Nord Stream Won’t be the Last False Flag

Preface: I’ve been monitoring the Russia/Ukraine war very closely since the beginning and comparing the non-stop shamefully dishonest propaganda of the OBiden-controlled media with news from independent, mostly pro-Russian sources.

What matters to me is truth, and that is coming almost exclusively from the pro-Russian side: It’s almost exactly the reverse of the U.S./USSR contest of the Cold War, with America now taking the old Soviet role and the Russian Federation taking the ethical higher ground formerly held by the U.S.

Everything done by Putin in this conflict is reasoned, rational and either clearly legal under international law or clearly defensible by comparison to U.S. interventions in foreign nations, which our government insist are legal.

If you don’t share that view, it’s likely the fault of your “news” sources. Tag-teaming propaganda by the leftist and neocon (RINO) media (which includes huge swaths of Christian media controlled by neocons like Pence, Romney and Ryan) is the only reason so many Americans are backing OBiden on this war.

If the average American knew what I know from my independent research, there would never even have been a Russian incursion into Ukraine because we would all recognize that our government has nefariously orchestrated every single step of this conflict since at least 2014.

That orchestration includes especially the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, 2022, which the lying media has the audacity to call “unprovoked” after deliberately covering up the very serious provocations. The psyops campaign against our own people regarding Ukraine has been done at a John 8:44, Father-of-Lies level of deception, particularly regarding the media-created “war crimes” to stir public outrage and keep the cash flowing into the war machine. (Never forget what these exact same propagandists did and are still doing to Donald Trump! They. can. not. be. trusted. about. anything.)

Here is my analysis of where we are in the OBiden rush to World War III.

The starter gun has sounded, the four horsemen are out of the gate, and the culling of humanity through war, disease, famine and natural disasters is about to begin in earnest. It’s a prophesied spiritual season, but a worldly geopolitical one as well.

On the worldly stage, OBiden pulled the trigger on Sept. 1 in a performance dripping with Nazi symbolism – both to evoke the previous world war for context and to subtly mock Vladimir Putin’s anti-Nazism rhetoric about the Ukraine war. American pundits were mystified by the unprecedented “Dark Brandon” drama of the speech and saw it only through the lens of poll numbers and the coming election, but the globalist conspirators planning the

“Great Reset” undoubtedly recognized it as the launch of the main phase of the prerequisite “great collapse” in the form of a new world war.

Within a week, the Obergruppenfuhrer of the CIA, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, made a surprise appearance in Kyiv, and two days later the (apparently) successful Ukrainian counter-offensive backed by billions in top-shelf U.S. weaponry began. That the Americans had taken hands-on control of the Ukrainian war machine on behalf of NATO was the obvious message. (I say “apparently” successful because I suspect Russia has been playing rope-a-dope with the West by a series of tactical withdrawals to lure the Ukrainians out of their fortified bunkers where they have been decimated by airstrikes and artillery.)

In response to direct U.S. intervention, Russia moved up the referenda elections in the Donbass to make the four pro-Russian oblasts it had liberated in the war an official part of the Russian Federation. Contrary to our media’s absurd but predictable claim of election fraud (Oh, the irony!), the election result was as foregone a conclusion as Texas voting for Trump – but was also endorsed as legitimate by international observers.

So now any attack on the four new bear cubs will be an attack on Momma Bear Russia, and there will be hell to pay by those who do. And they (“we”) will press the attack because WWIII seems to be our October Surprise for 2022.

Added to hell’s invoice is the rather obvious but perhaps legally unprovable U.S. sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural gas pipelines to ensure vassal-state Germany cannot break with her U.S. master and mend fences with Russia to avoid becoming a post-industrial frozen wasteland this winter. That likely won’t be the last false flag of the season. And the chances of one here at home – blamed on Russia, of course – seem fairly high.

Frankly, every death in Ukraine since as least April (when OBiden sent Boris Johnson to kill the peace deal that Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France had brought within inches of adoption) has been the fault of our government. And realistically, the death toll going back all the way to the 2014 Obama/Soros Maidan coup, including the 14,000 people killed in the Donbass by Ukrainian shelling through February 2022, is “our” fault, too.

Looking at it all from the highest level of geopolitical pragmatism, there would be a reasonably strong argument to be made for preserving U.S. global hegemony and discouraging Russia from building a multi-polar alternative IF American values and vision reflected the altruistic Christian heritage of our past. But American “values” today are the most corrupt and perverse of any nation on earth, and the future our leaders envision is a dystopian transhumanist freak show of woke tyrants and sexual deviants.

And even if that were not true, and we were still an ethical and virtue-aspiring people like the good old days, the question about what our nation’s role in the world should be is a matter for WE the PEOPLE to decide, not a thin upper strata of globalist elites and greedy predatory corporatists. I think the American people, if given the choice, would be inclined to share the world’s resources with other nations for mutual benefit rather than violently subjugating all competitors on behalf of U.S. oligarchs.

So what comes next? As of Oct. 5, the Russian Special Military Operation, which was limited to liberating the Donbass and diminishing the Ukrainian military threat will end, and real war will begin against the U.S. and NATO forces that took direct (but still not admitted) control of the Ukrainian forces in September. That will serve as justification for the OBiden military also to “take the gloves off,” triggering various mutual-defense treaties on both sides and the explosion of war across the world. I would dearly love to be wrong, and to celebrate a peace treaty in the coming weeks instead of a cascade of disasters, but things look grim as of today.

Copyright 2022 Dr Scott Lively-All rights reserved.


“Indisposed to admit or accept that which is related as true”

“Incredulous”, of course, means disbelieving. Incredulity is a state of mind in which we find ourselves more and more. Our country is completely off its rocker, it seems, and we have a hard time believing it all.

We are confused and adrift because our moral guideposts have gone missing, ripped out from under us by the Marxists calling themselves the “Great Reset”. Every parameter of our morals and values, things we have learned in our churches, schools and at our parents’ knees – literally, everything we have held dear – is being destroyed. History is being rewritten. Our bedrock is crumbling into shifting sands, and we are responding with either anger or denial.

It’s no wonder we feel like we’re going nuts.

Evil has invaded our country. We see incredible hostility on a daily basis. There is so much hate-filled rhetoric on the news and among acquaintances and family, that we tend to turn it off and back away.

People you know are uttering things you never thought you’d hear them say, and they can’t/won’t explain themselves in a rational way. If you asked them to defend their argument, they can’t. They just spew a mantra of learned derangement, if they answer at all.

The media hypes stories of theft and robbery, killings and maimings 24/7. This seems to get worse, more frequent, not better every day. Have another dose of horror with your coffee.

We are the bad guys for denying the existence of 58 genders; it makes US the haters, we are told. What happened to “follow the science”?? That little mantra also goes out the window when we are demanded to believe that men can give birth and provide all that is physically necessary therein. Whatever.

It is un-American for the Census to count how many American citizens live here, but the 2020 count made sure to catch as many illegals as possible. Russian interference in elections is bad, but voting by illegals is good. Border security ($5 billion) is too expensive, but free health care and housing for illegals ($1.5 trillion+) is just fine.

Our illegitimate government showers the Fascist dictator of Ukraine with trillions, but denies our own military what they need, to fight AND to live through their life-altering injuries sustained in our service.

Bidens (and Clintons AND Obamas) went to bed with the crooked Ukraine government, financed bio-weapon labs there, blackmailed its leader and that is somehow ignored (or accepted??), all day every day. Let Trump place a phone call to the Ukraine president and ASK about those offences, and it is worthy of impeachment. Daily, it seems, the current ‘resident and his Congress perform impeachable offences but, since Trump left office, the word has not been whispered in those hallowed halls.

The party that says there is no such thing as gender, and whose SCOTUS nominee cannot define a “woman”, demands female candidates for public office and special healthcare “rights” (murder of the unborn) for women. Our children are being physically and chemically castrated in our own public schools, and parents are not even in the loop! This is a pure Luciferian construct. Incredible!

Unbelievable! We are utterly incredulous. Again.

Illegal aliens are welcomed into our country by the millions, carrying every kind of disease known to man. (Of course, we don’t know what they are. Yet.) But Americans lose jobs and freedoms if they do not submit to an untested treatment, which has proven to be killing millions. “My body, my choice”, anyone?” Let’s not even mention the incredible amounts of lethal drugs like Fentanyl gushing into every state, while American citizens are prohibited from buying tested and effective remedies such as Ivermectin.

People are being held responsible for things they never did, stuff that happened before they were born – like slavery – but those committing crimes every day are being held responsible for nothing, notwithstanding video and/or eyewitness evidence of their crimes.

On this note, while it is NOT OK to execute murderers, it’s just fine when they kill innocent Americans. Attempted murder doesn’t even rate temporary incarceration or a trial. The entire act of a deranged Leftist trying to kill Congressman Lee Zeldin was caught on camera, but the perp was out of custody in two hours. Don’t forget, too, that under this New World Order, killing babies is somehow a human right, a necessary part of a woman’s (pardon me, “baby-maker person’s”) health care freedom.

And, oh, yes. Those evil law enforcement professionals are labelled fascists for trying to stop the anarchy, because, somehow, being arrested and held accountable violates the rights of the criminal.


Our Constitution and its body of law, on which we have depended to enjoy the finest form of government in history, have been thrown out. We are staring totalitarianism in its Luciferian face. Those forms of governance (socialism, Marxism, Communism, whatever) have killed millions around the world, but the Globalists want to try again.

After decades of undercover efforts to bring us to this point, we are facing the demise of our country. Now it is visible, the rot is all around us, and many of us still can’t bring ourselves to believe, OR to work against it.

I am somehow “racist” for pointing all this out. Heck…I’m in good company: Calling Covid the Chinese flu after its country of origin is racist, too. (“French” fries? “Italian” seasoning? “Greek” pastry? How far is this going? If I like all of the above, am I a hater??)

This insanity is invading every aspect of our lives. It is making us incredulous. We want to hide or run, or just deny. We just want it to go away, but it won’t, unless we acknowledge it, and realize what this turmoil is doing to us and our country.

Acceptance must precede knowledge which precedes the power to stand and fight. If we are going to be able to deal effectively to get our republic back, I repeat, we must act.

Many don’t want to get involved in activism because what is out there is just too crazy to believe, and too frightening to consider.

However, if you value your freedoms, IF YOU WANT TO ENJOY THE BLESSINGS OF LIVING IN A FREE COUNTRY, you will open your mind to reality, take a deep breath, and jump in. The water’s NOT fine, but it is navigable, and the only danger comes from NOT swimming with your pack. We do not have a choice.

Take heart. WE are far more numerous than THEY, because WE are the Constitutionalists, who want to save our freedoms. “Our pack” is no longer defined by a party label, “R”, “D”, “I” or any other. If you approach members of your community with the simple choice of which they support – the Constitution or Communism – you will raise the flaps of the tent, and expand your group to include a great many who have been frustrated, trying to find their old party allegiances. WE, who believe in our Constitution and the blessed life it has given us, ARE a vastly larger group than those who crave totalitarian control.

There are local action groups in counties and towns across the country, doing great work. They consist of members of all former political parties. More groups are forming every day, in every state. Join arms with your friends and neighbours and get involved. Form a Freedom Pod and learn what is happening in your own town. You might be surprised, but you will be armed for action, with understanding. Knowledge is power.

First priority, secure the November 2022 elections. Without that, we will be at a serious, perhaps fatal, disadvantage.

The venom of Evil – which is everywhere today – paralyzes the moral mind. Lucifer and his gang know this and hope you will become so tangled in the web of utter disbelief, and terrified of the dark shadows you see everywhere, that you will become powerless to act. Don’t let yourself become their victim. Stand strong for what you know is right.

Get off the couch and out the door. We have a country to save.

© 2022 Kat Stansell Newswithviews. com–All Rights Reserved

The Brainwashing is Nearly Complete

It appears that the brainwashing of the New World Order Globalists is nearly complete.  While there definitely are many Americans with eyes to see what’s right in front of their noses, most are happily going along with the plan of the planned-demic, oblivious to the wicked agenda of The Great Reset.  And the blind ignorance of MOST is staggering.

In our nationally-distributed newspaper, Wisconsin Christian News, we publish the truth, though the truth is often unpleasant.  The articles we publish are fact-checked and backed up with original sources so readers can research what we’re saying for themselves.  The articles we publish include vital information from literally thousands of accredited researchers, scientists, doctors, ministers and even everyday, ordinary citizen reporters who publish what they’re seeing first-hand.

But the truth is heavily censored now, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before.  The Mockingbird Mainstream Media is owned by the New World Order Globalists, and so they report the official talking points of the tyrants, and they do NOT report anything that might go contrary to the official narrative of the regime.  We only see what they want us to see.  The same is true for social media platforms, like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.  While we’re constantly told we must “follow the science,” REAL science is now banned from public discussion.  It’s been outlawed.  Around the world today, releasing information on real research, real science, real, ACTUAL FACTS will now get you arrested and often jailed.

Our current edition of Wisconsin Christian News is powerfully packed with REAL news, information and commentary.  Our newspaper is available by mail to subscribers and also placed in high-traffic public places all around Wisconsin as well as in 17 other states.  People can pick up a copy of the newspaper at their local grocery store or truck stop for free — IF there are any left.  We’re only able to stock the paper at each location once a month, and most of our news racks empty out within a week or so.

For the past two years, we have had to increase the number of copies we print every single month and we’re now printing more copies than ever before in nearly 23 years of publishing.  People are HUNGRY for REAL news and they’re starving for the truth.  There’s a famine of God’s Word and truth in our land.

I routinely get very positive comments from those who have found Wisconsin Christian News in a public place, picked up a copy and read it, and then had their eyes opened to things they never knew or even heard of before.

As an example, one note that just came in today read, “Yours is a great newspaper — the only one worth reading!”  Another person wrote, “WCN is a lifeline to the truth. I don’t know what I’d do without it.”

Still, another said, “I’m grateful for my subscription to Wisconsin Christian News.  I’ve used it to start so many great conversations with people and most are stunned when they realize how they’ve been lied to by the TV news and the internet.”

This gives me hope that many are waking up to the reality of what’s going on in this world — and coming to realize that Jesus is not only our “best shot,” He’s our ONLY “shot.”  Pun intended.

But the comments are not all positive. Let me share with you something that came in just last week, two days after our latest edition was released.  This is from someone who picked up the paper in a public place:  “I was disgusted when I looked at the front page and saw outrageous articles claiming that the good Dr. Fauci should be charged for crimes against humanity and that COVID shots are killing people!  Articles like these have nothing to do with Christianity and are instead motivated by right-wing political extremism!  This is the kind of ugly, twisted, toxic mix you get when you combine religion and politics.”

Another person wrote, “I have never in my life seen such lies and misinformation in any publication.  You people are crazy and you call yourselves ‘Christian.’  I don’t think that’s how your ‘Jesus’ would see things.  You people need to move to your own planet and leave us normal people to follow the facts. Stop killing people with your misinformation.”

Let me strongly reiterate: we do NOT publish misinformation.  We publish the TRUTH. I have nothing to gain by lying to our readers and we do not publish sensationalistic nonsense.  But we DO take a strong stand on the truth of what’s behind the current scam of the planned-demic and the COVID jabs.  And once again, all of our content is researched and fact-checked, often coming directly from the researchers and scientists themselves when it comes to these issues.

The problem is that so many Americans have been completely brainwashed into a mind-numbed stupor, they CANNOT and WILL NOT even consider anything that goes contrary to what their big screen TVs tell them.  Case in point: a University in Southern California conducted a poll of 6000 people this time last year and reported that an overwhelming majority of American adults — 83% — were in favor of mask mandates in public.  Now granted, we don’t know who these 6,000 people were, or where they lived, or whether or not this University was honest in their reporting.  A Gallup poll from last summer showed 49% of Americans were in favor of mask mandates.

Regarding the jab mandates, a Gallup poll from last fall showed 60% of Americans in favor of requiring all government employees to be “fully jabbed” and 58% agreed that companies with 100 or more employees should be required to get the shot.  The same poll revealed that 63% of Americans are in favor of mandatory jabs for healthcare workers.  Like I said, the brainwashing is almost complete, as the truth about all these things is not allowed to be spoken, or published in this “cancel culture” we’re currently living in.

Here’s the truth: literally thousands of doctors and scientists from around the world have stated that mask wearing does not protect the wearer, nor do masks protect others.  On the contrary, a myriad of health problems are caused by wearing a face mask for an extended period of time, and this has been proven (by SCIENCE) over and over and over again.

Regarding the COVID jabs, here’s the latest from the VAERS report. In case you don’t know, VAERS is a system operated by the CDC and the FDA in which healthcare workers can report adverse side effects.  The purpose of VAERS is to serve as an early warning system to detect possible safety problems in US-licensed vaccines.

Unfortunately, only between 1% and 10% of “adverse events” are ever reported to VAERS.  But here’s the latest, from January 14th: ACCORDING TO VAERS, the COVID jabs have been the direct cause of 23,652 deaths and 1,109,989 adverse events.

Here’s a partial list of some of the most common “adverse events” people are suffering: acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, circulatory collapse, severe hypertension, supraventricular tachycardia, sinus tachycardia, palpitations, bells palsy, acute respiratory distress syndrome, anaphylaxis, blood clotting, Guillain-Barre syndrome, seizures and strokes.

Unfortunately, you won’t hear about this in the mainstream media, social media or the internet.  But for those who’ve been doing the research, this has all been common knowledge for more than a year now.

Today’s American censorship puts the censorship and government propaganda of Communist China to shame.  How else do you explain so many people reporting that they’re actually in FAVOR of government COMMANDING U.S. citizens to be jabbed?  Furthermore, we now know that the shot does NOT protect you from getting sick and it does NOT protect others around you from getting sick.  And it’s getting more and more difficult for the powers-that-be to keep this charade up.

Trust the science?!  Here’s a timeline of the “science” we were told to believe about the jabs from the World Health Organization.  In May of last year, we were told the jabs provided 95% protection from COVID. In June it was 70%.  In July it was 50% — a 50/50 chance they actually do anything beneficial. In August, the WHO had to admit that the jab offers no protection, but reduces the spread of COVID.

In September, they admitted it doesn’t reduce the spread but reduces severity of illness. In October, we were told it doesn’t reduce the severity, but reduces hospitalizations. In November they had to admit it doesn’t reduce hospitalizations either, but COULD POSSIBLY keep you from dying.

The fact of the matter is, these shots were not magically made in less than a year to fight COVID.  These shots were never made for COVID.  On the contrary, COVID was made for the shots.  In other words, COVID was the means by which the Globalists could force the entire world population into getting injected with deadly poisons that have already killed countless people.

High school athletes in the prime of life and health, dropping over dead from heart attacks.  Countless pilots — forced to take the jab or lose their job — suddenly dying within days of their shots.  How much longer can these facts be hidden?

And I’ve already spoken previously at length about the official hospital protocols throughout America now — protocols that deny family access as patient advocates; protocols that mandate a deadly drug called Remdesivir, which literally causes rapid cascading organ failure.

I’ve also told you — and shown you proof — that hospitals receive bonus payments for forbidding the use of safe and effective medicines, more bonuses for using the deadly Remdesivir, more bonuses for using sedatives that slow breathing and heart rates to dangerous levels. And more bonuses for using ventilators, which basically suffocate patients to death.  Oh, and more bonuses for every death they can label as ‘COVID.’  It’s insidious and it’s pure evil.  And they’re doing it coast to coast.

As for our basic human rights, they no longer exist.  Medical privacy?  Gone.  “My body, my choice?”  Gone.  On December 15th, the District of Columbia enacted a law whereby all people 12 years old and older must now show their vax “papers” in order to enter any public space.  The same rules took effect in the Twin Cities January 17th.  “Show your papers” or you’ll be shown the door.  So much for American freedom and liberty.  So much for personal and medical privacy.  So much for human rights.

This scam-demic and poisonous, deadly jab — and the tyrannical edicts of government and health officials around the world — have already broken so many rules of the Nueremburg Code you can’t count them all.  What’s more, they seem to be getting away with it; despite the fact that millions are protesting in the streets of England, France, Germany, Austria and Australia, to name just a few.

We’ve all heard about entire families — indeed, entire communities — being hauled off to COVID concentration camps in Australia.  Now, Washington State has suggested a similar plan. How long before it comes to your state?

But you see, you can’t reason with those who have deliberately chosen to believe the lies.  As illustrated by the hate mail I shared with you, you can provide literally thousands of studies, you can provide irrefutable proof on all these things, but they refuse to look and they refuse to see.

Our pastors are, for the most part, just as ignorant, and a majority of them support mandatory jabs.  Many churches are now opening up as “vaccination centers.”  Even the Pope has stated that if you love your neighbor, you’ll comply and get your jab.

We’re in a really bad place when we can no longer have a civil conversation, when we are only allowed to see one side of a very twisted and demonic plan for depopulation and world-wide enslavement.

They’re murdering people with these shots and they’re calling it “healthcare.” Sort of like the nearly five decades of baby murder — abortion — which they call “women’s healthcare.”  But you can’t deny that every abortion ends with one dead and one wounded.  That is NOT healthcare, and neither is this.

If you happen to be on the “other side” of this issue and think the jab and the masks are the wonderful and that YOU are an extra-virtuous person for obeying and complying with the FAKE science of this demonic regime, let me ask you this: if what you THOUGHT you knew turned out to be wrong, WHEN would you want to know?

2 Thessalonians 2: The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe the lie,  in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

Friends, I HAVE told you the truth, whether you believe it or not.

© 2021 NWV Rob Pue–All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Rob Pue:


The CONvid-1984 Freedom Rap

It’s a time of universal deceit. Two and two make five. Anything could be true. The so-called laws of nature are nonsense and the law of gravity is nonsense.

A Consultant Anaesthetist has told Sajid Javid that he will not get vaccinated against COVID and is unhappy at the mandatory requirement. Steve James told the Health Secretary that his ‘natural immunity’ after contracting coronavirus was far superior to any booster.


The Death of Truth

Over the past several days I have had some time to think, and my thoughts have repeatedly turned to the current state of the Internet. For a couple of decades after it was popularized, the Internet was one of the greatest tools for free speech that the world has ever seen. It allowed ordinary people like me to share truth on a massive scale with other ordinary people all over the planet.

I have always been grateful for that opportunity, but now our ability to share truth with one another over the Internet is being systematically eroded. Nobody can deny that this is taking place, because it is literally happening right in front of our eyes. Over the past decade, control of the Internet has become increasingly centralized. The big tech companies have become exceptionally powerful, and they have become addicted to using that power to suppress speech that they do not like.

This is an extremely dangerous trend, because the Internet has become the primary way that the vast majority of us communicate with one another. It truly is our modern version of “the marketplace of ideas”, but now the big tech companies are absolutely determined to distort it into something else entirely.

At this point, there are a whole host of ideas that you aren’t allowed to freely discuss on the Internet anymore.

In fact, there are a whole host of questions that you aren’t even allowed to ask.

When a society gets to a point where you aren’t even allowed to ask questions, that is a very clear sign that you are living under a very oppressive authoritarian regime.

Years ago when they started banning various prominent voices we all knew that it wouldn’t end there.

And it hasn’t.

Today, the big tech companies have no problem banning literally anyone.  For example, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene just got permanently banned on Twitter

Twitter permanently blacklisted the personal account of a sitting member of Congress, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) over the New Year’s weekend. “Twitter is an enemy to America and can’t handle the truth,” Rep. Greene said, in a statement responding to the ban. “That’s fine, I’ll show America we don’t need them and it’s time to defeat our enemies.”

Rep. Greene has one of the largest followings on social media of any Republican member of Congress. Prior to her ban, she had over 465,000 followers on Twitter, meaning the Republican party and conservative movement has lost one of its most influential accounts on the platform.

Five years ago, if you told me that the big tech companies would start banning our politicians in Washington, I would have told you that you were crazy.

But now nobody is safe.  Once Twitter and Facebook banned a sitting president, we all knew that there was no going back.

Of course the pandemic has given the big tech companies an excuse to push their levels of censorship to even higher levels.  Just a few days ago, Twitter banned Dr. Robert Malone just before he was interviewed by Joe Rogan

Dr. Robert Malone played a key role in the invention of the mRNA vaccine, the type of vaccine that is being administered to many Americans in an effort to stave off COVID-19. Malone has often been critical of the use of the vaccines, as well those in the media and government who support them.

He shared a great deal of research on his Twitter account, which had more than half a million followers.

We all knew it would happen eventually,” Malone said on his Substack. “Today it did. Over a half million followers gone in a blink of an eye. That means I must have been on the mark, so to speak. Over the target. It also means we lost a critical component in our fight to stop these vaccines being mandated for children and to stop the corruption in our governments, as well as the medical-industrial complex and pharmaceutical industries.

So now it appears that Twitter is preemptively banning people.

We truly have entered “Minority Report” territory, and that is extremely chilling.

Considering everything that has been happening with the pandemic, you would think that we would want to hear what one of the inventors of mRNA technology has to say.  Dr. Robert Malone has decades of experience, and he had been one of the most respected names in his field.

But because he has viewpoints that don’t align with the official narratives being pushed by the pharmaceutical industry, he is being blacklisted by the big tech companies.

If you think that you can get around all the censorship by simply refusing to use the big tech company platforms, you are wrong.

Just consider this example.  Gateway Pundit is reporting that T-Mobile is literally erasing links to their articles from text messages…

Hi Jim. In one of the screenshots you can see where my sister tried to send me your website link four times but I never got it. The other two screenshots it shows me sending a link to one of your articles, that’s the one with the picture of the fox in it. In the other screenshot from my sister it shows that she never received the link. The text message it still has the fox in it. I hope this helps. But what I realized is it’s actually just my boost T-Mobile carrier that’s blocking your links. I have a friend in the 949 area code and he was able to send it to his wife, however, I can only receive it in a group text. Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks. Mark.

I have had a similar experience with articles written by Mike Adams of Natural News.  When I try to send links to Natural News through Facebook Messenger, the links are simply erased from the messages somehow.

That is the level of censorship that we are now facing.

They literally want to control what we see, what we hear and what we think.  And of course this is setting the stage for a level of authoritarianism unlike anything we have ever seen before in all of human history.

Without freedom of speech, all of our other freedoms will rapidly become meaningless.

Sadly, at this point freedom of speech in the United States is getting pretty close to being completely wiped out.

Our Republic is rapidly dying, and millions upon millions of Americans are cheering as it happens.

The big tech companies have become the arbiters of truth, but most of the “truths” that they are relentlessly pushing are actually lies.

I don’t know if there is a way out of this mess, but we must find one, because the future of our society hangs in the balance.

Copyright 2022 Economic Collapse-All rights reserved.

7 Key Facts about the Mark of the Beast

The Bible uses only a few words to describe the mark of the beast money system. But that description gives us an amazing amount of information. Here are just seven of the things it teaches us.

Number One — The system will be global. Revelation 13:7-8 says, “authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation was given to him [the Antichrist]. And all who dwell on the earth will worship him.” The mark of the beast will be tied to his authority and will be part of the worship people give him.

Number Two — The mark will be required by law, and no one will be exempt. Revelation 13:16-17 says that the False Prophet “causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead.” Wealth will not buy an exemption, and neither will poverty.

Number Three — Some will reject the mark despite the law. At the time of the rapture, the dead in Christ will be resurrected into new heavenly bodies and caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Those in Christ who are still living will change. Their mortal bodies will change into immortal, heavenly ones. After the rapture, others will turn to Christ. These post-rapture followers of Jesus will be distinguished in part by the fact that they will refuse the mark of the beast.

Revelation 20:4 says, “I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand.”

Number Four — The mark of the beast will be the culmination of a great deception. Revelation 13:14 says the False Prophet “deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it was given him to perform in the presence of the beast.” This deception leads directly to the mark.

Number Five — Satan will empower the mark system. Daniel 8:24 makes this intriguing statement about the Antichrist. “His power will be mighty, but not by his own power.” We find that verse explained in Revelation 13:2. “The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority.” Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 explain that the dragon is Satan.

Number Five — The mark of the beast will be the ultimate rejection of God. Revelation 14:11 says, “And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

Number Six — The Antichrist and False Prophet will use the mark as a weapon against believers. Revelation 13:7 is speaking of Antichrist when it says, “And it was given to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them.” Imagine a worldwide law that does not allow anyone without the mark to buy or sell. In our jobs, we sell our work, services, or creative output. In our day-to-day living, we buy food, clothes, transportation, and housing. All that will stop for tribulation believers because they will refuse the mark of the beast. That’s one of the ways Antichrist will make war with them and overcome them.

Number Seven — The mark system will not last long. At the halfway mark of the seven-year tribulation period, Antichrist will shatter his covenant with Israel. In the last three and one-half years of tribulation, pain and chaos will reign on the earth. At the end of the seven years, Jesus will return. Antichrist and the False Prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. The seven years will seem long to those experiencing it, but in the context of eternity, it will be like nothing.

Our time here is short. We need to get the word out to everyone we can by every means available.

Copyright 2021- Hallinsey ReportAll rights reserved.


The Rise of Authoritarian Government–It’s Now or Never

While most Americans are enjoying the beautiful summertime and going about their lives as usual, it seems to most that all is fine with the world right now.  Oh, most understand that the “new normal” we’re all adjusting to is a little challenging sometimes, but most are also pretty insulated from the nefarious things taking place around the world. I dare say, most would rather not even think about these things. It’s just too depressing and if one would really take the time to study and understand, it would bring great anxiety and distress.

The world we live in is rapidly changing. We’re all being slowly boiled to death like frogs. The mockingbird media, internet search engines, social media sites, and mainstream internet video sites are working overtime to maintain and drive the official New World Order Globalist agenda.

They’re scrubbing the truth from view as they censor reality and replace it with lies. And as we should all understand by now, a lie told often enough soon becomes “reality” in the minds of most consumers of false information.

Meanwhile, those who tell the truth are now in a more precarious position than ever before. If you dare tell the truth today, you’ll be immediately labeled a “conspiracy theorist” and publicly ridiculed at the very least. If you’re in a position where your truth-telling will influence too many people, then by doing so, you’re literally putting your life on the line. Truth cannot be tolerated.

I think it would be appropriate here to read some Scripture from Isaiah 59.

Indeed, the Lord’s hand is not too short to save, and His ear is not too deaf to hear. But your iniquities have built barriers between you and your God, and your sins have made Him hide His face from you so that He does not listen. For your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers, with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, and your tongues mutter injustice. No one makes claims justly; no one pleads honestly. They trust in empty and worthless words; they conceive trouble and give birth to iniquity.

Their works are sinful works, and violent acts are in their hands. Their feet run after evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood. Their thoughts are sinful thoughts; ruin and wretchedness are in their paths. They have not known the path of peace, and there is no justice in their ways. They have made their roads crooked; no one who walks on them will know peace. Therefore justice is far from us, and righteousness does not reach us. We hope for light, but there is darkness; for brightness, but we live in the night. We grope along a wall like the blind; we grope like those without eyes. We stumble at noon as though it were twilight; we are like the dead among those who are healthy.

We hope for justice, but there is none; for salvation, but it is far from us. For our transgressions have multiplied before You, and our sins testify against us. For our transgressions are with us, and we know our iniquities: transgression and deception against the Lord, turning away from following our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart. Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands far off. For truth has stumbled in the public square, and honesty cannot enter. Truth is missing…

This is where we’re at today, and it’s not just those we would view as “wicked” that are the wicked ones Isaiah’s referring to. No indeed. We need to look in the mirror as well. So many church-goers are content to continue to “play church” in the midst of a demonic takeover of this world.

They’re happy to continue to gather in their weekly social club meetings, pretending to worship the Lord, but I have to wonder if He even hears the prayers of those who choose to sit on the fence, bury their heads in the sand and never consider the fact that we’re living in a time of spiritual warfare like never before.

The devil is loose upon the earth and he’s having a field day — especially with our young people and children, but in many cases, he’s just as successful with the older ones and even the elderly. Very few of us have ever been taught anything about spiritual warfare. Oh, we know the verses about how we wrestle not against flesh and blood and how we’re supposed to put on the full armor of God… but that’s about as far as it goes with most of us. Most of us are very ill-equipped to actually go to war against our adversary, and have never put on a single piece of spiritual armor. No one’s ever taught us.

It saddens me that 60% of Americans — and that includes professing Christians It’s much more convenient to just sit and wait for the “rapture bus” to take us out of here. But what if the Lord doesn’t return for another fifty years? What sort of slavery are we leaving to our children and grandchildren?

Not to mention, if the Lord DOES return today and call us home, what will we have to say for ourselves when we stand before Him? Will He call us “good and faithful servants?” Or will He say, “I never knew you.” “You never showed up for the battle. You were AWOL in the spiritual war I called all of My followers to. You never carried your cross. You only pretended to follow Me from a safe distance.

Those of us who carry the name of Christ absolutely MUST be vigilant and alert right now. We must be studying to show ourselves approved, but we must also be doing. We need to be sounding the warning for all those deceived by the enemy.

Unfortunately, when people like myself and others do that, we’re looked upon as “conspiracy nuts” by our family and friends, and especially those who avoid sitting next to us in the church because we’re “one of those fanatics.” Why does this surprise us? And why do so many work so hard to avoid all semblance of controversy? Why are we so fearful of man for simply telling the truth? God’s Word tells us that our worst enemies will one day be those of our own households.

Our church friends, our work friends. People who know us. I’m afraid that day has come, folks and unbelievers alike — have already taken the COVID jabs, despite overwhelming evidence of the dangers of these things.

A Christian friend of mine was one of the first. She and her husband got theirs as soon as they could because they’re retired and they want to be allowed to freely travel. Others got their jabs so that they could receive “permission” to remove their masks. Nevermind this is clearly the biggest scam the world’s ever seen. Nevermind that the real science clearly shows this is all seriously evil.

Countless doctors, scientists, investigators and researchers around the world have provided absolute proof of the dangers of these injections. I will not call them “vaccines,” because these are experimental drugs and we’re the lab rats. These injections alter one’s DNA, something that can never be reversed.

Reputable doctors have warned that if you don’t die quickly or have immediate adverse health effects after receiving your jabs, it will only be a matter of months before you do. Many (and not just a few) doctors have warned that millions are at risk for death, as early as this fall, once the experimental chemicals have worked their way into every cell and tissue in their bodies.

Of course, the official narrative will be that millions are dying because of those who refused the shots, or because now there’s a “new” strain of the virus we must all panic over. Mind you, this whole thing, nearly two years into it now, has turned the world upside down and backwards, and when all is said and done, officially 99.97% of people survive COVID infection. It seems to me there’s more here than meets the eye, and a whole lot of lies are being foisted upon ignorant, compliant citizens.

We’ve all seen the hundreds of videos showing magnets sticking to the injection sites. Yet the internet “fact checkers” tell us what we see before our very eyes is not really real. Recently a friend who works as a private investigator noted that “bug detectors” — (those devices used to sweep a room or area for surveillance devices, devices that emit radiation, and are used to track, monitor and listen to private conversations) react strongly to the injection sites on the human body. Why would a “vaccine” cause that? What’s IN these injections that cause magnets to stick and radiation emissions?

And why are the Globalists so intent on injecting every single person on the planet with whatever poisons they’re pushing? Why is this so extremely important? Why do we have a 24/7 propaganda machine running at full speed, pushing these jabs as being vital?

Why has Biden and Company become so desperate now, that they’re sending the “medical brown-shirts” door-to-door to make sure everyone’s been injected? When has this ever happened before in history? And yes, it’s already started in multiple states, including Wisconsin, North Carolina and Georgia to name a few.

In some places, the “jabbers” will just show up at your door and convince you that everything you’ve heard, everything I’m saying right now is just taken out of context. Their job is to tell you outright lies, disguised as truth to get you to voluntarily comply. In other places, the door-to-door teams will show up unannounced and uninvited, fully equipped to give you the jab on the spot.

Things are getting very interesting. A lot of people on social media sites are big talkers — “just wait til they come to MY door,” they say, “they’ll wish they hadn’t, that’s for sure!” I have to wonder. These are the same people who voluntarily wore their masks for over a year so they could shop in stores that required them. Now they say they’ll draw the line at the jab. But when the medical “brown-shirts” show up at their doors, speak their smooth words and have their syringes ready — along with all the benefits of a “vaccination passport” as a reward for compliance, I wonder how many will stand their ground.

Currently, only 30% of people worldwide have refused the injections. As it becomes increasingly difficult to live normally without them, when airlines require them to travel, when stores require proof of your compliance to enter, when your employer requires proof for you to work, when you can no longer buy or sell or travel freely without the jab… I wonder just how many will bow the knee to this evil.  I wonder.

In the UK, France and other areas of Europe, citizens are rising up against increased pressure and tyranny. There are massive protests in other countries. But Canada is completely lost to Global communism now, and America is well on it’s way.

Are you aware there were three countries that initially refused the jabs?  All three of their leaders died suddenly and unexpectedly. The president of Tanzania refused the jab for his citizens and he died March 17th at the age of 61. The official cause of death was reported as a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  Likewise the president of Burundi died on June 9th, reportedly of a heart condition — and of course, “COVID 19.”  And on July 7th, the president of Haiti was shot dead at his home.

If you research this on the internet, you’ll find very compelling versions of these news stories, explaining how the very idea that these presidents were killed because they were “vaccine hesitant” for the sake of their citizens is complete conspiracy theory nonsense. But the fact remains; these three countries had previously refused the vax. Their presidents all died — and no one will ever know what really happened to them, with the exception of the president of Haiti, who was obviously shot to death — and now the new leaders of these countries are obediently “fast-tracking” the jabs for all their people.

Friends: 24/7 propaganda and ad campaigns; door-to-door medical authorities coercing citizens to comply; countless bribes and so-called “incentives” for compliance and increasing punishments for disobedience. Clearly something very fishy about the injections themselves, with untold numbers of people dying or suffering life-long injuries within minutes or days of taking the jabs.

Doctors warning of the dangers, and ending up jobless or dead for doing so. Presidents refusing to allow this in their countries, all suddenly dying. I don’t claim to understand all that’s involved here, but clearly it’s very, very important to the Globalists that everyone be jabbed and marked as quickly as possible.

They’re not playing around. And those who attempt to sound a warning, like the warning you’re hearing from me right now, end up censored, ridiculed and even mysteriously dead.  The devil is loose. The deception is thick. The pressure is on to comply. The Globalist “Great Reset” is coming like a tsunami and I have to wonder why all the jab advocates are also life-long world de-population advocates. I urge you all to do your own research. Don’t be afraid to share what you know with others.

Speak now, while you can. Because one day, perhaps soon, you’ll have to give an account to Christ for your actions in these days. Stay strong, bold and courageous. Speak and share the truth.  And note that Revelation warns that all cowards will have their part in the lake of fire. It’s now or never.

© 2021 Rob Pue News With Views All Rights Reserved


Covid-19 and the Vaccines

A means to an end?

If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12)

Since early 2020, our world and the lives of those of us who inhabit it have changed in ways that two years ago would have been totally inconceivable.

A “window of opportunity”?

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring a Pandemic Emergency of International Concern and our populations gripped by a state of extreme fear1, the opportunity was seized upon by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2020 to publicly announce the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

According to WEF Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, the Covid ‘pandemic’ was and is a “rare but narrow window of opportunity” to introduce the all-encompassing agenda aimed at comprehensively reconfiguring the world in which we live and operate.

Questionable practices

In spite of over 50,000 medical experts arguing otherwise for ‘Focused Protection’2, over the last 18 months we have experienced restrictions and controls on daily life and social interaction which would normally be unthinkable and totally unacceptable in a free-functioning democratic society.

As a response to Covid-19 and the WHO pronouncement, politicians used emergency measures to introduce a lockdown; and dishonestly touted the experimental and insufficiently tested vaccines as the only remedy3. These vaccines – which some describe as experimental gene therapies – have now been shown to result in very serious health issues and multiple deaths in some cases, and not enough questions have been asked with regards to the risk. Yet this programme continues relentlessly with contingency plans drawn up to vaccinate our children in order to “protect their parents”; and carrying the disgraced Matt Hancock’s coercive “Don’t kill granny appeal to the youngest of vulnerable minds.

As a harbinger of the type of draconian measures that may yet be heading our way, we now have politicians in Spain reportedly planning to requisition private property and assets, and the conscription of citizens to provide their services. Totalitarianism is most certainly in the here and now.

Satan’s agenda

Meanwhile, within the Christian church, the matter of whether this global crisis is in God’s express or permissive will is an interesting one. Indeed, many countries – the UK not least – are fully deserving of God’s judgement; and plagues have been and continue to be used in this fashion to discipline his people in a redemptive-minded fashion (2 Chron 7:13).

But in the all-encompassing sense, the vital theological issue is not who is doing what . What we can indeed clearly know from God’s word is that satan ultimately wants to bring the world into total submission, dependency and servitude; and this dynamic is clearly manifest as the WEF game plan unfolds. The devilish inducement to ‘be as gods’ (Gen 3:5) – exercising absolute control – has never died. The title of Professor Yuval Harari’s book sums up this ambition: ‘Homo Deus’ (or ‘god man’).4

In the last days, many will, voluntarily or under coercion, worship the Beast (Rev 13:7-10), receiving a mark which allows them to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17), allowing total control over the world population. The lockdowns and ‘vaccine-passports’ are but a shadow and a pre-cursor to what could arise. To achieve these things, WEC Chairman Klaus Schwab and the complicit cabal of NGOs, technological giants, billionaires and other globalist ideologues – all with the mainstream media in tow – are moving rapidly ahead with their long-in-the-making programmes to achieve their demonically-inspired aims.

Medical science is now capable of manipulating the human genome; altering the very thing that makes us what we are – which is truly made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26) The level of control which limits certain activities to the vaccinated could so easily be extended. It is conceivable that each individual could be uniquely identified, closely monitored and ultimately ‘controlled’ by Artificial Intelligence, which has already begun in China.

If this sounds far-fetched then it is sufficient to refer to Schwab and his ‘Build Back Better mantra of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind”.

So once we are hooked up digitally to the brave new world of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, digital currencies and genetic engineering, the potential for a circle of vice-like control will be complete. This is the global governance which big financial, pharmaceutical and technological corporations seem to be leading us towards.

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization’s (GAVI) ‘Trust Stamp development is currently underway in Africa and “marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform”. Meanwhile the Revelation to John tells us this is exactly what we should expect to see (Rev. 13:16-17).

End-of-age questions

But aside from all of this there is a huge problem for and in the Christian world: it is one of almost total silence. With the exception of very few brave voices, church leaders seem to be in a state of woeful unawareness or willful denial. There is either a failure to understand or an irresponsible ignoring of what is going on in our world with respect to what the Word of God clearly outlines as we approach the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So with a pressing need to ‘join up the dots’, the shofar is tragically silent.

World events are now moving at warp speed. If there was ever a time to fulfil the role of the sons of Issachar who “understood the times and knew what Israel should do” it is now. “Watchman, what of the night? The Watchman said: ‘Morning comes but also the night’” (Is. 21:11-12).

But there is good news in all of this. Many Christian believers are having to learn how to live their faith without depending on the institutional structures which have developed over the centuries, and they are returning to early-New Testament fellowship models.

Meanwhile in our fallen world, many of the unsaved are asking serious questions about what the Bible teaches; intuitively recognising that which swathes of the church are apparently failing to see. Those outside of the churches who might previously have thought little on these things are asking ‘end of the age’ questions. They need to hear of God’s offer and means of salvation; be helped to understand the true nature of the events of our age; and what the Bible teaches about the times preceding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the one who was and is and is to come. He is the true route to God for those who will turn to him in repentance and faith. The apostle Luke wrote: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). The remaining time for this troubled world could be shorter than we think.


1. The minutes of the SPI-B meeting on 22 March 2020 stated:The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased … using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”
2. The Great Barrington Declaration declared that the optimum response to the Covid-19 virus was to protect the vulnerable and allow herd immunity to develop in the wider population in a free-function environment. Currently this has been signed by over 57,000 medical experts and nearly 800,000 concerned citizens.
3. The highly-respected ‘Lancet’ medical journal admitted to publishing false information.
4. Harari Y. H.; 2016; Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow; English Edition; Harvill Secker 2016 ISBN 978-191-070-187-4

Copyright 2021- Prophecy Today UK All rights reserved.

The Real Virus Is Not Covid, It’s Communism

The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. —Samuel Adams

Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature. —Benjamin Franklin

The policy of American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits. —Thomas Jefferson

Why are those who are notoriously undisciplined and unmoral also most contemptuous of religion and morality? They are trying to solace their own unhappy lives by pulling the happy down to their own abysmal depths. —Bishop Fulton Sheen

Those of us who are constitutional conservatives and believe the words of the Holy Bible and America’s founders, who sought freedom and liberty for mankind, fear a dystopian society that imposes a harmful, oppressive, and miserable existence upon its citizens.

The communists now in control of our federal government believe they are creating a “utopian” society promoted by Marx and Engels, but their utopia ultimately ends in starvation and death.  We’ve watched for multiple decades as decay has set in at the very core of our liberty-loving nation and America has been torn from her freedom-loving roots.

Freedom-loving Americans have become the pariahs who must be terminated for the good of the Marxist utopian society. Socialism makes you a slave to the government and that’s what has happened to our brainwashed public.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, 70, told a Federalist Society virtual convention last November that he thought the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic serves as a “sort of constitutional stress test.” He argued that America has “never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive, and prolonged as those experienced for most of 2020” and raised concerns over their impact on individuals’ civil liberties. Link

The real virus infecting America is not Covid-19.  The Marxist-Leninist takeover of the Democrat Party is complete and the majority of the Republican Party is following the same path.  The real danger is communism; it’s here and it’s going to cost us unless we stand together and fight.

Covid-19 was used for many reasons against America by both China and Democratic Socialists, but the continued efforts by both parties to control the citizenry showed their true totalitarian natures. Lockdowns, masks and vaccines are far more dangerous to our health than Coronavirus and interestingly enough, we’ve had no seasonal flu this year.

Mask Mandates

According to Anthony Fauci,who is now the chief medical advisor under Biden, we’re supposed to wear two masks to keep from catching the new variants of the Covid-19 virus, a paper mask and a cloth mask over it.(Remember that back in March of 2020, he said there was no reason to be walking around with a mask.)  Maybe three or four would be even better, to totally cut off our oxygen intake.

CNBC touts that their experts suggest wearing three!  Did we ever wear a mask for the seasonal flu virus in the past?  Never! (Wait, I’m wrong…excuse me, many wore masks during the 1918-1919 Spanish flu epidemic that killed 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.)

Why did anyone think wearing a warm, moist rag a millimetre away from his or her mouth, for hours at a time, creating the ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply, would be a good thing? Link

In a previous article regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci, I stated that he had co-authored a paper about the 1918-1919 Spanish flu and said that many had died of bacterial pneumonia.  This is true.  However, I had also stated that he claimed masks were the cause.  A devoted reader corrected me.

Fauci did not claim that bacterial pneumonia was caused by masks but it’s interesting that wearing masks has caused numerous problems, including impetigo(usually caused by a staph infection), dental problems, yeast infections, acne etc. Link Today, doctors are warning that bacterial pneumonia is on the rise…and yes, it’s from wearing masks.  Maybe Fauci and his friends forgot to mention this fact, or didn’t discover it.

Despite the knowledge that this evil Covid-19 virus was made in a bioweapon lab in Wuhan, China, it is still a virus and no more people have died in 2020 than have died in years past in America.  Johns Hopkins reported that the yearly death rate remains normal despite Covid-19

Deaths from heart disease, respiratory disease, influenza, pneumonia and other causes have far lower stats for 2020, where Covid-19 deaths are higher.  Yet the average of yearly deaths remains the same.  Why?  Because everyone is being categorized as dying from Covid-19 rather than their underlying comorbidity. The study was immediately withdrawn and trashed.

US Intelligence tells us that the Chinese government is collecting American’s DNA.  Link 60 Minutes has learned that the Chinese company, BGI Group, the largest biotech firm in the world, offered to build Covid labs in at least six states, and U.S. intelligence officials issued warnings not to share health data with BGI. The story was on Sunday, 31 January 21 on 60 minutes.

Beijing Genomics Institute, is a Chinese genome sequencing company, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. It was formed in 1999 to participate in the Human Genome Project as a genetics research center.

100 More Days

President Biden, elected via Dominion machines with Smartmatic software connected to the internet and sent to multiple foreign countries in order to intercept data of America’s 2020 election, has decided all federal people throughout the country should be masked until May 1st, 2021.  And he wants all 50 states to follow through with mask mandates.

I see toddlers and young children with masks on their faces, put there by parents who believe the propaganda spewed by mainstream media.  It makes me heartsick.  And people alone in their cars with masks on their faces!  The entire country wore masks everywhere for months, yet we had another surge of the virus. Our citizens are fools.  We have become a nation of controlled lemmings who are abandoning freedom!

One Los Angeles health official went so far as to say that not wearing a mask is domestic terrorism!   In another article, a couple was escorted off a plane because their two-year-old son refused to wear a maskNever reported are those who are dying from mask wearing.  If you’re outside, get the danged thing off your face!

The unelected tyrants in local health departments are issuing these decrees without any studies whatsoever.  I wonder how many of them own stock in the mask making companies.

We are not the citizens who won back-to-back World Wars!  America’s propagandists in the mainstream media have stampeded the public into fear and panic over the virus in order to generate support for their totalitarian agenda.  Few Americans have seen through it…and that is most alarming.


According to the CDC, along with studies by people in the age groups of 0 to 19 have a 99.997% chance of survival if they contract COVID-19, the age group of 20 to 49 a 99.98% chance, 50 to 69 years old 99.5% and 70 years old and above a 94.6% chance.

The case fatality rate of Covid-19 is 0.1 to 0.3 percent which is the same exact case fatality rate as the regular seasonal flu.  They shut down the entire world economy for a lie!  The WHO came out with a 3.4 case fatality rate and Fauci came along and cut it to 1.0 rate, which is 10 times higher than seasonal influenza. The middle class was purposely destroyed, and they still have foolish Americans in masks.

Last September One America News reported that medical researchers from UCLA and Stanford University found that the chances of dying from Covid are much lower than previously thought.  Even the likelihood of contracting the virus, going to the hospital or even death from Covid-19 is an extremely rare event.  An average person in an average county has a one in 3,836 chance of becoming infected and that’s without wearing masks or doing any social distancing.  Odds of being hospitalized are vanishingly small even for people in the at-risk category.

If you’re between the ages of 50-64 years old, the chances of getting the virus and needing hospitalization are one in 852,000.  And for that same person who is at risk, the chance of dying from Coronavirus is one in 19.1 million.  All these stats are from last May 2020 when deaths were 16 times higher than when this was reported.  The risk from dying in an automobile crash is one in 114.  Yet, we were sold lockdown insanity.

One America News also reported that researchers in Australia say Ivermectin can cure Covid in 48 hours.  Ivermectin is typically used for parasitic infections, yet a peer review study conducted last April stated Ivermectin could kill the virus with one dose.


One of my neighbors is elderly.  She contracted Covid-19 and her smell and taste was gone, and she had sinus problems.  Her physician gave her Azithromycin and she recovered.  She is 82, her husband is 88 and he has a comorbidity.  He insisted on sleeping with her should she have a problem in the night, and he watched over her even though she wanted him to sleep in another bedroom.  She was fine, and he never contracted Covid. 


Small businesses have been wiped out, and millions of middle-class Americans have been decimated.  Yet, the big box stores allowed to stay open have flourished while small businesses faced total destruction.  Far more damage has been done to middle America by the lockdowns than by the fraudulently dangerous Covid-19 flu.

Cases of Covid-19 rose despite the lockdowns.  Of course, they did…the locked down folks needed to be exposed to get herd immunity, but the totalitarian dictators knew that every time the lockdown was lifted, Covid-19 would spread again, and they could force another lockdown.  Over the course of the past year, class inequalities have grown wider and have become more entrenched. And yet, at each turn, left-wing lockdown lovers have demanded ever-more severe restrictions on people’s lives.

Had America left the entire country open; Professor Isaac Ben-Israel claims that within 40 to 70 days the virus would have passed through all of those who were not sheltered for comorbidities, and it would have been over.  Unfortunately, the communist controllers in this country wanted the Trump economy destroyed along with small businesses so that they would rely on government handouts, and the middle class who loves freedom would be decimated.

Well done by the Marxists in control.  How many have committed suicide because their life’s work was ruined by the shutdowns and then by the communist BLM and Antifa riots.  And nothing was done to stop them!  Nothing!

How easily we have snowballed into a full-fledged Marxist/fascist nation, with political dictators releasing criminals from prison and imprisoning those who refuse lockdown orders.

Truth in Medicine

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) have been at the forefront of telling us the truth.  They knew that Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin (Z-Pak) and common zinc cured early-onset Covid-19.  Dr. Simone Gold, who is also an attorney, said, “Follow the science always meant ‘follow,’ but never the ‘science.’”  A new study out of New Jersey actually validates what the frontline docs have told us.

Dr. Gold tweeted, “On Inauguration Day, 6+ months after AFLDS said it, The WHO announced a single PCR test is not reliable. “Coincidentally” the number of “cases” will now plummet.”

How many times have we heard that the tests are unreliable?  WHO confirms the PCR test has a problem, one day after Biden inaugurated.

Elon Musk had four tests in one day by the very same way, same machine, left nostril positive twice, and right nostril negative twice.  Sounds like we’ve been had!

PCR assays are not designed to be used as diagnostic tools, as they can’t distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.Besides that, previously, the WHO had recommended 45 “amplification” cycles of the test to determine whether someone was positive for Covid or not.

The thing is, the more cycles that a test goes through, the more likely that a false positive will come up — anything over 30 cycles actually magnifies the samples so much that even insignificant sequences of viral DNA end up being magnified to the point that the test reads positive even if your viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive and poses no threat to you or anyone else.

In one Colorado county, they’ve admitted nearly half of the deaths from Covid were false.  All deaths were designated as Covid, but were false.  The CDC now claims that 94% of all coronavirus deaths were supplementary, meaning, the person had co-morbidities. Less than 10,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 alone.  The CDC apparently changed Covid criteria that inflated fatalities ten-fold, and actually broke federal law.


There are no guardrails on the left or the right to protect the Republic from communism.  Other than a handful of constitutionalists, both parties have joined the socialist agenda. President Trump, as much as he did for America in four years, and as much as he loved her and her citizens, he lacked discernment in hiring good people and continually chose from the swamp.

Matt Bracken writes in the American Partisan, “The American Left has no self-correction mechanism. (Examples of contemporary Leftist insanity: transsexuals welcomed into the military, biological boys ordered onto girls’ sports teams and in girls locker rooms, etc.) This Leftist insanity is anything but unprecedented. From the French Revolution, to the Paris Commune, the Bolshevik Revolution and through all the horrors of 20th Century Communism, the Left has proven that when it is unchecked, it will drive at full speed straight off the cliff of civilized norms of behavior into totalitarian systems of guillotines, Gulags, forced starvations, and killing fields.”

Matt is right…we are there.

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EU-Funded Comic Book Predicted Pandemic–With Globalists As Saviours

A strange comic book that was commissioned for publication by the European Union in 2012 eerily predicted almost exactly what has unfolded with the Covid-19 global pandemic. However, in this propaganda laced presentation of the outbreak, unelected globalist bureaucrats save the planet.

The comic book, titled ‘Infected’, was a production of the European Commission’s international cooperation and development arm. It was not intended for widespread public consumption, but instead to be distributed inside EU institutions. Only a few hundred of the comic books were made.

The EU’s description of the strange publication states that “While the story may be fictional, it is nevertheless intertwined with some factual information.”

The graphic novel depicts scientists inside a lab in China experimenting with deadly pathogens:

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