Reading Wars And What It Means For All of Us

I am going through a personal crisis. I used to love reading. I am writing this blog in my office, surrounded by 27 tall bookcases laden with some 5,000 books. Over the years I have read them, marked them up, and recorded the annotations in a computer database for potential references in my writing. To a large degree, they have formed my professional and spiritual life.

Books help define who I am. They have ushered me on a journey of faith, have introduced me to the wonders of science and the natural world, have informed me about issues such as justice and race. More, they have been a source of delight and adventure and beauty, opening windows to a reality I would not otherwise know.

My crisis consists in the fact that I am describing my past, not my present. I used to read three books a week. One year I devoted an evening each week to read all of Shakespeare’s plays (OK, due to interruptions it actually took me two years).

Another year I read the major works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. But I am reading many fewer books these days, and even fewer of the kinds of books that require hard work.

The internet and social media have trained my brain to read a paragraph or two, and then start looking around.  When I read an online article from The Atlantic or The New Yorker, after a few paragraphs I glance over at the slide bar to judge the article’s length.

My mind strays, and I find myself clicking on the sidebars and the underlined links. Soon I’m over at reading Donald Trump’s latest Tweets and details of the latest terrorist attack, or perhaps checking tomorrow’s weather.

Worse, I fall prey to the little boxes that tell me, “If you like this article [or book], you’ll also like…”  Or I glance at the bottom of the screen and scan the teasers for more engaging tidbits: 30 Amish Facts That’ll Make Your Skin Crawl; Top 10 Celebrity Wardrobe Malfunctions; Walmart Cameras Captured These Hilarious Photos. A dozen or more clicks later I have lost interest in the original article.

Neuroscientists have an explanation for this phenomenon. When we learn something quick and new, we get a dopamine rush; functional-MRI brain scans show the brain’s pleasure centers lighting up. In a famous experiment, rats keep pressing a lever to get that dopamine rush, choosing it over food or sex. In humans, emails also satisfy that pleasure center, as do Twitter and Instagram and Snapchat.

Nicholas Carr’s book The Shallows analyzes the phenomenon, and its subtitle says it all: “What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains.” Carr spells out that most Americans, and young people especially, are showing a precipitous decline in the amount of time spent reading.

He says, “Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.” A 2016 Nielsen report calculates that the average American devotes more than ten hours per day to consuming media—including radio, TV, and all electronic devices. That constitutes 65 percent of waking hours, leaving little time for the much harder work of focused concentration on reading.

In The Gutenberg Elegies, Sven Birkerts laments the loss of “deep reading,” which requires intense concentration, a conscious lowering of the gates of perception, and a slower pace.  His book hit me with the force of conviction, intensifying my sense of crisis.  I keep putting off Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age, and look at my shelf full of Jürgen Moltmann’s theology books with a feeling of nostalgia—why am I not reading books like that now?

An article in Business Insider* studied such pioneers as Elon Musk, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg. Most of them have in common a practice the author calls the “5-hour rule”: they set aside at least an hour a day (or five hours a week) for deliberate learning. For example:

  • Bill Gates reads 50 books a year.
  • Mark Zuckerberg reads at least one book every two weeks.
  • Elon Musk grew up reading two books a day.
  • Mark Cuban reads for more than three hours every day.
  • Arthur Blank, a cofounder of Home Depot, reads two hours a day.

(I might add that most of these mentioned above are leftists)

When asked about his secret to success, Warren Buffett pointed to a stack of books and said, “Read 500 pages like this every day. That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.

All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will…”  Charles Chu, who quoted Buffett on the Quartz website, acknowledges that 500 pages a day is beyond reach for all but a few people. Nevertheless, neuroscience proves what each of these busy people have found: it actually takes less energy to focus intently than to zip from task to task.

After an hour of contemplation, or deep reading, a person ends up less tired and less neurochemically depleted, thus more able to tackle mental challenges.

If we can’t reach Buffett’s high reading bar, what is a realistic goal?  Charles Chu calculates that at an average reading speed of 400 words per minute, it would take 417 hours in a year to read 200 books—less than the 608 hours the average American spends on social media, or the 1642 hours watching TV.  “Here’s the simple truth behind reading a lot of books,” says Quartz: “It’s not that hard.

We have all the time we need. The scary part—the part we all ignore—is that we are too addicted, too weak, and too distracted to do what we all know is important.”**

Though Chu underestimates the average book length at 50,000 words, his conclusion still applies. Now I really feel guilty.

In the last two years, Chu has read more than 400 books cover to cover.  Willpower alone is not enough, he says. We need to construct what he calls “a fortress of habits.”  I like that image.

Recently I checked author Annie Dillard’s website, in which she states, “I can no longer travel, can’t meet with strangers, can’t sign books but will sign labels with SASE, can’t write by request, and can’t answer letters. I’ve got to read and concentrate. Why? Beats me.” Now that’s a fortress.

I’ve concluded that a commitment to reading is an ongoing battle, somewhat like the battle against the seduction of internet pornography.

We have to build a fortress with walls strong enough to withstand the temptations of that powerful dopamine rush while also providing shelter for an environment that allows deep reading to flourish.  Christians especially need that sheltering space, for quiet meditation is one of the most important spiritual disciplines.

As a writer in the age of social media, I host a Facebook page and a website and write an occasional blog.  Thirty years ago I got a lot of letters from readers, and they did not expect an answer for a week or more.  Now I get emails, and if they don’t hear back in two days they write again, “Did you get my email?”  The tyranny of the urgent crowds in around me.

If I yield to that tyranny, my life fills with mental clutter. Boredom, say the researchers, is when creativity happens. A wandering mind wanders into new, unexpected places.

When I retire to the mountains and unplug for a few days, something magical takes place. I’ll go to bed puzzling over a roadblock in my writing, and the next morning wake up with the solution crystal-clear—something that never happens when I spend my spare time cruising social media and the internet.

I find that poetry helps. You can’t zoom through poetry; it forces you to slow down, think, concentrate, relish words and phrases. I now try to begin each day with a selection from George Herbert, Gerard Manley Hopkins, or R. S. Thomas.

For deep reading, I’m searching for an hour a day when mental energy is at a peak, not a scrap of time salvaged from other tasks. I put on headphones and listen to soothing music, shutting out distractions.

Deliberately, I don’t text. I used to be embarrassed when I pulled out my antiquated flip phone, which my wife says should be donated to a museum. Now I pocket it with a kind of perverse pride, feeling sorry for the teenagers who check their phones on average two thousand times a day.

We’re engaged in a war, and technology wields the heavy weapons. Rod Dreher published a bestseller called The Benedict Option, in which he urged people of faith to retreat behind monastic walls as the Benedictines did—after all, they preserved literacy and culture during one of the darkest eras of human history.

I don’t completely agree with Dreher, though I’m convinced that the preservation of reading will require something akin to the Benedict option.

I’m still working on that fortress of habit, trying to resurrect the rich nourishment that reading has long provided for me. If only I can resist clicking on the link that promises 30 Amish Facts That’ll Make Your Skin Crawl…

Copyright © 2019 Philip YanceyOriginally published by Randy Alcorn EMP All rights reserved.

E.M. Bounds on The Holy Spirit & Revival

E.M. Bounds said more in various passages that relate to the theme of the Holy Spirit. We need to listen again to some of the fiery clarity of this prophet of prayer:

Preachers of the present age excel those of the past in many, possibly in all human elements of success. They are well abreast in the age of learning, research and intellectual vigour. But these things neither insure “power from on high” nor guarantee a live, thriving religious experience, or righteous life. These purely human gifts do not bring with them an insight into the deep things of God, or strong faith in the Scriptures or an intense loyalty to God’s divine revelation.

The presence of these earthly talents even in the most commanding and impressive form, and richest measure do not in the least abate the necessity for the added endowment of the Holy Spirit. Herein lies the great danger menacing the pulpit of today. All around us we see a tendency to substitute human gifts and worldly attainments for that supernatural, inward power which comes from on high in answer to earnest prayer.

Many Church leaders seem to think if they can be prominent as men of business, of money, influence, of thought, of plans, of scholarly attainments, of eloquent gifts, of taking, conspicuous activities, that these are enough, and will atone for the absence of the higher spiritual power which only much praying can give.

Natural ability and educational advantages do not figure as factors in this matter; but a capacity for faith, the ability to pray, the power of a thorough consecration, the ability of self-degeneration, an absolute losing of one’s self in God’s glory and an ever present and insatiable yearning and seeking after all the fullness of God (see Ephesians 3:14-21).

God’s revelation of Himself and His will cannot be sought and understood by reason, intelligence or great learning. Great men and great minds are neither the channels nor depositories of God’s revelation by virtue of their culture, braininess, nor wisdom.

God’s system in redemption and providence is not to be thought out, open only to the learned and wise. The learned and wise, following their learning and their wisdom have always sadly and darkly missed God’s thoughts and God’s ways (see Luke 10:21-22).

The Gospel Flows Through Hearts

The condition of receiving God’s revelation and of holding God’s truth is one of the heart, not of the head. The ability to receive and search out is like that of a child, the babe, the synonym of docility, innocence and simplicity. These are the conditions on which God reveals himself to men. The world by wisdom cannot know God. The world by wisdom can never receive nor understand God, because God reveals Himself to men’s hearts, not to their heads.

Only hearts can ever know God, can feel God, can see God, and can read God in His Book of Books. God is not grasped by thought but by feeling.  The world gets God by revelation, not by philosophy.

It is not apprehension, the mental ability to grasp God, but plasticity, ability to be impressed, that men need. It is not by hard, strong stern, great reasoning that the world gets God or gets hold of God, but by big, soft, pure hearts. Not so much do men need light to see God as they need hearts to feel God (see Acts 17:26-28).

Human wisdom, great natural talents, and the culture of schools, howsoever good they be, can neither be the repositories nor conservers of God’s revealed truth. The tree of knowledge has been the bane of faith, ever essaying to reduce revelation to a philosophy and to measure God by man.

In its pride, it puts God out and puts man into God’s truth. To become babes again, on our mother’s bosom, quieted, weaned, without clamor or protest, is the only position in which to know God. A calmness on the surface and in the depths of the soul, in which God can mirror His will, His Word and Himself— this is the attitude toward Him through which He can reveal Himself, and this attitude is the right attitude of knowing God intimately in prayer.

Men are called to pray. God regards the man in so important a way as to put a kind of discount on all else. Men have built him glorious temples and have striven and exhausted themselves to please God by all manner of gifts; but in lofty strains he has rebuked these proud worshipers and rejected their princely gifts (Isaiah 66:1-2; John 4:24)

We have emphasized sermon-preparation until we have lost sight of the important thing to be prepared—the heart. A prepared heart is much better than a prepared sermon. A prepared heart will make a prepared sermon. Volumes have been written laying down the mechanics and taste of sermon- making, until we have become possessed with the idea that this scaffolding is the building.

The young preacher has been taught to lay out all his strength on the form, taste, and beauty of his sermon as a mechanical and intellectual product. We have thereby cultivated a vicious taste among the people and raised a clamor for talent instead of grace, eloquence instead of piety, rhetoric instead of revelation, reputation, and brilliance instead of holiness. By it we have lost the authority over consciences and lives which always results from genuine preaching.

It would not do to say that preachers study too much. Some of them do not study at all; others do not study enough. Numbers do not study the right way to show themselves approved of God (see 2 Timothy 2:15).

But our great lack is not in head culture, but in heart culture; not lack of knowledge but lack of holiness is our sad and telling defect—not that we know too much, but that we do not meditate on God and His Word and watch and fast and pray enough.

The heart is the great hindrance to our preaching. Words pregnant with divine truth find in our hearts non-conductors; arrested, they fall shorn and are powerless.

Can ambition, which lusts after praise and place, preach the gospel of Him who made Himself of no reputation and took on Him the form of a servant? Can the proud, the vain, the egotistical preach the gospel of Him Who was meek and lowly?

Can the bad-tempered, passionate, selfish, hard worldly man preach the system that seems with long-suffering, self-denial, tenderness, which imperatively demands separation from enmity and crucifixion to the world? Can the hireling official, heartless, perfunctory, preach the gospel that demands the shepherd to give his life for the sheep?

Can the covetous man, who counts salary and money, preach the gospel till he has gleaned his heart and can say in the spirit of Christ and Paul in the words of Wesley:

I count it dung and dross; I trample it under my feet; (yet not I, but the grace of God in me) esteem it just as the mire of the streets, I desire it not, I seek it not?

God’s revelation does not need the light of human genius, the polish and strength of human culture, the brilliancy of human thought, the force of human brains to adorn or enforce it; but it does demand the simplicity, the docility, humility, and faith of a child’s heart.

It was this surrender and subordination of intellect and genius to the divine and spiritual forces that made Paul peerless among the apostles. It was this that gave Wesley his power and radicated his labours in the history of humanity. Our great need is heart-preparation. We do not say that men are not to think and use their intellects; but he will use his intellect best who cultivates his heart most. The heart is the Savoir of the world. Heads do not save. Genius, brains, brilliancy, strength, natural gifts do not save. The gospel flows through hearts (Acts 2:36-39).

Revivals Are Born in Prayer

As God from the beginning, has wrought prominently through revivals, there can be no denial of the fact that revivals are a part of the divine plan. The kingdom of our Lord has been advanced in large measure by special seasons of gracious and rapid accomplishment of the work of conversion, and it may be inferred, therefore, that the means through which God has worked in other times will be employed in our time to produce similar results. The quite conversion of one sinner after another, under the ordinary ministry of the gospel,” says one writer on the subject:

must always be regarded with feelings of satisfaction and gratitude by the ministers and disciples of Christ; but a periodical manifestation of the simultaneous conversion of thousands is also to be desired, because of its adaptation to afford a visible and impressive demonstration that God has made the same Jesus, Who was rejected and crucified, both Lord and Christ; and that, in virtue of His divine mediatorship, He has assumed the royal scepter of universal supremacy and “must reign till all enemies be made His footstool.” It is therefore, reasonable to expect that, from time to time, he will repeat that which on the day of Pentecost formed the conclusive and crowning evidence of His Messiahship and Sovereignty; and, by so doing, startle the slumbering souls of careless worldliness, gain the attentive ear of the unconverted, and, in a remarkable way, break in those brilliant dreams of earthly glory, grandeur, wealth, power, and happiness, which the rebellious and God-forgetting multitudes so fondly cherish. Such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit forms at once a demonstrative proof of the completeness and acceptance of his once offering of Himself as a sacrifice for sin, and a prophetic “earnest” of the certainty that He shall” appear the second time without sin unto salvation. “to judge the world in righteousness.

All revivals are dependent on God, but in revivals, as in other things, he invites and requires the assistance of man, and the full result is obtained when there is cooperation between the divine and the human.

God alone can save the world, but God chooses not to save the world alone. God and man unite for the task, the response of the divine being invariably in proportion to the desire and the effort of the human.

This cooperation, then, being necessary, what is the duty which we, as co-workers with God, require to undertake? First of all, and most important of all—the point which we desire particularly to emphasize—we must give ourselves to prayer.

“Revivals,” as Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman reminds us, “are born in prayer. When Wesley prayed, England was revived; when Knox prayed Scotland was refreshed; when the Sunday school teachers of Tannybrook prayed, 11,000 young people were added to the church in a year. Whole nights of prayer have always been succeeded by whole days of soul-winning.”  And when we pray, God will revive again.


Men of Prayer Are Needed

E.M. Bounds (1835-1913) was a lawyer, who left his practice at the age of twenty four to obey God’s call to preach His Word.  He was an army chaplain, and pastor in the Methodist Episcopal Church.

At the time of his pastorate at Brunswick, Missouri, war was declared, and he was a made a prisoner of war for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the federal government. It was after his release that he served as chaplain of the Fifth Missouri regiment until the close of the war, when he was captured and held as a prisoner in Nashville, Tennessee.

It is reported that he spent the last seventeen years of life with his family in Washington, Georgia, reading, writing, and rising before dawn every morning to pray.

E.M Bounds

How Can a Man Preach?

“How can a man preach who does not get his message fresh from God in the closet? How can he preach without having his faith quickened, his vision cleared, and his heart warmed by his closeting with God?” Asks E.M. Bounds

Alas, for the pulpit lips which are untouched by this closet flame. Dry and unction less they will ever be, and truths divine will never come with power from such lips. As far as the real interests of religion are concerned, a pulpit without a closet will always be a barren thing, a preacher may preach in an official, entertaining, or learned way without prayer, but between this kind of preaching and sowing God’s precious seed with holy hands and prayerful, weeping hearts there is an immeasurable distance.

A prayerless Christian will never learn God’s truth; a prayerless ministry will never be able to teach God’s truth. Ages of millennial glory have been lost by a prayer less church. Hell has enlarged herself and filled her dire caves in the presence of the dead service of a prayer less church. The best, the greatest offering is an offering of prayer. Pray without ceasing is the trumpet call to the preacher of the twentieth century.

What the church needs today is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Spirit can use-men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Spirit does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men–men of prayer.

We are constantly on a stretch, if not on a strain, to devise new methods, new plans, new organizations to advance the Church and secure enlargement and efficiency for the gospel.

This trend of the day has a tendency to lose sight of the man or sink the man in the plan or organization. God’s plan is to make much of the man, far more of him than of anything else.

Men are God’s method. The Church is looking for better methods; God is looking for better men. “There was a man sent from God whose name was John.” The dispensation that heralded and prepared the way for Christ was bound up in that man John. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.”

The world’s salvation comes out of that cradled Son. When Paul appeals to the personal character of the men who rooted the gospel in the world, he solves the mystery of their success.

The glory and efficiency of the gospel is staked on the men who proclaim it. When God declares that “the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him,” He declares the necessity of men and his dependence on them as a channel through which to exert his power upon the world.

This vital, urgent truth is one that this age of machinery is apt to forget. The forgetting of it is as baneful on the work of God as would be the striking of the sun from his sphere. Darkness, confusion, and death would ensue.

What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use — men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men — men of prayer.

An eminent historian has said that the accidents of personal character have more to do with the revolutions of nations than either philosophic historians or democratic politicians will allow. This truth has its application in full to the gospel of Christ, the character and conduct of the followers of Christ — Christianize the world, transfigure nations and individuals. Of the preachers of the gospel it is eminently true.

The character as well as the fortunes of the gospel is committed to the preacher. He makes or mars the message from God to man. The preacher is the golden pipe through which the divine oil flows. The pipe must not only be golden, but open and flawless, that the oil may have a full, unhindered, unwasted flow.

The man makes the preacher. God must make the man. The messenger is, if possible, more than the message. The preacher is more than the sermon. The preacher makes the sermon. As the life-giving milk from the mother’s bosom is but the mother’s life, so all the preacher says is tinctured, impregnated by what the preacher is. The treasure is in earthen vessels, and the taste of the vessel impregnates and may discolor.

The man, the whole man, lies behind the sermon. Preaching is not the performance of an hour. It is the outflow of a life. It takes twenty years to make a sermon because it takes twenty years to make the man. The true sermon is a thing of life. The sermon grows because the man grows. The sermon is forceful because the man is forceful. The sermon is holy because the man is holy. The sermon is full of the divine unction because the man is full of the divine unction.

Paul termed it “My gospel” not that he had degraded it by his personal eccentricities or diverted it by selfish appropriation, but the gospel was put into the heart and lifeblood of the man Paul, as a personal trust to be executed by his Pauline traits, to be set aflame and empowered by the fiery energy of his fiery soul.

Paul’s sermons — what were they? Where are they? Skeletons, scattered fragments, afloat on the sea of inspiration! But the man Paul, greater than his sermons, lives forever, in full form, feature and stature, with his molding hand on the Church.

The preaching is but a voice. The voice in silence dies, the text is forgotten, the sermon fades from memory; the preacher lives. The sermon cannot rise in its life-giving forces above the man. Dead men give out dead sermons, and dead sermons kill. Everything depends on the spiritual character of the preacher.

Under the Jewish dispensation the high priest had inscribed in jeweled letters on a golden frontlet: “Holiness to the Lord.” So every preacher in Christ’s ministry must be molded into and mastered by this same holy motto. It is a crying shame for the Christian ministry to fall lower in holiness of character and holiness of aim than the Jewish priesthood.

Jonathan Edwards said:

I went on with my eager pursuit after more holiness and conformity to Christ. The heaven I desired was a heaven of holiness.

The gospel of Christ does not move by popular waves. It has no self-propagating power. It moves as the men who have charge of it move. The preacher must impersonate the gospel. Its divine, most distinctive features must be embodied in him. The constraining power of love must be in the preacher as a projecting, eccentric, an all-commanding, self-oblivious force.

The energy of self-denial must be his being, his heart and blood and bones. He must go forth as a man among men, clothed with humility, abiding in meekness, wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove; the bonds of a servant with the spirit of a king, a king in high, royal, in dependent bearing, with the simplicity and sweetness of a child.

The preacher must throw himself, with all the abandon of a perfect, self-emptying faith and a self-consuming zeal, into his work for the salvation of men. Hearty, heroic, compassionate, fearless martyrs must the men be who take hold of and shape a generation for God.

If they be timid time servers, place seekers, if they be men pleasers or men fearers, if their faith has a weak hold on God or his Word, if their denial be broken by any phase of self or the world, they cannot take hold of the Church nor the world for God.

The preacher’s sharpest and strongest preaching should be to himself. His most difficult, delicate, laborious, and thorough work must be with himself. The training of the twelve was the great, difficult, and enduring work of Christ.

Preachers are not sermon makers, but men makers and saint makers, and he only is well-trained for this business who has made himself a man and a saint. It is not great talents nor great learning nor great preachers that God needs, but men great in holiness, great in faith, great in love, great in fidelity, great for God — men always preaching by holy sermons in the pulpit, by holy lives out of it. These can mold a generation for God.

After this order, the early Christians were formed. They were men of solid mold, preachers after the heavenly type — heroic, stalwart, soldierly, and saintly. Preaching with them meant self-denying, self-crucifying, serious, toilsome, martyr business. They applied themselves to it in a way that told on their generation, and formed in its womb a generation yet unborn for God. The preaching man is to be the praying man.

Prayer is the preacher’s mightiest weapon. An almighty force in itself, it gives life and force to all. The real sermon is made in the closet. The man – God’s man — is made in the closet. His life and his profoundest convictions were born in his secret communion with God.

The burdened and tearful agony of his spirit, his weightiest and sweetest messages were got when alone with God. Prayer makes the man; prayer makes the preacher; prayer makes the pastor. The pulpit of this day is weak in praying.

The pride of learning is against the dependent humility of prayer. Prayer is with the pulpit too often only official — a performance for the routine of service. Prayer is not to the modern pulpit the mighty force it was in Paul’s life or Paul’s ministry.

Every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God’s work and is powerless to project God’s cause in this world.

The pride of learning is against the dependent humility of prayer. Prayer is with the pulpit too often only official—performance for the routine of service. Prayer is not to the modern pulpit the mighty force it was in Paul’s life or Paul’s ministry.

Every preacher who does not make prayer a mighty factor in his own life and ministry is weak as a factor in God’s work and is powerless to project God’s cause in this world.

Prayer and intercession are not confined to the Old Testament kings and prophets, or the life of our Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles. The testimony to the power of prayer runs through all the long history of Christianity.

Just as God gave the apostle Paul as an example in his prayer life for Christians of all times, He also gave other men of God like E.M. Bounds and many others as a proof to His church that He still hears and answers prayer.

We can never expect to grow in the likeness of our Lord unless we follow His example and give more time to communion with the Father.

Trump: America Will Never Be A Socialist Country–But Is It?

Among his ardent supporters, President Donald Trump’s recent State of the Union speech has been hailed as a masterpiece. Particularly praised by pundits is his dramatic declaration that the United States will never be a socialist country.

This remark was a pointed rebuke of his political opponents, including Senator Bernie Sanders, to whom the television cameras immediately panned.

Some are suggesting that this sound byte might be remembered historically.

I can’t predict if this quote will become a piece of history, but I can assure you this statement is not true, although I wish it were.


I say this because America is already a socialist country.

It didn’t start out that way. As the President noted, “We were born free…” but disturbingly, the America of today is thoroughly saturated in socialism.

In creating the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx, a German philosopher and atheist, designed ten planks AS A TEST to determine whether a society has become communist or not. If they are all in effect and in force, then the people ARE practicing communists.

Consider that most of the audience that applauded the president’s remark is an audience that has accepted, embraced and voted to fund seven of those ten planks:

  • A socialist system of education for their children,
  • A socialist, government-managed healthcare system,
  • A completely socialist universal retirement program,
  • A massive socialist bailout of the automobile industry and the banking industry,
  • A socialist system of agriculture subsidies,
  • A socialist taxation of real property,
  • And arguably the largest social welfare system in the history of the universe.

We can see with clear sight that virtually every plank of Karl Marx’ communist manifesto has been fully implemented in this country.

Remember, communism by any other name is still communism.

Communism offers no safety or asylum for the American view of individual God-given rights.  In the words of the atheist Karl Marx,

The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions.

Nonetheless, Marx’s diabolical philosophies would not have been welcomed in the company of our founders or in the company of Liberty.

In the words of founding father and second president John Adams,

The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God.

Adams later stated,

Without religion, this world would be something not fit to be mentioned in polite company: I mean hell.

Tragically, I fear that Bernie Sanders wasn’t scowling because his socialist ideas are under attack. He may have been smiling because he knows that they have already been adopted.

Nevertheless, the president’s proclamation that the United States will never be a socialist country was effective rhetoric.

I just wish it were true.

© 2019 Jake Macaulay NWVAll Rights Reserved

Dear Socialists: The People HAVE Seized the Means of Production…Using Capitalism.

The proletariat did not have to seize the means of production in a violent socialist coup.

Capitalism handed the means of production to the workers voluntarily.

And it did so for a profit.

We traded violent destructive revolution for peaceful productive markets… and accomplished more than socialism could ever imagine. And we are just getting started.

Socialists have long seen injustice in the fact that the workers who do the labor don’t get to keep the entire product of their labor.

And capitalists have responded by claiming that providing the means of production and organization entitle them, not the workers, to the profits.

But the entire argument is moot.

Production costs have dropped so low that basically anyone can accumulate the capital to launch an independent endeavor.

And that has revealed that it was never really about the capital…

Socialists are right about one thing: labor is the main driver behind production.

Unfortunately, they fail to see the value in the labor of the capitalists and managers.

Allocating capital to productive endeavors takes skillful labor. Organizing and running a business takes skillful labor. That’s why most new businesses fail.

But any worker who has these skills can now buck their capitalist overlords, seize their own means of production, and the socialist revolution is complete.

Example 1: A hotel cleaner quits and rents a spare bedroom on Airbnb.

Now he cleans rooms and keeps the entire product of his labor. But he also has to do some of the labor that management and concierge used to do… Display the room, greet guests, solve problems…

Airbnb profits by helping people use their extra capital (empty rooms) for profit, as a means of production.

Ah, says the savvy socialist, but what about Airbnb itself? That too is a means of production. Why not seize the platform, and do away with their fees?

Again you don’t have to. The capital required to start an app or platform like Airbnb is negligible. If you can’t create a competing app, that means the Airbnb folks have a skill that you don’t have.

The value is in their labor, not in their means of production. Anyone can start a free website and post a short term room rental online.

Airbnb creators managed to make their app popular and trusted. It’s their labour that is valuable, not their means of production.

Example 2:
Jeff Bezos, Socialist Hero.

Starting a book store requires capital for real estate, books, marketing, and labor costs.

Starting e-commerce giant Amazon in a garage and working 12 hour days for years required less capital.

Bezos seized the means of production from the capitalist book store owners and became the richest man in modern history.

Yet if Jeff Bezos distributed all of his $134.5 billion to all 736 million people on earth living in extreme poverty, he could more than double their standard of living… for three months, and six days.

Then all his money would be gone. He wouldn’t be making any more from Amazon, having liquidated his 16% of the company in order to distribute his wealth. And the people in poverty would be no better off than they were 96 days earlier.

But Bezos’ platform Amazon allowed two million sellers worldwide to earn $42 billion in 2018.

And they will keep earning that money year after year. That’s how poverty has been reduced by over 90% in the last 120 years.

Anyone can start an e-commerce website for a couple hundred bucks. The value in using Amazon for e-commerce is the labour that Jeff Bezos put into the company, not in the website itself.

In fact, Amazon helped me seize the means of production from publishing companies.

I wrote and self-published a book… which basically no one bought. Because the value of a publisher is not in their printing presses… it is in the skilled labour required to sell a book. (And I’d be grateful to any greedy capitalist who helped me sell a million copies and kept 90% of the profits).

Capitalism has even allowed socialists to exit the capitalist system, and start their own little socialist utopias… on private property.

The only thing that may be holding you back in all this is the government.

Because the government still forces you to pay rent on your socialist utopia’s land–property taxes.

The government taxes self-employed independent contractors 15.3% just on payroll taxes–double what an employee pays.

The government requires licensing for hair braiding, giving diet advice, and teaching kids how to sew.

The government has so many taxes, that you can hardly accumulate enough capital to start a business. They have so many regulations, that you can’t compete against the established crony-capitalist political donors.

The government is what is standing in the way of the people fully seizing the means of production. Not the capitalists.

The capitalist who created cloud computing, online sales systems, apps, platforms, computers, cell phones, and so much more… they were happy to hand over the means of production, for an ever smaller price.

They did it for profits… And they cut their prices because of competition.

The result is, the proletariat has been freed from the oppressive demands of the capitalist.

The choice is not to work long hours for little pay, or starve.

The choice is work 40 hours for meh pay, and do fine… or strike it out on your own, and see if you have the skills it takes to not just seize, but productively USE the means of production.

And if you can’t… you’re probably better off working for a capitalist and borrowing his means of production in exchange for a salary.

Copyright © 2019 Joe Jarvis The Daily Bell-All rights reserved


United Kingdom or United Europe

In the vision of the statue translated by Daniel, he saw the last world empire, which will be destroyed at the Lord’s coming. Daniel 2:42-44. The legs of iron were the Roman Empire which existed at the time of Christ. This became the Holy Roman Empire after Constantine adopted Christianity as a State Religion in the 3rd Century AD. Out of this ultimately came the secular European Union, brought into being by the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

This empire, the feet of the image, is a mixture of iron and clay; it cannot hold together and will be destroyed by the Coming of Christ. The EU is literally a mixture of the strong nations such as Germany and France, which control the weaker ones such as Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy and the former communist countries.

In 2007 the European Council (the UNELECTED, UNDEMOCRATIC controlling body of the EU) met in Lisbon to set in motion a new Constitution for Europe. Known as the Lisbon Treaty, this was to modify and replace the founding 1957 Treaty of Rome, and also the 1992 Maastricht Treaty, which itself had been purposely drafted to ‘DRIVE FORWARD THE INTEGRATION OF EUROPE TO ITS FINAL CONCLUSION’.

All 27 Member States (as they were then) were obliged to ratify the Lisbon Treaty by December 2009. Some governments simply signed up to the treaty without consulting their peoples. Some countries allowed their peoples a referendum.

In June 2008 we were surprised to hear and read reports in the international news media about the Irish referendum to be held on the Treaty, and the threats/pressures being put on the people of the Republic of Ireland to NOT reject it…

We called friends in Northern Ireland – no-one there knew the referendum was taking place in Southern Ireland that very next day!!! The British media were running a total news blackout!

The Irish voted NO to the treaty! We read the post-referendum reports in French, German and English newspapers: how was Brussels going respond?

-The papers were unanimous–Brussels would either ignore the NO vote and proceed with the implementation of the Lisbon Treaty anyway, or make the Irish vote YES. That’s exactly what happened; within 16 months there was a re-run of the referendum. This time, the Irish voted YES…! Now Britain is under the same pressures the Irish were subjected to.

Over the years several countries have had the opportunity to hold a referendum on certain different issues and treaties to do with the European Union. At different times the peoples of Denmark, Spain, Portugal, France, Holland – and the Republic of Ireland – have voted NO when given the opportunity – to NO effect!!! There is a strong move, promoted from the EU, to ignore or overturn the result of the 2016 British referendum!

The EU is not just a free trade area, a ‘common market’. At its core it’s about FISCAL AND POLITICAL UNION. Very few people are aware of the extent of the plans Brussels has been implementing since 1990 and for which the Maastricht Treaty of 1992 and the Lisbon Treaty were essential. The plan, known as ‘INTERREG’, is to create a ‘Europe of the Regions’ to ‘permanently overcome national borders’ and to achieve a ‘UNITED EUROPE’. Under ‘INTERREG’ the EU planned to divide Britain into three regions, all being joined to areas in other European countries!

Each new zone was to have its own ‘transnational regional assembly’ and flag. The ‘Arc Manche’ region was to join parts of southern England with northern France; the Atlantic region included western parts of England, Wales and Ireland joined to Portugal and Spain; the North region joined eastern England with Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and parts of Germany.

There were 5 stages to ‘INTERREG’ – the fifth and FINAL stage, 2014-2020! But in 2016 Britain voted for Brexit! To come out of the EU. March 29th 2019 is Brexit – the Day we should come out!

In all the years since the formation of the Common Market, the evidence is that every single British Prime Minister – from Heath to Blair to Cameron and now Theresa May – has lied to the British people. The EU is NOT simply about a free trade market, but to destroy the sovereignty of component nations and create instead a European Super State run by an undemocratic, unelected body, the Council of Europe.

Who have we in Britain been negotiating with? Who is Barnier? The EU is UNDEMOCRATIC and UNACCOUNTABLE. When I commented to the Head of the Pentecostal Churches in Kiev that the EU is as bad as communism, he replied that, after years of living as a Christian under communism and now negotiating in Brussels – the EU is ONE HUNDRED TIMES WORSE THAN COMMUNISM!

With The draft treaty which Theresa May signed in November means we cannot get our freedom without the agreement of the other 27 nations! If they will not give us any concessions now, while we still have the power to negotiate, make a ‘hard Brexit’ and not pay the 39 Billion, they will absolutely NOT give any more concessions after we sign away our freedom!

Christians in Germany understand this and are praying for us. Berthold Becker, German businessman, intercessor, wrote to me:

Many of us intercessors in Germany wanted Britain to stay in the EU. However, the Holy Spirit convinced us to pray in unity for Brexit. This was most unexpected, but the miracle happened, and Britain voted for Brexit. From my perspective, Brexit is primarily of spiritual rather than of economic importance. About the same time as the Brexit issue came up, the Lord reminded us of old prophecies about His plans to bring evangelistic end-time revival to Britain and to the continent of Europe. The Lord wants Britain to be set apart from the EU and not under the ‘EU-Babylonian rule.

Britain is facing the greatest crisis, the most difficult hour since the last war. I know Christians in Britain are divided over Brexit, but we are fighting for the sovereignty of the UK! Look at what the EU will do to us if we do not pull out: to cut us up as a United Kingdom, the EU is going to do what Hitler did.

In World War II, the Republic of Southern Ireland supported Hitler, to the extent that the German U-Boats, which were attacking our shipping, were based in the Republic, in order to intercept and destroy our supply line.

And Hitler’s promise: When I win the war, I will give you Northern Ireland. Today the EU is using Northern Ireland in exactly the same way as Hitler did, to break up and destroy the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

If Britain goes with Theresa May’s Brexit plan, Ulster is the sacrificial lamb and will effectively cease to be part of the United Kingdom. Britain will be broken up.

We will NEVER have another chance to determine our sovereignty. And, without the approval of Parliament, May has signed away our military, to be under German control; the EU will be able to control our borders.

Hungary has seen the danger of this and is very worried. There is so much more that our Prime Minister is not telling us. We will lose all sovereignty unless we make a clean break.

Copyright © 2019 David Hathaway Prophetic Vision-All rights reserved

Is America Worth Saving?

Since I got involved in politics it has become more and more evident that the things that I said when I started 10 years ago are now a reality. To my wonderful supporters, I love you. You have given me such insight.

Your research enabled to connect the dots (my specialty) and report what is happening, what you can look for, what to expect. We must understand the plan, if we’re going to do anything to “fix” America.  Its America stupid, says it all.

Let’s face it, America is the top dog and as we know Dems, Globalists, Communists, etc. want to silence the dog. These people were taught in school by socialists and now believe America’s founding, constitution, Bill of Rights, values, economy are rooted in racism.

Globaliasts try to convince us that America is a democracy – America is a Constitutional Republic.  These Globalists in both parties believe that Donald Trump and his supporters are EVIL, RACISTS and MUST be destroyed.

What are we actually facing? Let’s review:

  1. Goal:  One World Government with the United Nations or some other unelected communist group making the rules, laws and Rights.
  2. How:  Money, Power, Control
  3. Tools: Education, Media, Hollywood
  4. Propaganda:

Lies, lies and more lies – Example: the environment is the weapon of choice. If you scare the people enough, they will assist in control themselves by giving up things to save the planet – like plastic straws, or AOC’s latest scare about only 12 years left for earth as we know it.

What do the lies do? Put straw manufacturers out of business eliminating competition/opposition while restricting people’s movement. The science is settled you can only say to someone who has NO understanding of science. The purpose of science is to find new frontiers, to explore, therefore science IS NEVER settled.

Overpopulation: too many people to control.  The schools teach there is not enough food, water, resources to support 9Billion people. There is no God and what you feel today might not be acceptable tomorrow.  In a democracy the mob rules. LGBTQ and abortion are promoted as a means of population control.

People dying are hardly noticed unless it fits their narrative.

America is at a breaking point that most people are not taking seriously.  This time in history will be considered the Tipping Point.  Will America take a left or right turn? As socialists become more vocal, we must call out restrictions and lies that are hammered constantly about any opposition.

Do the Covington School, Kavanaugh, Dossier scandals ring a bell?  We can look forward to more of these character assignation attacks because they are part of their plan? Character assignation is straight out of their plan, Alinksy’s “Rules for Radicals”.

If you haven’t read Rules for RadicalsI suggest you do.  It is the blueprint Globalists follow.  If you want to take down the enemy, KNOW THEIR PLAN.

Make no mistake, over the edge lies, now called journalism, are designed to transform America.  When hats, chants and smiles become destructive we see firsthand how unnerved the Globalists are. We the People will now be guilty of what George Orwell, 1984, called “face crimes.” for making “wrong” facial expressions.

The only tool in their tool box is a hammer used to destroy opposition no matter what; for the ends justify the means. Lying is OK as Joy Behar said, “Because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office.”  By calling out Trump, she means the American middle class, his supporters.

Does America succeed or does the world become a one world government with a new world order?  Just listen to the “criminal” elite attending the Economic Summit in Davos, Switzerland who have gotten richer on climate change lies while the people are fooled into using less but pay and pay more.

According to them – they are “shaping the future.” As they shape the future, they are slowly using government to create policies to eliminate competition, free speech, private property, and private businesses in order to enrich themselves.  I don’t want them shaping my future. Do you?

In Venezuela for example President Maduro is now a billionaire while his people get $8 a month for wages.

Make no mistake, they are NEW WORLD ORDER. Money, power control is all they are after. Plundering their own country is how they make it happen.  If they can’t kill opposition in the womb, they will use lies and manipulated statistics to control the rest of us.  Why?

Remember Depopulation is the main objective. 9 Billion are too many people to control. Look at NYS.  Gov Cuomo is celebrating legalized murder by killing babies in the womb up to birth.

In NYS you can’t kill a criminal for heinous crimes but you can kill an innocent baby?  If a heartbeat means life, what is a full term abortion of a baby with a beating heart? Is it not murder?  Lack of a science education ensures full term abortion.

From 1970-2016 over 46,151,640 human beings were murdered by abortion. Abortion, drugs, crime, murder, etc no biggie because they just decrease the population and perfectly fits into the current narrative of depopulation. Or maybe they are afraid that if the baby is adopted, the loving couple might be conservative, Christian or Jewish.

In America for the last 60 years these criminal elite think they are in control because we let them.  Look at the deBlazio election in NYC. 8.5% of the population elected Comrade deBlazio and now New Yorkers complain that homelessness, filth, murder and drugs are on the rise.  People are complaining.  Did they vote?  Americans without a civics education see no importance in voting.

We now allow non-government unelected bureaucrats to rule us. Perfect example is the US Chamber of Commerce, who demands through donations to legislators, to keep borders open because open borders are necessary to bring business cheap labour.

Do they care about Americans or just what they can plunder from America? With America rich in talented people, land, natural resources plundering is their goal.  The America middle class is in their way so killing the middle class is on the menu.

Obama constantly talked about lifting people into the middle class.  Hello!!! Most of these people were in the middle class until you, our government, regulated them and their businesses to death, sent their jobs overseas just so you could plunder their homes and assets.

One of the biggest lies in 2008 was people bought homes they couldn’t afford.  NO people could afford their homes until YOU sent our jobs overseas.  (I was a mortgage broker and saw this first hand).

We have allowed these people to destroy the middle class (that’s us) by not correcting their lies.  We have allowed them to change the meanings of words to suit each group and when we don’t comply we allow them to call us racists.

Remember when Donald Trump made one of his first speeches.  He said he wants to be President of ALL the people. All is an interesting word. It is inclusive of everyone. But because Trump did not say of Black people or Hispanic people etc he was called a racist. NO one corrected them. They were allowed to continue until today saying POTUS is a racist. Yet when you ask for an example, you get no answer.

When POTUS was asked about blacks and Hispanics etc, he said look at the job numbers they are the best they have been in decades. Not good enough since he did not name them by group.  The day I heard Jesse Jackson (sometime in the 1980’s) use the phrase African-American, Black American was the day I realize the division was well underway. America should be first: American Blacks, American Jews, American Hispanics, etc. Why?  If Americans knew their rights and freedoms, Americans would be the largest group of free people, impossible to divide.

The beauty of America is: You can get anything you want, if you work for it.  That is called equal opportunity.  We ALL have the opportunity to earn the income we want. All of us can make our own choices. The problem is when skills are not taught in all schools, some people have an edge over others.

If I teach skills in a White neighbourhood, whites have an advantage. If I teach skills in a Black neighbourhood Blacks will have the advantage. Get the picture. School is the perfect set up for divide and conquer.

Divide and conquer has many names:  Tracking in school, Income inequality in finances, LGBTQ in culture, Identity Politics in the political arena.  Each one of these “tags” divides the populace and uses jealousy and victimization till now we do not talk to each other.  Mission accomplished. A country divided WILL FALL.

When I speak I am usually asked, “Karen, How did this happen?”  My answer is, “Look in the mirror.”  This one is on us. The insanity is, we know this is happening and we’re not doing anything because it’s easier to say: I’m old.

Who cares I’m not going to be around to see it happen. Who cares I am but one. I can’t make a difference. After all are we not the “Silent Majority”?  All I can tell you is you are buying into their plan, shut up and don’t make waves.

Is it not time to create our own plan?  Let POTUS and the HS students at Covington be our example.  You can’t win if you don’t play the game.

The question I always ask:  Is America worth saving?

What are you doing to save America?

Our power is our numbers.  For a very short while there are more of us than them.

Will you call your legislator and say, “vote for money for border security including a wall”?

Will you go to your school board and help get America back into schools?

Will you call a station and correct lies you see, hear or read?

Doing nothing will get us nothing. It’s America Stupid.

© 2019 Karen Schoen News with Views–All Rights Reserved

Great Awakening or Civil War in America Over Abortion

Charles Grandison Finney (1792-1875) was one of the most prominent evangelists in 19th century America as well as a staunch opponent of slavery. As a pastor, he would not serve communion to Christians involved in the slave trade. And Oberlin College, where Finney served as president, became part of the “underground railroad” for escaping slaves.

Yet Finney’s priorities were clear, and his prediction was that if a spiritual awakening did not come first, then the battle over slavery would end with a bloody war. It did. That does not mean that Finney underestimated the evils of slavery.

In his sermon on “Hindrances to Revival,” Finney said,

Revivals are hindered when ministers and churches take wrong ground in regard to any question involving human rights. Take the subject of SLAVERY, for instance.

Finney acknowledged that there were true Christians involved in slavery. But he said,

It was because the sinfulness of it was not apparent to their minds. So ministers and churches, to a great extent throughout the land, have held their peace, and borne no testimony against this abominable abomination, existing in the church and in the nation.

That, however, could continue no more.

He explained:

Light is now shed upon this subject, as it has been upon the cause of temperance. Facts are exhibited, and principles established, and light thrown in upon the minds of men, and this monster is dragged from his horrid den, and exhibited before the church, and it is demanded of them, ‘IS THIS SIN?

As ministers (and as Christians in general), they were duty bound to tell the truth. What, then, would they say?Finney said,

It is impossible, that their testimony should not be given, on one side or the other. Their silence can no longer be accounted for upon the principle of ignorance, and that they have never had their attention turned to the subject. Consequently, the silence of Christians upon the subject is virtually saying that they do not consider slavery as a sin. The truth is, it is a subject upon which they cannot be silent without guilt.

The time has come, in the providence of God, when every southern breeze is loaded down with the cries of lamentation, mourning and wo. Two millions of degraded heathen in our own land stretch their hands, all shackled and bleeding, and send forth to the church of God the agonizing cry for help. And shall the church, in her efforts to reclaim and save the world, deafen her ears to this voice of agony and despair? God forbid. The church cannot turn away from this question. It is a question for the church and for the nation to decide, and God will push it to a decision.

Indeed, in the eyes of Finney,

It is doubtless true that one of the reasons for the low state of religion at the present time is that many churches have taken the wrong side on the subject of slavery, have suffered prejudice to prevail over principle, and have feared to call this abomination by its true name.

Yet for all this, Finney felt strongly that the minister’s first priority was revival and evangelism – awakening believers in the church and then reaching unbelievers with the gospel. The fight against slavery came second.

Put another way, without changing hearts and minds on a massive, national scale, America would suffer a terrible bloodbath because of slavery.

And even though there was a powerful revival that swept America in 1857-58, not enough hearts and minds were changed, and the Civil War ensued.

What does this say to us today? Recently, John Zmirak declared,

Abortion in America Will End Badly, as Slavery Did.

His article is sobering, and rightly so. Yet Zmirak was not without hope, ending his article with this:

Of course, a Great Awakening and movement of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds could rouse us to do much better. To embrace life from its beginning, and abandon the sexual ethics of Margaret Sanger and the Marquis de Sade. But at this point, that’s what it would take — something akin to and on the scale of the conversion of pagan Europe.With God, all things are possible.

But if we are to have hope, we must do it without sobriety and the fear of God.

Our nation is being torn up by abortion. States are polarizing over it. The political parties are splitting over it. And with every positive, pro-life step that is taken, the militant abortionists are crying for more blood.

How does this end, without divine intervention? Will it mean the fracturing of our union, with some states free of legalized abortion and other states havens of baby-killing? Will the overturning of Roe v. Wade lead to a wholesale rebellion, with violence in the streets?

Speaking more broadly, Buck Jacobs stated that, “There is only one possibility that could turn the tide. It won’t be found through politics or politicians, economics or education. National repentance and the restoration of God and His ways as our moral base in Christ is the only hope for our nation.”

He is absolutely right.

And so, while we continue to fight for life on every front – on the streets and in the homes and in politics and in the media and beyond – we must put first things first.

There must be massive repentance and renewal in the church, coupled with massive, effective evangelism in the society, and with that, the changing of hearts and minds about abortion.

Anything less than this, as Finney and Zmirak have warned in different contexts many years apart, will end badly.

May God stir our hearts with the urgency of the hour.

Copyright © 2019 Dr. Micheal Brown-All rights reserved

Marxism And Christianity Are Irreconcilable

These past few weeks I’ve been led to blow a trumpet on the dangers and practical effects of Marxism, Communism, Corporate Globalism, Deep State,  New World Order and whatever you might call it, after all it has many names depending in which country you live.

My goal has been to challenge my readers to consider that many other watchmen are warning that Marxism continues to exert a remarkable influence across the world.  There is a shadow deep state cabal in every government in all 196 member states in the U.N., and they all work towards the same goal that has the same end: destroy the Church of Jesus Christ.

Martin Bormann, one of the men closest to Hitler, said publicly in 1941, “National Socialism and Christianity are irreconcilable.” In 1944 a Mexican Communist leader said, To hope for a Communist victory is useless if we do not stamp out Christianity. The Communists are very outspoken against Christianity.

Anatole Lunarsharky said that “Christian love is retarding the development of the Communist revolution. His slogan: We need hate; only then will we win the world.”At the same time, Radio Leningrad went into action and continuously attacked Christians with a bombardment of verbal insults, ”The Gospel and the Christian legends must be fought without sympathy and with all possible means.”

The large percentage of the human population and which has been defined as Third-World is highly Marxist in nature. Western societies had been exempt, mainly because the Gospel of Jesus Christ brought freedom and liberty.

George Meany, the American trade union leader, once declared, “The conflict between communism and freedom is the greatest problem of our time. It overshadows all other problems. The future of the whole human race depends on the outcome of this conflict.”

In the last 40-50 years, millions of young people have been trained in the doctrines of Marxism/Leninism. The Communists have set up an educational system whereby this ideology is presented, analysed, and illustrated in a thousand clever ways.

It is difficult for the people of a free society to realize the near total extent to which thought control is practised in its most sophisticated form in the educational structure, the media, and in all other avenues of information within a Communist society.

For instance, today, it is alarming to see how many college students in the West support Socialism. That tells me they’ve been brainwashed and do not understand the implications of this philosophy and the impact it could have on their lives. This is especially appropriate in view of what’s going on in Venezuela.

Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, Socialism. Debbie D’Souza, a native Venezuelan and political activist, explains:


According to Simon Black,

If you’ve been reading Notes, you know I believe the rise of socialism is one of the most important and threatening themes today. Radical, socialist ideas are gripping the world today like I’ve never seen before. 

And a rising crop of socialist politicians is angling for the US presidency in 2020 – people like Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Kristen Gillibran, Bernie Sanders and most recently New Jersey Senator Cory Booker. (Booker has already proposed an increase to the US federal estate tax, a.k.a. ‘death tax’, to an unbelievable 65%!)

Bear in mind that Booker raised taxes by 20% while serving as mayor of the City of Newark, and as Senator he has been vocally in favor of everything from nationalized healthcare to so-called ‘baby bonds’ where the US Treasury manages savings accounts for new-born babies.

These candidates (and potential candidates) are demonizing the rich. They’re out for blood. And they’re going to get it.

These are just some of the ideas floated by these politicians – 70% (or higher) progressive tax rates, annual penalties for having a certain amount of money, free healthcare, free education, etc…

But this problem isn’t just in the US… the same ideas are making waves in France, the UK and most other major economies around the world.

I mean… this group is so socialist I’m starting to think that someone is going to enter the exhumed remains of Karl Marx into the US Presidential race.

Educational Philosophy of Millennials

The mindset of many people, especially the millennial generation, seems to signal a very dangerous shift in Western values and beliefs-a shift from which it may be difficult, if not impossible, to recover. 

The Open Syllabus Project did a huge study and determined that Karl Marx’s “Communist Manifesto” has been taught more than any other text on college campuses over the last decade. Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and Vladimir Lenin’s “What is to be Done” were also very popular classroom texts. The Bible, the foundational book of Western society didn’t even make the list.

In the Communist Manifesto, which has been used to transform the educational philosophy of Millennials, Marx ascribes all the cruelties and grievances of history to an entity he called the bourgeoisie, (this is the middle class) but by this term, he means capitalists, the owners of the means of social production and employers of wage-labour.

By proletariat, he meant the class of modern wage labourers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to selling labour-power in order to live.

 A Cynical Hypocrite

Marx complained bitterly against those who own the means of production, saying,

The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked upon with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers. The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation.

Karl Marx wanted to destroy free enterprise because the factory regime in England during the nineteenth century was appalling just like it was in 2013, in Bangladesh, where a garment factory that employed almost 3,000 workers collapsed. He rightly noted:

In its blind unrestrainable passion, its wear-wolf hunger for surplus labor, capital oversteps not only the moral, but even the merely physical maximum bounds of the working day. It usurps the time for growth, development and healthy maintenance of the body. It steals the time required for the consumption of fresh air and sunlight…. All that concerns it is simply and solely the maximum of labor-power that can be rendered fluent in a working-day. It attains this end by shortening the extent of the labourer’s life, as a greedy farmer snatches increased produce from the soul by reducing it of its fertility.

It is obvious, that Karl Marx was a cynical hypocrite. He advocated a classless society and wanted a new, firmer, crueller class than any bourgeois society in the whole world.

Marx like Darwin believed in a form of natural selection, but he held that this selection was produced not primarily by biological forces but by economic forces. For him, bourgeois societies are weak, decadent, cruel, and exploitative because the capitalists produce an economic environment that fosters these negative human qualities.

Children are raised to believe that they own their clothes, their shoes, their bicycles, and later, their cars and homes. Marx saw this concept of personal possession as the grossest of evils because he believed that what a person presumed to own he owned in contrast to, indeed in opposition to, the good of society.

The good society Marx saw only coming to pass through an economic revolution was the one that removed all possessions from the hands of the individual and placed them into the hands of an ‘all-knowing-Omniscience’ state. Then the class struggle would magically disappear and everyone would work “according to his ability” and give to each “according to his need,” all through the god he invented the Communist/Socialist party.

The founder of communism knew that to destroy the family, it would be necessary to destroy private property. The tax system would be used to take away from one person and give to another. He knew that he must put an economic squeeze on the family, so he proposed a centralized banking system which would debase the currency

Ultimately, Marx’s communist vision and object in life was to dethrone God and displace Him as the creative intelligence of the world and subsequently destroy free enterprise.

He forgot one thing that the Church of Jesus Christ can never be destroyed because it is built upon sure foundations. God’s authority over the nations and history is beautifully expressed in Psalm 2:1-6.

Final Thoughts

Marxism, Communism and Socialism and all these insidious philosophies threaten our gospel freedoms, but as we have previously stated, we cannot defeat Communism with weapons.

Our battle is a spiritual one: For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against persons without bodies—the evil rulers of the unseen world, those mighty satanic beings and great evil princes of darkness who rule this world; and against huge numbers of wicked spirits in the spirit world (Ephesians 6:12).

Marxism or Communism is more than just a political system. It is an ideology or rather a religion. Behind this ’religion’ are the powers of darkness. There are real enemies of the Church of Jesus Christ. The good news is that these people are a conquered enemy because of the cross, Christ triumphed over them (Colossians 2:15).

Against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places, we have the power of the Holy Spirit. All the powers of darkness tremble in His presence. “For He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1 John 4:4).