The Antichrist’s Kingdom… Will Be the “New Normal”

Forsake not the assembling together …as you see the day approaching.

The good old days are not coming back. However, Jesus IS.  His return for His Church is imminent. We are now a bit past the end of the sixth day, 6000 years since Adam was created. The rapture and the seven-year Tribulation period are imminently upon us. The New World Order’s brief kingdom and lasting infamy have been thoroughly prepared and ready to descend upon this unsuspecting generation.

A couple of articles ago, I mentioned that a digital currency is being rolled out this year. We all noticed the recent bank failure in the last couple of days in California as well as the news that other banks could fail as well. Certainly, a designed failure of the banking and currency system is required to coerce people into using their new digital currency. This will bring about the New World Order  Beast system. Are you watching?

By all evidence, the jab, the required shot will soon become the mark of the beast. Without the shot that also gets you ID Chipped, those left behind after the rapture will not be able to buy or sell in the new digital money system. If you cannot wave your chipped hand over the scanning machine at the checkout, you cannot access your digital account. You cannot buy or sell unless you swear allegiance to the AntiChrist as God.  Your digital account will be cancelled. You and your family will be hungry,  homeless and hunted.  So, don’t miss the rapture!

So no, writing your congressmen will avail you nothing. Most of them have already been clued in and are on what they see as the winning side.  Protesting in the street will merely identify you as those troublemakers to be refused access to this brave new world.

All of the tech to implement this new system is already in place. The Patriot Act era year 2000  gives these plotters the quasi-legal authority to do whatever they want. “They” have been planning for this day for generations. Those elderly among their top leadership just cannot wait any longer. Their natural time has about run out. They all are heavily deluded that they will become immortal gods and will live forever once this New Age of digital cyborgs begins to replace the elite of the human race.

The next step in their plan is to spread another man-made enhanced virus and then bring out their new treatment plan that will also have the tracking chip.  This device looks similar to a one-inch square band aide. However, it has tiny barbed hooks on the underside which secure the patch onto the person, giving them their daily dose of this “faux vaccine.”

As it says in the Bible, this “mark” is both On and In the right hand or forehead!  Why this location? Because only these two locations are always exposed to the air. This heat difference exposure between the body and the outside air is necessary to power the tiny chip thus embedded in the back of the hand or forehead.  Think of this device as the microprocessor chip in your computer. This is the beginning of making people into cyborgs.

Once the person’s body has been altered by this gene editing biological software, a person is no longer completely human, they can no longer be saved by Jesus’ shed blood. Remember how that Noah was the only person left whose genetic makeup was still completely human? That had been and now still is the goal of the demon indwelt people.  This thought should make you gasp and your blood run cold when the reality of this situation sinks in.

This device was first announced a few months ago and is in human trials today.

Why is today the day; the last final days, weeks or months before the rapture of the church and the AntiChrist’s kingdom? I’m glad you asked that question.


As I alluded to at the beginning of this article, we are at or even a bit past six thousand years from Adam.  There are only seven days or seven thousand years in God’s plan for mankind.  Abraham came at the end of the second day, era two thousand years after creation and two thousand years before Jesus.  Jesus came at the end of the fourth day.  Jesus will come back at the end of the sixth day, and reign in the millennial kingdom on the seventh day, the Millennial Kingdom.

The sixth day may have already ended, and we may be in double overtime!  Our ancient calendar is not exact. J Jesus died in the year thirty AD. The year 2030 will be two thousand years from then.  The context of  Jesus’ comment in Matthew Ch 24 about “no man knows the day nor the hour”  was concerning the exact day of His second coming,.

However, No, we really do not know exactly the day Jesus will be coming for us in the rapture.  He did say, however, that we are to watch faithfully.  Revelation chapter three states that while the world will be surprised, we the faithful watchers will not be surprised, we will know when He is coming. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees that they could discern the weather, but were blind that they could not see His coming. Even so, everything around us shouts that Jesus coming is IMMINENT.

Why we are the final generation

Ezekiel chapter thirty-six God is telling the land that was long desolate that He would bring His Hebrew people back to the land after centuries in exile. Ezekiel chapter thirty-seven tells The Hebrew people that He would bring them back to His land Israel.  In Ezekiel, chapter four, verses four to six, He tells His people they would be chastised 430 years because of their sins. The chastisement began in 606 BC.

In Leviticus chapter twenty-six, God also states that “if, after a time of chastisement my people do not repent, I will multiply the chastisement seven times.” After returning from Babylon captivity, the Hebrew people did not repent.  So now the 360 years of chastisement left after Babylon was multiplied by seven times.

This resulted in 2520 Hebrew years of chastisement, and also dispersal into the nations a generation after they killed their Messiah. This was a total of 907,200 days.  In God’s provision, the Hebrews re-established their nation In Israel 907,201 days after the return from Babylon. This was May 14th, 1948.

How long is it from 1948 to the end of the sixth day from Adam? Somewhere around fifty years, How long is a generation? Biblically, Psalm 90:10 says between seventy to eighty years at the most. So, therefore, the second coming should be somewhere around eighty years after 1948, or about 2030.  Our Rapture should be seven years before that. So yes, we should be very close…  Are you paying attention?  Are you faithfully witnessing to all the lost people around us?

There are different levels of rewards or status in heaven. Our rewards in heaven depend upon our faithful works down here in our generation.

Daniel 12:3 KJV: And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever

© 2023 Lewis Brackett – All Rights Reserved


Archbishop Vigano’s Message For the American People

DEAR AMERICAN PEOPLE, DEAR FRIENDS, for two years now, a global coup has been carried out all over the world, planned for some time by an elite group of conspirators enslaved to the interests of international high finance. This coup was made possible by an emergency pandemic that is based on the premise of a virus that has a mortality rate almost analogous to that of any other seasonal flu virus, on the delegitimization and prohibition of effective treatments, and on the distribution of an experimental gene serum which is obviously ineffective, and which also clearly carries with it the danger of serious and even lethal side effects.

We all know how much the mainstream media has contributed to supporting the insane pandemic narrative, the interests that are at stake, and the goals of these groups of power: reducing the world population, making those who survive chronically ill, and imposing forms of control that violate the fundamental rights and natural liberties of citizens. And yet, two years after this grotesque farce started, which has claimed more victims than war and destroyed the social fabric, national economies, and the very foundations of the rule of law, nothing has changed in the policies of Nations and their response to the so-called pandemic.

Last year, when many still had not yet understood the gravity of the looming threat, I was among the first to denounce this coup, and I was promptly singled out as a conspiracy theorist. Today more and more people are opening their eyes and beginning to understand that the emergency pandemic and the“ecological emergency” are part of a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are ideologically characterized as clearly anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian….”

One of the elements that unequivocally confirms the criminal nature of the Great Reset is the perfect synchrony with which all the different Nations are acting, demonstrating the existence of a single script under a single direction. And it is disconcerting to see how the lack of treatment, the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths, the decision to impose lockdowns and masks, the conspiratorial silence about the adverse effects of the so-called “vaccines” that are in fact gene serums, and the continuous repetition of culpable errors have all been possible thanks to the complicity of those who govern and the institutions. Political and religious leaders, representatives of the people, scientists and doctors, journalists, and those who work in the media have literally betrayed their people, their laws, their Constitutions, and the most basic ethical principles.

The electoral fraud of the 2020 presidential election against President Trump has shown itself to be organic to this global operation because in order to impose illegitimate restrictions in violation of the principles of law it was necessary to be able to make use of an American President who would support the psycho-pandemic and support its narrative.

The Democratic Party, part of the deep state, is carrying out its task as an accomplice of the system, just as the deep church finds in Bergoglio its own propagandist. The recent rulings of the Supreme Court and the autonomous action of some American states — where the vaccination obligation has been declared unconstitutional — give us hope that this criminal plan can collapse and that those responsible will be identified and tried: both in America as well as in the whole world.

How was it possible to arrive at such a betrayal? How have we come to be considered enemies by those who govern us, not in support of the common good, but rather to feed a hellish machine of death and slavery?

The answer is now clear: throughout the world, in the name of a perverted concept of freedom, we have progressively erased God from society and laws. We have denied that there is an eternal and transcendent principle, valid for all men of all times, to which the laws of States must conform. We have replaced this absolute principle with the arbitrariness of individuals, with the principle that everyone is his own legislator. In the name of this insane freedom — which is license and libertinage — we have allowed the Law of God and the law of nature to be violated, legitimizing the killing of children in the womb, even up to the very moment of birth; the killing of the sick and the elderly in hospital wards; the destruction of the natural family and of Marriage; we have recognized rights to vice and sin, putting the deviations of individuals before the good of society.

In short, we have subverted the entire moral order that constitutes the indispensable basis of the laws and social life of a people. Already in the fourth century B.C., Plato wrote these things in his last work the Laws and identified the cause of the Athenian political crisis precisely in the breaking of the divine order — the cosmos — between these eternal principles and human laws.

These natural moral principles of the Greco-Roman world found their fulfilment in Christianity, which built Western civilization by giving them a supernatural impetus. Christianity is the strongest defence against injustice, the strongest garrison against the oppression of the powerful over the weak, the violent over the peaceful, and the wicked over the good, because Christian morality makes each of us accountable to God and our neighbor for our actions, both as citizens and as rulers.

The Son of God, whose Birth we will celebrate in a few days, became Incarnate in time and in history in order to heal an ancient wound and to restore by Grace the order broken by disobedience. His social Kingship was the generating principle of the ordo Christianus that for two centuries now has been fiercely fought against by Freemasonry: because the Revolution it promotes is chaos; it is disorder; it is infernal rebellion against the divine order so as to impose Satan’s tyranny.

Now, as we see what is happening around us, we understand how mendacious were the promises of progress and freedom made by those who destroyed Christian society, and how deceptive was the prospect of a new Tower of Babel, built not only without regard for God but even in direct opposition to Him. The infernal challenge of the Enemy is repeated over the centuries unchanged, but it is doomed to inexorable failure. Behind this millennial conspiracy, the adversary is always the same, and the only thing that changes are the particular individuals who cooperate with him.

Dear American brothers and sisters! Dear Patriots! this is a crucial moment for the future of the United States of America and of the whole of humanity. But the pandemic emergency, the farce of global warming and the green economy, and the economic crisis deliberately induced by the Great Reset with the complicity of the deep state are all only the consequence of a much more serious problem, and it is essential to understand it in depth if we want to defeat it. This problem is essentially moral; indeed, it is religious. We must put God back in the first place not only in our personal lives, but also in the life of our society.

We must restore to Our Lord Jesus Christ the Crown that the Revolution has torn from Him, and in order for this to happen a true and profound conversion of individuals and of society is necessary. For it is absolutely impossible to hope for the end of this global tyranny if we continue to remove from the Kingdom of Christ the nations that belong to Him and must belong to Him. For this reason, the movement to overturn Roe v. Wade also acquires a very important meaning, since respect for the sacredness of unborn life must be sanctioned by positive law if it is to be a mirror of the Eternal Law.

You are animated by a yearning for justice, and this is a legitimate and good desire. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” says the Lord (Mt 5:6). But this Justice must be based on the awareness that this is a spiritual battle in which it is necessary to take sides without equivocation and without compromise, holding transcendent and eternal references that even the pagan philosophers glimpsed, and that have found fulfillment in the Revelation of the Son of God, the Divine Master.

My appeal for an Anti-Globalist Alliance — which I renew today — aims precisely to constitute a movement of moral and spiritual rebirth which will inspire the civil, social, and political action of those who do not want to be enslaved as slaves to the New World Order. A movement that at the national and local level will be able to find a way to oppose the Great Reset and that coordinates the denunciation of the coup that is currently in progress. Because in the awareness of who our adversary is and what his aims and purposes are, we can disrupt the criminal action he intends to pursue and force him to retreat. In this, the opposition to the pandemic farce and the vaccination obligation must be determined and courageous on the part of each of you.

Yours must therefore be a work of truth, bringing to light the lies and deceptions of the New World Order and their anti-human and anti christic matrix. And in this, it is mainly the laity and all people of goodwill — each in the professional and civil role he holds — who must coordinate and organize together to make a firm but peaceful resistance, so as not to legitimize its violent repression by those who today hold power.

Be proud of your identity as American patriots and of the Faith that must animate your life. Do not allow anyone to make you feel inferior just because you love your homeland, because you are honest at work, because you want to protect your family and raise your children with healthy values, because you respect the elderly, because you protect life from conception to its natural end. Do not be intimidated or seduced by those who propagate a dystopian world in which a faceless power imposes on your contempt for the Law of God, presents sin and vice as licit and desirable despises righteousness and Morality, destroys the natural family, and promotes the worst perversions, plans the death of defenseless and weak creatures, and exploits humanity for its own profit or to preserve power.

Be worthy heirs of the great Archbishop Fulton Sheen, and do not follow those of your Pastors who have betrayed the mandate they have received from Our Lord, who impose iniquitous orders on you or who remain silent before the evidence of an unheard-of crime against God and humanity.

May this Holy Christmas illuminate your minds and inflame your hearts before the Infant King who lays in the manger. And just as the choirs of the Angels and the homage of the Magi united with the simple adoration of the Shepherds, so also today your commitment to the moral rebirth of the United States of America –one Nation under God — will have the blessing of Our Lord and will gather those who govern you around you. Amen.

May God bless you, and may God bless the United States of America.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop,18 December 2021


Lawlessness Abounds

If you think this is all conspiracy nonsense and are still drinking the “COVID Koolaid,” I’m not sure what more to tell you. It seems the majority of the populace is now completely brainwashed, while others can clearly see the truth that’s right before their eyes. We’re living in the words of Scripture from 2nd Thessalonians 2: God has, indeed sent upon many people a strong delusion because they’ve chosen to believe the lie.

Indeed, we have many believing many lies these days, and the reason is that God Himself has sent them a strong delusion and allowed them to be consumed by it, because they received not the truth of God, that they might be saved.

Even many devout church-goers have believed all the lies the government, health officials and lying media have spewed forth, because I dare say their professed faith in God Almighty is not really genuine.  They may have a form of godliness, but it’s without the Holy Spirit, and therefore without any power at all, …and therefore, they’re terrified.  That’s Satan’s goal, you know, to keep us all terrified, compliant, and obedient to evil. He’s having a field day with most people right now.

Those within the true Remnant of God can clearly see the hand of the enemy working in all that’s happened these past two years, and we can clearly see where all this is headed.  The rest of the world are absolutely blind to the truth, under strong delusion, and therefore fearful. They fear the government, they fear man, they fear disease and death — but they don’t even know the Savior and Creator.

The sad part is, all the plans of the Luciferian Globalists have been openly revealed. While they do conspire against the Lord and His anointed followers, they haven’t hidden anything. They’ve come right out and told us what they’re going to do.  Then they do it. And sadly, so many still remain so blind.  We had Event 201 just weeks before COVID was released and the world was locked down.

At this planning meeting, held openly in New York City and attended by top New World Order Globalists and the Luciferian Elite, all that took place in 2020 and all that’s taking place now, was carefully planned and simulated. A few weeks later, it began.

Citizens were essentially placed on “house arrest” as the nation was locked down.  So-called “Health Officials” took control of our country…for our own “good,” of course.  If people were allowed to leave their homes, they were forced to cover their faces with masks and stand six feet apart from one another. Small businesses were forced to shut their doors, while Big Box Stores were allowed to remain open. Churches were forced to close, because they were told (and most agreed) that they were “non-essential.”

Most dutifully complied and stayed home, watching the mockingbird media spew out the lies they were commanded to spew, hoarding toilet paper and junk food and cowering in fear. Mind you, this was after we saw horrific images coming out of China, showing a virus so devastating that people were falling over dead in the streets.

Sick people were shown being forcibly arrested at gun point by Chinese health officials, loaded in vans, and taken away, never to be seen again. We heard rumors of mass crematoriums in China, because so many millions were dying.

I asked then, and I still ask now: WHY were these images allowed to be released to the world? In a country like China, where they only portray themselves as the world’s strongest and most feared military superpower, where social media and government media only allows positive “PR” to go out to the world — why was the world allowed to see this? Only one reason: to instill fear.  Yes, China locked it’s own people down hard. Many in apartment buildings they even had their doors welded shut. Others most definitely were arrested and dragged away, never to be seen again.

The lockdown there was so intense, enormous cities became ghost towns. That really happened. But the images of people falling over dead in the streets? I’m not so sure. Regardless, the fear quickly spread across the globe, and so in mid March, when the “coronavirus” hit the US, we were eager to obey. And never before in the history of the world was so much power held in the hands of so few. They quickly became drunk with power and their Globalist agenda moved forward.

Here in America, we were allowed to retain a few of our rights, in most states. But travel was severely limited. There were no restaurants to eat at. Small family businesses were forced into bankruptcy. Masks were required in public. Places like Walmart were allowed to remain open but new rules were quickly put in place. Masks required. Stand six feet apart. Entry through one door only, follow the arrows on the floor and exit through one door only.

Many public accommodations required your forehead to be scanned and all your personal information gathered before you were allowed entry. Businesses that did not enforce these unconstitutional government mandates were threatened with crippling fines.

What was all this about? Clearly, as hundreds of highly credentialed doctors from around the world told us, the masks were useless and even harmful. The six-foot distancing did nothing to slow the spread of any virus. It’s impossible to avoid a virus, whether you’re isolated at home or out in public.  You can’t stop a virus. Isn’t that what all the doctors have always told us? My entire life, whenever I would get very sick and go to the doctor, they’d say, “well, I’m sorry, it’s a virus, and it just has to run it’s course, there’s nothing we can give you for it.”

But in this case there WAS. There was Hydroxycloriquine and Ivermectin, to name just a couple very inexpensive and highly effective treatments for COVID. But these were quickly banned by the government agencies, and doctors were prohibited from prescribing them.  Why would they not try everything possible if this was really such a deadly sickness? Yet when America’s Frontline Doctors came out and gave their real-life results, showing hundreds of patients quickly recovering using these medicines, these once well-respected doctors were censored, banned by all media, and fired from their jobs.

The six foot thing? Following the arrows on the floor at Walmart? Here’s what that was about… Big Box Stores are some of the heaviest-surveilled places you can go to. There are security cameras everywhere. This was a concerted effort by the government to fine tune their facial recognition technology to maintain and bolster their surveillance of us all.

They couldn’t accomplish this with people in large crowds, but with each person six feet apart, all walking in the prescribed directions, following arrows on the floor, it became a cake walk for them. And they’re especially aware now, of those of us who refused to wear the masks, and have therefore become non-compliant enemies of the state.

There’s so much more we could discuss about the entire COVID scam — a so called “pandemic” that needs 24/7 media propaganda to remind us to remain in fear, because 99.97% of those who get sick quickly recover.  But these are just a few reminders as to how this all began, and what it’s all been about.

Also, last year, the Leftist Luciferians unleashed anarchy across America and the world. We all saw the burning, rioting, looting, and murder take place in living color. The mockingbird media had the audacity to call these events “peaceful protests,” even as buildings burned in the background behind the network reporters.

The Marxist Black Lives Matter organization took over entire cities and roadways, in many cases pulling white people out of their cars and beating them bloody, or to death.  In Seattle, several city blocks were overtaken by anarchists and declared to be a sovereign country — yet the residents of “Chaz” still demanded free government benefits from the Feds.  But rest assured, these events were all considered “justified” by the Left, and “mostly peaceful.”  Cities all across America burned, while police were ordered to “stand down.” And lawlessness continues to reign.

As communism descended on America, statues commemorating our national history and heritage were torn down.  Yet the statue of Vladimir Lennin in Seattle was left untouched.  And yes, there IS one there and they’re proud of it.  Look it up.

In August, Kenosha, Wisconsin became a target. Busloads of paid rioters descended on the city and began rioting, looting, burning businesses and attacking police. One young man from Antioch, Illinois who worked in Kenosha became perhaps the worst victim in this war zone on August 25th.  Kyle Rittenhouse finished his workday in Kenosha, and then volunteered with Kenosha residents to help clean up and rebuild the destruction of the previous night.

But as night fell on August 25th, the destroyers again began their assault. Kyle found himself in the middle of the fray, but he was there with his own firearms, which he was well trained to use for self-defense and the defense of innocent people. He also came with medical aid and supplies, and even helped wounded rioters.

But then Kyle was personally attacked by a mob wielding weapons and threatening his life.  Videos taken by on-lookers clearly show guns pointed directly at Kyle with the mob ready to kill him.   But Kyle defended himself and others with his weapon and for that, is now facing life in prison.  No justice for the innocent.  Lawlessness reigns.

The COVID scam was used to force mail-in ballots and ballot “drop boxes” — all unmonitored. An untold number of mail-in ballots were found discarded in ditches and dumpsters across the country. The drop boxes, by the way, were funded to the tune of $400 Million by Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook.

Meanwhile electronic in-person voting was hacked by multiple systems. Still, Donald Trump was winning his second term in office by a landslide on November 3rd, and that just could NOT be allowed.

The mainstream media was even calling the state of Arizona for Biden with only 4% of the vote counted. Then at 3 am, everything shut down, the vote counting stopped.  Ninety minutes later, the machines were turned on again, and … surprise, surprise!  Biden flipped all the states in contention in his favor.

You’ll recall he stated prior to the election, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Lawlessness.

Fast forward to January 6th. Millions of patriots descended on the US Capitol building to show their support for rule of law and to protest the stolen election. Literally thousands of videos taken by people at that event show the DC and Capitol police escorting ANTIFA and other anarchist groups into the staging area on countless buses.

They infiltrated the patriots that were there, and as is their way, caused more mayhem and destruction and violence. Following that event, six hundred true patriots who attended the rally were arrested, simply for being IN Washington DC on January 6th.

Many of them remain in jail to this day, held without bail, though they did nothing more than attend a rally. And a new term was coined: “Patriot terrorists.” And indeed, they probably are the most dangerous — to the illegitimate regime that has taken over our nation, opened our borders, made backroom deals with our enemies and is openly persecuting Christians.

So while those who literally burned thousands of businesses and homes to the ground, attacked police all summer long all across the country, while police were told to stand down, citizen patriots in America are now considered the most dangerous people in the world — “patriot terrorists.”  Matthew 24:12 reads, “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  We now have total lawlessness.

The innocent are persecuted while violent criminals are hailed as heroes. And the love — and even common decency and respect for human life has, indeed, grown cold.  But always remember what Jesus said, and knowing the power and might of our Savior and that He holds us in the palm of His hand, knowing He will NEVER leave us or forsake us — even in the midst of these wicked days.

He said:  “The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  See that you’re strong in the Lord, and that you stand firm to the end, and never, ever be afraid of what this world is coming to.  It IS coming to our doorstep.  But our GOD is already with us.

© 2021- NWV Rob Pue-All rights reserved.


Multiplied Lawlessness Abounds

Another onslaught by the Luciferian Globalists is underway. Because they’re doubling down on their efforts toward world domination, the elimination of Christ-followers and national sovereignty and yes, they’ll soon be knocking on your own front door seeking to force a needle in your arm carrying an experimental poison. You should plan for it, because they’ve told us they’re coming soon.  DHS is already calling these door-to-door tyrants the “Vaccination Strike Force.”

If you think this is all conspiracy nonsense and are still drinking the “COVID Koolaid,” I’m not sure what more to tell you. It seems the majority of the populace is now completely brainwashed, while others can clearly see the truth that’s right before their eyes. We’re living in the words of Scripture from 2nd Thessalonians 2: God has, indeed sent upon many people a strong delusion because they’ve chosen to believe the lie.

Indeed, we have many believing many lies these days, and the reason is that God Himself has sent them a strong delusion and allowed them to be consumed by it, because they received not the truth of God, that they might be saved.

Even many devout church-goers have believed all the lies the government, health officials and lying media have spewed forth, because I dare say their professed faith in God Almighty is not really genuine.  They may have a form of godliness, but it’s without the Holy Spirit, and therefore without any power at all, …and therefore, they’re terrified.  That’s Satan’s goal, you know, to keep us all terrified, compliant, and obedient to evil. He’s having a field day with most people right now.

Those within the true Remnant of God can clearly see the hand of the enemy working in all that’s happened these past two years, and we can clearly see where all this is headed.  The rest of the world are absolutely blind to the truth, under strong delusion, and therefore fearful. They fear the government, they fear man, they fear disease and death — but they don’t even know the Savior and Creator.

The sad part is, all the plans of the Luciferian Globalists have been openly revealed. While they do conspire against the Lord and His anointed followers, they haven’t hidden anything. They’ve come right out and told us what they’re going to do.  Then they do it. And sadly, so many still remain so blind.

We had Event 201 just weeks before COVID was released and the world was locked down. At this planning meeting, held openly in New York City and attended by top New World Order Globalists and the Luciferian Elite, all that took place in 2020 and all that’s taking place now, was carefully planned and simulated. A few weeks later, it began.

Citizens were essentially placed on “house arrest” as the nation was locked down.  So-called “Health Officials” took control of our country…for our own “good,” of course.  If people were allowed to leave their homes, they were forced to cover their faces with masks and stand six feet apart from one another.

Small businesses were forced to shut their doors, while Big Box Stores were allowed to remain open. Churches were forced to close, because they were told (and most agreed) that they were “non-essential.”

Most dutifully complied and stayed home, watching the mockingbird media spew out the lies they were commanded to spew, hoarding toilet paper and junk food and cowering in fear. Mind you, this was after we saw horrific images coming out of China, showing a virus so devastating that people were falling over dead in the streets.

Sick people were shown being forcibly arrested at gun point by Chinese health officials, loaded in vans, and taken away, never to be seen again. We heard rumors of mass crematoriums in China, because so many millions were dying.

I asked then, and I still ask now: WHY were these images allowed to be released to the world? In a country like China, where they only portray themselves as the world’s strongest and most feared military superpower, where social media and government media only allows positive “PR” to go out to the world — why was the world allowed to see this? Only one reason: to instill fear.

Yes, China locked it’s own people down hard. Many in apartment buildings they even had their doors welded shut. Others most definitely were arrested and dragged away, never to be seen again.

The lockdown there was so intense, enormous cities became ghost towns. That really happened. But the images of people falling over dead in the streets? I’m not so sure. Regardless, the fear quickly spread across the globe, and so in mid March, when the “coronavirus” hit the US, we were eager to obey. And never before in the history of the world was so much power held in the hands of so few. They quickly became drunk with power and their Globalist agenda moved forward.

Here in America, we were allowed to retain a few of our rights, in most states. But travel was severely limited. There were no restaurants to eat at. Small family businesses were forced into bankruptcy. Masks were required in public. Places like Walmart were allowed to remain open but new rules were quickly put in place. Masks required. Stand six feet apart. Entry through one door only, follow the arrows on the floor and exit through one door only.

Many public accommodations required your forehead to be scanned and all your personal information gathered before you were allowed entry. Businesses that did not enforce these unconstitutional government mandates were threatened with crippling fines.

What was all this about? Clearly, as hundreds of highly credentialed doctors from around the world told us, the masks were useless and even harmful. The six-foot distancing did nothing to slow the spread of any virus. It’s impossible to avoid a virus, whether you’re isolated at home or out in public.  You can’t stop a virus. Isn’t that what all the doctors have always told us? My entire life, whenever I would get very sick and go to the doctor, they’d say, “well, I’m sorry, it’s a virus, and it just has to run it’s course, there’s nothing we can give you for it.”

But in this case there WAS. There was Hydroxycloriquine and Ivermectin, to name just a couple very inexpensive and highly effective treatments for COVID. But these were quickly banned by the government agencies, and doctors were prohibited from prescribing them.

Why would they not try everything possible if this was really such a deadly sickness? Yet when America’s Frontline Doctors came out and gave their real-life results, showing hundreds of patients quickly recovering using these medicines, these once well-respected doctors were censored, banned by all media, and fired from their jobs.

The six foot thing? Following the arrows on the floor at Walmart? Here’s what that was about… Big Box Stores are some of the heaviest-surveilled places you can go to. There are security cameras everywhere. This was a concerted effort by the government to fine tune their facial recognition technology to maintain and bolster their surveillance of us all.

They couldn’t accomplish this with people in large crowds, but with each person six feet apart, all walking in the prescribed directions, following arrows on the floor, it became a cake walk for them. And they’re especially aware now, of those of us who refused to wear the masks, and have therefore become non-compliant enemies of the state.

There’s so much more we could discuss about the entire COVID scam — a so called “pandemic” that needs 24/7 media propaganda to remind us to remain in fear, because 99.97% of those who get sick quickly recover.  But these are just a few reminders as to how this all began, and what it’s all been about.

Also, last year, the Leftist Luciferians unleashed anarchy across America and the world. We all saw the burning, rioting, looting, and murder take place in living color. The mockingbird media had the audacity to call these events “peaceful protests,” even as buildings burned in the background behind the network reporters.

The Marxist Black Lives Matter organization took over entire cities and roadways, in many cases pulling white people out of their cars and beating them bloody, or to death.

In Seattle, several city blocks were overtaken by anarchists and declared to be a sovereign country — yet the residents of “Chaz” still demanded free government benefits from the Feds.  But rest assured, these events were all considered “justified” by the Left, and “mostly peaceful.”  Cities all across America burned, while police were ordered to “stand down.” And lawlessness continues to reign.

As communism descended on America, statues commemorating our national history and heritage were torn down.  Yet the statue of Vladimir Lennin in Seattle was left untouched.  And yes, there IS one there and they’re proud of it.  Look it up.

In August, Kenosha, Wisconsin became a target. Busloads of paid rioters descended on the city and began rioting, looting, burning businesses and attacking police. One young man from Antioch, Illinois who worked in Kenosha became perhaps the worst victim in this war zone on August 25th.

Kyle Rittenhouse finished his workday in Kenosha, and then volunteered with Kenosha residents to help clean up and rebuild the destruction of the previous night. But as night fell on August 25th, the destroyers again began their assault.

Kyle found himself in the middle of the fray, but he was there with his own firearms, which he was well trained to use for self-defense and the defense of innocent people. He also came with medical aid and supplies, and even helped wounded rioters.

But then Kyle was personally attacked by a mob wielding weapons and threatening his life.  Videos taken by on-lookers clearly show guns pointed directly at Kyle with the mob ready to kill him.   But Kyle defended himself and others with his weapon and for that, is now facing life in prison.  No justice for the innocent.  Lawlessness reigns.

The COVID scam was used to force mail-in ballots and ballot “drop boxes” — all unmonitored. An untold number of mail-in ballots were found discarded in ditches and dumpsters across the country. The drop boxes, by the way, were funded to the tune of $400 Million by Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. Meanwhile electronic in-person voting was hacked by multiple systems. Still, Donald Trump was winning his second term in office by a landslide on November 3rd, and that just could NOT be allowed.

The mainstream media was even calling the state of Arizona for Biden with only 4% of the vote counted. Then at 3 am, everything shut down, the vote counting stopped.  Ninety minutes later, the machines were turned on again, and … surprise, surprise!  Biden flipped all the states in contention in his favor. You’ll recall he stated prior to the election, “We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.” Lawlessness.

Fast forward to January 6th. Millions of patriots descended on the US Capitol building to show their support for rule of law and to protest the stolen election. Literally thousands of videos taken by people at that event show the DC and Capitol police escorting ANTIFA and other anarchist groups into the staging area on countless buses.

They infiltrated the patriots that were there, and as is their way, caused more mayhem and destruction and violence. Following that event, six hundred true patriots who attended the rally were arrested, simply for being IN Washington DC on January 6th.

Many of them remain in jail to this day, held without bail, though they did nothing more than attend a rally. And a new term was coined: “Patriot terrorists.” And indeed, they probably are the most dangerous — to the illegitimate regime that has taken over our nation, opened our borders, made backroom deals with our enemies and is openly persecuting Christians.

So while those who literally burned thousands of businesses and homes to the ground, attacked police all summer long all across the country, while police were told to stand down, citizen patriots in America are now considered the most dangerous people in the world — “patriot terrorists.”

Matthew 24:12 reads, “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.”  We now have total lawlessness. The innocent are persecuted while violent criminals are hailed as heroes. And the love — and even common decency and respect for human life has, indeed, grown cold.

But always remember what Jesus said, and knowing the power and might of our Savior and that He holds us in the palm of His hand, knowing He will NEVER leave us or forsake us— even in the midst of these wicked days.  He said:  “The one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  See that you’re strong in the Lord, and that you stand firm to the end, and never, ever be afraid of what this world is coming to.  It IS coming to our doorstep.  But our GOD is already with us.

© 2021 NWV – All Rights Reserved

God Is Laughing At Their Plans

They wield astonishing power. They have mountains of money, unlimited connections, and enormous influence. Will they destroy nations and borders? Will they drive the church underground? Is it possible that they can indeed plow under the entire moral foundation of America, and even the world?

Barack Obama, George Soros, and Bill Gates have plans—plans that could envelope the world. They are feverishly putting the finishing touches on strategies to redefine the human race. They are the apostles of the “new normal.”  Conspirator number one, Obama, wishes to rule through a puppet president Biden. Soros, the second one is funding and managing global anarchy. The last one named, Bill Gates, seems to be pinning his hope on a mandatory vaccine.

Pandemic, economic collapse and rioting, provide the perfect situation for men to seize power. It is right out of the book most favored by the Deep State: Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules For Radicals’. The proof of their power grab? The illegal shutdown of churches.  The elites who believe they are on a higher level of wealth and power, also believe, “Never waste a crisis.” And if there is no crisis available—you create one.

This is not just about money. This trio despises Christianity and Israel. They are working to rid the world of the laws of God. They are described in Psalm 2:2-3: “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, “Let us break their bonds in pieces and cast away their cords from us.”

They are on schedule for world domination. What is God doing? Actually, God is laughing. He is laughing at their plans. Back to Psalm 2, in verse 4 it states, “He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; the Lord shall hold them in derision.” God laughs and mocks their plans. He heaps divine ridicule on them.

But God’s dealings do not stop there: verse 5, “Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, and distress them in His deep displeasure…”  God is not only laughing at their plans―He will wreck their plans. His wrath will be poured out on their vain imaginings.

The word backfire does not begin to cover the next act of God against men who try to bury the church and set up their own kingdom. The nations are the express inheritance of Jesus Christ. Psalm 2 goes on to say in verses 7-8. “The Lord has said to Me, ‘You are My Son, today I have begotten You. Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession.”

Every believer shares in this final victory. Every believer is more powerful and purposeful than they know. We should shake off all fear and helplessness and then confess the end times are not happening to me. I am happening to the end times!

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Barack Obama, George Soros, Bill Gates—you would do well to abandon your course. A mighty God protects us. The devil whom you serve, is already doomed, and he will take you three down with him.

My final warning is this, gentlemen—beware of what God plans to do about your plans.

Psalm 2:9-10, “You shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel. Now therefore, be wise, O kings; be warned, you judges of the earth.”

But how should you and I react to this moment? We can fear and hide or we can stand and watch God give us weapons of supernatural effectiveness; words to preach that can’t be resisted and miracle provision to finish our course with joy. These are dark days, but God has not forsaken us. Rejoice! God is laughing at their threats!

Copyright 2021-Mario Murillo All rights reserved

Is This Why Magufuli and Moise Had To be Murdered?

Magufuli warns against foreign Covid-19 vaccinations

Tanzanian President John Magufuli on Wednesday warned the Health ministry against rushing to embrace Covid-19 vaccinations that were being promoted by foreign nations.

Speaking during the launch of a public forest in Chato, Geita Region, President Magufuli said any decision to adopt Covid-19 vaccinations should not be taken lightly.

“You should stand firm. Vaccinations are dangerous. If the White man was able to come up with vaccinations, he should have found a vaccination for Aids by now; he would have found a vaccination of tuberculosis by now; he would have found a vaccination for malaria by now; he would have found a vaccination for cancer by now.”

He said Tanzanians must be cautious of things that were being brought to them by foreign nations.

“Let’s not think that they love us very much. This country is rich. Africa is rich, and everyone is jealous of our vast wealth. We must be very careful,” President Magufuli said.

He directed the Health Ministry to only adopt vaccinations after they had been certified by Tanzania’s own experts, citing an example of a country (which he did not name) where girl children were vaccinated against what was purported to be cervical cancer, but ended up being infertile.

“In a certain country, its girl children – aged below 14 years – were vaccinated against what was said to be cervical cancer, but it later emerged that the vaccination was meant to make them infertile,” Dr Magufuli said.

“The Health ministry must know that not every vaccination is meaningful to our nation. Tanzanians must be mindful so that we are not used for trials of some doubtful vaccinations which can have serious repercussions on our health.”

President Magufuli reiterated that Tanzanians should continue putting trust in God while taking all the necessary health precautions.

“We have lived for over one year without the virus because our God is able and Satan will always fail. The Health ministry should be cautious, and avoid the temptation turn us into a country where vaccination trials are conducted freely,” he said.

He reiterated that he will never impose a lockdown, insisting that Tanzanians will always be free to conduct their daily undertakings, including farming, which, he said, was part of physical exercises that ultimately drive the virus away.

Dr Magufuli said he was aware that some Tanzanians had gone out of the country where they received coronavirus vaccinations, which, he added, had simply introduced a “dangerous virus” into their bodies.

The Assassination of Moise

Haitian President Jovenel Moise, 53, was shot dead by unidentified attackers in his private residence after midnight on Wednesday morning, according to the government. Interim Prime Minister Claude Joseph said.

Haiti requested help to stabilize the country and secure critical infrastructure, including oil reserves, in the wake of the assassination of its president earlier this week. The US says it will not be sending troops into the Caribbean country. ABC also reported that Haiti is one of only a handful of countries in the world that has yet to distribute a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Reports claim that President Moise was tortured by mercenaries.

Authorities declared a “state of siege” and closed the airport. Police reported that 15 Colombians and the two Americans of Haitian origin who had resided in Florida were arrested. Three Colombians have been killed while eight others on the loose. American James Solages told investigators he had become involved after “finding the job on the internet” but had believed he was to work as an interpreter for the mostly foreign group, according to reports from Haitian media.

Claim of ‘Peaceful Protest’ Deception


What a riot: Jim Jordan scorches Dems’ claim of ‘peaceful protest’

Limbaugh said:

But you cannot go to church. You are violating protocol if you go to church. You can’t go to church in numbers greater than 30, 40, or 50 people.

But you can gather together to riot and to engage in violent protests all you want – and this has now been affirmed by the Supreme Court, which totally ignored the free expression of religion clause in the First Amendment in order to come to this ruling.

The Democrats tell us that Black Lives Matter is not a Marxist organization, despite what the Black Lives Matter website says’

The imposition on going to church, the imposition on a family funeral, the imposition on in-person weddings, it’s almost more trouble than it’s worth. But you can go out and you can be part of any violent riot that you want. You cannot be with your sick children in a hospital, but, boy, can you be part of massive riots.

Russian Collusion ‘Hoax’

During the Japanese bombardment of Shanghai in 1932, the Austrian essayist Karl Kraus was anguishing over the placement of commas in a column. It might seem futile at such a moment, he told a friend, but “if those who are obliged to look after commas had always made sure they were in the right place, then Shanghai would not be burning.”

Hyperbolic? Perhaps. But the general point holds: words matter, as do the their appurtenances, punctuation. (After all, “Let’s eat Grandma” means something quite different from “Let’s eat, Grandma.”)

George Orwell made a kindred observation about the importance of having the courage to call things by their real names. Euphemism, the counterfeit of good manners, is the enemy of truth, which is the only ally worth having.

I have been thinking about this constellation of ideas recently as the news has been full of talk about the “Russian collusion hoax.” Use of the term “hoax” got a big boost in the aftermath of the Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on the question of whether there was actionable cooperation, coordination, or collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.

Two years, $34 million, and a wide swath of debilitating rumor, innuendo, and unrelated indictments and prosecutions later and we know that the answer to that question is “No, there was no cooperation, coordination, or collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.”

Anyway, we know that if we haven’t locked ourselves in the bunker bulwark, closed our eyes, put our fingers in our ears, and chanted continually the NeverTrump mantras.

I myself have deployed the term “hoax” to describe what happened to Donald Trump and his colleagues—and to the American people—during and after the 2016 presidential campaign. But a couple of friends have pointed out how inadequate the term “hoax” is for what just happened and—to at least some extent—is still happening in the machinery of our government.

According to The American Heritage Dictionary, a hoax is “1. an act intended to deceive or trick” or “2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.”

The spectacle of round-the-clock hostile media coverage of the Trump-Russia fantasy certainly was intended to “deceive or trick.” And certainly we learn almost every day a little more about how the various investigations were started on the basis of “fraudulent means” (here’s looking at you Christopher Steele).

But thinking about it, I conclude that the term “hoax” is wholly inadequate to describe the enormity of the political scandal that was perpetrated against Donald Trump, against the office of the president, and ultimately against the American people.

For one thing, the word “hoax” implies something jocular or prankish. The joke might be malicious, but it is still intended to be humorous. There was nothing at all humorous about what just happened in our political life, though the hysteria of the anti-Trump chorus—the pussy-behatted females complaining about how “crude” Trump was, the “comedian” who paraded about with a bloody doll’s head representing the president, the tears and imprecations and jeremiads disgorged by the press and by Trump’s political enemies: all that did have a sort of ghastly if pathetic humor about it.

But when we step back and consider what actually happened over the past three years—and, more, what almost happened—it is clear that the word “hoax” does not begin to cover the reality of what I have been calling for many months the greatest political scandal in the history of the American republic.

Does that, too, sound hyperbolic, like worrying about commas when Shanghai is burning? Some people think so. I have several times said why I think they are wrong.

Perhaps the best way of summarizing my disagreement is by suggesting an alternative to the word “hoax.” It’s not a novel suggestion.

On the contrary, it’s often been used in concert with or as a synonym for “hoax.” But I think it is a better word in this context because it expresses the malign intention behind the multifarious activities directed against candidate Trump and then President Trump. The word I have in mind is “coup.”

Again, I know that that is a dramatic, maybe a melodramatic, word. But I think it accurately expresses the deliberate effort by actors in the Obama Administration, including by President Obama himself, to assure Hillary Clinton’s victory by destroying the reputation of Donald Trump.

“Most Presidents leave office,” the commentator L. J. Keith recently wrote, “and essentially step back from public life. Not Barack Obama. Shellshocked by Hillary Clinton’s loss, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, and Clinton set in motion a series of events that will forever tar his presidency, and decimate the concept of a peaceful transition of power.”

There have been scores if not hundreds or even thousands of columns written about every aspect of this complex story. We all know by now about the deployment of shadowy characters like Alexander Downer, the former Australian Ambassador to the UK and Hillary Clinton supporter (Downer engineered a $25 million contribution from the Australian government to the Clinton Foundation).

Downer had drinks with George Papadopoulos, a minor Trump campaign aide, and thereby helped get the ball rolling on the Russia investigation. For a nanosecond, the New York Times said that was where it all started.

But Downer was just the tip—or maybe just a tip—of the iceberg. One of the remarkable things about this story is how many people it has involved and how long it has taken to get a full headcount of the anti-Trump team. Remember when Joseph Mifsud’s name first surfaced? Or Stefan Halper’s? Remember when we learned about Peter Strzok and his alleged paramour, Lisa Page?

Then there was Bruce Ohr, former associate deputy attorney general: he had his part to play in the drama, too. But wait! It turned out that his wife is Nellie Ohr and that she worked for Fusion GPS, the company that hired Christopher Steele. Gosh. And what about Steele himself? When we were first introduced to him, he was a former British spy, a “highly respected” operative, who had got the goods on Donald Trump.

Remember how long it took before we learned that Steele had been paid by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary campaign, and that his dossier was not just “unverified” and “salacious,” as James Comey put it, but was in fact nothing but a scurrilous piece of opposition research made up out of “random” scraps of gossip that Steele had assembled from highly dubious sources?

Nevertheless, it was the dossier, and nothing but the dossier, that provided the unverified “evidence” for the supposedly “verified FISA warrants to spy on Carter Page, an American citizen, and hence to spy on the campaign and then the administration of Donald Trump.

And on and on this kaleidoscopic onion has gone, as one layer after the next has been peeled back only reveal another layer and additional personalities.

Finally, however, I believe we are nearing the hollow center of the onion. The dogged Attorney General William Barr is proceeding methodically, inexorably to lay bare the origins of the spurious Russia investigation.

There are still many details we do not know. Some we may never know. And dogged though Barr may be, many of the principal actors in this attempted coup will probably never be held to account. Will Hillary Clinton? Will Barack Obama? I doubt it.

In fact, it was not so long ago that I was resigned to the eventuality that no one would be held to account, not John Brennan or James Comey, not Peter Strzok or Lisa Page, not James Clapper or Sally Yates or Samantha Power.

Barr’s arrival on the scene has made me rethink my resignation. But whatever happens to those individuals, it now seems clear that Barr’s investigation will reveal for all to see that what began in 2016 or even 2015 and continued until and beyond the day that Robert Mueller deposited his nearly 500-page report clearing the president of “collusion” was not a hoax at all. It was an attempted coup.

We should face up to that unpleasant fact and call things by their real names. The actions taken by the Obama Administration threatened not just Donald Trump and his presidency but the very processes and protocols by which the peaceful transition of power has been effected in the United States.

As L.J. Keith observed, “Even in the most contentious elections and after disputed results, there was never been this sort of dangerous, systematic, deliberate rejection of the will of the people. The abrogation of the constitution to use extrajudicial methods to destroy the incoming president. It is the very definition of a coup.”

Indeed. So let’s call it what it is. A coup.

This article originally appeared on American Greatness

When a Nation Forgets God-Part 3

The political left in the West is attacking the Christian right, conservatives and traditionalists unlike any time in World history, and these attacks are likely to escalate over the next few years. If one studies the Nazi press, the electronic media and present social media, the parallels are ominous.

The Nazi controlled the media, radios, movies and entertainment. Newspapers in Germany were being told what to publish and how to write the news and editorials. Any well thinking person can tell the uniformity of the information we are getting from all the big news networks. Don says, “the Propaganda Ministry must be alive and well somewhere in America and the West today under the watchful care of the Establishment.”

Tom Chivers of the Daily Telegraph noted that the ancient traditions of the 2012 Olympic Games in London were bloody silly dances and Nazi propaganda. He noted that the Olympic torch procession was in fact invented by the Nazis and has nothing to do with ancient Greece. The notorious Olympic rings signal was also created by the Nazis. Vulgar and sexual performances from all kinds of celebrities have led to the path of cultural degradation in the West that many of us don’t care anymore.

Aldous Huxley a British Socialist and one England’s ruling elite predicted that “sex will be encouraged from early childhood and recreational sex will be an integral part of society and a social activity, rather than a means of reproduction. The few women who can reproduce will be conditioned to use birth control, even wearing a ‘Malthusian belt’ that resembles a cartridge and holds ‘the regulation supply of contraceptives as a popular fashion accessory.”

People will be kept too preoccupied with work and trivial affairs to think or complain. Marriage, natural birth, parenthood, and pregnancy will be considered too obscene to be mentioned in casual conversation. Pornography and the official promotion of every kind of sexual perversions will be the new normal that will serve a political purpose. He wrote:

As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends to compensate by increasing. And the dictator (or the elite) will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to day dream under the influence of dope, movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude which is their fate.

Control of Education and Schools. History tells us that laws making education in public schools compulsory have been found in the most totalitarian regimes where state-sponsored indoctrination was a major goal of the educational system. One of Hitler’s first legislative acts on taking office was to establish the Reich Ministry of Education and give it the control of all schools, including the private schools.

Prior to 1933 the German public schools had been under the jurisdiction of the local authorities and the universities under that of the individual states. Now all were brought under iron rule of the Reich Minister of Education. It is important to remember that the law was on Hitler’s side. He told the parents,

Your child belongs to us already…who are you? You will pass on. Your descendants now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.

Today those who are hostile toward Christianity are the ones in positions of leadership in the education sector. They know all too well what they have accomplished by capturing the minds of the youth for many generations, and they almost rejoice in their victory. Children attend school five days a week and they are exposed to books, games, and movies that all present values opposed to what Christian parents try to instil in them.

There is no denial that the state is becoming increasingly hostile to Christian schools and home schools, (see examples here, here and here), but regardless of the evidence that the state school system is extremely anti-Christian, most Christians, churches, and pastors continue to defend the system.

In fact, very few church leaders recognize that parents have a right to home school their children or that there is any scriptural basis for homeschooling or starting Christian schools. Even if Christians knew what was really going on, do we really care? Most of us draw our conclusions from what the herd deems to be acceptable. We have a dependence on something that appears to be free.

Alliance with Corporations. William Shirer, Anthony Sutton, Edwin Black and many others have written extensively about the incredible financial and logistical support Hitler and the Nazis received from Germany’s industrial giants and corporate leaders during Hitler’s rise to power and throughout his reign of terror.

Nazi Germany was in fact a fascist regime with an unholy alliance between big business and the socialist government. This is significant because that is exactly what is happening in America and most of the West today—big business and the government are collaborating to move America and the rest of the world into the New World Order.

Reichstag Fire and the Beginning of the Nazi Dictatorship. Virtually all historians of the period including William Shirer agree that the burning of the Reichstag which was blamed on the communists by the Nazis was the event which signaled the beginning of Nazi dictatorship.

That same year Hitler formed the Gestapo, justifying it to the German people as necessary to maintain “homeland security” in a speech in which he declared:

An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation, we must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland.

The public were panicked by the Nazi propaganda machine and stampeded into handling dictatorial power to Hitler and the Nazis. This is what Don McAlvany had to say about the Reichstag fire when he wrote his book about 16 years ago before 9/11:

There could be very important lessons in the Reichstag fire for Americans in the wake of terrorist attacks. If Congress supported by the public are stampeded by some crisis or catastrophe real or staged into passing a host of counter-terrorism, gun control, people-control initiatives, America could become a Nazi-style police state (with most of our Bill of Rights freedoms cancelled) in all the name of fighting terrorism.

Sounds familiar!

Hegel said, “We learn from history, we learn nothing from history.” And Santayana said: “Those who do not learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of history.” What do we learn from this? The lesson is regardless of who planned and executed the fire, Hitler and the Nazis took advantage of the situation and passed all kinds of laws at the expense of the people’s freedom and civil rights.

Douglass Reed, who was a British reporter, writing about the Burning of Reichstag wrote:

When Germany awoke; a man’s home was no longer his castle. He could be seized by private individuals, could claim no protection from the police, could be indefinitely detained without preferment of charge, his property could be seized, his verbal and written communications overheard and perused; he no longer had the right to foregather with his fellow countrymen; and his newspapers might no longer freely express their opinions.

The Reichstag fire produced exactly the result that Hitler had anticipated. The Germany of the Weimar Constitution went up in flames, and from the ashes like the phoenix rose the Third Reich.

Surveillance System. Totalitarian regimes want total control and tracking of their citizens. Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich set up a control system that tracked the entire population using index cards. All this was done with the help of IBM produced punch cards, sorted by IBM machines which were leased to the Nazis. These were used to confiscate their property, to be put into concentration camps where they had to receive tattoos, to be deported and finally their extermination.

Today the people who are controlling the system are desperate to know everything about their fellow human beings, not because they think we are all dangerous, but because they are interested in power, and they will do anything to attain that power. Using RFID even in clothes would make easier to get their utopian dream of controlling other people.

In 2012, “60 Second Idea,” in association with the BBC, promoted the ideas of science fiction writer and Global warming expert Elizabeth Moon who believes that if she were “an empress of the Universe” she would insist on every individual having a unique ID permanently attached- bar-code if you will; an implanted chip to provide an easy, fast inexpensive way to identify individuals:

Point the scanner at someone and there it is. Anonymity would be impossible as would mistaken identity making it easier to place responsibility accurately, not only in war but also in non-combat situations far from the war.

John W. Whitehead calls it a matrix that has “enslaved us by technology and the Internet of things” and no one seems to bother:

The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work… when you go to church… when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Separation of Government from its People and from each other: This is how Milton Mayer described it his book, They thought they were free:

What no one seemed to notice…. The ever widening gap, after 1933, between the government and its people…..What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with the Hitler, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would have otherwise have worried about it.

This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

Today, whether we realize it or not technology has divided and separated us from each other. Like a frog in boiling water, our society’s unhealthy obsession with television, computers and smart phones has dumbed us down that the goose is cooked and the frog is boiled and we don’t seem to care. It is been said by one historian that people are “willfully ignorant.”

Alexander Solzhenitsyn is quoted in Persecution: It Will Never Happen Here as saying:

Are we prepared to learn from the past? Are people living in freedom able to learn from those living in need? Can the lesson they have learned be taught to the free world? Yes it can, but who wants to learn? Our proud skyscrapers point heaven ward and they say: it will never happen here. But it will happen…. Tragically the free West will only believe it when it is no longer free. To quote a Russian proverb, “When it happens you will know it is true, but then it too late.”


Unless the Church embraces the cross and seeks God for a revival or Great Awakening, the conditions that gave rise to Nazi Germany are unravelling before our eyes. The present state of decline in the spiritual, economic, political, financial, cultural, and social problems being experienced by America, Europe and other nations is due to one fact: We have forgotten God and His commandments. The moment we began ignoring God and allowing society to be secularized, we lost our freedoms.

Many groups have been warning us about certain groups, who have been announcing their intentions to turn this world into a godless Communist New World Order and impose a communist all-powerful totalitarian dictatorial government on an enslaved humanity. We thought those that were warning us were conspiracy theorists.

All of those Christians who suffered persecution under the Nazis and the communists have been warning that they see the signs of a similar great persecution in the West. The only hope we have is to repent and ask God to send a revival or Great Awakening.

At the same time the Germany people should not be manipulated into paying a guilt offering for all the atrocities that were done by their leaders. Other prophets believe that God has a special purpose for Germany which is to bring a spiritual awakening to all of Europe. Yes, Germany just like other nations will fulfil a higher purpose in the end times and the Lord Jesus will be glorified.

In the meantime, we are all going to humble ourselves before God and plead His mercy, grace and forgiveness. Every believer should be on his knees before God asking Him to have mercy on our respective nations and to pour out His Spirit as He promised.

The devil using human agents is going to take advantage of all the chaos that is going on in Europe against the Jewish people, the nation of Israel, the believers in United States, United Kingdom and the rest of the world. As Christians we have to prepare for it. I think a call to repentance as recorded by the prophet Zephaniah 2:1-3 applies to all of us now:

The time for repentance is speeding by like chaff whirled before the wind! Therefore consider, before God’s decree brings forth the curse upon you, before the time to repent is gone like the drifting chaff, before the fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you—yes, before the day of the wrath of the Lord comes upon you!

Seek the Lord inquire for Him, inquire of Him, and require Him as the foremost necessity of your life, all you humble of the land who have acted in compliance with His revealed will and have kept His commandments; seek righteousness, seek humility inquire for them, require them as vital. It may be you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger.

God is a God of mercy and a God of judgment. The judgment punishes the sin, while mercy saves we the sinners. The Word of Lord says:

Yes, in the way of Your judgments, O LORD, we have waited for You; The desire of our soul is for Your name. And for the remembrance of You. With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; for when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness (Isaiah 26:8-9).

Just like there was still time for the people to repent when the Babylonians would come and destroy Jerusalem, there is also still time for us to humble ourselves so that we can be hidden from this impending distress. How can God’s people be protected? The Bible gives us answer:

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Seek the LORD while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the LORD, And He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon (Isaiah 55: 6-7).

When a Nation Forgets God-Part 2

The Third Reich was one of the most fascinating periods in human history, from which many lessons can be learned today by all lovers of freedom. Here are other ominous parallels between the emergency of Nazism in Germany in the 1930s and the emergency of globalism in the West and subsequently the world.

Thousands of laws, Rules, and Regulations: the Nazis passed  thousands of laws, to regulate and control every aspect of German people’s lives. There were so many that virtually anyone could be labeled as a criminal and have their property seized, jailed, or executed at the command of the Nazis. Highly complex financial, currency, cash reporting, and privacy laws were passed which almost no one understood.

Christians who sent money out of the country to missionaries had their assets seized and were often jailed under Nazi money-laundering laws. Raids on homes in the middle of the night by the Gestapo became commonplace along with widespread property seizures.

The same thing is happening in America which is being called a nation of criminals by one reporter who says for decades, Washington has been adding to the number of federal laws and regulations that all carry criminal penalties. It is been reported that the number is so high, and no one is actually sure how many there are.

According to some experts, anyone could be convicted of some sort of federal crime and it so easy for anyone to violate one of these laws and never know it. One congressman told CBN News that “We have made it dangerous just to be alive in America.”

One neurosurgeon said now that the healthcare bill has been ruled constitutional by the Supreme Court, Americans should expect to hear more about death panels and bureaucrats deciding who lives and who dies like the Nazis did after they took the health care system in Germany. This is already happening in some countries in Europe.

Environmentalism and Animal rights. The Germans in the 1930s were preoccupied with environmentalism and animal rights, with the Nazis passing all sorts of laws, rules, and regulations to protect the environment.

Today, there are some environmentalists who believe that humanity is no more important than any other species on this planet. They think the world would be much better off without any people at all.

Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915), a German scientist and physician, was one of them. He wrote several books predicting famine as a result of population increase. One of them is the famous The Population Bomb, in which he described the increasing number of people in the world as a “cancer” that would have to be excised through “many apparently brutal and heartless decisions.”

His list included sterilization, abortion, and steep tax rates on families with many children. Ehrlich maintained that in light of a growing global affluence, reducing total population as well as reducing consumption was critical to protecting the environment and maintaining living standards. He maintained that current rates of growth are still too high for a “sustainable” future.

Occultic Dimension to the Third Reich. Hitler’s movement was not just a political movement; it was also a supernatural, occultic movement and was in strong opposition to Bible-based Christianity and Orthodox Judaism. The religious foundation of the Nazi Third Reich was from the Eastern religions that are the foundation of the present-day New Age movement, which now permeates the Liberal Eastern Establishment and energizes or provides the occultic dynamic behind the New World Order.

This preoccupation with the occult is one of the major factors in the growing Establishment’s hatred for Evangelical Christians in America and the West in general, and will be one of the major factors in the coming globalist persecution of American Christians—which is now beginning to accelerate.

Ignoring the German Constitution. Hitler completely ignored the German Constitution, just as some politicians and courts are doing today. Wherever Hitler wanted to something, he would just do it. He just wrote notes instructing people to carry out whatever he wanted. This is similar to Executive Orders which are have been issued by American presidents in the last 20-30 years.

According to Don, most of these Executive Orders, new laws, thousands of new regulations are unconstitutional as Hitler’s notes, orders, and edicts in the 1930s.

Rejection of Their Heritage. The German people, before and during the Nazi’s rise to power, began to reject their Christian Biblical heritage, their history, their national heroes and their traditions. The Nazis accelerated this obliteration of their history and heritage as they came to power. And this is precisely what the liberals, socialists, and the globalist have been doing in recent years. Our heritage, history, heroes, and traditions are being denigrated and obliterated.

Gun laws. The Nazis passed gun laws to disarm the German people so that they could control them and set up their dictatorship. Laws are being put in place to disarm the American people. This is a major element in the New World Order agenda and has been accomplished in many other countries in the West. History teaches us that genocide against disarmed victims in every nation was enabled by forcible disarmament.

Kitty Werthmann survived Hitler and she is a witness to history.


Aaron Zelman (1946–2010) was the head of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), which is the organization that aimed at educating the Jewish community about the dangers of being forcibly or voluntarily disarmed. He did a comparison of the Nazi’s 1928 and 1938 gun control laws and those passed in the U.S. in 1968, and found them to be almost identical—as if they had been copied!

Redefinition of Marriage. Hitler used homosexuals, drug addicts, and criminal elements to destabilize the country and advance the Nazi political machine. In the West today, marriage is being redefined to civil partnerships, thereby completely destroying the bedrock and foundation of society which is marriage between one man and one woman.

In his article Brendan O’ Neil explained how homosexuality has moved from being a crime to being celebrated as a way of life in modern Western nations just in the space of less than 50 years:

Everywhere from popular culture to the political sphere, the criminals are now those who criticize gay sex, not those who have it – as witnessed in such acts of authoritarianism as the imposing of a one-month prison sentence on a Swedish pastor who preached against homosexuality, the arrest of a preacher in Dundee for saying homosexuality was a sin, the banning of an advert in London that offended gays, the sending of American experts to Africa to preach about the virtues of homosexuality (in a similar way that Christian colonialists used to preach to Africans about the virtues of the Bible, including, er, anti-homosexual views), and so on. Gay-friendliness has become probably the key barometer of decency in the modern West; and those who fail the test can expect censorship or some other form of punishment.

The Church was Deceived, Divided and Persecuted. The German Christians were strongly nationalistic and patriotic. The German Christian church was officially founded in 1932 and the organization straightaway became an instrument in supporting the Hitler regime and the Nazi propaganda in joining the church and state.

To achieve this, their goal was to unite the regional churches of the German Evangelical Church into a German Reich church. They thought that by wedding the church to the state, they would restore the church and Germany to her former glory. They didn’t agree with him on everything, but they believed that if the church’s prestige were restored, they might be able to influence him in the right direction.

The Nazis first saw it as important to keep a good relationship with the Church, because they were worried that many Germans were committed Christians and if at all there was a conflict between the Church and the state, many German Christians would put their faith before the Nazi state.

So when the Church started opposing Hitler, he created new laws and then accused the leaders of breaking these laws, furthermore he also divided the churches by encouraging other churches to work with the Nazis in creating “socialist family values and to work for the greater good of the German people.”

In his book When a Nation Forgets God, Dr. Lutzer gives an eyewitness account of how some members of the church reacted to the Nazism of their times:

I lived in Germany during the Nazi Holocaust. I considered myself a Christian. We heard stories of what were happening to the Jews, but we tried to distance ourselves from it because, what could anyone do to stop it? A rail road track ran behind our small church and each Sunday morning we could hear the whistle in the distance and then the wheels coming over the tracks.

We became disturbed when we heard the cries coming from the train as it passed by. We realized that it was carrying Jews like cattle in the cars! Week after week the whistle would blow.

We dreaded to hear the sound of those wheels because we knew that we would hear the cries of the Jews en route to a death camp. Their screams tormented us. We knew the time the train was coming and when we heard the whistle blow we began singing hymns. By the time the train came past our church we were singing at the top of our voices.

If we heard the screams, we sang more loudly and soon we heard them no more. Years have passed and no one talks about it anymore. But I still hear that train whistle in my sleep. God forgive me; forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians yet did nothing to intervene.

Many Churches in Germany and throughout Europe were mostly silent while Jews were persecuted, deported and murdered. It was only a few Christians in the Christian Professing Church who believed that the German church had ceased to be the church of Jesus Christ, and therefore they must break away and form a new church which could be called the Confessing Church because it proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The State supported the Church. The churches were nationalized under Hitler. A strong section of the church also believed that Nazi regime was the answer to all their prayers. It was all about the economy. Nothing else seemed to matter, under no circumstances were the Christians allowed to sit down and reflect how all this could be handled.

The church did not heed the lone voices crying in the wilderness. The government said the churches needed repairs, so a “church tax” was created. Pastors were put on government salary, and therefore they were subject to state authority. This led to the silencing of pastors because they feared they would lose their funding if they spoke out. The church in Germany appeared to be too preoccupied with the problems of the nation and the economy to see what was happening before its eyes.

Today, it is the same thing; most of the church in Europe (Catholic, Protestant and Evangelicals) is supported through taxes. As a matter of fact I have heard an elder of a local Evangelical church saying “the government has been so good to us.” The so called golden rule often applies: Whoever has the gold has the rule!

Either the church will change its message to accommodate the state’s political agenda, or the political rulers will use the church to their own ends.  Regardless, the purity of the church is compromised and this is more prevalent in African churches.

It is very helpful in understanding the times in which to live to study the rise and fall of the Nazi Third Reich in the 1930s and 1940s, and the great evil it perpetrated on mankind as all these parallels are leading the West and other countries a similar path if there is no true repentance.

And when we finish, we should be on our knees asking the Lord to keep us faithful to the cross of Christ, no matter the cost, as we shall further examine in part 3.