Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LquIQisaZFU]
Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities.

And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise up.

Copyright © 2018 Prager University-All rights reserved


Jewish Schoolgirls Interrogated Over Sex. Not Nazi Germany, But Today’s Britain!

Yesterday I read about a country where State agents marched into a Jewish school and interrogated the girls on sex. No, this was not Communist Russia nor Nazi Germany, this was Britain, 2018.

Why is Ofsted doing the secularists’ bidding?

On Monday, I visited the Yesoday Hatorah Senior Girls School in Stamford Hill, where staff and pupils were preparing for the end of term and the coming Passover holidays. Their light, open and modern building was opened by Tony Blair in 2005 when the school became voluntary aided. A number of voices in their community … Continue reading

The Yesoday Hatorah Senior Girls’ School in Stamford Hill, north London, serves the Haredi community and seeks to reflect Haredi values. This community is not down with the whole all-of-the-sex all-of-the-time agenda that now passes for the secular culture, a culture that frequently depicts the sex act on television, watched by millions.

Unsurprisingly, the Haredi have taken a pass on this culture, and that means, for example, that the school redacts GCSE textbooks to remove references to sex. It was one of these textbooks that was picked up by the secular campaigning organisation Humanists UK, who then complained to Ofsted.

So Ofsted inspectors made a snap inspection and asked the pupils about sex. Parents were furious. ‘Our daughters came home severely shaken after a day of inspection where inspectors have attempted to force alien concepts on to our children,’ one said. ‘

An alien discussion with our girls of their private bodies and of intimate relationships with strangers . . . serves to undermine our beliefs in every possible way.’

Later Giles Fraser, for the website UnHerd, took the time to visit the school. ‘As I wandered around the corridors, the atmosphere was quiet and studious, calm even. None of the girls’ school lockers was locked, despite containing their valuables. Stealing is unheard of here. Even the local Sainsbury’s waives the usual two-at-a-time rule for schoolchildren when it comes to Yesoday Hatorah girls.

The girls know to stand respectfully as visitors enter the room, and they listen to their teachers. A few years after opening the new building, the school was the top of the Department of Education’s league table for value-added student progress.’

Fraser spoke to some of the girls at break time and found: ‘The Ofsted inspectors obviously came with a fixed agenda, they wanted to talk to the girls about sex. And those who told me about it were obviously made to feel extremely uncomfortable by the questions.

Three girls complained to the Principal and he told them to explain that to the inspectors. They did – but that only made matters worse, and invited further interrogation. They were very upset by the whole process. “This felt like an attack,” one of them said, “because under no circumstances did we want to discuss things that we were brought up our entire lives not to discuss”.’

Do take the time to read the full UnHerd report, for it demonstrates the authoritarian nature of Ofsted under the leadership of Amanda Spielman and how the British values agenda is being used to attack religious groups, in particular those who wish to protect their children from early sexualisation, which I call grooming by the state, and popular culture.

This is the same secular culture the feminists denounce as a ‘rape culture’ but the vultures at Ofsted believe it should be imposed on this Jewish community.

In 1984, George Orwell said the future was a boot stamping on a human face. In fact, the present is much worse than that: it is a subtle but all-too-totalitarian power grab by the State nudging us here, stroking us there, to accept their entire Leftist ideology.

And, no, it doesn’t matter who is in government because when the Leftists control education and there is a permanent Leftist bureaucracy, who is in Number Ten is neither here nor there.

Copyright © 2018 Laura Perrins The Conservative WomanAll rights reserved

The Tyranny of The Communist System

What is happening in the Old USA is beyond anything we’ve ever seen in American politics. No more political debate, instead people are fed with lies and propaganda 24/7 that are so huge in order to attain power at all costs!

Who told you these people that support Planned Parenthood with its abortions and its harvesting of baby body parts, care a whit about family togetherness and family enjoyment? They hate the family and obviously have no feeling whatsoever for families being separated by any government edict.

New World Order Communist tactics hitherto unknown to the masses and politicians are being used in this day to stir up enmity between different groups.

There are globalist communistic elements that actively seek to push America into a civil war in order to call for a combined forces of the New World Order, under the auspices of the United Nations “peacekeeping” intervention, who have their Trojan Horse building on Rockefeller donated land in New York.

The same tactic has worked as it was at the beginning between Adam and Eve and is being used over and over again. It is to Divide and conquer. It is an ancient military maxim; one is easier to tackle than two. So the so-called elites of this world have divided people into groups by their social, racial, religious, and economic status, and then hired thugs to threaten, intimidate or if possible physically beat up their opponents who oppose their New World communist utopia.

The Christian Church as such has not organized military opposition to Communism. Yet the Communists have murdered millions of true Christians, equalling the atrocities of Fox’s Book of Martyrs.

Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn described the horrors of Soviet communism in his epic masterpiece The Gulag Archipelago, yet its tyranny cannot even vaguely be compared to the tyranny of a modern totalitarian state, especially the tyranny of the Communist system. In the foreseeable future, and if the Lord tarries and there is no revival of pure Christianity, there is no immediate hope that the strangle grip of communism will be broken.

When the old-time Russian dramatist Gogol spoke of “mankind with dead souls,” he was describing exactly that which modern nations are without God. Another writer speaks of the growth of militant godlessness in the world today until the world is swarming with human beings no longer human but just “beings.” Frightful thought!

Although only six percent of the Russians were members of the Communist Party, this small minority had dictatorial power over the remaining ninety-four percent.

The late revivalist Leonard Ravenhill put it so well:

After Communist brainwashing and indoctrination (“correct” indoctrination), we shall have a nation or generation of robots. Communism can create millions of zombies, after having spared only a few thousands or people who would be needed as the ruling class. Communism is versatile and devastating. Its leader have declared that they can take America without firing a shot, and top-line politicians seem to agree with them.

All this adds up to a terrifying picture. Well might we cry, “Watchman, what of the night?” never was there a need for the trumpeters on Zion’s walls to sound a louder blast to sleeping believers than at this moment. Many Christians right now are hanging their harps on the willows and crying, “How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?

Dedication to the Revolution

Communists are participants and totally dedicated to their theology whereas Christians are spectators. We have many spectators in the Christian world and few participants and that’s our biggest problem.

In his book, Persecution, It will Never Happen Here, Jan Pit tells a story of how Mao’s Little Red Book of quotations was found on the body of a dead soldier in Zimbabwe. He had received it from a Chinese advisor and had obviously studied it thoroughly.

On leafing through the book Pit found that the guerrilla had underlined many of Mao’s statements. And on the first page, he wrote something every Christian should write in his Bible:

Every sentence, every word of this book is true. It is a mighty weapon. Forward to victory, fear no sacrifice. One spark out of this book can cause a mighty fire.

That is the language of a dedicated guerrilla. No sacrifice is considered too great for his revolution. He was prepared to die for it, and he did. Many Christians would rather remain spectators; it is safer. If we want to stop the Communist revolution, we will have to become involved in the Kingdom of God and become guerrillas for Christ.

I firmly believe Communism will not be destroyed by weapons. It is an ideology which dominates millions of people it rules with an iron hand over its subjects.

A Guerrilla for Christ

One young Christian who was forced to leave the grandstand to get involved in the spiritual battle was Salu Daka Ndebele, a black Zimbabwean.

On May 5, 1973, Salu, who was from the township of Mpopoma in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into his life as his personal Savior. Like many Christians, he felt he would now have a life of peace and joy – the soft Gospel that many preachers offer.

After a period of training with Youth with a Mission, Salu moved to Maputo as a part of a multi-racial team, to work with the capital’s drug addicts. The whole time he was in the city, Salu could feel the undercurrent of tension. Then the Portuguese Government announced they were handing over the government to the Marxist Front for the Liberation of Mozambique.

In July 1975, Salu and many missionaries were imprisoned in Polana Prison, where they were shocked by the disgusting, inhuman conditions, torture, harassment, cold-blooded executions, and the horrible practice of homosexuals, drunks, and gamblers.

But then he was faced with a difficult decision: to become a guerrilla or die in jail. In the stifling interrogation room of the police headquarters, a police chief told him, “Salu Daka, you can rot in prison for forty years until you have changed your imperialist ideas.”

His captor, a plain-clothes officer wearing a brown leather jacket, pointed to the Soviet-made machine gun at his side and added, “We want to kill your God. We want to give you a gun so you can go fight for Zimbabwe against the racist Ian Smith. But if you won’t fight, you will stay in jail forever.”

Salu’s mind was in a daze as this callous man in his thirties stared at him with steel-cold eyes and tried to tear his two-year-old faith Jesus Christ to shreds. He shook in fright as the verbal bombardment went on: “We are going to wipe out all your imperialist ideas about religion,” he yelled at Salu with a clipped, machine-gun delivery. “If you do not change your ideas, you are going to prison for a long time.”

The policeman was startled as Salu summoned up enough courage to wipe the beads of perspiration from his knotted brow and say, with a voice that was almost cracking, “Praise God! Then I will go to prison, and I’ll stay there for forty years if necessary. God will be with me, and I will never change my mind about Him. I will never deny Him.”

That was not an easy thing for this young believer to say. All he had to do was to say he would become a guerrilla to fight Ian Smith, and he would immediately be released.

He chose instead to be a Guerrilla for Christ. For sixteen terrible months he suffered agonies for his faith in that prison, but finally, he was released. Where did he go then? To war-torn Northern Ireland to work as an evangelist there.

Salu believes Christians should be in the front-tine – not in the stands watching. But there’s a price to pay, as he can testify.

George Meany, the American trade union leader, once declared,

The conflict between communism and freedom is the greatest problem of our time. It overshadows all other problems. The future of the whole human race depends on the outcome of the conflict.

The Communists believe they will ultimately win, and they work toward their victory. They have one aim: to triumph. Incited with a burning desire to win, no sacrifice is considered too great.

Who do Communists kill first?

Generally, they follow this pattern:

  1. Christians because the religion promotes freedom of choice.
  2. Teachers and professors because they can convey the culture.
  3. Those that help them obtain power because they fear the inevitable counter-revolution….Deep State puppets better be very careful.
  4. The public opposition….Today, that would be the Independent Media.
  5. Anyone that the state-sponsored snitches turn in….. Today, NSA surveillance takes the place of most secret police.

This is exactly what the NSA-controlled police state surveillance grid is accomplishing as it is able to profile and analyze the belief systems, political affiliations, religious views, and every trait of the human personality. As George Orwell warned us in 1984, we shall have to live with the possibility that everything we do, say, and see is being monitored. Soon, you will find out why.

The Communist state has replaced God. The aim of this ideology is to conquer the whole world. For this, no one and nothing will be spared. In each country they will try to get a selected part of the population on their side, making all kinds of promises. It is a tactic which was propagated by the then Chinese premier Chou En-Lai, many years ago. He said,

If you want to destroy someone but you are unable to get near him, then you must befriend him. Once you are his friend, you can embrace him and stick a knife in his back.

That method is still being practiced today. A friendship is formed with a certain number of people, not because they particularly love them or want to help them but to use them, for their own purposes. As soon as the Communists have their power in hand, they turn against their former allies. Overnight their friends become enemies.

There is only one way of breaking the Communist power: “And this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith” (1 John 5:4). Our faith in Jesus Christ, as the Redeemer of the world, and our dedication to Him must be greater than the dedication of the Communists to their ideology. We must regain that living, vibrant faith if we are to endure the battle against an enemy who plans to destroy us.

And taken all together, it’s pretty obvious that we are definitely in the times Jesus, the ancient prophets, and the Apostle Paul described:

But know this, that in the last days perilous times of great stress and trouble (hard to deal with and hard to bear) will come. For people will be lovers of self (narcissistic, self-focused), lovers of money (desire for wealth and impelled by greed), boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane, and they will be unloving (devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane), irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control (intemperate, immoral), brutal, haters of good, traitors, betrayers, reckless, conceited, lovers of sensual pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of outward godliness (religion), although they have denied its power (for their conduct nullifies their claim of faith). Avoid such people and keep far away from them (2 Timothy 3:1-5 AMP).

As we’ve analyzed before, all these features of moral decline have been manifested in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries more openly and on a larger scale than at any previous period in world history.

Yet the act of being or acting religiously is not missing from our current culture. In other words, people who are guilty of these moral sins are not people without an outward form of religion. For although they hold a form of godliness or true religion, they deny its power and are strangers to the power that can make them godly. There is no conviction of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

Speaking of how these prophecies are unfolding before our eyes we are truly blessed by God to be living in these days. Why? Because all mankind is under the sentence of God’s perfect justice, but because of His unfathomable mercy, we can be the recipients of His boundless grace.

In other words, if what is going on makes us disappointed, we should be delighted for the sake of others! And we might ponder on the thought that had there not been a long delay (see 2 Peter 3:5-6), we ourselves would never have known God’s love and all that He has prepared for those who love Him (see 1 Corinthians 2:5).

Bilderberg 2018: Orwell’s ‘Big Brother’ In A ‘Post-Truth’ World

The Bilderberg group was formed in 1954 by powerful international banking families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, along with the heads of royal families throughout Europe, members of the elite, and the heads of the world’s most powerful multinational corporations.

The secret agenda behind Bilderberg was the creation of the European Union, NATO, and a one-world government, economic system and religion.

Several years before the creation of the Bilderberg group in 1946, President Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York City.

Today, Trump’s plan is to “Make America Great Again,” renegotiate trade treaties that build up the American working and middle class, reestablish our national borders with a fair immigration policy, welcome and protect Christians via national and domestic policies, and enforce the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In many respects, Trump’s goals are the opposite of the Bilderberg group and the globalists, and that’s why they see him as the single greatest threat to their technocratic-feudal system.

In our bestselling FaithWords/Hachette book, Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, written by Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist and former Los Angeles Daily News reporter Troy Anderson and I, we explore why the elite view Trump as their greatest threat and reveal the driving secret behind Trump’s life that caused him not to sell out like so many other billionaires and members of the elite so that he could as president seek to “Make America Great Again” — not just as a marketing slogan, but from his heart.

Let’s start first, though, with a look at the agenda of the top-secret Bilderberg conference earlier this month in Turin, Italy. The published agenda for Bilderberg 2018 is:

  • Populism in Europe
  • The inequality challenge
  • The future of work
  • Artificial intelligence
  • The US before midterms
  • Free trade
  • US world leadership
  • Russia
  • Quantum computing
  • Saudi Arabia and Iran
  • The “Post-Truth” world
  • Current events

The ‘Post-Truth’ World

One of the most disturbing topics that was discussed by the globalist elite at Bilderberg 2018 is, “The ‘Post-Truth world.”

The Bilderberg 2018 “post-truth” discussion is going to center around how the globalist elite through the Bilderberg conference, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission will use science, technology and propaganda to destroy what they call “fake news,” which in most cases means the true news, or alternative media, that communicates the truth and facts based on evidence.

The mainstream media is controlled by just a handful of globalist corporations and created the propaganda term “fake news” to silence the alternative media and prevent them from exposing the elite’s lies. But with the help of Trump during his election campaign, the term “fake news” backfired and became the label for much of the mainstream media.

‘The Thought Police,’ ‘Thought Crimes,’ and Hate Speech

The globalist elite want to totally control all belief systems, opinions, the flow of information, and all thoughts in what novelist George Orwell called “The Thought Police.” In Orwell’s 1949 book, 1984, “The Thought Police” was run by a totalitarian dictatorship called “Big Brother.”

It’s interesting to note that the mainstream media in the United States, for all practical purposes, ignored Bilderberg 2018 in Turin, Italy, as they have done every year. The propaganda put out by the Bilderberg conference is Orwellian in every sense.

Through the mainstream media and other institutions that they control, the Bilderberg group are masters of Orwell’s “Doublethink,” accusing people of “thought crimes” by accusing them of consuming “fake news,” the use of non-politically correct words, hate speech, etc.

The whole Bilderberg group discussion about the “Post-Truth” world is right out of Orwell’s 1984 and is an example of “Doublethink.” Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both.

Other mind-control terms from 1984 include, “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Each one of these phrases represents complete contradictions, yet they are accepted as truth by the unconscious mind.

If your mind was functioning as God created it then the idea of holding two completely contradictory beliefs in your mind at the same time you would totally reject as being irrational, but if you are the product of being scientifically dumbed down through media and the educational system beginning in pre-school, your brain would neurologically would not be able perceive this as absurd.

Again, Orwell wrote his book 1984 in 1949, and yet he had access to knowledge about societies’ futuristic technologies and the modern science of mind control. For example, Orwell wrote about a “Big Government” that conducts mass surveillance on its citizens by watching and listening to them through their television sets.

The clear majority of Americans today have little or no idea that mass surveillance is possible through their television sets, and if they do know about this, they think it just became a reality with the advent of HD digital flat screen television sets.

Orwell understood how a totalitarian government needs to use mass surveillance to spy on its people and the role that technology plays. One of the most famous quotes from Orwell’s 1984 is “Big Brother is Watching You.”

‘Big Brother is Watching You’

One of the primary purposes of mass surveillance technology, which currently operates through the Internet, social media, television sets, cell phones, laptop and other computers, and numerous other electronic devices that people have no clue that they involve mass surveillance technologies, is to enforce the reality that you are constantly being monitored, so you better think and act exactly as you’ve been programmed to.

Orwell wrote, “Orthodoxy means not thinking — not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.” This is what “Big Brother” used in 1984, where the “Thought Police” limit people’s thinking to specific “politically correct” mind-control words, and if you say anything that it outside of that tiny shoebox of consciousness, you are punished in many ways.

This is the way our media and culture operate with things like “global warming,” which was proven to be untrue, so the they changed it to “climate change.”

Aldous Huxley, one of the primary intellectual leaders of controlling the masses through scientific mind control and the author of Brave New World, referred to the “scientific dictatorship” in which the globalist elite have the right to turn ordinary people and their children into slaves through scientific mind control and genetic breeding.

When Huxley was giving a lecture to a convention of neuropsychiatrists at the University of California, Berkley in 1961, he openly said, “that in the truly effective scientific dictatorship, the people will not even know that they are slaves and they will learn to love their slavery or servitude” through scientific mind control and programming. This is what Huxley’s novel Brave New World was all about.

Make no mistake, the globalists and Bilderberg are escalating their total war on truth through the science of persuasion and mind control designed to control the global narratives, which means censoring, destroying and removing alternative news programs and suppressing their content on social media.

The globalist elite, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and the ruling globalist institutions are creating what science fiction author and head of military intelligence for Great Britain H.G. Wells termed the “World Brain.” The important thing is that narratives generating the neurological pathways of the “World Brain” are created by what Nazi leader Adolf Hitler called “The Big Lie.”

Elite Creating Illusory ‘Babylon’ Paradise Via Total War on Truth

Today, the globalist elite are using technology, scientific mind control, and Artificial Intelligence to create an illusory paradise — or “Babylon” —  built on a total war against truth.

It’s no accident that Wells personally trained and hired Julian Huxley, who was the first head of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and developed a global educational program to indoctrinate the masses. Wells also trained Huxley who wrote Brave New World and developed the concept of the scientific dictatorship.

The “scientific dictatorship” is built on the premise that you can program the masses via the media using scientific mind control and propaganda.

It’s interesting that the front cover of The Beatles’ June 2, 1967 Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band album features what appears to be The Beatles heroes H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Karl Marx, William Burroughs, Aleister Crowley and others.

What’s interesting about these names is that many of these people were the leaders of the movement toward a world socialist government. Some of the people on the cover of the album were highly creative science fiction authors and high-ranking members of British intelligence. Others were involved in developing scientific mind control to control the masses like the “Great Satanist” Crowley who worked for British intelligence spying on Hitler during World War II and Karl Marx, coauthor of The Communist Manifesto.

Whether they knew it or not, The Beatles were used as an instrument of mass mind control to promote globalism, socialism, the use of drugs like LSD and marijuana, Eastern mysticism, the occult, the sexual revolution and the new world order.

John Lennon’s song, “Imagine,” promoted anti-Christian themes by telling the listener, “Imagine there’s no heaven,” “Imagine there is no hell,” “Imagine there’s no countries,” “Imagine there is no religion,” “Imagine no possessions and people sharing all the world,” “Imagine there is no greed or hunger,” and the ending verse, “And the world will be as one.”

The lyrics of Lennon’s song reflect precisely the goals of the globalist elite in bringing about their global government, economic system and religion. Also, the lyrics are heavily focused on destroying Christianity.

But, ultimately “Imagine” is about propaganda built on lies to bring about a new world order. Since the time that “Imagine” was released in 1971, the world’s richest people, the globalist elite who represent about 1 percent of the world’s population, now own about 99 percent of the world’s wealth.

In fact, at the time of Lennon’s death at the hands of an assassin, Lennon had a net worth of about $500 million. In today’s dollars that amount would be far higher.

The globalist elite who promote social justice, the fair redistribution of wealth and the promise of a utopian society, or what Karl Marx called “a workers’ paradise” that would bring heaven to earth, are just using empty words to tranquilize the masses. The elite have absolutely no plans of sharing the wealth. They intend to rule and reign over planet earth like kings and queens while enslaving the masses through social engineering, indoctrination, propaganda and subtle forms of mind control.

Mystery, Babylon the Great — The Luciferian World System

In what the book of Revelation refers to as “Mystery, Babylon the Great — the Mother of Harlots,” which represents the present Luciferian world system, the kings of the earth and the super-wealthy merchants become rich by “fornicating with Mystery, Babylon –The Mother of Harlots.”

The term “fornicating” from Revelation 18:3 refers to the fact that the kings of the earth such as prime ministers, presidents and those with great power, along with the financial elite and heads of multinational corporations, or the “merchants” who became rich due to the power of Babylon, are prospering because of their spiritual union with Lucifer, who is the temporary god of this present world system known as “Mystery, Babylon — the Mother of Harlots.” We explored this in great depth in our bestselling globalism expose, The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery, the first book in The Babylon Code series. The second book in the series is Trumpocalypse.

In the world system of “Mystery, Babylon,” the globalist elite make billions and trillions of dollars through secretive trade treaties and other means. Here, fornication means idolatry and the worship of a false god or gods by nations, individuals, a world state, or the new world order. It can also refer to the church or the pure Bride of Christ who has become unfaithful to her husband Christ by worshipping false gods.

“For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her (Babylon) fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” (Revelation 18:3)

When discussing things like the globalist elite, Bilderberg and the Council on Foreign Relations, it would be a serious mistake to paint all members of these groups with an overly simplistic broad brush and Marvel cartoon-like character depictions as either good or evil.

First, we are talking about a complex network of individuals and families who in many cases have different belief systems and values yet are members directly or indirectly tied to international banking families, the Bilderberg group, Council on Foreign Relations and other globalist groups.

It’s true that some of the highest-level members of the globalist elite are those who would consider themselves ethical humanists and atheists To, whatever degree, there are those who practice the teachings of Crowley and the occult. But there are also those who are Christians, and I have met many humanists and atheists who hold higher ethical principles that many Christians I’ve known.

I’ve been good childhood friends with some people who are at the highest levels of what could be called the globalist elite who were exceptionally good, moral and ethical when we were young, and as far as I’m aware, they still hold to those values.

Globalist Elite Wouldn’t Hesitate to Sacrifice Millions

However, at the same time, within what is called the globalist elite, there are men and women who considers themselves amoral. They believe they are beyond any restraints in terms of traditional ideas of right and wrong. These same people would not hesitate to make a decision that could destroy the lives of countless millions of people through economic crisis, famine, war, or radical population reduction programs that could kill billions of people, all in the name of saving mankind and saving the earth.

They hold to various belief systems such as the Malthusian belief that all of mankind’s problems are due to excessive population growth, which allows them to make decisions without feeling remorse or conflict. In fact, they believe they are empowered to do those things.

This is the true inner belief system of many of the globalist elite.  Zbigniew Brzezinski, one of the highest-level leaders among the globalist elite, wrote in his book, Between Two Ages – America’s Role in the Technotronic Era, that:

The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.

Make no mistake what Brzezinski is saying when he writes, The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.”

Brzezinski is openly disclosing the belief systems and plans of some of the globalist elite like David Rockefeller, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group and Trilateral Commission. This doesn’t mean that everyone who belongs to these groups believes in this.

Information in compartmentalized, and I would imagine that celebrity figureheads for the United Nations, a globalist elite organization, like Bono, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt and others don’t quite get it.

Meanwhile, there are higher-level members of the Bilderberg group and other globalist institutions who are cultural celebrities known for their compassion, kindness, commitment to social justice, diversity, positive social activism, feeding the hungry and doing good works to alleviate suffering around the world, who are celebrated for their integrity and human kindness, and they are often heroes and heroines.

Yet there is a dark veneer beneath this Illuminati mask depicted in Hollywood Director Stanley Kubrick’s movie Eyes Wide Shut starring Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. In the film, Cruise’s character shows up at a perverse Illuminati ball where occult rituals and sexual rites are performed in a scene that was shot at a Rothschild estate.

The highest-level members of the occult globalist elite are aware of ‘The Plan,” and they are behind Brzezinski’s dictatorship through a technocratic elite and the “scientific dictatorship” called for by Aldous Huxley.

When Brzezinski, Huxley and others in the globalist elite say things like, “such a society would be dominated by an elite unrestrained by traditional values,” Brzezinski is speaking on behalf of himself and the globalist elite and he means precisely what he is saying: “Such a society would be dominated by an elite.”

Those words are not meant to be softened, nor are we to falsely assume that he is speaking metaphorically or in some humanistic compassionate sense.

Brzezinski is taking about the “scientific dictatorship” discussed by Huxley in which the masses of ordinary people are dominated and subjugated by brute, violent and cruel force which forces them to be total slaves.

But it’s worse than that. The slaves of ancient empires like Babylon and Egypt, along with the American elite who bought slaves from Africa, all had some limited amount of freedom and a very small amount of alleviation from their slave conditions, either by some tiny degree of human kindness or by default.

When most people hear this kind of language, they subconsciously superimpose a humanitarian filter over it because they rationally cannot bring themselves to believe in the reality of the truly horrific reality that is being spoken of.

In the same way, the masses of people in Germany and around the world couldn’t bring themselves to accept the reality of the Holocaust where over 7 billion people died, both Jews and non-Jews. They existed in a state of psychological denial and would say, “It can’t happen here.”

‘It Can’t Happen Here’

Brzezinski and other members of the elite have an entirely different inner belief system and moral system. When Brzezinski says, “such a society would be dominated by an elite unrestrained by traditional values,” he means that the elite have transcended Judeo-Christian values such as an absolute moral right and wrong.

The globalist elite operate from a purely humanist sense of consciousness, and in the worst sense of the word. They believe in a Darwinian and occultic viewpoint where, “only the fittest survive,” “might makes right” and genetically superior people have the full right to dominate, control, enslave, kill and do anything they want to both adults and children because they believe in a godless universe where man has not been created in the image of God, but rather is here by pure evolutionary and random chance.

As such, in their world, there is no concern for “loving thy neighbor as thyself,” agape or spiritual love, or even guilt. Every brutality and unspeakable cruelty is justified because they believe we live in an existential world, the kind of world written about by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, author of The Will to Power, that taught that “might makes right.”

Bertrand Russell, one of the leading planners of a globalist world government, wrote in his 1953 book, The Impact of Science on Society, that,

I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full… The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people’s.

Russell was not joking. He believed in the use of weapons of mass destruction on human populations as a means of mass population reduction. Russell believed in a godless universe and the sheer brute force of Social Darwinism. “I believe that, owing to men’s folly, a world-government will only be established by force, and will therefore be at first cruel and despotic,” Russell wrote.

Noam Chomsky and ‘Manufacturing Consent’

Beginning in 1912, during the administration of President Woodrow Wilson, scientists trained in Great Britain by people like H.G. Wells, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley and many other scientists and intelligence experts came to the United States after World War I and began to use propaganda techniques described as, “manufacturing popular democratic consent,” or what political theorist Noam Chomsky referred to as “manufacturing consent.”

This involved the use of scientific social engineering, persuasion, brainwashing and propaganda to shape the beliefs and ideas of the public through the media.

In our book, Trumpocalypse, we feature our interview with Noam Chomsky, author of Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, who argues that the mainstream media in the United States and around the world is totally controlled by powerful globalists and their multinational corporations that use social engineering, or scientific mind control, to “manufacture consent,” or a belief in fictional narratives that benefit the globalist elite at the expense of the working and middle class.

The original term, “manufacturing popular democratic consent, was coined by journalist Walter Lippmann who worked closely with President Wilson and pioneered building a social science army within the United States that would use propaganda techniques and scientific mind control against American citizens.

Lippmann was trained during World War I at the British psychological warfare and propaganda headquarters at the Wellington House near London. This was a secret team that included Sigmund Freud’s nephew, Edward Bernays, who went on to become the father of modern public relations and a master of propaganda.

In his book, Public Opinion, Lippman wrote that it is through the mass media and modern mass communications such as movies and radio that most people develop the “pictures in their heads” of themselves, of others, of their needs and purposes, and their relationships.

Lippman believed that most people have a desire to reduce complicated problems into easily solvable and overly simplistic formulas. Most people form their opinions not based on rational thinking, but by what they believe others around them believe, which is irrational and childish, but Lippman created his science of propaganda on this principle. For most people truth and objective facts are not an important part of their decision-making process.

Lippmann also observed that the mere appearance of reports in the media bestow a kind of magical aura of reality upon those stories. Most people are convinced that if something weren’t true or factual that it wouldn’t be reported in the media. Conversely, the average individual believes that just because it’s reported in the media that it must be a fact.

Lippmann also observed that people whose fame is built up by the media are “opinion leaders” with as much power to change public opinion as political figures. That’s why so many movie stars, television talk show hosts, and pop music stars have so much power to lead the public in any direction they choose. This was the function of John Lennon and countless other music stars, Hollywood celebrities and famous people.

Interestingly, as far back as the 1920s, Lippmann wrote that mass public opinion is ultimately determined by the desires of the elite, the super-rich, and others who secretly control the world, and that their primary headquarters is in London. Notice how many of the thinkers and leaders in international finance, the musical celebrities, and the sciences of propaganda and social engineering all come from London.

Lippmann commented that manufacturing public opinion by the elite requires organizers who are a “specialized class” that operate through “intelligence bureaus” and control the content and flow of information from the mainstream media, film, radio, print, television, etc.

All-Out Deep State Attack on Trump

The all-out attack against Trump beginning during the election process and continuing to this very moment reveals a highly centralized and organized comprehensive strategy by all forms of media that are controlled by just a handful of globalist corporations to attempt to block him from achieving any of his goals and remove him from office.

Never in the history of politics has any American president and his family been subjected to this level of ridicule, lies, propaganda, scientific mind control and persuasion at a completely unprecedented level and magnitude never seen before in America and in most of the world.

The globalist elite and the Deep State that they control are waging a total psychological war against Trump to destroy him. The reason for this, is that Trump does not share the beliefs, ideology and goals of the globalist elite.

The uniformity, narratives, talking points, personal attacks against Trump by numerous former presidents, celebrity journalists, television news commentators, television talk show hosts, movie stars, tech company giants, big-name politicians and the richest and most powerful people in the world, reveals that all of this is being deliberately coordinated at the highest levels by a global shadow government and an international Deep State.

It’s not an accident that the Council on Foreign Relations, which is directly connected to Bilderberg group, openly presented a full-on Orwellian media presentation in which Richard Stengel, former Time managing editor and Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs in the Obama Administration, at a university forum organized by the CFR, openly promoted the idea that governments need to direct propaganda at their own domestic populations.

Basically, every country creates their own narrative story,” Stengel said. “My old job at the State Department was what people used to joke [call] the chief propagandist job. I’m not against propaganda, every country does it and they have to do it to their own population and I don’t necessarily think it’s that awful.

It’s not that the CFR and governments have not been directing propaganda toward their people since the founding of the CFR. It’s simply that a major leader from within the CFR has never so openly and boldly promoted a right to propaganda.

“A single organization controls almost everything you see, hear, and read in the media and they’ve been handpicking your leaders for decades,” wrote Matt Agorist in January 29, 2018 The Free Thought Project article titled, “WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media.” “It is no secret that over the last (four) decades, (the) mainstream media has been consolidated from dozens of competing companies to only six.

Hundreds of channels, websites, news outlets, newspapers, and magazines, making up (90) percent of all media, is controlled by very few people — giving Americans the illusion of choice.”

Bilderberg, CFR and Trilateral Commission Control Mainstream Media

WikiLeaks and the Swiss Propaganda Research (SPR) center put together for the first time a detailed chart entitled, “The American Empire and Its Media,” with the words, “Bilderberg Group,” “Council on Foreign Relations” and “Trilateral Commission” below it.

The chart shows the pictures of the faces of the people who run this media empire, the corporate logos, a detailed list of names and companies, and how they control the entire mainstream media through investments holdings. The chart will answer many of your questions about various media personalities and why they were put into positions of power in the first place.

The Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission are the primary nodes of power for the globalist elites and the shadow government.

Meanwhile, the CFR is a key cog in the hub of Washington think-tanks that promote endless war. As former U.S. Army Major Todd Pierce described it, these think tanks act as the “primary provocateurs” using “’psychological suggestiveness’ to create a false narrative of danger from some foreign entity with the objective being to create paranoia within the U.S. population that it is under imminent threat of attack or takeover.”

Pierce’s words are an academic way of saying that the Bilderberg Group, CFR and Trilateral Commission are employing a domestic form of psychological warfare against the American people.

The Revolving Presidential-CFR Door

The past four presidents before Trump have all been members of the CFR as well as a sizable percentage of their cabinets. President George H. W. Bush was a director of the CFR, who was replaced by a member of the CFR, former President Bill Clinton, who was replaced by a family member of the CFR, former President George W. Bush, who was replaced by former President Barack Obama, who became the Bilderberg’s choice for president after flying to an annual Bilderberg meeting and who placed many CFR members in his cabinet.

One would assume that although Trump was never a member of the CFR, the reason that he filled the White House with numerous CFR members was because, like it or not, the CFR and Bilderberg group essentially rule America and the world. Therefore, if you want to accomplish anything at all, you are going to have to, to whatever degree, work with the people who control the global system.

The Bilderberg Group’s goals are:

♠ One global identity for planet earth, on both the human level and one set of universal human values. This will create a “World Brain” based on the idea of the collective developed by communism. The individual will become the enemy and the very concept of individuality will be erased. However, just like there are special rules for special people in communist nations, individuals and their families among the globalist elite will be allowed to keep their individual identities.

♠ Centralized control of the world’s populations via “mind control.” In other words, controlling world public opinion through media, social media and the Internet.

♠ A new world order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” or slaves and rulers, and, of course, no democracy.

♠ “A zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress for the common person, only greater wealth and power for the rulers.

♠ Manufactured crises and perpetual wars based on the secret society motto, “Order Out of Chaos.”

♠ Total control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles. Parents and students will not be allowed to choose their own careers. A person’s lifelong career will be selected by the government through a series of computerized evaluations and psychological tests.

♠ A centralized global government with control of all foreign and domestic policies.

♠ The UN or some other entity will become a world government with its own laws and military. All people will be “global citizens.”

Two Kinds of World States

Under this global system, there will be two kind of world states, a spectacular one for the globalist elite and a world state where people will not know they’re slaves. The key to making all this happen is education and indoctrination.

Beginning in 1917 when John Dewey, the father of public education, returned from the communist revolution in Russia, the elite began their plan of absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles.

Aldous Huxley’s brother, Julian Huxley, was the first head of UNESCO, which was the global educational division of the United Nations designed to a create a single global curriculum to indoctrinate students. Its primary educational program is called Common Core.

Meanwhile, the elite use trade treaties like the TPP, NAFTA and WTO to do an end run around the U.S. Constitution and transfer wealth, jobs and manufacturing to countries outside the United States. Notice that starting at the exact same time that these trade treaties were implemented, the American people began to lose good-paying jobs as decent jobs were outsourced to Third World nations and manufacturing plants were moved to Third World nations. The purpose of this was to lower the standard of living of the American middle class and raise the standard of those living in Third World nations.

Again, the reason for the uniformity of the unending attacks on Trump is that Trump represents a vision of America and the world the elite despise.  The elite want to rule the world and the massive rise of populism in America, throughout Europe and other regions, is primarily due to Trump. The elite don’t want populism because populism expresses the will of the people and not the will of the elite. In America, our Constitution begins with, “We the People,” which is something the elite want to destroy.

In addition to trade treaties and outsourcing, the replacement of human jobs by robots, cyborgs and androids with Artificial Intelligence is set to explode.

The elite know that there will be revolts of large numbers of people around the world if they lose their jobs to robots. As such, certain governments around the world are already publicly discussing guaranteeing their people a comfortable annual salary, if they should lose their jobs.

But just how long do you think that governments and the elite are going to pay comfortable annual salaries to people that are not working? They will do it for as long as it takes to make a transition, but once that happens those annual salaries will end.

When George Orwell, Aldous Huxley and others in the elite told us that Big Brother governments would arise, they didn’t calculate into their equations things like Artificial Intelligence, transhumanism, microchip implants, computer-to-brain interfaces, the internet and social media.

Soon it will be possible to for Artificial Intelligence to upload the consciousness of one person, including a synthetic artificially intelligent consciousness, or take over an existing human consciousness in a human body, and totally control it.

In terms of rulers and slaves, this will allow the rulers to use Artificial Intelligence to dominate the minds of once ordinary people, eliminate their individual consciousness, and create a “World Brain” for a slave population.

© 2018 Paul McGuire–All Rights Reserved

The Warnings About A “Civil War In America” Are Becoming Much Louder

Civil conflict is coming to America, and it is going to tear our nation apart. Earlier today I received an email from a good friend about the rising tide of anger and frustration that we are currently witnessing in America.

After thinking about it for a few moments, I wrote back and told him that I don’t know if there is any way to stop what is coming at this point. In my entire lifetime, we have never been closer to a “civil war” in this country than we are right now.

Let us work for peace, but it would be foolish to ignore the forces that are ripping the fabric of our society to shreds. In this day and age, the coming conflict will not be between two armies from specific geographical locations. Rather, it will be between groups of Americans with fundamentally different ideologies. However, just like in our first civil war, American cities will burn before it is all said and done.

First there will be massive protests, then there will be widespread violence, and ultimately there will be mobs of lunatics running around smashing things, looting, stealing, killing and setting things on fire.

I have been warning about where we are heading as a society on The Economic Collapse Blog for quite a long time, but now the warnings about a coming “civil war” are becoming very loud in the mainstream media.

For example, in a Bloomberg opinion piece entitled “What Democratic Rage Would Look Like”, political scientist Thomas Schaller made the following astounding statement: “I think we’re at the beginning of a soft civil war. … I don’t know if the country gets out of it whole.”

And Professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds, the author of The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself, made the following observations in his recent USA Today article entitled “Is America headed toward a civil war?”

Will it get worse? Probably. To have a civil war, soft or otherwise, takes two sides. But as pseudonymous tweeter Thomas H. Crownnotes, it’s childishly easy in these days to identify people in mobs, and then to dispatch similar mobs to their homes and workplaces. Eventually, he notes, it becomes “protesters all the way down, and if we haven’t yet figured out that can lead to political violence, we’re dumb.”

Apparently, some of us are dumb or else want violence. As Crown warns, “We carefully erected civil peace to avoid this sort of devolution-to-a-mob. It is a great civilizational achievement and it is intensely fragile.” Yes, it is indeed fragile, and many people will miss it when it’s entirely gone.

But most alarming of all was a tweet that was posted by U.S. Congressman Steve King on Sunday

America is heading in the direction of another Harpers Ferry. After that comes Ft. Sumter.

When sitting members of Congress start talking about a coming civil war, it is time to start paying attention.

King was responding to an incident in Portland, Oregon in which radical leftists had physically taken control of an ICE office

“Occupy” protesters have been camping outside an ICE office in Portland, Oregon, leading the facility to temporarily shut down. The occupiers say that they won’t leave until the Trump administration revokes its “zero tolerance” immigration policy.

Since Sunday the agitators, whose numbers are increasing, have been engaged in activities such as blocking the entrance to the building…

One of the things about that “occupation” that particularly disturbed me was when one of the protesters removed the American flag from the flagpole and replaced it with a “Refugees Welcome” flag.

If the mainstream media and liberal leaders continue to stoke the flames of hatred and continue to incite violence on a daily basis, we are going to see much worse in the months ahead.

For example, over the weekend U.S. Representative Maxine Waters stunned the nation when she urged Americans to physically confront members of the Trump administration wherever they can be found.  The following comes from the Los Angeles Times

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles), a frequent critic of the administration, gave a high-profile boost to the tactic by saying members of the Trump administration should be repeatedly confronted in their everyday lives.

“If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them and you tell them they are not welcome anymore, anywhere,” Waters said at a rally in Los Angeles on Saturday.

I don’t know that we have ever seen anything like this in modern American history.

Could you imagine what would have happened if conservative leaders had called for members of the Obama administration to be physically confronted?

After being greatly criticized for her remarks, Waters decided to reaffirm them during an interview with MSNBC the very next day

On MSNBC the next day, she doubled down, saying that Americans are fed up. “The people are going to turn on them, they are going to protest, they are going to absolutely harass them,” she said.

And since that time her remarks have been endorsed by other progressive leaders including Democratic Senator Cory Booker.

Of course members of the Trump administration have already been getting physically confronted in public.  Just a few days ago, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was forced out of a restaurant by anti-Trump activists, and then an unruly mob of protesters decided to hold an event right in front of her home.

Then on Friday night, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders and her kids were kicked out of a Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.

That incident made headlines all over the nation.

And then on Monday we learned that a “group of chanting protesters” had gathered right in front of Stephen Miller’s apartment in Washington…

A group of chanting protesters gathered outside White House adviser Stephen Miller’s Washington D.C. apartment on Monday.

But before the chanting really picked up, the crowd circulated “Wanted” flyers expressing the contention that Miller is guilty of “crimes against humanity,” among other things.

Reportedly, they are passing out flyers portraying him as a “wanted” criminal.

Civil wars don’t emerge out of a vacuum.

You can usually see them coming a long way away, and they are the result of tensions that build up over a long period of time.

America is a very deeply divided nation, and it is getting worse with each passing day. The left has already shown that they are willing to become very violent when push comes to shove, and what we have seen so far is just the small tip of a very large iceberg.

Copyright © 2018 Economic Collapse Micheal Snyder-All rights reserved

How The Left Took over Academia

We start the working week by pointing you in the direction of this Rubin Report interview with Niall Ferguson.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKkNIOkGtnQ]

It is a very interesting conversation that covers the familiar areas of Leftism, Brexit and Trump. It begins with an examination of just how the Left took over academia.

Niall Ferguson is a well-known historian very broadly ‘on the Right’ and his discussion on how the Left now dominates the history departments of almost all universities is both illuminating and deeply depressing. If it carries on like this for much longer, an entire generation will know next to nothing about the horrors of communism and believe Uncle Joe Stalin was indeed like a delightful old uncle.

The discussion on Brexit starts about one hour in. Ferguson was a Remainer but has since turned to Brexit. His explanation for this change of heart is convincing. He maintains that Brexit will probably have a damaging impact on the economy, but the vote to leave the EU was more than economics. It was about sovereignty and in particular controlling immigration. He takes the Leave campaign to task for essentially ignoring the immigration point. This part is certainly worth a watch.

Ferguson is best described as a Trump sceptic. Ultimately however he asked himself, if he lined up all the Trump voters and all the Hillary voters, which line would he rather be in. Answer – the Trumpsters.

So clear your evening and settle in for an hour and half of awesomeness.

Copyright © 2018 Laura Perrins The Conservative Woman-All rights reserved


American Media, Soviet Tactics

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsoMfIS034s]

The job of a journalist is to report facts, add context where necessary, and leave it to the consumer to decide what he thinks. In this video, James O’Keefe, founder and president of Project Veritas, explains why fewer and fewer people trust modern-day “journalism.”

Copyright © 2018 Prager University -All rights reserved

What about?

13 Facts the Media ‘Pros’ Don’t Want You to Know About ‘Family Border Separation’

Respecting borders doesn’t make you a Nazi


The Power of Forgiveness

Rebecca Duvall and her husband’s marriage was falling apart. She found it hard to forgive her husband because he cheated on her. For four months, Robert was having an affair. She found out about it when she discovered some texts on his cell phone.

When that happened Rebecca had become a Christian. She sought for a Christian counselor and decided not to walk away and fight for their marriage.

One day Robert fell ill because of a kidney failure and learnt that Rebecca was a perfect match for his kidney transplant. But she thought to herself, “he doesn’t deserve the loving care I could give as a wife” and so she decided to never do it.

But months later, God intervened and convicted Rebecca to trust Him and do the transplant as He said.

The operation was a success and because of Rebecca’s act of forgiveness and selfless love for Robert, he accepted Jesus Christ in his heart.

Since then, their marriage was restored and grew deeper and they both became counselors to couples and both living with God at the center of their lives.

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32).

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UprMBo96LOU]

Copyright © 2018 Originally published by GOD TVAll rights reserved

In Pursuit of His Presence: A.W.Tozer

My heart has burned within me whenever I have heard or read accounts of God’s servants who were living witnesses to the truth in word and deed. Despite the weaknesses of these old preachers, God delighted to use them, after all, God does not wait till we are perfect before He blesses or uses us. Who would be blessed if He did?

One of these men is A.W Tozer (1897-1963), a man I never met but who has greatly impacted my spiritual life through his writings. He was recognized as the voice of God while others were mere echoes. Tozer books sprang from a deeply burdened heart. He had a message from God that he knew he had to give.

One time, Tozer was struggling with a “burden” God had given him. He was concerned about the apparent shallowness of many believers-people who claimed to be followers of Christ but who had little knowledge of God and little desire to know Him better. Somehow he wanted to motivate these people.

Tozer was a man whose sole desire was to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. If you major on knowing God, “ Tozer once wrote, “and cultivate a sense of His presence in your daily life, and do what Brother Lawrence advises, “Practice the presence of God” daily and seek to know the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures, you will go a long way in serving your generation for God. No man had any right to die until he has served God in his generation.”

Tozer was recognized by many as being a prophet to the Body of Christ. Indeed he was a prophet as noted from one of his written statements:

Hearts that are “fit to break’’ with love for the Godhead are those who have been in the Presence and have looked with opened eye upon the majesty of Deity. Men of breaking hearts had a quality about them not known to nor understood by common men. They habitually spoke with spiritual authority. They had been in the presence of God and they reported what they saw there.

They were prophets, not scribes, for the scribe tells us what he has read, and the prophet tells what he has seen. The distinction is not an imaginary one. Between the scribe who has read and the prophet who has seen there is a difference as wide as the sea. We are overrun today with orthodox scribes, but the prophets, where are they? The hard voice of the scribe sounds over evangelicalism, but the Church waits for the tender voice of the saint who has penetrated the veil and gazed with inward eye upon the wonder that is God.

His two classic books, The Pursuit of God, and The Attributes of God have both profoundly influenced me since I came to Christ. In the book, The Attributes of God, Tozer writes like this:

What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. . . . No religion has ever been greater than its idea of God. . . . The most portentous fact about any man is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to be like. Unfortunately, many modern Christians have reduced Him to a single-attribute God. Never mind that the angels in God’s presence do not cry out, day and night, “Love, love, love,” but “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty” (Isaiah 6:3).

From God’s other known attributes we may learn much about His love. We can know, for instance, that because God is self-existent, His love had no beginning; because He is eternal, His love can have no end; because He is infinite, it has no limit; because He is holy, it is the quintessence of all spotless purity; because He is immense, His love is an incomprehensibly vast, bottomless, shoreless sea before which we kneel in joyful silence and from which the loftiest eloquence retreats confused and abashed.

He was such a respected man of God that many would come to him for advice and counsel, including students from nearby Wheaton College. Tozer said,

Years ago I prayed that God would sharpen my mind and enable me to receive everything He wanted to say to me. I then prayed that God would anoint my head with oil of the prophet so I could say it back to the people. That one prayer has cost me plenty since, I can tell you that. Don’t ever pray such a prayer if you don’t mean it, if you want to be happy, don’t pray it, either. It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.

Tozer’s Preaching

Regarding his preaching, he said,

I like to compare the preacher to an artist. An artist works in water, oil, sand, stone, gold, glass. On the other hand, the preacher works in the stuff called mankind. The artist had an idea of abstract beauty and he seeks to reproduce it in visible, concrete things. The preacher has Christ and tries to make Him visible in human lives. The artist has genius while the preacher has the Holy Spirit. The artist draws his inspiration from other artists while the preacher draws his inspiration in prayer alone with God.

The tools of the artist are brushes, chisels, paint. But the tools of a preacher are words. A Ninety-nine percent of your public service will be using words. A preacher, like the artist, must master his tools. He must toil and labour and strive for mastery in this area. At first he will make awkward attempts, but if he keeps at it, he will become an expert.

Regarding his preparation for preaching, Tozer said,

Many times I come here to study as uninspired as a burnt shingle. I have shingles. I have editorials due, the preaching ministry here, plus outside preaching engagements. Often when I come here I kneel by that old sofa over there with my Bible and a hymn book. I will read some Scripture; softly sing a few hymns and in short time my heart is worshiping God. God begins to manifest Himself to me and pour matter into my soul. Before long I take up my pencil and begin jotting down sketches and outlines for editorials and sermons.

His Desire To Know God

A.W Tozer was a man driven by a desire to know God more. He once said to a long time friend, Robert W. Battles, “I want to love God more than anyone else in my generation.” His humility and deep longing for God should be emulated by modern-day prophets.

Here is the prayer that he originally wrote as a covenant with God at the time of his ordination to Christian ministry, August 18, 1920. Later he revealed it to the world in one of his first editorials in The Alliance Weekly. It reads:

Lord Jesus, I come to Thee for spiritual preparation. Lay Thy hand upon me. Anoint me with the oil of the New Testament prophet. Forbid that I should become a religious scribe and thus lose my prophetic calling.

Save me from the curse that lies dark across the face of the modern clergy, the curse of compromise, of imitation, of professionalism. Save me from the error of judging a church by its size, its popularity or the amount of yearly offerings.

Help me to remember that I am a prophet –not a promoter, not a religious manager, but a prophet. Let me never become a slave to crowds. Heal my soul of carnal ambitions and deliver me from the itch for publicity.

Save me from bondage to things. Let me waste my days puttering around the house. Lay Thy terror upon me, O God, and drive me to the place of prayer where I may wrestle with principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world.

Deliver me from overeating and late sleeping. Teach me self-discipline that I may be a good soldier of Jesus Christ. I accept hard work and small rewards in this life. I ask for no easy place. I shall try to be blind to the little ways that could make my life easier.

If others seek the smoother path, I shall try to take the hard way without judging them too harshly. I shall accept opposition and try to take it quietly when it comes. Or if, as sometimes it falleth out to Thy servants, I should have grateful gifts pressed upon me by Thy kindly people, stand by me then and save me from the blight that often follows.

Teach me to use whatever I receive in such manner that it will not injure my soul or diminish my spiritual power.

Others as well recognized the ability of Tozer to worship. Raymond McAfee, his long-time associate at Southside Alliance Church in Chicago, relates the following experience they had when praying and worshiping together.

Tozer knelt by his chair, took off his glasses and laid them on the chair. Resting on his bent ankles, he clasped his hands together, raised his face with eyes closed and began: “Oh God, we are here before Thee.” With that there came a rush of God’s presence that filled the room. We both worshipped in silent and wonder and adoration. I’ve never forgotten that moment, and I don’t want to forget it.

Toward the end of his ministry, Tozer asked for prayer from his congregation. He said,

Pray for me in the light of the pressures of our times. Pray that I will not just come to a wearied end-an exhausted, tired old preacher, interested only in hunting a place to roost. Pray that I will be willing to let my Christian experience and Christian standards cost me something right down to the last gasp!

On May 12, 1963, A.W. Tozer’s earthly labors ended. His faith in God’s majesty became sight as he entered His presence. Although his physical presence has been removed from us, Tozer will continue to minister to those who are thirsty for things of God.


I would rather stand and have everybody, my enemy, than to go along with the crowd to destruction.

It is not what a man does that determines whether his work is sacred or secular but why he does it.

It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.

God discovers Himself to ‘babes’ and hides Himself in thick darkness from the wise and the prudent. We must simplify our approach to Him. We must strip down to essentials, and they will be found to be blessedly few.

People From Commonwealth Countries Were Never ‘Immigrants’ But Mostly British Subjects

Seventy years ago on Friday, the Empire Windrush arrived in Tilbury Docks, where 492 passengers from the Caribbean disembarked to begin a new life in the UK. Many had already been to the UK, fighting alongside other soldiers, airmen and sailors in the British armed forces in the Second World War.

1948 was a very different time from today. The British Empire was still largely intact. Anyone born in the last fifty years can only imagine what it was like. The passengers on the Windrush were not foreigners, they were British subjects, and had the legal right to move to the UK and remain here.

The migration of the Windrush Generation was not technically immigration at all, as there was freedom of movement throughout the British Empire – on which the sun never set. Movement was of course greatly restricted by the difficulty and cost of travel.

The Channel Tunnel did not exist, let alone cheap long-haul flights to the Caribbean. If you wanted to fly to Jamaica, you would have had to take at least three different planes. It was still normal to go by ship if you wished to cross the Atlantic.

All those who came over on the Windrush and subsequent ships over the next 25 years until 1973 were legal and British subjects. They spoke good English, found jobs, paid into the system and simply wanted to contribute to the ‘mother country’ by working hard and bringing up their children well.

This was mutually beneficial. The male population of the UK was depleted by the horrors of war, so men were needed to do construction work and other jobs which were hard to fill.

This is a far cry from immigration today. Whereas net immigration was controlled and steady at under 50,000 a year for half a century, when Tony Blair came to power his administration opened the floodgates for no good reason. In fact, their reasoning was despicable. Lord Mandelson has admitted that they ‘sent out search parties for migrants’ and that this caused trouble for ordinary British workers trying to find a decent job.

Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Blair, claimed that Labour engineered mass migration to make Britain multicultural and ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity.

Today, there is mass, rapid, uncontrolled immigration of an order which is at least ten times higher than in the legal, controlled migration of the Windrush generation. Hundreds of thousands of migrants arrive every year in the United Kingdom from vastly different cultures, many of whom do not respect or love our country, and certainly do not see us as the ‘mother country’.

The apparatchiks of the Labour Party and their allies in the LibDems and ‘Conservative-In-Name-Only’ party on the progressive Left of British politics are shielded from the effects of their own policies.

Safe within their gated communities, they never have to share their resources, time, space or facilities with the new arrivals, but consistently virtue-signal about the bigotry and xenophobia of ordinary hard-working British people who have seen their wages plummet and house prices go through the roof, and their children turned away from primary schools in their own towns because of overcrowding.

The British people are the ones who have to share their space and resources without choosing to do so, and are slandered as racists by the out-of-touch establishment simply for calling for immigration to be controlled, legal and purposeful as it was back in 1948.

There is not even a pretence any more that the UK is controlling its borders. The Home Office admits that it has lost track of more than 600,000 who have overstayed their visas.

These are just some of the known unknowns. Nobody knows about the unknown unknowns who sneak into the country illegally and are never registered entering. It is likely that England is now more densely populated than India, and the green belt and British countryside is under threat of being paved over as our housing supply, NHS, schools and transport systems creak and start to buckle under the pressure.

The gentle and genteel migration of the dignified Windrush generation who came to the United Kingdom with humility and hope, and a willingness to work and contribute to the nation, has been replaced by chaos. Seventy years on, the arrival of the Windrush seems a world away, and is remembered with fondness.

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