European Empire: What is The Reason Behind it?

The hope of reviving the Roman Empire has continued to capture the imaginations of European leaders for centuries.

After Constantine adopted Christianity as a State Religion between 306–337 AD, Church and State became one, the Holy Roman Empire. But 700 years later, with the division between Rome and Constantinople, this religious empire divided into two – Roman Catholic in the West and Orthodox in the East.

In 800 AD, Charlemagne who was (Charles the Great) in conjunction with the Roman Catholic Church laid the foundation for what came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire.

It lasted until 1806, but it was never really a true empire. It mainly consisted of German states ruled by German kings who usually sought but did not always receive coronation as emperors by the popes in Rome. This was an attempt to revive the old Roman Empire, but it existed primarily on paper and in the imaginations of its “emperors.” Voltaire wrote, “It is neither Holy, nor Roman, nor an Empire.”

Feudalism was the form of government that truly existed during the middle Ages. This form of government was in the form of tribal-states, city-states, and city-leagues.

The nation state came about in the 1700’s after the invention of the printing press and education opportunities, which made people to desire nation group states. But still, even this nationalism could not take away the idea of reviving the old Roman Empire. In the end Napoleon also attempted to revive the empire and he almost succeeded.

Then Hitler did the same thing and the results as already seen were disastrous, but the conditions and the blueprint of the Fourth Reich or European Union were set.

European Coal and Steel Community

The leaders of Europe realized that if they were going to rebuild Europe, they would have to put aside their differences and integrate their national economies. They established the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in 1951 involving six nations; Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg. In 1958 ECSC was expanded to cover all economic activities. It was renamed the European Economic Community.

Between 1973 and 1993 Great Britain was added to this community including six additional states. The turning point was in 1993 when member nations decided to surrender their political sovereignty by agreement to integrate themselves politically as well as economically. This resulted in creation of the European Union.

Today the European Union consists of 27 nations with a population of around 500 million people. Eventually, these states will unify to form the revived Roman Empire, which will consist of a confederation ten nations. This was again prophesied thousands of years ago by Daniel (see Daniel 7:24-27).

Europe Riding a Beast

How did the continent get its name, Europe? It came from Greek mythology. Remember when Jesus gave His revelation to John on Patmos, the common language and culture of those days in the whole Eastern part of the Roman Empire was Greek. The New Testament was written in Greek so Greek mythology was well known and understood.

Legend has it that in ancient Greek mythology; Europa from which Europe is derived was a beautiful Phoenician woman of nobility who attracted the great Greek sky god Zeus. According to mythology Zeus becomes so obsessed with Europa and climbs on top of it and suddenly the bull plunges into the sea and rapes her. Zeus then takes Europa away to Crete where he eventually reveals his true identity.

The Continent is named after this woman, and all down through the centuries the depiction of her rape by the bull has been a symbol of Europe-including on several first century coins! It has been extensively used as one of the key symbols of the European Union from the start. This is reflected in the religious symbols shown below that the Union has adopted in its flag and architecture.

The European Union flag consists of 12 stars. According to the former secretary general of the Council of Europe, Leon Marchal, “the stars are those of the woman of the Apocalypse.”

He further explained that “It’s wonderful that we have gotten back to the Introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It is the corona stellarumduodecim (the crown of the twelve stars) of the woman of the Apocalypse.” This is a reference to the woman in Revelation 12 who appears with a crown of 12 stars.

Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars….(Revelation 12:1) On the right of the above image is a statue which is right outside the E.U. headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, depicting the pagan goddess Europa riding a bull.

Other prophetic teachers believe that the goal of the E.U is to complete what Nimrod started which is the building of the Tower of Babel or a world government. Therefore the woman riding a beast is directly connected to Revelation 17:3. This means that those who are planning all this are openly revealing what they intend to do to mankind.

We also see that this same symbol has been promoted on posters, coins and various artworks throughout the E.U. For instance a 2 Euro coin was released in Greece that depicts a woman riding a beast. According to one source, to commemorate the second election of the European Parliament in 1984, a stamp was released with the same symbol.

The far left statue stands in front of the Winston Churchill building and on the right is a German phone card made by the E.U, the bottom far left is a cover of Der Spiegel featured a picture of a woman riding a beast and carrying the E.U. flag with the headline: “Good Morning Europe”And the bottom far right is some artwork published by Time Magazine of a “United Europe” that featured Europa riding the beast…..

And there is more! In 2000 they built a new European parliament-The Tower of the Louise Weiss Building. The building has a style of post modernism-which is a new architectural style that emerged in many Western countries in the decade after World War I.

It was reportedly completed in 1999, but since then the building has been a source of controversy especially in regards to its design. It looks as if the building is incomplete. Why is it incomplete? Experts say it is based on the “unfinished nature of Europe.”

However many credible researchers have pointed out the dark and deep symbolism associated with the building. Some claim it was designed with the express purpose of resembling the tower of Babel as depicted by a Flemish Northern Renaissance painter Pieter Brueghel.

On the top right below is a poster that was produced by the European Union symbolically depicting their mission. It has contains 12 stars of the E.U flag with the building of the Tower of Babel with the words Europe: Many Tongues One Voice. Some have noted that the stars are inverted pentagrams which are occult symbols for Satan.

The architectural images of E.U. Parliament building above depict a design that was inspired by the Tower of Babel. The official poster promoting the E.U. Parliament appears just like the exact tower that was originally painted by Pieter Brueghel, including the broken part of the foundation.

The Tower of Babel was never completed, so these so called Global elites are continuing the work that Nimrod the tyrant did not finish of defying Almighty God (See Genesis 11:1-8). And they are also telling us through all this architecture and symbols what they plan to do to humanity and how they’ve infiltrated every aspect of our lives with bogus laws passed with little question at a rate of one every 2 minutes!

In the Bible, Babel means rebellion against God because such efforts always end up with man exalting himself rather than God.  They built the tower saying, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4).

They wanted to lift themselves up above God and before they could finish building the tower, God came down, confused their language so that they would not understand one another’s speech and scattered them all over the world.

The EU deliberately identifies itself with Babylon, with the Tower of Babel and with the woman on the Beast, who is described in Revelation 17 as Mystery Babylon!

Iron Mixed With Clay

The final part of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream concerned the final stage of the four world empires, when the fourth empire, Rome would rise again, depicted by toes and feet mixed with iron and clay, which some believe is the European Union, the period we are living in at the present time, and probably the last empire before the return of Jesus Christ.

As to prophetic implications, Daniel 2 makes it clear that in the end times; the revived Roman Empire will be an unstable mixture of weakness and strength as symbolized by a mixture of clay and iron, until it is united by the Antichrist who might use it as his base of operations from which to build his world empire (see Daniel 9:24-27).

Why would it be a feet of iron mixed with clay? Because the feet of clay and iron suggested that this ten kingdom, or ten nation regional global governments would not stick together because it is impossible to mix clay with iron, and will be destroyed by the coming of Christ (see Daniel 2:42-44).

That’s why some Bible teachers believe there will never be unity in the European Union, which has been evidenced recently by currents events surrounding Britain voting to leave the E.U and others nations seeking to leave as well.

Now after Brexit, many analysts believe Britain would be better off outside of the EU because God can still use Britain to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world again.

In the vision translated by Daniel, this world empire would be destroyed by the rock which is Jesus Christ and His Kingdom will finally come here on earth for 1000 years, and Bible says, the government will be on His shoulders.