Should Christians Really Support Israel?

God is fulfilling promises today that were made to the Jewish people thousands of years ago. These promises rest on a series of legal agreements, called covenants, made between God and the Jewish people, that center on the land of Israel.

The cornerstone covenant — the Abrahamic Covenant — grants the title deed to the land of Israel to the descendants of the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This unconditional, irrevocable, and everlasting promise was literally sealed in blood (Genesis 12:1-7; 13:14-18; 17:7; 1 Chronicles 16:17-18; Psalm 105:8-11; Romans 9:4)!

God’s Land Covenant promised that Israel will one day become the prime nation of the world, that is, as long as the Jewish people remain obedient to God (Deuteronomy 28:1,13).

The Davidic Covenant promises an eternal King who will descend from the line of King David. One day this Messiah will rule over the entire world from Jerusalem (2 Samuel 7:10-16).

For hundreds of years, Christians have believed that because God said so, we should naturally support the nation of Israel. Seems pretty self-explanatory, wouldn’t you say?

Well, not so, says a particular group of Christians, Christians who meet at conferences with names like Christ at the Checkpoint. They question, “Should Christians really support Israel?”

Let’s debunk seven of their most popular myths for why Christians should not support the nation of Israel.

Myth #1: “The Jews killed Jesus!”

Those who accuse the Jews of killing Jesus seem to have purposefully forgotten that the Bible says, “Indeed Herod and Pontius Pilate met together with the Gentiles and the people of Israel in this city to conspire against your holy servant Jesus” (Acts 4:27-28).

So, not only did both Jews and Gentiles participate in murdering Jesus, but in truth, we are all sinners, and therefore all of us are responsible for Jesus dying on the cross. But, reality check, Jesus Himself clearly stated that He alone laid down His life, and that no one took it from Him (John 10:15-18).

Myth #2: “The Jews have been disinherited because of their unbelief.”

The Jews may have been evicted from their land — twice — due to their rebellion against God. But, as Psalm 105 explains, God guaranteed in His Abrahamic Covenant that the land of Israel unconditionally and forever belongs to the children of Jacob. And, as the Apostle Paul argued in Romans 9-11, “Did God reject his people? By no means! I am an Israelite myself… Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all!”

And so, no, God has neither disinherited the Jewish people nor revoked His land covenants.

Myth #3: “The Church has replaced Israel and now receives her inheritance.”

Not according to the Apostle Paul! He tells the story of an olive tree whose branches were pruned off due to unbelief, and wild vines grafted on (Romans 11). But, when the natural branches began believing again, they would be grafted back on the tree. Salvation may have come to the wild olive vines — the Church — but God still has salvation planned for the natural branches — a believing Israel who will call Jesus Savior.

Myth #4: “The Jews regathering back to the land of Israel can’t be from God because they haven’t repented and accepted Jesus as their Messiah.”

The Jews returning to Israel in unbelief is exactly what God foretold would happen. Isaiah prophesied the Jews would be regathered a second time from the nations of the world, and Ezekiel made it clear that the Jews would regather in unbelief in order for God Himself to give them a new heart towards Him (Isaiah 11:10-12; Ezekiel 36:22-28).

It’s no accident of history that a people dispossessed from their country for 1,900 years could ever have kept their ethnic identity and rebirthed their nation two millennia later. Such a thing has never happened! And this is the nation of the Bible we’re talking about. Therefore, the regathering of the Jews can only be a miracle from God.

Myth #5: “To support Israel is to support every action of the Israeli government.”

Nobody supports every action of any government, even their own. Supporting Israel is to support the redemptive work God is doing in bringing a remnant of their people to salvation in Christ and ultimately into the fulfilment of His covenants.

Myth #6: “The Jews stole the Palestinians’ land and live there illegally.”

First off, the Abrahamic Covenant grants the Jews the eternal deed to the land of Israel. Second, when the Jews began returning in the early 20th Century, there was no such thing as a Palestinian. The handful of Arabs living in that wasteland sold the land back to the Jews at exorbitant prices.

And third, Israel was created legally in response to a United Nations declaration passed in November 1947, which authorized the establishment of a Jewish state in the land the Romans had renamed Palestine. You can’t steal land that’s already legally yours!

Myth #7: “To support Israel is to hate the Palestinian people.”

Contrary to Arab propaganda, those who call themselves Palestinians enjoy more freedoms and rights in Israel than if they lived in any Muslim nation. For it’s not the Jews who hate and abuse the Palestinians, but their own terrorist leaders who steal billions of their foreign aid and deny refugees access back to their own home countries of Syria and Jordan.

Why, the Palestinians have been afforded several opportunities since 1948 to create another Palestinian state besides Jordan, but each time they have rejected those offers and instead responded with violence. Why? Because their ultimate goal is the annihilation of Israel. So, who exactly is hating who here?

With those myths busted, let’s look at some of the reasons why Christians should support Israel:

1. Democracy

The nation of Israel is the only Western-style democracy in a sea of Islamic tyranny. Supporting Israel is to support the only nation in the Middle East which offers religious freedom and human rights to women.

2. Defense

Israel protects the West and Christianity by standing as the first line of defense against violent, radical Islam.

3. Economics

Israel contributes to the world a mind-boggling amount of food, medicines, and cutting-edge technologies that raise the standard of living throughout the world.

4. Blessing

When it comes to supporting the nation of Israel, God promised in Genesis 12, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you…” Supporting Israel incurs God’s blessing.

5. Biblical

It rather goes without saying that it is biblically correct for Christians to support God. Since God loves the Jewish people and wants them to return to Him, then shouldn’t Christians want this as well? Loving Israel expresses our love for God.

6. Prophetic

And finally, whether you love or hate the nation of Israel, or even the Jewish people, regardless of what we mere mortals think — Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. God’s will will be done, and there’s just no stopping it. After all, who could ever stand against the Living God and expect to win (Psalm 76:7; Hebrews 10:31)?

So, in conclusion, it’s not “Should Christians really support Israel?” but rather — Christians must support Israel!

Copyright 2017, Christ in Prophecy– All rights reserved

Public Schools and Transgender Policy

This past summer I sat down to lunch with two retired teacher colleagues. After reminiscing about what one friend described as the “Golden Years of Public Education” our conversation turned to our kids and their grandchildren.

When I was asked by one of my friends, “Who will be your daughter’s next teacher?” I responded, “Her mother. We are homeschooling her.” After a brief pause they asked the question every homeschooling parent has heard, “Why?” My answer was short and said everything I needed it to say without really saying anything at all. “Public education is not what it used to be.”

This article serves as an opportunity to provide to you, my gracious reader, a more thorough insight into my response while addressing one facet of today’s evolving public education system. Today’s public schools are not yesterday’s public schools.


Both the velocity and the ferocity with which the LGBT agenda has infiltrated our public schools are remarkable. When I left the public classroom in 2006, this issue was barely on the radar screen. Within a decade, the topic is among the top few issues facing administrators and education professionals today. The ever-changing statutory and regulatory environment caused by evolving definitions and competing political parties creates an uncertain foundation upon which to develop policy. School districts are generally averse to litigation and prefer policies that avoid costly legal entanglements.1

This often appeals to community members and taxpayers interested in the best education for the children and the community for the lowest cost. What follows is a review of some of the pressures influencing public policy in our public schools today.

Title IX

Title IX refers to a Federal law enacted by the 92nd United State Congress amending inter alia The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and it states in part:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in,be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

This opened doors in the 1970’s to new opportunities for woman including participation in interscholastic sports. What followed is decades of interpretation and regulation regarding the implementation of this law by several government agencies. In a “Dear Colleague Letter” dated May 13, 2016 issued jointly be the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department of Education the following guidance appears:

“As a condition of receiving Federal funds,2 a school agrees that it will not exclude, separate, deny benefits to, or otherwise treat differently on the basis of sex any person in its educational programs or activities unless expressly authorized to do so under Title IX or its implementing regulations.

The Departments treat a student’s gender identity as the student’s sex for purposes of Title IX and its implementing regulations. (bold-faced added) This means that a school must not treat a transgender student differently from the way it treats other students of the same gender identity. The Departments’ interpretation is consistent with courts’ and other agencies’ interpretations of Federal laws prohibiting sex discrimination.”3 The Trump administration on February 22, 2017 rescinded the Obama administration’s guidance.4

Put yourself in the shoes of the Board of Education member required to vote on a resolution or policy regarding transgender issues. Consider the law firms retained by school districts which advice on how best to comply with statutes and regulations. The language in this government letter is neither ambiguous nor ambivalent.

Many school districts characterized the letter as requiring schools to be as open minded as possible on the issue of transgender student rights. A conservative approach fiscally has a progressive consequence socially. And a more fundamental issue is raised by the boldface sentence. Any resistance to the accommodation of gender identity priorities is tantamount to gender discrimination from which our current heated rhetoric hurls accusations of phobia and hate.

Dignity of All Students Act

The New York State legislature passed the Dignity of All Students Act (“DASA”) which took effect on July 1, 2013. Applicants for any New York State education certification are required to complete six hours of training.5 This law “seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.” The guidance found in the aforementioned “Dear Colleague Letter” confirmed and complemented this legislation.

When the Trump administration rescinded this letter and its guidance, the New York State Education Department on March 27, 2017 issued its own guidance. Chancellor Betty A. Rosa said,

We must reaffirm our commitment to providing educational sanctuaries, where students are free to learn regardless of their race, ethnicity, language spoken at home, immigration status, sexual orientation or any other basis. We must embrace all children as our own, with warmth and compassion.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said. “Our message is clear: school districts have a duty to protect the rights of their students – no matter the draconian policies coming out of Washington. I’m proud to continue to partner with Commissioner Elia and SED to ensure this message is heard loud and clear around the state.”6

Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act

New York State Senator Daniel Squadron sponsored bill S61A (known as the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act7 or “GENDA”) which “prohibits discrimination based on gender identity or expression and includes offenses regarding gender identity or expression under the hate crimes statute.”

This bill merges any resistance to the LGBT agenda with the dreaded label of hate crime. This bill has lost some momentum perhaps due to the many other developments in both our national and state capitols. California Governor Jerry Brown in 2013 signed the first state legislation of this kind which “gives students the right to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities based on their self-perception and regardless of their birth gender.”8

Other Developments

A Board of Education of a New York State school district faces protest and petition to remove from its “Wall of Fame” a Tennessee senator who received in 2008 this recognition from his school. “He has trivialized LGBT youth suicide, labeled homosexuals as a ‘dangerous and deadly’ community because he ignorantly claims only they can transmit HIV/ AIDS, and has attempted to pass the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Bill which would prevent any type of non-heterosexual discussions in schools. His beliefs are unacceptable for modern day society and certainly don’t set a good example for future generations.” 9

According to Planned Parenthood, the narrative about “the birds and the bees”10 is inadequate in today’s complex conversation about sexuality.

When it comes to gender, ideas about what it means to be a girl or a boy are everywhere, and these ideas have a big influence on your preschooler. Learn how to teach your kid that their gender doesn’t limit them, how to talk about different kinds of families, how to know if your kid is transgender, and more.”11

The link contains information on a new narrative which relies on themes including properly naming body parts and avoiding gender stereotypical patterns. And the advice recommends starting this conversation at the earliest of ages. The Minnesota Department of Education released on July 24, 2017 its Toolkit for Ensuring Safe and Supportive Schools for Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students.

The Department website describes it as a “(t)oolkit to help school districts and charter schools create school environments where transgender and gender nonconforming students are safe, supported and fully included, and have equal access to the educational opportunities provided to all students.” 12 About the toolkit NBC news reports13:

The 11-page ‘toolkit’ includes guidelines for the use of proper pronouns and preferred names — suggesting that teachers stop using the term ‘boys and girls,’ and instead use ‘students’ and ‘scholars’ — and tackles the hot-button issue of access to restrooms and locker rooms that correspond with a student’s gender identity. Authors propose single-user restrooms be available for any students who do not want to share a restroom with transgender and gender nonconforming students.”14

Information on the Gender Unicorn – along with other trans-student resources – is available at http:// I prefer to leave an investigation into this to you gracious reader. This purple puppet created quite a stir within the Charlotte Mecklenburg School system15 and this author lacks sufficient direct knowledge or reliable reporting to confidentially summarize what is taking place there. Suffice it to say that the Gender Unicorn appears to be influencing professional development programs and public policy decisions albeit on a small scale for now.

This author has long supported parental choice regarding the education of children. Choices include public schools, private schools, parochial schools and parental (home) schools and often combinations thereof. As fall brings about a new school year, I urge all parents to make deliberate, prayerful and informed decisions regarding their children’s education. I hope this article contributes to the information on which that decision is based.

The Parental Rights Amendment to the United States Constitution has been reintroduced in the United States Senate. This amendment proposes to add parental rights specifically and explicitly to the text of the United States Constitution, thereby protecting parental liberty “to direct the upbringing, education and care of their children.”16 Educate yourself about this Parental Rights Amendment and engage your representatives in your priorities.

Get involved in your local politics by running for a school board position. The Teaching and Learning Institute states its mission is “(t)o increase the number of candidates who are willing to run for their local school board. These candidates should be committed to family values based on a traditional Judeo-Christian belief system.”17And be in prayer for your family, your community, and your government.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)


2 My Gracious Readers will see a parallel between this and the Trump administration’s withholding of Federal monies from so-called sanctuary cities. For news breaking on the day that I write this article: http://www.








10 For the record, I have never received this talk, gave this talk or even claim to understand the analogy.




14 The author endorses as a public policy the availability of single-user restrooms for any student who prefersthis.





Copyright 2017, Chris Corlett, The News Journal September 2017-Koinonia House-All rights reserved.


Signs of the End of the Age

In Matthew 24, the Lord’s disciples asked Him for signs of the end of the age. He began His answer with these words: “‘Take heed that no one deceives you.'” (Matthew 24:3 NKJV)

There is no denying that we live in an age of deception: fake news, false advertising, viral lies, clickbait, and mainstream media propaganda, to name just a few examples. And it gets worse every day.

But Jesus also mentioned other “signs” of the end of the age. He included “rumors of war.” The world’s stand-off with North Korea may qualify as a “rumor of war” on steroids!

Jesus noted “earthquakes.” In the last 30 days, two massive earthquakes have hit Mexico alone! So far, the death toll from last week’s is over 300. And they’ve not even begun to tally the monetary damage! Many places in Mexico City still don’t have electricity or constant running water.

In 2 Timothy 3:1, the Apostle Paul says that, “In the last days perilous times will come….” Then he enumerates a list of perils.

But notice that the list does not mention a single natural disaster. No floods, famines, pestilences, or earthquakes. That’s because the greatest perils of the last days are the dangers of moral decline.

Look at this list. It is stunning how it mirrors — with amazing precision — today’s America (even down to the NFL stadiums!): “In the last days perilous times will come, For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5a NKJV)

Is that not a rundown of a single day’s headlines on America’s news channels?

Jesus also warned of the moral decay near the end of this age. He said it would manifest itself in several ways. He warned of a rise in lawlessness. That doesn’t necessarily mean train and bank robberies and raping and pillaging! It also means a general rise in disregard for the laws and order of the nation. Even by its government and business and political leaders!

Speaking specifically of the end times, Jesus said, “Then they will deliver you (His followers) to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name.” (Matthew 24:9 NASB)

In its annual report, The First Liberty Institute found a dramatic rise in hostility toward people of faith. The Institute’s Jeremy Dys said, “This year’s survey represents a 15 percent increase in just the last year. And an alarming 133 percent increase in just the last five years.”

But, thank God, not all signs of the times are negative. In Matthew 24:4, still speaking of these days, Jesus said, “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations.” Jesus is adamant that this will include every part of the earth. He emphasized “the whole world” and “all the nations.”

Author Joel Rosenberg notes that, “Amidst the worst persecution in the modern history of the Church, we are seeing the greatest advance of the Gospel and the greatest harvest of souls in the Middle East in the history of the Church.”

When both China and the Soviet Union finally opened up to the West, we found far more Christians than anyone thought possible. And there are many reports by other Christian ministries that the Gospel is sweeping the Middle East — thanks in large part to the internet!

The worldwide preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is one of the major signs that Jesus will return soon.

Most people, Christians included, think of October 31 as Halloween. That’s understandable since business and the media begin pounding it home as soon as we say goodbye to Labor Day.

But October 31 is also the day we annually celebrate something far more important and uplifting than Halloween. It’s “Reformation Day!” It is the day we celebrate Martin Luther nailing his “95 Theses” to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany.

October 31, 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of that monumental event.

In 1997, LIFE magazine called Martin Luther the third most important figure of the last millennium, behind only Christopher Columbus and Thomas Edison.

Though Luther undeniably had many flaws, at his best, he returned the Word of God to the center of Christian thought. He renewed the Church’s understanding of Christ as the author and perfecter of salvation. He brought salvation by grace through faith back into focus. In a very real sense, he reintroduced Christianity to Christ.

Retailers say that Batman will be the most popular costume this Halloween. I’m guessing there won’t be very many Martin Luther trick-or-treaters. Maybe it’s time to teach our kids about real people who truly changed the world!

Finally, have you ever wondered why conflict always seems to surround the city of Jerusalem?

Napoleon called Jerusalem, “…the hinge of history.”

Mohammed said that those who dwell in Jerusalem will be in a constant “state of jihad until Resurrection Day.”

Even the Berlitz Pocket Guide to Jerusalem notes that, “This is sacred ground and has had more blood spilled on it for its own sake than any other place in the world.”

Jerusalem does not possess the traditional assets of a great city. It is great because it is a spiritual city.

In Isaiah 45:13, God calls it, “My city.” In 2 Chronicles 33:4, He said, “My name shall be in Jerusalem forever.” (NASB)

To this day, the nations of the world are in turmoil over Jerusalem. Just as the prophets predicted.

As Jason Greenblatt, President Trump’s Middle East envoy prepares to return to the region in an attempt to restart the peace process, let’s remember to do what the Psalmist admonishes: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” (Psalms 122:6 NASB)

Copyright 2017, Hal rights reserved

Amusing Ourselves to Death

Trump, the NFL, and Us: America’s Descent into Triviality

Could it be that our fascination with the story is more important than the story itself? President Trump, the NFL, and us.

Last week was a week full of headlines. On Wednesday, the president, speaking before the United Nations, said that if the U.S. “is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.”

Later that day, Hurricane Maria crossed Puerto Rico from southeast to northwest, dropping upwards of forty inches of rain, including fourteen inches in a two-hour period, which may be a world record nobody wants to own. More than three million American citizens were left without power or water, and face a humanitarian crisis.

Oh, and somewhere in there was another failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare.

But by the weekend, the story that most Americans seemed to care about was a feud between the president and professional athletes.

By now, you undoubtedly know more than you need to know about that feud—I mean that literally—and I don’t want to contribute to a problem I’m about to decry. So for details, I’ll direct your attention to a fine piece by David French in the National Review.

But we’re still left with the question about why this discussion is consuming so much of our national attention when there are issues far more deserving that we are increasingly disinclined to care about.

I suggest the reason was the subject of a 1985 book called “Amusing Ourselves to Death,” by the late Neil Postman. Postman, the founder of New York University’s Media Ecology program, wrote about our culture’s “vast descent into triviality.”

Comparing George Orwell’s “1984” and Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” Postman concluded that Huxley had proved to be more prophetic. Whereas “Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information, Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism.”

Whereas “Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us, Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture.”

The consequences of becoming the sort of culture Huxley predicted was on full display this weekend. Namely, as Postman warned, by caring about things that aren’t important, while being distracted from things that truly are important.

We live in an age where the phrase “Instagram celebrity” can be said with a straight face. Historian Daniel Boorstin’s definition of a celebrity—“someone who is well-known for his well-knownness”—is now truer than ever. In such a culture, as Postman forewarned, being popular is confused with being important.

As Bill Brown, Senior Fellow for Worldview and Culture at the Colson Center has long said, “In other times and places, heroes made history. In our time and place, they make CD’s and touchdowns.” And yet, we are the people who know their lyrics and stats better than our own national history or Constitution. We can name the judges of “The Voice,” but not those on the Supreme Court.

Postman also worried that our desire for entertainment and distraction would rob us of our ability to think critically or to even think for ourselves at all.

Here’s a case in point: David French rightly asked how many people yelling ‘free speech’ for athletes are only too happy to sic the government on the tiny few bakers or florists who don’t want to use their artistic talents to celebrate events they find offensive?”

It is amazing just how prophetic Postman has proven to be, even though he was writing years before Internet or social media, and only a few years after cable television. He knew we were embracing self-destructive habits of the soul, and he tried to warn us.

But listening is not nearly as amusing as a Twitter war, and requires much more sustained attention than watching a football game.

Lord, have mercy on us all!

Copyright 2017, John Stonestreet BreakPoint-All rights reserved

Heart of Socialism

Socialism is trending in the minds of many Americans. Some love it, some hate it, and others are indifferent to it. Some Christians argue that it’s evil, while others argue that it’s morally good or neutral. Those that argue for its wickedness often fail to condemn the crony capitalism and corporate welfare that is widespread in the United States; therefore, their arguments often fall on deaf ears with socialist sympathizers. The arguments for its moral good or neutrality typically appeals to emotion, rather than evidence, which is considered insufficient for those that oppose it.

The face that comes to mind when we think of socialism in this election cycle is that of Bernie Sanders — the self-proclaimed democratic socialist. But the reality is that forms of socialism have been a part of the fabric of America since the public school system (late 1800s) and FDR’s New Deal (1933–1938).

Martin Luther King rightfully critiques the state of the country during his life when he said,

This country has socialism for the rich, rugged individualism for the poor.

Furthermore, socialism is extremely difficult to pin down and most will agree that there are varying degrees of socialism. You’d be hard pressed to find a consensus on the Internet of what components embody a socialist government. But for my purposes here, I will use the definition provided by John Piper:

A social and economic system that through legal or governmental or military coercion — in other words, you go to jail if you don’t do this — establishes social ownership at the expense of private or personal ownership and/or you could say where coercion is used to establish social control — if not ownership, at least control of the means of production in society. And thus, through control, you effectively eliminate many of the implications and motivations of private ownership.

In other words, Socialism borrows the compassionate aims of Christianity in meeting people’s needs while rejecting the Christian expectation that this compassion not be coerced or forced. Socialism, therefore, gets its attractiveness at certain points in history where people are drawn to the entitlements that Socialism brings, and where people are ignorant or forgetful of the coercion and the force required to implement it — and whether or not that coercion might, in fact, backfire and result in greater poverty or drab uniformity or, worse, the abuse of the coercion as we saw in the murderous states like USSR and Cambodia.

Few question whether those who advocate for socialistic forms of government have good intentions. They clearly seem to care about the poor. Some, like Senator Sanders, want to fight much of the corruption that is currently in Washington. But as the saying goes, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions” (though, no, I’m not here condemning anyone to hell). In other words, the good intentions of “social programs” (a term I will continue to use below) will have unexpected bad consequences in the long run.

I Was Something Like a Socialist

If you had asked me in college what I thought about socialism, I would have said it was an attractive idea. While I was mostly indifferent to politics (this will be the first presidential election I’ve voted in), I considered myself conservative on issues like abortion but liberal on issues such as government assistance or social programs. I was what some would call a moderate. I had no problem with a system that called for the government to give money to the needy and less fortunate. But my understanding of economics, politics, the human heart, and the consequences of ideas was extremely limited. I was chasing a kind of utopia — a heaven on earth.

Growing up in one of the poorest counties in the poorest state of the republic, most of the people I knew received some type of government assistance. For some families, it was a crutch. But for others, it was a stepping-stone, and the assistance was temporary. The biggest difference I noticed between the two groups was that the latter possessed Christian values of hard work and familial support, while the former simply didn’t. Because of this, the former’s cycle of poverty continued, while the latter ended theirs within one or two generations.

My family was one of the households that recieved government assistance. I’ll give you a peek into my background. My grandmother helped raised me and along with my mother and aunts, instilled a lot of good values in my cousins and me at an early age. Though my grandmother only received an eighth grade education and grew up in complete poverty, by the grace of God, she is the reason the poverty cycle was eliminated in one generation. She not only taught us the value of hard work but she modeled it.

Every morning she woke up before dawn, exercised, labored in her garden in the Mississippi sun, read her Bible, and prayed. But her work wasn’t done. I never missed a meal, the house was always spotless, and the lawn was always well kept. She put two children through college (my mom is one them) and helped raise a bunch of grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Everything that she did was motivated by what she believed the Bible taught. She loves her family and sacrificed so much to make sure we had opportunities and privileges she didn’t have. Even today, I recognize our family is reaping the benefits of her labors more than our own. My labors alone couldn’t have gotten me where I am today.

Don’t Demonize the Recipients

As my grandmother and other recipients of social programs reveal, it is unquestionably false that everyone who benefits from social programs are lazy and will remain lazy. But it is equally false that social programs are essential to bringing families out of poverty or are necessary for a thriving society.

Despite the good they seem to do in some cases, I can’t in good conscience embrace them as a necessary means to escaping poverty. In my experience, I’ve witnessed it hinder more families than it has helped. We give social programs too much credit and the importance of family and faith too little. As a matter of fact, some economists assert that it was during the welfare state the condition of a particular group of its recipients began to decelerate. As the black economist Thomas Sowell pointed out:

The black family, which had survived centuries of slavery and discrimination, began rapidly disintegrating in the liberal welfare state that subsidized unwed pregnancy and changed welfare from an emergency rescue to a way of life.

Sowell continues to attack the myth that social programs improved the conditions of blacks in America:

The economic rise of blacks began decades earlier, before any of the legislation and policies that are credited with producing that rise. The continuation of the rise of blacks out of poverty did not — repeat, did not — accelerate during the 1960s. The poverty rate among black families fell from 87 percent in 1940 to 47 percent in 1960, during an era of virtually no major civil rights legislation or anti-poverty programs.

Evidence seems to suggest that the families that have eliminated the poverty cycle while on social programs would have very likely done the same without the programs. While there have been numerous instances of grave injustices towards minority groups in our country that have hindered progress (slavery, Jim Crow), social programs don’t seem to be the cause of any significant improvements.

Therefore, I want to humbly provide three practical reasons, based on my Christian worldview, why more social programs could actually substitute the family, empower the government, and hinder the church.

  1. Social programs substitute the family.

The family unit is essential to a healthy society. It is in the best interest of the government to defend family values for the protection of children as well as the mental and emotional health of future generations. Scripture is clear that the family is an institution of God, and he is deeply concerned for its wellbeing.

Scripture is also clear that it is the responsibility of the family, not the government, to take care of its members. Paul’s instructions in 1Timothy 5:8 are clear: “If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Earlier in the text, Paul is adamant that widows who have children should not be enrolled into the care of the church.

Social programs often deceive families into believing that due to government assistance, they no longer have a responsibility to care for their family members. I remember sitting in the barbershop listening to a young man vent because his elderly mother wasn’t receiving any government assistance.

He obviously cared deeply for his mother. But he didn’t see it as his responsibility to care for her. This grieved me deeply, but I understood where he was coming from. Just a few years ago I would have given him an “amen” about how messed up the system was. But based on my worldview, I no longer believe that it’s the government’s job to take care of my parents. It’s my responsibility according 1 Timothy 5 and Ephesians 6:2.

When we depend on the government to take care of our family, we’re commissioning the government to take money from other citizen’s hard-earned income and give it to our family. How? The government doesn’t generate profit apart from its citizens. Every single dime the government receives comes out of what otherwise would be the wages of its citizens. Therefore, my wife and I have vowed to take responsibility for our parents in their old age, no matter the cost.

Today, the country of Sweden has been presented as a picture of a successful democratic socialist country. But one young man who grew up in Sweden begs to differ. Sebastian Bjernegård, a citizen of Sweden, now living in America, sent me his thoughts on democratic socialism in Sweden. He comments on how power government affects the family,

When government gets too powerful, the family and the church are viewed as secondary to the state. The government presumes it knows what is best for your kids. Soon homeschooling becomes illegal.

Sweden has become one of the most secular countries in the world. The expanse of socialism is often followed by an expanse of secularism. Recently, an article argued that children should have their own right to decide what religion they want to believe in (if they want to), so parents should not be able to force their children to go to church. This belief is now widely held amongst the people I know in Sweden.

As social programs increase, so does government power. Then familial provision and authority inevitably decrease.

  1. Social programs empower the government.

As Bjernegård explains, social programs empower the government. There is a clear correlation between dependence and power. For an example of this, look no further than the relationship between the parent and the child.

Generally, children are inclined to obey their parents because very early on children recognize that they are wholly dependent on and at the mercy of their parents. They recognize that mommy and daddy give them food and have the power to either take away or buy them new toys. They realize mommy and daddy have the authority to discipline them when they disobey. They even adopt their parents’ moral system as children, even if only for a temporary period of time. Some children even retain a certain amount of loyalty to their parents once they’re older, standing by their parents even when the parent might be wrong. Here, we clearly see the power of provision.

Not convinced? Observe the relationship between the employee and employer. The employee is dependent upon the employer to make a living — pay bills, make rent, and buy food. Therefore, the employee is motivated to obey his or her employer in order to survive. Due to the dependents’ reliance on the providers, the providers are empowered. Consequently, compromises are made by the dependents because of the power possessed by their providers.

This same relationship exists between the government and beneficiaries of social programs. The benefactors depend on the government for survival, or at least extra income. The institution of the family could become irrelevant and the motivation to work is potentially eroded. Suddenly, programs become “rights” rather than a way out of poverty. The crutch that was meant to be temporary becomes a permanent means of survival. Alexis de Tocqueville rightly observed,

It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights — the “right” to education, the “right” to healthcare, the “right” to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery — hay and a barn for human cattle.

The government becomes master and the recipients become dependents and slaves. In order to keep their rations, compromise is not only necessary but also inevitable. The party that promotes the social programs the dependents deem appropriate and just, this is the group’s morality the dependents either accept or tolerate. Like children, they eventually stop thinking for themselves and completely lean upon the government for understanding.

Fredrick Douglass appropriately argues,

To make a contented slave, you must make a thoughtless one. It is necessary to darken his moral and mental vision, and, as far as possible, to annihilate his power of reason. He must be able to detect no inconsistencies in slavery. The man that takes his earnings must be able to convince him that he has a perfect right to do so. It must not depend upon mere force; the slave must know no Higher Law than his master’s will. The whole relationship must not only demonstrate, to his mind, its necessity, but its absolute rightfulness.

The government has become God when we believe that there is no higher law. This is extremely dangerous when we know from history that the government (and the Supreme Court) has upheld morally repulsive laws. But too often Christians use passages like Romans 13 as an excuse to sit idly by and accept government actions, even though they are unjust. When we do this, we are submitting to the government as the “higher law.”

For example, while the Bible commands us to pay our taxes, it likewise teaches us that a worker deserves his wages. Does this mean we should rebel, or neglect to pay our taxes, when we believe the tax system is unjust? Not necessarily. However, we shouldn’t passively accept unjust tax programs that misuse the resources we’ve earned. If we live in a “free society,” then, we should take a stand on our constitutional givens to pressure our leaders to represent us in our nation’s capital.

Furthermore, the money we recover in a just or righteous tax program should be used to care for the needs of our fellow saints, our neighbors, and for the glory God, rather than our own lusts and carnal desires. We’re all guilty of the latter. I know I am. Christians don’t fight for low tax rights to store up treasures on earth, but to invest in our neighbors and fellow laborers for the advancement of the gospel.

Ultimately, a good government should encourage good behavior and discourage bad. At most, I think it’s appropriate for the government to reward those who perform acts of charity in their local communities and penalize those who do evil. Unfortunately, our government has become so morally bankrupt that often what is evil is rewarded as if it were good (abortion). Forms of socialism seems to do the opposite and over a period of time labels acts of loves as God given rights. This is destructive to the nation and her citizens.

  1. Social programs hinder the church.

In the interview mentioned above, John Piper addressed the subject of socialism. He began with a statement that bears repeating:

In the church no one should go hungry. No one should be without a place to stay. No one should fail to get the healthcare they need. No one should go without a job if it is possible for believers to help them find one. And so on. All of this should happen through the free and uncoerced help of other believers.

When Luke writes in Acts 2:44–45, “All who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need,” what he means is that every need was being met by other believers, even if they had to sell things that they owned in order to help meet them — and this was done freely. It didn’t remove, but rather presumed, the ownership of private property.

Churches that spend their money on bigger buildings, more technology, and private jets for the pastor, and neglect the needs of their members, are an affront to the gospel. A widow with three kids and no relatives should never have to go the to the government for assistance. Her burden should be the church’s burden. A Christian family in need of healthcare should never have to depend on a government’s universal healthcare program.

They should be able to go to their churches and other Christians for help. There are several Christian healthcare sharing programs that exist as great alternatives to insurance that provide you with the funds you need to get good healthcare and an opportunity to give to the needs of others.

Some will counter, “This may be ideal, but it is wishful thinking.” The same can be said about socialism, which is man’s attempt to address poverty. But what about God’s divine authority? The Christian should never consider a man-made system as practical but the revelation of God idealistic. 

God Cares for the Poor

Scripture clearly teaches that God cares for the poor and expects his people to be just as concerned (Deuteronomy 15:4–5). If we only talk about how much we hate forms of socialism but never discuss biblical alternatives that address the problems socialism attempts to address, as one inner city pastor wrote to me, we “lose massive moral foundation from which to speak.”

The government is a good and necessary institution, but God has a lot more to say about church and family. History shows that faith in government can’t bring authentic change. Those who place their hope in government are no different than those who place their hope in horses and chariots (Psalm 20:7).

Some may object that my view only transfers power from the government to the church and family. They are correct. But that power is limited. The family only has power over the members of its household. The church’s power is limited to its members and is voluntarily submitted to. If a family is abusive, in a free society with a limited government, the child can one day leave. If a church is unbiblical, members are free to leave and find another congregation or walk away from the faith completely. But if a government becomes too powerful, its power has no limits. It can interfere with the family and church. In some cases, its citizens are trapped, unable to even leave the country.

Social programs are a slippery slope that could lead to unjust governments, more broken homes, and dead churches. Therefore, I simply can’t embrace them. A free society under a just government gives us plenty of options. We love our neighbours by starting non-profits, building hospitals, and opening schools that address the needs of the people without using the force of the government. What I’m proposing is not easy, but it is a biblical alternative that will require sacrifice, vision, newfound conviction, and a radical shift in how we view church, family, and government.

Imagine a nation where Christians didn’t use the force of government to impose unnecessary laws (temperance movement) on unbelievers or to create a theocracy by force, but loved their neighbors through truth (spreading the gospel) and mercy (meeting their needs). I dream of a country where Christians lead the nation in acts of mercy — loving and caring for the least of these. Since “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8), we should sacrifice for and die to ourselves, not only for other Christians, but unbelievers as well.

Phillip Holmes served as a content strategist at He’s married to Jasmine. They have a son. Copyright 2017, Phillip Holmes -Desiring God-All rights reserved. Image courtesy: The Economic Collapse


The Man of Lawlessness-Antichrist

The Antichrist spirit has always been present at various times in history. For instance, Daniel mentions Antiochus Epiphanes IV, who in a sense is parallel to the final Antichrist referred to in Dan. 11:36; II Thess. 2:3-12; I John 4:3; II John 7; and Rev. 13:5-at the end of this age. He was a terrible tyrant who was determined to wipe out the Jewish people.

He desecrated the temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar and even set up a statue of Jupiter in the Holy of Holies. He massacred 40,000 Jews, pulled down the walls of Jerusalem, commanded the sacrifice of forbidden swine, forbade circumcision and destroyed all the sacred books that he could find. It was so dreadful that the Jews could not stand it which resulted in the Maccabean revolt.

Students of prophecy have endeavored to identify him for centuries. Nero, Hitler, Mussolini, and many others have all been suggested. However, the timing needs to be a consideration.We are now living at the correct stage in history for this world leader to be revealed.

Who is this Man?

This future strong leader has four titles: Antichrist, beast, man of sin, and son of perdition.  The final title of perdition was previously applied to Judas Iscariot who betrayed his Master Jesus Christ. As John wrote this down in 96 A.D., he did not know the future world leader’s identity. “And as for the beast that once was, but now is no more, he himself is an eighth ruler (king, head), but he is of the seven and belongs to them, and he goes to perdition” (which is the same place of judgment reserved for Judas Iscariot) (Revelation 17:11).

This man’s rule will last prophetically speaking for one hour. How long a period of time does the one hour represent? The one hour leadership of this future strong man will actually last for 42 months, which is only three and a half years if the Jewish calendar at 30 days to a month is used.

And the beast was given the power of speech, uttering boastful and blasphemous words, and he was given freedom to exert his authority and to exercise his will during forty-two months-three and a half years”(Revelation 13:5).

During this time of the strong leader’s reign, Almighty God will personally see to it that His will is fulfilled as the ten decision makers in the central tier hand over their authority to this one man. “These have one common policy (opinion, purpose), and they deliver their power and authority to the beast “(Revelation 17:13).

What about those who claim that the Antichrist will be assassinated and then be resurrected from the dead?

In  Revelation 13:1-3 John says he saw “a beast coming up out of the sea” He then adds that the beast had ten horns with crowns and seven heads, and that one of his heads “had been slain,” and “the fatal wound had been healed.” Here prophecy teacher David Reagan reminds us:

This is a symbolic imagery, which might refer to kingdoms rather than a person. In Revelation 12:3 Satan is portrayed as a dragon with seven crowned heads and ten horns. In Revelation 13:1 the Antichrist is pictured as a beast with seven heads and ten crowned horns. Satan’s heads are crowned because they represent the seven great world empires which he has controlled. The Antichrist’s ten horns are crowned because they represent the ten kingdoms he will initially control.

A clue to the identity of the seven heads is located in Revelation 17:9-11 where the imagery of seven mountains is used to refer to the great kingdoms of the world. We are told that at the time John was writing (about 95 A.D.), “five had fallen, one is, the other has not yet come” (Revelation 17:10). That would mean that the kingdoms past, in order, would be Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Greece. The current kingdom (“one is”) was Rome.

The one yet to come is the kingdom of the Antichrist which will be based initially on control of ten kingdoms, but will expand into a worldwide empire which will be the eighth and last of the Gentile world kingdoms (Revelation 17:11). So, I believe the “head” referred to in Revelation 13:3 which is slain and then resurrected is the Roman Empire, and not an individual. We are witnessing that resurrection today in the emergence of the European Community.

The European Union

During his annual State of the Union address, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said the “wind was back in Europe’s sails” now that Britain is on the way out. Now is the time, he said, for the European Union to forge ahead with a new UNITED STATES OF EUROPE! Junker envisions a militarized union and a European Superstate with one powerful president presiding over a very undemocratic union!

A way back in 1957, Henri Spaak, Secretary General of NATO, made a very profound statement:

We are tired of committees. Send us a man, whether he be God or the devil, we will receive him.

In a criticism of the European Union, some years ago, Dr. Henry Kissinger pointed out that the Community lacked strong leadership.

There is no strong leader with whom one can negotiate and speak for the group as a whole.

It was predicted in great detail by the prophets’ way back in 586 B.C. and then 95 A.D. that in world history there would be 7 significant empires, the European Union being the last (Revelation 17:10).

This final empire will continue to bumble along until a strong leader is appointed. Union with unity is the initial stage of this group. The inner ruling tier of 10 nations will finally submit to a strong leader.

And as for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings shall arise; and another shall arise after them, and he shall be different from the former ones, and he shall subdue and put down three kings (Daniel 7:24).

Remember the European Union will not exercise real power until a strong leader is appointed. At this point, it will require supernatural intervention, as the European Union countries have not previously been known for co-operation.

For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His own purpose by acting in harmony in surrendering their royal power and authority to the beast, until the prophetic words (intentions and promises) of God shall be fulfilled (Revelation 17:17).

His political headquarters is likely to be in Berlin, German as prophet Sundar says here in the next video:



He will control every citizen using the available technology. Through surveillance, wiretaps, spying, this Big Brother will be watching your every move. It is already happening. He will promise peace while preparing for war. He will further expand his empire through wars and false treaties until he controls all the nations of the world.

The Antichrist will come to power at a time of international economic crisis. Remember Hitler came to power because of the stock market crash of 1929, which triggered economic hardship in Germany. Today money is losing value at an exponential rate. Is it all part of the plan so that as money becomes valueless we move into the next level of dependence upon the government?

The danger we are facing is similar to one Germany faced before Hitler rose to power. In an economic crisis, Hitler offered a solution to a nation’s problem. He was voted in by public acclaim. Similarly, there is no leadership in Europe or in the world today.

The people’s cry is, “Give us a man!” This man of sin will be revealed exactly just as the Bible predicted. No man will be able to buy or sell anything without having the mark of the beast on his right hand or forehead (Revelation 13:17)

He will Demand Universal Worship

The Antichrist’ goal like that of Hitler will be to be worshipped. He will demand that all people throughout the world worship the beast and his image or be executed. He will be another Adolf Hitler, but more powerful, more deceptive, more blasphemous, and cruel. In his book, Hitler’s Cross, Dr. Erwin Lutzer writes,

The crowds in Germany adored and called ‘Heil Hitler’ using the famed Nazi salute which was used to invoke the power of earth and soil in the occult organization the Order of the Golden Dawn. In an interview that Lutzer conducted, she heard a woman say that when she shook hands with Hitler, she returned to her hometown to be treated like a “goddess.” She said, according to one villager, “shaken the hand of the German god.

The Eastern gurus tell us today that we are all gods and that we need to simply realize the potential inherent within ourselves. But the godhood of man, which has always been believed in various forms in the East, is now being accepted in the West too.

Just as Germany accepted Hitler because of rampant occultism, so the West and other nations are being prepared for a leader who claims to be god. After all, if we are all little gods, why can’t a charismatic ruler be called the bigger god, the personification of deity?

The False Prophet

The Antichrist will be assisted by a false prophet who will lead the world’s religions into a combined apostate church that will worship the Antichrist. He will begin with lies, craft (or deceit) to prosper and then make laws, and finally be worshipped as lord. Jesus says,

Then’ if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it.  For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand (Matthew 24:23-24).

The false prophet will use counterfeit religion to support the political agenda of the Antichrist. He will deceive those who live on the earth by many signs which will be granted to him. He will be able call fire down from heaven and he will use all supernatural signs to deceive people. The magnitude of the false prophet’s abilities will cause some to turn away from the faith.

In the Book of Revelation, John writes about the accomplishments of this false prophet:

He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived (Revelation 13: 13-14 NKJV).

We should understand that Satan is capable of making many miracles and supernatural signs and just because something is supernatural doesn’t mean that it is coming from the Lord. Truth is not established by signs and wonders. It is established from the Word of God.

Jesus says: You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32) Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17) False prophets will always be the people that demand worship and set themselves as God, and then afterwards they persecute God’s people to the point of total destruction.

Daniel says, “And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time” (Daniel 7:25).

In summary and according to Daniel 7:21-27 and 8:23-25, the antichrist will perform these activities:

  1. First the antichrist will wage war against God’s people as described in Revelation 13:7.He will conquer three of the ten rulers. He might come from one of the countries of the revived Roman Empire, and subdue three of the ten kings to become head of these nations.
  2. He will speak out against true God of Heaven (verse 25). Scripture literally indicates that he will attempt to raise himself to the level of God and speak blasphemous words against the Most High God from his position. At the beginning of three and a half years, He will confirm a seven year comprehensive peace treaty in the Middle East and break it after three and a half years. This treaty must include Syria and Lebanon (See Daniel 9:27).
  3. He will enter the temple, desecrate it, and declare himself to be God. This was also predicted by Paul when he wrote.…who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4).
  4. He will persecute the saints of the Most High God (verse 25). Though believers of the present age have a blessed hope of being removed from the earth at the coming of the Lord for His Church (See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), for those believers who will probably be left behind will be afflicted and persecuted by the Antichrist, and some will be martyred of their faith in Christ Jesus.
  5. He will attempt to change the moral and natural laws (Verse 25). And he will be able to perform many miracles which will cause many to believe his counterfeit miracles and become his followers. Paul also writes that the coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2:8-12).
  6. He will work along with another religious man called the False Prophet to introduce the mark of the Beast i.e. a silicon chip or similar, placed under the flesh of every individual who wishes to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-18).
  7. He will rule this world for at least seven years until he is finally destroyed by Jesus Christ at the battle of Megiddo which in Hebrew is called Armageddon. Daniel predicts that his short reign will come to a disastrous end (Daniel 8:23-27).

Dr. Dave Williams says a few key traits  that will identify the Antichrist:


Do you Know His Identity?

Great changes will occur in the European Union, and arguments and divisions will become more common. But let us not run to any instant conclusions. There are many other powerful men with qualifications which are most impressive. But there is one man who will ultimately be given full authority and will unite the previously divided countries. So if he is alive today, do you know his identity?

Author James Bailey of Z3 News has a compilation video and articles (here, here, here and here) of various people saying they had dreams or the Lord spoke to them about Obama being the Antichrist. You can of course find so many of them on You Tube.

Whether the former president is the man who will lead the world for three and a half years or these people are just conspiracy nutters, we don’t know, interestingly, he is claiming to “change the world” in his upcoming summit. To us, he is merely a “prototype” as we scan the media columns for a possible candidate.

Remember, many little antichrists precede the main Antichrist at the time of the end. So who is he? I might confess at this stage that I don’t know, but I am watching… Time will tell!

Finally, the Lord Jesus Christ is likened in Scripture to a great stone or a rock. If that rock falls on you, it will crush you. If, however, you choose to build your life on that rock, you will live forever.  This great stone will collapse all earthly empires and set up His own at certain time in history. This particular time can now be easily calculated once all power has been handed over to this future strong leader.

Just as you saw that the Stone was cut out of the mountain without hands and that it broke in pieces the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter. The dream is certain and the interpretation of it is sure (Daniel 2:45).

Notice that in that day, the Lord Jesus Christ will not be in competition with any other. God through Jesus Christ will set up His own Kingdom and rule the whole world. When Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man can come to Father except through Me, He wasn’t joking!


Open Letter to a Daughter

To my sweet daughter,

As you begin junior high this month, the atmosphere about you is crackling with excitement. So many new doors are opening, and I am rejoicing with you. But now is also the time when we have to revisit a topic that may seem a bit awkward: your body.

I want you to think of this letter as the culmination of the many conversations we’ve had over the last decade. This is simply another step in helping you see our fallen world from God’s perspective: a sea of lost creatures in rebellion against their Creator, entirely deceived in their (failing) efforts to find love, acceptance, and beauty in all the wrong places.

For the sake of your heart and your soul, I want to share five truths to help anchor your identity in Christ and crystallize the purpose for which he created your body.

1. Your body is a gift to be treasured, not sold for a trifle.

Culturally speaking, we have moved from casting scorn on public sexualized behavior to distributing accolades and demanding encores. The lewder, the bawdier, and the wider the audience, the better.

But my dear, this is not what Jesus had in mind when he paid the ultimate price for your body and soul (1 Corinthians 6:20). Your value and worth are rooted in your image-bearing nature (Genesis 1:26–27). You have innate value not because of a growing numbers of “liking” friends, but because of the infinite love and finished work of your Lord (Ephesians 5:1–2).

2. Your body was created to be poured out, not merely admired.

American culture happily feeds those who crave sexual sin. The appetite is insatiable. It will require supernatural wisdom for you to understand that your body is not a spectacle for greedy eyes, but instead a tool to be harnessed for the economy of God. He made your brain, muscles, and bones to work, to serve, to learn, to play, and to worship him.

From centuries of rib-crushing corsets in Europe to centuries of foot-binding in China, cultures have repeatedly misunderstood (and abused) the very nature of the female body. You are not an object to be petted or paraded about for pleasure (Matthew 5:28). Rather, my love, you are a co-laborer in the many good works God has prepared for you in advance (Ephesians 2:10).

3. Your body does not constitute the whole of your identity.

While your peers interact with you on a physical level — they only see your outward parts, as it were — your essence is actually a fully united body and spirit. Your soul will live forever, and your body will be resurrected (Philippians 3:21).

Both your soul and your body are valuable, which makes all the more virulent the cultural lie, rooted in pagan Gnosticism, that your body can live and flourish separately from your heart. In truth, the desires of your heart determine every word and action you make with your body (Luke 6:45). And while physical flaws and failures abound in this world, these marks of the fall are neither a cause for concern nor the point of your existence. You are more than the sum of your body’s features. The purpose for which you were created is this: to give praise and glory to your heavenly Father (Psalm 63:3–4).

4. Your body is a life-giving temple.

I’m referring here not to Beyoncé-style goddess worship for the benefit of prime-time television viewers. Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). And as such, God designed your body to give life to others. Not just your womb, but every part of you.

Your heart gives life by loving Jesus, your neighbor, and (likely) your future husband and children (Matthew 22:37–38, Titus 2:4). Your lips give life by speaking words of truth and singing melodies to Christ (Ephesians 5:19). Your hands give life by covering themselves in the muck and mire of serving others (Romans 12:13). Your legs give life by supporting a lifetime of ministry inside and outside the home. Your eyes give life by seeing (and loving) people enslaved to the powers and principalities of this world (Ephesians 6:12). Your tongue gives life by forming the words of gospel hope that are capable of breaking the manacles of sin (1 Peter 3:15).

5. Your body will show your neighbors whom and what you worship.

You will no doubt wonder about the cultural obsession with maintaining a youthful and beautiful physical appearance. To some degree, this is a struggle for every woman in every age. But remember Lady Wisdom’s warning: evil often masquerades as a beautiful and seductive siren (Proverbs 5:3–6).

In one of the greatest epic poems ever written, The Faerie Queen, Duessa is a beauty who symbolizes deceit and folly. She is contrasted with Una, also beautiful, but who represents purity and truth. You will encounter some form of Duessa’s superficial charm in nearly every image you see, and unmasking her deception will require superhuman strength. Thankfully, such strength is at your disposal. The spirit of the living God resides in you and will be faithful to nurture your affections in a way that seems entirely otherworldly to your peers (John 14:16).

The way you treat your body reveals more than your preferences; it reveals whom and what you worship. Pray that the Lord will make you known for your internal, imperishable qualities rather than your external appearance (1 Peter 3:3–4). Physical beauty should certainly not be scorned, as it is a gift to be stewarded from God, but it is not an end in itself. All the beauty we see in human and natural form should constantly remind us that we serve a delightfully creative and powerful God.

Hold Fast

As you embark on this next leg of your journey as a young Christian woman, I pray you will quickly identify and reject the lies shaping so much of modern Western culture. The enemy may appear to be winning, but his victory is temporary. His defeat was assured on the cross, and it is there that you will find your identity and strength.

Hold fast, my love. These are the truths on which you can stake your body and your soul.

Copyright 2017, Desiring GodAll rights reserved

Rise of The Beast? New Push For Powerful Federal Europe Led By President

European Union boss Jean-Claude Juncker has charted a course for a much more powerful superbloc of nations in his controversial State of the Union address. With Britain leaving and the continent’s economy growing, its federalists are now taking the chance to push for a big leap forward.

The most notable for prophecy watchers is his call for combining the EU’s two presidental positions — the European Commission, responsible for the bloc’s day-to-day running, and the European Council, which brings together the national leaders — in a single post, filled after a Europe-wide election.

“To understand the challenges of his or her job and the diversity of our member states, a future president should have met citizens in the town halls of Helsinki as well as in the squares of Athens,” Juncker said.

Electing a single leader for the bloc has been suggested for years but rarely has the role and responsibility of such a position been outlined.  This new leadership position would also be emboldened by what the European Commission Presidents envisions as a new European Defence Union that all member stats would join – essentially an EU army.

Several member states led by Germany and France have already taken incremental steps to consolidate specific units, divert defense funds into sequestered accounts and create new coordinated command structures.  For the first time, the EU created in March a joint military command center.

In fact Gernmany’s foreign minister has expressed hopes of a European superstate becoming a global player in international politics, in the midst of growing tensions between Russia and North Korea. Foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel said it was time Europe found its “own voice” instead of letting the US dictate global affairs while the continent argues amongst itself.

Part of that unified push sees an oppotunity for Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia to finally become full members of the Schengen borderless area while the President of the Ukraine is pushing for an immediate seat at the EU table to become the bloc’s 28th member.  This would stretch the power of Brussels thousands of miles from Ireland to the borders of Russia.

Ukrainian President Poroshenko called for Ukraine to be seen as the “new eastern border” of the European Union, a union which he said should accept the vision of Juncker and become “closer”. He said: “The idea of European integration must get a second wave.

Will this second wave create a fully unified EU that could soon be a military to rival that of the United States in size, capability and cohesion? The bureaucrats in Brussels would like nothing more.

Bible prophecy watchers have long speculated that the EU could represent be the final “Beast” empire talked about in the book of Daniel and Revelation.

The potential for a new more powerful/federalist Europe with a single president to lead it has ramifications not only politically and economically but prophetically as well.

Surprisingly, even The Economist magazine recognized that this was an important factor for some Protestants voting to leave the Union in their article: “Protestants, leaving Europe is a matter of eschatology”.

These evangelicals believed that remaining in the EU put them at risk of eventually joining the “The Beast’s” final world empire.  Why did they believe this?

The Bible speaks of several different beasts. Each one is used symbolically to give insight into different aspects of the final world empire and it’s leader, and when studied together give us a much better picture of what to expect in the Last Days.

Revelation 13 speaks of a beast in its first 7 verses. Another beast, ridden by a woman, is described in Revelation 17. Daniel 7 speaks of four separate beasts, with a reference to a “little horn” that appears during the time of the fourth beast. Revelation 13 also describes a second “two-horned beast,” beginning in verse 11. These beastly images are also to be understood in the context of the giant image of a man composed of four separate metals in Daniel 2.

Relative to most of these descriptions, in describing this final world empire is the number 10; 10 toes, 10 heads and 10 horns. Each give us different understanding but all point to an alliance of 10 nations or leaders that will one day be controlled by the “little horn”, the Antichrist.

It remains to be seen how the number 10 figures into this new European push but some have suggested as the EU enlarges it needs a smaller council to help it be administered.  A  European council of 10 that represtents the bloc of nations to the EU president is an interesting possibility.

Will a new, powerful and charismatic leader emerge on the scene to lead Europe? European Commission Juncker is already pushing for the spread of the Euro to non-European nations.  This would certainly spread the economic power of the joint bloc as well.

We do not know how these proposals will ultimately play out but we do know eventually this prophecy will come to pass.  Recent events represent serious change for this region and the world.  It is an area that the Bible has a lot to say about in the Last Days and we encourage you to become familiar with the different passages in Daniel and Revelation that reveal what the final world empire will look like.

Several prophecy experts recently came together to produce a new 10 hour DVD series called Decoding The Future”, that walks you through the Book of Revelation, chapter by chapter.  This resource will equip you with a better understanding of how these “beast” passages fit into the larger context of Revelation and the Bible itself.

Copyright 2017, Prophecy News Watch-All rights reserved

Image courtsey: The Art of David Dees

10 Marks of a Prophet

The office of the prophet is probably the least-understood and most-neglected ministry office in the Church today. If we refuse to receive an apostle, we refuse order. However, if we refuse to receive a prophet, we refuse destiny. Where there is no destiny there is no future. The Church then becomes relegated to the narrow existence of the here and now. The prophet is the key to the Church’s destiny and power.

The Church today needs to recognize and receive the ministry of the prophet and to pray that God will raise those with the prophetic gifting into their proper prophetic office. Those who hold the office of prophet form a charismatic order to which a recognized position should be given in the Church.

A special recognition and authoritative status should be conferred upon those who have manifested certain gifts in a prominent and/or continuing manner. The prophet is the Lord’s instrument, one of several means by which Jesus Christ leads His Church. In the power of the Spirit, the prophet manifests the character of the Lord, who is the prophet of the end time.

The Authority of the Prophet

When a prophet is recognized and comes into his office, he brings with him an authority from God that accomplishes two things in the Church. First, it helps us to realize that God is a God of the now. A prophet is always reminding us that God is, not just that He was; he tells us what God is doing, not just what He has done.

Knowing what God has done throughout history is important; it is a powerful legacy for us. However, we also need to know beyond doubt that the God of the Bible is the God of today; that the God who blessed Moses, helped David, and anointed Jesus will also bless, help, and anoint us. Our God is a now God, and the prophet helps us to remember that.

A prophet has the ability to see things that are not seen. He focuses not on the circumstances, but on the God who rules the circumstances; not on the mess of today, but on the solution that God will provide down the road. The office of the prophet is to speak to us continually in the here and now.

The second thing that the authority of the prophet accomplishes in the Church is that it brings back the fear of the Lord. The sad truth is that there is very little fear of the Lord today either inside the Church or outside. There was a time when a church could be left unlocked 24 hours a day, seven days a week without fear of someone stealing the sound system, vandalizing the building, or spray-painting graffiti on the walls.

Now many churches have to allot a significant portion of their budgets to security systems and higher insurance coverage. There was a time when only “essential services” were open for business on Sunday. Now our society treats the Lord’s Day as just another day of the week. Gone is the general civic understanding and belief that the nation that honors and serves God will be blessed by God.

Fear of God is lacking in the Church, too. Many believers have only a shallow and immature commitment to God that allows them to constantly rationalize and justify attitudes, behavior, and lifestyles that go against God’s will as revealed in His Word. Because there is little understanding of what God expects and requires, there is little fear and a limited sense of awe and respect for His holiness and glory.

The prophet in his office, however, gets our attention and brings us back to a holy fear of God. The Lord is looking for a holy Church, a pure and spotless Bride of Christ. A restoration of the fear of God in the Church is necessary if the Church is to grow into full holiness.

The Marks of a Prophet

There are at least ten distinguishing marks of the prophetic office; these characteristics in the lives and ministries of believers identify them as prophets. These traits should be evident in varying degrees in the life of anyone with a prophetic gifting who is attempting to grow and develop in that gifting. They are most fully developed in those who have been raised into the prophetic office. Whenever we see any of these qualities displayed in someone’s life, we should encourage that person to grow and develop their gift.

  1. Preaching that exhorts and strengthens the disciples. The prophet’s message always builds up the lives of disciples; it never tears down. A disciple is a student; someone who is learning, maturing, and growing up in the Christian faith. These are the ones who are encouraged and strengthened by the prophet’s message. Those believers who have refused to mature, on the other hand, may find the prophet’s message to be harsh and painful. It always hurts to be outside of the will of God. A prophet’s word always builds up those who are striving to grow in Christ.
  2. Character that is true, honest, faithful, and holy. A prophet points to and reminds us of our destiny in Christ. Therefore, his life should display the character of Christ. While this is true of all believers, it is particularly critical for those in the prophetic office. The Old Testament prophets were held to a very high standard, not only by the people but by God. Moses was a prophet (see Deut. 34:10); yet one lapse on his part in representing God before the people resulted in God denying him the opportunity to enter the Promised Land (see Deut. 32:48-52). Character matters.
  3. A message that appeals not to the flesh but to the spirit. Growing disciples want messages that challenge and stretch their spirits. Babes in the faith who have no interest in growth usually don’t like prophetic preaching because it brings them under conviction. They are more interested in gratifying the flesh. The message of a true prophet always speaks to the spirit directly and without compromise.
  4. Prediction and fulfillment of prophecy. In other words, a prophet speaks something concerning the future, and God fulfills that prophecy. It could be a prophecy spoken into the life of an individual or an entire congregation. Whatever form it takes, such a prophecy will be specific in nature with clearly measurable fulfillment. Once the event comes to pass we know that God has raised that prophet into office.
  5. Spiritual discernment in the lives of others. This one sometimes makes people nervous, particularly those who know that their lives are not what they should be in the Lord. A prophet has the ability in the Spirit to discern spiritual reality in the lives of others, good or bad, and speak concerning that reality. This prospect creates anxiety in some people who fear that the prophet will uncover all the mess they have allowed into their lives. Have no fear. A mature prophet will never publicly uncover mess because God does not embarrass people. The prophet may address the problem privately with the person, if the Lord leads that way. However, he is more likely to exhort the person to follow God’s will and obey what God has told him to do.
  6. Declaration of divine judgments when needed. This is another one that makes people nervous. Sometimes a situation is so bad or has gone on so long that the word of the Lord through the prophet is one of judgment. Prolonged rebellion or disobedience to God, or refusal to heed prophetic warnings or respond to calls for repentance, will ultimately bring about God’s judgment. No one likes these kind of pronouncements, least of all the prophet, but sometimes they are necessary.
  7. Willingness to suffer for speaking the truth without saving self. A mature prophet has long since committed his or her life totally into God’s keeping and has recognized that suffering is an “occupational hazard.” Speaking the truth for God is more important than personal comfort. Sometimes suffering comes as a result of declaring divine judgment. Jeremiah spoke the truth about God’s coming judgment on the southern kingdom of Judah and was convicted of treason and imprisoned in a dry cistern. A true prophet is not afraid to suffer for the truth.
  8. A message in harmony with the Word of God and the known will of God. A prophet’s message will never, repeat never, contradict the Word of God. The Spirit and the Word always agree. Since a prophet is a “pneumatic” (Spirit-person), his word will also be in agreement with the Word of God. A message that goes against God’s Word is a sure indicator of a false prophet.
  9. Employment of symbolic actions. Prophets preach with pictures. Jesus used this method all the time in His teaching, painting pictures in people’s minds through the stories and parables He told. Prophets use pictures because that’s the way God reveals His will and His Word to them. A prophet sees how things are done in the natural and applies it to the spiritual.
  10. Ability and authority to judge the manifestations of prophetic gifts. A prophet serving in a recognized and acknowledged prophetic office has the ability and authority to identify and judge the presence, display, and use of prophetic gifts in others. In other words, a prophet has the ability to recognize and identify other prophets (both true and false).

Copyright 2017, Robert Stone-Destiny Image author of Gifts From The Ascended Christ-All rights reserved

Image courtsey: Life and Hope Artist’s conception of the prophet Isaiah warning King Hezekiah.



Be Patient with Your Slow Growth

We value speed today far more than we realize, and that makes the painfully slow process of our sanctification and personal transformation confusing and frustrating.

We live in an era of such rapid technological advancement and in a society that so values efficiency, productivity, and immediate results that we can hardly help but assume that the faster things happen, the better. Therefore, we often don’t value the precious benefits of slow growth.

Speed Shapes Us

For most of human history, most people’s lives were mapped on to the relatively slow cyclical rhythms of the seasons. Life was demanding and difficult because it had a primary, and at times ruthless, focus on subsistence, and so was largely dictated by the annual migration patterns of fish and herd animals, plant and fruit cultivation and harvesting, rainy seasons, and available sunlight.

One of the things this did was produce and reinforce in the minds of people, because of sheer necessity, an understanding and valuing of slow, incremental progress toward an aimed-for reward. Food, clothing, and housing were obtained through arduous, sustained effort and care.

In America, this has all but disappeared from living memory. For generations now, a superabundance and wide variety of food has been available and largely affordable a relatively short distance from nearly every home — prepared, packaged, and FDA-approved. We do not have to work nearly as hard, nor do we spend nearly the percentage of our annual income on food, water, and shelter as our ancestors did.

On the whole, these have been immense blessings. But our abundance and increasing conveniences on every level have shaped — and in some ways warped — the way we view time. We now expect that nearly everything should happen fast and with little or no inconvenience.

Slow Growth

But factors that are most beneficial in fueling productivity and economic growth and improved bodily health of individuals and cities are not necessarily factors that are most beneficial in fueling the spiritual growth and health of individual souls or churches.

God created us as organisms, not machines. There are millions of reasons why the fullness of time when God sent forth his Son occurred in the first century (Galatians 4:4). But one reason was so that the Son would frequently use agricultural metaphors to illustrate spiritual truths. Think of the parables of the sower (Matthew 13:1–9), the wheat and weeds (Matthew 13:24–30), and the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31–32). Think of metaphors of the fruit-bearing trees (Matthew 7:16–18), the vine and branches (John 15:1–8), and the reaping of souls as a harvest (Matthew 9:37–38; John 4:35–38). And Jesus’s apostles also used such metaphors, for instance spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22–23) and fields (1 Corinthians 3:6–9).

Something that the original hearers of these parables and metaphors would have intuitively understood, because of their familiarity with agricultural processes, is their gradual, progressive nature. Many of us probably miss the meaning because the processes are so foreign to us. Christians are slow-grown, and fruit-bearing typically comes after an arduous time of maturation.

The same goes for churches. There’s a reason we call the process of starting of new churches “church planting” and not “church manufacturing.” We admire stories of explosive church growth, just like we admire stories of explosive business growth. That’s not wrong, but it is not typical. And even what looks like a sudden harvest is usually due to an unseen, prolonged season of arduous sowing and watering and cultivation (John 4:35–38).

Benefits of Slow Growth

God designed us to develop habits of obedience and holiness slowly and incrementally because the process teaches and trains us to live by faith rather than by our often inaccurate perceptions and emotions. The waiting teaches us to trust more in the truth of what God says than the impulses of what we see or how we feel.

The long-term beneficial effect of slow, incremental transformation through the exercise of habit rather than impulse develops, over time, deeper, richer, more complex and nuanced affections for God, and integrates our beliefs into our whole being. There are things I am just beginning to really grasp now, well into middle age, that I didn’t appreciate when I was younger.

God’s ways with us may not seem efficient to us. We might even think they are needlessly slow and inefficient. But none of God’s ways are needless, and God is not slow; he’s patient (2 Peter 3:9).

And he wants us to learn patience, too — it’s one of his slow-growing spiritual fruits (Galatians 5:22). Don’t be discouraged with your slow growth or with your church’s. Determine to “dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness” (Psalm 37:3 NASB). And bear in mind the broader principle captured in Jesus’s words to Peter: “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand” (John 13:7).

Examine the forces that shape your expectations. Do not let wrong assumptions fuel your discouragement or disillusionment. Your Christian life and your Christian church is much more like patient, faithful, slow farming than modern, efficient manufacturing. Trust your divine Farmer, your Vinedresser. He has very good reasons for maturing Christians and churches slowly, and not mass-producing them more quickly.

Copyright 2017, Desiring God.comAll rights reserved