Fourth Reich or European Union

We’ve all heard of Hitler’s Third Reich, but what about the First and Second Reich? The First Reich is known as the Holy Roman Empire. It was founded by Charlemagne or Charles the Great who was crowned emperor in 800 A.D by Pope Leo III after conquering most of Europe. This empire lasted until 1806, when Napoleon marched his troops into Berlin.

The second Reich was created by Prince Otto von Bismarck who was premier of Prussia and defeated Napoleon III in 1871. Bismarck’s Reich that was also headed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, lasted until 1918 and ended with the defeat of the Central powers of Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I. So when Adolf Hitler gained power in 1933, he proclaimed Greater German as the Third Reich.

What is a Reich?

The word Reich is best translated as “empire” or “kingdom.” To the German ear it almost has a sacred tone. For the Nazis that word Reich would come to express the mystical and eternal German kingdom. The Germans were told that they belonged to the Aryan race which was the master race. They were told their nation under the Nazis, the Third Reich, would exist for 1000 years and would replace the millennium of peace promised in the Bible.

In Europe, according to Adam LeBor in his political thriller-Budapest Protocol, there was a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg on August 10, 1944. There, Nazi officials ordered an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany’s post-war recovery and also prepare for the Nazis’ return to power and work for a “strong German empire.” In other words: the Fourth Reich.

LeBor wrote his book as a work of fiction, but he was inspired by de-classified U.S. intelligence document, known as the Red House Report. EW-Pa 128 written in November 1944 by a French spy who was at the Strasbourg meeting.

As he researched and wrote his novel, he realized that some of the Red House Report had become fact. Nazi Germany did export massive amounts of capital through neutral countries and German businesses did set up a network of front companies abroad. The German economy did soon recover after 1945.

The basis for this plan had been developed years earlier, and on September 11, 1940 Reich Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels delivered a speech, “The Europe of the Future” to Czech intellectual workers and journalists stating:

I am convinced that in 50 years, people will no longer think in terms of countries…. In those days people will think in terms of continents…. No single European nation can in the long run be allowed to stand in the way of the general process of organization.

LeBor writes, “The Third Reich might have been defeated militarily, but powerful Nazi era bankers, industrialists and civil servants, reborn as democrats, soon prospered in the new West Germany. There they worked for a new cause: European economic and political integration.

Adam Lebor then asks: Is it possible that the Fourth Reich those Nazi industrialists foresaw has, in some part at least, come to pass?

According to the 3-page Red House Report (marked “Secret”), on August 10 1944, Himmler’s SS Obergruppenfuehrer Dr. Scheid (a Lt.-General) began the meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel with numerous senior German industrialists and Nazi officials.

They discussed their plans for underground activity after Germany’s coming defeat. Dr. Scheid who presided over the meeting declared that the war could not be won and German industry should take steps in preparation for a “post-war commercial campaign.”

Each industrialist was instructed to prepare the ground for borrowing “considerable sums from foreign firms after the war and to make quite contacts with foreign firms “without attracting any suspicion. Such talk was high treason, and any ordinary Germans who expressed such views would likely find themselves very quickly inside a Gestapo cell.

After a good number of industrialists left the meeting, a smaller meeting followed, where even more sensitive and secret matters were to be discussed by the elite of the elite. The report recounts:

At this second meeting which was presided over by Dr. Bosse of the Armaments ministry, it was stated that the Nazi Party had informed the industrialists that the war was practically lost, but would continue until a guarantee of the unity of Germany could be obtained.

Dr. Bosse then laid out the secret three strategies for the Fourth Reich. The first one was, the industrialists were instructed to prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party, which would be “forced to go underground.

The second was the German government would allocate “large sums” to industrialists to establish a “secure post-war foundation in foreign countries”, while “existing financial reserves in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the Nazi Party so that a strong German can be created after the defeat.”

The third was to export as much capital as possible through two banks in Zurich, or via agencies in Switzerland. German businesses would set up a “sleeper” network of agents abroad through front companies, which were to be covers for military research and intelligence, until the Nazis returned to power.

Previously exports of capital by German industrialists to neutral countries had to be accomplished by stealth and by means of special influence. Now the Nazi Party stands behind the industrialists and urges them to “save themselves by getting funds outside Germany and at the same time advance the party’s plans for its post-war operations.”

Partners of German companies in the United States were considered especially important, which is not surprising, as before the United States entered the war in 1941 there were extensive links between the American and German business establishments, especially in the oil and chemical industries.

The existence of these is to be known only by a few people in each industry and by chiefs of the Nazi Party but the German economic miracle – so vital to the idea of a new Europe – was built on mass murder.

The number of slave and forced laborers who died while employed by German companies in the Nazi era was 2,700,000. Some sporadic compensation payments were made but German industry agreed a conclusive, global settlement only in 2000, with a £ 3 billion compensation fund.

There was no admission of legal liability and the individual compensation was paltry. A slave laborer would receive 15,000 Deutschmarks (about £5,000), a forced laborer 5,000 (about £1,600).

Any claimant accepting the deal had to undertake not to launch any further legal action. To put this sum of money into perspective, in 2001 Volkswagen alone made profits of £1.8 billion… For now, the nation state endures. But these three typewritten pages are a reminder that today’s drive towards a European federal state is inexorably tangled up with the plans of the S.S and German industrialists for a Fourth Reich – an economic rather than military imperium.

Where Hitler failed by military means to conquer Europe, modern Germans are succeeding through trade and financial discipline.

Where Germany leads, the other 27 E.U nations follow. Margaret Thatcher, in a speech in Colorado Springs, Colorado, in October 1995 prophetically warned:

You have not anchored Germany to a Unified Europe….. You have anchored Europe to a newly, unified and dominant Germany! In the end, my friends, you’ll find it will not work.” It is Germany’s national character to dominate.


Whether you agreed with her politics or not, during her funeral, she once again reminded us through her granddaughter Amanda Thatcher that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (see Ephesians 6:10-18).


Most people are oblivious to this dangerous trend that is going on in Europe, and that is what happened before World War II. Many prophets have warned us but do we even care? Many analysts know that the Nazis were not eliminated altogether.

The Germans were defeated in World War II…but not the Nazis. They were simply forced to move. They scattered to the four corners of the world. Many of them came to the United States and penetrated what President Dwight D. Eisenhower termed “the military-industrial complex.”

Just like in Nazi Germany, the E.U is controlled by bureaucrats not by the parliament. These unelected commissioners are appointed to have power over every elected national government. It happened in Greece and Italy; when they wanted to solve the money crisis, they gave power to unelected men to take charge of the government.

Newspaper headlines read: This crisis will give German the empire it has dreamed of …European leaders hail leap towards economic union. The reaction according to one writer was “Ah, this is just what we’ve been waiting for!

This crisis was planned and created by the same people who, to divert the course of the war of in Europe, financed the Russian Revolution in 1917. Who were they? European and American capitalists!  With all its horrors and its terrors, it was a strategic plan—just as the E.U today has a strategic demonic plan to take control.

They are enforcing such levels of austerity that people will end up working as slaves to pay money back to the central part of the Union; and the financial crisis is handled from Berlin-where the Seat of Satan is!”

David Hathaway wrote a very interesting article in which he prophetically describes what is happening in Europe and how it will affect the whole of our lives:

Financiers make money out of war by financing “war machines.” Britain’s economy was destroyed by the last war—also the Greek—by Nazi Germany. After the war what happened? The American financed the rebuilding of Germany to become the dominant nation in the whole of Europe, setting in place the European Recovery Plan, which led in 1957 to the Treaty of Rome and the European Economic Community, and finally the E.U, all part of a master plan to conquer Europe…

A proposal is being made for a 2–tier Europe and they say that if the euro collapses the E.U. will collapse. They don’t want it! But who will become the leader? They removed our Hebraic-Christian God from their Constitution because He is the major obstruction to their temporal plans and now will take any human “Christ “because they sold themselves to the devil.

The devil himself is calling the tune in Europe and Bible believing Christians are his main obstruction. Hitler came to power in an economic crisis. Within one year he had established the first concentration camp, in Buchenwald: he first removed anybody who opposed him, then the gypsies, the disabled and the Jews.

The progression: first they applied a little pressure, then they took away their businesses, then step by step from their homes to the ghetto, then to death camps. But it was part of the plan. And will evangelical believers become the next target even in Europe?

I don’t have space and time to expand on this shocking real possibility of the Fourth Reich. Those who are interested can read the fascinating work of Adam LeBor and many other credible writers and draw their own conclusions.