‘Peace Through Violence’: How Antifa Works to Wreck America

The black-clad members of Antifa were treated as heroes for facing off against neo-Nazi’s and the Ku Klux Klan in Charlottesville.

CNN’s Chris Cuomo even compared Antifa to the soldiers fighting Hitler.

And CNN actually described Antifa as seeking ‘peace through violence’.

But what happened next, in Berkeley, when Antifa beat up peaceful demonstrators, has forced more and more leaders on the Left and Right to condemn the movement.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj-x95cb1-Q]

Freedom Fighters or Thugs?

America is learning what Europeans already know – that Antifa, which claims to fight racism and fascism, is not what it seems.

Antifa has been marching and destroying things in Europe for decades.

What Americans call “An-TEE-fuh”  is, in Europe, An-tee-FAH, a shortened version of the German ‘anti-fascistische aktion’.

It’s not a single organization but a movement, also known as the black bloc. It’s comprised of anarchists and Marxist revolutionaries who seek the overthrow of capitalist systems.

You Were Warned

In 2014, CBN News warned of the rise of Antifa in Europe, reporting:

If you want a glimpse into how bad it could become to America in the future, look to Europe.  Take American conservative values of God, country and traditional family to Western Europe and you would be  branded extreme right, anti-woman, homophobic and even Nazi. And should you be brave enough to actually demonstrate publicly for a conservative cause, you could be physically attacked. Or in Sweden your home might be wrecked. 

Author and Journalist Lars Hedegaard told us, ” You could get beaten up. We see that in Sweden by the way. You have these so-called anti-fascists coming to known right wingers homes and wrecking their apartments; destroy the furniture, tear up the books and then they make a video of it and put it out on the web [to say] ‘See what we did to this guy.’

The ‘Anti-fascists’ Are the Fascists

Under the banner of ‘fighting racism,’ Left-wing radicals terrorize those who dare to speak out against mutli-culturalism. 

Kim Møller is considered the leading expert on the extreme violent Left groups in Denmark. He told us, “Today they call them anti-racists or they fight for a better environment or a more humane society but their goal is to smash democracy as we know it.”

Dale Hurd: “It looks like they are against fascism but they’re really against parliamentary democracy?” 

Kim Møller said “Yeah. They’re revolutionary communists.” 

“If you say you want revolution, people say you’re crazy, but if you say you want to ‘fight racism,’ then suddenly everyone is against racism,” Møller said.

Antifa’s approach can be summed up in their slogans. They say they are resisting “hate and racism.” That sounds good, but they also include “patriarchy,”  which is Leftist code for Judeo-Christian values, and “Corporate rule,” which is pure Marxist theory.

Antifa’s Alliance with Radical Islam

Antifa can also be defined – not only by who it opposes – but by who it almost never opposes – radical Islam.

But why? Radical Islam treats women as property and calls for death for adulterers and homosexuals. This should be repugnant to Leftist radicals.

But Antifa is more likely to march against so-called Islamophobia than against Islam. Islam expert Robert Spencer has had first-hand experience with Antifa violence in Europe, he’s dodged eggs and excrement thrown by Antifa demonstrators, and leftists tried to poison him in Iceland.

He explains the connection: “The Left and the Jihadis both hate America. They are both internationalists. They both have contempt for borders; for nation states. And they hate the United States as being the foremost obstacle to their vision for the world.”

The Left’s ‘Muscle’ on American Streets

The Left-dominated European media tends to give Antifa a pass, treating them more like rowdy teenagers. Some say Antifa has become the Left’s muscle in Europe; driving conservatives out of the mainstream and underground.

This is the same Antifa that has come to America. They’re attracting large numbers of so-called progressives frustrated with President Trump and the Democratic leadership. It’s even attracting school teachers.

Antifa offers frustrated liberals a radical solution, and its goal, according to one leader, is to “make America ungovernable.”

Copyright 2017, Dale Hurd, Christian Broadcasting Network-All rights reserved

Benjamin Watson: It’s NOT About Skin… It’s About Sin!

During his interview with Brooke Baldwin from CNN, Benjamin Watson, a tight end for the New Orleans Saints expressed that there were two parts of his message that resonated with him the most—the introspection and encouragement.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4YQ6n9_y8E]
Introspectively he says, “How can I look at white skin and make assumptions but not want assumptions made about me? That’s not right.” He explains that he knows that sometimes you want to “take a side” and call it a day, but that isn’t the right thing to do.

When you make decisions without facts, you are simply giving in to your sin. Watson then goes on in the encouragement section of his message to explain exactly how he feels about that sin, and how it relates to every single one of us.

Ultimately the problem is not a SKIN problem, it is a SIN problem.” He then explains that sin is the reason why people rebel against authority, it is why people are racist, it is why people will sometimes lie just to cover for their own race.

Watson goes on to say that, “BUT I’M ENCOURAGED because God has provided a solution for sin through… his son Jesus and with it, a transformed heart and mind.”

As I mention in Volume 1 of my book, people who are bigoted and racist are the ones who have the problem. So let them worry about their own sin. God made us all different even though we are the same—our skin colour is just a sixteenth of an inch, and we have the same blood flowing through our veins.

We need also to remember that people are not really bad people, whether white or black, they are just doing what they were taught and raised up to do. Everyone—regardless of the colour of their skin—is selfish and self-seeking if they are not truly born again. We all need the saving grace of Jesus Christ to save us from our sins, fill us with His Spirit, and put the love of God in our hearts so that we can obey the first and greatest commandment—“to love God with all of our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbour as you do yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).

Christ died for our sins. And we’ve all sinned and God calls every one of us to repent and accept His amazing grace:

 And He made from one common origin, one source, one blood all nations of men to settle on the face of the earth, having definitely determined their allotted periods of time and the fixed boundaries of their habitation (their settlements, lands, and abodes), so that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after Him and find Him, although He is not far from each one of us……God overlooked and disregarded the former ages of ignorance; but now He commands all people everywhere to repent (to change their minds for the better and heartily to amend their ways, with abhorrence of their past sins). Why? Because He has fixed a day when He will judge the world righteously (justly) by a Man Whom He has destined and appointed for that task, and He has made this credible and given conviction and assurance and evidence to everyone by raising Him from the dead Acts 17: 26:31 AMP).

This is the kind of message that every American needs to hear right now, particularly the mainstream media aka (Ministry of Truth) and other black and white politicians who are profiting from the hatred, division and revenge by twisting the truth for material and political gain.