If You Agree In My Name

Graham Lacey – speaking at the Day of Prayer for Britain, London 8 September 2017

This morning David Hathaway burned our hearts with his Declaration over Great Britain. He struck a chord with all of us because we are too well aware of the times in which we are living.

The Times recently published an article in its Comment Section written by Lord Daniel Finkelstein, ‘Should we care that Britain lost its religion?’ Politics in Britain were shaped for centuries by religion, he writes, but that is now vanishing. In his article he writes that on 4 September, the National Centre for Social Research published data revealing the proportion of people in Britain who describe themselves as having ‘no religion’ – it has now reached 53 percent of the population! Of the remaining 47 percent, only 15 percent claim affiliation with the Church of England.

Finkelstein wrote that it is hard to overstate how big a change this represents in our national and political story, saying that, whilst it must be respected, Christian faith is no longer the mainstream and cannot expect to ‘carry all before it’. And he goes on: “With advancing liberal causes that mean a lot to me – gay rights, abortion rights, assisted suicide – Britain was a Christian country, but now it’s not.” – That’s what Finkelstein says.

But he’s in for a surprise: Christians will change that prognosis. God has been on the throne for over 6000 years, and He will not forget His own. It cost Him His Son – and that Blood that sanctified us, washed us, is as efficacious today as it was 2000 years ago. David Hathaway has a very good vision, that a Declaration should be sent to Her Majesty, that our ruler should lead us spiritually in this path.

Let me give you an insight into a Declaration that the Queen herself made in a speech in 1994. It was the 150th anniversary of the YMCA, and turning to the General Secretary, she said,

I do hope I’m not going to upset or embarrass you today, but I’ve written this speech myself.” He replied, “Ma’am, it will be marvellous, I have no doubt!” She replied, “I’m not too sure, but I feel very strongly about it.” She started off by talking about men who had made a difference in Great Britain. She talked about men like John and Charles Wesley and the commencement of the Methodist Church, and the balance they had in preaching the Gospel with works – acts of love, faith in action. She went onto remind those there of the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, and the extraordinary work the Army did in changing society in preaching faith and balancing it with good works.

She then referred to George Williams, the founder of the YMCA, and what a privilege it was for her to be there for the 150th anniversary. Then she spoke these memorable words, speaking of these men, that they were the type of preachers we need today, who teach warning of the wrath and judgment to come, wrapped in love and mercy. – God save the Queen!

Before God will be ready to relent in mercy, we, in Britain, need to repent. We are sleep-walking, not prayer walking, into what is coming. Only the fear of God in society makes a nation safe. What on earth is going on?!! God’s wrath is about to fall!! God judges nations! But the sanctified will be under the Shadow of the Almighty, He will deliver them from the wrath to come, the Word of God tells us in Psalm 91.

But 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 says, ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.’ When did you last read the Book of Revelation with its judgements? It is unique in all Holy Scripture because, in Chapter 1:3, it promises us that for reading it, hearing it, keeping it, we will receive blessing. It is relevant, because of the times in which we live. Let me ask you a question, is God at work in our world today?

In the affairs of nations, does God silently govern amidst the noise of man’s politics and conflict, of human and satanic evil? Is God fulfilling His purpose in our world today? We are caught up in the affairs of men, we cannot avoid the implications of the actions of men in a world of sin, where the things of God, His morality, His authority, teachings, truths are legislated against – as though God has somehow abdicated His Throne. As a result it has been usurped by politics, the will of man with no regard for the Will of God.

Our lives are entangled in the interconnections of this global village, more than ever before. But there are consequences for the Body of Christ as there were in the days of Noah. In His Word, God has revealed a great deal about His dealings with nations and their leaders. We are warned in Jeremiah 9:23,

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him who glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercise loving-kindness, judgement and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord.’

God teaches us to glory in the knowledge of Him, and in His ways in the earth – not men’s. The power of man, however great, is nothing compared with the enormity of God’s creation that is still growing in the universe – a wealth of power and authority that we would do well to reverence. God has defeated every attempt of man to emulate Him. He destroyed the Tower of Babel. He ended the Babylonian Empire. He ended the Roman Empire. And He will do exactly the same with the European Union.

It is noteworthy according to the Bible that when governments sin as governments, God will deal with them in that capacity. The reason the EU is wrong is that it is built on a satanic foundation of secularism. God cares about people, not about politics, He gave His Only Son to solve the problem of the pollution of sin. Before He would let you die in your sin, He died for you. Man has tried autocracy, oligarchy, religion, democracy, social reform and education. None of them have worked. We were created – not to serve man – but the Living God who made us.

Do not mistake long-suffering for God’s tolerance. Do not think that God’s forgiveness is a licence for indulgence. Neither view God’s judgement as antagonism. But God will not always strive with man, as we are reminded in Genesis 6:3. And in Galatians 6:7, ‘Do not be deceived. God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, he shall also reap.’ But we have hope over disillusionment, doubt, debt, despair – and even death. Our hope is in the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

We are commanded in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 to make prayers, petitions and thanksgiving for all people; for kings and for all in authority that we may live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty – this is good and pleases God our Saviour who wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth.

Sodom was not destroyed with brim- stone and fire for political, religious or moral sins but because of a predominance of them all. The Scriptures present us Truths for faith – not for ‘reason’. Study Psalm 107 and pray that the Holy Spirit would illuminate and reveal the Truths that are contained in it, that would help you in these times of trouble and distress.

Decades of peace and plenty in Britain, a sense of prosperity and power, has pandered politicians and people, to bring us to a place where, just a few years ago, all but two of the Bishops in the House of the Lords voted in favour of gay marriage. Their forebears would have died at the stake to defend the Truth.

Our Bishops today are prepared to deny the Truth. I say it not in judgement but in love, because if you have a responsibility within the Body of Christ, if you don’t stand full-square on the Word of God – which is Spirit-breathed, it is Truth and it is Life – each and every one of us, with or without faith – we will be held accountable against God’s Word and then we’re in trouble.

Most of you know this, you’re passionate about it, you have heartache for your nation, you long to see revival, but somehow you may feel helpless. But we have a weapon! In Matthew 18:19- 20 Jesus said, “Truly I tell you that if two of you agree on earth about ANYTHING you ask for, it will be done FOR them BY My Father in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together IN MY NAME, there I AM in the midst of them. The verse that I want indelibly to be marked on your mind, heart, soul and spirit is verse 19.

This is our secret weapon! It’s the proof of the power of united agreement; it’s our authority – when it’s in HIS NAME, verse 20. JESUS said, not Matthew, JESUS said, “IF ANY TWO BE AGREED concerning any good thing as touches earth, IT WILL COME TO PASS! It’s the Word of God. If just two of you come together – the Word of God is showing us the covenant principle here, that if two or three of us will commit to come together in agreement, once a day, twice or three times a day, in HIS NAME, to ask for a revival in this land to be born out of a spirit of repentance – restoration, renewal – by God’s relenting grace, revival WILL come to pass.

If ANY two be agreed concerning this… I can see a lot of twos: husbands and wives, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, business colleagues and friends… Lord, embolden our Queen, strengthen our Prime Minister, restore the Body of Christ from its Laodicean spirit, neither hot nor cold…

For GOD’S glory and for HIS Name’s sake, enter into a covenant commitment to pray with one other to see God fulfil HIS Word. We can count on it! You say, “What, me?” Yes, YOU can make a difference, YOU can be the difference! The man David, who became a great king and a man after God’s own Heart, made a difference. But in Psalm 102:7, he described himself as a ‘sparrow alone on the housetop’ – it’s hard to imagine a more insignificant bird than a sparrow – David, who has comforted and given strength to millions through his psalms – felt as a sparrow!

YOU can make a difference. Pray! It’s for your Lord, for your God, your Saviour and Redeemer, it’s for your nation, it shall come to pass. David in the Bible thought of himself as a sparrow – but Jesus lets us know that even one sparrow does not fall to the ground without God attending the funeral! No more pity parties, no more, “I’m not spiritual enough.” You will be asked on the Day of Judgment, “Why didn’t you pray, why didn’t you care enough for your nation?” – and you will be found wanting. If ANY two be agreed concerning any good thing, it will come to pass. Claim Jesus at His Word in Matthew 18:19 – and you will be blessed beyond measure.

David Hathaway No.86 Winter © 2017, Prophetic Vision.org.uk– Graham Lacey – speaking at the Day of Prayer for Britain, London 8 September 2017