Why did God Create the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

800px.Creation_Museum_71-1I was talking to a friend a few days ago and he asked me why God created the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and then prohibit Adam and Eve to eat from it? In answering this question we need to realize that the Word of God is a progressive revelation of truth. God doesn’t give us everything we need to know about a particular event, subject, or person in one book or chapter of the Bible.

We might say the Spirit of God explains and reveals truth precept by precept or Word by Word. Insight on one subject may be spread out over the course of sixty six books, written by about forty men under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and recorded over a span of 1,050 years. In order to have the whole counsel of God, we need to know what is taught in the entire Bible about a particular subject.

Therefore, it’s beyond the scope of this simple teaching to incorporate all of Scripture into the question my friend was asking, apart from focusing on just a few Scripture verses mentioned in the third chapter of Genesis since Satan is first mentioned there.

Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die. (Genesis 3:1–3).

God’s command not to eat this tree was given because He did not want them to experience good or evil. The word knowledge means a personal experience of something or someone. Whereas evil is not something you can touch or physical, it is something moral. Evil did not start with human beings.

In order for Adam and Eve to learn the difference between good and evil, God told Adam and Eve to enjoy everything in the garden as they saw fit, but there was one tree that He did not want them to eat. Not eating from that tree was the will of God so that was good and eating from it was contrary to the will of God, so that was evil.

When they sinned their response to sin was to look at themselves, feel naked, and then try to cover themselves and hide. They felt a great amount of guilt after they had sinned. Whether we admit it or not, we feel a great amount of guilt after we do any wrong.

This guilty conscious bothers you that you broke God’s laws, which is then translated into your body. Scientists discovered that we have no enzymes or chemicals to handle guilt. It is only the blood of Jesus Christ that can set us free from this guilt of sin. We may be forgiven and wounds might but healed but we can’t regain our lost innocence. God wanted them to retain their innocence which is not different today. Have you ever noticed that a little baby can run naked through a room full of strangers without feeling ashamed? This is the way Adam and Eve were in their innocence.

There at times most of us wish we would begin life all over again, with a fresh and innocent personality of a newborn child. But of course it’s impossible to rewrite history at this side of eternity. There is a song that says “God heals the wounds but leaves the scars to remind us of how merciful He is.” Now if at all the Lord did not want Adam and Eve to eat from this tree, why did He put the tree in the middle of the garden and make it so appealing? The first answer could be: God created Adam and Eve as moral beings and placed within Adam, the self-will, the freedom of choice. There would have been no point in God giving Adam the freedom of choice if He had given Him nothing to choose between.

As someone has well said that evil was necessary because without it free will was impossible; without free will we cannot become what God wants us to become. In other words we cannot truly obey if there is no freedom to disobey. This freedom requires that we make the right choice in every area of our lives. And like that tree in the Garden of Eden most of our tests and temptations are placed right in the middle of our lives where it is very difficult not to face them. C.S. Lewis wrote,

God created things which had free will. That means creatures which can go either go wrong or right…..If a thing is free to be good it is also free to bad. And free will is what has made evil possible. Why, then did God give them free will? Because free will, though it make evil possible, is also the only thing that makes possible any love or goodness or joy worth having. A world of automata-of creatures that worked like machines-would hardly be worth creating. The happiness which God designs for His higher creatures is the happiness of being freely, voluntarily united to Him and to each other in an ecstasy of love and delight compared with which the most rapturous love between a man and a woman on this earth is mere milk and water. And for that reason they must be free.

Secondly, it was God’s way of saying to them that He retained moral authority over them. They could not decide for themselves what was right and wrong but to trust Him to tell them what was right or wrong. He was the source from which all their reasoning power came from.

Three Channels of Temptation

So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. (Genesis 3:6)

According to the Scriptures, there are only three channels through which Satan will tempt us to live or act independently of God. John summarizes these three tests as the lust of the flesh (craving for sensual gratification) and the lust of the eyes (greedy longings of the mind) and the pride of life (assurance in one’s own resources or in the stability of earthly things) (see 1 John 2:15-17)

Satan approached Eve through the lust of the flesh which is mainly a temptation for self-gratification and includes three basic appetites: food, drink, and sex. The tree was beautiful (lust of the flesh). The fruit looked delicious (lust of the eyes). The tree was delightfully to look at (lust of the eyes or craving for everything we see) and the tree would make one wise (pride of life) which includes the temptation to direct our own destiny and act independently of God – in other words get the power, fame and be our own god (which is the theory of the New Age movement and the humanists). This was the sin that Satan taught the human race—wanting to be God.

What Satan put into the heads of our remote ancestors was the idea that that they could ‘be like gods’—could set up on their own as if they had created themselves—be their own masters—invent some sort of happiness for themselves apart from God. And out of that hopeless attempt has come nearly all that we call human history—money, poverty, ambition, war, prostitution, classes, empires, slavery—the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.

It is interesting to note that Adam was right there when the serpent was tempting Eve. The Bible tells us: “She also gave some to her husband, who was with her. Then he ate it, too.” (Genesis 3:6) Adam had received God’s instructions regarding this tree. God had clearly told Adam that of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” (Genesis 2:16-17)

When they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. (see Genesis 3:9-10)  As stated, the natural response to sin is to hide it, pretend there was no sin, or rationalize it. Every human being will spend his or her life trying to hide from God if the cross of Jesus Christ is not embraced. Every man repeats the sin of Adam, every day. We won’t defend our wives, our sisters, we won’t risk and fight and we don’t rescue Eve and we are hiding, every last one of us:

Well aware that we too, are not what we were meant to be, desperately afraid of exposure, terrified of being seen for what we are and are not, we have run off in the bushes in offices, at the gym, behind the newspaper and mostly behind our personality. Most of what you encounter when you meet a man is a facade, an elaborate fig leaf, a brilliant disguise…

At that crucial moment of temptation Adam should have fought and told the serpent to back off but he failed to communicate God’s original instructions to Eve. He couldn’t risk offending the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. As John Eldredge says,

There was a time when Adam drank deeply from the source of all Love. Our first father lived in an unbroken communion with the most captivating, beautiful, and intoxicating Source of life in the universe…..True, it was not good for man to be alone, and God in His humility gave us Eve, allowed us to need her as well. But something happened at the fall; something shifted. Eve took the place of God in a man’s life.

We are back to this matter of choice. God gives us a choice everyday to choose and love Him or reject Him. Love is a choice and act of the will. Love is not what you feel, neither is forgiving someone who hurt you. It’s not what you feel that matters because feelings come and go. Agape love is the love of God. The whole law is fulfilled in the two great commandments, loving God and loving one another.

The reason why Satan did all he could to annihilate the woman’s seed from Genesis 3 onward is because when humanity sinned, only a sinless person could come and redeem us. When Jesus became fully man, He, too, had to be tempted by the devil just Adam was. (See Matthew 4: 1-11) But Jesus never yielded to sin; therefore, He was offered as the Lamb of God, unblemished and spotless, to redeem us from sin and death so that we would be delivered from Satan’s power and kingdom.

The Bible tells us, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21).  God loved us that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes Him should not perish but have everlasting life. This kind of love is sacrificial and it’s the love that God has for us—while we were still sinners.

The ultimate risk anyone ever takes is to love, for as C.S. Lewis says, “Love anything and your heart will broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an animal.“ But God does give it, again and again and again, until He is literally bleeding from it all.”

Yet as John Eledredge again says, God gave us a remarkable choice. He did not make Adam and Eve obey Him. He took a risk. A staggering risk, with staggering consequences…God’s willingness to risk is just astounding-far beyond what any of us would do were we in His position.”

Next time we will look at how Adam and Eve’s first reaction was to blame someone else. This is how the blame game entered the human race.

David Wilkerson’s Prophecy of America

david.wilkerson-1David Ray Wilkerson (May 19, 1931 – April 27, 2011) was an evangelist and the founder of Teen Challenge, Inc., the worldwide Christian drug and alcohol rehabilitation ministry.

He was also the founding pastor of non-denominational Times Square Church in New York. He is best known for his books: The Cross and the Switchblade, The Vision, Revival on Broadway, America’s Last Call, God’s Plan to Protect His People in the Coming Depression (which I highly recommend) and many other books. He used to say that: “You can’t do everything, but you can do something.”

His sermons are known for being direct and frank against apostasy and serious about making the commitment to obey the teachings of Jesus Christ. He emphasized living in holiness, righteously and showing God’s love towards all people.  He avoided categorizing Christians into denominations.

He did not preach in the name of any specific denomination. Instead, he focused on biblical preaching with the aim of encouraging people to seek God through a personal and deeper knowledge of Jesus Christ and the experience of the Holy Spirit. He said:

I am not preaching some denominational doctrine; this church does not belong to any denomination. We are not Assemblies of God, we are not Baptist, we’re not Methodist, and we’re not Catholic. We’re just Holy Ghost people believing the Bible.

In a recently released new book by His son and partner in ministry, Gary Wilkerson writes:

For reasons of his own, he had turned down every invitation from a U.S president to visit the White House, but he would drive hundreds of miles out of the way during an evangelism tour so he could meet an obscure nun who had written something about Christ that had moved him……Always, he saw the world and those around him through the lens of eternity.

David Wilkerson Prophecy 1973

David Wilkerson had a series of visions and angelic visitations from the Lord in 1973 and during his life time until his death in 2011, regarding the future of the United States. He subsequently published these prophecies in a book called The Vision  outlining the coming collapse of the U.S. economy and the destruction of America. He said:

In the economic collapse there will be riots and fires all across major cities in this nation. This will be a time of great apostasy and persecution in the church like never before. After the economic collapse of the United States the nation will be at its weakest point. A hydrogen holocaust will then sweep this nation in a Russian invasion of America. When Israel sees the destruction of America Russia will try to invade the Holy Land where 5/6th of the army’s of Russia will be destroyed by Jesus Himself.

Worldwide recession caused by economic confusion

1. “At most a few more fat flourishing years, and then an economic recession that’s going to affect the life style of every wage-earner in the world. The world economists are going to be at loss to explain what’s happening. It’s going to start in Europe, spread to Japan and finally to the United States.” 2. There will be a move toward a worldwide, unified monetary system. The US dollar will be hit bad and it will take years for it to recover. 3. The only real security will be in real estate (until a somewhat later stage, at which point this apparent security will also disappear).

Nature having labour pains

1. Environmentalists will come under heavy criticism. 2. There will be major earthquakes. 3. There will be a major famine. 4. Floods, hurricanes and tornadoes will increase in frequency. 5. “A new kind of cosmic storm appearing as a raging fire in the sky leaving a kind of vapour trail.”

A flood of filth and a baptism of dirt in America

1. Topless women will appear on television, followed by full nudity. 2. Adult, X rated movies will be shown on cable television. Young people will gather at homes to watch this kind of material in groups. 3. Sex and the occult will be mixed. 4. There will be an acceptance of homosexuality, and the church will even say that it is a God-given gift.

Rebellion in the home

1. “I see the new number one youth problem in America and the world as hatred towards parents.”

A Persecution madness against truly Spirit filled Christians who love Jesus Christ

1. There will arise a world church consisting of a union between liberal ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church, using Christ in name only. 2. There will be a hate Christ movement. 3. There will be a spiritual awakening behind the Iron and Bamboo Curtains.

Others 1. There will be another wave of riots. 2. There will be a fall in moral conduct. 3. There will be a new drug that will be popular with teenagers that will break down resistance and will encourage sexual activity. 4. Homosexual and lesbian ministers will be ordained and this will be heralded as a new breed of pioneers. 5. There will be nude dancing in church, but this will never be widespread. 6. There will be occult practices in churches.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzvtkNEQi9c]

The Main Lessons from the Welsh Revival-Part 3

Revive.Us_.2012When the Holy Spirit comes, He comes in power upon a church, a town, or country, and He comes with His own order of working.

1. The Power of the Cross was at the Center of everything.

The following is the recorded prayer of Evan Roberts. He silently waited for some time and then began to pray:

Lord Jesus, help us now through the Holy Spirit to come face to face with the cross. Whatever the hindrances may be, we commit the service to Thee. Put us all under the blood. Oh, Lord, place the blood on all our past up to this moment. We thank Thee for the blood. In the name of Jesus Christ, bind the devil this moment. We point to the cross of Christ. It is our cross and we take its conquest. Reveal the cross through the name of Jesus. Oh, open the heavens, Descend upon us now. Tear open our hearts—tear–give us such a sight of Calvary that our hearts may be broken. O Lord, descend now…..now…..open our hearts to receive the heart that bled for us. If we are to be fools, make us fools for Thee. Take us—spirit, soul, and body. We are thine. Thou hast purchased us. Reveal the cross for the sake of Jesus –the cross that is to conquer the world. Place us under the blood. Forbid that we should think of what men may say of us. O speak –speak—speak—speak, Lord Jesus. Thy words are “wine indeed.” O reveal the cross, beloved Jesus—the cross in its glory. Reign in every heart for the sake of Jesus. Lord, do Thou help us to see the dying Savior. Enable us to see Him conquering the hosts of darkness. Claim victory for Thy Son now, Lord. He is worthy to have victory. Thou art the all-powerful God. Oh, claim victory. We shall give all the glory to Thy Name. No one else has a right to the glory but Thee—take it, Lord. Glorify Thy Son in this meeting. Oh, Holy Spirit, do Thou work through us and in us now. Speak Thy word in power for Thy Name’s sake. Amen – and Amen!

The love, sufferings, death and resurrection of Jesus were the theme of every meeting, every sermon, and every prayer and became the passion of every heart. The people were converted only to Jesus and not to a new doctrine, denomination, personality, or even a new movement. The leaders of the revival held steadfast to the exhortation of the apostle Paul who is said:

And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. (1 Corinthians 2:1-2)

Conversions in the Welsh Revival were not just statistics, they were new births. Men and women were so radically changed that being “born again” was not just a cliché—it was a reality. The new believer’s first encounter with the Lord was not the promise of blessings; it was a profound comprehension of his own sinful condition. When moved by the Spirit come to the wells of salvation, converts did not just raise their hands in the back of the building to acknowledge their “decision” they were racked with such a holy desperation for the mercy of the Savior that they tumbled on the floor as if in physical pain.

Those under conviction would sometimes writhe in their own tears until they gained the assurance of forgiveness; then their grief would turn into a joy of an equal depth that would be impossible to contain. As the meetings began to disband, often at two or three in the morning, new converts just could not leave and would continue singing, praying and at times laughing uncontrollably until the prayer meetings started at sunrise.

2. It was a Revival of Prayer and Intercession.

The Welsh revival was initiated and carried by devotion to prayer and intercession that also spread throughout the worldwide Christian community. As someone has noted that much of the fire that continues in some of the great prayer movements of today could likely trace their origin to a lingering spark from the Welsh Revival. The prayer and praise mingled together in most of the meetings. James Stewart wrote:

It was praying that rent the heavens; praying that received direct answers there and then. The spirit of intercession was so mightily poured out that the whole congregation would take part simultaneously for hours! Strangers were startled to hear the young and unlettered pray with such unction and intelligence as they were swept up to the Throne of Grace by the Spirit of God. Worship and adoration was unbounded. Praise began to mingle with the petitions as answered prayer was demonstrated before their very eyes. Often when unsaved loved ones were the focus of the intercession, they would be compelled to come to the very meeting and be saved!

This further fed the fires of both the worship and the intercession. When the believers understood that God really heard their prayers, prayer quickly rose to the highest priority in their lives. As they prayed with more faith, they began to see quick answers to them. When they became increasingly specific in their requests, the answers became even more spectacular. They would pray for specific friends or family members in one meeting, and that person would be at the altar seeking salvation in the next one. This would fan the flames of intercession even more. This unquestionably fanned the flames of the revival.

Prayer meetings that had been drudgery before became the main attractions, even for entire cities. Meetings swelled until overflowing, both with people and with the anointing. Meetings that were expected to be regular services quickly became prayer meetings, as it became the first nature of everyone to pray. Groups walking to work would start praying and soon they would be joined by a swelling crowd who were drawn by the anointing. Spontaneous prayer meetings started in shops, homes and there even cases when factories shut down so that the workers could pray.

At the peak of the revival, the whole population of towns were gathering to march around their neighborhoods and claim them for Christ. On at least several occasions, the population of a town would march to a neighbouring town to pray for it and the revival would inevitably be ignited there. This revival was a witness that few things can so energize believers as when they discover the power of prayer.

3. It was a Revival for Young People

Evan Roberts himself was only twenty-six years of age. Mary, his sister who took such as active part was sixteen, while their brother Dan and her future husband Sydney Evans were around twenty. The “Singing Sisters,” as they were lovingly called, were between the ages of eighteen and twenty-two. Thousands of young people, when they became converted, went everywhere testifying. Little children had their own prayer and praise meetings. The chapels were crowded out with the young.

4. It was a Revival of Singing.

The Welsh are famous for their native gift of congregational singing. No part in the harmony of a tune is missing and most of the singers sing as those who have been thoroughly trained. Imagine, then, if you can, an instrument its every string swept by the breath of the Spirit of God! As blessed R.B. Jones, a leader in the revival said, “The fact is, unless heard it is unimaginable, and when heard, indescribable. There was no hymnbook. No one gave out a hymn. Just anybody started singing, and very rarely did it happen that the hymn started – no one knew by whom –was out of harmony with the mood at the moment.

Once started, as if moved by simultaneous impulse, the hymn was caught up by the whole congregation almost as if what was about to be sung had been announced and all were responding to the baton of a visible human leader. I have nothing like it. You felt that the thousand or fifteen hundred persons before you had become merged into one myriad-headed but single-souled personality. Such was the perfect blending of the mood and purpose that it bore eloquent testimony to a unity created only by the Spirit of God. “The praying and singing,” to quote another witness, “were both wonderful. No need for an organ. The assembly was its own organ as a thousand sorrowing or rejoicing hearts found expression in the psalmody of their native hills.”

5. It was a Revival of Soul-winning.

Instead of a few preachers and a few of their church members testifying to the saving grace of the Lord Jesus, it seemed now as if every Christian in Wales had a burning agony for lost men and women. It was a most natural thing for a true believer to testify of his glorious Redeemer in the coal mine, in the tramcar, in the office, and in the school. Thousands were saved through the personal witness of ordinary, common believers who spoke to them of the claims of Christ during ordinary conversation.

6. It was a Revival that united the Church

The Church must be united if at all we are to see a spiritual awakening. Some have speculated that it will take only persecution to unite the church, this might be true to an extent, but an example is given during the terrible persecution of the Church in Uganda under Idi Amin, where the church in this country came together and seemed to be one. However, it is reported that thirty days after the persecution was over, all of the previous barriers were erected again and spiritual infighting picked up right where it left off before the persecution, of which I might add is still going on to this very day where pastors are accusing each other all kinds of despicable acts that should be settled in the church instead of the court system.

This only proves that the unity was only dictated by the external pressures and was not a true unity of the heart. As one writer has clearly noted, “persecution can force us together for a time, but it does not correct the problems of the heart which cause the divisions in the first place. It is by seeing the glory of God and healed of the spiritual politics that so injure the Lord’s body and our witness to the world…This was the unity that was brought about in Wales during the revival. It is only the Lord’s presence that can hold us together in true unity. But we must maintain His presence to maintain the unity.”

7. It was a Revival of Forgiveness

Historically every great revival in the history of the world has provided the release necessary for that generation. In Garndiffaith a man who had been a great drunkard and blasphemer and who had starved his wife and children by missing his work for weeks at the time, found his way into one of the meetings and, with tears streaming from his eyes, he cried aloud for forgiveness. He prayed that God might find a way to his wife’s heart and she, too, soon cried for pardon. Shouts of joy were raised. In Glynneath, the two independent churches Addoldy and Capel-y-glyn which had been on unbrotherly terms for a period of nearly twelve years have been reconciled and united meetings were held. The two ministers shook hands before a united church of nearly 400 members.

8. It was a Revival of Personal Experience.

How John and Charles Wesley would have revelled in these meetings! No wonder General William Booth was thrilled to hear the testimonies. It was worthwhile travelling thousands of miles, even from Australia and New Zealand, just to be in one revival service, even though Evan or Dan Roberts or Sydney Evans was not there –just to hear the dynamic testimonies of the spiritual experiences of the Christians in Wales! Here was really the old-fashioned Methodist class-meeting over again—revived by the Spirit of God. Here was an intimate walk with God – a God with whom they had personal dealings and whom they had come to know in a deep, intimate way.

Here was a God who answered prayer! No wonder the people could not sleep and could not stay away from the meetings. No wonder the services carried on till two and three o’clock in the morning and then resulted in a march through the streets with the people singing the praises of the Lamb! Many at the time and since have criticized the emotionalism displayed in the meetings. Yes, when thousands of people are convicted of their sins and are gloriously saved by the grace of God, how can they contain their joy?

When believers are elevated to a new heavenly position in Christ and at the same time see the answer to years of agonizing prayer in the salvation of their loved ones, surely there must be shouts of joy and songs of adoration. The mountains had melted in God’s presence and the heavens were opened. The Church in Wales had a new and glorious sight of their wonderful Lord. This was expressed in the following chorus which called “The Love Song” of the revival:

Wondrous love, unbounded mercy! Vast as oceans in their flood: Jesus, Prince of life, is dying — Life for us is in His blood! Oh! What heart can e’er forget Him? Who can cease His praise to sing? Wondrous love! Forever cherished, While the heavens with music ring.

Lessons From the Welsh Revival-Part 2


The Revival Everywhere

Before we introduce you to a typical revival meeting, it’s necessary for all who pray for revival to know the principles that govern the Spirit’s working and how He will work when He is allowed to in your own local church, town and country. The awakening in Wales teaches us many outstanding lessons, one of which is that while God uses human instruments such as Evan Roberts, He’s in no way limited to the personality of one man. When Christians and the unsaved alike follow a popular preacher instead of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, then we know that it’s not a true revival.

Again, when a spiritual harvest depends almost entirely upon one personality, we know that there’s no true revival. The glorious fact and outstanding feature of the mighty awakening in Wales was that the sense of the Lord’s presence was everywhere throughout the entire nation, altogether apart from the young revivalist. Glory to God!

It wasn’t the presence of Evan Roberts that was felt but the mighty presence of God. Evan Roberts was only one of the broken instruments which the Spirit of God was using. As we have already mentioned, there were crowds of pastors and evangelists reaping mighty harvests simultaneous with the ministry of Evan and Dan Roberts, Sydney Evans, Sam Jenkins and “The Singing Sisters.” For example, R.B. Jones was conducting meetings in Amlych, in the Isle of Anglesey in the north of Wales, in January 1905, and found that revival had even then reached the northernmost point in Wales, although young Roberts had never been there.

The effects of the revival in Wales were astonishing. For example, the correspondent for The Liverpool Daily Post reported in December 1904 that there had been no arrests for drunkenness in Rhos since the revival had started. The earnings of the workmen, instead of being squandered in drink and vice, were now bringing great joy to their families. Outstanding debts were being paid by thousands of young converts. Restitution was the order of the day.

The gambling and alcohol businesses lost their trade, and the theaters closed down from lack of patronage. Football during this time was forgotten by both players and fans, though nothing was mentioned from the pulpits about the evils of football. In this country which had the general reputation of being “football mad,” the train for taking the crowds to the international trial match was found to be almost empty! The people had a new life and new interests.

The famous singing festivals of Welsh culture, which were always so popular in the land, somehow in these wonderful days sickened and died. The trained professional vocalists of Wales became singing “Sankeys” and “Alexanders” who came forth now with such hymns as “Throw out the Lifeline” while the glory of God filled their souls. Even the few concerts which remained usually closed with both singers and audience singing together the songs which had become popular during the revival, such as: “Tell Mother I will Be There,” “Ride in Triumph, Blessed Jesus,” “Who is a Pardoning God Like Thee,” etc.

Political meetings were cancelled or abandoned. They seemed completely out of the question since nobody was interested. The political leaders, even from the parliament in London, abandoned themselves to the revival meetings. Even the most powerful politicians, statesmen, intellectuals and rival religious leaders had difficulty denying the impact of the revival on the entire principality of Wales. Debts were paid, stolen goods returned, and the taverns were forsaken and closed. A serious problem developed at the mines because the horses had been trained to respond to the curses of the drivers, and since drivers did not curse anymore, the horses could not understand their commands.

Theatrical companies quit going to Wales because no one would attend their shows. Magistrates were presented with white gloves in many towns to signify that there were no arrests. The prisons were emptied. Revival scenes swept the universities day after day for months. Over 70000 names of new converts were reported in the papers in just two months.

William T. Stead, the editor of the famous Pall Mall Gazette was thought by some to be the most powerful man in Britain at the time. He made a personal visit to the revival and the London Methodist Times recorded the following interview with him upon his return (published in the Great Revival in Wales, Shaw, page 56):

“Well, Mr Stead, you’ve been to the revival. What do you think of it?” “Sir.” Mr Stead replied, “the question is not what I think of it, but it thinks of me, of you, and all the rest of us. For it is a very real thing, this revival, a live thing which seems to have a power and a grip which may get hold of a good many of us who at present are mere spectators.”

“Do you think it is on the march then?”

“A revival is something like a revolution; it is apt to be wonderfully catching”

“You speak as if you dreaded the revival coming your way.”

“No, that is not so. Dread is not the right word. Awe expresses my sentiment better. For you are in the presence of the unknown…..There is something there from another world. You cannot say whence it came or whither it is going, but it moves and lives and reaches for you all the time. You see men and women go down in sobbing agony before your eyes as the invisible Hand clutches at their heart. And you shudder. It is pretty grim I tell you, if you are afraid of strong emotions, you’d better give the revival a wide berth.”

“But is it all emotion? Is there no teaching?”

“Precious little. Do you think teaching is what people want in a revival? These people, all the people in a land like ours are taught to death, preached to insensibility. They all know the essential truths. They know they are not living as they ought to live, and no amount of teaching will add anything to that conviction.

“Then I take it your net impressions have been favorable?”

“How could they be otherwise? Did I not feel the pull of that unseen Hand? Have I not heard the glad outburst of melody that hailed the confession of some who in a very truth had found salvation? Of course it is all very much like what I have seen in the Salvation Army. And I was delighted to see that at last the Welsh churches are recognizing the equal ministry of men and women… There is a wonderful spontaneity about all, and so far its fruits have been good and only good.”

“Will it last?”

“Nothing lasts forever in this mutable world…But if the analogy of all previous revivals holds good, this religious awakening will be influencing for good the lives if numberless men and women who will be living and toiling and carrying on with this God’s world of ours long after you and I have been gathered to our fathers.”

One of the most significant results was that the old church prejudices were broken down. The man-made denominational barriers completely collapsed as believers and pastors of all denominations worshipped their majestic Lord together. The quarrels of local Christians were healed. One of the outstanding features of the revival was the confession of sin, not among the unsaved alone, but among the saved. All were broken down and melted before the Cross of Christ.

The revival and the effects which followed in its wake could not be kept local. Revival is like a prairie fire which carries all before it. It breaks out here and there in the most unexpected places, to the amazement of everyone. It’s not surprising then that the mighty fire which engulfed the nation of Wales soon spread to different parts of the earth. Visiting preachers and ordinary believers who had come to see the sight of “the burning bush” returned home to start fires in their own church, mission field and city. God’s people all over the world began to shout for joy.

As was to be expected, the first to feel the fire of revival were the Welsh-speaking colonies in America and elsewhere. In far-off India, the fire swept through the Welsh mission fields. All of Britain, as well as the Continent, began to be invaded for Christ by scores of evangelists, pastors, Bible teachers, and even laymen who had either been converted or had “caught the fire” in Wales during the revival. I, myself, have labored with some of these blessed men of God and know that even to this day the work still stands.

One preacher, for example, whose life was revolutionized, took the revival fire to a Scandinavian country, where today there are at least 100 churches flourishing as a direct outcome of his ministry. Rev. and Mrs. Rees Howells are examples of evangelists who took the fire of God to the mission field. They saw God work in an amazing way in South Africa and returned later to found the Bible College of South Wales in Swansea from which missionaries would go to the ends of the earth.

A young Latvian student from Spurgeon’s College in London broke away from his classes on hearing of the fire of God in Wales and made a bell-line to Swansea. There he caught the flame. The Spirit of God came upon him mightily so that when he returned to his beloved Russia, he carried the flame of revival to that land. As I labored with this man for many years, I was conscious of the lasting effect of the Welsh revival upon his ministry. Not only did he lead tens of thousands to Christ, but he was instrumental in building some 200 churches in Eastern Europe.

The year 1905 will never be forgotten in the history of the English Keswick Convention. It came to be known as “The Welsh Week” as many young pastors came from Wales to tell what God had done in their churches. In one meeting of three hours, there wasn’t a break in spontaneous praise, confession and worship. Friday night was an outstanding occasion when E. W. Moore was giving a message from I Corinthians 3:11-15 on “The Ordeal of Fire,” dwelling on the necessity of building upon the right foundation with purified materials – the possibility of the Christian himself being saved while his works are burnt up by the fire of God.

If it be asked why the fire of God fell on Wales, the answer is simple: fire falls where it’s likely to catch and spread. As one has said, “Wales provided the necessary tinder.” Here were thousands of believers unknown to each other, in small towns and villages and great cities, crying to God day after day for the fire of God to fall. This wasn’t merely a “little talk with Jesus,” but daily agonizing intercession.

Why the Fire Fell

They had also placed the wood upon the altar and fully surrendered to the claims of their Redeemer. They had a holy jealousy for the name of their God and wept sorely because of the fact that Satan was being glorified all around them. They constantly reminded God of what He had done in the past – in 1859.

“Oh, Lord, Thou are the same,” they cried, “and Thou canst do it again – even in this industrious, luxurious age.”

It’s good also to remember that the theme of the young prophet of Loughor, “Bend the church and save the world,” is the secret of every true awakening. Christians must humble themselves and get right with God, so the Spirit can break through in converting power upon the unsaved.

There must be no hypocrisy; the Christian must bend to all the will of God for His life in perfect obedience before the Spirit of God is released.The Holy Spirit was recognized and honored as a divine Person. They obeyed Him immediately without any reservation. Thus they received holy anointings and swept on as a conquering army.


Lessons From The Welsh Revival-Part 1

REVIVAL WALES PICTUREThe first question that researchers tend to ask about the Welsh Revival is: Why did the Lord do it there? James E. Stewart concluded that God sends fire where it is likely to catch and spread, that “Wales provided the necessary tinder.” But what is the necessary tinder? According to Rick Joyner, Tinder is wood that is dry enough to burn easily.

When the Spirit Came

Evan Roberts (1878-1951) was not the author of the Welsh Revival. The author of the Welsh Revival was none other than the Holy Spirit of God, Himself. Although Evan Roberts became the popular figure in the movement before the press and the public in November 1904, it is well to note that the great Awakening in Wales had its beginnings two years before this time in many parts of the principality. And when the river of God was at full spate in the latter part of the year 1904, it was found that the Spirit was using for His instruments at least a hundred pastors, evangelists and so-called “lay people” for His work.

While the Spirit’s workings in revival spread into almost every nook and corner of the country, the ministry of Evan Roberts was in the main confined to one of its 12 counties. The fire of God burned in towns and villages which he did not visit. And in many of the places which he did visit, he found the fire was already there. His visit only fanned the flame.

One of the features of a true movement of the Holy Spirit in revival is that He does not depend on one human personality in His workings. As much as I love and admire Evan Roberts as a man of God, and as much as I appreciate how greatly his ministry was blessed in the movement in Wales, I must state that the whole lesson of this textbook on revival will have been missed if it leads the readers to glorify man instead of God.

It is true that there must be the human side of revival; “The sword of the Lord – and Gideon.” It is true that God searches out and uses broken, clean vessels for His work, and that in Evan Roberts He found such a vessel. Moreover, during these years, He prepared and used hundreds of such instruments in different parts of the principality who led thousands to Christ.

These young converts, in turn, went out to witness to the grace and power of god. Yet, every one of these men and women would point the reader to the divine Spirit of God who was the instigator and promoter of the mighty movement in Wales and surrounding districts in 1904-05. Another outstanding feature of true revival is that the movement does not depend on money, organization or advertising. You can’t organize or control the fire of God.

The astounding feature of this awakening was the lack of commercialism. There were no hymn books, no song leaders, no committees, no choirs, no great preachers, no offerings, and no organization. I have scanned newspapers of Wales which came out in 1904 and 1905 and found no paid advertisements there announcing the meetings. So far as I can discover in my research while reading magazines and books and asking numbers of people who were saved at that time, not one single dollar was spent in advertising the revivalists.

As the late Lord Pontypridd once remarked,

The revival finances and advertises itself. There are no bills, no hired halls, and no salaries.

The only time I can discover that a committee organized a planned evangelistic campaign for Evan Roberts was in the city of Liverpool in 1905. Even on this occasion, the Spirit of God disrupted the plans and broke through the machinery by the time the revivalist arrived.

The movement was entirely under the control of the Spirit of God. Evan Roberts seems to have learned his lesson in the matter of making his own plans early in the revival. Just a few weeks before the revival broke out in his home church in Loughor, Evan had planned campaigns throughout Wales with his brother Dan and his friend Sydney Evans. Soon he was to discover that the Spirit had another plan – something better and deeper. After this, he greatly feared man’s planning and organization.

In my long talks with Sydney Evans and Mary Roberts-Evans, his wife, and also with the widow of Dan Roberts, I discovered that Evan would not announce any meetings for a week ahead. He simply announced a day or two ahead, if at all, that he hoped to be in a certain place at a given time. Even then it was not sure when, where, or if he would preach! He moved only with the Spirit. When the campaign was organized in Liverpool, the committee pressed him to state a definite time when he would come and begin meetings, but he refused to say, and when he did eventually go there (his only meetings outside his beloved Wales) he gave the committee only a three or four days’ warning.

Even then, though 100,000 Welsh people in the great English city were longing and waiting to hear him, he insisted that he could not know in which of the crowded chapels he would speak at a given time! Another characteristic of true revival is that the Lord Jesus Christ, Himself, is the center of the attraction:

It was noised that HE was in the house.” If the evangelist or the evangelistic party is the center of the attraction, then the work is of the flesh and not of God.

Nobody was more conscious of this fact than the popular revivalist (Evan Roberts) himself. He dreaded publicity. He dreaded newspaper reporters. He dreaded adulation. Many times he withdrew himself from the meetings when he felt that the people were coming to see and hear him only. In meetings where he feared he was the center of attraction, he pleaded with agonized spirit that the people would look away to Christ and Him alone, or else the Holy Spirit would withdraw Himself from the movement.

At other times, he purposely refrained from speaking in meetings, because he sensed that the people came to see and hear him about whom they’d heard rather than Jesus Christ who had the blessing from them. Though he became by far the most publicized preacher in the world at that time, he repeatedly refused interviews with newspaper men who came from every part of the globe.

He refused to be photographed except by members of his own family. He knew this awakening was of God and not from himself, and that if people idolized him, the Shekinah Glory would be withdrawn. Thus, it was that when letters reached him from many different publishing firms throughout the world asking that they might write about him, he felt the Spirit would have him answer none of these, fearing that he would be robbing God of the glory due to His holy name alone.

Sometimes the revivalist sat among the people, praying silently, and then left without saying a word. Visitors from different parts of the world were astonished to sit in crowded gatherings where people sang, prayed and testified without the young prophet even being there to take part. The saintly F. B. Meyer, a matured Christian leader, upon watching him in the meetings, explained,

He will not go in front of the divine Spirit, but is willing to stand aside and remain in the background unless he is perfectly sure that the Spirit of God is moving him.” Then he added, “It is a profound lesson for us all!

So evident was it that the movement was a divine work that outstanding British Christian leaders came and stood in awe and bowed in adoration to God. Although famous preachers such as Gypsy Rodney Smith, F. B. Meyer, G. Campbell Morgan, General Booth, and many others visited the scene of blessing, in the majority of cases, they only prayed or said a few words. Sometimes they sat quietly in the meetings while young people, and even children prayed, sang and testified in the Spirit. These great men of God recognized the fact that here was not a revival come through great preachers nor through great preaching, but that it was a supernatural work altogether apart from either.

They felt that their very personalities would hinder the meetings. And why should great Christian leaders preach sermons when here before them they saw their sermons fulfilled! Here was the answer to the agony of their prayers for the blessing upon the church of God and the salvation of lost souls. And besides – they could not have taken part unless the Holy Spirit had invited them to do so! Back in Moriah, Evan spoke for the first time on The Four Great Tenets, which formed such an important part in his message at the beginning of the revival. They became known later as the four points:

Did they desire an outpouring of the Spirit? Very well; four conditions must be observed, and they were essential:

I. Is there any sin in your past that you have not confessed to God? On your knees at once. Your past must be put away and yourself cleansed.

II. Is there anything in your life that is doubtful? – anything you can’t decide whether it is good or evil. Away with it! There must not be a cloud between you and God. Have you forgiven everybody, everybody, EVERYBODY? If not, don’t expect forgiveness for your own sins. You won’t get it.

III. Do what the Spirit prompts you to do. Obedience – prompt, implicit, unquestioning obedience to the Spirit.

IV. A public confession of Christ as your Savior. There is a vast difference between profession and confession.

At this meeting, he taught the children to pray “Send the Holy Spirit to Moriah for Jesus’ sake.” He spoke in the evening on “Ask and it shall be given you.”These things must be believed,” he said, “if the work is to succeed. We must believe that God is willing and able to answer our prayers. We must believe in a conquering Christ who is able to defeat all opposition.”

Just as the comments on prophetic Scripture by our Savior in His own synagogue at Nazareth astonished the hearers, so this night the church members who had known Evan all his life sat in amazement at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth.

After speaking for a while, he threw the meeting open for prayer and testimony. This went on till midnight. To my mind, this was a most remarkable day. An ordained clergyman from another town occupied the morning pulpit, as such had been arranged beforehand. Young Evan sat and listened to the message.

The reader must remember that these meetings, which were to mark the mightiest manifestation of the revival, were neither advertised nor organized. The pastor was simply giving the young man Evan an opportunity to obey God in giving his witness. On this Lord’s Day morning, it was announced that Evan would preach in the evening. That evening, the subject of the revivalist was “The Importance of Obedience.”He emphasized the following:

I commit this meeting into the hands of the Holy Spirit. Remember, the Holy Spirit is not “something,” but a Person. By giving the meeting into His hands, I give it into the hands of a “Person.” At the close of his message, some 60 young people responded for salvation. Then he taught the people to pray, “Send the Spirit now for Christ’s sake.

This meeting lasted until well past midnight and left its mark on the whole of Loughor, for it thrilled the neighborhood with divine awe. This was the turning point of the series of meetings.

Source: (Excerpts from the Invasion of Wales by the Spirit Through Evan Roberts-James A. Stewart)

Why are Men Boycotting Marriage?

marriage-imageHelen Smith’s book, Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood and the American Dream-and Why it Matters attributes a declining birthrate at least in part, to a system that gives men no incentive to marry and have children and actively punishes them if they do. This almost explains why some men would be better off without women.

The main thesis of the book is that men have been discriminated against in today’s world in four principal areas to the point that they have effectively become second class citizens. These are: marriage, reproduction, education and parenthood.

A growing number of men are not interested in marriage anymore. Studies have shown that in 2007 around 40 percent of American men aged 25-29 were married compared with 80 percent in 1970. The reluctance of men to commit marriage has been attributed to the sexual revolution and the rise of cohabitation, combined with a desire on the part of some men for sex without long-term, let alone lifelong, commitment.

She argues that feminism is the crucial factor and criticizes the hypocrisy of the radical feminist slogans my body, my choice and “reproductive rights.” She demonstrates how such language is used to deny any rights at all in matters of reproduction and parenthood. She describes a number of shocking cases of deception whereby men were coerced into becoming fathers against their will and were subsequently forced to pay for child support.

With regards to education, God places the responsibility for a child’s training on the parents especially the father. But society has kicked the father out of the home and Smith attributes this to feminism which now dominates the education system which extends from elementary school to higher education.

Nearly all public schools in the West are overwhelmingly staffed by women and a significant number of men have left the teaching profession, leaving the women as the sole role models for the students. This is fine for the girls in schools, but what about the boys? The prophet Isaiah says,

For My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people! Those who lead you cause you to err, and destroy the way of your paths” (Isaiah 3:12).

Men have also begun to retreat from college and from fatherhood. Many American colleges have student bodies that are over 60 percent female. The universities have become an increasingly hostile environment for men with courses in Gender and Women Studies that denigrate them. Incoming male students are often required to receive briefings on sexual harassment that treat them as potential rapists. Smith writes:

Many men have just decided that they don’t belong in college and are going on strike…How will this affect their wages and lifestyles in the coming decades?

Smith also highlights how fathers are constantly undermined in the mainstream media. She refers to an Australian study which analyzed 2,000 media portrayals of men and found them for the most part depicted as villains, philanderers, aggressors and perverts etc. The researchers found that 69 percent of media commentary presented men in an unfavorable light, with only 12 percent portraying them positively and 19 per cent giving a “neutral” or “balanced” view.

Ultimately such portrayals could lead to negative social and even financial cost for society in areas such as male health, rising suicide rates and family disintegration…. With fewer workers in the coming decades, who will provide services, work the jobs and pay into the already dwindling social security system?…… Our nation will stagnate economically and culturally if we keep up this war on men.

The Welfare State Rewards Fatherless Homes

Another argument for the boycott of marriage by men, according to some sociologists is that the welfare state is making it hard for many working class men to compete with the benefits that are rewarded to single mothers. This welfare system exploits the poor by keeping them dependent on the system while stealing their intellectual and economic future. This discourages marriage and personal responsibility. Mary Eberstadt in her work How the West Really Lost God observed that:

The divorce and illegitimacy rates plaguing the West can make the Christian narrative more difficult for some to comprehend. Since the story of Christianity is of a God who can be understood and known as a loving, benevolent Father, it could come across as foreign to someone who never experienced a loving, natural father in his life. We need to remember that the fractured Western family could not exist on today’s scale without the modern welfare state. The welfare state acts as a father substitute.

According to the Daily Telegraph Chancellor George Osborne has been accused of effectively penalizing couples with children for staying together. Changes introduced in last week’s Autumn statement mean that some couples with children would be financially better off if they chose to live apart, according to the Marriage Foundation. It says that the Chancellor’s announcement fails the “family test” trumpeted by David Cameron earlier this year and increases the “penalty” for some families by £110 annually.

Another book by James Bartholomew,  The Welfare State We’re In raises a number of serious questions about the extent of the problems caused by the welfare state. He notes that in the past, the state did not provide benefits to lone parents and allowed tax reliefs to married couples, but the reversal of these policies seems to have resulted in more broken homes. Bartholomew writes,

The network of family relationships had been a kind of social cement which was dissolved when extended families were separated by new council housing.


There is overwhelming evidence that shows that the importance of a father in a family is crucial to the health of the family structure. This is the way God designed it. Western history shows that in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the family was firmly rooted in biblical principles; fathers were the primary teachers of their children. Even education was not the responsibility of the government, but primarily placed upon the fathers.

Whether the feminists believe it or not, God gave the man all instructions because He wanted him to be the head of the family and the one responsible for sustaining, providing and protecting the woman. But feminism, reproductive rights, denigrating manhood and fatherhood and the social welfare programs are not advancing fathers or any family, whether black or white; rather, they are effectively crippling and destroying the people’s capabilities to live as God intended them to live.

A Christian response to same-sex attraction

Wedding_rings1-1Sadly, we Christians are renowned for our negative attitudes. According to David Kinnamen in his book, unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity…and Why It Matters , we are thought of by ‘outsiders’ (ie those who are not involved in church) as firstly, antigay (91%), secondly, judgmental (87%), and thirdly, hypocritical (85%). This is a tragedy!

As Christians, we cannot just bury our heads in the sand when it comes to the topic of same-sex attraction. This issue is here to stay, and we would do well to think it through. I’ve heard, “Love the sinner but hate the sin” many times, but I still wonder, how would Jesus react?

You may disagree with me, but when I was sent this video via Luke 10 over the weekend, I was moved and inspired. Jordan Bunch originally produced it for CenterPeace, an organization I had not heard of before. It is the most sensitive and best response I have yet seen.

What do you think?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjf7fq0kNR0?feature=player_embedded]

This article first appeared Here

They’ve Been Robbed of Their Womanhood

2.sisters.Gardasil1-1Olivia and Madelyne Meylor are in their early 20s. They both suffered from pre-mature menopause as teenagers right after received three Gardasil shots – an HPV vaccine marketed as a way to prevent cervical cancer.

“We went to the same physician throughout the years,” said Joen Meylor, Maddie and Olivia’s mom. At their annual physical, the doctor suggested a new vaccine.

“She said it would prevent cancer. I jumped on board and said ‘absolutely. Anything to prevent cancer,’” said Joen.

“I just remember the first shot. It hurt really bad,” said Olivia. The initial pain was nothing compared to what they say happened next.

“As the years went on, Madelyne never got her period,” said Joen. Time passed, and Maddie’s development took a turn.

“I still hadn’t had my period, which I thought was weird,” said Maddie. After multiple doctor visits, her diagnosis was in.

“We did some testing and sure enough, I had POF,” said Maddie. Maddie was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure. She was going through menopause at just 16 years old.

“I do remember just being confused and like, emotional,” Maddie said. Maddie relied on Olivia for support. Only to find out months later the sisters shared the same fate.

“I was also diagnosed in July,” said Olivia.

“We were devastated,” said Joen.

“It’s rare at their age and it’s very rare that two sisters would have premature ovarian failure,” said Joen. The sisters went through the same genetic testing, looking for answers. They say all roads led back to that doctor’s visit in 2007.

“I realized it was the Gardasil vaccine,” said Joen.

To appreciate how difficult it is for a mainstream media source to publish a story like this that even dares to suggest vaccines are not safe, keep in mind that to comply with media standards in their industry and satisfy advertisers, they must always present the other side of the story as well. Hence, you will get the pro-pharma dogma and standard reply in any story published like this.

Local media sources are also more likely to pick up a story like this, when it is someone within their community, and they know they will have a good chance of having public support on their side. Seldom, if ever, will you see a report like this in the national media, where it is much more difficult to operate within the constraints of the mainstream media and go against the grain of those who control the market and politicians in power.

Just ask Katie Couric, who published a very similar story last year on her syndicated national show and interviewed the mother of a young lady who died after receiving the Gardasil vaccine. Couric’s report was very balanced and presented both sides of the issue, and yet the mainstream media crucified her for even daring to mention there might be problems with the Gardasil vaccine. (See: Mainstream Media Attacks Katie Couric for Publishing Truth on Gardasil Vaccine.)

Couric’s producers undoubtedly forced her to into issuing what was basically an apology, and then aired a follow-up show which featured the one-sided standard government position, with an interview of Dr. Anne Schuchat, Assistant Surgeon General and Director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Dressed in military attire, the whole interview was basically an appeal to authority: Trust us, we are the authorities, and we know what’s best…..

Read the rest of the article here


Last Controversial and Provoking Message of Dr Myles Munroe

myles.and_.ruth_.munroe5-1Two months before his tragic death on November 9th, Dr. Myles Munroe spoke out against homosexuality in a press release entitled “Homosexuality: Phobia or Principle” (Aug 31st). He stirred controversy in Bahamas when he made comments in that press release by asserting that people have “hijacked” and “raped” the civil rights movement with efforts to fight for the rights of those in the LGBT community.

Munroe’s statement was from a response to a gay pride event that took place in the last weekend of August 2014. Former lecturer at the College of the Bahamas, Joseph Gaskins accused Dr. Munroe of “rank hypocrisy” in light of Munroe recent visit to Polygamist South African President Jacob Zuma.

Previously in March 2014, Munroe was criticized publicly in a press statement by the Foreign Affairs of Bahamas, Fred Mitchell who apparently has never been married nor has any children! Munroe had stated that Mitchell’s support of LGBT persons in the Bahamas does not “represent the majority of the convictions of the Bahamian people.”

Mitchell responded by claiming, “Once again Dr. Myles Munroe has returned to a theme he does not understand and obviously which he has no knowledge.” Mitchell went on in the statement to reference what he regarded as Munroe’s “…absolute stupidity and willful deceit is parading around in the pulpit disguised as theology.”

Mitchell warned Dr. Myles Munroe not to mess with him charging that:

Just because someone sits on a pulpit and hides behind theology does not give them the right to make vile, slanderous statements…. It is Dr Munroe’s right to disagree with anything he says, but to attack him and impugn my character is not only wrong, but goes against the principles of Christianity….I want people to look at me. I am not blinking on this at all. It doesn’t matter to me whether you agree or disagree with what I say, that is your right, this is a free society, just don’t impugn in a personal way. If you do that then I only have one response and that is to answer in kind….Just don’t mess with me…….

Dr Munroe responded in love by extending an olive branch to Foreign Affairs minister by saying:

He found it “disappointing” that Mr Mitchell would think his comments were a personal attack, especially since he “loves and admires” Mr Mitchell “like a brother”. I would be happy to speak with Mr Mitchell, I would be happy to meet with him, talk with him. He is my brother. That’s what I would like to do and I hope that we can do that very soon….

I can say that Mr Mitchell is one of the most intelligent, one of the smartest politicians in this country, his record shows that the people who have re-elected him prove that he is also a good server of the people of his community. So I respect and love him as brother. I appreciate his contribution to the Bahamas.

Nothing I have ever said was a personal attack, so I do not know what he is talking about in regards to that. I respect him. We are mature men, I would assume, and I would never say anything negatively about him, anything I said was specific to the subject that I talked about, that’s it. I love this guy, I respect him, I honour him as a Member of Parliament. But I always remind us that we are all human, but just because you may be elected to office does not mean you are superior; it just means you are a superior servant.

Dr Munroe wasn’t the first to address the issue of equating same-sex marriage with the Civil rights movement, Dr. Jacqueline C. Rivers, Director of Harvard’s Seymour Institute for Black Church Studies, did the same when she said:

Marriage was stolen from Blacks during Slavery therefore the material, moral, and spiritual consequences have been devastating. Across the United States and Europe, sexual partnerships between persons of the same sex [and] of the same gender are being legally recognized as marriage, thus abolishing in law the principle of marriage as a conjugal union and reducing it to nothing other than sexual or romantic partnerships or domestic companionship.

The unavoidable message is a profoundly false and damaging one — that children do not need a mother and a father in a permanent and complementary bond… In the United States, those who promote what they call marriage equality have unjustly appropriated the language and mantle of the black struggle in the United States — the Civil Rights Movement. But there can be no equivalence between blacks’ experience of slavery and oppression and the circumstances of homosexuals.

God has called us to a sacred duty to defend the innocent and the disadvantaged, the children and the poor. The religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows who are in distress and keep ourselves from being polluted by the world as it says in James 1:27…….

Watch the highlights from Dr. Jacqueline C. Rivers’ address at the Vatican’s Humanum Colloquium on Marriage and the Family:

 [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fhgvqfDTfM]

After Dr. Munroe’s death, according to Brazilian evangelist Julio Severo, the Press Release document was summarily removed from his website. Julio reposted it again but first he had to give his thoughts:

Some homosexualist individuals called his position on homosexuality “hypocritical” in light of Munroe’s then-recent visit with polygamist South African President Jacob Zuma.

I do not know if Munroe was critical of the Marxist ideology of Zuma or his depraved lifestyle or his pro-sodomy and pro-abortion ideology. Even though prominent English papers attacked him because of “Homosexuality – Phobia or Principle,” this excellent article seems to have completely disappeared from his website.

I do not know what could have prompted its disappearance or if it happened before or after his death. Was the leftist pressure too much on him and his ministry?

I remember that in 2008 Munroe praised Obama’s victory. While he was looking only at the color of Obama’s skin as a reason for pride, I saw the colour of Obama’s character……. Of course, Munroe’s last message was a hard blow on the Obama administration’s ideology.

Could this message have suffered a demise from all Munroe’s official channels because the powerful political elites who liked him hated his last and most powerful message to this world? Why did God have want such last message from Myles Munroe, who was one of the most prominent advocates of the theology of prosperity?

Here is the text if at all you are interested to know Munroe’s last provoking thoughts on the issue of same-sex marriage.

Press Release: “Homosexuality: Phobia or Principle”

By Dr. Myles Munroe August 31, 2014

In the guise of “Civil Rights” and “Human Rights” the LGBT minority community have decided to ‘celebrate’ the civility of their very uniquely chosen lifestyle and sexual preference publically. I am not sure what their mission or goals are in this effort, but obviously they have received enough incentive and motivation to attempt something that 90% of The Bahamas and Bahamians consider unacceptable and violates their collective convictions, moral standing and values.

Perhaps it may be helpful to first ask a simple yet profound question: “Is it civil, right, reasonable, logical, sane to promote a cause, lifestyle or practice of a behavior that could in its ultimate conclusion cause the extinction of the human race? It is insanity to demand the ‘celebration’ of your own extinction.I am not sure what role is being played by Government, Government Leaders, Ministry of Tourism, or other parties that may have provided, if any, the incentive for this defiant social act, but I believe this must be addressed from the perspective not from any religious position, but rather from the concern for our very small fragile social fabric being held together by values and moral standards that provide the framework for a healthy Bahamian society.

Concern is also raised concerning the assistance, support and promotion of these efforts by international organizations and in individuals including travel agencies and tourism promotion entities such as gaytravel.about.com. The citizens of the Bahamas have a legitimate right to be and express their concerns in these matters. I think it is dangerous, inappropriate, immature and disingenuous to accuse anyone with a deep concern about any attempt to impose, force or establish a set of values, standards, moral trends or lifestyle that could and would drastically change and in a very real way destabilize the foundations of a society, as have a phobia – or fear.


One of the greatest natural competent of human mechanism for survival and safety is the element of fear. Without the ability to embrace ‘fear’ or ‘panic’ the human species cannot protect himself against threats. The beauty of fear is that is an in inherent human quality that protects against danger and extinction. Phobia is inherently good.


There is no greater harm to human dignity than deception. Throughout history the power of deception has ruined millions of lives, started world wars and even changed the climate of nations. In our postmodern world there is a massive deception invading the very moral fabric of nations and dismantling the very core of the natural existence of humanity. As matter of fact this deception is threatening the extinction of mankind. What is amazing is that this deception is not a new one, but it emerged in the context of human existence on the planet as long ago as five thousand years.

However, despite the reality of its existence, it has historically always kept its place at the fringes of mainstream society. What is this deception? It is the unnatural attraction and relations between human species of the same sex or gender attempting to normalize the unnatural under the guise of being normal. Even though this unnatural behavior disguises itself under many labels, it is generally described as Homosexuality. The word itself incorporates its basic premise and that is, it is primarily sex driven.

Those who have decided to embrace, practice, encourage, and surrendered and succumb to its passions, and they desire to dignify, promote and civilize this “lifestyle” over the past generation have become more aggressive even to the point of violence in some instances. This strategy seem to be one of fear mongering, psychological battery, and the selling of self-pity and abuse. Terms like bigot, hate crime, closed minded, conservative, anti-human, anti-civil, bulling, and the most common, phobia, are used to isolate the mainstream of humanity painting them as unloving, insensitive, ungodly, human haters, unsympathetic and uncivilized.

It is my view that this accusation of ‘homo-phobia” is the greatest deception of all. Its intent is to make those who are considered ‘normal’ feel guilty for being normal. This deception is unfair, dishonest and dangerous. Its affect is to make the majority of humanity feel guilty for not accepting, glorifying and dignifying this ‘unnatural’ human behavior.

I am sure the question will arise, “What is ‘unnatural’ and who defines ‘natural’?” It is essential to understand that natural cannot and does not need to be defined. Natural is simply the normal state of creation which manifests itself by its natural essence. In other words, nature defines itself. What is defined by nature is also what is considered as ‘normal’. Normal is that which is the result of the natural course of life as nature or creation works in sustaining itself. Therefore the source of ‘natural’ or ‘normal’ is creation itself and any opinion of attempt of human genius cannot change what is natural.

Perhaps at point is it may also be important to note that the root word from which we derive our modern word ‘Law’ is the word ‘norm’. The obvious implication is that all nature is the source of natural law and therefore defines what is the reference for the creation of any human law that attempts to interfere with nature itself? It is also important to note that any law made by man is ignored by nature.

Human sexuality is a product of natural creation and is rendered as normal, thus does not need definition. Any deviation from the natural is generally considered as ‘unnatural’ or ‘abnormal’. In nature there will always be exceptions and these must be recognized as such. But even exceptions must be properly defined, for even in nature there is a natural inherent response to safe –guard its survival by minimizing the impact of the exception. All exceptions in nature are natural and not by choice.

In light of this natural reality why should homosexuality be considered ‘unnatural’ and perhaps ‘abnormal’? Perhaps the answer is in the very description of homosexuality as ‘a lifestyle’. Being an heterosexual is not a lifestyle but a natural by-product of nature and not by choice. Lifestyles are ‘chosen’ or a result of ‘circumstances’ but never a product of nature. We can choose lifestyles but never our nature.

The natural definition of ‘unnatural’ is that which is not a product of nature itself is, and that which cannot naturally reproduce in creation naturally. Perhaps this is the greatest challenge of the great deception of homosexuality, the natural fact that members of the same sex can come together, live together, express intimacy, and even be deeply emotionally involved with each other, but the reality and truth is they can never naturally reproduce after their kind. It is this fact, truth and reality that renders this lifestyle ‘unnatural’.

It is this simple truth that make those who wish to perpetrate this unnatural ‘lifestyle’ of ‘orientation’ dishonest and deceptive. I am not against nor will attempt to prevent any human deciding to practice a specific ‘lifestyle’ or are inclined to follow a certain ‘un-normal’ behavior, but my concern and contention is their attempt to impose that decision on those who by nature are considered normal.


It is amusing that when the majority of the human community respond, express their disagreement with, or their deep honest concern about the attempt of those who embrace and practice this lifestyle to impose this ‘unnatural’ human lifestyle on society response this is interpreted a Phobia or fear.

If this accusation was levied by ignorant, uninformed persons perhaps it would be laughable, but one when intelligent individuals make this claim of phobia to a responsible intelligent person, one must take personal offence. Maybe the real fear is that one I would call ‘truthphobia’ or ‘realityphobia’. Could it be that those who wish be considered normal, acceptable, natural, and civil, fear that self-evident truth that what they are claiming, demanding, promoting and fighting for is by nature unnatural and abnormal?

However, I agree with their accusation from one perspective; and that is yes, I am afraid of any lifestyle, orientation, preference or behavior that threatens that very survival of the human race. Could it be that the homosexual harbor an unspoken heterosexual phobia? Heterosexual never attempt to impose itself on society nor does it need to fight for or recognition any defense.


The lifestyle of homosexuality and all the other names and labels it has come to be described as, is as old as the biblical character Abraham, and was practiced by members of communities of his contemporary over four thousand years ago. Many of the minority who are still involved in this lifestyle seem to act as if this is a new cause for which they were born to fight for. In the early sixties some individuals in high profile positions in society began to venture out of what they called ‘the closet’ to expose themselves to the larger community as if to test the waters. The reaction from that time by the majority of the population was one of resistance and discomfort which still exist today despite the claims to the contrary.

This resistance has been so strong that those involved in the LGBT lifestyle changed their strategy for social acceptance from imposing by exposure demanding their social rights, and resorted to making the issue one of civil rights. It is interesting to note that after over 4000 years of the recorded existence of the this lifestyle and unnatural behaviour the social resistance still exists and I’m sure will continue, no matter how social and so-called civic society attempts to disguise it socially acceptable attire. Nature will never disagree with itself and common or legislative law can ever change natural law.

I have with great disappointment stood on the balcony of history and watched with horror and shock the high-jacking and raping of what we have come to know as the Civil Rights Movements. What made it more distressing was to see many individuals who were actively involved in these historic resistance movements, abandoning the sacrifice of many who died for the noble causes of human dignity for the majority who were being abused, to use their blood to cover the demands of minority sectors of society to justify and civilize their selfish and unnatural preferences.

I have tasted the negative impact of civil oppression by a regime that devalued my humanity, but this was not because of a lifestyle I chose, or a behavior that was by orientation, or a disposition preferred, but rather a reality that was ‘natural’. I was as victim of by inherent pigmentation……I was born black and had no choice in the matter. In The Bahamas I and my family along with the majority of the Bahamian population were discriminated against, devalued as humans, disenfranchised, and oppressed by a minority regime.

I have with all my logic and sought to understand, but still cannot equate the Philosophy, ideology or purpose for the Civil Rights movements with the agenda of the Homosexual LGBT community. I think the attempt to equate the historical Civil Rights movements with the demands for the right to dignify, glorify and accept as normal the practice of a lifestyle that could render the human race for which they sacrificed extinct, is illogical, dishonest, and is the abuse of the blood and imprisonment of many. It’s a high jacking of the gains paid for by the blood of honourable men and women for an unnatural human-destroying behaviour.


The fundamental principle of the Civil Rights movements was the freedom and restoration of the dignity and value of the Majority of an oppressed humanity. As a matter of fact, historically it was usually the imposition of the values, prejudices and inhumane ideology of the minority on the majority that was the context and source of oppression and devaluation of humanity. The context of the present LGBT movement could be considered in the same light where a small percentage and minority segment of the population are attempting to impose their unnatural ideology, values, morals and personal sexual preference on the common culture, moral convictions, standards and values of the Majority.

Perhaps, this could be considered the new 21st century regime of oppression. This idea seem to be further enforced by the encroaching influence and demands of globalization, the United Nations and other world bodies and agencies who have now conditioned their offer of national economic assistance to national social and cultural conformity that embraces moral and values-based compromises.


The most powerful and dangerous partner to deception is perception. The world of media is really about the business and management of perception. The power of the media cannot be calculated and must not be miscalculated or minimized in its impact for creating perception. This is why throughout history anytime there was a need to control the mental environment or to create a perceived reality, the use of the media has always been engaged as the critical tool in exporting, importing and disseminating deception. It is therefore important that in our modern democracy the demand for truth, transparency and objectivity in the media be a primary concern to all responsible citizen.

We must always be on our guard as civilly minded citizens to watch for the collective agenda and bias in the media. It has been my observation that in recent times the print and electronic media both nationally and internationally seem to favor the prominent and multiple placement, and preoccupation with stories that promote or glorifies this lifestyle. There seem to be many times and Imbalance of opinions and views. It is my hope that all media would make an effort to also publish the views of the majority.


There also seem to be the increase use of economic and political blackmail in the area of manipulation by the LGBT minority forces, which also includes an intentional smear campaign of the majority as bigots, human haters, intolerant, and bullies. This is a dishonest and grave misrepresentation of the facts. There is also the misuse of un-substantiated claims by the minority regarding changing trends and attitude to boost their own positions. This is incredible. In fact, there seem to be massive plague on intellectual, social and physiological and logical dishonesty. There is no conclusive scientific confirmations that verify claims that the minority who practice this lifestyle, that their condition is matter of biology or genetics rather than a habitual learned behaviour which become a lifestyle they prefer.

Let us reiterate once again that the majority of the population in most countries throughout history and in our contemporary society, are not ignorant of the existence of abnormal behaviour or unnatural preferences of the homosexual lifestyle. This lifestyle and behavior is really an old story with a new twist. What the majority does not appreciate is the dishonesty and deception that have been engaged by those who wish to impose their will on them. Every human has the right to choose his or her unnatural lifestyle, but must not demand that we accept it as natural. They are free to prefer any unnatural sexual orientation they desire or crave, but they must not, cannot and should not require that we the majority dignify it by promoting or glorifying it as normal. All the majority want are Honesty and the Freedom to express our concerns, opinion and positions without being labelled ignorant, intolerant, unsophisticated, or homophobic.

A Covert Vaccines Endgame War against the Weak

Tetanus vaccines that were given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.

Should we surprised at what the UN is doing after all the  same body has publicly released a controversial report  (which has now been removed) claiming that the African population of Kenya is too large and growing too quickly. Therefore to deal with the “challenge” is how to reduce the continued high demand for children” by turning contraceptives into tetanus vaccines for the poor.

The report says that one issue surrounds the realization of the policy objective of reducing Total Fertility Rate (TFR) from the current level of 4.6 to 2.6 children per woman by 2030. This is because the demand for children is still high and is unlikely to change unless substantial change in desired family sizes are achieved.

The 338-page report doesn’t explicitly call for abortion. However as we know the language used in such reports is very appealing, but the truth is that the global elite are so obsessed with controlling the population that they want only a few slaves they will be able to control in their utopian New World Disorder.

Another common theme throughout the report on Kenya is the alleged “need” to prod women into delaying marriage, family, and child-bearing. Despite dramatic declines in fertility over recent decades — authorities must do much more to bring the population down to “desirable” levels.

How do they intend to achieve that goal? According to the report:

The achievement of lower fertility is complicated by differences between individual fertility preferences and desirable fertility levels….Investing, educating and contributing to the attainment of more favourable demographic indicators….lower fertility through enhanced contraceptive use…lower ideal family sizes and getting more women into the workforce using government –mandated changes in gender roles as a way to ensure few African babies…..Sustainable development requires Kenya to be in a position to proactively address, rather than only react to, the population trends that will unfold over the next decades.

This is all brainwashing Kenyan women into having fewer children. In other words the UN and its African puppets know better than African families. To make matters even worse, it is the developing nations that are the main target.

For instance, one of the reports of the United Nations Population Division Policy Brief dated in March 2009 starts with the following unbelievable statement:

What would it take to accelerate fertility decline in the least developed countries?

The less developed regions include all the countries and areas of the world except Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, the United States of America, and all the Western countries in Europe. The group of least developed countries (LDCs) includes the forty-nine countries designated as such by the General Assembly.

The rest of the countries in the less developed regions, as a group, are designated by the term developing countries.

The document is packed with references to “reproductive health” and “reproductive rights” As then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said during a political controversy in Canada on the issue:

I’ve worked in this area for many years, and if we’re talking about maternal health, you cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, “safe abortion.”

Many critics are demanding action for these atrocities on African women. Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, stated in a bulletin released November 4,

“This proved right our worst fears; that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This evidence was presented to the Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was ignored.”

“Either we are lying or the government is lying. But ask yourself, ‘What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?’” Dr. Ngare added: “The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years for longer than Kenya has existed as a country.”

Dr. Ngare told LifeSiteNews that:

Several things alerted doctors in the Church’s far-flung medical system of 54 hospitals, 83 health centres, and 17 medical and nursing schools to the possibility the anti-tetanus campaign was secretly an anti-fertility campaign. Why, they ask does it involve an unprecedented five shots (or “jabs” as they are known, in Kenya) over more than two years and why is it applied only to women of child-bearing years, and why is it not being conducted without the usual fanfare of government publicity?

Usually we give a series three shots over two to three years, we give it anyone who comes into the clinic with an open wound, men, women or children…. If this is intended to inoculate children in the womb, why give it to girls starting at 15 years? You cannot get married till you are 18.” The usual way to vaccinate children is to wait till they are six weeks old.”

Dr. Ngare said that it is the five-vaccination regime that is most alarming:

We knew that the last time this vaccination with five injections has been used was in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994,” s “It didn’t cause miscarriages till three years later,” which is why, he added, the counterclaims that women who got the vaccination recently and then got pregnant are meaningless.

Ngare said WHO tried to bring the same anti-fertility program into Kenya in the 1990s:

We alerted the government and it stopped the vaccination. But this time they haven’t done so.”The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.

What is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)? According to Natural News:

HCG is a chemical developed by the World Health Organization for sterilization purposes. This chemical causes a woman’s body to destroy its own fetus with vaccine-induced antibodies. When injected into the body of a young woman, it causes a pregnancy to be destroyed by the body’s own antibody response to the HCG, resulting in a spontaneous abortion. Its effectiveness lasts for years, causing abortions in women up to three years after the injections.

It is the HCG that has been found in all six samples sent to the University of Nairobi medical laboratory and another in South Africa. The bishops and doctors warn that injecting women with HCG which mimics a natural hormone produced by pregnant women, causes them to develop antibodies against it. When they do get pregnant, and produce their own version of HCG, it triggers the production of antibodies that cause a miscarriage.

Author Eric Metaxas called it a Sneak Contraception: Vaccines, the UN and the poor:

The program behind these abuses of human rights and desecration of human dignity was only one example of many such abuses that have taken place under the banner of family planning. Look up “compulsory sterilization” on Wikipedia and you’ll find a virtual parade of nations, ranging from obvious bad actors like China to surprising ones like Israel, which admitted to giving Ethiopian immigrants birth control injections without their knowledge or consent.

Population Research Institute (PRI) chief Steven Mosher, said,

The report is “insulting to women.” The scheme to reduce fertility down to a target of 2.6 children per woman violates U.S. law. The Kenyan government, urged on by the UNFPA and USAID, is asserting the women of Kenya should not be allowed to make their own decisions regarding how many children to have, and should be re-educated into rejecting large families.

Because U.S. taxpayers provide millions for the schemes, the policy violates Federal Law… Such open targets for births and contraceptive acceptors are a clear violation of the Tiahrt Amendment. Congress ought to investigate.

Brian Clowes of Human Life International in Virginia told LifeSite News that WHO was not involved in the Nicaragua, Mexican and Philippines campaigns.

They try to maintain a spotless record. They let organizations like United Nations Population Fund and USAID do the dirty work. In the previous cases, the vaccinators insisted their product was pure until it was shown not to be. Then they claimed the positive tests for HCG were isolated, accidental contaminations in the manufacturing process. Why would the UN want to suppress the population in developing countries? “Racism,” Also, the developed countries want to get hold of their natural resources. And lately, there is the whole bogus global warming thing.

Why Racism and Eugenics?

This is just a war against the weak and the elites’ campaign to create a master race.

None of this should surprise us. In 1939, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger proposed a “Negro Project” whose goal was to greatly reduce the birth rate among southern blacks. Not for their sake, but out of a concern about, and I quote, “careless and disastrous” breeding among the “least intelligent and fit.” So, you’ll excuse the Kenyan Bishops if they don’t simply take the government’s word that there’s nothing to see here. There often has been.

The idea of eugenics became popular in the nineteenth century, officially beginning in 1863. A British man named Sir Francis Galton (1882–1911), who was a cousin of Charles Darwin, believed the human race should be judged on the basis of inequality. And the way he would achieve this was to use “eugenics.”

He coined the term using Greek words that expressed an original Greek concept, meaning “well,” and “born.” He further defined his new word as “the study of agencies under social control that may improve or impair the racial qualities of future generations whether physically or mentally.”

One of the ideas that Galton promoted was that eugenics is the theory that the human race can influence its own development through selective breeding. One of his theories was that if talented people married other talented people, the result would be even more talented offspring. These ideas were not his own, he claimed, but he was building on the ideas of other people like Thomas Malthus, Plato, and his cousin Charles Darwin.

He described his ideas in an article that was published in two parts in the MacMillan’s Magazine, expressing his disappointment that no one was breeding the best offspring. He was planning to improve society through marriage using mathematical methods to determine which couples would produce better offspring. Unfortunately, some ideas have grave consequences. His studies backfired, and his ideas were imported into the United States.

Margaret Sanger (1883-1966)

One of these that were influenced by Galton’s scientific studies was a woman by the names of Margaret Sanger, (pictured left) who was a nurse and married the American oil tycoon Noah Slee. She was the founder of the American Birth Control League, which was renamed Planned Parenthood in 1943. Margaret Sanger was a feminist who espoused the thinking of eugenicists.

She put many abortion clinics in minority neighborhoods, or what she called “inferior neighborhoods.”She testified before the U.S. Senate in 1916 and called for the establishment of the Population Congress that would seek to employ what could be termed as Negative Eugenics to separate humanity.

This was a study of or belief in the possibility of improving the qualities of the human species or a human population, especially by such means as discouraging reproduction by persons having genetic defects or presumed to have inheritable undesirable traits. Whereas positive eugenics is encouraging reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits.

Her proposals of forced segregation for American citizens were the views of many eugenicists who wanted a superior and more intelligent race. Similar to the advocates of birth control, the eugenicists were seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit. These words were spoken by a woman who is admired by women’s groups all over the world, including the soon to be presidential candidate Hillary Clinton!

She’s been described as the mother of Planned Parenthood and believed in “selective breeding” as a solution for a better human race by preventing reproduction of the unfit. She said,

We are paying for and even submitting to the dictates of an ever increasing, unceasingly spawning class of human beings who never should have been born at all.

Margaret Sanger had views similar to Darwin’s “survival of the fittest,” believing the genetic makeup of blacks, the poor, and other minorities were inferior to those of white people. She knew that some blacks would figure out her plot, so she decided to take the plan to the clergy of the black community to have them deliver the message to their congregations. In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, Sanger wrote:

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population. And the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Notice that Sanger said the ministers should be “hired.” Could it be that some black ministers today who support abortion still receive money from Planned Parenthood as the founder had planned? In 1970, then-Planned Parenthood boss and former American Eugenics Society vice-president Alan Guttmacher reportedly suggested that the UN should also be charged with implementing the agenda worldwide:

If you’re going to curb population, it’s extremely important not to have it done by the damned Yankees, but by the UN….. Because the thing is, then  not considered genocide…. If you can send in a colorful UN force, you’ve got much better leverage.

That’s the reason why the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) puts out an Inventory of Population Projects every year, which gives a quick view of programs and their financial support around the world. The inventory shows “multilateral” support from international bodies, “bilateral” support from one nation to another, and support from “non-governmental organizations,” or NGOs.

Mark Crutcher president of Life Dynamics, a U.S. based pro-life group and producer of the hard hitting documentary Maafa 21 says,

This eugenics plot was set in motion by the elites almost 150 years ago. They’ve have already stated that “the best way to hate a Nigger is to hate him before he’s born.” This kind of eugenics by the United Nations and their population-control conspirators is not helping the black family but turning large poor families into small poor families.

The documentary below exposes what Crutcher calls the ongoing genocide of blacks worldwide by prominent establishment forces. Watch the video yourself if you have the time and patience.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HshhtiNm2Kc]