Business of Birth

Your baby is a target. She may be a twinkle in your eye, or floating comfortably within your womb, or she may be 40 years old with children of her own. To the massive and deeply corrupt pharmaceutical industry, she, and every other man, woman, and child on the planet, are seen as merely an endless source of revenue.

According to industry magazine “Pharmaceutical Commerce” the projected global growth rate for the pharmaceutical  industry is 6.3% through 2022, up from the 5% for the 2014-2020 period. Total revenue for the industry is expected to reach $1.12 TRILLION dollars by 2022. Nearly half (45%) of that according to “GEN, Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News” will be from vaccines. So, don’t believe it when the claim is made that vaccines are not a big money maker.

The world vaccines market is predicted to increase at an even higher compound annual rate than the rest of the industry; reaching a rate of 7.6% during 2013–2022. Revenue from vaccines is expected to “reach $45.1 billion in 2022 as new product introductions continue and usage of current products expands further.”

In May of 2017, Resolution 327 was offered in Congress “Recognizing the importance of vaccinations and immunizations in the United States.” It is curious that the authors and 35 co-sponsors felt a need to recognize both “vaccinations and immunizations”. Typically, in legislation and articles on the subject, these words are synonyms for the magic shots that will render the recipient ‘immune’ from the intended disease.

One would not, for example, expect to see a resolution recognizing the cuteness of both baby dogs and puppies. Perhaps the authors of 327 secretly understand that vaccines do not actually confer immunization, that vaccines and immunity are two very distinct, different things.

Vaccines are injected pharmaceutical products promoted for use from before the cradle to days before the grave and sold under the pretense of providing some semblance of pathogenic immunity. (As a lover of words, I think it is important to remember that the root word of ‘vaccines’ is ‘vacca’. No, not ‘vacay’, as in ‘vacation’. ‘Vacca’, as in Latin for ‘cow’. Why is this? Because the first smallpox vaccine was pus which oozed out of the udders of cowpox infected cows and was then smeared into an incision on the victim’s , oops,  patient’s arm.)

Immunization, however, is a body’s recognition of and effective defense against a given disease. Immunization occurs within a healthy immune system (notice the etymological connection there?) and a strong immune system is never created by injecting foreign, complex manufactured chemical compounds into one’s muscle mass but by good nutrition, adequate rest, and plenty of clean water.  Unless quoting a law that uses the terminology, I therefore avoid using the overused misnomer; ‘immunization’ in reference to shots of any kind.

As a citizen of these United States, a resident of the great state of Colorado, a father, and a passionate participant in this thing called Democracy I felt it was my duty and responsibility to reach out my Congresswoman, Diana DeGette, in an attempt to communicate my concerns about this resolution. This particular Representative of the Denver metro area is so enamored with all things pharmaceutical that I literally thought her last campaign brochure was an ad for the pharmaceutical industry.

Even though the industry is one of the most profitable industries in the world, she felt compelled to give them massive taxpayer funded subsidies with her so-called “Healthy People 2020” initiative. I explained to her that the proposed resolution is nothing more than a pledge of fealty to the pharmaceutical industry.

The industry already has more lobbyists than any other industry. More than aerospace. More than guns. More than agriculture. According to Open Secrets, in 2016 the pharmaceutical industry channeled more than $20 million to lawmakers. To make matters worse, the industry also has a strangle hold on America’s media.

The industry’s own sources reported that advertisements inundating news broadcasts and daytime TV have increased 62% since 2012. Imagine how much media control pharmaceutical companies purchased with the $6 billion they spent on advertising last year. Do you really think that with that much revenue coming from the industry that the nightly news would air an unbiased reports on vaccines?

Vaccine manufacturers clearly do not need our elected Representatives’ subservient acquiescence. The citizens of this country however, do need our lawmakers to have a modicum of integrity and not be whores fulfilling the every desire of the vaccine industry.

In the United States of America each individual state presently has autonomy regarding their vaccine laws. California, for example, with the passage of SB 277 in 2015, effectively eliminated all parental vaccine choice. Medical exemptions are technically still available under California’s law but doctors providing them are being systematically persecuted.

Every child, every shot. No exemptions. No exceptions.

States such as Colorado, on the other hand, are preserving medical freedom by pushing back against Pharma backed legislation and persistently working hard to protect the rights of citizens over the profits of corporations. The Colorado legislature, recognizing the inherent values of freedom and personal sovereignty, has steadfastly protected the rights of parents to choose what does and does not get injected into their children’s bodies.

Congressional Resolution 327 is particularly troubling in light of what other multi-national corporate interests have achieved in the ravaging of our country’s legislative integrity. When the tiny state of Vermont had the audacity to pass a consumer protective, mandatory GMO labeling law, Monsanto swooped in and immediately pushed through a much weaker, voluntary national GMO (non)labeling law. The national law effectively nullified the efforts and intentions of the people of Vermont.

Citizens in every state are now effectively organized to protect medical freedom and it will not be surprising to see legislators at the federal level coming to the aid of their corporate sponsors to force compulsory vaccinations upon all Americans.

As seen in California’s draconian SB 277, it is the desire of the pharmaceutical industry and their legislative cronies to have unlimited enforcement authority over an unlimited number of vaccinations. This should be of grave concern to all of us regardless of religious beliefs or political affiliations. Every citizen of these United States, and every citizen of the world for that matter, has (or should have) the right to informed consent.

We hold the imperative to be deeply informed about the ingredients, effects, and functionality of vaccines so that we can wisely decide upon their use or their avoidance.  It is critical for responsible citizens to be cognizant of the control the pharmaceutical industry has upon the official narrative about disease and health. Hint: the official story corresponds to reality about as much as your grade school history lessons about Christopher Columbus do.

The official story and those who repeat it would have us believe that without our unwavering devotion to vaccines, western civilization would inevitably slide into a dark abyss of rampant disease and apocalyptic morbidity. The truth, however difficult it may be to come to terms with, is that vaccines such as those for polio and smallpox have, in fact, been introduced to the public at the end of the intended disease’s natural cycle and actually contributed not to those diseases demise but to their continuation.

Other vaccines such as the HepB shot AT BIRTH are, when considered with any semblance of logic or any remaining shred of ‘mother’s intuition’, ridiculously and dangerously unnecessary. The medical establishment has even conceded that the HepB shot is given at day one because well, what if that baby never comes to a doctor again? HepB is most often contracted by sharing dirty intravenous drug needles and by unprotected, promiscuous sex.

It can be transferred from a hepB positive mother to her infant but if you don’t have the disease your baby won’t either. So why this shot? Why on day one? Here’s the harsh reality: to train you. If they can convince you to give your new born child a shot that is so obviously unnecessary, they got you. You’ll do anything they say. Your submission is absolute. You are now the perfect, unquestioning consumer. Quite literally from cradle to grave.

Understand that the goal of the pharmaceutical industry is to create customers and from those customers squeeze out as much profit as possible. Period. As corporations, their responsibility is it to their shareholders. They have a well documented history of selling many products in their other lines that knowingly caused severe injury and death of tens of thousands. They do not care.

Why or how could one assume that their vaccine divisions would be any different? Do you really think they produce these products out of some altruistic motive? Would the push for mandatory vaccinations exist if there was not such a massive profit motive? In 1986, faced with mounting lawsuits for vaccine induced injuries, the vaccine industry successfully blackmailed Congress to provide them with complete indemnity.

Rather than committing to make safer, more effective vaccines the industry threatened to cease all production of vaccines unless they were granted immunity from all prosecution. This, ironically, is the only true immunity ever offered by vaccines.

Parents, hold your baby close, no matter what his or her age. Marvel at her perfection. As you gaze at your child, ask yourself, are willing for your child to be used for target practice?

Copyright 2017,– All rights reserved

The Prophetic Significance of James 5:1-8

A few years ago, a viewer wrote to me and asked if James 5:1-8 had any prophetic significance. To be candid, I had never carefully studied the passage in that light before. I was surprised to discover that its message really does apply to these times.

To give you just a glimpse of what the Apostle James had to say, he begins, “Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted…. Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you…. You have heaped up treasure in the last days. Indeed, the wages of the laborers who have mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of [Hosts].”

And James says even more, much of it condemning of a certain kind of “rich person” or system, the kind who come from a long line of those who became wealthy by defrauding the laborers of their wages.

Now, it’s important to make a distinction. The Bible does not condemn everyone who is rich. It’s not a sin to have money. It’s a sin for money to have you. The Bible teaches, “For the LOVE of money is the root of all kinds of evil….”

But it appears that the Apostle James predicts that in the last days there will be some extremely rich people who gained their wealth by defrauding the vast majority of those who do the labor for the economy. Yet the Lord will cause their wealth to become a snare to them, because the world’s economy will collapse around everyone, both the rich and the poor. And, apparently, the greed of the rich will cause them to steal so much that the entire world economy will collapse.

No, I’ve not joined the “Occupy Wall Street” or Antifa movements. I believe those kids, or rather the labor unions and “community organizers” who are running the show, are targeting the wrong people. I’m closer to the Tea Party because I think those people got it right. It’s not Big Business doing the damage, it’s Big Government. But not just the politicians. You see, in the past, the politicians did the heavy lifting for the ones that Abraham Lincoln called the “money power.”

Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln specifically warned against letting the “money power” get its way. But Woodrow Wilson ignored those warnings and crawled into bed with these guys.

As a result, the world’s economies are teetering on the verge of collapse. We are literally standing on the precipice of global economic chaos. And all because a little over one hundred years ago we let a few shadowy — mostly non-American — wealthy families take control of our nation’s money supply, then treasury. Since then, they have plundered America’s wealth, literally stolen from its citizens, and driven us into economic bondage — from which we cannot and will not ever emerge.

Indeed, as James says, “You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury; you have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter. You have condemned, you have murdered the just; he does not resist you.”

But, remember, James also warned, “Your gold and silver will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire.”

If you have watched this program very long, you know that I have a huge distrust of and disdain for the Federal Reserve System. As Representative Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania said on the floor of Congress in June, 1934, “…the truth is, the Federal Reserve Board has usurped the government of the United States…. It controls everything here…. No man, and no body of men is more entrenched in power than the arrogant credit monopoly which operates the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks. These evildoers have robbed the country of more than enough money to pay the national debt.”

I don’t believe the Apostle James was referring specifically to the Federal Reserve, or even the world’s central banks, in 5:1-8, but I do believe he foresaw that in the last days a small group of ruthless, heartless, greedy, and, yes, evil people would control the economy of the world. Some have begun calling them “globalists.” And the only thing that can result from the work of ruthless, heartless, greedy, and evil people is heartache, despair, destruction, and chaos. Exactly the setting needed to encourage the people of the world to turn to someone who has an answer and can save them from disaster. And we know who that “someone” will be: the Antichrist.

Also on this week’s program: As we celebrate this Thanksgiving season, I want to share with you why I think it’s more important than ever to understand the power of praise in thanksgiving to God. As I said last week, our nation faces real and present dangers. Our citizenry faces challenges we’ve not faced in decades, if ever. As I report weekly on “The Hal Lindsey Report,” the threats are mounting and the odds appear to be impossible. But it’s precisely at those moments that the power of praise and gratitude to God can be our pathway to victory.

I pray that you had a happy Thanksgiving Day. As we continue to celebrate the season through the weekend, remember to take time to reflect on God’s goodness to you, your family and friends, and our beloved nation.

In everything give thanks! (I Thessalonians 5:18)

Copyright 2017, rights reserved

You Are Not Alone

Dear Husband,

You know why I am writing to you. In our last conversation, you shared the pattern of your sinful thoughts, and how it often leads you to look at pornography. We agreed together on the importance of having dominion over our imaginations and putting on the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5). Viewing pornography is already a lamentable breach of your faithfulness to your wife, but I’m concerned it may only be the beginning.

I fear for you, and your wife, if you do not repent from these patterns of sin. Beyond the pornography, members of our church have noticed how you seem to be preoccupied with other women. They and I fear for how you shower them with flattery, which many perceive as flirting. You appear to be on a pathway that ends with adultery as you already betray a lack of fidelity to your bride.

Sin Always Begets Sin

Viewing pornography is not a stagnant sin. Sin begets more sin, because our hearts are desperately wicked. We will justify the temptations in our hearts unless we combat them. Rationalization is part of the self-deception of sin. How easily we think, This is not that bad, then soon, Not bad at all. Eventually, we are saying, It is a good thing that I desire.

My friend, learn to hate your sin. You must treat it with a kind of seriousness that your seared conscience may find difficult to feel at this point. You must guard your mouth, and heart, as you speak to other women in the congregation, going out of your way to treat them as sisters in Christ (1 Timothy 5:1–2).

You must also resolve to control, God helping you, what you set your eyes upon, remembering righteous Job, who took the temptation to look with lust seriously: “I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin?” (Job 31:1). Obedience to our Lord, and faithfulness to your wife, is not passive. You will not coast into faithfulness.

You Are Free

Instead of exploring the pleasures of sin in your mind, and in unrighteous conversations, combat that sin with another voice, a better one: the voice of God himself. Meditate on his words in Scripture. God’s own word, by the power of his Spirit, will be the most potent source for both feeling conviction over sin and growing in grace and love.

Remember Joseph. When he was tempted daily by his master’s wife, he considered how God had blessed him, and how his master trusted him, and concluded, “How then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?” (Genesis 39:9). Your infidelity is not only a breach of trust against your wife, but against God almighty.

But because Jesus Christ is your Lord, Savior, and Treasure, you have been redeemed — a hostage freed through a ransom paid at infinite cost. In Jesus, you are holy! I believe your faith is genuine, even as you have struggled in these ways. You are free from the bondage of sin; now be free. You are no longer enslaved to your old master Satan to follow your lusts. You are free, really free, in Christ. You now have the mind and heart to seek after God, to follow him in the ways he teaches us, and to reject the fatal promises of pornography and adultery.

You Are Not Alone

Jesus Christ, our Great Shepherd of the faith, has promised to be with you and guide you to all truth and fruitful works along the way. His commandments will help you walk in the ways of holiness and righteousness.

The child of God is not burdened in striving to keep the commandments of God; we are burdened, as you have been, when we do not keep them. God’s work in us does not replace our own vigilance against sin. His grace empowers us to be on guard against sin. Although sin no longer reigns in us, it still remains inside of us. The warning to Cain is for all of us: “If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is contrary to you, but you must rule over it” (Genesis 4:7).

Painted Poison

The temptation to be drawn toward other women, on the screen and in the fellowship hall, is defiling your marriage bed. God’s word says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous” (Hebrews 13:4). I am praying for you, and will continue to hold you accountable.

Your confession of love to your wife, and the preciousness and pricelessness of your affection for each other, will soon sound hollow if you linger here on the door of adultery. Adultery is a selfish act. It is profoundly unloving. You betray and wound your wife and your children, and you defy your God. You aid the enemy of the faith and give ample opportunity for the world to blaspheme his name through your open hypocrisy.

Sin is your enemy and deceives you with its false promises of joy. It paints itself beautifully, but it is poison. The consequences will be deep and long-lasting. Look beyond the empty offers of momentary pleasure and see the enduring pain. Remember how it has brought shame, guilt, and disruption to your communion with Christ. Remember your marriage vows and resolve afresh to be utterly faithful to your wife. God will bless and reward your faithfulness.

Learn to Love Her More

If you struggle with the degree of intimacy you have with her, be a man and have that hard conversation. Share your heart. She is your great companion for life. She was given to you as that special help both physically and spiritually. God has made her, and will continue to make her, suitable for you, and you for her.

Sin’s evil progression has been at work in you. But our Lord’s offer of repentance is immediate. Receive it now while you still can (Hebrews 12:15–17). True repentance is a radical renouncing of all that is contrary to the character and revelation of God. It requires discipline that grows in the soil of God’s grace.

So, go now to him in your time of need to receive his help continually and abundantly. Do not cry out only, but purposely labor to walk in his Spirit. Exercise your faithfulness in marriage as you love and cherish your wife. Love her and consider the many ways that Christ has beautified your wife and made her a vessel of honor in his glorious body. Your love for her is a gift you, and you only, can enjoy. The omnipotent God stands ready to help you as you seek to live out the calling he has given you in your marriage covenant.

As you love your wife, and exercise that love with patience and tenderness, you will find new depths of love for her and discover joys in her that no other woman can provide.

Copyright 2017, Kent Butterfield, Desiring rights reserved

The Voyage That Made a Nation

From my years young in days of youth, God did make known to me his truth, And call’d me from my native place For to enjoy the means of grace. In wilderness he did me guide, And in strange lands for me provide. In fears and wants, through weal and woe, A pilgrim, past I to and fro-William Bradford

The Voyage that Made a Nation

The Pilgrims arrived on these shores in 1620 in hopes of making a better life for themselves and their children while being able to worship freely and in peace. Undoubtedly the most famous colonists in world history, their faith and fortitude are legendary. Their perseverance laid the cornerstone of a new Nation. The Pilgrims’ courage, gratitude to God, and love for one another still inspire people today.

The story of Mayflower and her tumultuous trans-Atlantic crossing, Plymouth Colony- with its tragic first winter, treaty with the Wampanoag People and celebrated First Thanksgiving echoes down the ages and around the world. Regardless of anything that came before or after, Plymouth is the ‘once upon a time’ to the story of the United States — the symbolic, if not literal, birthplace of our Nation. 

In describing the emotional worship service before the Pilgrim church’s departure from Holland, Governor William Bradford wrote that Reverend John Robinson:

…spent a good part of the day very profitably and suitable to their present occasion; the rest of the time was spent pouring out prayers to the Lord with great fervency, mixed with abundance of tears. And the time being come that they must depart, they were accompanied with most of their brethren out of the city, unto a town sundry miles off called Delftshaven, where the ship lay ready to receive them. So they left that goodly and pleasant city which had been their resting place near twelve years; but they knew they were pilgrims, and looked not much on those things, but lift up their eyes to the heavens, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits.

This passage from Bradford’s manuscript Of Plymouth Plantation makes reference to the Epistle to the Hebrews 11:13-16. According to the Geneva Bible (1560), the translation preferred by most Pilgrims, this reads:

(13) All these dyed in faith, and received not the promises, but sawe them a farre of, and beleved them, and received them thankefully, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgremes on the earth. (14) For they that say suche things, declare plainely that they seke a countrey. (15) And if they had bene mindeful of that countrey, from whence they came out, they had leasure to have returned. (16) But now they desire a better, that is an heavenlie: wherefore God is not ashamed of them to be called their God; for he hathe prepared for them a citie.

Bradford’s description of Robinson’s worship service first appeared in print in Nathaniel Morton’s New England’s Memorial (1669), a popular chronicle of Plymouth Colony written by the governor’s nephew. It is on the basis of this excerpt that Mayflower’s passengers first became known as the Pilgrim Fathers, or Pilgrims, in the late 1700s. 

Who were the Pilgrims?

If we really want to understand them, we must try to look beyond the legends and see them as they saw themselves. They were English people who sought to escape the religious controversies and economic problems of their time by emigrating to America.

Pilgrim Woman Cooking, Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth MA

Many of the Pilgrims were members of a Puritan sect known as the Separatists. They believed that membership in the Church of England violated the biblical precepts for true Christians, and they had to break away and form independent congregations that adhered more strictly to divine requirements. A passage from the Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians gave urgency to their actions. The Geneva translation for Second Corinthians 6: 16-18 reads:

(16) And what agrement hathe the Temple of God with idoles? for ye are the Temple of the living God: as God hathe said, I wil dwell among them, and walke there; and I wil be their God, and shalbe my people. (17) Wherefore come out from among them, and separate your selves, faith the Lord: and touche none uncleane thing, & I wil receive you. (18) And I wil be a Father unto you, and ye shalbe my sonnes and daughters, saith the Lord almightie.

At a time when Church and State were one, such an act was treasonous and the Separatists had to flee their mother country. Other Pilgrims remained loyal to the national Church but came because of economic opportunity and a sympathy with Puritanism. They all shared a fervent and pervasive Protestant faith that touched all areas of their lives.

As English people, the Pilgrims also shared a vital secular culture both learned and traditional. They lived in a time that accepted fairies and witches, astrological influences, seasonal festivals and folklore as real parts of their lives. They looked at the world they lived in not as we do today – through the eyes of quantum physics and psychology – but through the folklore of the countryside and academic traditions that stretched back to antiquity. They were both thorough Protestants of the recent Reformation and the inheritors of the Medieval worldview that infused the imaginations of William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson.

The Separatist Faith

The Separatists’ faith experience was part of the larger English Reformation of the 16th century. This movement sought to “purify” the Church of England of its corrupt human doctrine and practices; the people in the movement were known as “Puritans.” Separatists were those Puritans who no longer accepted the Church of England as a true church, refused to work within the structure to affect changes, and “separated” themselves to form a true church based solely on Biblical precedent. Puritans rejected Christmas, Easter and the various Saint’s Days because they had no scriptural justification, and in their worship services, they rejected hymns, the recitations of the Lord’s Prayer and creeds for the same reason.

The Separatists believed that the worship of God must progress from the individual directly to God, and that “set” forms, like the Church of England’s Book of Common Prayer, interfered with that progression by directing one’s thoughts down to the book and inward to one’s self. The only exceptions were the Psalms and the Lord’s Supper, both of which had scriptural basis, and possibly the covenant by which individuals joined the congregation. As Pastor Robinson expressed it, even two or three “gathered in the name of Christ by a covenant [and] made to walk in all the ways of God known unto them is a church.”

Sabbath services were held twice on Sunday; in addition, sermons were often given on Thursdays, and as occasion demanded, Days of Thanksgiving or Days of Fasting and Humiliation were proclaimed. These latter were movable weekday holidays called in response to God’s Providence. Both were observed in a manner similar to the weekly Sabbath, with morning and afternoon services. The approximate times were from 9:00 AM to noon and from to 2:00 to 5:00 PM. In Plymouth Colony, according to the famous passage from Isaack de Rasiere’s 1627 letter:

They assemble by the beat of drum, each with his musket or firelock, in front of the captain’s door; they have their cloaks on, and place themselves in order three abreast, and are led by a sergeant without beat of drum. Behind comes the Governor, in a long robe, beside him on the right hand comes the preacher with his cloak on and on the left hand, the captain with his sidearms and his cloak on, and with a small cane in his hand; and so they march in good order, and each sets his arms down near him.

Fort Meetinghouse, Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth, MA

Once they reached the meetinghouse, the men and boys sixteen and older sat on one side; the women and children sat on the other side. John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, attended morning and afternoon Sabbath meetings while on a brief visit to Plymouth in October 1632. While de Rasiere described the manner in which the Pilgrims progressed to worship, Winthrop provides details on the order of worship. He pays special attention to prophesying. While no examples of prophesies have come down to us, it seems to have been similar in nature to a mini-sermon, consisting of a reading or quoting of a text and an exposition of its meaning and spiritual application, with some discussion of Christian doctrine:

On the Lord’s day there was a sacrament which they did partake in, and in the afternoon, Mr. Roger Williams (according to their custom) propounded a question, to which the pastor, Mr. Smith, spake briefly. Then Mr. Williams prophesied; and after, the Governor of Plymouth spake to the questions; and after him the elder, them some 2 or 3 more of the congregation. Then the elder desired the governor of Massachusetts and Mr. Wilson to speak to it, which they did. When this was ended, the deacon Mr. Fuller put the congregation in mind of their duty of contribution; whereupon the governor and all the rest went down to the deacon’s seat and put it into the box, and then returned.

William Brewster Preaching, Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth, MAWilliam Brewster served as the Ruling Elder of the Pilgrim church from its days in Scrooby, Nottinghamshire, England to Leiden, Holland and finally Plymouth Colony. Ruling Elders were responsible for the government of the congregation, but as they were laymen and not ordained ministers, they could not deliver the sacraments. Elders were often referred to as the “eyes of the church,” governing and admonishing the congregation. In the absence of Pastor Robinson, who remained in Holland, Brewster preached and taught the in Plymouth. In memorializing Brewster after the Elder’s death in 1643, Governor William Bradford also supplies additional details on aspects of worship in Plymouth:

In teaching, he was very moving and stirring of affections, also very plain and distinct in what he taught; by which means he became the more profitable to the hearers. He had a singular good gift in prayer, but public and private, in ripping up the heart and conscience before God in the humble confession of sin, and begging the mercies of God in Christ for the pardon of the same. He always thought it better for ministers to pray oftener and divide their prayers, than be long and tedious in the same, except upon solemn and special occasions as in days of humiliation and the like. His reason was that the heart and spirits of all, especially the weak, could hardly continue and stand bent as it were so long towards God as they ought to do in that duty, without flagging and falling off.

Pilgrim Wedding Prayer, Plimoth Plantation, Plymouth, MAPrayer, in keeping with Separatist belief, was completely extemporaneous. The Lord’s Prayer was considered a model to be followed, but not slavishly copied. Prayer was given by the Pastor or Teaching Elder. At this point in the service, the congregation rose. The speaker removed his hat, raised his eyes and lifted up his arms toward Heaven, and spoke. At the end, all joined in saying, “Amen.”

Scripture in the 16th century was often interpreted in a metaphorical sense; scholars searched for hidden meaning. Separatists concentrated of the literal and historical possibilities, generally ignoring the metaphorical interpretations. During this part of the service, a passage of scripture was read and expounded upon in this literal manner by the Pastor or Teaching Elder.

Finally, Psalms were the only music allowed in the service. Hymns were rejected because they had no scriptural basis. The versions of the Psalms used in Plymouth Colony came from Henry Ainsworth’s Psalter, in which he had “Englished” the Psalms in prose and metre, and set them to livelier music than had been heard before. These were sung, without musical accompaniment, by the whole congregation. Years later, in the 1670s, when the first generation of settlers–many of whom had musical training–had died, the colonists had difficulty with the music of the psalms. At this point, the practice of “lining” psalms began. In lining, each line of the psalm is first sung by the Pastor, then repeated by the congregation.

Copyright 2017, Plimoth Plantation-All rights reserved.

Image description: Signing the Mayflower Compact 1620, a painting by Jean Leon Gerome Ferris 1899

Christian Maths Teacher Faces Disciplinary Hearing After Calling Pupil Born Female a “Girl”


Christian teacher Joshua Sutcliffe faces disciplinary hearing

A respected Christian maths teacher at a school in Oxfordshire is facing discipline for ‘misgendering’ a student.

Joshua Sutcliffe, from Oxford, began working at the school in September 2015 and currently teaches children aged 11-18. He has achieved excellent results, with his Key Stage 3 students outperforming every parallel class.

But on November 2, a complaint was made that Joshua referred to a pupil as a ‘girl’, rather than the desired ‘boy’.

Although born as a girl, the pupil had self-declared as ‘male’. Joshua had not been given any formal instruction on how to refer to the pupil. An investigation began immediately, during which Joshua was prevented from teaching and forced to spend all his time ‘in isolation’ in the staff room. He is now suspended, pending a further investigation.

‘Transgender ideology is being imposed’

Responding to the disciplinary process, Joshua commented: “I have been shocked and saddened by the actions of the school, which, in my opinion, reflect an increasing trend of seeing Christians, people like me, being marginalised in the public square, and our beliefs punished and silenced.

“While the suggestion that gender is fluid conflicts sharply with my Christian beliefs, I recognise my responsibility as a teacher and Christian to treat each of my pupils with respect and dignity.

“I have never looked to impose my convictions on others, I just try to earnestly live out the gospel of peace.

“I have balanced these factors by calling the pupil by the chosen name and although I did not intentionally refer to the pupil as a ‘girl’, I do not believe it is unreasonable to call someone a girl if they were born a girl.

“The aggressive way in which transgender ideology is being imposed is undermining my freedom of belief and conscience, as well as the conscience of many people throughout our nation who believe that gender is assigned at birth.

“I have a deep conviction that we are all made in God’s image, male and female.”

‘A flood of cases’

Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre which is supporting Joshua said:

“This case is one of a flood of cases we are encountering where teachers are finding themselves silenced or punished if they refuse to fall in line with the current transgender fad.

“We all know how much we change during our teenage years. It is vital that during those years we help our children to live in the biological sex they were born rather than encouraging them to change ‘gender’. If we encourage them to change gender it is not kind and compassionate; it is cruel.

“What we need is a culture in our schools which gives emotional support to children through puberty without encouraging them to make life-long decisions against their natural born biological sex.

“If we collude in the transgender delusion we do not serve our children well, we harm them.”

‘Discriminatory behaviours’

Following the week-long investigation, the school found that Joshua ‘misgendered’ the pupil, ‘demonstrating discriminatory behaviours’ and ‘[contravened] the school’s equality policy’. The school recommended dealing with the matter of ‘misconduct’ under the disciplinary policy.

Since the pupil started at the school, Joshua has tried to balance his sincerely held Christian belief that biological sex is God-given and defined at birth, with the need to treat sensitively the pupil. He avoided the use of gender-specific pronouns, and instead referred to the pupil by the pupil’s chosen name. Joshua admits saying “Well done girls” when he addressed a group of students including the pupil in question. The pupil became irate at this and Joshua sought to defuse the situation and apologized.

Bible club cancelled

Whilst working at the school, Joshua also began running a successful Bible club, which was attended by over 100 pupils before being shut down by the school 18 months after its inception. He was initially told by the Headteacher that the Bible club could not run without a register and a curriculum. Yet, after producing the required documents, the Head still insisted on cancelling the club. During this time, the school’s LGBTI club, mindfulness club, and Qigong club continued running without a register or curriculum.

Following a grievance meeting initiated by a deputy headteacher, it was found that the Bible club could continue running but only when the school was satisfied that it could be run in such a way that upheld the school’s policies. Determined to comply with the conditions and have the club reinstated, Joshua made numerous attempts over the following five weeks to follow instructions to reinstate the Bible club to be run in a way which upheld the school’s policies. After ignoring the issue over this period, the Head agreed to a meeting where the issues would be discussed.

International media attention

Since Joshua’s story hit the newspapers on Sunday, his case has been featured all over the news – on TV and radio as well as newspapers.


Copyright 2017, Christian Concern-All rights reserved

The Crucifixion of Truth In The United Kingdom

(These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.   Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.)

Almost everyone knows what it is like to live with a family member, a friend, or a work colleague, who through an outright or subtle form of manipulation, can eventually wear you down into submission.

Sometimes, we call it a ‘battle of wills’; as we attempt to fight off a wilful or controlling spirit that manifests itself through many relationships that we are involved in.   You can be urged to believe its ideals, cater to its requests, and forced to adhere to its ways.

A spirit of conformity eventually robs you of your true identity, if you are not aware. Grinded down, some have completely lost the battle for their souls.  Attrition warfare, a process of wearing down an opponent has been taking place, ‘spiritually’.  Your energy has been stolen, bit by bit, to feed an entity that has no decent life force of its own.  It has used the adage of the ‘common good’ or ‘keeping the peace’ as a tactic against you in its arsenal.

On a global scale, this invisible entity has also been building up an army of soldiers and snipers to use ammunition to fire against its very own comrades.

Covert agents are everywhere residing in the media, government services, the health service, education, and religion.

Death is the outcome.   You are the target, and your co-operation is demanded, and not requested.

Common Purpose

A malevolent spirit, which can be experienced in the majority of public workplaces, and for which most people cannot quite fully explain or put their finger upon, is a form of oppression disguised under leadership or change management, that creates a sense of instability and confusion, depending on how many times you go through a process of change.   It has been infiltrating society over quite a number of years.

It is not unusual on occasion to detect a very common trend in tactics used through specialized learning and behavior techniques, such as NLP, which eventually finds you somehow agreeing with an outcome instigated by a friendly facilitator who has already pre-planned the outcome of how you will view and deal with a project.

You can sometimes sense you have been merely ‘used’ in your association with people who use behavior techniques, and they are sometimes unaware of the effect and the damage they have created.

This system can rob you of your own individual and creative skills and also rob you of your free will.  It will also edify the facilitator into falsely believing they are the new and ‘much wiser’ leader in society for achieving the desired outcome.   Eventually, you learn never to trust them, even though they believe they are leading by example.

It is widely reported that Common Purpose, CP, a political charity, reported to be funded by public money, may be at the root cause of destroying democracy, by selecting personnel who work in the public sector into their leadership programmes to influence and determine their desired change. Using Neuro Linguistic Programming and behavioural techniques, Common Purpose boasts that it trains the future leaders of society, and that at the core of what they do are two strands of thought leadership:

Leading Beyond Authority and Cultural Intelligence (CQ).

If you have noticed over a period of time that public services such as local councils who once served the community have now changed into law enforcers; it may be possible that the senior leaders of those organizations have partaken in common purpose training, and disseminated that work ethos down through the organization and out into society.

It is reported there are now 65,000 CP Alumni worldwide having an impact on the cities they operate in and 4,000 new leaders benefiting from the programme every year.

You can read about the organization here and the global impact it is having upon the world.

And for further information about the exposure of Common Purpose you can read about it below:

[Link One], [Link Two]

Cultural Intelligence training, which also works alongside Emotional Intelligence and considered a vital requirement if you wish to get on in leadership positions; may appear to be a very considerate way of respecting the differences in other cultures or lifestyles in order to work more effectively in business.

However, in effect, is it really about learning how to make a multi-cultural society blend into one, and is it side-lining anyone’s beliefs that just may not tie up with common purpose ideals?

Cultural Intelligence talks a lot about your core and your flex. The core is who you are and the beliefs that you have and which should not change.   The flex is your adaptability, your knowledge and your consideration towards other cultures in order to work together without changing your core.

However, one does not have to assume what cultural intelligence is, when on a daily basis we personally experience the reality of the very biased consideration which is continually being given to others.    The foundations of the British way of life have been sacrificed and it has lost its own identity.

Consider just a few examples of what is really taking place.

  • The case of Joshua Sutcliffe, a Christian maths teacher at a school in Oxfordshire facing discipline for calling a female student a ‘girl’ when they wanted to be called a boy.  The school has accused Joshua of ‘mis-gendering’ the pupil contravening the school’s equality policy. 
  • Felix Ngole, expelled from his course at Sheffield University for stating his Christian views on marriage and sexual ethics on Facebook.   It is thought his views could have offended someone.
  • Sarah Kuteh a Christian nurse fired by the NHS for talking to patients about her faith while she was helping them get ready for surgery.
  • Richard Page, a magistrate who has been disciplined by a Cabinet minister and England’s highest judge for saying that he thought a child’s best interests lie in being raised by a mother and a father.
  • Barry Trayhorn, a Pentecostal minister forced to resign after a complaint was made about a bible verse he quoted at a prison chapel service.

(These cases are being defended by Christian Concern lawyers)

All of these cases have happened within health, education, law, and religion, and are not isolated cases. They happen on a daily basis.

The above people are being punished for their ‘beliefs’ which can be kept private, but never expressed. They now stand outside the new norms of society, as they have not yet conformed or compromised. They unfortunately will never be able to have enough ‘flex’ to progress in their careers in society, despite being very gifted and experienced people.  They must be punished.

With emotional intelligence, cultural intelligence and social intelligence all being used as a superior standard of interacting with people, the genuine is becoming lost and we live in a false world of caring for each other, whilst destroying each other with lies.

People are suffering under attrition warfare, a sustained process of wearing down an opponent until they physically collapse and they lose the will to fight.

As Christ was crucified on the cross, the truth is being crucified in the UK.

Who will win this War of Attrition, and which side will you stand on, the winner or the losers? Who is your leader, and who are you following?

Copyright 2017,

How (Not) to Stay Lukewarm

I thought I was a Christian for years.

I swore I had a relationship with God.

I believed I could die at any moment and be welcomed into heaven.

I wasn’t. I didn’t. I wouldn’t.

I did not have a category for someone thinking they were a follower of Christ and not actually being one. I assumed that if I had any desire to be a Christian, God should welcome me with shouts of joy. I had never read that there would be people on judgment day who would emphatically greet Jesus, calling him “Lord, Lord,” and yet be rejected by him (Matthew 7:21–23). No one ever told me that people could do a lot of mighty works for God and yet still be lost.

I convinced myself that I was safe from the wrath of God. No one told me that the lukewarm “Christian” gets spit out of God’s mouth (Revelation 3:16). No one informed me that if God was not first in my heart, I was either in urgent need of repentance, or I was lost. In the words of Francis Chan, I was lukewarm and lovin’ it.

Lukewarm and Lovin’ It

I did not have a category for someone thinking they were a follower of Christ and not actually being one.”

I didn’t cuss much. I wasn’t sleeping around. I went to church most Sundays. I must be a Christian.

I said that Jesus died for my sins. I sang the lyrics on the screen. I prayed before meals. I gave God props for my athletic achievements. I must be a Christian.

Sure, God wasn’t my all in all. Sure, I never read his word. Sure, I didn’t pray very much. Sure, I secretly loved sin. Sure, holiness seemed dreadfully boring. Sure, I rarely owned him in public or spent time with him in private. But he understood. I was only human after all. No one is perfect.

If God had not intervened, I would have awoken from my delusion to a lake of fire. I imagined I feasted at the table of grace, drank from the chalice of eternal life, but I was eating garbage and drinking sewer water. I was dreaming, like those described in Isaiah,

As when a hungry man dreams, and behold, he is eating, and awakes with his hunger not satisfied, or as when a thirsty man dreams, and behold, he is drinking, and awakes faint, with his thirst not quenched (Isaiah 29:8).

I would have been the most miserable creature in all of perdition.

And I kept myself in my delusion, muting my conscience and convincing myself that I was right with God by this simple strategy: I refused to read God’s book and measured myself by the people around me.

How to Stay Lukewarm

Comparing my faith with others around me (including non-Christians) was the easiest way, as C.S. Lewis says, to travel down the gentle slope into hell.

The Downward Glance

I looked down on those who were “lesser” Christians to confirm my complacency. My assurance of salvation largely came from the fact that I was outwardly better than many of the other goats who claimed to be sheep.

I prayed like the Pharisee: God, I thank you that I am not like other men, fornicators, liars, adulterers — I wouldn’t know I was a Christian without them.

When a duck compares himself with other ducks, he crowns himself a swan.

The Upward Glance

When I would come across real believers, I would feel moments of deep conviction. But to stay lukewarm, I concluded that these were simply Christian all-stars.

Instead of having them in the “living” category while I was in the “dead” category, I reasoned that they were the Avengers. They were A+ Christians, I was the C/C- Christian — but both were passing. Just because I wasn’t on the Christian all-conference team didn’t mean I wasn’t on the team. Right?

And once I established the superhero Christian category, I would search for reasons to put believers who made me uncomfortable into it. Oh, he wants to be a pastor! Oh, they were missionaries for several years. Oh, they grew up in a Christian home all their lives. Oh, they just have a personality that gets excited about everything. That explains it.

I gladly resigned myself to being a spiritual hobbit — they too were included in the Fellowship afterall.

Where I Didn’t Glance: the Bible

My lukewarm churchianity was consumed by living faith in the consuming God of the Bible.

When I was lukewarm, God’s book was collecting dust in my room, unopened.

Then God led me to his word and saved me. God met a miserable, 6’5” hobbit in his cold, dank, dorm room, making him alive through his Spirit and his word. The lukewarm churchianity was consumed by living faith in the consuming God of the Bible.

There I read that you must be born again to enter the kingdom (John 3:3). There I read that loving Jesus above all others — father, mother, son, daughter, spouse — wasn’t just for super Christians but for all who would follow Jesus (Matthew 10:37–39). There I read that God was disgusted with me for drawing near with my mouth before meals and on Sunday morning, while my heart remained far from him (Isaiah 29:13–14). There I read that I could search the Scriptures in a thousand Bible studies and yet refuse to truly go to Jesus and have life (John 5:39–40).

There I read that I couldn’t be good enough to put God in my debt (Luke 17:10). That in no way could I please him while I lived in the flesh (Romans 8:8). There I read that I was rightfully cursed for not loving Jesus (1 Corinthians 16:22) and that the punishment would be everlasting torment (Revelation 14:11).

There I read that God wasn’t a socially awkward kid in the lunchroom desperate for anyone to sit with him. There I read that his very name is “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 19:16) to whom every single knee in creation will bow (Philippians 2:10). There I read that he did not need me (Acts 17:25); that if I refused to worship him, rocks would (Luke 19:40). There I read that I was created for his glory, not he for mine (Isaiah 43:7).

There I read that if I was lackadaisical about treasuring Christ, about repenting of sin, and refused to surrender in joyful submission, he would spit me out of his mouth (Revelation 3:15–16).

Great News for the Lukewarm

But there I also read that while we were worse than lukewarm, the King of kings died for us (Romans 5:8). That although my sin and apathy had earned me death, the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ (Romans 6:23). There I also read that Jesus didn’t come for those who are well, but his compassion and grace are for those who are sick in their sin (Luke 5:31).

There I also read that if I was thirsty, if I had no money, God invited me to come and be satisfied in him (Isaiah 55:1). There I also read that if I was tired of laboring for that which left me empty and turned to him, he would feed me with rich food, give me life, and make an everlasting covenant with me through his Son (Isaiah 55:2–3).

There I also read that the Lord is near to anyone who would return to him for pardon. That he offers to the most vile — and lukewarm — sinner absolute pardon and pleasure beyond what he could dare to hope (Isaiah 55:6–9). There I read that this invitation was purchased at the cost of the Son of God (Isaiah 53:1–12).

If you are lukewarm and reading this, there is great news for you: There is still time. Repent. Believe. Rejoice. Live.

Copyright 2017, Greg Morse, Content Strategist Desiring rights reserved

A New Religion That Will Worship A ‘Godhead’ Based On Artificial Intelligence

I know that the headline sounds absolutely crazy, but this is actually a true story.  A Silicon Valley executive named Anthony Levandowski has already filed paperwork with the IRS for the nonprofit corporation that is going to run this new religion.  Officially, this new faith will be known as “Way Of The Future”.

Of course nutjobs are creating “new religions” all the time, but in this case Levandowski is a very highly respected tech executive, and his new religion is even getting coverage from Wired magazine…

The new religion of artificial intelligence is called Way of the Future. It represents an unlikely next act for the Silicon Valley robotics wunderkind at the center of a high-stakes legal battle between Uber and Waymo, Alphabet’s autonomous-vehicle company. Papers filed with the Internal Revenue Service in May name Levandowski as the leader (or “Dean”) of the new religion, as well as CEO of the nonprofit corporation formed to run it.

So what will adherents of this new faith actually believe?

To me, it sounds like a weird mix of atheism and radical transhumanism.  The following comes from Way of the Future’s official website…

We believe in science (the universe came into existence 13.7 billion years ago and if you can’t re-create/test something it doesn’t exist). There is no such thing as “supernatural” powers. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

We believe in progress (once you have a working version of something, you can improve on it and keep making it better). Change is good, even if a bit scary sometimes. When we see something better, we just change to that. The bigger the change the bigger the justification needed.

We believe the creation of “super intelligence” is inevitable (mainly because after we re-create it, we will be able to tune it, manufacture it and scale it). We don’t think that there are ways to actually stop this from happening (nor should we want to) and that this feeling of we must stop this is rooted in 21st century anthropomorphism (similar to humans thinking the sun rotated around the earth in the “not so distant” past).

But even though Way of the Future does not embrace the “supernatural”, they do believe in a “God”.

In this new religion, the worship of a “Godhead” that will be created using artificial intelligence will be actively encouraged…

The documents state that WOTF’s activities will focus on “the realization, acceptance, and worship of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) developed through computer hardware and software.” That includes funding research to help create the divine AI itself.

The religion will seek to build working relationships with AI industry leaders and create a membership through community outreach, initially targeting AI professionals and “laypersons who are interested in the worship of a Godhead based on AI.” The filings also say that the church “plans to conduct workshops and educational programs throughout the San Francisco/Bay Area beginning this year.”

So how “powerful” will this newly created “God” actually be?

Well, Levandowski says that he envisions creating an artificially intelligent being that will literally be “a billion times smarter than the smartest human”…

“What is going to be created will effectively be a god,” he said. “It’s not a god in the sense that it makes lightning or causes hurricanes. But ifthere is something a billion times smarter than the smartest human, what else are you going to call it?”

He added, “I would love for the machine to see us as its beloved elders that it respects and takes care of. We would want this intelligence to say, ‘Humans should still have rights, even though I’m in charge.'”

But what if this “super-intelligence” gets outside of our control and turns on us?

What then?

I am not sure that Levandowski has an answer for that.

Other transhumanists also believe that artificial intelligence will grow at an exponential rate, but instead of AI ruling over us, they see a coming merger between humanity and this new super intelligence.  In fact, world famous transhumanist Ray Kurzeil believes that this will enable us to “become essentially god-like in our powers”…

Kurzweil and his followers believe that a crucial turning point will be reached around the year 2030, when information technology achieves ‘genuine’ intelligence, at the same time as biotechnology enables a seamless union between us and this super-smart new technological environment.

Ultimately the human-machine mind will become free to roam a universe of its own creation, uploading itself at will on to a “suitably powerful computational substrate”.

We will become essentially god-like in our powers.

And prominent transhumanist Mark Pesce takes things even further.  He in absolutely convinced that rapidly advancing technology will allow ordinary humans “to become as gods”…

Men die, planets die, even stars die. We know all this. Because we know it, we seek something more–a transcendence of transience, translation to incorruptible form. An escape if you will, a stop to the wheel. We seek, therefore, to bless ourselves with perfect knowledge and perfect will; To become as gods, take the universe in hand, and transform it in our image–for our own delight. As it is on Earth, so it shall be in the heavens. The inevitable result of incredible improbability, the arrow of evolution is lipping us into the transhuman – an apotheosis to reason, salvation – attained by good works.

Throughout human history, there has always been a desire to create our own gods or to become our own gods.

But no matter how hard these transhumanists try to run from death, it will eventually find them anyway, and at that point all of their questions about who God really is will be answered once and for all.

Copyright 2017, Micheal Snyder, Economic CollapseAll rights reserved

If You Agree In My Name

Graham Lacey – speaking at the Day of Prayer for Britain, London 8 September 2017

This morning David Hathaway burned our hearts with his Declaration over Great Britain. He struck a chord with all of us because we are too well aware of the times in which we are living.

The Times recently published an article in its Comment Section written by Lord Daniel Finkelstein, ‘Should we care that Britain lost its religion?’ Politics in Britain were shaped for centuries by religion, he writes, but that is now vanishing. In his article he writes that on 4 September, the National Centre for Social Research published data revealing the proportion of people in Britain who describe themselves as having ‘no religion’ – it has now reached 53 percent of the population! Of the remaining 47 percent, only 15 percent claim affiliation with the Church of England.

Finkelstein wrote that it is hard to overstate how big a change this represents in our national and political story, saying that, whilst it must be respected, Christian faith is no longer the mainstream and cannot expect to ‘carry all before it’. And he goes on: “With advancing liberal causes that mean a lot to me – gay rights, abortion rights, assisted suicide – Britain was a Christian country, but now it’s not.” – That’s what Finkelstein says.

But he’s in for a surprise: Christians will change that prognosis. God has been on the throne for over 6000 years, and He will not forget His own. It cost Him His Son – and that Blood that sanctified us, washed us, is as efficacious today as it was 2000 years ago. David Hathaway has a very good vision, that a Declaration should be sent to Her Majesty, that our ruler should lead us spiritually in this path.

Let me give you an insight into a Declaration that the Queen herself made in a speech in 1994. It was the 150th anniversary of the YMCA, and turning to the General Secretary, she said,

I do hope I’m not going to upset or embarrass you today, but I’ve written this speech myself.” He replied, “Ma’am, it will be marvellous, I have no doubt!” She replied, “I’m not too sure, but I feel very strongly about it.” She started off by talking about men who had made a difference in Great Britain. She talked about men like John and Charles Wesley and the commencement of the Methodist Church, and the balance they had in preaching the Gospel with works – acts of love, faith in action. She went onto remind those there of the founder of the Salvation Army, William Booth, and the extraordinary work the Army did in changing society in preaching faith and balancing it with good works.

She then referred to George Williams, the founder of the YMCA, and what a privilege it was for her to be there for the 150th anniversary. Then she spoke these memorable words, speaking of these men, that they were the type of preachers we need today, who teach warning of the wrath and judgment to come, wrapped in love and mercy. – God save the Queen!

Before God will be ready to relent in mercy, we, in Britain, need to repent. We are sleep-walking, not prayer walking, into what is coming. Only the fear of God in society makes a nation safe. What on earth is going on?!! God’s wrath is about to fall!! God judges nations! But the sanctified will be under the Shadow of the Almighty, He will deliver them from the wrath to come, the Word of God tells us in Psalm 91.

But 2 Corinthians 6:17-18 says, ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.’ When did you last read the Book of Revelation with its judgements? It is unique in all Holy Scripture because, in Chapter 1:3, it promises us that for reading it, hearing it, keeping it, we will receive blessing. It is relevant, because of the times in which we live. Let me ask you a question, is God at work in our world today?

In the affairs of nations, does God silently govern amidst the noise of man’s politics and conflict, of human and satanic evil? Is God fulfilling His purpose in our world today? We are caught up in the affairs of men, we cannot avoid the implications of the actions of men in a world of sin, where the things of God, His morality, His authority, teachings, truths are legislated against – as though God has somehow abdicated His Throne. As a result it has been usurped by politics, the will of man with no regard for the Will of God.

Our lives are entangled in the interconnections of this global village, more than ever before. But there are consequences for the Body of Christ as there were in the days of Noah. In His Word, God has revealed a great deal about His dealings with nations and their leaders. We are warned in Jeremiah 9:23,

Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches: But let him who glories, glory in this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercise loving-kindness, judgement and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight, says the Lord.’

God teaches us to glory in the knowledge of Him, and in His ways in the earth – not men’s. The power of man, however great, is nothing compared with the enormity of God’s creation that is still growing in the universe – a wealth of power and authority that we would do well to reverence. God has defeated every attempt of man to emulate Him. He destroyed the Tower of Babel. He ended the Babylonian Empire. He ended the Roman Empire. And He will do exactly the same with the European Union.

It is noteworthy according to the Bible that when governments sin as governments, God will deal with them in that capacity. The reason the EU is wrong is that it is built on a satanic foundation of secularism. God cares about people, not about politics, He gave His Only Son to solve the problem of the pollution of sin. Before He would let you die in your sin, He died for you. Man has tried autocracy, oligarchy, religion, democracy, social reform and education. None of them have worked. We were created – not to serve man – but the Living God who made us.

Do not mistake long-suffering for God’s tolerance. Do not think that God’s forgiveness is a licence for indulgence. Neither view God’s judgement as antagonism. But God will not always strive with man, as we are reminded in Genesis 6:3. And in Galatians 6:7, ‘Do not be deceived. God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, he shall also reap.’ But we have hope over disillusionment, doubt, debt, despair – and even death. Our hope is in the risen Lord Jesus Christ.

We are commanded in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 to make prayers, petitions and thanksgiving for all people; for kings and for all in authority that we may live quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty – this is good and pleases God our Saviour who wants all people to be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth.

Sodom was not destroyed with brim- stone and fire for political, religious or moral sins but because of a predominance of them all. The Scriptures present us Truths for faith – not for ‘reason’. Study Psalm 107 and pray that the Holy Spirit would illuminate and reveal the Truths that are contained in it, that would help you in these times of trouble and distress.

Decades of peace and plenty in Britain, a sense of prosperity and power, has pandered politicians and people, to bring us to a place where, just a few years ago, all but two of the Bishops in the House of the Lords voted in favour of gay marriage. Their forebears would have died at the stake to defend the Truth.

Our Bishops today are prepared to deny the Truth. I say it not in judgement but in love, because if you have a responsibility within the Body of Christ, if you don’t stand full-square on the Word of God – which is Spirit-breathed, it is Truth and it is Life – each and every one of us, with or without faith – we will be held accountable against God’s Word and then we’re in trouble.

Most of you know this, you’re passionate about it, you have heartache for your nation, you long to see revival, but somehow you may feel helpless. But we have a weapon! In Matthew 18:19- 20 Jesus said, “Truly I tell you that if two of you agree on earth about ANYTHING you ask for, it will be done FOR them BY My Father in Heaven. For where two or three are gathered together IN MY NAME, there I AM in the midst of them. The verse that I want indelibly to be marked on your mind, heart, soul and spirit is verse 19.

This is our secret weapon! It’s the proof of the power of united agreement; it’s our authority – when it’s in HIS NAME, verse 20. JESUS said, not Matthew, JESUS said, “IF ANY TWO BE AGREED concerning any good thing as touches earth, IT WILL COME TO PASS! It’s the Word of God. If just two of you come together – the Word of God is showing us the covenant principle here, that if two or three of us will commit to come together in agreement, once a day, twice or three times a day, in HIS NAME, to ask for a revival in this land to be born out of a spirit of repentance – restoration, renewal – by God’s relenting grace, revival WILL come to pass.

If ANY two be agreed concerning this… I can see a lot of twos: husbands and wives, fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, business colleagues and friends… Lord, embolden our Queen, strengthen our Prime Minister, restore the Body of Christ from its Laodicean spirit, neither hot nor cold…

For GOD’S glory and for HIS Name’s sake, enter into a covenant commitment to pray with one other to see God fulfil HIS Word. We can count on it! You say, “What, me?” Yes, YOU can make a difference, YOU can be the difference! The man David, who became a great king and a man after God’s own Heart, made a difference. But in Psalm 102:7, he described himself as a ‘sparrow alone on the housetop’ – it’s hard to imagine a more insignificant bird than a sparrow – David, who has comforted and given strength to millions through his psalms – felt as a sparrow!

YOU can make a difference. Pray! It’s for your Lord, for your God, your Saviour and Redeemer, it’s for your nation, it shall come to pass. David in the Bible thought of himself as a sparrow – but Jesus lets us know that even one sparrow does not fall to the ground without God attending the funeral! No more pity parties, no more, “I’m not spiritual enough.” You will be asked on the Day of Judgment, “Why didn’t you pray, why didn’t you care enough for your nation?” – and you will be found wanting. If ANY two be agreed concerning any good thing, it will come to pass. Claim Jesus at His Word in Matthew 18:19 – and you will be blessed beyond measure.

David Hathaway No.86 Winter © 2017, Prophetic– Graham Lacey – speaking at the Day of Prayer for Britain, London 8 September 2017

Millennials: Read This….

Every year the Swiss banking giant Credit Suisse publishes a detailed report about Global Wealth.

And while drawing conclusions about ‘wealth’ (i.e. ‘net worth’) for the world’s 7.6 billion people is far from an exact science, the report routinely offers some interesting insights and trends.

This year’s report was just released this morning.

As an interesting finding, researchers noted that at the early part of this millennium, between 2000 and 2008, the wealth of the POOREST 50% of people in the world actually climbed at a HIGHER rate than everyone else.

And over that same period, the share of global wealth owned by the top 1% actually declined.

Then the financial crisis broke out in 2008. And in the subsequent recovery from 2009 through today, wealth of the top 1% soared, leaving the bottom 50% in the dust.

Now, don’t get me wrong– there’s absolutely nothing wrong with wealthy people becoming wealthier. It makes sense.

Think about it: Warren Buffett clearly has a greater level of financial sophistication than the Average Joe… so it stands to reason that Warren’s wealth will increase at a faster rate.

The issue (as we discussed in last week’s podcast on Class Warfare), is that the asset booms bubbles around the world that have driven stock prices higher over the last several years have disproportionately benefited people who were already wealthy.

So folks in the bottom 50% certainly have good reason to feel like the system is rigged against them. They feel stuck… with limited prospects for future growth.

I remember reading a recent article in the New York Times telling the tale of two janitors: one, who is currently a contract janitor for today’s most celebrated company– Apple.

The other was a janitor back in the early 1980s for one of that era’s most celebrated companies– Kodak.

The Kodak janitor in the 80s had access to opportunities and education that helped her rise through the ranks; within a decade, she was the company’s Chief Technology Officer.

Today’s Apple janitor sees her only possibility for advancement as becoming a supervisor of other janitors, a job that pays 50 cents per hour more.

Again- this is not a problem of wealth inequality. It’s a problem of mobility: people at the bottom don’t see any way of getting out.

From a generational basis, the issue is intensified for Millennials.

The Credit Suisse report has an entire chapter devoted to “the unlucky Millennials” who have been hit by rising debt and poorer job prospects.

And it’s true. Recent reports from the Treasury Department show that the US government owns nearly $1.5 trillion in student loans.

That’s pretty sad when you think about it: the US government’s #1 financial asset is debt owed by tens of millions of its young people for university education that didn’t even necessarily qualify them for a real career.

Millennials are the most educated generation in history. Yet there are record numbers of them working off student debts as waiters and bartenders, and supplementing their income on the side with ‘gigs’ (like being an Uber driver).

These are all perfectly good ways to generate some extra cash and pay the rent.

But they’re hardly long-term career prospects which afford opportunities to learn valuable skills and move up.

For Millennials who do have careers, they’re earning less (when adjusted for inflation) than Generation X or Boomers did at their age.

On top of all that, young people will spend their entire working lives paying into a pension system that likely won’t be there for them when it comes time to collect.

The Board of Trustees of Social Security tells us that the program is going to completely run out of money within the next 15 years. Millennials’ retirement horizon is far beyond that.

Overall the report paints a grim picture for the future prospects of young people.

But I have a far more upbeat view.

Young people have an incredible gift that previous generations never had.

Despite the ever-increasing cost of university tuition, access to extremely valuable information is incredibly cheap… in many cases free.

This means that learning important skills to help you build wealth and get ahead is easier and cheaper than ever before.

So is starting a business.

It’s possible to register a company online in minutes. To purchase and build a website in a few hours. To reach a worldwide network of suppliers without leaving your living room. To setup a store with the world’s largest online marketplaces with ease. To reach millions of targeted prospective customers in an instant.

None of this was ever possible before.

And while I know that starting a business is a scary, uncertain prospect for a lot of people, entrepreneurship remains the most consistent way to generate substantial wealth… while at the same time providing a lot of value to the world.

It starts with a simple commitment to your own business education: there are countless, free resources to get started learning those skills.

The system is undoubtedly rigged, and as the report shows, leaving a lot of people behind.

But especially for younger people who have the luxury of time, starting a business is a great way to take control of your future… and at a minimum, obtain valuable skills and experiences that will be highly beneficial in the future.

Copyright 2017, Simon Black, Sovereign ManAll rights reserved