directed the Health Ministry to only adopt vaccinations after they had been certified by Tanzania’s own experts, citing an example of a country (which he did not name) where girl children were vaccinated against what was purported to be cervical cancer, but ended up being infertile.

“In a certain country, its girl children – aged below 14 years – were vaccinated against what was said to be cervical cancer, but it later emerged that the vaccination was meant to make them infertile,” Dr Magufuli said.

“The Health ministry must know that not every vaccination is meaningful to our nation. Tanzanians must be mindful so that we are not used for trials of some doubtful vaccinations which can have serious repercussions on our health.”

President Magufuli reiterated that Tanzanians should continue putting trust in God while taking all the necessary health precautions.

“We have lived for over one year without the virus because our God is able and Satan will always fail. The Health ministry should be cautious, and avoid the temptation turn us into a country where vaccination trials are conducted freely,” he said.

He reiterated that he will never impose a lockdown, insisting that Tanzanians will always be free to conduct their daily undertakings, including farming, which, he said, was part of physical exercises that ultimately drive the virus away.

Dr Magufuli said he was aware that some Tanzanians had gone out of the country where they received coronavirus vaccinations, which, he added, had simply introduced a “dangerous virus” into their bodies.

The Assassination of Moise

Haitian President Jovenel Moise, 53, was shot dead by unidentified attackers in his private residence after midnight on Wednesday morning, according to the government. Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph said.

Haiti requested help to stabilize the country and secure critical infrastructure, including oil reserves, in the wake of the assassination of its president earlier this week. The US says it will not be sending troops into the Caribbean country. ABC also reported that Haiti is one of only a handful of countries in the world that has yet to distribute a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Reports claim that President Moise was tortured by mercenaries.

Authorities declared a “state of siege” and closed the airport. Police reported that 15 Colombians and the two Americans of Haitian origin who had resided in Florida were arrested. Three Colombians have been killed while eight others on the loose. American James Solages told investigators he had become involved after “finding the job on the internet” but had believed he was to work as an interpreter for the mostly foreign group, according to reports from Haitian media.

Alexandr Solzhenitsyn: Men Have Forgotten God

Men have forgotten God: The West has, in recent years, bestowed upon itself an immense weight of suffering from financial crisis, lack of ethics, health and a variety of political crisis. Traditional values, respect for the elderly, tradition, the family and faith has been scrapped from the public narrative.

Front and center is the atheist materialist world view that deems the physical dimension as the only true existence. With physical wealth as the only value, the rich fight to own it all with no regard for the afterlife.

Materialism is preached to the young at universities and schools as God is proclaimed dead and our culture left without answers for the big questions of of life, writes historian of comparative religions and author, Hanne Nabintu Herland.

In parallel, depression, the meaninglessness of life and spiritual depravation engulfs so many, with little cultural knowledge of how to grapple with inner demons. The knowledge about how we did this before, is lost.

Yet, it is still worth remembering that the current suffering might produce something genuine.

Just look to Russia where the poverty of atheist Communism almost killed the respect for its historical culture, yet from this very repression of human diversity came the massive Russian revival that currently sweeps the East. Of which we, by the way, hear so little in the Western media.

Forced upon the Russian people was the Marxist world view, at center of it a remarkably harsh attitude of hatred towards traditional religion. In the Soviet Union, people were not in any way free to believe as they pleased, but were forced to adhere to an atheist tyranny that denied them religious freedoms. The spoken goal was to eradicate religion and old traditions all together. They were also told that God is dead.

Christian Orthodoxy experienced a massive revival in the Eastern European countries and the Soviet Union precisely under the tyranny of atheism under the Communist decades.

Today over 70 % of the Russian population adhere to the Orthodox Christian faith, maybe the most underreported revival in our time.

Copyright 2021-Hanne Nabintu Herland The Herland Report-All rights reserved.

Totalitarian Madness is Now Upon us

What we face today, and what is coming in the near future is pure, unadulterated, totalitarian madness, and so long as the people of this country remain indifferent to this tyranny, it will worsen and escalate every single day until nothing of value remains.

We are now on the verge of becoming a police state the likes of which have never before been seen or imagined by any American. ‘Secret police’ operating as agents for the state will be commissioned to quell any discontent, any disobedience, and any non-compliance as described by the political class in power.

It cannot be stressed enough that the end of America is just around the corner. The controlling scum in power seeks the end of this economy, the end of all freedom, the end of joy, the end of travel, the end of independent thought, the end of any realistic intellect, and the end of sanity.

This is where we are headed, and only the masses that are in most respects to blame for this takeover, can stop it. That does not bode well for those of us willing to fight for our freedom, as we are now in the extreme minority.

The risk to the actual freedom fighters is absolute, but without those willing to risk all for their freedom, little hope of a return to liberty is possible. All of us that will actively dissent, disobey all state orders, and call out the criminal government, are now targets of this heinous governing system, and every tactic necessary to eliminate resistance will be used against us.

This is already beginning, as Biden declares “war” on domestic “terrorism.” Ex-CIA Director, John Brennan, said “Biden’s intel community are moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about the pro-Trump insurgency that harbors religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.”

All of these are according to Brennan, insurgents, and he and the so-called “intelligence community” seem to be salivating at the prospect of war against the American people. This is a dire threat to anyone that disagrees with or stands against the state.

Criminalizing opposition to the political class is so insanely dangerous to the people that it can only be described as a policy contrived by psychopathic and evil dictatorial monsters as a way to gain total control over society through force.

Domestic Terrorism

This is not an exaggeration; as what is called “domestic terrorism” is being openly discussed, and new legislation is not only being considered, but is already being implemented in some states.

Biden and some members of Congress are calling for new domestic terrorism legislation that would vastly expand the powers of the police state. This is atrocious, as it will of course be misused to stifle all forms of dissent, while labeling any that disagree with government as terrorists.

This could, of course, lead to a complete censorship of all protest activity, as well as most all speech. The ramifications of such draconian policies are beyond reason, and could literally destroy our ability to peacefully fight back against extreme tyranny.

The danger of this could easily lead to more violence by not only the justified victims of state tyranny, but also massive violent abuse of the citizenry by government enforcement goons in the police and military. Lunacy does not begin to describe the treacherous nature of such authoritarian measures.

Stasi State

We are now on the verge of becoming a police state the likes of which have never before been seen or imagined by any American. ‘Secret police’ operating as agents for the state will be commissioned to quell any discontent, any disobedience, and any non-compliance as described by the political class in power.

The people themselves will be expected to monitor their friends, family, and neighbors, and report what will be labeled as any seditious behavior. This reality is nearly upon us. Attempts to control all thought and action are desired, so we will be told to carry state approved identification papers, we will be told when and where we may go, and we will be told what we are allowed to say or write.

Additional severe mandates will be forthcoming, and more fines, force, and incarceration will be threatened and will be implemented as deemed necessary by the controlling few. As scary as it sounds, this country could easily look more like Hitler’s Germany or Stalin’s Russia in the near future than the United States of old. This is not some wild or fantastic ‘conspiracy theory;’ just look around at all the signs in front of you.

Most of you are already masked; many of you have been forced to abandon your businesses and jobs, you have been told to desert your loved ones, and many have been driven into poverty. Now you will be told you may not travel or get the necessities of life unless you obey orders to get injected with a poisonous, gene-altering, and deadly concoction mislabeled as a vaccine. Once injected, you will have an operating system inside your body that can allow outside control over you.

The evil Fauci is even saying now that this bogus ‘vaccine’ may become mandatory. Most are already complying with every order given; orders that are restrictive, extremely harmful, and life-changing, so how much additional effort by this heinous government is necessary in order to turn this population into slaves of a fascist and communistic oligarchy?

Who is willing to resist instead of act like sheep?

How many will gain the courage to say no? How many will take the required risk that is essential in order to reclaim freedom? How many of you will stand up to those attempting to control you? How many will wait until there is absolutely nothing left before you question this corruption? How many of you will continue to do as you are told, regardless of the consequences to yourself, your families, and your friends?

We are living a nightmare. The only escape from this horror is to wake up. If the many continue to sleep and continue to practice mass obedience, those of us willing to fight back will be targeted by this horrific state.

If the people willing to stand up against this tyranny are silenced, incarcerated, or exterminated, all hope will be lost, and this American society will no longer exist in its present form. (Collaborators will then be eliminated).

But if large numbers refuse to comply, refuse to take orders, and refuse to allow this totalitarian takeover, then we all win.

Division will destroy us, but solidarity will defeat the enemy that is the state. It is time to put great fear in the hearts and minds of any ruler, politician, or enforcer that would attempt to control or enslave us!

Copyright 2021-


End Times Prophecy – How Close Are We?

Luke 21, Mark 13 and Matthew 24 all relay Jesus’ lecture to his disciples on the subject of His return and end-times rule of the world from Jerusalem. Each writer employs unique terminology, but all agree on the Master’s ultimate message. Matthew offers the most detailed of the three renditions:

Matthew 24: 3-14 (Summarized): As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples asked “… what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?”

4 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many. 6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars… Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of birth pains.

9 “Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death… hated by all nations because of me. 10 … many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold… 14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Each of the renditions by the three apostles agree on seven specific events, postulates, and outcomes for which we should be aware.


  1. Wars and Rumors of War
  2. Earthquakes in Numerous Places
  3. Famine
  4. Pestilence
  5. Hatred
  6. Pretenders/False Prophets
  7. Gospel Preached to Whole World

A study of each category in our present era is very revealing. We no longer need ask: “Where are we today in fulfillment of the end-time prophecies of Jesus?”

  1. Wars and Rumors of War

Each of the following 20 nations experienced from significant war dead in the past year. Yemen, Ukraine, Turkey, Thailand, Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Libya, Iran, Israel/Palestine, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt, Congo, Columbia, Central African Republic, Cameroon, Afghanistan.

Other conflicts also aflame in 2020: namely Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Uganda, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Chad. In the Middle East we are also seeing armed combat in Yemen and Oman.

In total, in the past decade, we have also seen some 45 separate and deadly “religious” conflicts. Led notably by Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Myanmar, some 35 countries are experiencing significant masses of people killed.

Year 2016 was one of the most violent years since the end of the Cold War. While violence levels decreased slightly from another high in 2017, non-state conflicts and internationalized intrastate conflicts continue to frustrate all attempts at global peace.

The gruesome total for armed conflicts resulting in significant numbers of deaths inflamed some 75 nations in the past decade. Other outbreaks are simmering in another 10 regions/countries yet lacking enough deaths to tip the statistical scales.

Enough said on wars: Jesus’ prophecies on the topic are occurring today in great number!

Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy

  1. Earthquakes in numerous places.

The statistics are staggering. The National Earthquake Information Center records an average of 20,000 earthquakes every year (about 50 a day). There are, however, millions of earthquakes occurring every year too weak to be recorded.

Unquestionably, the earth is seeing a ton of earthquake activity, and some environmental activist ‘scientists’ are predicting an increase in both frequency and intensity because of global warming for the near future.

Whatever the claims/statistics, we can safely and surely say this particular prophecy of Jesus is with us today in full force.

Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy

  1. Famine.

After nearly a decade of progress, the number of people suffering from hunger has slowly increased over the past three years, with about one in every nine people globally suffering from hunger today, according to a United Nations report released in late 2019.  An estimated 820 million people do not have enough to eat, up from 811 million last year – third year in a row that the number has increased.

This gruesome statistic somewhat softens the hard fact that children suffer the most from this world-class malady simply because they are most vulnerable to the depredations of those older and larger than themselves. We see no need to dwell further on this very unhappy, obvious topic.

Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy

  1. Pestilence

Ironically, this writer had already formed the basic outline for this prophecy report before the current ‘Corona Flu’ epic made headlines in world newspapers. We probably don’t need to cover the topic further, but a few of the statistics we unearthed are interesting. So… here goes!

A pandemic is an outbreak of global proportions. It happens when a bacterium or mutated virus becomes capable of spreading rapidly. It causes serious illness and can spread easily from one person to the next. The Spanish flu pandemic, from 1918 to 1920, is estimated to have claimed betwen 50-100 million lives. It is considered the worst in history. The Black Death claimed the lives of over 75 million people in the 14th Century.

Other outbreaks of significant import include:


Death Toll: 34 million


Death Toll: 1 million

ASIAN FLU (1956-1958)

Death Toll: 2 million

So, we see that pestilence can kill millions with very little warning. And such diseases as HIV, Ebola, dengue, malaria and so forth are also killing their millions even at this moment.

In totality, we can securely state that this prophecy of Jesus is being fulfilled even as we read these words. Simply watch the Five O-Clock News tonight.

Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy

  1. Hatred

The bells are tolling on this one. Unfortunately, this human trait is a two-way street in many instances. Jesus makes it clear that we are to hate the sin, not the sinner. I know too many Christians filled with hatred for people outside the mainstream Christian categories of desired behavioral valuation. In this regard, we will experience some hatred that we or others have brought upon ourselves.

But, I believe Jesus was referring only to the fact we are hated for the same reasons he was hated. God’s standards of intellectual morality and behavioral practices are absolute. The unsaved world prefers that these issues be addressed as situational.

Murder, for example, is generally unacceptable, but killing babies in the womb is okay. The Bible says drug addiction and witchcraft are unacceptable. Sexually deviant lifestyles are also frowned on, but most people now consider such trends to be normal and highly acceptable behavior.

How many pastors are hesitant to even push the concept of Hell and eternal punishment? It’s illegal hate speech in some circumstances according to Canadian and certain U.S. laws. Bottom line, our Bible-based positions on these and other belief paradigms are becoming so severely offensive in the minds of the majority that Jesus says they will justify killing us in droves.

We’re quickly reaching the point where the entire world mimics Sodom and Gomorrah (the practice of sodomy deriving its name from that latter city… the wickedness to which Jesus referred in Matt. 24:13). Indeed, we are now at that point!

Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy

  1. Pretenders/False Prophets

Few people fathom the enormous presence of false beliefs and metaphysical practices embedding our ‘modern’ world. Watchman Fellowship built a reference index listing over 1,200 distinct religious organizations and belief systems, not counting the major world religions (including Christianity).

Upon reading short statements defining a mere handful of these indexed belief systems, my head swirled. It was as though I had crashed into a condensed pool of swarming Hollywood-style cartoon mythologies… each crazier than the one before. Take a look for yourself and test my reaction.

In the book, Loving God’s Way!, Gary De Lashmutt and co-author Dennis McCallum list over 40 distinct cults and sects within Christianity itself. Given the prevalence and near-endless range of belief systems swirling about the world… what are young seekers to believe?. For many, it must seem a hopeless riddle… leaving them with sensualism and pursuit of personal purpose (humanism?) as the ‘natural’ response… simply living life as a feel-good matter of ‘anything goes.’

Could Christ’s warning of false belief systems get any more profound and imbedded than what we have today?

Conclusion: Fulfilled Prophecy

  1. Gospel Preached to Whole World

“And the end will come.” Christian television networks have played a major part in helping to ensure that the entire world is being reached with Christianity’s message via radio (including short wave), television towers, satellites and mobile recording and playing devices. The last decade has seen a rapid growth of Christian broadcast networks well beyond just the United States.

Most recently, the internet communications phenomenon has completed the paradigm of realized personal contact. It is impossible to imagine any further communications systems/devices/applications than those existing today in terms of reaching every last human being

We have more missionaries from more countries than at any time in prior human history daily using all of these informational tools.

What more is left to do in terms of carrying the Word to a waiting world? True, pockets of people, such as the Tarahumara (Raramuri) of the Sierra Madres, Mexico, have not yet heard the gospel. But, in all such cases, these groups have been identified and efforts are underway to bring them into Truth.

Jesus did not say everyone will be reached. He said The Gospel would be a testimony to all nations. If there are nations that legally reject the gospel (Muslim, Eastern Mysticism, etc.) and fail to expose their populace to the Christian belief system, that is on them, not on Jesus.

God has been quoted as saying it is not His will that any should perish. That is far different than saying none will perish. A hard truth.

Conclusion: Soon Fulfilled Prophecy

I see the minute hand ticking very near the High Noon deadline on God’s Pre-Ordained Clock of World Forebearance Time. Do we have but seconds remaining?  Considering all of the above… what say you?

Copyright 2020 Prophecy News Watch-All rights reserved.

Spiritual Warfare and End-Time Prophecy Collide

I must say that right now as I study the Bible and watch world events unfold–particularly as related to Israel, the United States, and the out-in-the-open plans of the elite globalists–I sense that we are absolutely NOT going to return to anything close to “normal.”

And I don’t think our country will be saved by a new election in 2 and/or 4 years.

The ONLY thing that can possibly save our country would be a large-scale national revival. As much as I long for that–I don’t see it in Scripture. I do, however see a great falling away in the end-times. I do see a weakening of America (no country will come to Israel’s aid militarily in the future war of Ezekiel 38).

I think we (the Church) need to wake up from our slumber and realize the night is nearly over. We don’t know the day or the hour–or the year. But, we can “see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:25)” and all indicators that this world is currently in the final phases of Romans 1, 2 Timothy 3, and 2 Peter 3, etc.

The gloves are off. The spiritual warfare is palpable. The low-level persecution of true Christians has begun and will intensify. The falling away is accelerating. Deception and great delusion are oozing their way through every open crack. The tidal wave of evil builds just beyond the event horizon. The rapture of the Church will remove the 2 Thessalonians 2 restrainer. Until then the salt still delays the decay–at least as much as it is still salty.

Those of us who have been watching and studying have seen this coming, but to many it has snuck up on them. Here’s an excerpt from my book, The Non-Prophet’s Guide to Spiritual Warfare. It highlights this collision of spiritual warfare and eschatology.

Time Flies

When my wife and I first learned we were going to have a child, I decided to start a journal that would commemorate our child’s birth, then record stories and milestones in a birthday entry each year. My goal was to complete an entry each year until he turned 18.

The journal would have 20 entries total: 1 initial entry, 1 entry for his spiritual birth whenever he accepted Christ (we prayed), then one for each birthday. Once all 20 entries were completed, I planned to give it to him as a graduation gift.

Well I followed through on that plan, and I’m doing the same with my other two children as well. It seems like just a few years ago that I wrote the first entry in the first journal, but before I knew it 18+ years had passed–seemingly in the blink of an eye.

Early on, it seemed that it would be eons before I would present this journal gift to my son. Before I knew it, that moment snuck up on me like a pick-pocket on a crowded city street. In fact, the older I get, the faster time seems to go!

In Scripture, we learn a lot about spiritual warfare as we study the roughly 7000 verses of fulfilled Bible prophecy. We can read and study a few thousand more verses about future prophecy. The 100% accuracy rate of detailed prophecies which were literally fulfilled assure us that the remaining prophecies will also be fulfilled literally.

Here’s the first kicker–end-time Bible prophecy is directly connected to spiritual warfare. More scripture is dedicated to the future 7-year tribulation period than any other time period of history. Think about that for a moment. This period is known as The Day of the Lord, Daniel’s 70th Week, The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, tribulation, the time of travail, and a few other terms.

This intense future period is the culmination of thousands of years of spiritual warfare. It will be a period of time when the seen and unseen realms collide like never before. The battle lines are drawn, and the roots of spiritual warfare will culminate in a final crescendo of final-day events.

Here’s the second kicker–all of the sign indicators described in Scripture point to the fact that we are very close to this prophesied period. Many Bible prophecy experts agree that you and I are living in the closing moments of the church age. In my book The Non-Prophet’s Guide to the End-Times, I spent 7 full chapters detailing the Biblical veracity and current reality of end-time signs unfolding in our day.

Beginning with the super-sign of Israel’s rebirth as a nation (a prerequisite for all other end-time events), and ending with the convergence of specific end-time signs and conditions taking place right now–we can be quite confident that we are living in the season of the Lord’s return and the soon fulfillment of key end-time Bible prophecies.

Prophecies which believers have studied for almost 2000 years have snuck up on us, but many are not aware of this reality. The church at large is asleep to the fact that the paranormal is about to become the new normal. Covert spiritual battle tactics will soon give way to overt spiritual warfare unlike anything the world has ever seen. Are you ready? It’s time to polish our armor and suit up. Things are about to change. In fact, they already are!

Little did I know when I began writing that book in 2019 that the Lord would have it’s release date timed perfectly with the unprecedented events of 2020, when spiritual warfare–with all of it’s lawlessness, deception, and violence would impact our physical world from the battles taking place in the unseen realm.

But here we are. Observing the very clear stage-setting for the future tribulation period from a front row seat. The global puppet masters plan a “Great Reset.” The Ezekiel 38 players dig their heels in. America’s Judeo-Christian roots are being doused with toxic plant killers. Wrong is right and right is wrong. Everything is being twisted by systems of deception.

Now, let’s pivot to something positive. You and I were called to this time. God sovereignly placed us here (read Psalm 139). He loves us. Generations of believers have longed to see what we see. We must rise to the occasion. We literally have nothing to fear (read Psalm 37, Matthew 6, and Romans 8). Even as we watch our beloved country begin its slow implosion, we must remind ourselves that this is not our home. We are citizens of another country.

We can also take comfort in the fact that the most likely candidate that will collapse our beloved country (and with it, the world economy) is the rapture of the Church! Therefore, let’s take the time we would have spent worrying and fretting and use it to share the Gospel like never before!

While the great global revival many long for will come AFTER the rapture and during the tribulation period–it will be during the most difficult time earth has ever seen–and that is an understatement. Let’s reach as many as possible today while we have time. Let’s not waste time rearranging the furniture on the Titanic.

As we see the spiritual warfare become more intense, let’s focus on rejecting fear and filling up the lifeboats so people will be secure now and for eternity!

The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light (Romans 13:11-12).

Copyright 2021-Prophecy News Watch- All rights reserved.


Covid-19 and the Vaccines

A means to an end?

If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12)

Since early 2020, our world and the lives of those of us who inhabit it have changed in ways that two years ago would have been totally inconceivable.

A “window of opportunity”?

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring a Pandemic Emergency of International Concern and our populations gripped by a state of extreme fear1, the opportunity was seized upon by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2020 to publicly announce the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

According to WEF Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, the Covid ‘pandemic’ was and is a “rare but narrow window of opportunity” to introduce the all-encompassing agenda aimed at comprehensively reconfiguring the world in which we live and operate.

Questionable practices

In spite of over 50,000 medical experts arguing otherwise for ‘Focused Protection’2, over the last 18 months we have experienced restrictions and controls on daily life and social interaction which would normally be unthinkable and totally unacceptable in a free-functioning democratic society.

As a response to Covid-19 and the WHO pronouncement, politicians used emergency measures to introduce a lockdown; and dishonestly touted the experimental and insufficiently tested vaccines as the only remedy3. These vaccines – which some describe as experimental gene therapies – have now been shown to result in very serious health issues and multiple deaths in some cases, and not enough questions have been asked with regards to the risk. Yet this programme continues relentlessly with contingency plans drawn up to vaccinate our children in order to “protect their parents”; and carrying the disgraced Matt Hancock’s coercive “Don’t kill granny appeal to the youngest of vulnerable minds.

As a harbinger of the type of draconian measures that may yet be heading our way, we now have politicians in Spain reportedly planning to requisition private property and assets, and the conscription of citizens to provide their services. Totalitarianism is most certainly in the here and now.

Satan’s agenda

Meanwhile, within the Christian church, the matter of whether this global crisis is in God’s express or permissive will is an interesting one. Indeed, many countries – the UK not least – are fully deserving of God’s judgement; and plagues have been and continue to be used in this fashion to discipline his people in a redemptive-minded fashion (2 Chron 7:13).

But in the all-encompassing sense, the vital theological issue is not who is doing what . What we can indeed clearly know from God’s word is that satan ultimately wants to bring the world into total submission, dependency and servitude; and this dynamic is clearly manifest as the WEF game plan unfolds. The devilish inducement to ‘be as gods’ (Gen 3:5) – exercising absolute control – has never died. The title of Professor Yuval Harari’s book sums up this ambition: ‘Homo Deus’ (or ‘god man’).4

In the last days, many will, voluntarily or under coercion, worship the Beast (Rev 13:7-10), receiving a mark which allows them to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17), allowing total control over the world population. The lockdowns and ‘vaccine-passports’ are but a shadow and a pre-cursor to what could arise. To achieve these things, WEC Chairman Klaus Schwab and the complicit cabal of NGOs, technological giants, billionaires and other globalist ideologues – all with the mainstream media in tow – are moving rapidly ahead with their long-in-the-making programmes to achieve their demonically-inspired aims.

Medical science is now capable of manipulating the human genome; altering the very thing that makes us what we are – which is truly made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26) The level of control which limits certain activities to the vaccinated could so easily be extended. It is conceivable that each individual could be uniquely identified, closely monitored and ultimately ‘controlled’ by Artificial Intelligence, which has already begun in China.

If this sounds far-fetched then it is sufficient to refer to Schwab and his ‘Build Back Better mantra of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind”.

So once we are hooked up digitally to the brave new world of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, digital currencies and genetic engineering, the potential for a circle of vice-like control will be complete. This is the global governance which big financial, pharmaceutical and technological corporations seem to be leading us towards.

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization’s (GAVI) ‘Trust Stamp development is currently underway in Africa and “marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform”. Meanwhile the Revelation to John tells us this is exactly what we should expect to see (Rev. 13:16-17).

End-of-age questions

But aside from all of this there is a huge problem for and in the Christian world: it is one of almost total silence. With the exception of very few brave voices, church leaders seem to be in a state of woeful unawareness or willful denial. There is either a failure to understand or an irresponsible ignoring of what is going on in our world with respect to what the Word of God clearly outlines as we approach the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So with a pressing need to ‘join up the dots’, the shofar is tragically silent.

World events are now moving at warp speed. If there was ever a time to fulfil the role of the sons of Issachar who “understood the times and knew what Israel should do” it is now. “Watchman, what of the night? The Watchman said: ‘Morning comes but also the night’” (Is. 21:11-12).

But there is good news in all of this. Many Christian believers are having to learn how to live their faith without depending on the institutional structures which have developed over the centuries, and they are returning to early-New Testament fellowship models.

Meanwhile in our fallen world, many of the unsaved are asking serious questions about what the Bible teaches; intuitively recognising that which swathes of the church are apparently failing to see. Those outside of the churches who might previously have thought little on these things are asking ‘end of the age’ questions. They need to hear of God’s offer and means of salvation; be helped to understand the true nature of the events of our age; and what the Bible teaches about the times preceding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the one who was and is and is to come. He is the true route to God for those who will turn to him in repentance and faith. The apostle Luke wrote: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). The remaining time for this troubled world could be shorter than we think.


1. The minutes of the SPI-B meeting on 22 March 2020 stated:The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased … using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”
2. The Great Barrington Declaration declared that the optimum response to the Covid-19 virus was to protect the vulnerable and allow herd immunity to develop in the wider population in a free-function environment. Currently this has been signed by over 57,000 medical experts and nearly 800,000 concerned citizens.
3. The highly-respected ‘Lancet’ medical journal admitted to publishing false information.
4. Harari Y. H.; 2016; Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow; English Edition; Harvill Secker 2016 ISBN 978-191-070-187-4

Copyright 2021- Prophecy Today UK All rights reserved.

Marxist America, the New Soviet Union

Marxism is now filling the void of religion in America, with its fervent belief in man as the “new god.” A 2019 Pew Research Center survey found that Christianity is rapidly evaporating in the United States, only 65% of Americans now describing themselves as Christian.

This is a shockingly rapid decline, considering that the number was well over 90% believers in God just a few years ago.

As Marxist atheism is now preached as a new gospel – with its hatred toward traditional values – the mainstream media, schools, universities and popular groups such as Black Lives Matter set the tone for a new phenomenon: Marxist America, the new Soviet Union.

As Dmitry Orlov recently stated: The United States is walking along the path of the Soviet Union. Orlov first made the point 16 years ago, upon returning to the United States after watching the collapse of the atheist, Communist USSR: “There are ominous rumblings on the horizon (for the U.S.). The collapse of the United States seems about as unlikely now as the collapse of the Soviet Union seemed in 1985.”

He then adds: “Since then, I have focused on what I saw as the main causes of collapse in both the Soviet and in the American case: exorbitant debt, problems in the energy sector and unreformable political systems mired in corruption, their elites delusional in their feelings of omnipotence.”

The Soviet Union was Russia leaving its traditional, historical Orthodox values and implementing modern state atheism in a Communist-Marxist system. Controlled by a small, ruthless elite who came to power through a bloody coup d’etat, traditional values were brutally scrapped. A particularly interesting trait is that “the people” were hailed in speeches, but in reality their role was to strictly obey the totalitarian Communist rulers. With remarkably little personal freedom, free speech was non-existent. Whoever protested, lost their jobs, their standing in society, were sent to the Gulag concentration camps or killed.

The Russian writer, philosopher and Nobel laureate Alexandr Solzhenitsyn described the Soviet experience this way: “Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

Yet, still – remarkably enough – just a few years after the Communist Soviet total collapse, America still chooses to walk down the same path. Even when knowing where the totalitarian Soviet experience ended, the Big Tech billionaires with friends who steer the wheel still push for Sovietism. It is completely baffling and strengthens Solzhenitsyn’s description of what happens when darkness clouds the mind of rulers.

This religion-hating ideology aims at creating a utopian world where God is dead and mankind rules itself without any interference from spiritual powers. Man becomes god in Marxism. The ideal is that “the Marxist class” will install an atheist utopia.

The philosopher Paul Tillich defined religion as “that which is man’s true concern.” Whatever is most important to man becomes his religion, his passion – his everything. In the “Large Catechism,” Martin Luther summed it up by stating that whatever your heart clings to and confides in, is really your God, the foundation upon which you rest your life.

Marxism is definitively the new religion in America, hailed as the solution to the problems of society, its leaders enforcing totalitarian mind control.

Copyright 2021-The Herland Report