Is America on the Brink of a Second Civil War?

How to Prepare for the Coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War

Since having the dream about the coming second American Revolutionary/Civil War, other national voices—both Christian and secular—have begun to say that we are in a civil war now. If we count a “war of words” and some violence, you might conclude that. However, we are still not in the civil war that I saw in my dream.

I think many are seeing that the divisions in our country are now so great, and seemingly getting worse by the day that it is extremely likely we will end up in some level of internal conflict, a civil war.

Until I had the dream about the coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, I would have concurred that we were headed toward civil war, but that there was still time to change our direction. I understand now that it is inevitable. Even so, I still believe that the cost of the rising conflict can be reduced in possibly every way.

Prayer, repentance, revival, and an awakening, as well as serious government reform, can all have a substantial positive impact and reduce the cost of the rising conflict. Focusing on all of these is one thing we can do to prepare for what is coming.

Even if all these things are accomplished and the impact of the looming conflict is reduced, it is wisdom to prepare for the worst while praying for the best. What I saw in the dream was devastating, but it seemed to be focused in only certain parts of the country.

There will be safe regions and cities of refuge. Yet regardless of where we live, it is better to be prepared and not have to use our preparations than to not be prepared when we need to be.

Our preparations need to be done in faith, not fear. Noah had faith to build the ark, as did Joseph when he helped prepare Egypt. The dreams The Lord gave them were evidence that He would help, but they did not just celebrate this, they took action. We must do the same.

Shoring up our faith in God is the most important thing we can do to prepare for what is coming. To do this, we need to understand that true faith in God is faith in Him, not an outcome. We must resolve to trust Him regardless of what happens.

Many suffer the shipwreck of their faith because they put more faith in their faith than they do in God. Others suffer the shipwreck of their faith because they put more faith in preferred outcomes than they do in God.

It is not wrong to pray for certain outcomes, but it is wrong to let this eclipse our faith in God. If our faith in God is rocked because we are disappointed by an outcome, then we had a distorted faith in something else, not Him.

We must trust that God is never unjust, and He prefers mercy over judgment. He is full of grace and mercy and extends them when He can. He loves all and desires for them to be saved. He takes no pleasure in the punishment of the wicked. However, there is a time when judgment is mercy and grace and is inevitable.

He disciplines those whom He loves, and His judgments are evidence that He has not given up on us. Here is a shocking factor proven by studies: As many as 90% of those claiming to be evangelical Christians have been taught more by the spirit of the world than by The Spirit of Truth.

The worldview of most Christians has been learned from the earthly, carnal perspective of the secular news, education, and other sources rather than from The Lord. For this reason we can expect most who claim to be Christian to be on the wrong side of the coming conflict, at least for a time.

So how do we prepare for this? First, let us be sure that we do not fall into that category. We can start by caring more for knowing the truth than we do for entertainment.

The word entertainment comes from the concept “to detain from entering.” There is a legitimate place for recreation, which comes from the words “to re-create,” but mindless entertainment is robbing many of their purpose in this life and the ability to know and discern the truth.

Revelation straight from The Father is the rock that The Lord said He would build His church on. We must do all we can to know Him, know His voice, and obey Him. We can accurately know everything that will come to pass but not be in His will, which is the only safe place to be in the times to come. If we are spending more time on entertainment than we are seeking Him, we are building on a foundation that will likely not survive the looming storms.

If we would each take this next month to remove the things in our lives that are wasting time and instead use the time to seek The Lord and get to know Him better, then there is nothing more profitable we could do to be ready for the future. Being ready is not just so we can be safe, but so that our lives are on solid ground and we can help pull others out of the quicksand.

If we take all of the wasted time and resources from our lives and use them instead to seek The Lord, it will pay great dividends for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our nations. Each one of us can make a big difference in the times to come, and we will if we abide in Him.

We have been called to be soldiers in His last-day army:

Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier” (II Timothy 2:3-4).

We must get free of every entanglement that is keeping us from taking our place in His army and being the soldier we are called to be.

Watch the video for Joyner’s explanation on Sid Roth


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