9 Years Into Common Core, Test Scores Are Down, Indoctrination Up

Common Core sucked all the energy, money, and motivation right out of desperately needed potential reforms to U.S. public schools for a decade, and for nothing.

It’s been about nine years since the Obama administration lured states into adopting Common Core sight unseen, with promises it would improve student achievement. Like President Obama’s other big promises — “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” — this one’s been proven a scam.

“If you set and enforce rigorous and challenging standards and assessments; if you put outstanding teachers at the front of the classroom; if you turn around failing schools — your state can win a Race to the Top grant that will not only help students outcompete workers around the world, but let them fulfill their God-given potential,” President Obama said in July 2009.

He went on to state his faith that Common Core — at that point unwritten — would “not only make America’s entire education system the envy of the world, but we will launch a Race to the Top that will prepare every child, everywhere in America, for the challenges of the 21st century.” Race to the Top was a $4 billion money pot inside the 2009 stimulus that helped bribe states into Common Core.

So here we are, nine years later. Common Core has been officially rolled out into U.S. public and even many private schools for at least three to five years now. Are American children increasingly prepared for the “the challenges of the 21st century”? We’re actually seeing the opposite. They’re increasingly less prepared. And there’s mounting evidence that Common Core deserves some of the blame.

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Copyright © 2019 The Federalist  All rights reserved.

God’s Mercy Prevailed!

Scripture tells us, “… if a man is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore such a one in the spirit of meekness, watching yourselves, lest you also be tempted” (Galatians 6:1).

Mario Cuomo, governor of New York, recently celebrated and signed into law the radical “Reproductive Health Act” he promoted with Hillary Clinton. This allows full-term, unborn babies to be aborted by even non-doctors for any reason up until the moment of birth. Totally viable, developed children in the birth canal face the death penalty, although New York prohibits it for criminals, while doctors and nurses who refuse to do abortions now find their jobs in jeopardy.

Mr. Cuomo, a “Catholic,” lives with a woman outside of marriage and is endorsing sinful, barbaric behavior contrary to biblical teaching and upheld by authentic Christians and people of other religions worldwide, in addition to being expressly prohibited by the Roman Catholic Church.

Regardless of motivation or manipulation, he’s involved in grievous transgression, needs prayer and someone to restore him to moral sanity. To think that baby boys and girls 7, 8 and 9 pounds delivered early, cooing and crying can be exterminated or simply abandoned on a table to die is an incomprehensible injustice.

My Manipulated Friend

My wife and I have had a very dear friend of decades who was manipulated and caught in this same area of serious deception. Because the time of passive Christianity – when pastors and people aren’t “salt and light” as Jesus directed but instead sit on the sidelines, silent on moral issues – must end, I asked Corrine if we could share her story to help educate and awaken multitudes. What follows is her experience in her own words.

I was raised in a large, church-attending family, but at an early age I began resisting parental and church guidance. Being raped at age 12 preceded three years of teenage rape by my employer. These sad events coupled with my promiscuous lifestyle resulted in my having five abortions, three performed illegally at what I was told were women’s “health care clinics.”

I was taught that abortion was wrong, but I rationalized that “If abortion is legal, then it must be OK.” The abortions resulted in depression and a feeble suicide attempt as my conscience bothered me, but not enough to avoid the widely available procedure. Many girls I knew or met in the clinics, like me, were using abortion as a form of birth control.

The counseling and procedures were the same in each abortion clinic where girls who had prior abortions talked about them as insignificant. We were given birth control pills after the procedure, which promoted more promiscuity. While demonstrating the procedure on a plastic model of an empty uterus, the preborn baby was described as “tissue” or like a “blood clot being removed.” “It’s like having a wart removed! Here today, gone tomorrow.

I hemorrhaged after one abortion and, if I had gone home, I would have died. Before the fifth abortion at 11-weeks, in an attempt to quell my nagging conscience, I asked if I could see the “tissue” when finished. The personnel looked at each other quizzically, then complied with my request.

After the abortion, the nurse approached me with gauze in her hand. “See, it’s only tissue!” Lifting my head, I peered into her palm and underneath the small blood clots I noticed what looked like tiny fish bones. Pointing to them I asked her what they were, and she quickly folded the gauze, saying abruptly, “Oh, probably just an early formation of a rib cage” before pitching the blood-spattered gauze into the trashcan.

My soon-to-be husband Rick and I met each other in the waiting room where I tearfully lamented, “I saw ribs! I saw our baby’s ribs!” I withdrew emotionally for hours that turned into days. The image of our child’s tiny rib cage confronted me with the truth about what we had done, and it haunted me perpetually.

Thank God for people who faithfully share the Gospel! A few months later, Rick and I responded to the Good News, repented of our sins and accepted God’s merciful gift of forgiveness to start a new life in Christ. There still were residual effects of what I had done, and when people mentioned abortion, the pain resurfaced.

Rick and I were married in a Christian church. Pregnancy eluded us, which was a painful reality. My doctor expressed serious doubt that I could conceive and stated that if I did, I would most likely miscarry due to the scar tissue and other related issues.

Then one day while reading my Bible I came upon the story of Abraham’s wife, Sarah, who at age 90 miraculously conceived Isaac! After a church service I asked my pastor to pray that I would be healed of infertility from the abortions. He compassionately inquired of how many abortions, and I painfully admitted “Five.”

This pastor counseled me regarding God’s mercy, and we prayed together that God would heal me and free me from ongoing guilt and pain. Thanks be to God because that same evening, Rick and I conceived our first son!

Still struggling with remorse at times, I wondered what my aborted children would’ve looked like and what they could’ve become. Guarding my thoughts, meditating on Scriptures and studying factual pro-life literature provided to me, God guided me in the healing process.

The truth would come out about the clinics that lied to me and to scores of naïve and desperate girls and women. The deception, prior to seeing these truths, preceded a second time of my near death, if it had it not been for God’s miraculous intervention.

Once while driving, blinded by tears and a cloudy mind, thoughts of despair and hopelessness brought me to a point of considering plowing into a large trash dumpster on the road. Just before it happened, I sensed a still small voice say to me, “Are you going to kill another one?” I knew this was the Lord’s voice reminding me that I was pregnant with my third child!

On our journey, Rick and I have experienced ongoing revelation of God’s love, mercy and grace. We’ve also been blessed beyond measure with not just one … two … three … four … five … six … but seven children as gifts from God after experiencing the loss of our little ones prior to our growing family!

As our longtime friend and pastoral guide Larry Tomczak says, “Here’s the deal”: The most repeated verse in all the Bible, stated 26 times in Psalm 136 alone, “His mercy endures forever.”

We’ve experienced His grace in a phenomenal way and encourage everyone to believe it and join with millions awakening to the abomination of abortion-on-demand that must once and for all be stopped in our generation.

Abortion is a money-making enterprise for Planned Parenthood and those involved. The tragic reality that our taxpayer money is channeled to them in subterfuge is a national disgrace and abomination before God.

We should all be grateful to God and support with our prayers and finances crisis pregnancy centers, adoption and those raising money to adopt; along with voting only for politicians who uphold the sanctity of human life. No matter how clever abortion marketing and deceptive terminology, the abortion industry continues to foster the genocide of generations.

May we be intentional in looking for and steering those pondering abortion to crisis pregnancy centers with compassionate servants spreading Christ’s message and Corrine’s to rescue multitudes.

Copyright © 2018 Larry Tomczak WND-All rights reserved.

The Marxists Are Desparate

First, they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak out for me ~Pastor-Martin Niemoller

Waking Up To The Deep State, Roger Stone

Last week Roger Stone was awakened by 27 FBI agents who conducted a pre-dawn raid at his home in Florida.

The FBI troops wore flak jackets and sported weapons design to intimidate. Beria and Stalin would have been proud.

There was no reason for a raid of that scope. The Osama Bin Laden raid was carried out with less force. Stone is a peaceful man who was cooperating with Mueller’s investigation. Stone has done nothing wrong and there was no collaboration with Russia. He’s stands accused of invented ‘process’ crimes. So why was he treated like a narco kingpin or arch villain?

The excessive abuse of government power by jackbooted thugs were condemned by Democrats. Oh wait…no….they heartily applauded such action. HBO comedian Bill Maher said Stone was an upper echelon bad guy who deserved it because he’s so unlikeable. He’s expecting them to arrest President Trump next, whom he constantly calls a ‘traitor.’ Maher continues to cling to the Russian collusion lie and jokes that Trump is working for Putin.

The dossier used by the FBI to conduct surveillance on Trump and his campaign was based on that lie, which was bought and paid for by Hillary. Hillary is an arch criminal and traitor who should be in jail. She lied to the FBI, destroyed evidence, sold her country out for money (Uranium One) and dozens of other crimes I won’t get into here. Suffice it to say she’s exacting revenge on the ‘deplorables’ who helped get Trump elected.

Roger Stone efficaciously made that happen.

A big fuss and show had to be made over Stone’s arrest. The rogue criminal cartel known as the Deep State must make something out of literally nothing to justify the arrest of more targets—their final target being Trump himself. This is a coup being carried out by the Deep State and its special prosecutor is especially corrupt–and without oversight or accountability.

Mueller has an unlimited budget while being responsible to no one. He does what he wants and sends his Gestapo out to get the job done. No, I won’t say how great some FBI agents are and that they’re good people and ‘patriots.’

They are going along with an unconstitutional take down of a lawfully-elected president. The FBI and CIA need to be broken up. They have accrued way too much power over the decades. They all share in the blame, as does the traitorous Deep State media arms. CIA-CNN in particular.

Their tipoff to make the show scarier was absolutely disgusting. The government watchdogs who were once supposed to be journalists have become lying, filthy rats in charge of brainwashing citizens.

We are hurtling toward very dark times if we don’t stop this. First they came for Stone—eventually they’ll get to all of us deplorables for invented crimes.

They already have enough illegally obtained info on us all. They have our email, browsing history, phone calls, purchases, financial and medical records—everything. It’s all stored up and ready to use against us for some concocted process crime. They will then send us to prison or gulags.

What’s next, a shot in the back of the head? Ha ha, very funny, right Bill Maher? I’m sure many Democrats would applaud that, too. Anything to further their agenda of communism.

Wake up, Trump!  As Alex Jones said, it’s time to go on offense!

Psychological Projection is a theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. Read more

Copyright © 2018 Ben Garrison-All rights reserved



The Struggle Between Marxism and Individual Freedom

Marxism has been called the greatest threat that the Church has faced in all of its history. It has produced the greatest degree of social, physical, and moral ruin the world has ever known. Marxism advocates destroying the family, the free enterprise system and Christianity and replace with their utopian Marxist communist New World Order revolution.

In order to achieve this, they must level everybody out and make them equally poor. I can assure you that this process is well under way. According to Oxfam, a group working to alleviate poverty, the combined wealth of the poorest half of the world–3.8 billion people–fell by 11% just last year. The New York Times claims the richest 8 people on the planet have more wealth than the poorest 3.8 billion.

Now these Global elites claim to have the power to be the solution and they know what is best for the peasants of the world, yet they’ve sold each country they’ve impoverished to multinational communist corporations.

Every sector of society in every respective country has been restructured. We are almost living in a corporate fascist tyranny and big power elites control most governments and write the laws.

Carroll Quigley wrote a book entitled Tragedy and Hope that was based on a two-year study of the internal documents of the power elites and their history. He noted:

These powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences.

Here, Quigley presented evidence that perhaps indicates the remarkable concentration of power within a relatively few organizations. By controlling energy they can control nations, and by controlling food and the health sector, they can control individuals.

By excessive rates and taxes, they want to destroy the middle class and small businesses. Their goal to merge all big businesses until about 6 companies control the commerce of each country. This is called ‘centralisation of control.’ So how can they be the solution? The answer was given by Hegel-the German philosopher and this process has been described by historians as the Hegelian dialect or principles:

The first step is a thesis, which is to create a problem. The second is an antithesis where opposition to the problem is generated through fear and panic. The third step is a synthesis that offers the solution to the problem created by step one. Humanity is to be convinced through fear of the need for a world government or a New World Order.

World Socialism/Communism

On May 6 2018 marked the two hundredth anniversary of the death of Karl Marx, in his preface to an elaborate collection of responses to the death of Karl Marx called Karl Marx Remembered, Philip Foner asserts:

I am confident that when the two hundredth anniversary of the death of Karl Marx will be observed, the entire world will be socialist.

Absurd as it may sound, the original plan of the communists was to establish a communist world government by dividing the masses into racial, religious, economic, political, educational, social, and income groups. And then further divide those groups into more opposing groups by identifying division within those already divided.

Webster’s New World Dictionary describes Socialism as:

Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods; a system of society or group living in which there is no private property; a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state; a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and in which private ownership of the means of production and distribution has been eliminated.

Communism as:

a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed a theory advocating elimination of private property; a doctrine based on revolutionary Marxian socialism and Marxism-Leninism that was the official ideology of the U.S.S.R.; a totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls state-owned means of production; a final stage of society in Marxist theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably; communist systems collectively.

And Capitalism as:

an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

The Struggle Between Monopolistic Capitalism and Competitive Capitalism

The best type of economy operates by free competition or free enterprise. Under this system of competitive capitalism, we have private property for everyone who wants to work for it.

Unfortunately, today, the free market system is not free at all. Rather, it is rigged by corporate elites who control the bulk of the world’s economic and political power. As a matter of fact, if you were to ask the average person what type of economic system we have, they would probably answer capitalism.

If you went ahead and asked them what type of system is the opposite of capitalism, they would probably say communism (provided they know what it means). But we are not only in a struggle between communism and capitalism, the struggle is also between monopolistic capitalism and competitive capitalism.

The characteristic of monopolistic capitalism is that capital is held privately by the state or corporations, which means that it is controlled. A further characteristic of this system is that prices are high, quality is poor, and there is generally no private property for the masses.

Conversely, in a competitive capitalistic system, capital is held privately and decentralised; a further characteristic is that prices are low, the quality is high, and so much is produced that more people have to be hired to go and sell the products.

Socialism, which the Western world government is pushing us all toward today, is similar to communism in many ways.

Communism is based on the belief that the universe is only matter and energy. Reducing the world into only matter and energy is materialism. If a person is just a product of his or her environment, then there is no God; and by giving them what they need (food, clothing, shelter, free healthcare, etc.), their human nature can be changed and molded.

But this is false and works only for a short period of time. Then it is up to the government on whether a person gets to breathe or not. Very scary, isn’t it? Communism breads secular humanism and totalitarianism.

America as a Socialist Democracy

In the last 70 years, most Western countries have slowly progressed toward socialism, on the sure path to communism or even fascism. Even the much more admired constitutional American republic has been shoved aside and Americans have almost given up the principles of liberty and freedom. America is now considered a socialist democracy.

Here Ron Ewart presents clear and well-substantiated views of how the onslaught of socialism has invaded America:

As far as American socialism is concerned, that ship has sailed and the only way to stop it is to remove the fuel from its engines (money) ….. or torpedo its hull.  The big cities now have the votes and the big cities by their very nature are dependent on government services.  Dependency on government services can lead nowhere else but to socialism and mob rule. 

Once it starts and gets a foothold on the body politic, it progresses like falling dominoes. It is not IF America will go totally socialist, or join one-world government, only when.  The powers forcing socialism and one-world government are more powerful than the forces supporting individual freedom and liberty.  And that socialism-driven “power” owns the law, most of the money and the big guns.

Indoctrination of Students  

Schools are now transmission belts for socialism propaganda and this indoctrination of students into Communist ideals has been going on for decades. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushschev reportedly told Ezra Taft Benson, Eisenhower’s Secretary of Agriculture, in 1959:

Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept Communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have Communism. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll so weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.

Today Khrushchev is no longer whispering his dark secrets in secret; he is shouting them by radio over housetops and hilltops. What is even more alarming is that virtually all of the Socialist/Communist leaders of today’s world were recruited not as members of the toiling masses but rather as student intellectuals.

The hardworking middle class of people is a group in which the Communists pretend to be interested, but their great prize is the ideological conquest of the college and university campus using lecturers of philosophy, law, history, sociology and most especially journalism aka MSM or Ministry of Truth The tactics they use to divide the masses are found in the news they create and sell to the very people who are their targets.

Communist Dictators are Hypocrites

These Marxist gangs (puppets) who are now in Davos deliberating on how “to make globalisation work for every citizen, not just a few individuals” are no longer a ragged minority but well-dressed leaders and the Marxist philosophy dominates their brains. They sit at conference tables of world organisations, not asking questions but stating Marxist Luciferian policies to strangle humanity.

As we’ve mentioned previously, communist dictators are hypocrites. They impose great programs of austerity on the population yet they themselves live in splendor beyond any stretch of the imagination. These leaders live in splendid wealth and grind people into poverty.

East Germany State communist leader Erich Honecker, was found to be a wealthy man indeed. It was reported by the media that he owned thirty two homes, which he used as residences at one or another time. They also reported that he imported one hundred tons of grain every year from the West in order to feed the stags at his private hunting reserve, so that he and his cronies could have good hunting.

This hypocritical man had preached for years that the East Germans must make great sacrifices in order to bring the Communist paradise to pass in the future. Few East Germans had suspected that Honecker had created his own paradise in the present.

Another notable example was Nicolae Ceausescu, who with his wife was executed on Christmas Day in 1989. He was also a man of great wealth. He had subjugated the Romanians in one of the most oppressive dictatorships on earth, even to the extent of killing thousands of them who would not obey his commands.

After his execution, the press carried stories about Ceausescu’s wealth similar to those reported about Honecker. He had built for himself a palace bigger than the one at Versailles. When the revolutionary government opened the palace and people were conducted on tours through it, they were staggered at its splendour. So great was their astonishment that they wondered what to do with the building and what use it might have in any future government.

Men Have Forgotten God

Nobel-Prize-winning novelist, historian and critic of Communist totalitarianism Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote:

You must understand. The leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the “Russian Revolution.” It was an invasion and conquest over the Russian people.

More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their bloodstained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated. Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators.

He was heralded as a hero in the West for his courageous and gifted writings from prison that exposed the horrors and tyranny of Soviet communism. At a press conference he was asked why these terrible things had occurred, why millions were tortured, starved and worked to death in Gulag slave labour camps, Solzhenitsyn gave this simple, yet profound, statement: Men have forgotten God…That’s why it happened.

But the reaction in the West was more subdued, at times even hostile, when Solzhenitsyn began to speak with equal candor about the sins and spiritual poverty of the West, most notably in a commencement address given at Harvard University on June 8, 1978.

Then, in 2000, Solzhenitsyn released a new (currently banned in English) book entitled “Together For Two Hundred Years.”This book was a lengthy treatise, a thorough and far-reaching compilation of several decades of research into the machinations for two centuries of Jews inside Russia and the Soviet Empire. He showed how Trotsky, Lenin and other Jewish conspirators had overthrown the Roman dynasty in 1917 and set up a Bolshevik totalitarian system.

What happened next is unbelievable: Thousands of innocent men, women and children were imprisoned into Gulag concentration camps. Most of these victims, Solzhenitsyn reports, were Christian believers, since the revolutionary Jews despised and hated Jesus and His followers. When all was said and done about 66 million innocent people were kidnapped and millions of true Christians were murdered.

The Jewish Holocaust was terrible, but it wasn’t the worst genocide in human history. It was the Christians during the Jewish Bolshevik era and worse still it was perpetrated by apostate Jews who are still taxing the limits of God’s mercy up to this very day. (see Daniel 8:23-24)

Today Communism covers almost three-quarters of the earth’s surface and it’s estimated that in some way or another it taints nearly two out of every three persons. If the Lord tarries and there is no revival of pure Christianity, then the next span of years will be worst that history has ever recorded.

Communism will not be destroyed with weapons.  It is an ideology which intends to create millions of zombies, after having spared only a few thousands or people who would be needed as the ruling class.

George Orwell was right! This ideology is already happening in communist China. The regime in China intends to assign each of its 1.4 billion citizens a “social credit score” surveillance system that will determine what people are allowed to do and where they rank in society.

Communism never collapsed,  it was a test case by the New World Order advocates before setting up a repressive global system which will erode everybody’s freedom. One man, Vlad, who grew up in communist Poland, compares the methods of today’s American left to the old communist government in his home country.

My case, furthermore, is that we have forsaken God and most of us are living without Him. I have the searched the Scriptures and I can’t find a single instance when the Lord judged a people without first giving them warnings in plenty of time to repent.

The West which has had a long and rich Biblical Christian heritage is becoming more and more a blood-thirsty society. God is not mocked; the history of the world can tell us terrible tales based on that text. Unless a true, deep, turning back to God takes place very quickly, a terrible crash with these Marxists is inevitable.

Remember the aim of this Marxist ideology is to conquer the whole world. For this, no one and nothing will be spared. Nevertheless, with every warning God sent, He clearly revealed where His people could go to find protection from destruction. Our Lord has always provided refuge for anyone who is willing to honour His Word by heeding and obeying it.

I rest my case.


Will Globalists Sacrifice The Dollar To Get Their ‘New World Order’?

Trade is a fundamental element of human survival. No one person can produce every single product or service necessary for a comfortable life, no matter how Spartan their attitude. Unless your goal is to desperately scratch an existence from your local terrain with no chance of progress in the future, you are going to need a network of other producers. For most of the history of human civilization, production was the basis for economy. All other elements were secondary.

At some point, as trade grows and thrives, a society is going to start looking for a store of value; something that represents the man-hours and effort and ingenuity a person put into their day. Something that is universally accepted within barter networks, something highly prized, that is tangible, that can be held in our hands and is impossible to replicate artificially. Enter precious metals.

Thus, the concept of “money” was born, and for the most part it functioned quite well for thousands of years. Unfortunately, there are people in our world that see economy as a tool for control rather than a vital process that should be left alone to develop naturally.

The idea of “fiat money”, money which has no tangibility and that can be created on a whim by a central source or authority, is rather new in the grand scheme of things. It is a bastardization of the original and much more stable money system that existed before that was anchored in hard commodities. While it claims to offer a more “liquid” store of value, the truth is that it is no store of value at all.

Purveyors of fiat, central banks and globalists, use ever increasing debt as a means to feed fiat, not to mention the hidden tax of price inflation. When central bankers get a hold of money, it is no longer a representation of work or value, but a system of enslavement that crushes our ability to produce effectively and to receive fair returns for our labor.

There are many people today in the liberty movement that understand this dynamic, but even in alternative economic circles there are some that do not understand the full picture when it comes to central banks and fiat mechanisms. There is a false notion that paper currencies are the life blood of the establishment and that they will seek to protect these currencies at all costs. This might have been true 20 years ago or more, but it is not true today. Things change.

The king of this delusion is the US dollar. As the world reserve currency it is thought by some to be “untouchable”, a pillar of the globalist structure that will be defended for many decades to come. The reality, however, is that the dollar is nothing more than another con game on paper to the globalists; a farce that they are happy to sacrifice in order to further their goals of complete centralization of world trade and therefore the complete centralization of control over human survival.

That is to say, the dollar is a stepping stone for them, nothing more.

The real goal of the globalists is an economic system in which they can monitor every transaction no matter how small; a system in which there is eventually only one currency, a currency that can be tracked, granted or taken away at a moment’s notice. Imagine a world in which your “store of value” is subject to constant scrutiny by a bureaucratic monstrosity, and there is no way to hide from them by using private trade as a backstop. Imagine a world in which you cannot hold your money in your hand, and access to your money can be denied with the push of a button if you step out of line. This is what the globalists really desire.

Some people might claim that this kind of system already exists, but they would be fooling themselves. Even though fiat currencies like the dollar are a cancer on free markets and true production, they still offer privacy to a point, and they can still be physically allocated and held in your hand making them harder to confiscate. The globalists want to take a bad thing and make it even worse.

So, the question arises – How do they plan to make the shift from the current fiat paper system to their “new world order” economy?

First and foremost, they will seek a controlled demolition of the dollar as the world reserve currency. They have accomplished this in the past with other reserve currencies, such as the Pound Sterling, which was carefully diminished over a period of two decades just after WWII through the use of treasury bond dumps by France and the US, as well as the forced removal of the sterling as the petro-currency. This was done to make way for the US dollar as a replacement after the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944.

The dollar did not achieve true world reserve status, though, until after the gold standard was completely abandoned by Nixon in the early 1970’s, at which point a deal was struck with Saudi Arabia making the dollar the petro-currency. Once the dollar was no longer anchored to gold and the world’s energy market was made dependent on it, the fate of the US economy was sealed.

Unlike Britain and the sterling, the US economy is hyper-dependent on the dollar’s world reserve status. While Britain suffered declining conditions for decades after the loss, including inflation and high interest rates, the US will experience far more acute pain. A complete lack of adequate manufacturing capability within US borders has turned our nation into a consumer based society rather than a society of producers. Meaning, we are dependent on the demand for our currency as a reserve in order to enjoy affordable goods from outside sources (i.e. other manufacturing based countries).

Add to this lack of production ability the fact that for the past decade the Federal Reserve has been pumping trillions of dollars into financial markets around the globe. This means trillions of dollar held overseas only on the promise that those dollars will be accepted by major exporters as a universal store of value. If faith in that promise is lost, those trillions could come flooding back into the US through various channels, and the buying power of the currency would crumble.

There is a delusion within the American mainstream that even if such an event were to occur, the transition could be handled with ease. It’s fantastical, I know, but never underestimate the cognitive dissonance of people blinded by bias.

The rebuilding of a production base within the US to offset the crisis of losing the world reserve currency would take many years; perhaps decades. And this is in the best case scenario. With a plummeting currency and extreme price inflation, the cost of establishing new production on a large scale would be immense. While local labor might become cheap (in comparison with inflation), all other elements of the economy would become very expensive.

In the worst case scenario there would be complete societal breakdown likely followed by an attempted totalitarian response by government. In which case, forget any domestically funded economic recovery. Any future recovery would have to be funded and managed from outside the US. And here is where we see the globalist plan taking shape.

The banking elites have hinted in the past how they might try to “reset” the global economy. As I’ve mentioned in many articles, the globalist run magazine The Economist in 1988 discussed the removal of the dollar to make way for a global currency, a currency which would be introduced to the masses by 2018. This introduction did in fact take place as The Economist declared it would. Blockchain and digital currency systems, the intended foundation of the next globalist monetary structure, received unprecedented coverage the past two years.  They are now a part of the public consciousness.

Here is how I believe the process will unfold:

The 2008 crash in credit and housing markets led to unprecedented stimulus by central banks, with the Federal Reserve leading the pack as the greatest source of inflation. This program of bailouts and QE stimulus conjured an even bigger bubble, which many alternative analysts have dubbed “the everything bubble”.

The growing “everything bubble” encompasses not just stock markets or housing, but auto markets, credit markets, bond markets, and the dollar itself. All of these elements are now tied directly to Fed policy. The US economy is not only addicted to stimulus measures and near-zero interest rates; it will die without them.

The Fed knows this well. Chairman Jerome Powell hinted at the crisis that would evolve if the Fed ever cut off stimulus, unwound its balance sheet and hiked rates in the October 2012 Fed minutes.

Without constant and ever expanding stimulus measures, the false economy will implode. We are already seeing the effects as the Fed cuts tens-of-billions per month in assets from its balance sheet and hikes interest rates to their “neutral rate of inflation”. Auto markets, housing markets, and credit markets are in reversal, and stocks are witnessing the most instability since the 2008 crash. All of this was triggered by the Fed simply exerting incremental rate hikes and balance sheet cuts.

It is also important to note that almost every US stock market rally the past several months has taken place while the Fed’s balance sheet cuts were frozen.  For example, for the past two-and-a-half weeks the Fed’s assets have only dropped by around $8 billion; this is basically a flatline in the balance sheet.  It should not be surprising given this pause in cuts (in tandem with convenient stimulus measures by China) that stocks spiked through early to mid-January.

That said, Fed tightening will start again, either by rate hikes, asset cuts, or both at the same time. The Fed’s purpose is to create a crisis. The Fed’s goal is to cause a crash. The Fed is a suicide bomber that does not care what happens to the US system.

But what about the dollar, specifically?

The Fed’s tightening policies do not only translate to crisis for US stocks or other markets. I see three primary ways in which the dollar can be dethroned as the world reserve.

1) Emerging economies have become addicted to Fed liquidity over the past ten years. Without continued access to the Fed’s easy money, nations like China and India are beginning to seek out alternatives to the dollar as a world reserve. Contrary to the popular belief that these countries would “never” be able to decouple from the US, the process has already begun. And, it is the Fed that has actually created the necessity for emerging markets to seek out other sources of liquidity besides the dollar.

2) Donald Trump’s trade war is yet another cover event for the loss of reserve status. I would note that the primary rationale for tariffs was to balance the trade deficit.  The trade deficit with China has done the opposite and is continually expanding each month.  This suggests much higher tariffs on China would be required to reduce the imbalance.

It must also be understood that the trade deficit with China has long been part of a larger agreement.  China is one of the largest buyers of US debt in the world and has continued to utilize the dollar as the world reserve currency.  If the trade war continues through this year, it is only a matter of time before China, already seeking dollar alternatives as the Fed tightens liquidity, will start using its US treasury and dollar holdings as leverage against us.

Bilateral agreements between multiple nations that cut out the dollar are being established regularly today. If China, the largest exporter/importer in the world, stops accepting the dollar as the world reserve, or if they start accepting other currencies in competition, then numerous other nations will follow their lead.

3) Finally, if the war of words between Trump and the Fed becomes something more, then this could be used by the establishment to undermine faith in US credit.  If Trump seeks to shut down the Fed entirely, the globalists are handed yet another perfect distraction for the death of the dollar. I can see the headlines now – The “reset” could then be painted as a “rescue” of the global economy after the “destructive actions of populists” who “bumbled into fiscal destruction” because they were blinded by an “obsession with sovereignty” in a world that “requires centralization to survive”.

The specifics of the shift to a global currency are less clear, but again, we have hints from the globalists. The Economist suggests that the US economy will have to be taken down a few pegs, and that the IMF would step in as the arbiter of forex markets through its SDR basket system. This plan was echoed recently by globalist Mohamed El-Erian in an article he wrote titled “New Life For The SDR?”. El-Erian also suggests that a global currency would help to combat the “rise of populism”.

The Economist notes that the SDR would only act as a “bridge” to the new global currency. Paper currencies would still exist for a time, but they would be pegged to the SDR exchange rates. Currently, the dollar is only worth around .71 SDR’s. In the event of the loss of world reserve status, expect this exchange rate to drop significantly.

As the global crisis deepens the IMF will suggest a “reset” to a more manageable monetary framework, and this framework will be based on blockchain technology and a cryptocurrency which the IMF has likely already developed. The IMF hints at this outcome in at least two separate white papers recently published which herald a new age in which crypto is the next phase of evolution for global trade.

I predict according to the current pace of the trade war and Fed liquidity tightening that de-dollerization will hit the mainstream by 2020. The process of “resetting” the global monetary system would likely take at least another decade to complete. The globalist preoccupation with their “Agenda 2030” sustainable development initiatives suggests a decade long timeline.

Without ample resistance, the introduction of the cashless society will be presented as a natural and even “heroic” response by the globalists to save humanity from the “selfishness” of destructive nationalists. They will strut across the world stage as if they are saviors, rather than the villains they really are.

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