Archbishop Vigano’s Message For the American People

DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects.

We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.

Last year, when many still had not yet understood the gravity of the looming threat, I was among the first to denounce this coup, and I was promptly singled out as a conspiracy theorist. Today more and more people are opening their eyes and beginning to understand that the emergency pandemic and the“ecological emergency” are part of a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are ideologically characterized as clearly anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian….”

One of the elements that unequivocally confirms the criminal nature of the Great Reset is the perfect synchrony with which all the different Nations are acting, demonstrating the existence of a single script under a single direction. And it is disconcerting to see how the lack of treatment, the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths, the decision to impose lockdowns and masks, the conspiratorial silence about the adverse effects of the so-called “vaccines” that are in fact gene serums, and the continuous repetition of culpable errors have all been possible thanks to the complicity of those who govern and the institutions. Political and religious leaders, representatives of the people, scientists and doctors, journalists, and those who work in the media have literally betrayed their people, their laws, their Constitutions, and the most basic ethical principles.

The electoral fraud of the 2020 presidential election against President Trump has shown itself to be organic to this global operation because in order to impose illegitimate restrictions in violation of the principles of law it was necessary to be able to make use of an American President who would support the psycho-pandemic and support its narrative.

The Democratic Party, part of the deep state, is carrying out its task as an accomplice of the system, just as the deep church finds in Bergoglio its own propagandist. The recent rulings of the Supreme Court and the autonomous action of some American states — where the vaccination obligation has been declared unconstitutional — give us hope that this criminal plan can collapse and that those responsible will be identified and tried: both in America as well as in the whole world.

How was it possible to arrive at such a betrayal? How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us, not in support of the common good, but rather to feed a hellish machine of death and slavery?

The answer is now clear: throughout the world, in the name of a perverted concept of freedom, we have progressively erased God from society and laws. We have denied that there is an eternal and transcendent principle, valid for all men of all times, to which the laws of States must conform. We have replaced this absolute principle with the arbitrariness of individuals, with the principle that everyone is his own legislator. In the name of this insane freedom — which is license and libertinage — we have allowed the Law of God and the law of nature to be violated, legitimizing the killing of children in the womb, even up to the very moment of birth; the killing of the sick and the elderly in hospital wards; the destruction of the natural family and of Marriage; we have recognized rights to vice and sin, putting the deviations of individuals before the good of society.

In short, we have subverted the entire moral order that constitutes the indispensable basis of the laws and social life of a people. Already in the fourth century B.C., Plato wrote these things in his last work the Laws and identified the cause of the Athenian political crisis precisely in the breaking of the divine order — the cosmos — between these eternal principles and human laws.

These natural moral principles of the Greco-Roman world found their fulfilment in Christianity, which built Western civilization by giving them a supernatural impetus. Christianity is the strongest defence against injustice, the strongest garrison against the oppression of the powerful over the weak, the violent over the peaceful, and the wicked over the good, because Christian morality makes each of us accountable to God and our neighbor for our actions, both as citizens and as rulers.

The Son of God, whose Birth we will celebrate in a few days, became Incarnate in time and in history in order to heal an ancient wound and to restore by Grace the order broken by disobedience. His social Kingship was the generating principle of the ordo Christianus that for two centuries now has been fiercely fought against by Freemasonry: because the Revolution it promotes is chaos; it is disorder; it is infernal rebellion against the divine order so as to impose Satan’s tyranny.

Now, as we see what is happening around us, we understand how mendacious were the promises of progress and freedom made by those who destroyed Christian society, and how deceptive was the prospect of a new Tower of Babel, built not only without regard for God but even in direct opposition to Him. The infernal challenge of the Enemy is repeated over the centuries unchanged, but it is doomed to inexorable failure. Behind this millennial conspiracy, the adversary is always the same, and the only thing that changes are the particular individuals who cooperate with him.

Dear American brothers and sisters! Dear Patriots! this is a crucial moment for the future of the United States of America and of the whole of humanity. But the pandemic emergency, the farce of global warming and the green economy, and the economic crisis deliberately induced by the Great Reset with the complicity of the deep state are all only the consequence of a much more serious problem, and it is essential to understand it in depth if we want to defeat it. This problem is essentially moral; indeed, it is religious. We must put God back in the first place not only in our personal lives, but also in the life of our society.

We must restore to Our Lord Jesus Christ the Crown that the Revolution has torn from Him, and in order for this to happen a true and profound conversion of individuals and of society is necessary. For it is absolutely impossible to hope for the end of this global tyranny if we continue to remove from the Kingdom of Christ the nations that belong to Him and must belong to Him. For this reason, the movement to overturn Roe v. Wade also acquires a very important meaning, since respect for the sacredness of unborn life must be sanctioned by positive law if it is to be a mirror of the Eternal Law.

You are animated by a yearning for justice, and this is a legitimate and good desire. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” says the Lord (Mt 5:6). But this Justice must be based on the awareness that this is a spiritual battle in which it is necessary to take sides without equivocation and without compromise, holding transcendent and eternal references that even the pagan philosophers glimpsed, and that have found fulfillment in the Revelation of the Son of God, the Divine Master.

My appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance — which I renew today — aims precisely to constitute a movement of moral and spiritual rebirth which will inspire the civil, social, and political action of those who do not want to be enslaved as slaves to the New World Order. A movement that at the national and local level will be able to find a way to oppose the Great Reset and that coordinates the denunciation of the coup that is currently in progress. Because in the awareness of who our adversary is and what his aims and purposes are, we can disrupt the criminal action he intends to pursue and force him to retreat. In this, the opposition to the pandemic farce and the vaccination obligation must be determined and courageous on the part of each of you.

Yours must therefore be a work of truth, bringing to light the lies and deceptions of the New World Order and their anti-human and anti christic matrix. And in this, it is mainly the laity and all people of goodwill — each in the professional and civil role he holds — who must coordinate and organize together to make a firm but peaceful resistance, so as not to legitimize its violent repression by those who today hold power.

Be proud of your identity as American patriots and of the Faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values, because you respect the elderly, because you protect life from conception to its natural end. Do not be intimidated or seduced by those who propagate a dystopian world in which a faceless power imposes on your contempt for the Law of God, presents sin and vice as licit and desirable despises righteousness and Morality, destroys the natural family, and promotes the worst perversions, plans the death of defenseless and weak creatures, and exploits humanity for its own profit or to preserve power.

Be worthy heirs of the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and do not follow those of your Pastors who have betrayed the mandate they have received from Our Lord, who impose iniquitous orders on you or who remain silent before the evidence of an unheard-of crime against God and humanity.

May this Holy Christmas illuminate your minds and inflame your hearts before the Infant King who lays in the manger. And just as the choirs of the Angels and the homage of the Magi united with the simple adoration of the Shepherds, so also today your commitment to the moral rebirth of the United States of America –one Nation under God — will have the blessing of Our Lord and will gather those who govern you around you. Amen.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,18 December 2021


The Lord is Separating the Wheat and The Chaff

Pastor Martin Niemoller (pictured left) was one of the members of what had become the Confessing Church during the Nazi German deception. He had been a U-boat captain during World War I and was awarded the Iron Cross for his bravery.

He had initially welcomed the coming to power of the Nazis in 1933, hailing them as the heroes who would restore the dignity of Germany, get rid of the communists, and restore moral order.

Niemoller thought that the Nazi victory would bring about a “national revival” for which he himself had fought and prayed for a long time. But this didn’t happen and before long he found out that he too had been deceived. Niemoller met Bonhoeffer and both began to play an important role in the church struggle against the Nazi regime.

When Hitler heard that there might be a church division because some pastors objected to his agenda, he summoned German church leaders to his office to rebuke them for inadequately supporting his programs. Hitler began by reproaching his guests, with a long vehement denunciation about how he was misunderstood. He told them he wanted Peace between Church and State and they were obstructing him and sabotaging his efforts to achieve it.

When the time came for those who were in the meeting to respond, Pastor Niemoller explained that he was concerned only for the welfare of the church and of the German people. Hitler responded angrily by saying “You confine yourself to the Church. I’ll take care of the German people.” Niemoller replied, “

You said that ‘I will take care of the German people.’ But we too, as Christians and churchmen, have a responsibility toward the German people. That responsibility was entrusted to us by God, and neither you nor anyone in this world has the power to take it from us

During the months and years following, he was closely watched by secret police. On June 27, 1937, Niemoller preached his last sermon in the Third Reich knowing that he was about to be arrested:

We have no more thought of using our own powers to escape the arm of authorities than had the Apostles of old. No more are we ready to keep silent at man’s behest when God commands us to speak. For it is, and must remain, the case that we must obey God rather than man.”He further said “Christianity in Germany bears a greater responsibility before God than the National Socialist, the SS, and the Gestapo.

He was soon arrested and placed in solitary confinement.  The interrogation from police was easier for Niemoller to bear than some of the criticism he received from his colleagues for his words to Hitler. Clearly, the majority of the pastors had adopted an attitude of safety first.

More than two thousand pastors who had stood with Niemoller and Bonheoffer withdrew their support. They believed that making concessions with the Fuhrer would be the best strategy; they thought that if they remained silent they could live with Hitler’s intrusion into church affairs and his political policies. As the Lord Jesus says “For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it. (Mark 8:35)

In his classic book, Dr Erwin Lutzer says ‘the majority of the people, including the professing Christians, no longer believed that Christianity was worth suffering for, much less dying for. They were willing to substitute Mein Kampf for the Bible in exchange for jobs and the greater glory of Germany’.

Yet those who saved their lives lost them, and those who lost their lives saved them. What might have happened if all the church had condemned Nazism with one unified voice? In a sermon in 1945, Niemoller gave what could be the kind of epilogue on the German church struggle. He said:

There were in 1933 and in the following years here in Germany 14,000 Evangelical pastors and nearly as many parishes… if at the beginning of the Jewish persecutions we had seen that it was the Lord Jesus Christ who was being persecuted, struck down and slain “in the least of these our brethren, “if we had been loyal to Him and confessed Him, for all I know God would have stood by us, and then the whole sequence of events would have taken a different course. And if we had been ready to go with Him to death, the number of victims would have been only some ten thousand.

Niemoller has a word for us who live in the West. He was of course thinking of his own church and people of Germany when he spoke these words, but they are for us as well. Early in 1934, Martin Niemoller at his church in the Berlin suburb of Dahlem had prophetically declared God’s purpose in the trials that faced the German church. He said that:

We have all of us –the whole Church and the whole community—we’ve been thrown into the Tempter’s sieve, and he is shaking and the wind is blowing, and it must now become manifest whether we are wheat or chaff! Verily, a time of sifting has come upon us, and even the most indolent and peaceful person among us must see that the calm of a meditative Christianity is at an end….It is now springtime for the hopeful and expectant Christian church—it is testing time, and God is giving Satan a free hand, so he may shake us up and so that it may be seen what manner of men we are!.. Satan swings his sieve and Christianity is thrown hither and thither; and he who is not ready to suffer, he who called himself a Christian only because he thereby hoped to gain something good for his race and his nation is blown away by the wind of time.

Yes God is separating the wheat and the chaff! This is no time to pout but to accept our role as Christians in this society with joy and to prove our love for Christ and the Gospel. Make no mistake about it, without a Great Awakening both spiritually and politically, history is repeating itself on a far larger scale.

Andrew Torba the head of Gab social-media writing on his website has made a dire prediction for Christians in America and around the world, saying in the coming days believers in Jesus won’t be able to get jobs, use money, open bank accounts, or travel by airplane, among other routine activities:

On December 6th Twitter banned thousands of accounts in their latest purge of dissenting thoughts on the doomed and failing platform. As a result saw thousands of new sign ups per hour and our traffic skyrocketed. When Twitter Purges, Gab Surges. While this is great news for the Gab community, it’s not great news for Christians. In fact, it’s a sign of what is soon to come which will be much worse than losing your Twitter account.

Something that isn’t being said about the latest Twitter Purge is that it was almost exclusively targeted at young, White, Christian men. Twitter flipped a switch and made thousands of young Christians disappear from one of the world’s top communication systems. No longer can they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations on a platform where much of the world communicates daily. That’s a big problem, but that is only the surface level of what Christians have coming.

I’ve been trying to help Christians see the bigger picture for a long time about the reality of our situation. As I’ve already written the time for lukewarm Christianity is over. We must prepare ourselves for the inevitable persecution that is to come. We must not fear for we have a sovereign God who is in control. He has blessed us with the gifts to create, to build, and to reform.

If these demons in Silicon Valley have their way the only context that the name “Jesus Christ” will appear on the internet is to be mocked or scorned, just like He is in the rest of “popular culture.” We can’t let that happen. We can’t let our brothers and sisters be persecuted, silenced, demonized, and destroyed by these wicked people. Especially not our young people who are the future of Christendom.

I have long seen where things are headed for the simple reason that I’ve experienced it first hand myself. Soon it won’t just be Twitter. If you’re a Christian you won’t be able to open a bank account. You won’t be able to host a website on the internet. You won’t be able to send emails. You won’t be able to access the app stores. You won’t be able to transact with money online, or off. You won’t be able to get a job. You won’t be able to fly in an airplane. This is coming for us all, and it’s already happening to many of us right now.

Every day I wake up and work 18 hour days to build infrastructure for our future and bring glory to God because I know for certain that the one thing the Oligarch Regime fears is Jesus Christ. He is the only one who can stop them. Not any politician. Not some billionaire. Not me. Only Jesus.

We can, must, and will lay the foundation of a new civilization, an unapologetically Christian civilization. A parallel Christian economy. Christ is our King right now and it’s about time that we start acting like it. We need to stop sitting around moping and being stepped on by the Enemy.

God has given us the tools and the talents to take dominion in this world in His name and make disciples of all nations as we have been commanded. We can’t do that if the Enemy controls the media, the banks, the governments, the tech companies, and so much more.

Jesus did not ascend into heaven and say “see you later guys, uhh just sit around and let the world trample all over you until I get back.”

He left us a set of very clear instructions.

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen (Matthew 28-18-20).

Jesus has ALL power, not just in Heaven, but here on earth as well. He told us very clearly to teach and baptize ALL nations. He reminded us that He is with us ALWAYS.

Gab is essential if we want to be able to share the Gospel on the internet and have fellowship with one another across the world. It all starts with true free speech. If you don’t have true free speech the Gospel can’t be shared. Period.

It will, and already is, being labeled “anti-semitic hate speech” and banned on Big Tech platforms and even those who claim to be “alt-tech” platforms. All that remains is some watered down subverted version of the true Gospel. It’s an imitation gospel. The gospel of the Regime. The gospel of Fauci. The gospel of Black Lives Matter. The gospel of Trump. The gospel of Fox News. The gospel of CNN. The gospel of Zuckerberg.

There is only one true Gospel and that’s the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

We must see Him for who He is, not who the world tells us He is. Jesus is not some hippie Mr. Rogers that our culture makes Him out to be. He is King of Kings. He reigns. He rules. He flips over tables in the temple. He brought the temple down to a pile of ash in 70 AD, as He said he would. He scorns the Den of Vipers. He rebukes the Synagogue of Satan. This is the Jesus I know and worship. This is the Jesus of Scripture. Christians better start getting to know Him fast.

We must not only drive the moneychangers out of the systems of control in our society, rebuke them, scorn them, and flip over their tables. We must also build new systems and infrastructure to form a parallel Christian society that glorifies King Jesus forever and ever amen.

Copyright © 2021 Andrew Torba

Lawlessness Abounds

If you think this is all conspiracy nonsense and are still drinking the “COVID Koolaid,” I’m not sure what more to tell you. It seems the majority of the populace is now completely brainwashed, while others can clearly see the truth that’s right before their eyes. We’re living in the words of Scripture from 2nd Thessalonians 2: God has, indeed sent upon many people a strong delusion because they’ve chosen to believe the lie.

Indeed, we have many believing many lies these days, and the reason is that God Himself has sent them a strong delusion and allowed them to be consumed by it, because they received not the truth of God, that they might be saved.

Even many devout church-goers have believed all the lies the government, health officials and lying media have spewed forth, because I dare say their professed faith in God Almighty is not really genuine.  They may have a form of godliness, but it’s without the Holy Spirit, and therefore without any power at all, …and therefore, they’re terrified.  That’s Satan’s goal, you know, to keep us all terrified, compliant, and obedient to evil. He’s having a field day with most people right now.

Those within the true Remnant of God can clearly see the hand of the enemy working in all that’s happened these past two years, and we can clearly see where all this is headed.  The rest of the world are absolutely blind to the truth, under strong delusion, and therefore fearful. They fear the government, they fear man, they fear disease and death — but they don’t even know the Savior and Creator.

The sad part is, all the plans of the Luciferian Globalists have been openly revealed. While they do conspire against the Lord and His anointed followers, they haven’t hidden anything. They’ve come right out and told us what they’re going to do.  Then they do it. And sadly, so many still remain so blind.  We had Event 201 just weeks before COVID was released and the world was locked down.

At this planning meeting, held openly in New York City and attended by top New World Order Globalists and the Luciferian Elite, all that took place in 2020 and all that’s taking place now, was carefully planned and simulated. A few weeks later, it began.

Citizens were essentially placed on “house arrest” as the nation was locked down.  So-called “Health Officials” took control of our country…for our own “good,” of course.  If people were allowed to leave their homes, they were forced to cover their faces with masks and stand six feet apart from one another. Small businesses were forced to shut their doors, while Big Box Stores were allowed to remain open. Churches were forced to close, because they were told (and most agreed) that they were “non-essential.”

Most dutifully complied and stayed home, watching the mockingbird media spew out the lies they were commanded to spew, hoarding toilet paper and junk food and cowering in fear. Mind you, this was after we saw horrific images coming out of China, showing a virus so devastating that people were falling over dead in the streets.

Sick people were shown being forcibly arrested at gun point by Chinese health officials, loaded in vans, and taken away, never to be seen again. We heard rumors of mass crematoriums in China, because so many millions were dying.

I asked then, and I still ask now: WHY were these images allowed to be released to the world? In a country like China, where they only portray themselves as the world’s strongest and most feared military superpower, where social media and government media only allows positive “PR” to go out to the world — why was the world allowed to see this? Only one reason: to instill fear.  Yes, China locked it’s own people down hard. Many in apartment buildings they even had their doors welded shut. Others most definitely were arrested and dragged away, never to be seen again.

The lockdown there was so intense, enormous cities became ghost towns. That really happened. But the images of people falling over dead in the streets? I’m not so sure. Regardless, the fear quickly spread across the globe, and so in mid March, when the “coronavirus” hit the US, we were eager to obey. And never before in the history of the world was so much power held in the hands of so few. They quickly became drunk with power and their Globalist agenda moved forward.

Here in America, we were allowed to retain a few of our rights, in most states. But travel was severely limited. There were no restaurants to eat at. Small family businesses were forced into bankruptcy. Masks were required in public. Places like Walmart were allowed to remain open but new rules were quickly put in place. Masks required. Stand six feet apart. Entry through one door only, follow the arrows on the floor and exit through one door only.

Many public accommodations required your forehead to be scanned and all your personal information gathered before you were allowed entry. Businesses that did not enforce these unconstitutional government mandates were threatened with crippling fines.

What was all this about? Clearly, as hundreds of highly credentialed doctors from around the world told us, the masks were useless and even harmful. The six-foot distancing did nothing to slow the spread of any virus. It’s impossible to avoid a virus, whether you’re isolated at home or out in public.  You can’t stop a virus. Isn’t that what all the doctors have always told us? My entire life, whenever I would get very sick and go to the doctor, they’d say, “well, I’m sorry, it’s a virus, and it just has to run it’s course, there’s nothing we can give you for it.”

But in this case there WAS. There was Hydroxycloriquine and Ivermectin, to name just a couple very inexpensive and highly effective treatments for COVID. But these were quickly banned by the government agencies, and doctors were prohibited from prescribing them.  Why would they not try everything possible if this was really such a deadly sickness? Yet when America’s Frontline Doctors came out and gave their real-life results, showing hundreds of patients quickly recovering using these medicines, these once well-respected doctors were censored, banned by all media, and fired from their jobs.

The six foot thing? Following the arrows on the floor at Walmart? Here’s what that was about… Big Box Stores are some of the heaviest-surveilled places you can go to. There are security cameras everywhere. This was a concerted effort by the government to fine tune their facial recognition technology to maintain and bolster their surveillance of us all.

They couldn’t accomplish this with people in large crowds, but with each person six feet apart, all walking in the prescribed directions, following arrows on the floor, it became a cake walk for them. And they’re especially aware now, of those of us who refused to wear the masks, and have therefore become non-compliant enemies of the state.

There’s so much more we could discuss about the entire COVID scam — a so called “pandemic” that needs 24/7 media propaganda to remind us to remain in fear, because 99.97% of those who get sick quickly recover.  But these are just a few reminders as to how this all began, and what it’s all been about.

Also, last year, the Leftist Luciferians unleashed anarchy across America and the world. We all saw the burning, rioting, looting, and murder take place in living color. The mockingbird media had the audacity to call these events “peaceful protests,” even as buildings burned in the background behind the network reporters.

The Marxist Black Lives Matter organization took over entire cities and roadways, in many cases pulling white people out of their cars and beating them bloody, or to death.  In Seattle, several city blocks were overtaken by anarchists and declared to be a sovereign country — yet the residents of “Chaz” still demanded free government benefits from the Feds.  But rest assured, these events were all considered “justified” by the Left, and “mostly peaceful.”  Cities all across America burned, while police were ordered to “stand down.” And lawlessness continues to reign.

As communism descended on America, statues commemorating our national history and heritage were torn down.  Yet the statue of Vladimir Lennin in Seattle was left untouched.  And yes, there IS one there and they’re proud of it.  Look it up.

In August, Kenosha, Wisconsin became a target. Busloads of paid rioters descended on the city and began rioting, looting, burning businesses and attacking police. One young man from Antioch, Illinois who worked in Kenosha became perhaps the worst victim in this war zone on August 25th.  Kyle Rittenhouse finished his workday in Kenosha, and then volunteered with Kenosha residents to help clean up and rebuild the destruction of the previous night.

But as night fell on August 25th, the destroyers again began their assault. Kyle found himself in the middle of the fray, but he was there with his own firearms, which he was well trained to use for self-defense and the defense of innocent people. He also came with medical aid and supplies, and even helped wounded rioters.

But then Kyle was personally attacked by a mob wielding weapons and threatening his life.  Videos taken by on-lookers clearly show guns pointed directly at Kyle with the mob ready to kill him.   But Kyle defended himself and others with his weapon and for that, is now facing life in prison.  No justice for the innocent.  Lawlessness reigns.

The COVID scam was used to force mail-in ballots and ballot “drop boxes” — all unmonitored. An untold number of mail-in ballots were found discarded in ditches and dumpsters across the country. The drop boxes, by the way, were funded to the tune of $400 Million by Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.

Meanwhile electronic in-person voting was hacked by multiple systems. Still, Donald Trump was winning his second term in office by a landslide on November 3rd, and that just could NOT be allowed.

The mainstream media was even calling the state of Arizona for Biden with only 4% of the vote counted. Then at 3 am, everything shut down, the vote counting stopped.  Ninety minutes later, the machines were turned on again, and … surprise, surprise!  Biden flipped all the states in contention in his favor.

You’ll recall he stated prior to the election, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Lawlessness.

Fast forward to January 6th. Millions of patriots descended on the US Capitol building to show their support for rule of law and to protest the stolen election. Literally thousands of videos taken by people at that event show the DC and Capitol police escorting ANTIFA and other anarchist groups into the staging area on countless buses.

They infiltrated the patriots that were there, and as is their way, caused more mayhem and destruction and violence. Following that event, six hundred true patriots who attended the rally were arrested, simply for being IN Washington DC on January 6th.

Many of them remain in jail to this day, held without bail, though they did nothing more than attend a rally. And a new term was coined: “Patriot terrorists.” And indeed, they probably are the most dangerous — to the illegitimate regime that has taken over our nation, opened our borders, made backroom deals with our enemies and is openly persecuting Christians.

So while those who literally burned thousands of businesses and homes to the ground, attacked police all summer long all across the country, while police were told to stand down, citizen patriots in America are now considered the most dangerous people in the world — “patriot terrorists.”  Matthew 24:12 reads, “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  We now have total lawlessness.

The innocent are persecuted while violent criminals are hailed as heroes. And the love — and even common decency and respect for human life has, indeed, grown cold.  But always remember what Jesus said, and knowing the power and might of our Savior and that He holds us in the palm of His hand, knowing He will NEVER leave us or forsake us — even in the midst of these wicked days.

He said:  “The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  See that you’re strong in the Lord, and that you stand firm to the end, and never, ever be afraid of what this world is coming to.  It IS coming to our doorstep.  But our GOD is already with us.

© 2021- NWV Rob Pue-All rights reserved.


7 Key Facts about the Mark of the Beast

The Bible uses only a few words to describe the mark of the beast money system. But that description gives us an amazing amount of information. Here are just seven of the things it teaches us.

Number One — The system will be global. Revelation 13:7-8 says, “authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him [the Antichrist]. And all who dwell on the earth will worship him.” The mark of the beast will be tied to his authority and will be part of the worship people give him.

Number Two — The mark will be required by law, and no one will be exempt. Revelation 13:16-17 says that the False Prophet “causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead.” Wealth will not buy an exemption, and neither will poverty.

Number Three — Some will reject the mark despite the law. At the time of the rapture, the dead in Christ will be resurrected into new heavenly bodies and caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Those in Christ who are still living will change. Their mortal bodies will change into immortal, heavenly ones. After the rapture, others will turn to Christ. These post-rapture followers of Jesus will be distinguished in part by the fact that they will refuse the mark of the beast.

Revelation 20:4 says, “I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand.”

Number Four — The mark of the beast will be the culmination of a great deception. Revelation 13:14 says the False Prophet “deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast.” This deception leads directly to the mark.

Number Five — Satan will empower the mark system. Daniel 8:24 makes this intriguing statement about the Antichrist. “His power will be mighty, but not by his own power.” We find that verse explained in Revelation 13:2. “The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.” Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 explain that the dragon is Satan.

Number Five — The mark of the beast will be the ultimate rejection of God. Revelation 14:11 says, “And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Number Six — The Antichrist and False Prophet will use the mark as a weapon against believers. Revelation 13:7 is speaking of Antichrist when it says, “And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.” Imagine a worldwide law that does not allow anyone without the mark to buy or sell. In our jobs, we sell our work, services, or creative output. In our day-to-day living, we buy food, clothes, transportation, and housing. All that will stop for tribulation believers because they will refuse the mark of the beast. That’s one of the ways Antichrist will make war with them and overcome them.

Number Seven — The mark system will not last long. At the halfway mark of the seven-year tribulation period, Antichrist will shatter his covenant with Israel. In the last three and one-half years of tribulation, pain and chaos will reign on the earth. At the end of the seven years, Jesus will return. Antichrist and the False Prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. The seven years will seem long to those experiencing it, but in the context of eternity, it will be like nothing.

Our time here is short. We need to get the word out to everyone we can by every means available.

Copyright 2021- Hallinsey ReportAll rights reserved.


Multiplied Lawlessness Abounds

Another onslaught by the Luciferian Globalists is underway. Because they’re doubling down on their efforts toward world domination, the elimination of Christ-followers and national sovereignty and yes, they’ll soon be knocking on your own front door seeking to force a needle in your arm carrying an experimental poison. You should plan for it, because they’ve told us they’re coming soon.  DHS is already calling these door-to-door tyrants the “Vaccination Strike Force.”

If you think this is all conspiracy nonsense and are still drinking the “COVID Koolaid,” I’m not sure what more to tell you. It seems the majority of the populace is now completely brainwashed, while others can clearly see the truth that’s right before their eyes. We’re living in the words of Scripture from 2nd Thessalonians 2: God has, indeed sent upon many people a strong delusion because they’ve chosen to believe the lie.

Indeed, we have many believing many lies these days, and the reason is that God Himself has sent them a strong delusion and allowed them to be consumed by it, because they received not the truth of God, that they might be saved.

Even many devout church-goers have believed all the lies the government, health officials and lying media have spewed forth, because I dare say their professed faith in God Almighty is not really genuine.  They may have a form of godliness, but it’s without the Holy Spirit, and therefore without any power at all, …and therefore, they’re terrified.  That’s Satan’s goal, you know, to keep us all terrified, compliant, and obedient to evil. He’s having a field day with most people right now.

Those within the true Remnant of God can clearly see the hand of the enemy working in all that’s happened these past two years, and we can clearly see where all this is headed.  The rest of the world are absolutely blind to the truth, under strong delusion, and therefore fearful. They fear the government, they fear man, they fear disease and death — but they don’t even know the Savior and Creator.

The sad part is, all the plans of the Luciferian Globalists have been openly revealed. While they do conspire against the Lord and His anointed followers, they haven’t hidden anything. They’ve come right out and told us what they’re going to do.  Then they do it. And sadly, so many still remain so blind.

We had Event 201 just weeks before COVID was released and the world was locked down. At this planning meeting, held openly in New York City and attended by top New World Order Globalists and the Luciferian Elite, all that took place in 2020 and all that’s taking place now, was carefully planned and simulated. A few weeks later, it began.

Citizens were essentially placed on “house arrest” as the nation was locked down.  So-called “Health Officials” took control of our country…for our own “good,” of course.  If people were allowed to leave their homes, they were forced to cover their faces with masks and stand six feet apart from one another.

Small businesses were forced to shut their doors, while Big Box Stores were allowed to remain open. Churches were forced to close, because they were told (and most agreed) that they were “non-essential.”

Most dutifully complied and stayed home, watching the mockingbird media spew out the lies they were commanded to spew, hoarding toilet paper and junk food and cowering in fear. Mind you, this was after we saw horrific images coming out of China, showing a virus so devastating that people were falling over dead in the streets.

Sick people were shown being forcibly arrested at gun point by Chinese health officials, loaded in vans, and taken away, never to be seen again. We heard rumors of mass crematoriums in China, because so many millions were dying.

I asked then, and I still ask now: WHY were these images allowed to be released to the world? In a country like China, where they only portray themselves as the world’s strongest and most feared military superpower, where social media and government media only allows positive “PR” to go out to the world — why was the world allowed to see this? Only one reason: to instill fear.

Yes, China locked it’s own people down hard. Many in apartment buildings they even had their doors welded shut. Others most definitely were arrested and dragged away, never to be seen again.

The lockdown there was so intense, enormous cities became ghost towns. That really happened. But the images of people falling over dead in the streets? I’m not so sure. Regardless, the fear quickly spread across the globe, and so in mid March, when the “coronavirus” hit the US, we were eager to obey. And never before in the history of the world was so much power held in the hands of so few. They quickly became drunk with power and their Globalist agenda moved forward.

Here in America, we were allowed to retain a few of our rights, in most states. But travel was severely limited. There were no restaurants to eat at. Small family businesses were forced into bankruptcy. Masks were required in public. Places like Walmart were allowed to remain open but new rules were quickly put in place. Masks required. Stand six feet apart. Entry through one door only, follow the arrows on the floor and exit through one door only.

Many public accommodations required your forehead to be scanned and all your personal information gathered before you were allowed entry. Businesses that did not enforce these unconstitutional government mandates were threatened with crippling fines.

What was all this about? Clearly, as hundreds of highly credentialed doctors from around the world told us, the masks were useless and even harmful. The six-foot distancing did nothing to slow the spread of any virus. It’s impossible to avoid a virus, whether you’re isolated at home or out in public.  You can’t stop a virus. Isn’t that what all the doctors have always told us? My entire life, whenever I would get very sick and go to the doctor, they’d say, “well, I’m sorry, it’s a virus, and it just has to run it’s course, there’s nothing we can give you for it.”

But in this case there WAS. There was Hydroxycloriquine and Ivermectin, to name just a couple very inexpensive and highly effective treatments for COVID. But these were quickly banned by the government agencies, and doctors were prohibited from prescribing them.

Why would they not try everything possible if this was really such a deadly sickness? Yet when America’s Frontline Doctors came out and gave their real-life results, showing hundreds of patients quickly recovering using these medicines, these once well-respected doctors were censored, banned by all media, and fired from their jobs.

The six foot thing? Following the arrows on the floor at Walmart? Here’s what that was about… Big Box Stores are some of the heaviest-surveilled places you can go to. There are security cameras everywhere. This was a concerted effort by the government to fine tune their facial recognition technology to maintain and bolster their surveillance of us all.

They couldn’t accomplish this with people in large crowds, but with each person six feet apart, all walking in the prescribed directions, following arrows on the floor, it became a cake walk for them. And they’re especially aware now, of those of us who refused to wear the masks, and have therefore become non-compliant enemies of the state.

There’s so much more we could discuss about the entire COVID scam — a so called “pandemic” that needs 24/7 media propaganda to remind us to remain in fear, because 99.97% of those who get sick quickly recover.  But these are just a few reminders as to how this all began, and what it’s all been about.

Also, last year, the Leftist Luciferians unleashed anarchy across America and the world. We all saw the burning, rioting, looting, and murder take place in living color. The mockingbird media had the audacity to call these events “peaceful protests,” even as buildings burned in the background behind the network reporters.

The Marxist Black Lives Matter organization took over entire cities and roadways, in many cases pulling white people out of their cars and beating them bloody, or to death.

In Seattle, several city blocks were overtaken by anarchists and declared to be a sovereign country — yet the residents of “Chaz” still demanded free government benefits from the Feds.  But rest assured, these events were all considered “justified” by the Left, and “mostly peaceful.”  Cities all across America burned, while police were ordered to “stand down.” And lawlessness continues to reign.

As communism descended on America, statues commemorating our national history and heritage were torn down.  Yet the statue of Vladimir Lennin in Seattle was left untouched.  And yes, there IS one there and they’re proud of it.  Look it up.

In August, Kenosha, Wisconsin became a target. Busloads of paid rioters descended on the city and began rioting, looting, burning businesses and attacking police. One young man from Antioch, Illinois who worked in Kenosha became perhaps the worst victim in this war zone on August 25th.

Kyle Rittenhouse finished his workday in Kenosha, and then volunteered with Kenosha residents to help clean up and rebuild the destruction of the previous night. But as night fell on August 25th, the destroyers again began their assault.

Kyle found himself in the middle of the fray, but he was there with his own firearms, which he was well trained to use for self-defense and the defense of innocent people. He also came with medical aid and supplies, and even helped wounded rioters.

But then Kyle was personally attacked by a mob wielding weapons and threatening his life.  Videos taken by on-lookers clearly show guns pointed directly at Kyle with the mob ready to kill him.   But Kyle defended himself and others with his weapon and for that, is now facing life in prison.  No justice for the innocent.  Lawlessness reigns.

The COVID scam was used to force mail-in ballots and ballot “drop boxes” — all unmonitored. An untold number of mail-in ballots were found discarded in ditches and dumpsters across the country. The drop boxes, by the way, were funded to the tune of $400 Million by Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. Meanwhile electronic in-person voting was hacked by multiple systems. Still, Donald Trump was winning his second term in office by a landslide on November 3rd, and that just could NOT be allowed.

The mainstream media was even calling the state of Arizona for Biden with only 4% of the vote counted. Then at 3 am, everything shut down, the vote counting stopped.  Ninety minutes later, the machines were turned on again, and … surprise, surprise!  Biden flipped all the states in contention in his favor. You’ll recall he stated prior to the election, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Lawlessness.

Fast forward to January 6th. Millions of patriots descended on the US Capitol building to show their support for rule of law and to protest the stolen election. Literally thousands of videos taken by people at that event show the DC and Capitol police escorting ANTIFA and other anarchist groups into the staging area on countless buses.

They infiltrated the patriots that were there, and as is their way, caused more mayhem and destruction and violence. Following that event, six hundred true patriots who attended the rally were arrested, simply for being IN Washington DC on January 6th.

Many of them remain in jail to this day, held without bail, though they did nothing more than attend a rally. And a new term was coined: “Patriot terrorists.” And indeed, they probably are the most dangerous — to the illegitimate regime that has taken over our nation, opened our borders, made backroom deals with our enemies and is openly persecuting Christians.

So while those who literally burned thousands of businesses and homes to the ground, attacked police all summer long all across the country, while police were told to stand down, citizen patriots in America are now considered the most dangerous people in the world — “patriot terrorists.”

Matthew 24:12 reads, “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  We now have total lawlessness. The innocent are persecuted while violent criminals are hailed as heroes. And the love — and even common decency and respect for human life has, indeed, grown cold.

But always remember what Jesus said, and knowing the power and might of our Savior and that He holds us in the palm of His hand, knowing He will NEVER leave us or forsake us— even in the midst of these wicked days.  He said:  “The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  See that you’re strong in the Lord, and that you stand firm to the end, and never, ever be afraid of what this world is coming to.  It IS coming to our doorstep.  But our GOD is already with us.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

God Is Laughing At Their Plans

They wield astonishing power. They have mountains of money, unlimited connections, and enormous influence. Will they destroy nations and borders? Will they drive the church underground? Is it possible that they can indeed plow under the entire moral foundation of America, and even the world?

Barack Obama, George Soros, and Bill Gates have plans—plans that could envelope the world. They are feverishly putting the finishing touches on strategies to redefine the human race. They are the apostles of the “new normal.”  Conspirator number one, Obama, wishes to rule through a puppet president Biden. Soros, the second one is funding and managing global anarchy. The last one named, Bill Gates, seems to be pinning his hope on a mandatory vaccine.

Pandemic, economic collapse and rioting, provide the perfect situation for men to seize power. It is right out of the book most favored by the Deep State: Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules For Radicals’. The proof of their power grab? The illegal shutdown of churches.  The elites who believe they are on a higher level of wealth and power, also believe, “Never waste a crisis.” And if there is no crisis available—you create one.

This is not just about money. This trio despises Christianity and Israel. They are working to rid the world of the laws of God. They are described in Psalm 2:2-3: “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.”

They are on schedule for world domination. What is God doing? Actually, God is laughing. He is laughing at their plans. Back to Psalm 2, in verse 4 it states, “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision.” God laughs and mocks their plans. He heaps divine ridicule on them.

But God’s dealings do not stop there: verse 5, “Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure…”  God is not only laughing at their plans―He will wreck their plans. His wrath will be poured out on their vain imaginings.

The word backfire does not begin to cover the next act of God against men who try to bury the church and set up their own kingdom. The nations are the express inheritance of Jesus Christ. Psalm 2 goes on to say in verses 7-8. “The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.”

Every believer shares in this final victory. Every believer is more powerful and purposeful than they know. We should shake off all fear and helplessness and then confess the end times are not happening to me. I am happening to the end times!

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Barack Obama, George Soros, Bill Gates—you would do well to abandon your course. A mighty God protects us. The devil whom you serve, is already doomed, and he will take you three down with him.

My final warning is this, gentlemen—beware of what God plans to do about your plans.

Psalm 2:9-10, “You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel. Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be warned, you judges of the earth.”

But how should you and I react to this moment? We can fear and hide or we can stand and watch God give us weapons of supernatural effectiveness; words to preach that can’t be resisted and miracle provision to finish our course with joy. These are dark days, but God has not forsaken us. Rejoice! God is laughing at their threats!

Copyright 2021-Mario Murillo All rights reserved

The Escalation of Tyranny

Isn’t it funny how Marxist democrats who have spent 48-years fighting for a mother’s “right” to murder her own children in the womb, are the same maniacal nut-jobs fighting tooth and nail for their “right” to inject anything they want into YOUR body, claiming you have “no right” to decline?

It would be funny if it weren’t so damned sickening and deadly! It takes some real moral misfits and socialist morons to think up such insanity, and some real tyrants to force it on the country and the world.

Clearly, according to the ruling class elite in our government of, by and for themselves, we don’t have even the most basic of Rights in this country anymore – and they are entirely unbridled in their power. They can do anything they want to the people, because nothing they have done to the people so far has caused any backlash or consequences from the people.

The fact is the people already have all the information they need in order to know what they have to do. More and more information to the point of saturation and info-overload won’t help anyone. People react differently to information.

For some, truthful information only causes depression, defeatism, paralysis, retreat, and surrender. The same information will move others to anger and action. This natural human reaction in people is what separates a society into “fearful” and “fighters.”

If you can lead, then lead! If you can’t lead, then follow! If you can’t fight, then fund those who can and if you can’t do any of the above, sit down, shut up and stay out of the way!

The American people, in fact, people all over the world already know everything they need to know, in order to know what they have to do to save themselves. Around the globe in almost every civilized nation, the people are already in the streets fighting against the Marxists they allowed to take power years ago. They are marching because once disarmed, that’s all they can do.

Once your government claims the right and authority to inject anything they want into your body, take away your freedom to earn, silence your voices of dissent, stick a worthless (and dangerous) mask on your kids face and come door-to-door at your home to either force you to comply, or dump you into their database of the “non-compliant extremists,” what more do you need to know?

 YOU ARE ALREADY LIVING UNDER FASCISM! Call it whatever you want, Marxism, socialism, communism, progressivism, democracy, Maoism, any name that makes you “feel good.” It’s all the same thing, TYRANNY! The only “love” involved here, is the ruling class elites’ unquenchable thirst and LOVE for unbridled power!

When government tells you they can do anything they want to you and you have no say at all in the matter, and they enlist your employers, co-workers, friends, neighbors, and even family to do it, what more could you possibly need to know? Seriously?

The only open question at this point is are you going to ever do anything about it? The best time to fight tyranny is before you live under total tyranny. Ask anyone in the streets of Cuba, Canada, the EU, Australia, Greece, Italy, the UK and a hundred other nations right now. They all allowed themselves to be disarmed a long time ago. All they can do now is “protest” in the streets, as their governments call upon military units to come shut them down!

When the people let all peaceful solutions pass, thinking “everything will be fine” when everything is already NOT fine, sooner or later, violence is all that’s left. Some still think they can “go along” with evil, without becoming evil in that process. Every decent honest thinking person knows better! Evil never just “passes,” it either thrives or dies!

Those NOT doing anything now, peacefully, while they still can, as they stockpile food, weapons, and ammo, are helping the violent LEFT to bring the violence. They think they can “save their own” while the entire country and maybe the world, burns to the ground around them.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. –That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…

All power is inherent in “the people,” and all government power comes from these same “people.” The people have only authorized very limited “just” powers…no “unjust powers.”

 whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it…

Today, we have a chance to “alter” it before we have no choice but to “abolish it.” The 2020 elections were stolen by way of unprecedented massive election fraud on a scale never before seen by mankind. The evidence is overwhelming, and it is publicly available for any true patriot seeking truth and justice.

The worldwide average life span of any self-governed society in history is 200 years. The USA is 245-years old today. We have already outlived any other self-governed society by some 45-years. But here too, the end draws near.

Marxist democrats (and corrupt republicans) who stole power in 2020 will NOT give up that power without a fight. They know what they have done and what they are doing to destroy the USA and they are doing it at break-neck speed.

Unless Americans UNITE and RISE against them right away, the global Marxists have already won.

If it’s no longer even “my body, my choice,” then every freedom and liberty you once had as an American, is GONE! You are living a pipe dream to believe anything else.

It’s high time for every American to face reality now. We know everything we need to know, in order to know what we have to do. WILL WE DO IT?

FIGHT or SURRENDER! That’s the choice we each have now. If you want to know more Write to the author

Copyright © 2021 Lex Greene News With Views–All Rights Reserved

Is America Spiraling into Totalitarianism?

Is America spiraling into totalitarianism? All the signs are there, suggesting we’re well on our way. Naomi Wolf, a former adviser to the Clinton administration, has been warning us about this for well over a decade.

In May 2021, I interviewed her about the 10 steps of tyranny, described in her 2007 book, “The End of America.” While we’ve been inching our way toward tyranny for many years, Wolf warns we are now at Step 10. Soon, there will be no turning back — unless we break free, assert our rights starting with our freedom of speech, and put a stop to this transformation.

As noted by Benjamin Franklin, “Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” Similarly, Samuel Adams stated, “For true patriots to be silent, is dangerous.”1


In the video above, Yeonmi Park, a human rights activist and author of “In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom,” talks about the clear parallels she sees between the United States and North Korea, one of the most repressive countries in the world.

Although she’s been presented in a critical light by an Asia-Pacific owned publication,2 I am a huge fan of Park as she is such an inspiration to warn us of what will happen if we neglect to preserve our hard-won freedoms. Please be sure and watch the much longer second video below. I suspect you too will be moved by what she and millions of others have suffered and are enduring in North Korea.

Park fortunately was able to defect from North Korea to China in 2007 at the age of 13, eventually settling in South Korea two years later, but only after first falling into the hands of human traffickers and being sold into sex slavery for less than $200. Her mother was sold for $65. Park and her mother were eventually able to escape to South Korea through Mongolia.

In 2016, she transferred from a South Korean university to Columbia University in New York. In a June 14, 2021, interview with Fox News,3 Park stated she believes “America’s future may be as bleak as North Korea,” adding that “even North Korea was not this nuts.”

I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” she told Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.

Not Having Problems Is a Problem

In the video above, Park explains why she told her story to Fox News rather than a more mainstream media outlet. The answer? They were the only one that asked her to share her views.

While the Fox News interview went viral both in the U.S. and South Korea, not a single legacy news outlet picked up the story. This makes sense, considering corporate media are part of the tyrannical network responsible for the implementation of this brainwashing.

I would rather die a free person than live as a slave,” Park says at the end of her video. “You cannot even fathom what it’s like when you don’t have freedom … America is falling into tyranny … Let us stop this before it is too late


In the video above,4 Park is interviewed by Valuetainment host Patrick Bet-David. I know 90 minutes is a long video, but trust me, your life could change if you watch the entire video. If you don’t have time now, just watch it instead of some movie or TV series. I suspect very few of you have any idea that this type of tyrannical oppression and unethical human behavior is rampant in North Korea.

In this hour-and-a-half interview, she delves a lot deeper into what life is like in one of the most oppressive regimes in the world, and what it really means to lose your freedoms. Even certain words have been censored from the North Korean language.

There are no words for “depression” or “stress” for example. The absence of such emotions is further indoctrinated through the one and only available TV channel, where every program highlights the rightness, beauty and benefit of the socialist system, and how wrong capitalist Western systems are. Here are some other examples in real life:

Government tells you what clothes and colors you are allowed to wear
Government tells you what haircuts you are allowed to have, with choices being limited to fewer than 20
Government tells you what kind of makeup you are allowed to use
Government decides what kinds of songs you are allowed to sing and what music you can listen to
Government dictates what kind of dance moves are allowed
Government tells you what kind of movies you can watch
Your profession is dictated by the political class of your parents
Who you can marry is dictated by the political class you were born into
Public executions are routine and everyone in the neighborhood is required to attend, including children. Crimes punishable by death include watching banned movies, reading banned books and criticizing the regime

Every single thing about your life is dictated by the regime. You have no individuality. You have no “personal choices.” Guaranteed, you can say goodbye to gender pronoun preferences. That’s just being pushed right now to lure you into this false idea that the socialist system actually provides you with more of everything — including individuality and individual rights — rather than less.

But if you think about it logically, how can we create an “equitable” society unless all individuality is removed? How can you and I end up in the same place and be treated exactly the same unless everything that separates us — our individual characteristics — are eliminated? The end result is the oppression of everyone and the wasting of everyone’s natural talents.

Corruption is also guaranteed. Regardless of your profession, your salary will not be able to feed you, let alone pay for anything else. As a result, corruption is the norm. Food is also always scarce. Park routinely caught and ate grasshoppers. That was her primary source of protein growing up.

In fact, Park admits that it was hunger that drove her to risk death to escape North Korea with her mother. “I didn’t know I wasn’t free,” she says. “I didn’t know what freedom was. I risked my life for a bowl of rice.”

Reject the ‘New Normal’

The good news is, the would-be tyrants have not won. That said, we have no time to spare. Time is of the essence and we have no time to remain idle, hoping it will all just go back to normal on its own. I can confidently assure you it will not, and you will need to take action. I believe one of the answers is peaceful civil disobedience.

In the U.S., we do have the Second Amendment, which allows citizens to own and bear arms. That said, peaceful disobedience is still the primary and preferred strategy. We must also rally behind legislation that prevents the alteration of laws that safeguard our freedoms.

I believe that we will ultimately stop the globalists’ drive toward global tyranny. It’s not going to be easy. It may take years, and it may get far worse before it gets better.

The founders of the U.S. fled repressive societies or were children or grandchildren of those who did. They had to personally reckon with criminalized speech, arbitrary arrests and state sanctioned torture and even murder. The men who signed the Declaration of Independence knew that if they lost the war, they would be executed for treason.

The forefathers of the United States were radicals, fighting for liberty and personal freedoms. They had a vision of reality that was an absolute slap in the face of what the rest of the world tolerated. They were willing to sacrifice their lives to turn that vision into a reality.

Park discusses this in the featured video at the top of this article. How the story of our Founding Fathers — who cared enough about equality and human rights to sacrifice everything to achieve it — has been twisted.

It requires an illogical mindset to get our history so backwards. But each of us, individually, must also accept our share of the blame, for as Thomas Jefferson said, “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”5

We must also realize that the current cancel culture trend is not about tossing a dusty past into the trash bin and highlighting more pleasant aspects of our history. Far from it. As noted by The Most Important News:6

A huge national debate about our most important national symbols has erupted, and it is rapidly becoming one of our hottest political issues. But what most people don’t realize is that this isn’t really a debate about our past. Rather, it is a debate about what our future is going to look like. Those that are demonizing the American flag, the national anthem, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are not doing so for the purpose of winning a historical debate. Their true goal is to ‘cancel’ those symbols and replace them with new ones, because our existing national symbols represent values and principles that are diametrically opposed to the values and principles that they wish to impose upon society.If they ultimately get their way, the United States will eventually become an extremely repressive high tech dystopian society where absolutely no dissent is tolerated.

Focus on Taking Action Locally

Get involved in your child’s school, and make sure that what is being taught is in line with your values which, hopefully, if you’re reading this, this includes personal freedom, which is what the United States was indeed founded upon. Remember, the American system of governance places the bulk of the power at the local level, not at the federal level.

Government is currently fighting to centralize power at the top, but they can only do that if we let them. In the United States, local action can eventually have national impact, and that is how we peacefully take our power back and ensure our freedom. We’ve had this power all along. We may have just forgotten how to use it.

Copyright 2021- rights reserved.

The Rise of Authoritarian Government–It’s Now or Never

While most Americans are enjoying the beautiful summertime and going about their lives as usual, it seems to most that all is fine with the world right now.  Oh, most understand that the “new normal” we’re all adjusting to is a little challenging sometimes, but most are also pretty insulated from the nefarious things taking place around the world. I dare say, most would rather not even think about these things. It’s just too depressing and if one would really take the time to study and understand, it would bring great anxiety and distress.

The world we live in is rapidly changing. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like frogs. The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream internet video sites are working overtime to maintain and drive the official New World Order Globalist agenda.

They’re scrubbing the truth from view as they censor reality and replace it with lies. And as we should all understand by now, a lie told often enough soon becomes “reality” in the minds of most consumers of false information.

Meanwhile, those who tell the truth are now in a more precarious position than ever before. If you dare tell the truth today, you’ll be immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and publicly ridiculed at the very least. If you’re in a position where your truth-telling will influence too many people, then by doing so, you’re literally putting your life on the line. Truth cannot be tolerated.

I think it would be appropriate here to read some Scripture from Isaiah 59.

Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear. But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have made Him hide His face from you so that He does not listen. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers, with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, and your tongues mutter injustice. No one makes claims justly; no one pleads honestly. They trust in empty and worthless words; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

Their works are sinful works, and violent acts are in their hands. Their feet run after evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are sinful thoughts; ruin and wretchedness are in their paths. They have not known the path of peace, and there is no justice in their ways. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks on them will know peace. Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We hope for light, but there is darkness; for brightness, but we live in the night. We grope along a wall like the blind; we grope like those without eyes. We stumble at noon as though it were twilight; we are like the dead among those who are healthy.

We hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us. For our transgressions have multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us. For our transgressions are with us, and we know our iniquities: transgression and deception against the Lord, turning away from following our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart. Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is missing…

This is where we’re at today, and it’s not just those we would view as “wicked” that are the wicked ones Isaiah’s referring to. No indeed. We need to look in the mirror as well. So many church-goers are content to continue to “play church” in the midst of a demonic takeover of this world.

They’re happy to continue to gather in their weekly social club meetings, pretending to worship the Lord, but I have to wonder if He even hears the prayers of those who choose to sit on the fence, bury their heads in the sand and never consider the fact that we’re living in a time of spiritual warfare like never before.

The devil is loose upon the earth and he’s having a field day — especially with our young people and children, but in many cases, he’s just as successful with the older ones and even the elderly. Very few of us have ever been taught anything about spiritual warfare. Oh, we know the verses about how we wrestle not against flesh and blood and how we’re supposed to put on the full armor of God… but that’s about as far as it goes with most of us. Most of us are very ill-equipped to actually go to war against our adversary, and have never put on a single piece of spiritual armor. No one’s ever taught us.

It saddens me that 60% of Americans — and that includes professing Christians It’s much more convenient to just sit and wait for the “rapture bus” to take us out of here. But what if the Lord doesn’t return for another fifty years? What sort of slavery are we leaving to our children and grandchildren?

Not to mention, if the Lord DOES return today and call us home, what will we have to say for ourselves when we stand before Him? Will He call us “good and faithful servants?” Or will He say, “I never knew you.” “You never showed up for the battle. You were AWOL in the spiritual war I called all of My followers to. You never carried your cross. You only pretended to follow Me from a safe distance.

Those of us who carry the name of Christ absolutely MUST be vigilant and alert right now. We must be studying to show ourselves approved, but we must also be doing. We need to be sounding the warning for all those deceived by the enemy.

Unfortunately, when people like myself and others do that, we’re looked upon as “conspiracy nuts” by our family and friends, and especially those who avoid sitting next to us in the church because we’re “one of those fanatics.” Why does this surprise us? And why do so many work so hard to avoid all semblance of controversy? Why are we so fearful of man for simply telling the truth? God’s Word tells us that our worst enemies will one day be those of our own households.

Our church friends, our work friends. People who know us. I’m afraid that day has come, folks and unbelievers alike — have already taken the COVID jabs, despite overwhelming evidence of the dangers of these things.

A Christian friend of mine was one of the first. She and her husband got theirs as soon as they could because they’re retired and they want to be allowed to freely travel. Others got their jabs so that they could receive “permission” to remove their masks. Nevermind this is clearly the biggest scam the world’s ever seen. Nevermind that the real science clearly shows this is all seriously evil.

Countless doctors, scientists, investigators and researchers around the world have provided absolute proof of the dangers of these injections. I will not call them “vaccines,” because these are experimental drugs and we’re the lab rats. These injections alter one’s DNA, something that can never be reversed.

Reputable doctors have warned that if you don’t die quickly or have immediate adverse health effects after receiving your jabs, it will only be a matter of months before you do. Many (and not just a few) doctors have warned that millions are at risk for death, as early as this fall, once the experimental chemicals have worked their way into every cell and tissue in their bodies.

Of course, the official narrative will be that millions are dying because of those who refused the shots, or because now there’s a “new” strain of the virus we must all panic over. Mind you, this whole thing, nearly two years into it now, has turned the world upside down and backwards, and when all is said and done, officially 99.97% of people survive COVID infection. It seems to me there’s more here than meets the eye, and a whole lot of lies are being foisted upon ignorant, compliant citizens.

We’ve all seen the hundreds of videos showing magnets sticking to the injection sites. Yet the internet “fact checkers” tell us what we see before our very eyes is not really real. Recently a friend who works as a private investigator noted that “bug detectors” — (those devices used to sweep a room or area for surveillance devices, devices that emit radiation, and are used to track, monitor and listen to private conversations) react strongly to the injection sites on the human body. Why would a “vaccine” cause that? What’s IN these injections that cause magnets to stick and radiation emissions?

And why are the Globalists so intent on injecting every single person on the planet with whatever poisons they’re pushing? Why is this so extremely important? Why do we have a 24/7 propaganda machine running at full speed, pushing these jabs as being vital?

Why has Biden and Company become so desperate now, that they’re sending the “medical brown-shirts” door-to-door to make sure everyone’s been injected? When has this ever happened before in history? And yes, it’s already started in multiple states, including Wisconsin, North Carolina and Georgia to name a few.

In some places, the “jabbers” will just show up at your door and convince you that everything you’ve heard, everything I’m saying right now is just taken out of context. Their job is to tell you outright lies, disguised as truth to get you to voluntarily comply. In other places, the door-to-door teams will show up unannounced and uninvited, fully equipped to give you the jab on the spot.

Things are getting very interesting. A lot of people on social media sites are big talkers — “just wait til they come to MY door,” they say, “they’ll wish they hadn’t, that’s for sure!” I have to wonder. These are the same people who voluntarily wore their masks for over a year so they could shop in stores that required them. Now they say they’ll draw the line at the jab. But when the medical “brown-shirts” show up at their doors, speak their smooth words and have their syringes ready — along with all the benefits of a “vaccination passport” as a reward for compliance, I wonder how many will stand their ground.

Currently, only 30% of people worldwide have refused the injections. As it becomes increasingly difficult to live normally without them, when airlines require them to travel, when stores require proof of your compliance to enter, when your employer requires proof for you to work, when you can no longer buy or sell or travel freely without the jab… I wonder just how many will bow the knee to this evil.  I wonder.

In the UK, France and other areas of Europe, citizens are rising up against increased pressure and tyranny. There are massive protests in other countries. But Canada is completely lost to Global communism now, and America is well on it’s way.

Are you aware there were three countries that initially refused the jabs?  All three of their leaders died suddenly and unexpectedly. The president of Tanzania refused the jab for his citizens and he died March 17th at the age of 61. The official cause of death was reported as a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  Likewise the president of Burundi died on June 9th, reportedly of a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  And on July 7th, the president of Haiti was shot dead at his home.

If you research this on the internet, you’ll find very compelling versions of these news stories, explaining how the very idea that these presidents were killed because they were “vaccine hesitant” for the sake of their citizens is complete conspiracy theory nonsense. But the fact remains; these three countries had previously refused the vax. Their presidents all died — and no one will ever know what really happened to them, with the exception of the president of Haiti, who was obviously shot to death — and now the new leaders of these countries are obediently “fast-tracking” the jabs for all their people.

Friends: 24/7 propaganda and ad campaigns; door-to-door medical authorities coercing citizens to comply; countless bribes and so-called “incentives” for compliance and increasing punishments for disobedience. Clearly something very fishy about the injections themselves, with untold numbers of people dying or suffering life-long injuries within minutes or days of taking the jabs.

Doctors warning of the dangers, and ending up jobless or dead for doing so. Presidents refusing to allow this in their countries, all suddenly dying. I don’t claim to understand all that’s involved here, but clearly it’s very, very important to the Globalists that everyone be jabbed and marked as quickly as possible.

They’re not playing around. And those who attempt to sound a warning, like the warning you’re hearing from me right now, end up censored, ridiculed and even mysteriously dead.  The devil is loose. The deception is thick. The pressure is on to comply. The Globalist “Great Reset” is coming like a tsunami and I have to wonder why all the jab advocates are also life-long world de-population advocates. I urge you all to do your own research. Don’t be afraid to share what you know with others.

Speak now, while you can. Because one day, perhaps soon, you’ll have to give an account to Christ for your actions in these days. Stay strong, bold and courageous. Speak and share the truth.  And note that Revelation warns that all cowards will have their part in the lake of fire. It’s now or never.

© 2021 Rob Pue News With Views All Rights Reserved


Is This Why Magufuli and Moise Had To be Murdered?

Magufuli warns against foreign Covid-19 vaccinations

Tanzanian President John Magufuli on Wednesday warned the Health ministry against rushing to embrace Covid-19 vaccinations that were being promoted by foreign nations.

Speaking during the launch of a public forest in Chato, Geita Region, President Magufuli said any decision to adopt Covid-19 vaccinations should not be taken lightly.

“You should stand firm. Vaccinations are dangerous. If the White man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids by now; he would have found a vaccination of tuberculosis by now; he would have found a vaccination for malaria by now; he would have found a vaccination for cancer by now.”

He said Tanzanians must be cautious of things that were being brought to them by foreign nations.

“Let’s not think that they love us very much. This country is rich. Africa is rich, and everyone is jealous of our vast wealth. We must be very careful,” President Magufuli said.

He directed the Health Ministry to only adopt vaccinations after they had been certified by Tanzania’s own experts, citing an example of a country (which he did not name) where girl children were vaccinated against what was purported to be cervical cancer, but ended up being infertile.

“In a certain country, its girl children – aged below 14 years – were vaccinated against what was said to be cervical cancer, but it later emerged that the vaccination was meant to make them infertile,” Dr Magufuli said.

“The Health ministry must know that not every vaccination is meaningful to our nation. Tanzanians must be mindful so that we are not used for trials of some doubtful vaccinations which can have serious repercussions on our health.”

President Magufuli reiterated that Tanzanians should continue putting trust in God while taking all the necessary health precautions.

“We have lived for over one year without the virus because our God is able and Satan will always fail. The Health ministry should be cautious, and avoid the temptation turn us into a country where vaccination trials are conducted freely,” he said.

He reiterated that he will never impose a lockdown, insisting that Tanzanians will always be free to conduct their daily undertakings, including farming, which, he said, was part of physical exercises that ultimately drive the virus away.

Dr Magufuli said he was aware that some Tanzanians had gone out of the country where they received coronavirus vaccinations, which, he added, had simply introduced a “dangerous virus” into their bodies.

The Assassination of Moise

Haitian President Jovenel Moise, 53, was shot dead by unidentified attackers in his private residence after midnight on Wednesday morning, according to the government. Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph said.

Haiti requested help to stabilize the country and secure critical infrastructure, including oil reserves, in the wake of the assassination of its president earlier this week. The US says it will not be sending troops into the Caribbean country. ABC also reported that Haiti is one of only a handful of countries in the world that has yet to distribute a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Reports claim that President Moise was tortured by mercenaries.

Authorities declared a “state of siege” and closed the airport. Police reported that 15 Colombians and the two Americans of Haitian origin who had resided in Florida were arrested. Three Colombians have been killed while eight others on the loose. American James Solages told investigators he had become involved after “finding the job on the internet” but had believed he was to work as an interpreter for the mostly foreign group, according to reports from Haitian media.