United Kingdom or United Europe

In the vision of the statue translated by Daniel, he saw the last world empire, which will be destroyed at the Lord’s coming. Daniel 2:42-44. The legs of iron were the Roman Empire which existed at the time of Christ. This became the Holy Roman Empire after Constantine adopted Christianity as a State Religion in the 3rd Century AD. Out of this ultimately came the secular European Union, brought into being by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

This empire, the feet of the image, is a mixture of iron and clay; it cannot hold together and will be destroyed by the Coming of Christ. The EU is literally a mixture of the strong nations such as Germany and France, which control the weaker ones such as Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and the former communist countries.

In 2007 the European Council (the UNELECTED, UNDEMOCRATIC controlling body of the EU) met in Lisbon to set in motion a new Constitution for Europe. Known as the Lisbon Treaty, this was to modify and replace the founding 1957 Treaty of Rome, and also the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, which itself had been purposely drafted to ‘DRIVE FORWARD THE INTEGRATION OF EUROPE TO ITS FINAL CONCLUSION’.

All 27 Member States (as they were then) were obliged to ratify the Lisbon Treaty by December 2009. Some governments simply signed up to the treaty without consulting their peoples. Some countries allowed their peoples a referendum.

In June 2008 we were surprised to hear and read reports in the international news media about the Irish referendum to be held on the Treaty, and the threats/pressures being put on the people of the Republic of Ireland to NOT reject it…

We called friends in Northern Ireland – no-one there knew the referendum was taking place in Southern Ireland that very next day!!! The British media were running a total news blackout!

The Irish voted NO to the treaty! We read the post-referendum reports in French, German and English newspapers: how was Brussels going respond?

-The papers were unanimous–Brussels would either ignore the NO vote and proceed with the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty anyway, or make the Irish vote YES. That’s exactly what happened; within 16 months there was a re-run of the referendum. This time, the Irish voted YES…! Now Britain is under the same pressures the Irish were subjected to.

Over the years several countries have had the opportunity to hold a referendum on certain different issues and treaties to do with the European Union. At different times the peoples of Denmark, Spain, Portugal, France, Holland – and the Republic of Ireland – have voted NO when given the opportunity – to NO effect!!! There is a strong move, promoted from the EU, to ignore or overturn the result of the 2016 British referendum!

The EU is not just a free trade area, a ‘common market’. At its core it’s about FISCAL AND POLITICAL UNION. Very few people are aware of the extent of the plans Brussels has been implementing since 1990 and for which the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 and the Lisbon Treaty were essential. The plan, known as ‘INTERREG’, is to create a ‘Europe of the Regions’ to ‘permanently overcome national borders’ and to achieve a ‘UNITED EUROPE’. Under ‘INTERREG’ the EU planned to divide Britain into three regions, all being joined to areas in other European countries!

Each new zone was to have its own ‘transnational regional assembly’ and flag. The ‘Arc Manche’ region was to join parts of southern England with northern France; the Atlantic region included western parts of England, Wales and Ireland joined to Portugal and Spain; the North region joined eastern England with Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and parts of Germany.

There were 5 stages to ‘INTERREG’ – the fifth and FINAL stage, 2014-2020! But in 2016 Britain voted for Brexit! To come out of the EU. March 29th 2019 is Brexit – the Day we should come out!

In all the years since the formation of the Common Market, the evidence is that every single British Prime Minister – from Heath to Blair to Cameron and now Theresa May – has lied to the British people. The EU is NOT simply about a free trade market, but to destroy the sovereignty of component nations and create instead a European Super State run by an undemocratic, unelected body, the Council of Europe.

Who have we in Britain been negotiating with? Who is Barnier? The EU is UNDEMOCRATIC and UNACCOUNTABLE. When I commented to the Head of the Pentecostal Churches in Kiev that the EU is as bad as communism, he replied that, after years of living as a Christian under communism and now negotiating in Brussels – the EU is ONE HUNDRED TIMES WORSE THAN COMMUNISM!

With The draft treaty which Theresa May signed in November means we cannot get our freedom without the agreement of the other 27 nations! If they will not give us any concessions now, while we still have the power to negotiate, make a ‘hard Brexit’ and not pay the 39 Billion, they will absolutely NOT give any more concessions after we sign away our freedom!

Christians in Germany understand this and are praying for us. Berthold Becker, German businessman, intercessor, wrote to me:

Many of us intercessors in Germany wanted Britain to stay in the EU. However, the Holy Spirit convinced us to pray in unity for Brexit. This was most unexpected, but the miracle happened, and Britain voted for Brexit. From my perspective, Brexit is primarily of spiritual rather than of economic importance. About the same time as the Brexit issue came up, the Lord reminded us of old prophecies about His plans to bring evangelistic end-time revival to Britain and to the continent of Europe. The Lord wants Britain to be set apart from the EU and not under the ‘EU-Babylonian rule.

Britain is facing the greatest crisis, the most difficult hour since the last war. I know Christians in Britain are divided over Brexit, but we are fighting for the sovereignty of the UK! Look at what the EU will do to us if we do not pull out: to cut us up as a United Kingdom, the EU is going to do what Hitler did.

In World War II, the Republic of Southern Ireland supported Hitler, to the extent that the German U-Boats, which were attacking our shipping, were based in the Republic, in order to intercept and destroy our supply line.

And Hitler’s promise: When I win the war, I will give you Northern Ireland. Today the EU is using Northern Ireland in exactly the same way as Hitler did, to break up and destroy the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

If Britain goes with Theresa May’s Brexit plan, Ulster is the sacrificial lamb and will effectively cease to be part of the United Kingdom. Britain will be broken up.

We will NEVER have another chance to determine our sovereignty. And, without the approval of Parliament, May has signed away our military, to be under German control; the EU will be able to control our borders.

Hungary has seen the danger of this and is very worried. There is so much more that our Prime Minister is not telling us. We will lose all sovereignty unless we make a clean break.

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