The Global Warming Hoax

The fastest growing religion on earth is not Christianity or Islam. It is those who are totally sold out to saving the environment and will not compromise with anyone or any government to achieve their aim. For their grave crimes against humanity, they will make unemployed and render unemployable every person who doesn’t believe their climate change hoax.

Joseph Goebelles, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany said:

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.

It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

This is in keeping with the Hegelian Dialectic along which lines they operate. Create the problem and solve the problem to their advantage. The Ministry of Truth (MSM) will be employed to bombard us with the seriousness of the problem.

Such a hoax or threat will have to be invented and it is now the environmental movement. The prophecies given over 2000 years ago told us that this exactly what this great world leader will do:

He shall deal with the strongest fortresses by the help of a foreign god. Those who acknowledge him he shall magnify with glory and honour, and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for a price (Daniel 11:39).

Scientists are telling us so much greenhouse gas in the atmosphere has upset the world weather patterns. Therefore a carbon tax is part of the answer. We are not surprised as they need to finance their global warming conferences discussing problems that do not exist.

Carbon dioxide is a pollutant. It is the gas which keeps the earth’s plant life alive. When there is a lot of it plants grow faster and really take off. We in turn benefit from the additional oxygen made by the plants.

The Lord created the earth as a self-regulating system that absorbs all sorts of changes, including fluctuating C02 levels. After all tress live on carbon dioxide, turning it into more oxygen. So the more C02 there is, the more trees grow.

Forget about global warming as we are in fact headed for colder weather as the moon’s orbit shifts further away from the equator towards the poles. That is why it’s getting very cold in the U.K. and in the U.S. and it’s getting very warm near the equator.

There is overwhelming evidence that the warming we are experiencing is natural with maybe a small amount contributed by man’s activities. In short, man-caused global warming is a fraud. The global warming agenda is being funded with tens of billions of dollars as a mechanism to create global government.

Patrick Wood, an economist and author of “Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,” says,

It’s clear the U.N. and its supporters see sustainable development as more than just the way to a cleaner environment. They see it as the vehicle for creating a long-sought new international economic order, or “New World Order.”

Domination From Cradle to Grave

Of course the environment would be a perfect vehicle for the elite to achieve their utopian New World Order, because almost every form of human activity affects the environment in some way or another. They are already regulating everything that we do, and we are being told that all this is being done in the name of “saving the planet.”

There wouldn’t be much room for personal freedom-in other words no right to own your home, no right to own your own children, no right to run your own business and all people will be absorbed in collective thought and blend as one people without individuality in a blissful state of the lostness of the mind.

Privacy is to be a privilege of the past, and domination from cradle to grave is to our inheritance from our new World Order masters. How privileged we are to have such giant intellects helping us!

In fact the U.N.’s number one sustainable development official has publicly admitted….

This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history

Figueres, who heads up the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, told reporters in February.

This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for the at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution,

They’ve created all kinds of treaties where nations are continually signing new treaties and forming International Agencies all in the name of “Climate Change.” Agenda 21, which is an 800 page Action Plan, which later became Agenda 2030 being one of them.

Sustainable Development

What is Sustainable Development Agenda 21?

According to the United Nations Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, governments, and major groups in every area in which human beings make an impact on the environment.

Sustainable Development was conceived in 1976 at the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements in Vancouver British Colombia, where the conference declared that “Public Control of Land is Indispensable.”

Sustainable Development was later born in the report of the UN 1987 World Commission on Environment and Development titled our “Common Future.”

It then came of age at the 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development at with the document called Agenda 21 with 40 chapters of specific policy recommendations. It was imposed by executive order in 1993 by the President’s Council on Sustainable Development.

Then in 2015, the UN launched a “new universal agenda” for humanity in September 2015. The document references this UN 2030 Agenda document that pushes a blueprint for another sustainable development around the world.

The UN document promises that this plan will transform our world for the better by 2030, yet most us seem to be too preoccupied with trivial affairs and obsessed with nasty insults that our puppet politicians throw at each other.

Needless to say, freedom will be replaced by servitude, free-enterprise by socialism, and property rights by “sustainable development.”

When you move people into the cities, they have to give up private property; stop pursuing productive occupations and end up being seduced into a consumer mentality. Within such as a mentality, you will find problems like overpopulation, crime, pollution and all kinds of economic crises which will be handled by a centralized government that puts in place things like quotas, taxes, micromanagement, and regulations rather than meaningful technical solutions.

Also, such problems inevitably lead to a centralized government increasing its own power, always at the expense of the people and their freedom. The effects of economic catastrophe are also greater in a centralized, interdependent society, where everyone is subject to the overall health of the economy for even simple necessities like food, water, and electricity.

Many among the global elite believe that the growing world population is the number one problem facing the world. They believe that humans are no more important than any other species on this planet. These are the elite, the illumined ones. They consider themselves the world’s gift to mankind. To them we are slaves and peasants, and they know what is best for their slaves. (Of course some have good intentions).

They are absolutely convinced that overpopulation is the primary cause of “climate change”, is ruining our environment, and threatens to turn the entire globe into one gigantic third world slum.

And those people that disagree with global warming, population reduction and climate change are considered to be uneducated or backward and need to be re-educated.

The question is: Why would they resort to useless logic when they are desperate to say something to refute the facts even if it doesn’t make sense? The answer would be; it is an attempt to silence and intimidate people, especially people who respectfully disagree with them.

In practical terms, sustainable development is explained by the following quote from Michael Synder:

Imagine going to sleep one night and waking up many years later in a totally different world.  In this futuristic world, literally everything you do is tightly monitored and controlled by control freak bureaucrats in the name of “sustainable development” and with the goal of promoting “the green agenda”.  An international ruling body has centralized global control over all human activity. 

What you eat, what you drink, where you live, how warm or cold your home can be and how much fuel you can use is determined by them.  Anyone that dissents or that tries to rebel against the system is sent off for “re-education”. 

The human population is 90 percent lower than it is today in this futuristic society, and all remaining humans have been herded into tightly constricted cities which are run much like prisons. Does all of that sound good to you?  Well, this is what Agenda 21 is all about.

Paul McGuire, the co-author of a new book entitled “The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery“, says,

Deep inside every man and woman is the longing for a far better world, a world without war, disease, death, and pain. Our present world is a cruel world in which every life ends in death. From the beginning of time Mankind has sought to use science and technology to create a perfect world, what some would call Utopia or Paradise.

As the Human Race began to organize itself, a Scientific or Technocratic Elite rose to power by promising the masses that they could build this perfect world. Ancient Babylon represented the first historical attempt to build paradise on earth.

However, this is not all, these elites think they know better and can set up a humanistic secular system which has no Bible based morals, where man will be able to do what he likes and be accountable to no one. They have come out from wherever they’ve been hiding because they believe their time of hiding is over.

The Kathy Griffin beheading stunt was purposely planned by this same group — aka Deep State. She knew exactly what she was doing when she filmed the infamous “beheaded Trump” video.

Another of these unelected globalists is now lecturing Trump why he should not leave the Paris Climate Treaty forgetting the fact Trump was duly elected and he is not an heir to Adolf Hitler’s empire. The U.S. Constitution, states that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land, not globalist treaties.

In Europe, energy prices and other taxes are very high because we’ve all complied with this bogus global Paris Accord agreement. In fact according to some analysts European electricity costs three times as much as it does in the U.S and prices are rising faster than anything.

It’s estimated that this Paris Climate Agreement will cost $ 1 trillion per year and it will save our planet. The truth is, it won’t do anything for the planet, but it will make everyone poorer–except politicians and environmentalists. Bjorn Lomborg explains:


What Does the Lord God Think About all this?

All this global warming and ozone depletion is a serious deception and fortunately many people are now aware of this hoax. If their plans are real, as we’ve learnt from their own words, what does the Lord God think about all this? Is He upset or agitated? Not really….He Who sits in the heavens laughs.

Why do the nations assemble with commotion uproar and confusion of voices, and why do the people imagine (meditate upon and devise) an empty scheme? The kings of the earth take their places; the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and His Anointed One (the Messiah, the Christ).

They say, Let us break Their bands [of restraint] asunder and cast Their cords of control from us. He Who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord has them in derision and in supreme contempt He mocks them (Psalm 1:1-4 AMP)

Whether you believe in Climate change or not, the prophecies tell that in the end the saving of this environment will prove to be an utter waste of time, as it is all to burned up with fire which looks suspiciously like a nuclear blast. The Apostle Peter tells us:

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will vanish (pass away) with a thunderous crash, and the [material] elements [of the universe] will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up (2 Peter 3:10-12 AMP).

The good news is, the Lord is going to recreate everything:

Since all these things are thus in the process of being dissolved, what kind of person ought [each of] you to be [in the meanwhile] in consecrated and holy behavior and devout and godly qualities, While you wait and earnestly long for (expect and hasten) the coming of the day of God by reason of which the flaming heavens will be dissolved, and the [material] elements [of the universe] will flare and melt with fire?

But we look for new heavens and a new earth according to His promise, in which righteousness (uprightness, freedom from sin, and right standing with God) is to abide. So, beloved, since you are expecting these things, be eager to be found by Him [at His coming] without spot or blemish and at peace [in serene confidence, free from fears and agitating passions and moral conflicts]  (2 Peter 3:12-14 AMP).

Our task then is to walk in peace and harmony with Him, and later to enjoy this glorious new creation. Goodbye Environmental movement! As my friend Barry Smith once said, design and build for yourself an asbestos suit. You’ll be needing it!

Image: Heads of delegations at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris. Source: Wikipedia