The Top Home School Stories of 2016

Obama’s Education Secretary “Concerned” About Homeschooling

In September, U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr. voiced his concerns about children who are homeschooled because they aren’t “getting the range of options that are good for all kids.”

This story ruffled the feathers of many homeschool families and primarily made headlines on conservative media sites. King did not cite any study data, and existing studies show that homeschoolers out-perform their public school peers.

The secretary seemed to also be unaware that homeschoolers also out perform public school students on average SAT scores.

This Black ‘Family of Geniuses’ Show off Benefits of Homeschooling

This article by the Atlanta Black Star was the most shared article of 2016. The incredible academic achievements of the multi-talented family from Boca Raton, Florida, took social media by storm, racking up almost 75,000 Facebook shares.

Homeschooling is the smartest way to teach kids in the 21st century

The second most shared article of 2016, receiving over 61,000 Facebook shares and 500+ tweets, came from Business Insider. The article was published on August 20th and featured a New Jersey mom who argued that homeschooling is a more “sensible” option than attending public school.

“You’re not going to be put in a work environment where everybody came from the same school and everybody is the same age,” she told Business Insider. “In my opinion, the traditional school atmosphere is not the real world at all.”

What changed this teacher’s mind about home schooling

In February, the Chicago Tribune received 44,000 Facebook shares when it published a public school teacher’s reflections about home education. He thought the most important benefits missed by stay-at-home kids were the socialization aspect and the critical thinking and communication skills learned from group dynamics in a classroom.

However, once he started teaching at a college level, everything changed. Read the rest of the story to find out why.

This Is Why All Those Weird Moms Homeschool

Jessica Smartt’s blog, Smartter Each Day, racked up 32,000 Facebook shares and 800+ Pinterest pins of her blog post, This Is Why All Those Weird Moms Homeschool.

Dear Homeschooling,” the blog post begins, “I’ve been dissing you a lot lately, and I’m sorry about that. We had a rocky start, you and I. Honestly, I thought we’d get along easier. You know, with me being a teacher and all. You were shockingly difficult at times.

Her beautiful prose and captivating writing style are well deserving of the attention she received.

Home School Mentioned In Trump’s Plan For First 100 Days

This announcement by Homeschool Base was shared almost 26,000 times on Facebook. It was our most shared article and the 6th most-shared story of the year. Because very little was known about Trump’s policy on education, this article generated lots of conversation.

More Black Families are Choosing Homeschool Over Traditonal Learning. This is Why.

This contributor article to The Huffington Post garnered around 25,000 Facebook shares. Apparently, there are many factors that explain a shift away from traditional schooling for black families.

Many Black people are now waking up to the fact that the public school system cannot offer their children a liberating education, where their natural gifts are nurtured in the right cultural context. I have been homeschooling for 20 years and the rewards incredibly outweigh the challenges…” Read the full story.

NPR’s All Things Considered covered this topic as well – In African-American Communities, Growing Interest In Home-Schooling.

How Homeschooling Helped Propel Simone Biles to the Olympic Gold

This was one of many viral headlines of the 2016 Rio Games. PJ Media published this headline and it received 21,000+ Facebook shares. The story gives an inside scoop into the life of  Olympic Star athlete Simone Biles and her decision to opt-out of a “normal” high school. Biles said that she missed being around her friends at school, but “in the end, it worked out.”

© Copyright 2017, Home School


Ministry of Truth is Born

The glory days for population control by the elites was when they held all the key information sources of the people in their own hands – such as the “Big Three” television networks. That all began to change with the proliferation of the Internet when people could access primary sources and other pre-processed information for themselves. This sea change culminated in the elites’ partial loss of control in 2016.

This is the reason for the entirely fabricated “fake news” crisis and the sudden emergence of information-control laws across the globe. The U.S., U.K. and Germany (i.e. the Soros/Obama core of elite power) are in the process of establishing what can rightly be defined as a global “Ministry of Truth” straight out of the pages of reformed socialist George Orwell’s “1984.”

It must be acknowledged that Orwell, who wrote this blood-chilling classic as a satire against socialism, has become in retrospect a prophet. His dystopian future of a society defined by perpetual war and thought control through propaganda is close to becoming our reality – despite the populist revolution. This stage play has by no means reached its final act.

We Americans consider ourselves the freest people from thought control and point to the Soviet model as the polar opposite of our system of a “free press” and unfiltered information sources.

We mock and disrespect the Mainstream Media (MSM) while at the same time assuming that we are not being influenced by them – or that the elites who run them aren’t smart enough to have deployed alternative media that creates the illusion of “fair and balanced” news coverage.

But, how often do even the most cynical conservatives give credence to these same media in matters that dominate the news cycle which fall outside our areas of particular interest? We blast them for pro-abortion propaganda, for example, yet assume their reporting on things like U.S. military activity in Syria is objective and accurate.

The Syrian situation is representative of a much larger problem of information control by the elites that too many Americans still don’t recognize, and how much the American press today not only doesn’t differ from the old Soviet model but improves upon it.

Here’s an example of how the propaganda works in the American version. I’m going to use as the example a normally trustworthy conservative-leaning source, the Washington Times. From the Dec. 26 article “Death knell sounds for Obama doctrine as Aleppo falls to Assad loyalists”:

There is no doubt [President Obama] will be hammered in historical terms. The question will be why he didn’t do more,” Aaron David Miller, a former presidential adviser on Middle East affairs, told Reuters. Mr. Obama’s infamous “red line” warning in 2012 against Syria’s use of chemical weapons against rebel forces pushed Washington and Damascus onto a collision course. … The Obama administration’s approach to the ripple effects of the Arab Spring, which irrevocably changed the political landscape of the Middle East and North Africa, was tantamount to “a policy of calculated dithering,” said one top regional analyst.

This article is, of course, red meat for conservatives, but notice how it unquestioningly assumes that Obama’s fault was in not taking more military action in Syria, and subtly invokes the “red line” Assad supposedly crossed, which supposedly should have triggered direct U.S. military intervention, which in turn supposedly proves Obama’s weakness as a leader. That’s “the narrative” for the conservatives. The elites have a narrative for every interest group, it’s not just a leftist thing.

Obama is a weak leader, but not because he didn’t go to war with Russia. And everyone seems to have forgotten that Syria’s alleged violation of the “red line” was one of the most obvious set-ups in the history of “black ops.”

One of my favorite “fake news” sites is Zero Hedge, which recently warned that Trump will probably not be able to stop the globalists. I don’t know if I entirely agree with this analysis, though I do know that assuming a Trump presidency represents anything more than a fighting chance will ensure our failure.

There’s another international news story that has overly encouraged conservatives: the report that Romania’s president has rejected the leftists’ nomination of a Muslim for prime minister. Yes, that’s hopeful on one hand, but in the article credit for bringing about this result was attributed to The Rise Project, a national journalist association funded by George Soros.

The Rise Project is just one of the many nonprofit journalism projects around the world funded by Soros, and that should be greatly concerning to every truth-loving person on the planet.

It used to be a fundamental tenet of journalism that every news report should offer more than one perspective on the news, and that every perspective in dispute should be presented in a balanced way with opposing views honestly represented.

Personal bias by individual journalists and editors had always tested that standard, but so long as it was in place and respected, the ethic of fair and balanced coverage uplifted the profession and justified the public’s trust. Today, “advocacy journalism” (i.e. propaganda) is the norm, and omissions, misrepresentations and hidden false assumptions are ubiquitous.

Today the pretense of journalistic ethics by the MSM is laughable, and respect for the industry is in the toilet – a metaphor never so perfectly epitomized. Yet public scorn has not and will not bring necessary change.

The public must demand – and enforce by pressure – the adoption of clearly and publicly stated standards for ensuring journalistic objectivity and the imposition of ideological balance in the newsrooms and editorial boards.

If the populists and conservatives do not force this change, we will never break our society free from the grip of the elites.

© Copyright 2016,  Scott Lively Ministries

Where Are The Fathers?

I don’t know how we cannot see it. Even those who were raised in “Christian” homes seemed to be wandering aimlessly in the moral cesspool known as America. The Scriptures warn us that “When there was no God in Israel everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

Young American Christians are afloat in a sea without a compass. We have failed to train them to navigate the rough waters of the debaucherous American culture. If today’s parents don’t lose their children in high school they are sure to lose them in college.

It is my experience that for most of the Millenials I come in contact with “religion” is not the guiding factor in the moral decisions that they make. We have taught them to FEEL, not to think. Emotions are a poor foundation upon which to build moral values.

It is time to wake up and look around. We are losing our children to the world. Do you understand that? Whatever we are doing in our churches is not working. Why is it that our children are rejecting the values of their parents?

Why is it that the Millenials are cancelling out the votes of their grandparents? Why are time-honored values no longer valued? How did we reach the point where following Biblical values became old-fashioned?

In California, Democrats passed a law SB 1322 decriminalizing under age prostitution and Governor Jerry Brown signs it. Not one pastor stood publicly against it, not one. The apathetic public ‘that keep voting these low life scoundrels in office’ stood by and did nothing as well. We truly get the government we deserve.

We treat symptoms in America. Make a visit to your family doctor and you will see what I mean. Our medical professions have been trained to treat symptoms and that no matter what your malady; the pharmaceutical industry has a drug to treat it. Just watch the commercials on your favourite cable channel and you will understand what I am saying. Does “an erection lasting longer than 4 hours” ring a bell?

The foundational institution upon which the American Republic was built is crumbling. America is sick because the family is sick. Fatherhood has become a trial-by-error- proposition. You aren’t a man when you can make a baby…you are a man when you can raise one. Fatherhood is on life support.

Our churches have failed us. Although their intentions may have been noble, our pastors have trained the family to depend upon the church and church programs to pass Christian values to the children. Youth ministries and youth programs have taken the responsibility of “training up a child in the way he should go” off of the shoulders of the fathers.

Very few fathers today have any idea how to pass their values to their children. It isn’t learned through osmosis, or passed to the children in the DNA. The transference of values has to be intentional.

What can possibly be responsible for the startling statistic which shows that nearly 75% of Christian kids leave the church when they go to college? What has happened to us that even in families where a father is in the home that so many young adults reject the values they were raised with?

Could it be they were never taught those values in their home? Is it possible that the fathers trusted the church and its flashy programs to instill those values in their kids? Maybe the Dads were ill equipped for the successful transference of fundamental moral values to their kids.

What in the name of all that is righteous are we being taught in our churches? What does it prosper a man to gain the whole world and lose his children? The “church” is hemorrhaging young people. The consequences will have an eternal impact.

Only fathers can make their family great. Only great families can make the church great. Only great churches can make America great. It is time for fathers to get back in the game.

Let me ask you Dad, when was the last time you sat down with your son and explained to him that a real man honors women? Have you told him that an honorable man will not take advantage of a young woman hungry for male affection? Have fathers instructed their sons that the job of a man is to protect the weaker sex?

And how about your daughters? Have you relinquished the moral training of your daughter to your wife? Have you looked your daughter in the eyes and explained to her chastity and WHY it matters? Have you told how important her character is to you and to the Lord?

Have you explained to your children the value of fidelity, purity, and integrity? Have you equipped them with the tools to stand firm against the deluge of sewage that they will face when they go to college? Have you given them a firm foundation upon which to stand or have you trusted the “youth pastor” at your church to train your children?

Every experience in life has the opportunity to teach life-lessons to your children. Only the enduring values passed from the father to the family have that chance to endure.

Our 6 year old granddaughter loves to sit and watch old Andy Griffith shows. She loves the interaction between Andy, Barney, Opie, Aunt Bee…and even Otis the drunk. Watching them with her makes me slip back into the good old days of Father Knows Best, Leave it To Beaver, Donna Reed, and all of the family shows that I grew up on.

It dawned on me the other night as we sat watching a rerun together that all of the moral values being taught in those TV shows were values that were emanating from Dad. Although church was mentioned, I can’t remember one show where the strongest influence in the family was a pastor.

Man up Dad. Your kids will learn their values from someone. Shouldn’t that be you?

There was a reason why it was Father Knows Best…not Pastor knows best. Put down the remote. Your family, and this nation, is counting on you.

© Copyright 2017, Dave Daubenmire – All Rights Reserved

Is America Still the Land of Opportunity?

Last week during a long overdue vacation, a close friend of mine recommended reading the autobiography of Rich DeVos called Simply Rich.

DeVos is a billionaire entrepreneur who started countless ventures during his nine decades on this earth.

Back in the 1946, for example, DeVos started an airline… virtually overnight.

He just bought an airplane and started flying people around. No rules. No regulations.

They didn’t even have an airport. The local airfield north of Grand Rapids, Michigan, where they were based, hadn’t been completed yet.

As DeVos recounts in his book, “We put pontoon floats on our plane and took off and landed on the Grand River, which ran along the airfield.”

His first office at the airfield was an old chicken coop that he found, washed in the river, and re-painted.

The following year he and his partner opened up one of Michigan’s first “Drive Through” restaurants at the airfield, catering to passengers, workers, flight students, and spectators who came by in the evenings just to marvel at the planes.

Again, no rules. No regulations.

They just saw an opportunity and went for it.

DeVos started another business selling ice cream; another offering fishing excursions on Lake Superior; and another delivering trucks cross-country.

The truck delivery business was one of the more interesting ones; it started when he was just a kid– someone asked him to drive two pickups from Grand Rapids to Bozeman, Montana.

There were no hotels or motels… or even interstates back then.

So DeVos and his friend had to zig-zag their way across corn fields to get there, sleeping on haystacks each night along the way.

The book is a hell of an adventure– a reminder of how free and unencumbered things used to be.

Back in America’s heyday, people succeeded based on their hard work, ingenuity, and willingness to take action.

They didn’t have to spend three years filling out paperwork so that some government bureaucracy could justify its existence.

It was an environment that created unparalleled opportunity and prosperity which, candidly, have long since faded.

Today there are rules for everything; in fact, just this morning, the US federal government published an astonishing 709 pages of new regulations.

And that’s just for today. They publish new regulations every single business day. So tomorrow there will be even more.

These rules make it more difficult to produce, to start a business, to sell a product or service to a willing consumer.

And these rules carry costs, whether it’s in paying a fee, filling out paperwork, etc.

So just imagine the effect that literally decades worth of rules and regulations has had on US productivity (which is now noticeably contracting, even according to government data.)

It’s also worth noting that roughly 30% of occupations in the Land of the Free now require some sort of government license.

In its study “License to Work”, the Institute for Justice reports that 45 out of 50 of the largest cities in the United States have put up substantial obstacles to prevent budding entrepreneurs from selling food from street carts.

A manicurist in Alabama requires 163 days of training, while a shampoo specialist at a Tennessee hair salon must undergo 70 days of training, take two exams, and pay $140 in fees to obtain a license.

Hawaii requires fire alarm installers to undergo a whopping four years of training, pass two exams, and pay $380 in fees to obtain a license.

And a tree trimmer in California must also undergo four years of training, pass two exams, and pay $851 in fees to obtain a license.

It’s absurd.

Nothing that Rich DeVos his partner accomplished in their teens and 20s is even legal anymore.

It makes me think about all the people today who will never have the chance to realize their full potential thanks to the mountain of regulations blocking their way.

This is an important point to understand.

Looking at the data– the incredible overregulation, $20 trillion in debt, insolvent pension funds, etc., it’s painfully obvious that the US is past its prime and holding back millions of people from achieving greater prosperity.

Rich DeVos started so many businesses back in the 1940s because the government stayed out of the way and enabled hard-working risk takers to succeed.

Today the government spends $2 billion to build a website and churns out hundreds of pages of regulations each day.

And this trend gets worse each year.

Understanding this simple reality doesn’t mean that you’re pessimistic, unpatriotic, or expecting the end of the world.

It just makes you rational.

Things change. That’s the bottom line.

The US is still a fantastic place. But it’s no longer the same Land of Opportunity it was when Rich DeVos was getting started.

As I’ve summarized before, the US is a great place to consume… but an increasingly difficult place to PRODUCE.

That imbalance has serious long-term consequences, which we are only starting to experience.

© Copyright 2016, Sovereign Man

Editor’s final thoughts:

French economist and statesman Frederick Bastiat called it the desire to rule over others, or the lust for power. Bastiat wrote,

There are too many “great” men in the world—legislators, organizers, do-gooders, leaders of the people, father of nations, and so on….

Too many persons place themselves above mankind; they make a career of organizing it, patronizing it, and ruling it…. My attitude toward all other persons is well illustrated by this story from a celebrated traveller:

He arrived one day in the midst of a tribe of savages, where a child had just been born. A crowd of soothsayers, magicians, and quacks—armed with rings, hooks, and cords—surrounded it.

One said: “This child will never smell the perfume of a piece-pipe unless I stretch his nostrils.”

Another said: “He will never be able to hear unless I draw his ear-lobes down to his shoulders.”

A third said: “He will never see the sunshine unless I slant his eyes.”

Another said: “He will never stand upright unless I bend his legs.”

A fifth said: “He will never learn to think unless I flatten his skull.” “Stop,” cried the traveller. “What God does is well done.

Do not claim to know more than He. God has given organs to this frail creature; let them develop and grow strong by exercise, use, experience, and liberty.”

Bastiat says that we should try to exercise our God-given liberty because God has given to men all that is necessary for them to accomplish their destinies.

He has provided a social form as well as a human form. And these social organs of persons so constituted that they will develop themselves harmoniously in the clean air of liberty.

Away, then, with quacks and organizers! Away with their rings, chains, hooks, and pincers!

Away with their artificial systems!

Away with the whims of governmental administrators, their socialized projects, their centralization, their tariffs, their government schools, their state religions, their free credit, their bank monopolies, their regulations, their restrictions, their equalization by taxation, and their pious moralizations!

And now that the legislators and do-gooders have so futilely inflicted so many systems upon society, may they finally end where they should have begun:

May they reject all systems, and try liberty; for liberty is an acknowledgement of faith in God and His works.


The Coming Crackdown on Free Speech

It’s amazing what can happen in a week.

Before this publication went on hiatus last week, one of the last letters I wrote to you in 2016 was about the National Defense Authorization Act and its treasure trove of freedom-killing provisions.

Section 1287, for example, creates a new agency called the “Global Engagement Center”, aka Ministry of Truth.

It has one purpose: to combat fake news.

The Global Engagement Center will fund and train journalists around the world to push a never-ending flow of US propaganda and cripple any independent outlet that doesn’t conform to the official government narrative.

Sadly, this is not unusual.

Each year, Congress creates a new National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which is essentially the military budget for the following year.

But without fail, each year’s NDAA is crammed full of horrific provisions which either waste taxpayer funds on corrupt pet projects, or destroy Americans’ civil liberties.

You may remember the 2012 NDAA, for example, which President Obama signed into law on New Years Eve 2011.

That year’s NDAA contained a section authorizing the military detention of US citizens on US soil.

Now we’re getting the Ministry of Truth.

President Obama signed this year’s NDAA into law on Christmas Day, which means that the Global Engagement Center will be live and operational within six months.

Four days later on December 29th, he issued an executive order intended to punish the Russian government for manipulating the US election.

The order contains some incredibly vague language targeting anyone engaged in “cyber-related activities” that are “reasonably likely” to pose some threat, including “activities to undermine democratic processes or institutions”.

The order also threatens anyone who provides “goods or services” to those engaged in the aforementioned cyber-related activities

Anyone deemed by the US government to fit those incredibly broad definitions can have their assets frozen instantly.

Now, the spirit of the order is to go after all the Russians and Chinese they think are complicit in hacking the US government and US corporations.

(Mr. Obama also expelled a multitude of Russian diplomats that the FBI suspects of being spies, raising the question of why these people were in the US to begin with.)

Yet such broad and vague language can easily be applied to ensnare just about anyone they want.

If you just happen to have sold a used mobile phone over Craigslist to someone who ends up being a hacker, you can be targeted under this order.

Same with anyone who uses the Internet (engages in “cyber-related activities”) to express strong anti-government opinions (“undermine democratic . . . institutions”).

Now, clearly that’s not the intention with this order.

But when enough time passes, rules and regulations have a strong tendency to be used in ways that dramatically diverge from their original intent.

Case in point: the US government has wrongfully seized billions of dollars worth of cash and property over the years through what’s known as Civil Asset Forfeiture.

Civil Asset Forfeiture is essentially a form of theft.

But it’s perfectly legal for local, state, and federal police agencies to steal from you because of technicalities that were written in laws passed decades ago.

For example, the Archaeological Resources Protection Act was passed in 1979 with the intention of helping to preserve historic sites.

Buried in the law is some vague language authorizing the recovery of any property that was stolen from historic sites.

Now, decades later, police agencies abuse the vague language from that law, as well as dozens of other laws, to give themselves the authority to seize your property.
Their theft of your property has nothing to do with protecting archaeological sites, but they still have the legal authority thanks to a 37-year old law.

So no matter how good the intentions behind a law or executive order, there’s always strong potential for nasty, unforeseen consequences down the road.

And between the NDAA’s Global Engagement Center and the President’s incredibly vague executive order, there’s some serious anti-free speech potential.

By the way, this is NOT just a US phenomenon.

Israel’s government is close to passing a bill that authorizes them to demand Facebook (and other social media platforms) to remove content that they deem threatening.

Germany’s government is talking about passing a similar bill to stop “fake news” during the election cycle, even suggesting that Facebook could be fined if it does not remove certain content within 24 hours of being told by the government to do so.

Yeah, clearly there’s a lot of garbage on the Internet.

Someone can write a post that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is running a child prostitution ring, and it gets retweeted by mindless automatons who believe everything they read.

But at the same time, there’s a lot of independent, boutique journalism out there, and many of these sites are being labeled “fake” because they don’t conform to the official government narrative.

After a terrible year for the status quo, between Brexit and the Trump election, politicians are clearly terrified of any dissent that threatens their position.

And now they’re putting together all the tools they need to stamp it out and keep you in line.

© Copyright 2017, Sovereign Man

Here are other three excellent articles on the same topic: