Baby Shoes, Never Worn

Those words were Ernest Hemingway’s response to a question of what the most compelling story he could write in six words would be. Yes, many thoughts can be brought to my mind at those six words, but I think I am archaic and old-fashioned, living longer than I would like, in a world I hardly recognize – and I am only 60.

I am sickened by the daily parade of wickedness that has taken over the hearts and spirits of much of this country, if not the world. I am ashamed to be governed by representatives, such as Gov. (Dr.) Ralph Northam, D-Va., and those like him who can tolerate the infanticide.

States that already have liberal exceptions for the murder of the unborn, and even newborn infants, and others considering the same “rights” stand and cheer for death. It’s surreal. Now the United States Senate has defeated a bill protecting live-born aborted babies.

It seems such a short time ago. 1973. I was a freshman in an all-girls Catholic high school in Maryland. Those were the ’70s, free love, rock ‘n’ roll. We were no strangers to Planned Parenthood.

They did provide us with birth control pills without the knowledge of our parents. Interestingly, the clinic was in a poor area downtown, making it a bit more difficult for the girls in my sphere to access. (We know now that Margaret Sanger, the mother of Planned Parenthood, had intended abortions to be easily accessible primarily to blacks to limit the births of black children.)

I had friends who had abortions during those years. One girl had several. I heard that after she married she was never able to get pregnant, and I often wonder if she thought of those babies she might have held.

These were never planned pregnancies. Frightened girls were assured it was a simple procedure. Just a few hours. You go on with your life. The story back then was the cells could not feel pain; it was just tissue, like a cyst.

Then, in 1984, the movie “The Silent Scream” came out and was shoved out of the public view as fast as it possibly could be. No internet then. Those who saw it, never forgot. You watched the ultrasound as the fetus backed away from the suction tube, tried to hide, tried to scream. Horrifying.

No one ever wanted to see the pictures of aborted infants. The media would not show them. There’s a reason for that. It is sickening to see tiny, bloody arms and legs, torso, head. Then of course there’s a reason for the uproar against ultrasounds prior to abortion – again, it is hard to deny your own eyes and ears. Hear the heart beating, see a tiny baby, very much alive. A tiny person in every sense of the word.

Choosing to abort after viewing an ultrasound is every bit premeditated murder. There is the saying “Every abortion stops a beating heart.” So we can understand why the proponents of abortion want women to remain ignorant. There is money to be made. So even with the knowledge that the unborn can feel pain, and their organs can be harvested for financial gain, our wicked representatives declare it is a “woman’s right”! What about the female infant? What of her rights?

We are speeding down the slippery slope. Now we are at the point where a (pediatrician) politician (Dr. Northam) has no problem with abortion at any month, and is actually recorded in a radio interview declaring he is OK with killing a newborn, likely squirming, crying, cold and shocked by the strange bright new world it has just entered from the warmth and darkness of his mother’s womb.

A full-term birth, something Dr. Northam had undoubtedly witnessed many times, makes it all the worse. And now, those with voices, such as his, decide whether the child lives or dies. What if the newborn could speak, rather than cry? What if the infant could say, “Let me live!”

What then would these masters of the universe (the girl/woman and the doctor) decide? What is the verdict? Life or death? At this point, I am sure New York is considering the release of Kermit Gosnell, abortionist, convicted of murdering aborted live infants. Acquit him? Give him a license and let him get back to work?

I cannot keep quiet. How can this be? What person in his or her right mind cannot be tortured by the very thought of such an act? Have we grown so cold and callous that this is meaningless? If that be true, all life is meaningless, worthless for many.

We are like the beasts, perishing. And for the most part, that seems to be what we are witnessing in the world today. Yet, let’s not forget the pleas for the beasts! Even dogs and cats are given more consideration, as we are bombarded with constant reminders and request for donations to help the plight of animals at the hands of cruel, heartless humans.

There are those who would fight to keep a cat alive and yet encourage the abortion of a human infant. Supposedly, that which separates mankind from animals is the conscience and sense of morality. Very few animals kill their own young. Think about that.

There was a movie in 1973, “Soylent Green,” which portrayed a future wherein those over a certain age were mandated by the authorities to check in at a planned death clinic to be euthanized. There were very few jobs, and the people were dependent on food doled out by the authorities called “soylent green.” It’s campy, but worth a watch, starring Charlton Heston with Edward G. Robinson (in his last role).

But looking at society today, what happens, what is the consequence, when an entire generation of people, a taxpaying workforce, is missing from a nation? For 60,000,000-plus babies have been killed by abortion since 1973.

It makes it easier to see what’s coming: the fully accepted legal practice of (assisted) suicide and eventually, forced euthanasia of those deemed elderly and/or disabled by the ruling class.

Things are going to get much worse. I don’t see this ship turning around. If you agree, now would be the perfect time to seek the LORD.

For whoever finds me, finds life,
And obtains favor from the LORD;
But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul;
All those who hate me love death. (Psalm 8:35-36)

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” (Psalm 53:1)

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil;
Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! (Isaiah 5:20)


Karyn Rochford lives in southern Virginia and has had numerous editorials and opinion articles published by local newspapers and internet news outlets. She self-published “Lessons In The Garden” in 2014.

Copyright © 2019, WND-All rights reserved

My Family Fled Communism When I Was 6. Now We Fear Our Nightmare Has Followed Us Here

Following the State of the Union address, I found the state of the nation surreal. I kept skimming past articles about the Democratic Party’s proposed economic stimulus packages, collectively known as the Green New Deal.

They propose to fund unsustainable sectors like solar panels—which are already heavily government-backed—by targeting more self-sufficient industries, like meat production. In order to earmark raiding the cookie jar of productive businesses to fund those that aren’t paying for themselves, Democrats have to demonize the target in order to implement punitive measures such as meat taxes.

I know the Green New Deal is based on non-truths and artfully doled misinformation, like the deforestation myth, but most people believe we are losing forest land in this country to the meat industry. That’s one of the lies told to them by our leaders in order to take advantage of the public support and vote. They need a mob to rob.

A Bad New Deal

How did we get to this choke point of punishing meat consumption, as one NJ radical animal rights activist senator proposes, in the form of a tax?

I think I recognize a pendulum swinging back at me. Mom and Dad left everything they had to bring me and my younger brother to the United States. In this country, I am able to experience freedoms such as shopping for food, owning material things, and starting my own business. But that independence comes with heavy financial costs due to already overzealous, arbitrary, and crippling rules and laws.

Those urban-dwelling legislators blame cow and pig waste as they step over garbage on the street with plastic cups in hand.

As a matter of recent personal developments, I started making my own beef tallow-based cosmetic creams and decided to turn my products into a small business. This process is an ancient form of cosmetic production, and part of the reason I did this was to connect people to the truth.

I saw the threat to US food sovereignty—the safest, freest, most abundant, most reliable food producer in the world—coming in the form of untruthful propaganda planted by special interests. It comes in the form of false environmental claims like the threat of cow flatulence or pig feces.

Meanwhile, I work in NYC, and I see a different reality. Those urban-dwelling legislators blame cow and pig waste as they step over garbage on the street with plastic cups in hand. I see human waste in myriad forms coming from congested metropolises.

The waste is in plain view walking past storefronts. Constant construction to remodel commercial spaces after every tenant swap is in plain view. NYC takes at least 45,000 construction applications annually. Think of all the garbage from ripping out floors, walls, and ceilings and replacing them 45,000 times per year.

I wonder about the environmental impact of a throw-away society.

As city dwellers are packed in so tight in the street that they can’t traverse a sidewalk without bumping into one another like ants on an ant farm, we throw away more than 76 million pounds of garbage per day. Nine pounds per person per day of that waste is produced by people while at work. That’s a lot of to-go lunch boxes, cups, bags, and pulp from fresh juices. To what extent are the waste gases from discarded pulp considered agricultural waste?

I wonder about the environmental impact of a throw-away society. The throw-away society blames the ranchers: “We already pay for recycling and get fined when we don’t, so why shouldn’t they pay, too?”

Will the Green New Deal Be a Death Blow to Budding Entrepreneurial Ventures? 

So far, I haven’t sold one item, and God forbid I do before all levels of government have been duly compensated for ensuring the safety and well-being of the people from the threat of me and my hand cream.

The local health department wants to inspect my kitchen “to make sure that your dog isn’t walking around getting hair onto the product or that you prepare your product on the same counter as your chicken.” The government can’t provide free public services for free. They want me to state that I am a chemist because their fee system is based on the number of chemists on staff.

They will refer me for registration with the FDA to have my products tested and my work facilities investigated some more. There are fees associated here, too. The government can’t provide free public services for free.

Naturally, the IRS will have to be notified and receive their dues. Now we may have a Green New Deal standing in line for my green, too.

Where Have I Seen This Before?

With children in tow, my parents escaped oppression and a lack of human rights—the right to pursue happiness and the right to own property. They also escaped government-controlled death by not having to wait for health care under a communist regime.

They faced the threat of punitive repercussions if they displayed any personal initiative or resourcefulness.

Not for lack of resources, total government control in the name of the public interest—with no private business rights—kept everyone equally poor and longing for basic daily resources and comforts, like coffee, fruit, vegetables, meat, bread, dairy, cigarettes, clothes, fashion magazines, videos, and news.

The populace that hadn’t yet died on the inside existed with the frustration of simply not being allowed to live normal lives. They faced the threat of punitive repercussions if they displayed any personal initiative or resourcefulness. Those consequences included regular government raids and confiscation of personal property.

The people waited in line for rations of flour and their monthly maximum of sugar and cooking oil; the political members—ruling elites—feasted on the produce and sheep they plundered from the farmers and ranchers. Then they exported the rest.

Romania was the breadbasket of Europe. But it was the black market that supplied the nonconformists and enemy-of-the-state families with the forbidden goods the paternal government deemed unnecessary for the people—smuggled American cartoons and Nutella for the kids and Russian black caviar for a birthday party or gathering to impress connections.

They were the ones who risked getting shot at the border on their way out, for they wanted options for their children, who were considered the purview of the state—another resource to be plundered. Citizens were expected to remain and exist only to act as chattel for the benefit of the state. It was servitude for the good of the people. Socialism had already morphed into stage 4 cancer: communism.

Present Day

Fast forward 35 years plus 4,751.5 miles, and that nightmare hound is back to nip at the old couple’s heels, sending chills up their tired backs. It is certain that there is a power struggle over our American resources.

They aim to chip away at our personal freedoms in tiny increments until the entire foundation of the Constitution crumbles.

Certain special interests have taken it upon themselves to seize control of our abundantly rich, productive, efficient, and privately-owned agricultural sector by demonizing farmers and ranchers, all as a means of prying control from independently productive family businesses.

These nefarious wolves dressed in white are no gentle lambs. They aim to chip away at our personal freedoms in tiny increments until the entire foundation of the Constitution crumbles. The slobbering wolves in white are gaining ground by pulling the wool over our collective eyes with lies. They are salivating to plunder the world’s breadbasket.

Make no mistake: they may blame cow farts, but when you have given them the ranchers, they shall dine on the same meat they have deemed illegal for you and me.

Can my nice cow fat skin-creams make me a target here in the United States similar to what my dad endured in communist Romania?

They buy us with empty promises to enact unconstitutional laws that entrap others into giving more and to tax the bad ones for the common good, ultimately entrapping all of us in that same net. As soon as we make more, we are taxed more for more social services that don’t ever solve the problems. Socialism is a crabs-in-a-barrel system where the political elites stand outside, watching some crabs pull the others down and the others give up at the bottom.

Becoming a Public Enemy

As a former refugee from communism, a New Yorker, and someone who is intensely appreciative of the producers who make our world possible—the farmers and ranchers—my aim is to use a small business to connect urbanites with the natural perfection of the raw resources normally out of reach to them. But the Green New Deal would tell them I’m evil and shouldn’t be given the same free access to the market to compete.

Back under the Ceausescu regime, my father was under surveillance by the secret police. He had dual citizenship and traveled freely, which merited him heavy government monitoring.

Thanks to the mainstream emergence of extremist environmentalism, militant activists, doxxing, and extremist legislators, I can’t help feeling the pending threat of that hungry hound. Can my nice cow fat skin-creams make me a target here in the United States similar to what my dad endured in communist Romania?

Copyright © 2019 Freedom BunkerAll rights reserved.

The Case Against Mandatory Vaccination

If I were still a practicing ob-gyn and one of my patients said she was not going to vaccinate her child, I might try to persuade her to change her mind. But, if I were unsuccessful, I would respect her decision. I certainly would not lobby the government to pass a law mandating that children be vaccinated even if the children’s parents object.

Sadly, the recent panic over the outbreak of measles has led many Americans, including some self-styled libertarians, to call for giving government new powers to force all children to be vaccinated.

Those who are willing to make an “exception” to the principle that parents should make health care decisions for their children should ask themselves when in history has a “limited” infringement on individual liberty stayed limited.

By ceding the principle that individuals have the right to make their own health care decisions, supporters of mandatory vaccines are opening the door for future infringements on health freedom.

If government can mandate that children receive vaccines, then why shouldn’t the government mandate that adults receive certain types of vaccines? And if it is the law that individuals must be vaccinated, then why shouldn’t police officers be empowered to physically force resisters to receive a vaccine?

If the fear of infections from the unvaccinated justifies mandatory vaccine laws, then why shouldn’t police offices fine or arrest people who don’t wash their hands or cover their noses or mouths when they cough or sneeze in public?

Why not force people to eat right and take vitamins in order to lower their risk of contracting an infectious disease? These proposals may seem outlandish, but they are no different in principle from the proposal that government force children to be vaccinated.

By giving vaccine companies a captive market, mandates encourage these companies to use their political influence to expand the amount of vaccine mandates. An example of how vaccine mandates may have led politics to override sound science is from my home state of Texas.

In 2007, the then-Texas governor signed an executive order forcing eleven and twelve year old girls to receive the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, even though most young girls are not at risk of HPV.

The Texas legislature passed legislation undoing the order following a massive public outcry, fueled by revelations that the governor’s former chief of staff was a top lobbyist for the company that manufactured the HPV vaccine.

The same principles that protect the right to refuse vaccines also protect the right of individuals to refuse to associate with the unvaccinated. Private property owners have the right to forbid those who reject vaccines from entering their property.

This right extends to private businesses concerned that unvaccinated individuals could pose a risk to their employees and customers. Consistent application of the principles of private property, freedom of association, and individual responsibility is the best way to address concerns that those who refuse vaccines could infect others with disease.

Giving the government the power to override parental decisions regarding vaccines will inevitably lead to further restrictions on liberties. After all, if government can override parental or personal health care decisions, then what area of our lives is off-limits to government interference?

Concerns about infection from the unvaccinated can be addressed by consistent application of the principles of private property and freedom of association. Instead of justifying new government intrusion into our lives, the vaccine debate provides more evidence of the need to restore respect for private property and individual liberty.

Copyright © 2019 Ron Paul Institute All rights reserved.