The Prophets Are Warning…But Are We Listening?

hitler 1History tells us, that even if a man is perceived to be less than honest, or even a rascal, people will often re-elect him. They say: “He is handsome, cunning, audacious, and a stranger to the truth, yet he sure gets things done. Better the devil you know….

Americans don’t know that most of their elected personalities are merely pawns in the game. That’s the reason God’s people fail in every election to watch for the New World Order Trojan Horse president who will come closer and closer to selling out his country. The Bible indicates that when a people finally become corrupt and decadent enough, God turns them over to a spirit of delusion or blindness. 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 says:

And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing (going to perdition) because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false, in order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe in [who refused to adhere to, trust in, and rely on] the Truth, but [instead] took pleasure in unrighteousness.

David Wilkerson and a small minority of prophets have been warning America for a long time. They believe that the Lord is presently turning the American church and many pastors over to a spirit of blindness and delusion. Jesus warned in Matthew 24 that there would be come a day of great deception and great falling away by strong believers and a time of great betrayal and persecution. This spirit of blindness and delusion was very evident in the German church in the 1930s as the Third Reich ascended to power.

The Spirit of Blindness and Delusion in the German Church in the 1930s

The Spirit of Blindness and Delusion in the German Church in the 1930s

Now another prophet Glenda Jackson says, we’ve got to hear the Lord’s voice or we’re going to be deceived. She believes that the next coming elections could turn out to be second to last, if not the last elections, Americans will ever see. This is what God showed her and he shared it on the Sid Roth programme:

He showed me that if Christians don’t start praying more than they ever have, even the churches, become the house of prayer, this next election is not going to take place. It’s going to be suspended because evil is going to arise and some disasters are going to happen, and some things are going to be put in place, and the president is not going to be removed. He’s going to stay in. And these things are going to happen, and they’re going to be very bad if we don’t get a hold of God.

On the War in the Middle East she said:

And God said this war is not going to end easily because America, her pride, she took glory for the Gulf War and He said, God said, “They gave ME no glory. They did not look unto me. So it’s not going to be over until I say it’s over and many are going to be killed.

On the signs of the times she said:

Horrible times. Times, such as, the Bible said times such as never before. The earthquakes, all of that are going to intensify. But we don’t have to be afraid. We’ve got to know God’s voice. We’re going to live supernaturally. We’re not going to live like the world lives. We’re going to live supernaturally, God showed me, like they did in the wilderness, like they did in Jesus’ day when he walked on the earth. We got to believe. If we can’t believe we’re not going to make it.

If we don’t repent, very soon we will see massive changes taking place in America and ultimately the whole world. Even the much worshiped and trusted “god”- the U.S. Constitution will fail to protect the few remaining liberties and freedoms we now enjoy. Why? Tyrannical regimes can easily suspend and ratify law documents like the Constitution.

Here is her Interview with Sid Roth on ‘‘Its Supernatural’’

Many other prophets have warned us before but are we listening? Recently Rick Joyner had a prophetic dream about a “gate of hell” that has been opened into the United States:

….It was as if I was high over the land. I saw waves of gangs. Some appeared to be military units, sweeping across the South-western United States. It was like a great plague as they were pillaging, plundering, raping and murdering. It was an invasion that threatened more Americans than any previous war in our history. I was surprised that I did not see any U.S. military response to this invasion.

Rick Joyner shares on his show, ‘‘Prophetic Perspectives,’’ the troubling dream he had on the night of (9/18/14) about ISIS’s plans in America and how ‘‘martial may save America!


Rick Joyner writes that,

Many prophetic warnings are given so that we understand the schemes of the devil in order to foil them. What I saw in this dream will happen if quick, decisive action is not taken to secure our Southern border.

We are commanded to pray for our leaders. We are not told to just pray for the ones we like or agree with, but the ones we have. We must pray for our present leaders, that they will wake up and be given wise counsel so that this gate of hell into our country is shut. That is the best of all scenarios.

The only thing that will ultimately save our nation is another Great Awakening that turns the nation back to God. This onslaught across our Southern border did not turn America back to God, but it turned Americans against one another. If this is not stopped, then it can still be lessened by wise leadership and wise preparation.

The most important preparation of all is for every Christian to truly elevate God’s house above the White House, or any other house including our own. We must seek first His kingdom, which means that all of our major decisions should consider the purposes of God above any other purpose. His kingdom is built on a Rock that cannot be shaken. If we have built our houses on this Rock, we will not be shaken either…..

John Burton recently received such an urgent and troubling dream from God. You can read the message of the dream here: This is part of his interpretation:

In America, football is one of the enduring symbols of passionate entertainment in today’s culture, but the game’s place in my dream was significant. It represented life as usual. I was happily distracted, and nothing else existed on my grid that night….We must, as the remnant church, be ready for a sudden move into critical end-time ministry.

We have to be instant in and out of season. Our ears must be attentive to the prophetic voices that are sounding alarms in our nation. The coming church will be marked by people, as in the first-century church, who are mission-minded and willing to lay down their lives. They aren’t there for the benefits alone…..

Very troubling times are ahead of us. The enemy’s primary weapon will be the spirit of fear.. The coming church will be a church that has gone deep in God together and, my friend; this is the only church that will be able to stand against the wickedness.

Larry Randolph also shared with Sid Roth what he sees happening in America, Israel and the world:

One that struck me the most was the fact that the U.S.A., especially those in higher government, from the very top to bottom, were not only in for a humbling, but a humbling beyond embarrassment. And the Lord has decided to answer the blood of our forefathers of this nation to end with prayers of intercessors as He did with Abraham.

If he was righteous, He would have saved Sodom and Gomorrah. So many righteous in this country and God has heard the prayers, and God is about, the Scripture says, “If you don’t follow the rock it will fall on you.” The rock is about to fall on America in the sense, I don’t mean there’s some great judgment, but in a sense of humbling, which will be judgment for those that aren’t humble.

It’s going to come from the very top of the government to the very bottom. We’re going to see a great humbling, and I believe that’s this year and next year in the government of the United States, because God is going to set right some things. Because the Lord said to me two years ago that the United States is going to, has received a period of grace.

If Jezebel could get a space for repentance and revelation, why can’t we. God has extended grace to this nation. And the jury is out in some instances, because it depends on how we react as people of God and partner with God.

Before Rick Joyner and others shared their messages, another prophet Jonathan Cahn said, God gave him a revelation that he called the Mystery of the Shmitah which so big that it affects everything we as a people are personally doing and will affect the rise and fall of the United States of America. Before that he wrote a bestselling book, The Harbinger which heeds a warning of judgments and now he saying they’re reappearing again and there are nine of them. But one of the ones that is reappearing is the understanding and the revelation of a biblical term called the Shmitah. According to Jonathan:

The Shmitah is an ancient mystery. It goes back over 3000 years to Moses, Mount Sinai. Yet is affecting everything from 9-11 to the rise and fall of the economy, to the crashing of the stock market, to the rise and fall of nations, everything from World War I, World War II, what is happening right now and what will happen. It is the most precise mind-boggling, biblical mystery and it’s coming true now.

But when Israel turned against God, the Shmitah comes back as a sign of judgment on a nation that is driving God out of its life. So this is where it affects us particularly today. So the thing is that the Shmitah affects, as you can see, the economy right away. Today it would be a recession or a depression, I mean. And the Wall Street literally is the collapse of our financial realm. So what we’re to have the judgement type of collapse.

What next….?

Now in light of all these warnings and prophecies, what should we do? The truth about all human flesh is that when we come to a place of comfort, we tend to forget God. We have forgotten God and our dependence upon Him. We have become complacent, lazy, and apathetic, and have lost our ability to even tell the difference between good and evil.

When you study the Old Testament from the beginning to end, you find that the Israelites sought God, repented and prayed when things were not going well, and God in His grace and mercy heard and answered their prayers.

But once everything was going well, they forgot where they had come from, and what God had done and backslid again. In their desperation, they remembered God and did the right thing. In prosperous times they forgot God and sinned-time and time again. Paul writes that: Now these things became our examples, to the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they also lusted. (See 1 Corinthians 10:6-10)

You and I are not any different. Don’t ever think that when you repented and came back to the Father’s house that mercy began to operate. It was still the mercy of God that kept me from death and certain judgment, and if at all it wasn’t the mercy of God, I would have perished in Hell long time ago. The grace of God holds back judgment until God in His kindness has given everyone a chance to repent.

If the Lord was not gracious to you and me, and all other sinners we would be lost eternally. So the grace of Christ is operated on everyone, but it becomes operated through having faith in Jesus Christ. How many of us came to the Lord when everything was going on very well.

Not many of course, likewise very few of us pray as fervent as possible when in prosperity as we do when all hell breaks loose. The greatest distraction to us all is not the difficulties, but the prosperity. In fact we should learn to seek the Lord as much in prosperity more than we are in difficulties.

Lessons from Daniel’s Prayer for His People

The prophet Daniel teaches us so much in terms of preparing ourselves in difficult times especially in regards to prayer and fasting. Bible Historians tell us that the Jewish prophet Daniel had been deported to Babylon with the first exiles in 606 BCE.

At the time he was just sixteen years old. As well playing a significant role in government during the exile, he became God’s prophetic mouth piece to the Gentile and the Jewish world-declaring the Lord’s future and eternal purposes.

The scriptures tell us that Daniel’s intercession near the end of the seventy-year period of the Babylonian exile played an important part in the fulfillment of Jeremiah’s prophecy. Daniel set his face toward the Lord God with fasting, sackcloth and ashes in seeking repentance for his people. (See Daniel 9:1-20)

The prophet Jeremiah had prophesied that God would not allow the captives to return to their land for seventy years (see Jeremiah 25:11, 12; 29:10) Daniel learned by reading and studying the Word of the Lord as revealed by Jeremiah the prophet that Jerusalem would must lie desolate for seventy years. So he turned to the Lord God and pleaded with Him in prayer and fasting to fulfill His promise.

The Book of Daniel teaches us a lot about humbling ourselves through fasting that God would revive us again. He confessed his own sins and the sins of his people, and he combined fasting with his prayers, and pleaded that God would reveal His will.

It was while he was praying that he received a visitation from the angel Gabriel. This is recorded in (Daniel 9:20-27). Three times the angel Gabriel declared that Daniel received the greatest possible honour from heaven he declared that Daniel was a man “greatly beloved” of God (See Daniel 9:23; 10:11, 19).

He also received honors as he served in two most powerful empires of his day. But despite his promotion from being a slave to serving in the office of prime minister, his astonishing visions and prophecies, Daniel never lost his humility, his faith in God’s plan and his reliance on God’s mercy and faithfulness.

Daniel cried out to the Lord with a deep passion and concern for his nation and his people. He pleaded for mercies not for help, because he knew that he and his people deserved God’s wrath and judgment. And even though God sent a messenger to Daniel, the spirit prince of the kingdom of Persia detained the messenger for three weeks, but during this period Daniel still fervently and earnestly prayed and fasted, and God’s messenger eventually arrived at the right time.

This all teaches us not to sit down on the promise and say, “God has pledged Himself to put an end to the captivity in seventy years, and now that the time has expired there is no need to pray” Look at what Daniel did when he read the prophecy , he said,

“I set my face unto the Lord God, to seek by prayer and supplications, with fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes.” He set himself at once to pray that the end of captivity would come to pass and he never gave up on the promises of God.

We are to pray when we have evidence from promises, prophecies, providences, or the leading of the Spirit—that God will do the things for which we pray and humble our souls with fasting.

From Daniel’s intercession we learn that the promises and prophecies of God’s Word should never be used as an excuse to stop praying. On the other hand any kind of prophecy is intended to provoke us to pray until we see a positive change if it’s evil as Rick Joyner is saying and if the prophecy is good, we should pray for it to be fulfilled. For example Jackson says she believes the days of prophecy are coming back “and even greater.” So we should pray for that to happen.


Again could the Lord be warning us through these prophecies? I have to say that it is very hard to be hundred percent sure that the picture we see, or the voice we hear or the prophecy we speak is from God. That is why listening and speaking out in the name of God is costly and leaves us feeling vulnerable. But having said that, I believe we as Christians can agree with these prophets on some of the things the Lord has revealed to them.

The Bible tells us not to spurn the gifts and utterances of the prophets, not to depreciate prophetic revelations nor despise inspired instruction or exhortation or warning. But to test and prove all things until we can recognize what is good; to that we are to hold fast. (See 1 Thessalonians 5:20) The Lord is still in control of our lives and in control of nations. If we humble ourselves and develop a personal intimate relationship on a daily basis, we shall overcome the storms that are increasing each passing day.

Many shall purify themselves and make themselves white and be tried, smelted, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly. And none of the wicked shall understand, but the teachers and those who are wise shall understand. (Daniel 12:10 AMP)