Should Christians Be Encouraged to Arm Themselves?

large_should.christians.be_.encouraged.to_.arm_.themselves-678As chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary, I want to send a different message to our students, and to the readers of Desiring God, than Jerry Falwell, Jr. sent to the students of Liberty University in a campus chapel service on December 4.

For the sake of the safety of his campus, and in view of terrorist activity, President Falwell encouraged the students to get permits to carry guns. After implying that he had a gun in his back pocket, he said, “I just want to take this opportunity to encourage all of you to get your permit. We offer a free course. And let’s teach them a lesson if they ever show up here.” He clarified on December 9 that the policy at Liberty now includes permission to carry guns in the dormitories.

Falwell and I exchanged several emails, and he was gracious enough to talk to me on the phone so I could get as much clarity as possible. I want it to be clear that our disagreement is between Christian brothers who are able to express appreciation for each other’s ministries person to person.

My main concern in this article is with the appeal to students that stirs them up to have the mindset: Let’s all get guns and teach them a lesson if they come here. The concern is the forging of a disposition in Christians to use lethal force, not as policemen or soldiers, but as ordinary Christians in relation to harmful adversaries.

The issue is not primarily about when and if a Christian may ever use force in self-defense, or the defense of one’s family or friends. There are significant situational ambiguities in the answer to that question. The issue is about the whole tenor and focus and demeanor and heart-attitude of the Christian life. Does it accord with the New Testament to encourage the attitude that says, “I have the power to kill you in my pocket, so don’t mess with me”? My answer is, No.

Here are nine considerations that lead me to this conclusion.

1. The Apostle Paul called Christians not to avenge themselves, but to leave it to the wrath of God.

Piper writes that the Apostle Paul called on Christians to “return good for evil” and added that God gave the sword to government rulers so that they could pursue the wrath of justice for the world.

Piper cites passages in Romans where the rights and duties of the government were laid out and where it was explains how Christians should treat their enemies.

“[A]ny claim that in a democracy the citizens are the government, and therefore may assume the role of the sword-bearing ruler in Romans 13, is elevating political extrapolation over biblical revelation,” Piper writes. “When Paul says, ‘The ruler does not bear the sword in vain’ (Romans 13:4), he does not mean that Christians citizens should all carry swords so the enemy doesn’t get any bright ideas.”

2. Peter teaches us that Christians should expect and accept unjust mistreatment without retaliation.

Piper cites nine verses in 1 Peter to explain that it is honorable in the eyes of God to be persecuted and not retaliate.

“Peter’s aim for Christians as ‘sojourners and exiles’ on the earth is not that we put our hope in the self-protecting rights of the second amendment, but in the revelation of Jesus Christ in glory (1 Peter 1:7, 13;4:13; 5:1),” Piper notes. “His aim is that we suffer well and show that our treasure is in heaven, not in self-preservation.”

3. The whole tenor of Jesus’ counsel was to show how to handle hostility with suffering.

Piper argues that teaching students to carry guns will make students less willing to become martyrs and lay down their lives in the name of Christ if given the opportunity.

“They will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons, and you will be brought before kings and governors for my name’s sake,” Piper cites Luke 21. “This will be your opportunity to bear witness.”

4. ‘For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.’

Piper cites Matthew 26:25 when Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword.”

Piper adds that Christians are supposed to be secure in Christ, not secure in knowing that they have a gun to defend themselves.

“I think I can say with complete confidence that the identification of Christian security with concealed weapons will cause no one to ask a reason for the hope that is in us,” Piper wrote. “They will know perfectly well where our hope is. It’s in our pocket.”

5. ‘Turn the other cheek’

Piper cites Matthew 5:38–39, which states “Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

“Jesus strikes the note that the dominant (not the only) way Christians will show the supreme value of our treasure in heaven is by being so freed from the love of this world and so satisfied with the hope of glory that we are able to love our enemies and not return evil for evil, even as we expect to be wronged in this world,” Pipe wrote.

6. The early church faced persecution without violent resistance.

Piper asserts that in the book of Acts, there was never any indication that Paul ever even thought about using a weapon to defend himself against his adversaries.

“He was willing to appeal to the authorities in Philippi (Acts 16:37) and Jerusalem (Acts 22:25),” Piper wrote. “But he never used a weapon to defend himself against persecution.”

7. Jesus did not tell apostles to buy swords so they could escape persecution.

Although Jesus tells his followers in Luke to go buy swords, Piper argues that Jesus did not intend for his apostles to have swords in order to use them to violently defend against persecution.

“Jerry Falwell Jr. said in his clarifying remarks on Dec. 9: ‘It just boggles my mind that anybody would be against what Jesus told his disciples in Luke 22:36,'” Piper recalled. “If that is the correct interpretation of this text, my question is, ‘Why did none of his disciples in the New Testament ever do that — or commend that?’ The probable answer is that Jesus did not mean for them to think in terms of armed defense for the rest of their ministry.”

8. The unique calling of the church is to live in reliance on heavenly protection.

“This is about the people whom the Bible calls ‘refugees and exiles’ on Earth, namely Christians. It’s about the fact that our weapons are not material but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4),” Piper wrote. “It is an argument that the overwhelming focus and thrust of the New Testament is that Christians are sent into the world — religious and non-religious — ‘as lambs in the midst of wolves’ (Luke 10:3).”

9. Even though the Lord ordains for us to use ordinary means of providing for life (work to earn; plant and harvest; take food, drink, sleep, and medicine; save for future needs; provide governments with police and military forces for society), nevertheless, the unique calling of the church is to live in such reliance on heavenly protection and heavenly reward that the world will ask about our hope (1 Peter 3:15), not about the ingenuity of our armed defenses.

God is our refuge and strength. (Psalm 46:1)

My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)

You will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But not a hair of your head will perish. (Luke 21:17–18)

Once more let me say that God ordains the use of the sword by the state in upholding justice (1 Peter 2:13–17; Romans 13:1–4). Therefore, this article is not a position paper on governmental policy regarding ISIS. Nor is it about the policies of how police should be enlisted to protect private institutions.

This article is about the people whom the Bible calls “refugees and exiles” on earth; namely, Christians. It’s about the fact that our weapons are not material, but spiritual (2 Corinthians 10:4). It is an argument that the overwhelming focus and thrust of the New Testament is that Christians are sent into the world — religious and non-religious — “as lambs in the midst of wolves” (Luke 10:3). And that exhorting the lambs to carry concealed weapons with which to shoot the wolves does not advance the counter-cultural, self-sacrificing, soul-saving cause of Christ.

© Copyright 2016 Desiring God

The Impact of the Puritans


Liberty of Conscience by the Independents of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. 1644 Palace of Westminster; Supplied by The Public Catalogue.

In this short video, Dr Joe Boot talks about the history of the Puritans and their impact on Christianity. He highlights their engagement with society as “civilisation-builders, not just people seeking the reform of the Church”, noting their “faithful application of Scripture to every area of life”.

The unique contribution of the Puritans, as Joe sees it, is their “covenantal understanding of our relationship to God and to one another and to apply that to the various spheres of life.”


Article originally posted here.

A Story of Eternal Perspective

10603304_974359082589694_3803997663430531630_n1.1Back in 1921, a missionary couple named David and Svea Flood went with their two-year-old son from Sweden to the heart of Africa—to what was then called the Belgian Congo. They met up with another young Scandinavian couple, the Ericksons, and the four of them sought God for direction. In those days of much tenderness and devotion and sacrifice, they felt led of the Lord to go out from the main mission station and take the gospel to a remote area.

This was a huge step of faith. At the village of N’dolera they were rebuffed by the chief, who would not let them enter his town for fear of alienating the local gods. The two couples opted to go half a mile up the slope and build their own mud huts.

They prayed for a spiritual breakthrough, but there was none. The only contact with the villagers was a young boy, who was allowed to sell them chickens and eggs twice a week. Svea Flood—a tiny woman of only four feet, eight inches tall—decided that if this was the only African she could talk to, she would try to lead the boy to Jesus. And in fact, she succeeded.

But there were no other encouragements. Meanwhile, malaria continued to strike one member of the little band after another. In time the Ericksons decided they had had enough suffering and left to return to the central mission station. David and Svea Flood remained near N’dolera to go on alone.

Then, of all things, Svea found herself pregnant in the middle of the primitive wilderness. When the time came for her to give birth, the village chief softened enough to allow a midwife to help her. A little girl was born, whom they named Aina.

The delivery, however, was exhausting, and Svea Flood was already weak from bouts of malaria. The birth process was a heavy blow to her stamina. She lasted only another seventeen days.

Inside David Flood, something snapped in that moment. He dug a crude grave, buried his twenty-seven-year-old wife, and then took his children back down the mountain to the mission station. Giving his newborn daughter to the Ericksons, he snarled, “I’m going back to Sweden. I’ve lost my wife, and I obviously can’t take care of this baby. God has ruined my life.” With that, he headed for the port, rejecting not only his calling, but God himself.

Within eight months both the Ericksons were stricken with a mysterious malady and died within days of each other. The baby was then turned over to some American missionaries, who adjusted her Swedish name to “Aggie” and eventually brought her back to the United States at age three.

This family loved the little girl and was afraid that if they tried to return to Africa, some legal obstacle might separate her from them. So they decided to stay in their home country and switch from missionary work to pastoral ministry. And that is how Aggie grew up in South Dakota. As a young woman, she attended North Central Bible college in Minneapolis. There she met and married a young man named Dewey Hurst.

Years passed. The Hursts enjoyed a fruitful ministry. Aggie gave birth first to a daughter, then a son. In time her husband became president of a Christian college in the Seattle area, and Aggie was intrigued to find so much Scandinavian heritage there.

One day a Swedish religious magazine appeared in her mailbox. She had no idea who had sent it, and of course she couldn’t read the words. But as she turned the pages, all of a sudden a photo stopped her cold. There in a primitive setting was a grave with a white cross-and on the cross were the words SVEA FLOOD.

Aggie jumped in her car and went straight to a college faculty member who, she knew, could translate the article. “What does this say?” she demanded.

The instructor summarized the story: It was about missionaries who had come to N’dolera long ago…the birth of a white baby…the death of the young mother…the one little African boy who had been led to Christ…and how, after the whites had all left, the boy had grown up and finally persuaded the chief to let him build a school in the village.

The article said that gradually he won all his students to Christ…the children led their parents to Christ…even the chief had become a Christian. Today there were six hundred Christian believers in that one village…

All because of the sacrifice of David and Svea Flood.

For the Hursts’ twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, the college presented them with the gift of a vacation to Sweden. There Aggie sought to find her real father. An old man now, David Flood had remarried, fathered four more children, and generally dissipated his life with alcohol. He had recently suffered a stroke. Still bitter, he had one rule in his family: “Never mention the name of God-because God took everything from me.”

After an emotional reunion with her half brothers and half sister, Aggie brought up the subject of seeing her father. The others hesitated. “You can talk to him,” they replied, “even though he’s very ill now. But you need to know that whenever he hears the name of God, he flies into a rage.”

Aggie was not to be deterred. She walked into the squalid apartment, with liquor bottles everywhere, and approached the seventy-three-year-old man lying in a rumpled bed.

“Papa?” she said tentatively.

He turned and began to cry. “Aina,” he said, “I never meant to give you away.”

“It’s all right Papa,” she replied, taking him gently in her arms. “God took care of me.”

The man instantly stiffened. The tears stopped.

“God forgot all of us. Our lives have been like this because of Him.” He turned his face back to the wall.

Aggie stroked his face and then continued, undaunted.

“Papa, I’ve got a little story to tell you, and it’s a true one. You didn’t go to Africa in vain. Mama didn’t die in vain. The little boy you won to the Lord grew up to win that whole village to Jesus Christ. The one seed you planted just kept growing and growing. Today there are six hundred African people serving the Lord because you were faithful to the call of God in your life…

“Papa, Jesus loves you. He has never hated you.”

The old man turned back to look into his daughter’s eyes. His body relaxed. He began to talk. And by the end of the afternoon, he had come back to the God he had resented for so many decades.

Over the next few days, father and daughter enjoyed warm moments together. Aggie and her husband soon had to return to America—and within a few weeks, David Flood had gone into eternity.

A few years later, the Hursts were attending a high-level evangelism conference in London, England, where a report was given from the nation of Zaire (the former Belgian Congo). The superintendent of the national church, representing some 110,000 baptized believers, spoke eloquently of the gospel’s spread in his nation. Aggie could not help going to ask him afterward if he had ever heard of David and Svea Flood.

“Yes, madam,” the man replied in French, his words then being translated into English. “It was Svea Flood who led me to Jesus Christ. I was the boy who brought food to your parents before you were born. In fact, to this day your mother’s grave and her memory are honored by all of us.”

He embraced her in a long, sobbing hug. Then he continued, “You must come to Africa to see, because your mother is the most famous person in our history.”
In time that is exactly what Aggie Hurst and her husband did. They were welcomed by cheering throngs of villagers. She even met the man who had been hired by her father many years before to carry her back down the mountain in a hammock-cradle.

The most dramatic moment, of course, was when the pastor escorted Aggie to see her mother’s white cross for herself. She knelt in the soil to pray and give thanks. Later that day, in the church, the pastor read from John 12:24: “I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” He then followed with Psalm 126:5: “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.”

This is an excerpt from Aggie Hurst, Aggie: The Inspiring Story of A Girl Without A Country (Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1986)
© Copyright 2016 Eternal Perspective Ministries

Ways to Overcome Witchcraft

Always-pray-at-all-times-1The following are some of the ways we can combat and overcome eight specific areas of Satan’s attack through witchcraft.

1. Overcoming Discouragement

Discouragement never comes from God. He is the author of faith and the source of hope which never disappoints. Although God does discipline us when we need it, He never does so by afflicting us with discouragement. When James describes the wisdom that comes from above, he does not list discouragement as one of the characteristics: “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy” (James 3:17). Discouragement is the very opposite of love, joy, peace and other attributes of the Holy Spirit’s fruit (see Galatians 5:22-23).

We must learn to quickly and instinctively reject discouragement, giving it no place in our thoughts. We must tenaciously resist it, taking every thought captive to obey Christ (see II Corinthians 10:3). Discouragement must never be allowed to dictate our course. Faith is the fruit of the Spirit and the shield of our armor that counters discouragement. If we begin to get discouraged, it is because we have dropped our shield. We need to pick it back up!

2. Overcoming Confusion

“God is not the author of confusion” (see I Corinthians 14:33 KJV), so we can know for certain that when confusion strikes, it is not coming from Him. In the military, confusion is one of the primary elements of battle that a soldier is trained to handle. Since nothing will ever go exactly as planned, there will rarely be a battle where there is no confusion. The same is true in spiritual warfare.

The disciplined soldier who understands this aspect of warfare learns to use the confusion to his own advantage. He does not let it increase his discouragement, but begins to anticipate it, looking for an opportunity to gain an advantage over the enemy. We must learn to expect confusion as part of the battle and not be surprised or affected by it. Our resolve to stand and fight will quickly dispel this aspect of the attack.

3. Overcoming Depression God told Cain the most effective remedy for depression:

Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen [the ancient expression for depression]? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouch- ing at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it” (Genesis 4:6-7).

Depression is usually the result of allowing discouragement and confusion to cause us to drift from our basic spiritual disciplines, such as reading the Word, pray- ing, fellowshipping, and so on. Picking them up again with resolve will almost always start to reverse the downward spiral.

4. Overcoming a Loss of Vision

This attack can also be turned to our advantage and used as an opportunity. When we begin to lose our vision, we must commit ourselves to strengthening our vision more than ever. We need to sink our roots deeper and establish our purpose even more firmly upon the Word of God. When God begins to lead us into a purpose, we should record how He speaks to us. By searching all the Scriptures and reviewing the ways He has led us in the past, we will even more firmly establish His leading.

Above all, we must hold our course! We should not change our direction until we can clearly see the new course. In World War I, one of the most effective tactics of the enemy was to lay a smokescreen in front of allied battleship convoys. As the convoy entered the smoke, visibility was lost. The ships would start turning at any perceived sound or whim with the resulting collisions sinking more ships than the enemy torpedoes did.

The allies finally developed a simple strategy to thwart this tactic against their vision: When in the smoke, every ship was to hold its previous course without deviation. By doing so, they discovered that they would soon all sail out the other side into clear air. The same strategy will enable us to more quickly escape whatever is clouding our vision. When we lose our vision, we need to just hold our course and keep going forward. We will soon break out into the clear.

5. Overcoming Disorientation

As an instrument flight instructor, the first thing I had to teach a student pilot was that he must not trust his feelings when experiencing restricted visibility while flying on instruments. If a pilot tries to fly by his feelings when in instrument conditions, he will quickly lose control of the plane.

Even when flying perfectly straight and level through the clouds, it can begin to feel like the plane is turning. If the pilot reacts to this feeling, he will begin to turn in order to counteract this supposed drift, causing the plane to veer off course or possibly even turn the plane upside down. In a test conducted by the FAA, a group of pilots without previous instrument training were flown into instrument conditions.

Every one of them lost control of their planes because they tried to rely on their feelings for guidance. The same is true of immature Christians who enter spiritual conditions with reduced visibility or “spiritual clouds.”

They usually try to rely on their feelings for guidance and therefore lose control. The “instruments” we have been given to walk by are found in the Bible. We do not walk by feelings but by faith in the sure testimony of the Word of God. The Word of God will keep us oriented and on course if we put our trust in it, even when our feelings may be telling us to do otherwise.

6. Overcoming Withdrawal

In the Persian Gulf War, the majority of casualties were either reserves or civilian. The safest place to be in the war was on the front line. This has been true in most modern wars, and it is true in spiritual warfare as well. When we are being pressed in a battle, we cannot call a time-out. On the frontline, we cannot ask the enemy to stop the battle because we have a headache or want to take a break. When we are on the frontline, we know the dangers and do not let our guards down.

All Christians are on the frontline every day whether we like it or not. It is when we start to consider ourselves a “civilian” and not a soldier that we will be the most vulnerable to his attack. A Christian is never in the reserves.

However, there are times of reprieve from conflict because seldom do battles continually rage along the entire front. However, when we know we are on the front, even our breaks are taken with vigilance, realizing that a fresh attack can come at any time. Christians must never remove their spiritual armor or lose their vigilance. In times of warfare, there are occasions when strategic retreat is necessary.

At times, we over commit ourselves spiritually and must draw back—but that is not the same as withdrawing from the battle. Even when we have over committed ourselves, retreat should be a last resort, for an army in retreat is in its most vulnerable condition. If at all possible, we should at least try to hold our ground until our position can be strengthened.

Even when we discover that in a certain matter we have acted presumptuously, without being commissioned by God, we must not quit—we should repent. There is a difference between quitting and stopping because of repentance. The first is defeat; the latter is an adjustment that will always result in further victories. Repentance comes because of the truth that sets us free; defeat will result in spiritual bondage to the power of the enemy.

7. Overcoming Despair

In Genesis 2:18, the Lord said that it was not good for man to be alone. We are social creatures, and when we withdraw from fellowship, we usually sink into the deepest pit of hopelessness—despair. At this point in the downward spiral, we must return to fellowship and get help in reversing the slide or else we will be defeated.

As simple as this may seem, it is the remedy. Even though fellow believers can be the source of the enemy’s attack on us, we must never run away from the church. We should run to it and work out our problems until they are resolved.

8. Overcoming Defeat

Even if Satan’s stings of witchcraft have brought such devastation to our lives that we are temporarily defeated, we must see that God can still bring us to ultimate victory. Paul commented to the Corinthians that he had been “struck down, but not destroyed” (see II Corinthians 4:9). At one point, Paul faced such severe attacks that he “despaired even of life” (see II Corinthians 1:8), but through it all he learned that the secret of regaining victory was not in trusting in himself but in “God who raises the dead” (see II Corinthians 1:9).

Paul wrote, “but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:57). “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Defeat is not an option in Christ. We will gain victory in that which He has called us to do. The only way we can be defeated is to quit.


Witchcraft is basically the practice of cursing others. This cursing does not just come through cults or black magic arts, but can even come through those who love us and have good intentions and are trying to manipulate us. Using manipulation or control is a form of witchcraft, regardless of who does it.

The mother who manipulates her son or daughter into marrying her choice has done it through witchcraft, and such relationships usually have to be held together through manipulation and control.

The prayer group that uses prayers to expose others is gossiping for the sake of manipulation. This is not genuine prayer—it is witchcraft. Much of what is written in the name of Christian journalism purportedly as an attempt to keep the church informed is gossip, used to manipulate or gain influence over others— this, too, is witchcraft.

When spiritual leaders use manipulation, hype, or control to build their churches or ministries, they are operating in a counterfeit spiritual authority equivalent to witchcraft. Much of what is taught in business schools is a form of manipulation or control that is witchcraft. Many of the strategies the church has borrowed from secular journalism and the business world have brought witchcraft into the camp, and it must be removed if we are to be free to accomplish our purpose for this hour.

Many of the “yokes” and human expectations that we face have some form of manipulation and witchcraft attached to them. The enemy wants to establish these strongholds to conflict with the calling of God in our lives.

However, this is not a license to disregard the expectations of our parents, teachers, employers, and so forth. We were known by the Lord before we were born, and many of the influences in our lives have been placed there to help steer us toward our purposes in Him.

However, some of the yokes and expectations that well-intentioned parents, teachers, or coaches put on us must be cast off. Yokes that are placed on us that are not from the Lord will become clear as we come to know our callings and purposes in Him, for the truth will set us free.

The only yoke that we must take is the Lord’s yoke. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (see Matthew 11:30). When we take His yoke, we find rest and refreshment instead of the pressure and discouragement that comes from white witchcraft.

Pressure tactics and manipulation are subtle forms of witchcraft that can have just as much power as the black magic arts. White and black witchcraft may be different branches, but they have the same root and the same deadly poison.

Regretfully, when unstable people recognize the dangers of being subject to charismatic or white witchcraft, they will often distort this principle in order to rebel against God’s ordained authority over their lives.

King Saul is a personification of one who was ordained by God but fell from his place of true spiritual authority to operate in counterfeit spiritual authority. King David, on the other hand, is a personification of true spiritual authority. How did David react to Saul? He was willing to serve in the house of Saul until Saul chased him away. Even then he never retaliated, rebelled or tried to undermine Saul’s authority, but chose instead to honour him as “the Lord’s anointed” (see I Samuel 24:10).

We need to learn from David’s example. Even though he was called to take Saul’s place, he never lifted his hand against Saul. David determined that if God had really called him to be the next king, then God would have to be the one to establish him.

David overcame evil with good by demonstrating the exact opposite of the manipulative or control spirits that had come against him. Had David manipulated his way into the kingdom, he would have almost certainly fallen to witchcraft just like Saul. However, David was of a different spirit.

Those who are the target of any form of witchcraft will usually feel the sequence of stings previously listed. If we react to the attack properly, we will not only be free of its influence ourselves, but we can also help to free those who have use witchcraft. The manipulation and control spirits gain entrance through fear.

Those who are fearful, insecure, and so obsessed with controlling others that they use evil influence, will take a demonstration of “perfect love” (see I John 4:18) to cast out these fears. Jesus commanded us to “bless those who curse you” (see Matthew 5:44). Paul said that we are not to return evil for evil; we are to overcome evil with good (see Romans 12:19-21).

When we discover that we are the target of witchcraft, retaliation is not the answer. In fact, that is the very thing the enemy would have us do, for it multiplies the evil we are trying to cast out. Satan will not cast out Satan; witchcraft will not cast out witchcraft.

We must pray for those who are praying against us and bless those who are cursing us. This does not mean we are to bless what they are doing, but we must pray that they are delivered from the fears and hatred that motivates them. Pray for your attackers to have a revelation of the perfect love of God. Our greatest victory is in winning those who are in the enemy’s grip, not just in afflicting them back.

Another source of witchcraft that can be one of the most unexpected causes of discouragement, confusion, depression, loss of vision, disorientation, and despair is ourselves!

When we use manipulation, hype, or control on others, we open ourselves to the consequences. Before we look at others to find the source, we should first look at ourselves. Again, Satan cannot cast out Satan; we will not be able to cast witchcraft out of others if we are using it ourselves.

Most who have been subject to witchcraft have tried to combat it in the flesh actually using the same spirit. When we do that, it gains a foothold in our own lives that must be broken before we will have the authority to deliver others.

Witchcraft is a serious offense that God will not continue to tolerate in the church. His intent is to bring down every form and manifestation of witchcraft that has ensnared His people. After we have been freed from this terrible evil, we will also be free to walk in the unprecedented power that can only be entrusted to those who walk in true spiritual authority.

Excerpted from Overcoming Witchcraft, Combating Spiritual Strongholds Series, Rick Joyner © copyright 1996, 2010, published by Morning Star Publications

Image Credit: Heavens Call

Overcoming Witchcraft

Wear.the_.Armor_.Of_.God.4.5.1The practice of witchcraft has dramatically increased throughout the world in recent years. One of the expressed goals of this movement is to destroy biblical Christianity. Many Christians are presently suffering some form of attack from those who practice witchcraft. Discerning the nature of these attacks, and knowing how to overcome them, is becoming crucial for all believers.

What is Witchcraft?

Witchcraft is counterfeit spiritual authority; it is using a spirit other than the Holy Spirit to dominate, manipulate, or control others.

In Galatians 5:20, the Apostle Paul named witchcraft, or “sorcery,” as one of the deeds of the flesh. Though witchcraft has its origin in the carnal nature of man, it usually degenerates quickly into demonic power. When we try to use emotional pressure to manipulate others, it is a basic form of witchcraft. When we use hype or soul power to enlist service, even for the work of God, it is witchcraft. When businessmen scheme to find pressure points while pursuing a deal, this, too, can be witchcraft.

Many of the manipulative tactics promoted as sales techniques in marketing are basic forms of witchcraft. The primary defense against counterfeit spiritual authority is to walk in true spiritual authority. Establishing our lives on truth and trusting in the Lord to accomplish what concerns us are essential keys to becoming free from the influence and pressure of witchcraft.

The attacks of witchcraft come in a series of stings. The successive stings are meant to hit the very places where we have been weakened by the previous stings. In this way they build upon each other until the cumulative effect overwhelms the target. The stings of witchcraft usually come in the following order:

  1. Discouragement
  2. Confusion
  3. Depression
  4. Loss of Vision
  5. Disorientation
  6. Withdrawal
  7. Despair
  8. Defeat

This process can happen quickly, as it did with Elijah, but it usually works more slowly, which makes it even more difficult to discern. However, if we know the enemy’s schemes we will not continue to be subject to them. When these symptoms begin to make inroads into our lives, we must resist the enemy until he flees. If we do not resist him, we will be the ones fleeing, just like Elijah.

The source of witchcraft used against us may not be the obvious satanic cults or New Age operatives. It can come from well- meaning, though deceived, Christians who are, in effect, praying against us instead of for us. These misguided prayers have power, because whatever is released on earth is released in heaven, and whatever is bound on earth is bound in heaven. If intercession is motivated by a spirit of control or manipulation, it is witchcraft, and its power is just as real as that of black magic.

Other sources of charismatic witchcraft can be things such as gossip, political maneuvering, and jealousy; and they can have an effect on us whether we allow ourselves to be manipulated by them or not. For example, consider the result if we refuse to be manipulated by someone who has a control spirit, but allow ourselves to become resentful or bitter toward that person. In such a case, the enemy has still caused us to fall, and the discouragement, disorientation, and depression will come upon us just as surely as if we had submitted to the control spirit.

We are defeated by the enemy when he can get us to respond in any spirit other than the Holy Spirit, whose fruit is love, joy, peace, and so forth (see Galatians 5:22-23).

The enemy’s strategy is to cause us to depart from the fruit of the Holy Spirit and try to combat him on his own terms. Satan cannot cast out Satan; resentment will never cast out Jezebel—it will only increase her power.

That is why the basic strategy we must use to begin freeing ourselves from the power of witchcraft is to “bless those who curse us” (see Luke 6:28). This does not mean that we bless their works, but that we pray for them and not against them. If the enemy can get us to retaliate, he will then have us using the same spirit, and we will have multiplied the very evil we were trying to cast out.

We are not warring against flesh and blood, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual. When we begin to pray blessings upon the people who are attacking us, then the evil power of control and manipulation is broken over both them and us. We must not return evil for evil, but we must “overcome evil with good” (see Romans 12:21).


Everyone gets discouraged at times, and it can be for many different reasons, so this is not always the result of witchcraft being used against us. However, if we become subject to increasing discouragement for no apparent reason, witchcraft should be considered as a possible source.

When your difficulties seem insurmountable and you want to give up, even though matters are really not any worse than usual, you are probably coming under spiritual attack. The enemy’s attempt to afflict you with discouragement is meant to weaken you for the next level of attack, which is:


Again, we must look for a general and increasing “spirit of confusion” for which there is no apparent reason. Here we begin to lose our clarity as to what we have been called to do, which of course will weaken our resolve. This confusion is meant to compound our discouragement, making us even weaker and more vulnerable to further attack, which will usually come in the form of:


This is a deeper problem than simple discouragement. It is an unshakable dread that comes as a result of the combined effect of discouragement and confusion, along with a general negligence in spiritual disciplines that have usually slipped in by this time. This will become an increasingly prevalent problem in the last days, and we must gain victory over it. If we do not, it will quickly lead to the next sting:


This is the goal of the previous stings, and it works to increase their effect. Here we begin to doubt that God has called us to the task in the first place. The only way that we can sail through the storm of confusion is to hold our course, but we cannot hold our course if we do not know where we are going. We will not try to hold our course if we begin to think it was wrong for us to ever pursue our vision in the first place. Such a loss in vision will lead to our drifting in circles at the time when we most need to “make straight paths for your feet” (see Hebrews 12:13). This sets us up for the next level of assault:


The combined result of depression, confusion, and loss of vision is usually disorientation. By this time, not only have we forgotten the course we are supposed to be holding, but we have even lost our ability to read the compass. The Scriptures will no longer speak to us, and it is a struggle to trust the Lord’s voice or receive much encouragement from even the most anointed teaching or preaching. This is the point of spiritual incapacitation, the inability to function, which results in:


When disorientation sets in, it is tempting to withdraw or retreat from our purpose in the ministry, our fellowship with the rest of the church, and often from our families and others we are close to. Withdrawal will result in:

Sting 7: DESPAIR

Withdrawal from the battle leads quickly to hopelessness and despair. Without hope we can easily be taken out by the enemy, either through temptation, sickness, or death. Science has proven that when hope is removed, even the healthiest person will quickly deteriorate and die. But with hope, men and women have lived long past the point when a normal body should have quit. Despair will always lead to:

Sting 8: DEFEAT

The enemy’s purpose is to weaken us so that we begin to fall further and further behind—then we can be picked off more easily. In Scripture, the Amalekites were typical of Satan and his hordes. It was the practice of the Amalekites to attack the weak and the defenseless. As the camp of Israel crossed the wilderness, the Amalekites picked off the loners or stragglers who fell behind the rest of the camp.

This is what the enemy seeks to do through witchcraft. He seeks to weaken believers so that they will begin to fall behind the rest of the camp and become easy prey. This is why Israel was told that there would be perpetual war with the Amalekites. When Israel’s kings were commanded to fight them, they were also commanded to utterly destroy them and not take any spoil. We have a perpetual war against Satan, and we cannot take any prisoners. Neither can we use that which is his in the service of God.

King Saul disobeyed this command. He kept Agag alive, king of the Amalekites, and kept some of the spoil “to sacrifice it to the Lord” (see I Samuel 15:15). This represented a failure of the most foolish kind for one called to lead God’s people. In those days, keeping a rival king alive after a battle was only done for one of two reasons: to make him an ally or a slave. Saul foolishly thought that he could make the one who personified Satan himself into an ally or a slave.

It was no accident that it was an Amalekite who killed Saul and carried the news of Saul’s death to David. This Amalekite thought that the news would be pleasing to David, but David was discerning and had him killed (see II Samuel 1:1-16).

If we do not obey the Lord and utterly destroy the enemy we battle, he will end up finishing us off. There can be no alliance with the enemy; he and his hordes must be utterly destroyed. Neither let us be foolish enough to think that we can use the enemy as our slave; in his guile he will quickly turn the tables.

Witchcraft is being used against the church. Many who have failed to recognize it have been defeated—losing their vision, their ministry, their families, and even their lives. This is not sensationalism; it is fact. Paul said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers (see Ephesians 6:12). Wrestling is the closest form of combat.

The enemy is going to fight, and he is going to wrestle with us. If we decide we are just not going to fight, we will get pinned!

As Christians, we have no option as to whether or not we are going to do spiritual warfare—if we want to survive, we must fight. How do we combat this witchcraft? We must first look at the basic principle of spiritual warfare required for every victory.

The Road to Victory

In Revelation 12:11, we see that the saints overcome Satan:

  1. By the blood of the Lamb,
  2. by the word of their testimony, and
  3. by loving not their lives even unto death.

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb as we take our stand on what He has already accomplished for us through the cross. The victory has already been won, and there is no way we can lose, if we abide in Him.

The word of our testimony is the Scriptures. Every time the enemy challenged Jesus, He simply responded with Scripture, countering the enemy’s temptation with God’s truth. The Word of God is “the sword of the Spirit” (see Ephesians 6:17). With the sword, we can deflect the blows from his deceptive words, as well as attack him. Of all the pieces of armor we are commanded to use, the sword is the only offensive weapon (see Ephesians 6:10-18).

That they “did not love their lives to the death” (see Revelation 12:11 NKJV), is the utter commitment to follow Him regardless of the price. We are called to take up our crosses daily, to do all things for the sake of the gospel, and to no longer live for ourselves but for Him.

To the degree that we remain in self-centeredness, we will be vulnerable to the enemy’s attack. When we have reckoned ourselves dead to this world, as crucified with Christ, then the enemy no longer has any access to us because he has no more access to Him. What can be done to a dead person? It is impossible for the dead to be offended, tempted, fearful, depressed, or to be continually looking for the easy way out, since they have already paid the ultimate price.

All of these—the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and a commitment to lay down our lives, are required for spiritual victory. Anything less will fail to bring a complete victory. We may make occasional, halting advances, but we will sooner or later be pushed back.

However, it is clear that at the end of the age an army of believers will be raised up who will not settle for occasional advances—they have committed themselves to the fight and will not stop until there is the total victory. “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains” (see Psalm 24:1). Until the earth has been completely recovered from the domain of Satan, our fight is not over.

No one will fight to win if they do not believe victory is possible. Many teachings have been promulgated that declare the church’s defeat before Christ’s return. Yet the whole prophetic testimony of Scripture is that the Lord, the church, and the truth are going to prevail. Satan is indeed being cast down to the earth, bringing with him a time of trouble like the world has never known before—but we will still win!

Isaiah 14:16-17 says that when we see Satan, we are going to marvel at the pitiful nature of the one who caused so much trouble! The Lord, who lives within the very least of the saints, is much greater than the combined power of all antichrists. These times are not to be feared—this will be our finest hour! As Isaiah 60:1-2 declares, when darkness is covering the earth, the glory of the Lord will be appearing on His people.

The darkness will just make His glory upon us appear that much brighter. We must start fighting in order to win, giving no more ground to the enemy, and taking back what he has usurped. To effectively combat witchcraft, we must determine that we are going to resist Satan until he flees from us. Our goal is more than just driving the enemy out of our own lives; we then must pursue him until he is driven out of others in whom he has established a stronghold.

Adapted from Overcoming Witchcraft, Combating Spiritual Strongholds Series, Rick Joyner © copyright 1996, 2010, published by Morning Star Publications

Image Credit: Heavens Call

Could this be the Mark of the Beast?

CHIIP-IMPLANT-1At this very moment, world events are running so fast that no one can keep up with them. The stock market around the world is collapsing. Now we are being inundated with very confusing explanations about the mark of the beast. The Bible tells us:

The Antichrist will compel all both small and great, both the rich and the poor, both free and slave, to be marked with an inscription [stamped] on their right hands or on their foreheads, So that no one will have power to buy or sell unless he bears the stamp (mark, inscription), [that is] the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is [room for] discernment [a call for the wisdom of interpretation]. Let anyone who has intelligence (penetration and insight enough) calculate the number of the beast, for it is a human number [the number of a certain man]; his number is 666 (Revelation 13:16-18 AMP).

Without this mark there will be no way to obtain food or transportation or even make a living. It will be practically impossible to survive.  He will come to power at a time of international economic crisis. He will cause craft and deceit to prosper. He will control the citizens using the available technology and he will be watching every move.

Today Bio-chip implants, each the size of a grain of rice, can be tucked under a person’s skin to monitor his health or his buying and selling transactions. Other similar high-tech identification systems have been developed as well: eye scans, facial scans, palm printing, transponders. The technology is already in place to implement such a surveillance system. Remember most of the political leaders in all the parties believe in government abuse of power to intimidate and track innocent people especially Christians.Will they use a microchip implant or its just speculation?

What is an RFID Microchip Implant?

A human microchip implant is an identifying RFID transponder encased in silicate glass which is about the size of a grain of rice and implanted in the body of a human being. RFID stands for radio frequency identification. It contains a unique ID number that can be linked to information contained in an external database, such as personal identification, medical history, medications, allergies, and contact information. RFID chips are found in lots of things we use every day, including credit cards and passports.

In the next video Perry Stone prophesies about the possible government plan of implanting of microchips into our bodies for identification reasons, similar to the mark of the beast spoken of in the Book of Revelation. Stone says by 2017-2018, it will be mandatory for Americans to have this chip implanted in their bodies.

Katherine Albrecht the founder of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering also warned us that iWatch, Apple Pay could be sequel to Mark of the Beast here:


Remember no one will be able to get the mark without worshiping the beast. So whether or not this is mark of the beast doesn’t matter to those who know and have placed their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. What matters is; do you know Jesus intimately? Are you blood bought, stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit and preserved for glory? The overcoming church of Jesus Christ will not be on this planet when this marking takes place.

God’s people have already been marked on their foreheads. We are already sealed, marked, branded and stamped with the seal of the long –promised Holy Spirit as God’s own secured for the day of redemption through Christ from evil and the consequences of sin. (See Ephesians 1:13) The prophet Ezekiel says:

And the Lord said to him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan over all the abominations that are committed in the midst of it (Ezekiel 9:4).

In the Book of Revelation, we hear the Lord telling the destroying angels, Harm neither the earth nor the sea nor the trees, until we have sealed the bond servants of our God upon their foreheads (Revelation 7:3).

Again in Revelation 9:4 the demon powers unleashed in the last days are told not to injure the herbage of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only [to attack] such human beings as do not have the seal (mark) of God on their foreheads.

In Revelation 22:4 the Lord promises us that, “No longer will there be a curse upon anything. For the throne of God and of the Lamb will be there, and his servants will worship him. And they will see his face, and his name will be written on their foreheads.”

Here is our final lesson. Our hope faith and trust are in the Lord Jesus Christ. He knows exactly what we need and when we need it and we are forever in His care. The prophet Daniel says, “He reveals the deep and secret things; He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him!” (Daniel 2:22) God knows that all these dark days ahead will be overcome when we draw close to Him. He assures us that He will never leave us nor forsake us:

Let your character or moral disposition be free from love of money [including greed, avarice, lust, and craving for earthly possessions] and be satisfied with your present [circumstances and with what you have]; for He [God] Himself has said, I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. [I will] not, [I will] not, [I will] not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake nor let [you] down (relax My hold on you)! [Assuredly not!]

So we take comfort and are encouraged and confidently and boldly say, The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm [I will not fear or dread or be terrified]. What can man do to me? (Hebrews 13:5 AMP).


Discipleship of New Believers

VA_-_Raphael_St_Paul_Preaching_in_Athens_1515-1In the previous post, we talked about how the Jezebel witchcraft Spirit can affect the whole family through the example of Peter. We mentioned that Peter put his faith in the Lord Jesus when he was around 18 years of age, but he had all these problems and confusions because of lack of discipleship as a young believer. Peter says,

The Holy Spirit convicted me that I had to repent and wholeheartedly and completely surrender my life to the Lord. It was around 2001 that I experienced life-changing personal encounter with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit that made a lasting impression on me. I then experienced a deep longing to serve Him and for a more intimate relationship with Him, and in His goodness, the Lord began to reveal Himself to me in His Word and to introduce me to other Bible teachers that have enriched my spiritual, personal and private prayer life.

Certainly Peter had a life transforming encounter with Jesus Christ, but he didn’t seem to have victory especially in the area of finance and he could find no natural or logical reason why he was frustrated. As we discovered, Peter had descended from many generations of idol worshipers which according to Exodus 20:3-5, means a curse down to the third and fourth generations.

The actual experience of Peter’s encounter with the Holy Spirit however, was not the end of his conflict. Why? Because a person who has made a conscious, unreserved commitment to Satan is still regarded by him as his property. Satan will seek continually to re-establish his control, using every kind of demon under his command.

The spiritual struggle for deliverance is often very intense for those who have participated in any kind of satanic rituals. As I mentioned in my book,

We Africans are very defensive about our culture, traditions, and superstitions, which is completely understandable. But adhering to that culture when we’ve been born again causes great conflict. We still suffer from the influence of witchcraft, ancestral worship, and other spiritual strongholds, which has been going on for some time since the history of Christianity in Africa.

It is worth examining that despite the origins of revival in Uganda (East Africa) in the nineteenth century, many Christian leaders from Buganda, which is the largest ethnic group, resented the revival because they felt this move of the Holy Spirit attacked their deeply held kiganda traditions and practices.

The born-again Christians denounced the continuance of traditional practices by Christians and accused the already established Anglican Church of compromising. These new born-again believers declined to have anything to do with rituals connected with the birth of twins or the last funeral rites, all of which the born-again believers felt to be immoral practices.

Once a person has entered the kingdom of God and has wholeheartedly accepted the lordship of Christ, no other culture or tradition may legitimately lay claim to our lives. We have patterns of sin that go back thousands of years and generation after generation of repeating these patterns.

The revival that took place should have broken up these patterns, but most believers combined their traditions with the Word of God. It’s impossible to combine the traditions and culture of any society with the Bible. They will always be in conflict with one another.

Discipleship in a Young Believer

Throughout the New Testament, we are commanded to produce committed followers and disciples, not merely converts. It takes real spiritual fatherhood like that exemplified by the apostle Paul to form real committed Christians. The question is: What is a Disciple and how do we become Disciples?

A disciple is a learner who follows His Master everywhere He goes. His goal is to learn and keep on learning until he resembles the Master. The goal of the disciple should be to know Jesus more intimately. When the seventy disciples had come back from preaching the gospel, healing the sick, and casting out demons, they were filled with joy because even the demons were subject to them.

Jesus told them, “Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven” (Luke 10:20). In other words, don’t rejoice in successful service, but rejoice that you know the Lord intimately. The passion for winning souls and making disciples springs from our relationship with God.

Jesus’ definition of becoming a disciple requires absolute surrender to Him alone. Because Jesus Christ demands obedience to His Word, He calls men to follow Him not as just a teacher or a pattern of the good life, but as Lord and God—the Christ, the Son of the living God. In describing what a disciple means, He said,

If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his [own] father and mother [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God] and [likewise] his wife and children and brothers and sisters—[yes] and even his own life also—he cannot be My disciple…. So then, any of you who does not forsake (renounce, surrender claim to, give up, say good-bye to) all that he has cannot be My disciple. (Luke 14:26, 33 AMP)

The passage makes a pointed contrast between two kinds of people: the great multitudes who were going along with Jesus and the single individual who comes after Him. We are sometimes satisfied with great multitudes who go along with Jesus, but true Christianity should focus primarily on each individual who comes after Jesus.

That’s why the apostles were concerned that people should become disciples; they were not interested in our modern methods of preaching. They realized that disciple making takes time and so Paul would stay in a place for a considerable period of time to make sure that the believers were established.

In Ephesus he taught about the kingdom of God every afternoon from 12 until 4 o’clock for two years in order that young converts might learn and new people would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In fact those who came to faith were commonly known as disciples or followers of the way. It was perseverance on the journey that mattered, not a one-off decision that has little effect on daily life.

Repentance is an ongoing, daily requirement in the life of every disciple of Jesus Christ. The call of discipleship sets the Christian in the middle of daily temptations against sin and the enemy. Every day and every hour we encounter new temptations, and we must be called to suffer, carry the cross, and follow Christ, denying ourselves.

We are to produce not fellow travelers but committed followers of Jesus Christ. If you know you cannot follow up your converts, you had better go back in the secret place and talk to the Lord to give you a discipleship strategy. Jesus Christ emphasized this when He asked the Apostle Peter three times if he loved Him, he was to take care and feed His lambs. (See John 21: 15-17)

Peter indeed obeyed this command by preaching his first sermon after being filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Peter knew that unbelief was the first sin that man committed. Therefore it had to be the first sin which the Holy Spirit convicted the 3,000 on the Day of Pentecost. Peter said,

Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Christ.’ Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?’ (Acts 2:36–37)

He then called his listeners to repentance:

Repent (change your views and purpose to accept the will of God in your inner selves instead of rejecting it) and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of and release from your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38)

The sequence is to believe, repent, be baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Why would Peter include the baptism of the Holy Spirit? It is quite possible to have some of the Spirit’s presence and work in the heart and yet come short of that special fullness and work known in the Bible as the baptism or filling with the Holy Spirit. It is only the Holy Spirit who convicts the world of the sin of unbelief, the righteousness of Jesus, and of a future judgment to come. (See John 16:9–11)

Without the moving of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of the people, we would be religious and deny the power that can make us godly. (See 2 Timothy 3:1-5) Religion apart from the moving of the Holy Spirit can be very dangerous because it keeps us in a false sense of security and indifference without considering the destiny of our souls. We have an example given by Rees Howells during the Welsh Revival:

The Revival proved what the Holy Ghost could do through a company of believers, who were of one spirit and of one mind as on the day of Pentecost……The one aim was the saving of souls. The Saviour said there is joy among the angels over one sinner that repents, and they could say there was joy in the church over converts.

The bells of the heaven rang every time, and there was a shout of victory in the camp. Under the influence of the Spirit there was an irresistible power. The feeblest ones were often clothed with a majesty that was indescribable, and their words were with unction, as they showed how the Saviour was “slain for our offences and raised again for our justification.

Whole congregations were melted, and people were crying out in agony of soul, “What must we do to be saved?” Multitudes experienced the power of the Blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse from all sin. But the real problem arose as the revival proceeded and thousands were added to the churches. There were more children born than there were nurses to tend them.

The establishing or discipling of the converts became the greatest need, which if not met would be the most dangerous weakness of the Revival. As enthusiasm abated, there were bound to be many who had depended more on feelings, and not yet learned to have their faith solidly based on the Word of God. The devil took advantage of this, some became cold and indifferent and the spiritual conflict began.

So in Peter’s situation, which affects most new believers, no one took the time to explain to him that individual sinfulness in this case, witchcraft can have an effect on the whole family or nation. The best example of this is found in Joshua 7. After the fall of Jericho, Joshua commanded that all living things should be killed and all the treasures should be taken into the treasury of the Lord’s house.

A man named Achan took some of the treasures for himself and hid them. We are told that as a result of his action the Israelites were defeated at Ai. Joshua and the leaders spent a whole day pleading with the Lord and seeking to discover the reason for the curse.

Israel has sinned; they have transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. They have taken some of the things devoted [for destruction]; they have stolen, and lied, and put them among their own baggage. (Joshua 7:11)

Now it’s easy to baulk at this incident and ask, why blame the Israelites? It was Achan who sinned, not the whole of Israel. Unfortunately, the sin had tainted the whole of Israel and therefore the whole nation had to pay for the sin of one man. Achan’s personal sin had an effect on the whole of Israel as well as himself and his own family.

In the Old Testament we find the leaders representing the whole group before God. Time and time again the prophets came before God to plead before Him to forgive their iniquity.

In the New Testament, Paul is also aware that the sin of each individual taints the whole. In 1 Corinthians 5 he dealing with the report that a man is actually sleeping with his father’s wife. As if that wasn’t bad enough the church had colluded in this sin by not expelling him and Paul’s judgement causes a severe shock:

You are to deliver this man over to Satan for physical discipline [to destroy carnal lusts which prompted him to incest that his spirit may yet be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. (1 Corinthians 5:5) Paul then explains why it is dangerous to turn a blind eye to sin within the body:

Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover was sacrificed for us. Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. (Verses 6-8)

The individual sin cannot be seen in isolation from the family or nation and therefore, like yeast in the dough, it can spread throughout with grave consequences for the whole family or society. That’s why it’s important to stand in the gap and plead to God for the release of the family from the consequences of sin or condemnation and to ask God for mercy.

Peter had to be taught that its power of the Holy Spirit and the cross that nullifies witchcraft. Peter needed the help of committed disciples of Jesus Christ to stand with him so that he could learn to resist every pressure by continually affirming and confessing the Scriptures that guarantee deliverance and victory. The Christian life is a conflict and warfare and the quicker we find it out the better.

In this, Jesus is our example. When devil tempted Him in the wilderness, He countered the temptation with one all sufficient response: It is written…it also written…. (See Luke 4:1-12) Then Jesus went back full of and under the power of the Holy Spirit into Galilee, and the fame of Him spread through the whole region round about. (Verse 13-14)

This experience of the Holy Spirit was foretold by John, promised by the Father and experienced at Pentecost. (See Acts 1:8) I’m sure you’ve noticed that the vast change that took place in the apostles after this experience. Before, they had been timid and powerless men. Afterwards, they did receive the power that Christ spoke about. They healed the sick, cast out demons, and raised the dead. The same men who had hidden themselves at the crucifixion went on after this experience and changed the world.

But someone might ask, I have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. I have obeyed the Lord in all these matters of repentance and faith, why am I still frustrated in many areas of my life? The answer is we must recognize that there is a higher level of blessing than what we can see with our own eyes—the material. For example, when Moses turned his back on the wealth of Egypt, the writer of Hebrews tells us that:

He preferred to share the oppression [suffer the hardships] and bear the shame of the people of God rather than to have the fleeting enjoyment of a sinful life. He considered the contempt and abuse and shame [borne for] the Christ (the Messiah Who was to come) to be greater wealth than all the treasures of Egypt, for he looked forward and away to the reward (recompense). (Hebrews 11:24-26)

The motivation to believe, repent and be baptized in the Holy Spirit should not be to acquire selfish material wealth. In his book on Prayer, Andrew Murray teaches us that:

We need to realize that in our relationship to God, who has created and redeemed us; our first posture ought to be that of subjection. The surrender to His supremacy, His glory, His will, His pleasure, ought to be the first and uppermost thought in our mind. The question is not how we are to obtain and enjoy His favor or blessing, for the motivation here may still be self.

But rather what does God rightfully claim of us—and is infinitely and unspeakably worthy of: that His glory and pleasure should be our one object. Service and obedience were the thoughts uppermost in the mind of the Son when He dwelt on earth. Service and obedience must also be the chief objects of our desire and aim.

The motivation of the disciple should be love for Jesus and His people which enables us to do God’s will. Once our motives are tested and purified and our faith has stood the test, the Lord will release whatever blessing and abundance that He can trust us to use for His glory and for preaching His gospel wherever, and whomever He decides to send us to.

Image credit: Paul delivering the Areopagus sermon in Athens, by Raphael, 1515. Public Domain

The Jezebel Witchcraft Spirit in the Family

Blessings or CursesAs we’ve seen in previous posts, any person with a controlling spirit tries to control and manipulate everyone under their influence. They control their lives, decisions and will do everything possible to have influence and power. They want to control their lives, and the lives of those around them, so that they would get things done their own way.

Many of us are under the power and influence of someone with a controlling spirit. This can be a parent, spouse, boss at work or anyone in a position of leadership. The same controlling spirit may manifest in very different ways.

For instance a controlling, manipulative mother will often be horrified when her daughter grows up to be exactly like her or even worse. Little does she know that she released that very curse into her child’s life! This mother will not be content with the exercise of her legitimate authority, therefore she will exploit all her children spiritually, emotionally, and financially.

Let’s look at one example: A boy is brought into this world by his mother. She feeds him, nurtures him, protects him, sings baby songs to him, and he really becomes mama’s boy. The shift comes when a boy begins to seek out his father’s affection, which is how masculinity is bestowed.

This sometimes is very hard in a mother’s life when the father now replaces her as the main influence in the boy’s life. If a mother insists on controlling the boy, instead of letting go, things can get very nasty later in life—most especially in marriage. The boy develops an emotional bond with his mother that is hard to break. His loyalties are now divided.

When a man marries a woman, he cannot do anything without the advice and consent of his mother. The mother tells him everything to do and not what to do. She even controls the raising of their children. The mother of the man is not physically in the couple’s home with her son, but controls him.

In this case the man (husband) is under the influence and authority of his mother. It’s as if the man is married to his mother. She does everything in her power to destroy the marriage and if possible to cause a divorce so that she can regain the control of her son to herself. This results in a controlling spirit which leads to full blown witchcraft!

When the mother insists on clinging to his son and direct his life and decisions, the boy will try to tear himself away from her sometimes violently. The mother of course will feel rejected and will try to do everything to gain illegitimate control of her son.

This is the story of so many adults who resent their mothers but cannot say why. Remember since the fall of our first parents Adam and Eve, the woman’s God given natural respect for man was damaged, and now she wanted to control any person in her life, her surroundings and relationships. You never hear of a father trying to control his son or daughter before or after they are married. It’s always the mother.

The Curse of Jezebel Witchcraft Spirit in a Family

Here is a true story of Peter who relates his experience resulting from a curse of witchcraft in his family. Peter’s father was a successful construction engineer and managing director of a construction company. However, his success was blighted by polygamy and witchcraft.

He had around 17 children from 10 different women. And as you can imagine, polygamy affects children in every area of their lives. The more women he had; the more the family suffered. There was fear of witchcraft from the different women who of course wanted to be in total control of the man.

All help in witchdoctors, who were brought to Peter’s home and those they visited, were sought in vain as tragedy after tragedy befell the family. His whole extended family had dabbled in witchcraft in which certain rituals were performed and all other strange things not worth mentioning. Finally, it was time for payback from the devil.

Peter’s step-elder brother died along with his two kids. Subsequently, all Peter’s uncles died one by one. Later as expected, the dad died and then the remaining uncle and the aunt. It’s as if they had made a covenant with a spirit of death! Peter says, “My family was very messed up, and if at all it wasn’t the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, I was headed for same destiny.”

Nevertheless, God plan over Peter’s life had to prevail. When Peter was around 18 years old, he happened to attend a gospel crusade in a nearby village. The message was about the power of the cross of Jesus Christ over sin. Peter put his faith in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The problem is, although Peter had trusted in the saving grace of Christ, he was so ignorant of the word of God and he therefore needed a follow-up as young covert in order to be discipled. Peter backslid for almost ten years and as you can imagine, he made very bad choices that he regrets to this day.

Worse still, Peter’s mother unknowingly destroyed his family by controlling and manipulating his dad using witchcraft. Peter’s dad was now a victim of witchcraft and he was being slowly poisoned by the mother of his kids so that she could totally have control of his life and everything he owned including his children.

Peter told me his dad lost the good use of his faculties and worse still he was medically diabetic, always looking weak, sickly and almost paralyzed. It was as if something was sucking life out of him. So when he was deteriorating to the point of mental imbalance, most people thought it was diabetes. Yes, his sickness played a part, but it was mainly witchcraft that destroyed him.

I asked Peter how he found out that his mother was practicing witchcraft and he told me, it all started when Peter’s mum was physically abused by the dad.

Peter believes his mum unconsciously lost her utmost respect to his dad. Desperate to be in control and never to be abused again, she resorted to witchcraft to control the man and all his remaining financial assets.

Remember two of the strongest desires or cravings of human nature are the desire for knowledge and the desire for power. If someone is not fully satisfied with what he/she obtains, they will turn inevitably to supernatural sources. It is at this point that they become entrapped in witchcraft.

The problem is, when you give the devil an inch, he takes a mile. Peter’s mum didn’t stop. As the years passed, she had to maintain this practice, ignorant of the fact that she was slowly and but surely killing the father of her kids because of selfishness.

According to my friend, his mum to this present day practices real witchcraft on her children by using the same witchcraft tactics he used on their father to the point that she has almost directed the course of their lives.

The family that was once vibrant and loving is now a mess…land sold and the money used in reckless living, self-indulgence, and giving to witch doctors in order to gain more control and power.

Unfortunately, Peter’s sisters are not aware of the extent of this control. When Peter tried to awaken his sisters about this issue; they almost seemed to be in a state of denial and defended the mother at all costs to the extent that Peter was now the enemy who wanted to kill his mother.  Ignorance does not absolve us from the guilt of our sins, but it may dispose God to show us mercy if we repent and turn to Him.

Peter told me that all through the years of his marriage, he has labored against this curse of witchcraft. He and his wife have had continuous financial problems. Although Peter knew clearly the call of service to which God had called him, he could not move into it.

Everything he did seemed to end with a small measure of fruitfulness. Peter has all the professional qualifications and yet seemed to be facing frustration and hopelessness.

This struggle had gone on for years….then one day after spending sometime in prayer and fasting, Peter perceived and discerned through a series of dreams and circumstances that there was a curse in the family.

This curse revolved around a spirit of witchcraft that has operated through his mother. This spirit had operated in several generations of Peter’s family especially in the area of finance.

 A Financial Curse

Remember money is an important element in God’s plan for our lives. It’s important to know how you spend, or whom you give your money. You need to ask yourself whether you spend it wisely and in accordance with God’s will, plan, and purposes.

In Peter’s case, he and his wife were sending money to Peter’s mother who in turn probably used this money unknowingly in paying witch doctors and using it in other self-indulgent lifestyles. This, by all means, caused a financial curse in Peter’s life.

When we offer money to someone, we are offering a major part of ourselves to that person. It is similar to giving an offering to God. When you invest your money, you are investing in a major part of yourself for good or evil. You are giving that person your time, strength, talents and probably your inheritance.

Now the question is how could be free from this curse? First Peter had to forgive his mother and realize that his mother was not his enemy. He also had to acknowledge that the spirit of witchcraft had been influencing both of them.

Secondly, Peter had to stop sending money to her mother in Africa because as we’ve seen, money is a part of us. When we give money to someone, we give a part of ourselves. Peter wasn’t aware that the money sent to her mother was channeled to witchdoctors. His mother herself was also a prisoner and in bondage not knowing that her selfish actions are causing all of this.

Keep in mind that a big percentage of African “Christians” still believe in witchcraft and spells. They believe in sacrificing goats and chickens when working on different projects especially construction, because if they don’t; “something terrible” might happen!

They go to church on Sunday and visit a witch doctor on Monday. These are Christians as long as food, clothes, and money keep coming in especially from relatives abroad. So Peter and his sisters didn’t know that their mother still practiced witchcraft rituals to control them.

Lastly, Peter had to face the fact that a curse was at work in the family. He released himself from the curse by repenting and asking forgiveness for any sins that exposed him to a curse. He asked the Lord to release him from the consequences of his parents’ and ancestors’ sins.

He also confessed daily that “Christ has redeemed me from the curse…. (Galatians 3:13-14)….Through the sacrificial offering of Christ on the cross I have been purchased out from under the curse and have entered into the blessings of Abraham, whom God blessed in all things.”

Peter didn’t see the changes in his life immediately, but at least he’s now sensing a degree of hope and direction in his life. He is beginning to see productivity and fruitfulness as a result of his labors.

Although the mother might be ignorant of her selfish actions, her ignorance doesn’t set her free from the consequences or guilt of her sins and neither does it free any of us from the guilt of our sins. But the good news is that God may show us mercy if we repent and turn to Him.

The Lord of Heaven and Earth does not Dwell in Handmade Shrines

In his message to the Athenians, the Apostle Paul knew they had been an earthquake in Athens many years before which destroyed the city. Being polytheistic, the Athenians assumed that they had upset one of their gods, and were anxious to know which one. So they decided to let some sheep loose in the main street. Whichever idol the sheep lay down nearest to would indicate which god the Athenians had upset.

However, the sheep refused to follow the plan and ended up lying down in the middle of a field. So the council met and concluded that if they still did not know which god they had upset there might be a god they had forgotten, who was upset at the absence of an altar for him. So they erected an extra altar, inscribing upon it the words “To the unknown god.”

So Paul, standing in the center of the Areopagus Mars Hill meeting place, said:

Men of Athens, I perceive in every way [on every hand and with every turn I make] that you are most religious or very reverent to demons. For as I passed along and carefully observed your objects of worship, I came also upon an altar with this inscription, To the unknown god. Now what you are already worshiping as unknown, this I set forth to you. The God Who produced and formed the world and all things in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in handmade shrines. Neither is He served by human hands, as though He lacked anything, for it is He Himself Who gives life and breath and all things to all [people]. (Acts 17:22–25 AMP)

He further declared to them that from one Man, Jesus Christ, He created all nations throughout the whole earth and decided beforehand when they should rise and fall and determined their boundaries (see Acts 17:26–28). Paul goes on to tell us that we should not think of God as an idol designed by craftsmen from gold or silver or stone, or a representation of human art and imagination.

But rather, since then we are God’s offspring, we ought not to suppose that Deity (the Godhead) is like gold or silver or stone, of the nature of a representation by human art and imagination, or anything constructed or invented. Such former ages of ignorance God, it is true, ignored and allowed to pass unnoticed; but now He charges all people everywhere to repent (to change their minds for the better and heartily to amend their ways, with abhorrence of their past sins), because He has fixed a day when He will judge the world righteously (justly) by a Man Whom He has destined and appointed for that task, and He has made this credible and given conviction and assurance and evidence to everyone by raising Him from the dead. (Acts 17:29–31 AMP)

Paul concludes that God overlooked people’s ignorance about these things in earlier times, but now commands all men everywhere to repent. In the past God permitted all nations to walk in their own ways, but He did not leave them without any evidence of Himself and His goodness. He sent rains from heaven and fruitful seasons, satisfying their hearts with nourishment and happiness.

However, the appointed time has come when He expects and charges all men everywhere to repent, and turn from their ignorance, witchcraft, idolatry, and superstition, because He has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness by a Man Jesus Christ, whom He has proved to everyone by raising Him from the dead.

Peter told me that he still praying for His mother who is religious but lacks the power of the Holy Spirit that could make her godly. We are to give ourselves to prayer and intercession with fresh determination and expectancy knowing that God is faithful and can be trusted to save our relatives once we don’t give up interceding on their behalf.

Recommended Reading: Blessing or Curse You can Choose, Derek Prince, Published by Chosen Books © 1990, 2000, 2006

Image Credit: Heavens Call

The Jezebel Spirit Destroyed one of the Greatest Revivals

REVIVAL WALES PICTUREThe great Welsh revival of 1904 has been described as one of the greatest revivals, dubbed the “Pentecost greater than Pentecost.” Unfortunately, the revival’s demise is also an excellent example of how the Jezebel spirit works against the church.

In just two years, over 100,000 people were saved. Welsh society was revolutionized. Entire towns recorded no arrests for over a year. Places that formerly were hotbeds of vice suddenly became transformed. Police departments were forced to lay off idle officers. Professional sports teams disbanded because no one was willing to miss church for a game.

Services continued virtually around the clock and there were demonstrations of God’s presence and power. When God begins a work, he usually begins with a man. It is been rightly said that Evan Roberts (1878-1951) was not the author of the Welsh Revival. The author of the Welsh Revival was none other than the Holy Spirit of God, Himself.


Evan Roberts

Although Evan Roberts became the popular figure in the movement before the press and the public in November 1904, it is well to note that the great Awakening in Wales had its beginnings two years before this time in many parts of the principality. And when the river of God was at full spate in the latter part of the year 1904, it was found that the Spirit was using for His instruments at least a hundred pastors, evangelists and so-called “lay people” for His work.

While the Spirit’s workings in revival spread into almost every nook and corner of the country, the ministry of Evan Roberts was in the main confined to one of its 12 counties. The fire of God burned in towns and villages which he did not visit. And in many of the places which he did visit, he found the fire was already there.

Evan’s visit only fanned the flame. Sometimes the revivalist sat among the people, praying silently, and then left without saying a word. Visitors from different parts of the world were astonished to sit in crowded gatherings where people sang, prayed and testified without the young prophet even being there to take part.

The saintly F. B. Meyer, a matured Christian leader, upon watching him in the meetings, explained, “He will not go in front of the divine Spirit, but is willing to stand aside and remain in the background unless he is perfectly sure that the Spirit of God is moving him.” Then he added, “It is a profound lesson for us all!” But why did it end prematurely?

To briefly learn about how the Welsh revival ended prematurely, I recommend God’s Generals by Roberts Liardon and The World Aflame by Rick Joyner.

Penn_LewisMany people had became associated with the revival as it grew. Among these was a well-to-do woman named Jessie Penn-Lewis. For years Penn-Lewis had considered herself a Bible teacher, but she had never found a broad acceptance for her message.

Let’s look at Rick Joyner’s book, The World Aflame. Rick says, it seems probable that Jessie Penn-Lewis played a significant part in bringing the great Welsh Revival to a premature end, even though she seemed to have had the best of intentions. The reports were that she persuaded Evan Roberts to withdraw from the revival because she thought he was getting too much of the attention that should have gone only to the Lord.

As is the case with many great leaders, their strengths can be also their weaknesses. The thought of stealing God’s glory horrified Evan Roberts and he began to think that perhaps someone else would lead the revival.

At first, Jessie Penn-Lewis appeared as a friend and financial supporter to Evans Roberts. She gained his confidence, and began speaking into his life. Long time friends of Evans Roberts expressed concerns that she appeared to isolate Roberts too much, but Roberts trusted Penn-Lewis completely. She began to minister certain messages to Roberts, which appeared to him to be profound corrections from the Lord.

Evans followed Jesse Penn-Lewis advice and withdrew. When he did the revival quickly died. The idealistic would contend that if it had been a true revival then removing any man would not have made a difference. The entire testimony of both Scripture and history testifies differently. Because the Lord entrusted the authority of this earth to men, He always looks for men or women to stand in the gap when He wants to move on the earth. True revival can only be ignited by God, but God will always move through men.

It is often a religious spirit, which is an evil spirit that seeks to deny man that union with God in His work, usually with idealistic delusions of man getting too much of the glory. It is right to acknowledge that man is but the “earthen vessel” and that the glory is all God’s, but it is humanistic idealism that, in a sense, denies that the glory of the Lord should be in an earthen vessel at all.

It would be unfair to indict Jessie Penn-Lewis for single handedly stopping the Welsh Revival, even though many of Evan Roberts’ friends and co-workers in the revival did just that. Evan Roberts left the work and went to live in the Penn-Lewis home where he effectively became a spiritual hermit, never again being used in ministry.

Years later, Roberts and Penn-Lewis co-authored a book entitled War On The Saints that was used to condemn the emerging Pentecostal revival as the “work of an invading host of evil spirits.”Penn-Lewis had reacted strongly during the Welsh Revival to the Pentecostal demonstrations, and this book seemed to be a reaction to her dislike of their overly emotional influence.

Later editions of War On The Saints were edited by the publishers to remove the extreme and offensive attacks on Pentecostals, but it still contains, in my opinion, a general tenor that can hinder the believer’s ability to move in the gifts of the Spirit….. A sincere jealousy for God to receive the glory that is due Him permeates Jessie Penn-Lewis’ book, and they do contain many sound principles, but much of her teaching is both reactionary and sown with idealism.

Many of Evan Roberts closet friends and associates denied that War On The Saints was a true reflection of the Evan Roberts they had known. They testified that the book was contrary to the spirit of the revival, and decried the fact that Evan would no longer relate to the body of Christ or even his own family again after moving in with the Penn-Lewis family.

He was kept guarded in the Penn-Lewis home completely dominated. He spent many dark years of depression in her house. By the grace of God he eventually broke all ties with Penn-Lewis, but not until his health was broken and his ministry a shadow of its former glory.

But as with the case of many great leaders, Jessie Penn-Lewis may be one of the classic historic examples of how heresy hunting or idealism can be used by the enemy to derail true works of the Holy Spirit. Some teaching imparts more faith in the enemy to deceive than faith in the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.

One of the greatest revivals that saw 100,000 salvations in 24 months and a glory some called greater than Pentecost was destroyed by someone seeking control in order to gain recognition and acceptance. That my friend is a Jezebel controlling spirit!

Image credit: Virtue Online

The Jezebel Controlling Spirit

1280px-Jezabel-and-Ahab-Meeting-Elijah-in-Naboth-s-Vineyard678Jezebel, the Biblical character, first appears in First Kings 16, when she marries Ahab, king of Israel. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and high priest of the Baal worshipping Sidonians. She married one of the worst kings named Ahab whom she used to achieve her own evil ends. It was her scheming, for example, which arranged the death of a neighbour, Naboth, so that Ahab could take possession of his vineyard.

Jezebel had such a strong controlling, discouraging and intimidating spirit that the king, the leaders and all the people of Israel gave way to her. Even Elijah yielded to that spirit and ran for his life.

The prophet Elijah was a Tishbite from Gilead, in the Trans-Jordan region, and was regarded as one of the finest of Israel’s prophets. He is best known for his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. Elijah built an altar and challenged the prophets of Baal to build their own altar alongside his and call on their gods for fire to burn up the sacrifice. (See 1 Kings 19:1)

The altars of Baal had a tunnel underneath where a priest would be concealed to set fire to the wood when the people cried out to the god. Elijah asked them to build their altar in the open and promised to build his altar in exactly the same way, only he would also add water to make the challenge greater.

His boldness led him to mock the priests in such a way that if his experiment had failed he would surely have been killed. He encouraged them to shout louder, suggesting that maybe their god was on either musing, or he had gone aside, or he was on journey, or perhaps he was asleep and could be awakened. God sent the fire, Elijah’s sacrifice was burned up and Israel knew who was truly powerful. The prophets of Baal were defeated.

And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, and withal how he had slain all the prophets with the sword.” He wiped them out. Jezebel is angry because she got her authority and power from these false prophets. (1 Kings 19:2-3)

When Jezebel heard about Elijah’s victory and the death of her prophets, she threatened Elijah:

Then Jezebel sent a messenger unto Elijah, saying, so let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time. And when he saw that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beersheba, which belongeth to Judah, and left his servant there.

Despite his victory over the 400 prophets of Baal, Elijah ran for his life to Horeb. When Elijah ran from Jezebel, he had just slain all the prophets of Baal with the sword. He had seen the mighty hand of God. He had enjoyed supernatural protection for seven years. He watched fire fall from heaven and defeat his enemies, All Israel fell at his feet in repentance, worshiping the true God. Elijah was the man of the hour. He was vindicated, victorious, and clearly in charge.

Yet when a single angry woman threatened him one time, he lost every shred of vision and ran away. Anxious, depressed, and miserable, he cried out to God: It is enough, now Oh Lord, take away my life. This doesn’t make sense at all. This is a great example of Jezebel’s powerful spirit to intimidate, create fear, and cause men of God to withdraw. The prophet was emotionally and spiritually exhausted, so God graciously sent an angel to cook him a meal, and later assured him of his presence and provision for the future of Israel. God had already set aside Elisha to continue the work.

The Jezebel Witchcraft Spirit in Society

A witchcraft spirit is not casting spells and using all kinds of portions. A person exercises witchcraft when he or she seeks to control. It has a deep hatred of true spiritual authority, and uses emotional pressure, witchcraft and obsessive sensuality in its pursuit of power. It uses subtle persuasion to gain influence and get close to those in control.

Though this incidents deal with ministry, the principles apply to every sphere of life. Today Jezebel is visible in every sphere of society. For example, Jezebel is the power behind lawlessness. She cleverly manipulates civil debate and positions herself behind every influence of public policy. She uses the power and influence of others to accomplish her goals and control the environment.

The Bible tells us in 1 Kings 21:8 that Jezebel wrote letters in Ahab’s name and sealed them with his seal, and sent them to the elders and nobles of the city.” This is typical of Jezebel. She prefers to remain anonymous, while she manipulates situations and leaders.

Jezebel was raised in an atmosphere where sex was a path to power and influence. That’s why she is the ultimate seducer and the one releasing all kinds of seducing spirits. She is the arrogant spirit in the area of morality—the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. These lusts are merely tools used to weaken us in order for her to accomplish her goal of control.

She is the spirit behind the so called Planned Parenthood (abortion), screaming it’s my life and my choice… Who are you to tell me what to do with my body? She has cleverly manipulated debate and positioned herself behind seats of power. She is behind the explosion of the sex trade and internet pornography.

She is the spirit behind the coldness in our marriages because of the lust and pornography that prevents intimacy. Its targets are the people in positions of leadership, both men and women. She is the one who brings condemnation and guilt to men of God who were once powerful in the Word and prayer, but now they are under the spell of condemnation. Yet God loves them and still wants to restore, free, and use these men of God in business, academia, government and very sphere of life.

Jezebel Witchcraft Spirit in the Church

In the church Jezebel likes to appear close to leaders, and use their influence. Although we mainly refer to Jezebel as “she”, we must conclude that as a spirit, Jezebel is gender neutral. Paul rebuked the Galatian church which must have included both male and female:

O you poor and silly and thoughtless and unreflecting and senseless Galatians! Who has fascinated or bewitched or cast a spell over you, unto whom—right before your very eyes—Jesus Christ (the Messiah) was openly and graphically set forth and portrayed as crucified? (Galatians 3:1)

This bewitching might not have come from spells or portions. Yes, there is another form of witchcraft or control that conjures up demonic spirits. But a Jezebel witchcraft spirit seeks control through intimidation and manipulation. However, witchcraft is much more than this. Galatians 5:19 refers to witchcraft as a“work of the flesh”and flesh is the realm where it is usually found. Witchcraft is using anything unholy to manipulate or dominate others. People use emotions to dominate and control others… that’s witchcraft!

When Paul confronted the Galatian teachers, they had disobeyed what the Holy Spirit had clearly revealed to them and had perverted the central truth of the Gospel. These teachers were not practicing the occult, but they did have a controlling spirit which affected the whole church. Why do the impure seek to intimidate those with pure motives? The answer is to relieve themselves of conviction and to maintain control.

Jezebel’s witchcraft will attack Christians, especially leaders. And her target area is mainly through intimidation. If you under attack, you might awaken on morning feeling very discouraged and all joy seems to have gone. Your spiritual life seems irrelevant and meaningless. Demonic voices echoing in your mind “you might as well give up…something’s wrong with you!”

Sometimes you might suddenly find yourself in unreasonable anxiety, fear, loss of courage, apathy, hopelessness, fearing tragedy or death. In fact much of what is called “depression” in the life of Christian is simply the Jezebel witchcraft spirit!

Depression and Loss of Vision

Jezebel will also steal your vision. The vision that was birthed in the power of the Holy Spirit and clarity instead becomes clouded. She whispers doubt, confusion and unbelief to your weary soul. This spirit will tell you they are insurmountable, impossible, and overwhelming. Jezebel will make you feel like dying when in reality, you are God’s man or woman of the hour.

The only answer for those under Jezebel’s attack is to immediately discard the voices of Jezebel and not to entertain them. Intimidation is a spirit and must be fought with spiritual weapons:

For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:3-5)

Recommended Reading: John Bevere, Breaking Intimidation, Charisma House Publishing,1995.

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