The Truth About the British Empire

The British Empire was the greatest imperial power that the world has ever seen. It was also, comparatively, the most benign. The Commonwealth’s membership of 53 nations, nearly all of them ex-colonies, is testimony to more than the generosity of our international aid programme.

Historically, most people around the world have been subject to an imperial power at some time or other. To be a subject of the British Empire, however, was to win first prize in the lottery of imperial rule. Not many punters, I suspect, would be opting for the Mongols, the Spanish, the Songhai, the Portuguese, the Mughals, the Belgians, the French, the Germans or the Zulus.

It is an undeniable fact that millions from the British Empire and its dominions fought for what was perceived as the ‘mother country’ in the two world wars. A former rebel colony that went on to fight its own war against us, now the USA, made the most formidable contribution of all to fighting and dying for its former colonial masters.

Meanwhile, the people of another former colony, Jamaica, yearn to be back under British rule.

Thank God for Britain – mostly, a shining light in the history of the world! Not that you would think so if you watched Saturday night’s Channel 4 programme, The Massacre that Shook an Empire, commemorating the centenary of the Amritsar Massacre.

Its presenter, Sathnam Sanghera, from Wolverhampton, clearly knows he is on to a good thing in demonising Britain – his own country. It is just so on-message these days to self-flagellate, don’t you know? 

What with the fear of a post-Brexit shortage of Italian olive oil, of EU- sourced avocados becoming ever scarcer and the burden of de-colonising British education, times are far from easy for our MSM opinion-forming elite.

Amongst those offering a receptive ear to the anti-British self-flagellation message is BBC Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark. She was willingly gullible as Sanghera explained to her how things have gone so wrong with our understanding of the Empire:

I think we have this narrative in Britain where we are always the good guys, you know. We defeated the Nazis. We abolished slavery. Empire was a great thing! 

It would be almost impossible to state the opposite of the truth with more misleading sincerity. These days in schools and universities young people are subjected to a non-stop diet of anti-British brainwashing about Empire.

One of the most widely used school history textbooks, for example, much reprinted, is entitled Minds and Machines: Britain 1750-1900. Its authors include senior educational advisers to government. In order to denigrate all things British, bogus evidence is invented for pupils to use in forming an opinion of the British Empire.

In relation to colonised people, for example, it states that ‘we have tried to imagine what they would tell us if they were to come back from the dead’. Pupils thus learn that an undead Princess Rani Lakshmi would tell us that: ‘The British punished survivors by firing cannon balls through them at point blank range’ and so on and so on. Yes, imaginary evidence, ‘fake news’ in its purest form, to damn the Brits in general and the Empire in particular.

Just how wrong could Sanghera be in claiming that Britain, today, promotes Empire as ‘a great thing’? He needs to do some homework! The massacre of hundreds in Amritsar was indeed ‘monstrous’, as Churchill said at the time, but it was atypical. It was so shocking that the Hunter Commission of inquiry was set up. It included Indian representatives and unanimously condemned the rogue general, Reginald Dyer, who had ordered the massacre. Few imperial powers have been so willing to admit to their own sins.

The truth is that the Brits may have been top dogs when it came to the size, power and influence of their empire but we have definitely been well down the league table of those who have perpetrated massacres. The Mughal Empire which Britain supplanted in the sub-continent was many, many times worse. And left to themselves the people of India resorted to unparalleled savagery in 1947.

Channel 4 and Newsnight should now come clean. Yes, rule by the British had its very real downsides and being massacred by General Dyer was one of them. Compared with alternative imperial regimes, however, it had much to commend it.

The time has surely arrived for all of us to be as proud of Empire at that great Victorian, Mary Seacole, whose statue stands opposite parliament and whose country of origin, Jamaica, so yearns for a return to its imperial past.

Copyright © 2019, Chris McGovern The Conservative Woman-All rights reserved.

An Existential Threat to Independent Media

I’d almost ceased writing commentary except for occasional notes on my philosophy blog. Most of what I’d been writing seemed to fall on deaf ears, and I was weary of it.

Plus, the need to start a business to ensure my small family’s financial survival has consumed a good bit of my time for over a year now.

The Julian Assange takedown last Thursday brought me up short. Even though I’d seen in coming.

What I see now is an existential threat to independent publishing and alternative media of whatever sort.

Should it turn out that the British can arrest, and the U.S. can extradite, an Australian citizen, web publisher, and journalist for violating U.S. secrecy laws from well outside U.S. borders, this will establish a precedent that should send chills up and down the spine of every truth-teller in the world, everywhere.

Nothing justifies extraditing Assange to the U.S., unless the long arm of the U.S. government became the arm of a world government while I wasn’t looking.

Everybody knows the basics: Assange started WikiLeaks in 2006, and by 2010 the site was making waves as the major outlet for information the Deep Establishment did not want known.

It should be emphasized that WikiLeaks released material received from then-Bradley (now Chelsea*) Manning implicating U.S. troops in Iraq in what might have been judged to be war crimes if they’d been committed by anyone other than the U.S. or Israel (good WikiLeaks timeline and details here).

Manning did seven years in prison as a de facto political prisoner before then-President Obama commuted his sentence, which had originally been for 35 years.

In 2016, WikiLeaks released the DNC and Podesta emails which became one of the bulwarks of the Russian collusion narrative — a narrative now dead in the water.

Assange denied, and continues to deny, that his source was Russian intelligence.

Direct physical evidence refutes the common claim that the DNC server was hacked, as opposed to illicitly accessed and the emails downloaded onto a thumb drive by someone on the inside (here and here).

This evidence has been ignored. But never mind that now.

Assange appears to have been “targeted for termination” (so to speak) back in 2010.

I do not know if he was somehow set up in Sweden, or if the allegation of sexual assault was simply fabricated. Either is possible. What I doubt is that he’d make himself vulnerable by doing something so breathtakingly stupid.

The timing is suspicious: WikiLeaks released the video of the Apache helicopter assault just months before as well as other info on torture of Iraqi prisoners of war by U.S. troops, the level of civilian casualties in both Iraq and Afghanistan, etc.

So my working assumption is that the Swedish allegation is a hoax. Anyone paying even the slightest attention over the past decade knows that such hoaxes happen.

Assange knew he had incurred the ire of powerful people based in the U.S. He figured they wanted him. Obama was their current bought-and-paid-for lackey. So he defied the British and took refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy where he was given asylum. Ecuador’s then-president Rafael Correa was sympathetic, and even eventually granted him Ecuadorian citizenship.

A converted office became Assange’s home for the next six years and ten months, as his passport had been revoked and there was no physical means of getting him out of the U.K.

In early 2017, Ecuador underwent a change of leadership. New president Lenín Moreno, far more U.S.-friendly, saw the Assange situation as a “stone in his shoe.”

Assange’s Embassy life soured. His Internet access was cut, and visits by supporters were curtailed. For all practical purposes, he was in solitary confinement — which many have concluded is a form of torture. Apparently his personal habits and living conditions went downhill. Ecuador accused him of violating the terms of their agreement and withdrew his asylum.

This freed the U.K. to move against him. To them, he’d skipped bail when seeking asylum with Ecuador. The U.S. had bigger fish to fry. The reason he’d sought asylum, after all, was not fear of the Swedish allegation but his certainty it was a cover for a planned U.S. extradition.

On Thursday morning, April 11, it went down.

The man they removed had visibly deteriorated. Watch for yourself.

Assange is in custody in the U.K. Now what?

The U.S. accuses him and Chelsea Manning of trying to hack the password of a federal computer. There are indications of other charges, as of this writing undisclosed.

Manning is again locked up for refusing to testify in a secret hearing before a grand jury investigating Assange. This preceded Assange’s April 11 arrest by less than a month — a dead giveaway something was up.

We’ll see if Assange is brought forcibly to the U.S., given a show trial, and thrown into a deep dark hole.

Or found dead with at least two bullet holes in the back of his head, and authorities rule it a “suicide.”

The larger question: are we about to see the murder of independent journalism — alternative media — before our eyes?

The Deep Establishment cold war against alternative media began on November 24, 2016, and did its share of damage. With this war carried forward by Google, Facebook, and other leviathans of Big Tech in bed with the Deep Establishment, the drop in traffic to alternative sites (including this one) was noticeable.

But so far, independent media has survived!

Truth always does, one way or another!

Alternatives to official outlets continue to be “stones in the shoes” of those who would take us into their techno-feudal future.

Such voices have been annoyances to authoritarian power since the Gutenberg Press was invented, and since Martin Luther distributed copies of his 95 Theses in Wittenberg and started the Protestant Reformation — showing what one dissenting and highly resourceful voice could accomplish.

For the past 12-and-a-half years, the most resourceful dissenting voice has belonged to Julian Assange.

Hence the incentive to make an example of him.

If he ends up incarcerated for a long period of time, or dies suspiciously in custody, it will strike fear in the hearts of independent thinkers, writers, and publishers everywhere.

Keep in mind: Assange is not a U.S. citizen, has never been to the U.S., wanted nothing to do with the U.S. beyond exposing the malfeasance of its war machine. We see how Assange’s case could serve as a precedent: journalists and writers anywhere in the world can be set up, arrested, and extradited if those in power deem them a threat.

The number of truly independent truth-tellers has dwindled over the years. Those I know of would fit in my front room.

The journalism profession as a whole — like academia — sold out long ago. All one has to do to see the level of shilling is turn on CNN or MSNBC or any major network, possibly except Fox News some of the time. As for the latter, folks like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson have suffered personal attacks in this era of hoked up accusations of “sexual misconduct” and bogus allegations of “racism.”

If Julian Assange comes to a bad end, mass media and social media will get worse. We’ll see mainstream “news” descend even further into a insipid mixture of feel-good trivia, blatant propaganda, and mindless entertainment. We’ll see more and more reportage conducted in the Twitterverse, where character limits preclude deep thought.

What we won’t see is another WikiLeaks to expose the powerful and challenge dominant narratives.

It will be extremely interesting to watch what Donald Trump does. What we’ve seen so far isn’t encouraging.

Candidate Trump told his supporters, “I love WikiLeaks!” and “WikiLeaks is incredible!”

President Trump, upon being informed of Assange’s arrest, replied timidly that “I know nothing about WikiLeaks, it’s not my thing….”

Don’t take my word for it.

Has Trump become just one more lackey with a selective memory?

We’ll find out, probably before the 2020 election, whether Trump has been sufficiently compromised that the struggle against Deep Establishment globalism directed from the City of London and within the U.S. corporate-state complex is, for all practical purposes, over, at least in the U.S.

So that the march to techno-feudalism can get back to business as usual in the 2020s.

It won’t be easy — for the techno-feudal globalists.

For resistance exists not just on Main Street, U.S., but right there in the U.K. (Brexit!), in France (the Yellow Vests), and in Hungary and Poland where voters have put anti-globalists in their presidencies. Greece has been crushed by “austerity”; Italy is disintegrating.

EU-type systems simply don’t work! Unless you’re a center banker, financier, or other corporate-state globalist interested only in money and power: the telos of the materialist worldview that has dominated the European mind (and power centers) for over two centuries now, and has increasingly come to dominate the U.S. mind.

I don’t know what Julian Assange’s personal worldview is. I don’t know if he’s given the matter much thought. I am sure God has used him, and is using other truth-tellers.

The prophet Isaiah said (1:9): “Unless the Lord of Hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah.”

The Lord of Hosts clearly left us a Remnant, and it is alive throughout the world!

It was never God’s plan for humanity to create a functional world regime, which may be one of the reasons the EU has turned into an utter disaster.

Read the account of the Tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9).

Globalism may win a few battles here and there, but in the end, it cannot win the war.

Although because of our sins, ranging from the de facto apostasy of mainline churches to the U.S.’s truly horrendous crimes (think: 63 million unborn babies and counting!), we may be in for a very rough ride before the Lord returns to set things right!

*It should go without saying that Bradley/Chelsea Manning’s “gender dysphoria” is neither here nor there so far as this matters discussed here are concerned. Gender confusion does not preclude knowledge of right vs. wrong. What he/she did back in 2010 was highly courageous, even if it resulted in severe punishment, including life-threatening periods of solitary confinement. This is what we ought to expect from the military wing of a society based on authority structures instead of freedom.

Copyright © 2019, Steven Yates News With rights reserved.