If You Vote For Tyrants, You Get Tyranny

‘An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile — hoping it will eat him last ~Winston Churchill

This is what millions of Joe Biden supporters are about to discover if their candidate manages to steal the election and seize control of the White House.

A prominent member of Biden’s Covid-19 taskforce, a CIA-linked operative named Luciana Borio, says that people who refuse to be vaccinated should be deprived of food stamps and rent assistance.

And in order to convince Black Americans to take the vaccines, influencers should be hired to brainwash Blacks with special compliance messages that are scientifically tested in social engineering focus groups.

In other words, obey or starve. This is all contained in the report linked in this story, by the way.

This is on top of another Biden taskforce member now calling for a 4-6 week national lockdown for all Americans — a kind of national economic suicide to finish off whatever small businesses might have survived the covid nightmare so far.

This covid tyranny is exactly what we’ve warned was coming: Lockdown tyranny and vaccine tyranny, enforced through a horrifying new “medical credit scoring” system that tracks your compliance with government mandates for vaccines, lockdowns and masks.

The taskforce member in question here is Luciana Borio, MD, the Vice President of In-Q-Tel, a CIA-linked propaganda front that uses social engineering tactics to enslave humanity. She’s listed as the top member of the “Working Group of Readying Populations for COVID-19 Vaccines” as described in a document from the Center for Health Security, released in July of this year by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. A copy of this PDF has been saved at the Natural News servers, in case they try to take it down from its original location.

The document says that federal agencies should collude to develop a “national promotion strategy” — which might as well be called a “national propaganda strategy” — for convincing people to take potentially dangerous and deadly covid-19 vaccines which have skipped any real rigorous testing.

“Bundling” of vaccinations with food stamps, health care and rent assistance

The document recommends that vaccine mandates get “bundled” with other social services such as food stamps (WIC program), rent assistance and health care services. The report explains:

Local and state public health agencies should explore collaboration with interagency and nongovernment partners to bundle vaccination with other safety net services.

It also says that “bundling” vaccines with food stamps would be, “a way to build trust and streamline vaccine provision” among low-income people such as “Blacks and minority communities.”

Yes, just as we’ve all known for quite some time, the depopulation vaccines will be targeting Blacks in America, which is exactly what the abortion industry targets as well. But anyone who criticizes the forcing of vaccines onto Black Americans will be called racist, of course.

The report also talks about putting in place a medical police state monitoring infrastructure to surveil Blacks and minorities in real time, making sure they surrender to forced immunizations:

It will also be critical to monitor in real time who has gotten the vaccine and what the key facilitators and barriers to vaccination have been within communities, so local public health departments can adapt their approaches accordingly.

The document even talks about Blacking-up the vaccine propaganda language in order to appeal to Blacks and so-called anti-vaxxers:

Given the diverse nature of social identities in the United States, vaccination communications will need to be tailored to specific audiences that are key to an equitable and effective COVID-19 response (eg, essential workers, parents, groups with high comorbidity rates, communities of color, vaccine-hesitant persons).

In order to brainwash Blacks and minorities into accepting dangerous, experimental covid-19 vaccines, document authors say that influential celebrities (such as Hollywood stars and music stars) should be recruited to deliver messages so that uninformed people can be influenced:

Engage a broad network of trusted spokespersons who can deliver and reinforce a unified message about COVID-19 vaccination…  To motivate people to take protective actions like vaccination requires that they hear a salient and specific message repeatedly, delivered by multiple trusted messengers and via diverse media channels.

The report even admits that Blacks and minorities have been lied to and abused by the government before, especially involving public health issues: “…minority groups have often experienced a history of government abuse that may make it harder build trust.”

Finally, the document proposes that scientific testing on “vaccination messages” should be openly published by the NIH, CDC and NLM (National Library of Medicine) so that all the authorities have access to all the social engineering experiments that attempt to brainwash Blacks with pro-vaccine propaganda.

Mandatory vaccine sites: Grocery stores, pharmacies, schools, workplaces, senior citizen centers and churches will all be used to force vaccines on everyone

The document not only recommends that food assistance and rent assistance be withheld from those who refuse mandatory coronavirus vaccines, it also says that “home visits” should be used to inject people on a door-to-door basis. In addition, workplaces, pharmacies, churches and schools are named as candidates for forced immunizations, and the document recommends that pharmacists be allowed to “administer a vaccine directly without a standing order.”

The document specifically states that vaccine efforts should include “nontraditional sites” such as “places of worship” or senior centers, and that covid-19 vaccines should be “bundled” with other essential social services such as food stamps (see below).

From the document: (emphasis added)

COVID-19 vaccination may require ramping up the use of sites that are already available and accessible to older adults but are used less frequently; widely placed community pharmacies, for example, are an underutilized site for routine vaccine promotion and administration, but they were used successfully for expanding access to pandemic vaccine in 2009 and 2010.

Most adults in the United States live closer to a pharmacy than to a clinic, and pharmacy vaccination programs can be especially effective for harder-to-reach populations. Pharmacy immunization efforts work best when pharmacists are given adequate training in administering a new vaccine and when state-level policies allow pharmacists the ability to administer a vaccine directly without a standing order. Other non-traditional vaccination settings include grocery stores, senior citizen centers, health departments, mass vaccination clinics, and local corporations; these have been assessed as safe and acceptable sites for pneumococcal and influenza vaccines.

After doctors’ offices, the next most common settings for influenza vaccination are pharmacies, stores (eg, supermarkets), and workplaces. To allow adults to be vaccinated directly in their workplaces seems prudent, especially for essential workers likely to be in the first tier for vaccination. Schools, which are trusted institutions present in every community and available on weekends and at night, are an additional candidate location; they were used during mass polio vaccination campaigns.

In some cases, it also may be acceptable and feasible to deliver vaccination via home visits by community health nurses when vaccination is bundled with delivery of other preventive health services; this approach has received a strong recommendation in the past from the Community Preventive Services Task Force.118 Ensuring that all COVID-19 vaccination sites maintain safe physical distancing practices may require additional planning.

The report also urges vaccine pushers to plan for the “logistics” of using grocery stores as “frontline” sites in a “vaccine rollout.” Here’s the text from the report:

Federal, state, and local health officers and their strategic partners should actively involve experts on preparedness and planning in vaccine rollout preparations as early as possible, given that novel or nontraditional sites for vaccination may become the frontlines of a successful vaccination program. These experts can help coordinate efforts at heterogeneous sites and adapt strategies that suit each site accordingly. For example, the vaccination logistics and rollout at a grocery store site will require different planning and preparation than vaccine rollout in traditional physicians’ offices.

Get ready for the rolling out of an Orwellian medical police state run by fascist vaccine pushers and Big Tech censors

The bottom line in all this? If Biden is elected President and his covid-19 taskforce becomes a reality, America will be transformed into a vaccine-pushing medical police state where you can’t even go to the grocery store or go to church without being harassed by crazed vaccine zealots.

All independent journalism that questions the safety or efficacy of vaccines will be completely banned, and the CDC — using taxpayer money — will roll out an endless stream of pro-vaccine propaganda by hiring famous actors and recording artists to brainwash the masses into getting vaccinated.

This is what happens when you vote for tyrants: You get tyranny.

So roll up your sleeve, Biden supporters, and prepare to be forcibly injected with an experimental, potentially deadly vaccine cocktail that will make the Tuskegee experiments look like a cakewalk.

Blacks and minorities are about to be targeted with the ultimate depopulation weapon: An engineered euthanasia shot called a “vaccine,” that’s so deadly and dangerous, every propaganda trick imaginable has to be used to convince people to take it… even when it’s free.

And if you say no, you won’t be able to buy groceries, go to church, attend a concert, travel by air or even open a bank account. If you continue to resist, don’t worry: They’ll send “isolation teams” to your home to kidnap you and throw you in a CDC concentration camp, where you’ll be “recycled” into biosludge that’s deposited onto the food crops.

It sounds a lot like the Green New Deal, doesn’t it? Except it’s actually the Green New KILL.

Welcome to Covid-1984.

Copyright © 2020 Natural News-All rights reserved

Communist Takeover Of America

In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx spoke of the ten steps by which the communists intended to accomplish their goal of “revolutionizing the mode of production,” which in the end would destroy Christianity and eventually the family structure:

  1. Abolition of property and land, and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
  3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and the means of transport in the hands of the state.
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
  8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools

Irresponsible ‘Education’

Goddard College’s recent decision to have its students addressed from prison by a convicted cop killer is just one of many unbelievably irresponsible self-indulgences by “educators” in our schools and colleges. Such “educators” teach minorities born with an incredibly valuable windfall gain — American citizenship — that they are victims who have a grievance against people today who have done nothing to them, because of what other people did in other times.

If those individuals who feel aggrieved could sell their American citizenship to eager buyers from around the world and leave, everybody would probably be better off. Those who leave would get not only a substantial sum of money — probably $100,000 or more — they would also get a valuable dose of reality elsewhere.

Nothing is easier than to prove that America, or any other society of human beings, is far from being the perfect gem that any of us can conjure up in our imagination. But, when you look around the world today or look back through history, you can get a very painfully sobering sense of what a challenge it can be in the real world to maintain even common decency among human beings.

Living just one year in the Middle East would be an education in reality that could obliterate years of indoctrination in grievances that passes for education in too many of our schools, colleges and universities. You could go on to get a postgraduate education in reality in some place like North Korea.

If you prefer to get your education in the comfort of a library, rather than in person amid the horrors, you might study the history of the sadistic massacres of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire or the heart-wrenching story of Stalin’s man-made 1930s famine in the Soviet Union that killed as many millions of people as Hitler’s Holocaust did in the 1940s.

Mao’s man-made famine in China killed more people than the Soviet famine and the Nazi Holocaust combined. And we should not deny their rightful place in history’s chamber of horrors to the 1970s Cambodian dehumanization and slaughters that killed off at least a quarter of the entire population of that country.

The Real History of Slavery

What about slavery? Slavery certainly has its place among the horrors of humanity. But our “educators” today, along with the media, present a highly edited segment of the history of slavery. Those who have been through our schools and colleges, or who have seen our movies or television miniseries, may well come away thinking that slavery means white people enslaving black people. But slavery was a worldwide curse for thousands of years, as far back as recorded history goes.

Overall that expanse of time and space, it is very unlikely that most slaves, or most slave owners, were either black or white. Slavery was common among the vast populations in Asia. Slavery was also common among the Polynesians, and the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere enslaved other indigenous peoples before anyone on this side of the Atlantic had ever seen a European.

More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.

What does all this mean?

In addition to the chilling picture that it paints of human nature, it means that Americans today — all Americans — are among the luckiest people who have ever inhabited this planet. Most Americans living in officially defined poverty today have such things as central air-conditioning, cable television, a microwave oven and a motor vehicle.

A scholar who spent years studying Latin America said that what is defined as poverty in the United States today is upper middle class in Mexico. Do we still need to do better? Yes! Human beings all over the world are not even close to running out of room for improvement. There is so much knowledge and skills that need to be transmitted to the young that turning schools and colleges into indoctrination centres is a major and reckless disservice to them and to American society, which is vulnerable as all human societies have always been, especially those that are decent.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. His Web site is www.tsowell.com. To find out more about Thomas Sowell and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate web page.

Copyright © 2014, Thomas Sowell  LewRockwell.com

Why America Is In Real Danger

Americans have long been proud of the fact that, unlike European countries, America never went the route of totalitarianism as embodied in communism, fascism and Nazism.

This achievement may be coming to an end.

In order to understand why, it is first necessary to understand why European countries embraced — or fell victim to — totalitarian doctrines.

Until World War I, the primary beliefs that gave life meaning, both on a national and personal level, were Judeo-Christian religions and patriotism (love of one’s nation). What gave people moral guidance were Judeo-Christian values.

For most Europeans of the younger generation, World War I, with its seemingly senseless slaughter of millions, ended belief in Christianity and, in many cases, ended the people’s faith in their nations. God was deemed absent; religion was deemed unnecessary; and national identity was widely seen as a cause of the war.

That left a void that was almost immediately filled by communism, fascism and Nazism.

In Russia, World War I led directly to the Russian Revolution. Even before the war ended, in 1917, the czar was overthrown, and later that year, the Bolsheviks (the Russian communists) took over.

As awful as the czar was, there was far more freedom under him than there was in the Soviet Union until the fall of communism 72 years later, not to mention the murder of more people — 20 to 40 million — under the Soviet regime.

In Italy, the rise of fascism followed World War I. And in Germany, the Nazis came to power just 15 years after the end of the Great War. Nazism conquered most of the European continent during WWII, and after Germany’s defeat in 1945, the Soviets imposed communism over all of Eastern Europe.

Though there were communists, communist fellow travelers, Nazi sympathizers, racists and anti-Semites in the United States, neither communism nor fascism nor Nazism took root here.

The primary reason was that, unlike most Europeans, Americans did not lose their faith in Judeo-Christian religions and values or in America after World War I. America remained so religious that, in 1954, the words “under God” were inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance recited daily in American schools.

However, by the 1950s, faith in America, Christianity and what we call bourgeois middle-class values was largely limited to older Americans. The post-World War II baby-boomer generation was already being indoctrinated in secularism and anti-Americanism. As early as 1962, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that school prayer was unconstitutional.

By the late 1960s, vast numbers of baby boomers were attending demonstrations that were as much against America — routinely characterized as an imperialist and colonialist aggressor country with an evil military — as they were against the war in Vietnam. It was not uncommon to see America spelled “Amerikkka” or “Amerika” at protests and in graffiti.

When I was in graduate school at Columbia University in the early 1970s, I was taught that men and women are not inherently different from one another and that the Cold War was between two superpowers (equally at fault), not between freedom and tyranny.

Another generation has passed, and the post-Christian, left-wing baby boomers have come close to achieving complete success. The mainstream print and electronic media, universities, high schools and elementary schools, the arts and now sports have all been conquered by the Left. Except for sports, from the beginning of the 20th century, they were almost all liberal, but now they are Left.

We now have the answer to the question: What will happen to America if Americans lose faith in God and country as the Europeans did after World War I? What will happen to America when Christianity dies as it did in Europe after World War I?

The way things now look, America may have its bout with some totalitarian doctrine — almost surely some form of leftism. Liberty has never been a left-wing value. From Lenin on, wherever the Left has come to power, it has suppressed liberty, beginning with free speech.

Already, despite a Republican president and a Republican Senate, America has less free speech than at any time in its history. Exactly one year ago, I testified before a Senate subcommittee and wrote an op-ed piece for The Wall Street Journal about YouTube (owned by Google) placing more than 100 Prager University, or PragerU, videos on its restricted list.

And things have gotten much worse. Last week, PragerU was locked out of its Twitter account for retweeting a press conference of eight physicians in Washington, D.C., which had already received 17 million views, and Facebook has just informed us that if we even cite studies that show possible benefits of hydroxychloroquine (with zinc) in the early stages of a patient with COVID-19, we will lose our Facebook account.

And then there is the “cancel culture” — which is merely a euphemism for leftist suppression of dissent. People are booted from internet platforms, fired from their jobs or have their reputations smeared and their businesses ruined for differing with the Left — on anything.

We are also undergoing a nonviolent (as of now) version of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, with individuals forced to issue humiliating public recantations of their beliefs and attend reeducation sessions (we don’t yet have reeducation camps, but they should not be ruled out as a possibility if the Left is in control).

Another communist norm taking root in America is the rewriting of the American past. We are living a famous Soviet dissident joke: “In the Soviet Union, the future is known; it is the past that is always changing.”

On almost all social issues and many economic ones, the American Left is more radical than the Left in Europe. Europeans across the political spectrum are more wary of ideological fanaticism because of the vast scale of death and suffering that resulted from communism, fascism and Nazism.

One might say that Europe was inoculated against fanaticism. Europeans are more preoccupied with working less, traveling more and being taken care of than with ideological movements. But America, which has not suffered under fanatical, irrational, liberty-depriving ideologies, has not been inoculated.

Without such a vaccination, what replaced Christianity in Europe may well do the same in America.

Copyright © 2019 Published by Prophecy News WatchAll rights reserved


10 Ways the Communist Manifesto Has Infiltrated the USA

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_VRcrqBv2w]

If you can’t handle one little arbitrary political abduction at the hands of secret government police, socialism may not be for you.

Socialists protesting in Portland are learning that “The worst thing that can happen to a socialist is to have his country ruled by socialists who are not his friends.” -Ludwig von Mises

See, you might not realize it, but the USA is already heavily influenced by the socialist/ communist philosophy of Karl Marx.

Socialism is more of an umbrella term, meaning centralized control of the means of production– like factories and farming– in the hands of the state.

Communism is more extreme, with complete abolishment of private property, and a dictatorial government that allegedly attempts to distribute wealth “to each according to his need,” and extract labor “from each according to his ability.”

The two are related enough to use them interchangeably for our purposes.

Karl Marx was born over 200 years ago. And despite the utter failure of his communist philosophy in practice, the cult lives on. Still people want to try again… this time they will get it right.

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels originally published The Communist Manifesto in 1848. It laid out the beliefs and action plan of the Communist Party. The goal was to get communists of every nationality to rise up and unite to overthrow their “capitalist oppressors.”

Little did they know their words would be used by the likes of Stalin and Mao as justification for over 100 million murders all in the name of a great leap forward for society.

In America, the goals of the communists have crept their way into society with little fanfare. Many people have no idea that public schools, the graduated income tax, and even a central state-controlled bank (like the Federal Reserve) were tenets of the Communist Manifesto.

In one section The Communist Manifesto boils down to a list of ten main goals.

Here are those goals, in Marx and Engels’ own words, followed by some discussion about of how deeply they have seeped into the United States government.

“1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.”

Also known as property taxes.

Can you really say you own land if you must pay the government every year in order to keep it? Fail to pay your rent, and they will eventually confiscate “your” land. This money is then used for “public purposes” like public schools (just wait for #10) and police, who will remove you from the government’s land if you fail to pay your rent.

And if the local government can fine you for keeping a front yard garden, or backyard chickens, do you really own the land anyway? The proletariat simply trades capitalist oppressors for government oppressors.

The federal government owns outright 28% of all land in the United States, 640 million acres. This includes the Bureau of Land Management’s 248 million-acre turf used to control and oppress political dissidents like Cliven Bundy.

“The BLM is also responsible for subsurface mineral resources in areas totaling 700 million acres.” That means they control almost three times as much land as they own.

Each state government owns an average of 8.7% of its state’s land. Another source claims the feds own over 31% of the U.S. landmass, which brings the combined state and federal total ownership to almost 40% of all land in the USA.

And let’s not forget about eminent domain, where the government can just take your land for “public use” (or public benefit) with “just compensation.”

If you don’t feel that the compensation was fair, simply take the most powerful government on Earth to court– courts that they own. I’m sure you will be treated fairly.

“2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.”

Even after the latest tax cuts, the federal income tax rates range from 10% to 37%. You pay more if you earn more. That’s what a graduated income tax means.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the top 20% of income earners in the U.S. paid 87% of all income taxes in 2018. These people who earn $150,000 or more account for 52% of the income earned in the USA, but will pay almost all of the income taxes.

The top 1% of earners– the evil bourgeoisie making over $730,000 per year–actually paid over 43% of all income taxes in 2018.

So 1% of earners who make 16% of the country’s total income will pay 43% of the total income tax.

It sounds like way more than their “fair share” to me. But the communists won’t be satisfied until everything is owned by the state.

“3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.”

They want to fleece the rich one more time when they die, even though all that wealth was taxed already as income or capital gains.

There is a hefty exemption to the estate tax (AKA death tax)–the first $11 million or so is not taxed. But every dollar over that is taxed at 40%. (State-level estate taxes add additional costs, often with lower exemptions.)

When you think about it, $11 million is not so much money when you are talking about a business that might be passed down through inheritance.

If a business is worth $15 million, the family of the deceased would owe $1.4 million. If they don’t have $1.4 million in cash hanging around, they could have to dismantle the business in order to pay the taxes. That could mean a loss of good proletariat jobs and a hit to the economy.

The same could happen to a piece of land or estate that has been in the family for generations.

The socialists would say, “Aww boo-hoo, screw the rich,” because they are hateful and greedy for other people’s wealth. But understand that they never stop with the rich.

Eventually the middle-class is gutted by the socialists, when they realize all the confiscated wealth of the rich won’t last a year in government spending.

“4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.”

Let’s start with the Exit Tax.

Why don’t you just move out of America if you don’t like the taxes?

Well, America taxes its citizens worldwide, even if they do not live or work in the USA.

Why not renounce your citizenship then?

That is one option. But it’s actually not free. In fact, the U.S. confiscates a serious percentage of property from emigrants.

It is called the Exit Tax. It gets complicated, but basically, the government is going to tax you on your net worth, as if you just sold all your assets.

If you don’t have the liquid cash to cover that, you would actually have to start selling assets–property, stocks, etc.–in order to pay the Exit Tax. Of course, you would be taxed on the income or capital gains first, and then have to pay the exit tax with what is left over.

But again, a big part of being a communist is hating rich people. People with a net worth of less than $2 million are much less affected by the exit tax, and only have to pay a few thousand dollars to divorce Uncle Sam.

So let’s turn to confiscation of rebels’ property that affects the poorest proletariat… civil asset forfeiture.

This is often used against poor people who cannot afford to defend themselves in court. The police simply steal property or cash that they “suspect” was involved in some type of crime, without having to prove anything.

They don’t even have to charge you with a crime, let alone convict you. And you have to prove your innocence if you want your car, house, or cash back.

For example, police seized over $50,000 from a Christian Rock band that had collected donations for an orphanage, because they couldn’t prove they got the money through legal means.

Between 2001 and 2016, “more than $2.5 billion in cash seizures had occurred on the nation’s highways without either a search warrant or an indictment.”

And that’s not even counting the more than $3.2 billion the DEA has seized since 2007 without filing civil or criminal charges.

Just having cash is a pretty low bar to be considered a rebel. Then again, what should we expect from a communist doctrine?

“5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.”

I wonder if today’s communists are aware of this one. They can’t possibly think the Federal Reserve helps the proletariat, yet that is exactly what the manifesto describes.

Some people might disagree that the Federal Reserve is state-owned. Technically it has a private board, although board members are appointed by politicians.

But the government granted the Federal Reserve dictatorial control over the economy. The government refuses to audit it, and the government protects its monopoly. It is without a doubt a feature of a centralized state.

The Fed sets the interest rates, prints money, and finances much of the debt of the United States government.

It centralizes capital, and lets the government decide how to use it. They usually use it to bail out banks, wage wars, and steal more value from the people through inflation.

The Federal Reserve also makes it easier for the state to confiscate rebel property. With a government monopoly, it can simply freeze accounts at home, and bully banks abroad into accepting the will of the US government.

“6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.”

FCC, FTC, DOT, FAA, TSA, CBP–oh it’s an alphabet soup of communications and transport regulators.

They regulate the phone lines, the roadways, air traffic, rails, mail and package delivery.

This is nothing new.

Around the same time Karl Marx was writing The Communist Manifesto, Lysander Spooner was doing something productive with his time.

Spooner started the American Letter Mail Company to compete with the U.S. Postal Service. He undercut their prices and provided better customer service, but was fined and cited for breaking laws which protected the government monopoly. He was forced out of business in 1851.

The government doesn’t quite have control over the internet, but they did create the conditions to allow a handful of companies to control access to the internet.

The NSA monitors every communication. Customs and Border Protection performs unconstitutional searches at the border, whether you are an American or foreign.

There is even a bill in Congress that would outlaw encrypted communications, so the government could know absolutely everything you communicate via text, call, or online messaging.

And of course, you can’t go out in public without running the risk of being harassed by local, state, and federal police. You don’t have the right to travel without justifying every action to a police officer.

“7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.”

The state has certainly dabbled in factory ownership, like the GM bailout. They control utilities like water and power. And they have certainly subsidized their fair share of business from oil and solar panels to sugar and corn.

We can refer back to #1 to see how much land the government controls, often under the auspices of improving soil and protecting wastelands.

Then there are plenty of government contractors which are basically the same thing as a government-owned company. If 100% of their revenue comes from the government, they are not a private company. This is especially prominent in the defense industry, which is where the term military-industrial-complex comes from.

The government spends about 34% of the GDP every year— in 2020 it will be closer to 50%. That is a significant percentage of the economy which the government owns or controls.

And let’s not forget about everyone’s favorite socialist, Franklin D. Roosevelt, whose New Deal programs like the Tennessee Valley Authority did just this.

Of course this power means sometimes the government poisons an entire river for thousands of miles, like the EPA did to the Colorado River in 2015.

“8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.”

Yes, the Communist Manifesto proposes enslaving all those unwilling to work.

Now, it might not seem like the U.S. government forces people to work. But you have to make money just to park your ass on a plot of land. Local governments want property taxes, which means you must make a certain amount of money just to have a place to live.

People bitch about landlords, but at least they are providing a place to live. Try building yourself a little cottage on government land and they’ll throw you in prison. (So in that sense, they will provide a home to anyone.)

Without the socialist government, you could settle an unused a piece of land, and make your own way in the world.

And the fact that the government claims the authority to tax you on everything you earn basically means you have a liability to labor for the government if you want to labor at all.

This is the antithesis of right to the pursuit of happiness the founders of the USA talked about. That was synonymous with property rights, because working, building, and creating is how most people pursue a fulfilled life.

In fact, they are required for life itself. You can’t stay alive without someone working to feed you, for example.

Therefore, most of us cannot go through life without earning something to pay for necessities. But we can’t just earn what we need, we must earn way more than we need because the government will take a huge chunk of our income.

We tend to think about taxes as a percentage of our income. But what about as a percentage of our time?

The government forces you to work as its slave from about January through April every year. In a typical career, you will spend in total more than 14 full years working as a slave for the government.

“9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.”

The government helped create factory farming by regulating all the small-scale producers out of business.

Reason reports that USDA regulations have forced small slaughterhouses to close in favor of large factory-style slaughterhouses. This might sound like a good idea at first. But consider that when one infected animal makes its way to a slaughterhouse, it can contaminate so much more meat.

Having many slaughterhouses distributed across the U.S. meant that any infections were localized, and affected far fewer people. Plus when the slaughterhouse is local, it is easier to know the owners and see the conditions for yourself.

The animals are raised closer to home, requiring less logistics and a more secure supply chain from farm to table.

The U.S. government has long subsidized large crop producers centralizing them, and making it that much harder for small farms to compete.

It started with the Farm Bill in 1933 and continues to this day.

What we get is cheap, but unhealthy products. And even though the products on the shelf look cheap, we already paid for them with our tax dollars through subsidies.

You may not want to buy unhealthy foods loaded with high fructose corn syrup. But your money will pay for that crap whether you like it or not.

As for the second part, the US federal government does all it can to destroy the autonomy of towns and states across the USA. It does this with the carrot– giving money to governments that do its bidding; and the stick– using federal money and agents to enforce its laws, however unjust.

“10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.”

This may be tenth on the list, but it is number one in ensuring all the rest fall into place.

American communists got this goal in place just four years after the Communist Manifesto was published, with Massachusetts enacting the first compulsory public education law in 1852. After that, it was only a matter of time until the population was indoctrinated to believe whatever the government taught them.

The book Teen 2.0: Saving Our Children and Families from the Torment of Adolescence delves in depth into the history and injustice of compulsory schooling.

It was designed so that the state and corporations could work together to train an obedient workforce, with the public footing the bill.

The point was not open minds and a desire to learn. The aim of the education was setting students up for whatever mediocre to low paying jobs the industrialists wanted them to fill.

The communists succeeded in getting exactly what they wanted out of American schools. And today we see the growing gap between what people learn in school, and what skills they actually need for good jobs. The communists have got the American education system stuck in a stagnant philosophy of industrial labor.

Of course, they did it with supposedly the best intentions. Sounds like a good idea to save kids from dangerous work. But in the process, they also robbed children and young adults of their autonomy and choice. They forced kids against their will into a government institution and set the course for their entire lives.

With childhood education infiltrated by the communists, it was only a matter of time until the US became a socialist country.

And I’d say we are basically there.

That’s why it is so absurd that people think “socialism” would be a radical change for the US. It would be more of the same, a doubling down on every failure you can think of from the last century.

What the socialists being arrested in Portland by other socialists might not realize is that Obama signed the NDAA which is now being used by Trump/ federal troops to kidnap protesters in Portland.

The Republicans and Democrats are different heads of the same beast, just like Socialists versus the National Socialists. The labels hardly matter.

They are authoritarians first, and then break down into factions of communist, socialist, fascist, etc. Each grows the power of the federal government, and hands that power off to the next faction when the tides turn.

A truly radical experiment would actually be trying a real free market for once.

They’ve Planned This For Years – COVID-1984

History has been rewritten to change facts to fit those in power and manipulate the minds of people. Orwell’s prophetic, nightmarish vision of how a totalitarian state in which the Ministry of Truth used a language to brainwash the people is becoming timelier than ever before. He said that “in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. His slogan was: War is peace; freedom is slavery; ignorance is strength.”

His epic book 1984, describes the so-called Ministry of Truth as Oceania’s propaganda ministry and one of the four ministries that govern the nation’s news, media, arts, entertainment, and educational books.

Neil Postman wrote Amusing Ourselves to Death, which also seems to be prophetic considering the effects of the media and the television on the way we conduct ourselves in our public and private thoughts. In the introduction to his book, Postman said that the modern world was better reflected by Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984.

Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing: Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley’s vision, no Big Brother was required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity, and history.

Huxley saw that people would come to love oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think. He wrote, “What George Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one.”

Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared we would become a captive audience.Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared that we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, a preoccupied culture.

As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.”

Huxley described these non-stop distractions as feelies, orgy-porgy, and centrifugal bumble-puppy, which deliberately distract people from paying too much attention on the realities of the moral, social, and political situation, instead focusing on selfish interests.

What if Albert Einstein was right when he reportedly said, “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots”? Are we becoming idiots?

Our age has been described as the information revolution and entertainment age because people are so distracted by all these kinds of devices. We have more of every kind of media— movies, television shows, more television channels, satellite radio stations and every kind of social media platform.

The prophet Daniel predicted that there would be an explosion of knowledge and a huge increase in travelling systems in the last days:

But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase (Daniel 12:4).

There has been an explosion of knowledge beyond anything ever experienced in human history. The rate of technological change has accelerated at an alarming rate so that it is becoming impossible for any individual, no matter how brilliant, to fully comprehend the total amount of knowledge now available.

Everywhere we go, screens that connect somewhere else surround us— somewhere we’re not present. Place a frog in a saucepan of very hot water and its survival instincts are activated almost immediately. Place the same frog in a different saucepan of lukewarm water, and it will choose to remain where it is.

Gradually increasing the temperature by slow degrees, a strange thing happens. The frog gradually habituates to the increasing heat until it will happily tolerate the temperature which made it leap from the first saucepan. Remember the temperature is raised slowly enough until its vital organs begin to fail. Eventually, the frog is boiled alive. The unhealthy obsession with television, computers, and cell phone media has dumbed down the average person so that the goose is cooked and the frog is boiled.

Aldous Huxley was raised within the British Socialist establishment and was one of England’s ruling elite. He had firsthand knowledge of the utopian society the elites wanted. He outlined his vision well and most of his points are fast becoming a reality. He predicted that “sex will be encouraged from early childhood and recreational sex will be an integral part of society and a social activity, rather than a means of reproduction.

The few women who can reproduce will be conditioned to use birth control, even wearing a ‘Malthusian belt’ that resembles a cartridge and holds ‘the regulation supply of contraceptives as a popular fashion accessory.’

People will be kept too preoccupied with work and trivial affairs to think or complain. Marriage, natural birth, parenthood, and pregnancy will be considered too obscene to be mentioned in casual conversation. Pornography and the official promotion of every kind of sexual perversions will be the new normal that will serve a political purpose.

Postman wrote:

As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends to compensate by increasing. And the dictator will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to day dream under the influence of dope, movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate would ruin us; Huxley feared that what we love would ruin us. In the end, Neil Postman concluded that possibly Huxley, not Orwell, was right.

For those who are afraid that our society is in danger of becoming something out of Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World, it has come to that already, exactly as the Bible predicted would happen in the last days. And for those who have studied the Nazi-German press in the 1930s and the present developments in America and the West have concluded that the parallels are ominous.

The Nazis censored all media— literature, music, newspapers, and public events. They wanted to reinforce Nazi power and to suppress opposing viewpoints and information. Those who could not comply faced risks of deportation, imprisonment, or even execution in a concentration camp. Hitler outlined his theory of propaganda and censorship in Mein Kampf:

The chief function of propaganda is to convince the masses, whose slowness of understanding needs to be given time so they may absorb information; and only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea on their mind…. The slogan must of course be illustrated in many ways and from several angles, but in the end one must always return to the assertion of the same formula. The one will be rewarded by the surprising and almost incredible results that such a personal policy secures.

The most enduring lesson of Nazi Germany in propaganda, according to Dr. Lutzer, is:

Ordinary people, simply concerned about living their own lives, can be motivated to become a part of an evil movement through the power of compelling propaganda, intimidation, and mass euphoria… it is possible for ordinary people to commit atrocities they never thought possible when they are swept into a cultural current where everyone is both expected to fall in line and be rewarded for it.

In such a climate, anyone who swims against the stream is demonized by misrepresentations, false evidence and ridicule. With such pressure, even rational and decent people who refuse to be co-opted begin to question their own sanity. Can they alone be right when everyone else is wrong?

Just consider how those who refuse to wear masks are portrayed in the media and then compare this to how Polly discusses the way The Medical Tyranny is turning us all into chronic illness outpatients. She relies on an excellent article by Sam Vaknin called ‘The Body as a Torture Chamber’ and applies his arguments to what is happening with the Pandemic response.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2deFTjEDgGA]


Power lies in the truth, not in lies and deception, and the truth has the power to set a person free. That is why the Lord Jesus said, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32). The distortion of truth has given the media power to manipulate people to suit their deadly ends. In this process, the truth is abandoned and replaced by fear of death. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said

Today Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order… tomorrow they will be grateful…. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government. Substitute “threat” with the “Coronavirus” – Substitute “world government” with “national government.

As lawlessness continually increases in American cities the voices to defund the police are getting more and more louder. We understand the combined forces of the New World Order under the auspices of the United Nations, who have their Trojan Horse building on Rockefeller-donated land in New York City will be a welcome sight to create order out of chaos after the economy collapses.

In her fictional book Son of Perdition, author and God TV Co-founder Wendy Alec describes the end game of these globalists:

To consolidate power into their hands, the global elite needs to stage a false flag incident….either a nuclear incident in LA, Chicago or the East Coast or weaponized bio terror agent released from their laboratories-say small pox, Ebola, weaponized Avian flu- to gain control of the mass population.

Take the case of a false flag bio terror attack. Millions of deaths occur. People are so demoralised they cry out to the shadow government to save them….Then it starts-the real introduction of martial law. A one-world currency. Bodies piling up, mandatory vaccinations….Look at the past. By 2009, thirty-two states had passed laws that make resisting inoculation once it’s ordered by the governor a felony; unlimited quarantine mandated for any who resist.

Vaccinations contain the RFID chip. People are frantic—they willingly accept it…. They become legitimate trackable property of this New World Order….The government are merely pawns for the system. Their strings are being pulled covertly by a shadow government. Bankers. Oil barons. The military industrial complex. According to this same premise, the dissenters-whoever refuses vaccination –are rounded up by military police into FEMA concentration camps as threats to the health of the community.

Quarantined……With millions of people dead, martial law declared, complete control of news media, no one will care…..Look, in the USA, the Executive Orders exist. They have their equivalents in Europe and in the UK. Think about the strategy. The international banking cartel achieves its objectives. Eliminate all opposition. Reduce, then chip the population. Unimpeded survelliance and control. Further centralization of their financial pyramid scheme of money as debt. It’s all about control, power and money.

That’s the main reason why the Ministry of Truth is now regulating and suppressing alternative media.  Our journalists love freedom and liberty, but they love their lives and comfort a little bit more. Most of the media has been a champion of the elite’s agenda, which is to promote deception and openly violate the laws there sworn to protect in order to gain money, power and control. The end justifies the means.

There are very few journalists today who possess the persistently determined character to report the truth. Who can blame them? After all, most human beings prefer to turn to the path of lukewarmness, compromise, apathy, and self-preservation when faced with opposition.

These days if you need to find out some news, you probably need to go on the internet and read everything from both sides of the spectrum as objectively as possible, then try to use your common sense, natural instinct, and historical knowledge if you have time to do that.

A quote attributed to Mark Twain says that “a lie can travel halfway round the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Today people are far too lazy or fearful to check the facts for themselves. To borrow a phrase, ‘You can lead a person to the truth but you can’t make them comprehend it.’ Most of us are afraid that we will learn the truth and find it extremely hard to handle.

The apostle Paul said ‘people will not love the truth in the last days. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness’ (2 Thessalonians 2:11–12).

This is exactly what is going on today and it’s why the Bible is the most accurate prophetic book ever written. Every single prophecy in the Word of God will be fulfilled or has already been fulfilled. So if you want the truth, read the Bible, take it in one hand and the newspaper or the source of your news in the other.

The news just raises the questions, but the Bible has all the answers. In this age of deception, do we have the time to spend with the Lord and read our Bibles or do we have pleasure in unrighteousness?

From Lockdowns to ”The Great Reset”

ID2020 Summit: Harnessing Digital Identity for the Global Community on May 20, 2016.(Photo: www.JeffreyHolmes.com)

The lockdown in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the implementation of long-held plans to establish a so-called new world order. Under the auspices of the World Economic Forum (WEF), global policymakers are advocating for a “Great Reset with the intent of creating a global technocracy. It is not by coincidence that on October 18, 2019, in New York City the WEF participated in “Event 201” at the “high-level” pandemic exercise organized by the John Hopkins Center for Health Security.

This coming technocracy involves close cooperation between the heads of the digital industry and of governments. With programs such as guaranteed minimum income and healthcare for all, the new kind of governance combines strict societal control with the promise of comprehensive social justice.

The truth, however, is that this new world order of digital tyranny comes with a comprehensive social credit system. The People’s Republic of China is the pioneer of this method of surveillance and control of individuals, corporations, and sociopolitical entities.

For the individual, one’s identity is reduced to an app or chip that registers almost any personal activity. In order to gain a few individual rights, and be it only to travel to a certain place, a person must balance such apparent privileges with his submission to a web of regulations that define in detail what is “good behavior and deemed as beneficial to humankind and the environment.

For example, during a pandemic, this sort of control would extend from the obligation of wearing a mask and practicing social distancing to having specific vaccinations in order to apply for a job or to travel.

It is, in short, a type of social engineering which is the opposite of a spontaneous order or of development. Like the mechanical engineer with a machine, the social engineer–or technocrat–treats society as an object. Different from the brutal suppressions by the totalitarianism of earlier times, the modern social engineer will try to make the social machine work on its own according to the design.

For this purpose, the social engineer must apply the laws of society the way the mechanical engineer follows the laws of nature. Behavioral theory has reached a stage of knowledge that makes the dreams of social engineering possible. The machinations of social engineering operate not through brute force, but subtly by nudge.

Under the order envisioned by the Great Reset, the advancement of technology is not meant to serve the improvement of the conditions of the people but to submit the individual to the tyranny of a technocratic state. “The experts know better” is the justification.

The Agenda

The plan for an overhaul of the world is the brainchild of an elite group of businessmen, politicians, and their intellectual entourage that used to meet in Davos, Switzerland, in January each year. Brought into existence in 1971, the World Economic Forum has become a mega global event since then. More than three thousand leaders from all over the world attended the meeting in 2020.

Under the guidance of the WEF, the agenda of the Great Reset says that the completion of the current industrial transformation requires a thorough overhaul of the economy, politics, and society. Such a comprehensive transformation requires the alteration of human behavior, and thus “transhumanism is part of the program.

The Great Reset will be the theme of the fifty-first meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2021. Its agenda is the commitment to move the world economy toward “a more fair, sustainable and resilient future.” The program calls for “a new social contract” that is centered on racial equality, social justice, and the protection of nature.

Climate change requires us “to decarbonize the economy” and to bring human thinking and behavior “into harmony with nature.” The aim is to build “more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies.” This new world order must be “urgently” implemented, the promotors of the WEF claim, and they point out that the pandemic “has laid bare the unsustainability of our system,” which lacks “social cohesion.”

The WEF’s great reset project is social engineering at the highest level. Advocates of the reset contend that the UN failed to establish order in the world and could not advance forcefully its agenda of sustainable development–known as Agenda 2030-because of its bureaucratic, slow, and contradictory way of working.

In contrast, the actions of the organizational committee of the World Economic Forum are swift and smart. When a consensus has been formed, it can be implemented by the global elite all over the world.

Social Engineering

The ideology of the World Economic Forum is neither left nor right, nor progressive or conservative, it is also not fascist or communist, but outright technocratic. As such, it includes many elements of earlier collectivist ideologies.

In recent decades, the consensus has emerged at the annual Davos meetings that the world needs a revolution, and that reforms have taken too long. The members of the WEF envision a profound upheaval at short notice. The time span should be so brief that most people will hardly realize that a revolution is going on. The change must be so swift and dramatic that those who recognize that a revolution is happening do not have the time to mobilize against it.

The basic idea of the Great Reset is the same principle that guided the radical transformations from the French to the Russian and Chinese Revolutions. It is the idea of constructivist rationalism incorporated in the state. But projects like the Great Reset leave unanswered the question of who rules the state. The state itself does not rule. It is an instrument of power. It is not the abstract state that decides, but the leaders of specific political parties and of certain social groups.

Earlier totalitarian regimes needed mass executions and concentration camps to maintain their power. Now, with the help of new technologies, it is believed, dissenters can easily be identified and marginalized. The nonconformists will be silenced by disqualifying divergent opinions as morally despicable.

The 2020 lockdowns possibly offer a preview of how this system works. The lockdown worked as if it had been orchestrated–and perhaps it was. As if following a single command, the leaders of big and small nations–and of different stages of economic development–implemented almost identical measures. Not only did many governments act in unison, they also applied these measures with little regard for the horrific consequences of a global lockdown.

Months of economic stillstand have destroyed the economic basis of millions of families. Together with social distancing, the lockdown has produced a mass of people unable to care for themselves. First, governments destroyed the livelihood, then the politicians showed up as the savior. The demand for social assistance is no longer limited to specific groups, but has become a need of the masses.

Once, war was the health of the state. Now it is fear of disease. What lies ahead is not the apparent coziness of a benevolent comprehensive welfare state with a guaranteed minimum income and healthcare and education for all. The lockdown and its consequences have brought a foretaste of what is to come: a permanent state of fear, strict behavioral control, massive loss of jobs, and growing dependence on the state.

With the measures taken in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, a big step to reset the global economy has been made. Without popular resistance, the end of the pandemic will not mean the end of the lockdown and social distancing. At the moment, however, the opponents of the new world order of digital tyranny still have access to the media and platforms to dissent. Yet the time is running out.

The perpetrators of the new world order have smelled blood. Declaring the coronavirus a pandemic has come in handy to promote the agenda of their Great Reset. Only massive opposition can slow down and finally stop the extension of the power grip of the tyrannical technocracy that is on the rise.

Copyright © 2020- Anthony P. Mueller MISES INSTITUTE-All rights reserved


One Woman’s Fight Against a Narrative She Calls a ‘Lie’

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oZbqMUN8yk]

It started with a van full of paint cans on the streets of New York outside the Black Lives Matter mural in Midtown Manhattan. And then Bevelyn Beatty began her task, dropping to her knees with paint in-hand yelling, “They don’t care about black lives, they’re liars.”

Finally came her arrest as she chanted, ‘Jesus matters. Jesus matters. Stand up. Take your country back.’

Bevelyn Beatty’s actions and video went viral last month and she tells CBN News she had one thing on her mind the whole time. “I have to paint this mural. I have to cover this mural,” she explains from her home in New Jersey. “I was so tired of this black lives matter narrative…we’re going to hit it. We’re going to fight and we’re going to stand and God is with me. And that was it.”

To understand Bevelyn Beatty’s actions and motive you need to know her back story.

She grew up in the inner city on welfare. After seeing people close to her die, Beatty went out on her own, got into trouble, and seven years ago, wound up in jail on money laundering charges. It was there where someone shared the Gospel with her and she gave her life to Jesus Christ. “When I got out of jail, honey, you couldn’t get me to steal a pack of bubble gum,” she said. “You couldn’t get me to do nothing.”

As a changed woman, Beatty became a Christian activist in the fight against abortion working for “At Well Ministries.” Today, she’s speaking out against the Black Lives Matter organization, especially the part of its creed about how they look to disrupt the “western prescribed nuclear family structure.”

“Black Lives Matter is against black men because a man is truly not a man unless he’s a leader in his own family,” she said. “This is a portion of his identity because this is what God ordained from the beginning.”

Beatty also points out how the organization is selective on its topics. “The number one killer of black people is abortion, she said. “We’re killing ourselves.”

And then there’s the violence she’s seen. “Black Lives Matter will never address black-on-black crime,” she says. “As black people, we’re headed towards extinction. Black Americans won’t exist no more by 2050 with the route that we’re going because if we’re not killing each other on the streets, we’re aborting each other’s babies.”

She sees politics, especially the Democrat party, driving it all. “They’re using us, they’ve been constantly using us,” she said. “We keep giving them the votes. That’s why Joe Biden had the audacity to say, ‘if you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.'”

As for the BLM movement, she blames Democrats for heightening the tension and violence in the streets. “The Democrats are the ones who really helped pivot and launch this Black Lives Matter organization. The Democrats are the ones screaming, ‘defund the police get rid of the police’ yet the Democrats are the ones that run these cities top to bottom.”

She’s fed up with it all. She sees America changing before her very eyes and wants to see other Christians rise up with her.

“Christians have to recognize that if we don’t stand up and smell the coffee, we are going to give away our freedoms and America is going to turn into a communist country,” she said. “Once America turns into a communist country, the world will be communism and we will be back in the days of Noah.”

For Bevelyn Beatty, in the end, it’s not politics that matter, it’s only Jesus. “I am a Christian, this is about Christianity, this is about Jesus,” she said. “They want Christians to shut up. They want us to bow…we’re going to be shaking it up and letting people know Jesus is Lord and the only thing that matters is Jesus.”

Copyright 2020 CBN All rights reserved.

Claim of ‘Peaceful Protest’ Deception

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Ybd7uUHd6E]

What a riot: Jim Jordan scorches Dems’ claim of ‘peaceful protest’

Limbaugh said:

But you cannot go to church. You are violating protocol if you go to church. You can’t go to church in numbers greater than 30, 40, or 50 people.

But you can gather together to riot and to engage in violent protests all you want – and this has now been affirmed by the Supreme Court, which totally ignored the free expression of religion clause in the First Amendment in order to come to this ruling.

The Democrats tell us that Black Lives Matter is not a Marxist organization, despite what the Black Lives Matter website says’

The imposition on going to church, the imposition on a family funeral, the imposition on in-person weddings, it’s almost more trouble than it’s worth. But you can go out and you can be part of any violent riot that you want. You cannot be with your sick children in a hospital, but, boy, can you be part of massive riots.

A Marxist Construct

Black Lives Matter is a damnable lie on every quantifiable level. If black lives mattered the organizers and participants in said movement would not draw a sharp distinction between what they term “urban ‘black’ violence” and Black Lives Matter. The fact is: Black Lives Matter is a satanic heterodoxy that was transmogrified into a Marxist construct for the primary purpose of creating a toxic social environment fueled by riots and mayhem.

Black Lives Matter is the corporate name of a Marxist group that doesn’t give a rat’s behind about black people or their lives. They are a domestic terrorist organization whose founders realized having “black” in their name indemnifies them against national political condemnation. There’s nothing “black” about the group Black Lives Matter.

Most of the people who equate scoring touchdowns, dribbling basketballs, driving racecars, kicking goals, etc., with a measurable IQ 70 are clueless to said fact. As usual, in their exhilaration to hate white people, embrace victimology, and avail themselves to be used to further the cause of identity politics, most blacks openly or quietly support the idea of “We Shall Overcome.” They’re blinded by silent hatred to the point that they fail to realize “overcome, came and went” and they’re now being used by Communists and Marxists on a mission to obtain wealth and power that won’t be shared on any level with them.

From Dr. Martin Luther King’s daughter Bernice King to Ayanna “cue ball” Pressley, D-MA, to the Obama woman and beyond, they’re nothing more than useful idiots, at the disposal of the real power that lurks in the shadows comfortably avoiding scrutiny, and thus ridicule as well.

The absence of nomological reasoning is the industrial counterpart of probable cause, i.e., if it’s white there must be some aspect of guilt and/or crime.

Therein lies the prolepsis of that which will never come nor be achieved. This is because fools can pursue a lie, but that which they seek as a reality is destined to always be just beyond their reach.

To the intellectually honest it’s obvious that common sense and civility have taken a back seat to shrill invidious voices of those who preach the vitriolic heterodoxies of Marxism and neo-Leninism juxtaposed to embracing modernity. Many blacks have been brainwashed into believing opportunity for them doesn’t exist. This is because they’re willingly oblivious to the reality that the ramifications of bad decisions are frequently, if not always, bad outcomes.

It’s myopically paradoxical and demonstrably foolish for blacks to prostitute themselves as a crayon color burdened by a history that is purposefully misrepresented.

Black Lives Matter leadership has made no secret of not identifying with any cause focused on what they reference as “urban ‘black’ violence.”

Black Lives Matters doesn’t care about the number of black children under the age of 11 years that were murdered over the past three weeks by other blacks. Black Lives Matter don’t give a rip about the barely calculable number of small businesses burned to the ground and/or vandalized beyond any hope of reopening in the poorest of the poor neighborhoods that are home to predominantly black families.

Black Lives Matter doesn’t care about life in the projects or life on food stamps. And Black Lives Matter doesn’t give a rat’s tail about the industrialization of killing black babies; they only care that it continues uninterrupted.

It’s irreconcilably stupid to burn down their own neighborhoods, and loot stores for televisions they do not have electricity to turn on, sneakers they have nowhere to wear but in the ashes of what was the corner store and to destroy the only businesses that service their neighborhoods.

Black Lives Matter and their terrorist Marxist counterparts like Antifa are demanding police departments be defunded. They’re calling for police departments to be closed. This is because they don’t live in the neighborhoods they’re advocating said be done. These are spoiled boarding school kids and trust fund babies that were radicalized by the leftover dregs of humanity from the sixties.

The domiciles many blacks reside in need massive police presence. They’re drug infested, criminally afflicted bastions of squalor and generational metastization of economic malignancy. The chief economy in these neighborhoods is drug dealing followed by a plethora of other criminal pursuits.

None of the simpletons in professional sports who are taking a knee and brandishing their fists in the air to signify black power are rooted in reality. They’re pathetic examples of brinksmanship that will badly for all concerned.

The one thing that cannot be denied is that tragically, many blacks are unwilling or incapable of admitting that it’s not the police or the average man/woman in the street murdering their children and robbing the people of a quality of life you and I take for granted.

The shaping of thought and reasoning into a predisposition of victimology based upon skin-color results from being the demimondes of the welfare state.

Like the Communist college radicals of the sixties, Black Lives Matter zealots don’t live in the neighborhoods they’re vandalizing, burning, and calling for the dissolution of law enforcement. It isn’t their child, sibling, girlfriend or wife that’s been murdered, raped, stabbed or beaten in the past three weeks alone. They’ve no fear or thought of their small child being gunned down by gang violence, as the child plays indoors.

It would behoove the people who base their self-esteem and self-worth on skin-color to realize that racism today is the bastardization of a word. They’d also do well to look at the example set by Dr. Martin Luther King as he dealt with codified apartheid by Southern Democrats. King’s massive marches and boycotts didn’t involve blacks smashing windows, arson, and unbridled violent behavior.

Dr. King and his protesters behaved with dignity and pride, which resulted in the American people demanding the end of the apartheid called Jim Crow.

Decent people today are rightfully appalled and outraged that insanity is being rewarded by major corporations and so-called clergy washing and kissing the feet of thugs and hoodlums because a lifelong thug and drug addict ended his life in police custody.

Copyright © 2019 Mychal Massie-All rights reserved