The Truth About the British Empire

The British Empire was the greatest imperial power that the world has ever seen. It was also, comparatively, the most benign. The Commonwealth’s membership of 53 nations, nearly all of them ex-colonies, is testimony to more than the generosity of our international aid programme.

Historically, most people around the world have been subject to an imperial power at some time or other. To be a subject of the British Empire, however, was to win first prize in the lottery of imperial rule. Not many punters, I suspect, would be opting for the Mongols, the Spanish, the Songhai, the Portuguese, the Mughals, the Belgians, the French, the Germans or the Zulus.

It is an undeniable fact that millions from the British Empire and its dominions fought for what was perceived as the ‘mother country’ in the two world wars. A former rebel colony that went on to fight its own war against us, now the USA, made the most formidable contribution of all to fighting and dying for its former colonial masters.

Meanwhile, the people of another former colony, Jamaica, yearn to be back under British rule.

Thank God for Britain – mostly, a shining light in the history of the world! Not that you would think so if you watched Saturday night’s Channel 4 programme, The Massacre that Shook an Empire, commemorating the centenary of the Amritsar Massacre.

Its presenter, Sathnam Sanghera, from Wolverhampton, clearly knows he is on to a good thing in demonising Britain – his own country. It is just so on-message these days to self-flagellate, don’t you know? 

What with the fear of a post-Brexit shortage of Italian olive oil, of EU- sourced avocados becoming ever scarcer and the burden of de-colonising British education, times are far from easy for our MSM opinion-forming elite.

Amongst those offering a receptive ear to the anti-British self-flagellation message is BBC Newsnight presenter Kirsty Wark. She was willingly gullible as Sanghera explained to her how things have gone so wrong with our understanding of the Empire:

I think we have this narrative in Britain where we are always the good guys, you know. We defeated the Nazis. We abolished slavery. Empire was a great thing! 

It would be almost impossible to state the opposite of the truth with more misleading sincerity. These days in schools and universities young people are subjected to a non-stop diet of anti-British brainwashing about Empire.

One of the most widely used school history textbooks, for example, much reprinted, is entitled Minds and Machines: Britain 1750-1900. Its authors include senior educational advisers to government. In order to denigrate all things British, bogus evidence is invented for pupils to use in forming an opinion of the British Empire.

In relation to colonised people, for example, it states that ‘we have tried to imagine what they would tell us if they were to come back from the dead’. Pupils thus learn that an undead Princess Rani Lakshmi would tell us that: ‘The British punished survivors by firing cannon balls through them at point blank range’ and so on and so on. Yes, imaginary evidence, ‘fake news’ in its purest form, to damn the Brits in general and the Empire in particular.

Just how wrong could Sanghera be in claiming that Britain, today, promotes Empire as ‘a great thing’? He needs to do some homework! The massacre of hundreds in Amritsar was indeed ‘monstrous’, as Churchill said at the time, but it was atypical. It was so shocking that the Hunter Commission of inquiry was set up. It included Indian representatives and unanimously condemned the rogue general, Reginald Dyer, who had ordered the massacre. Few imperial powers have been so willing to admit to their own sins.

The truth is that the Brits may have been top dogs when it came to the size, power and influence of their empire but we have definitely been well down the league table of those who have perpetrated massacres. The Mughal Empire which Britain supplanted in the sub-continent was many, many times worse. And left to themselves the people of India resorted to unparalleled savagery in 1947.

Channel 4 and Newsnight should now come clean. Yes, rule by the British had its very real downsides and being massacred by General Dyer was one of them. Compared with alternative imperial regimes, however, it had much to commend it.

The time has surely arrived for all of us to be as proud of Empire at that great Victorian, Mary Seacole, whose statue stands opposite parliament and whose country of origin, Jamaica, so yearns for a return to its imperial past.

Copyright © 2019, Chris McGovern The Conservative Woman-All rights reserved.

What Home Schooling Did For Me

I WELL remember a day in 1982 when, facing a pilot selection panel at RAF Biggin Hill, I asked the officers if they minded that I was home-educated from age eleven. They smiled and said, ‘The RAF doesn’t hold that against you in any way.’

My basic village primary school had left me unprepared for public school. After a few days of incomprehensible classes I refused to go. This happened enough times that, eventually, I stayed at home whilst my devoted parents worked out what to do.

Major problems began when the local council completely misread the situation and threatened to take me into care if my parents didn’t send me to school. Terrified, my family bundled me into my uniform, then the car, and dropped me off at the classroom. Brutal, but better than losing your child.

Back at school the whole class was threatened with the cane. I promptly walked out of the room and then five miles back home. After that, neither the council nor any school wanted responsibility for me, yet for years my caring, stressed mother was interrogated weekly by the council which demanded to know what I was doing.

Unaware of this, and left to learn in my own way, I followed my passions for the piano, English literature and aeroplanes. We were farmers, and at 15 I drove the combine harvester, mending it when it broke down.

My proud and wonderful father died of cancer when I was 14 and the intrusion by the council ruined his last years. Had the council left us alone my home education would have been a completely positive experience.

Every child is different and I was an autodidact – I learnt best on my own. The RAF picked up on my determination, self-reliance and independence (ideal qualities for a pilot) and, armed with five O-Levels, I passed into the RAF College Cranwell, gained my Wings as a transport pilot and later became an airline Captain.

British law recognises home educators’ rights, but most local authorities treat these families with unwarranted suspicion. This results in needless and damaging conflict. In America, home education is mainstream due to dissatisfaction with the school system.

Similarly, it is going that way here. To ensure that their child’s education is suitable, parents must be able to take back control, unfettered by town hall bureaucrats.

The Government equates home education with wrongdoing, wants a register, as Chris MrsGovern reported in TCW on Friday, and officially sanctions damaging interference. If parents do not register their children, Government intends to force the children to school, and those who refuse will be threatened with a care order.

The Isle of Man, where we live, wants a six-month prison sentence for home-educating parents who refuse to allow intrusion into their lives. The unintended consequence of harassing powers like these is severe stress for law-abiding families doing their level best for their children.

Faced with these multiple assaults on long-held parental freedoms, I crowd-funded a legal opinion on home education law.

Home-educating families are protected by the Human Rights Act since home education cannot be equated with wrongdoing and parents must be presumed to be providing a suitable education in the absence of evidence suggesting otherwise. This was a point well proved in the landmark Scottish Named Person case.

Unfettered powers for local authority officers will damage far more children than they could possibly help and the Government will lose in court when the matter inevitably comes to judicial review. They should take a hint from my RAF selectors and become more broad-minded about home education.

Copyright © 2019, The Conservative Woman All rights reserved

The ‘Brainwashers’ Trojan Horse

A free society intervenes in parental choice with humility. Requiring children to be properly educated is, however, a hallmark of a civilised society

So proclaims The Times in a leading article applauding the Government’s proposal to require parents to register home-schooled children. The irony of its supposition that children are being ‘properly educated’ in our state schools and that this is ‘a hallmark of a civilised society’ appears to have been lost on the newspaper.

More than a third of last summer’s Year 6 pupils (10- to 11-year-olds) failed to reach the baseline standard in their SATs for literacy and numeracy. At GCSE the grade boundaries have had to be manipulated to ensure most candidates achieve a ‘good pass’. For mathematics this figure has ranged from 15 per cent to 20 per cent over the past two years, as even The Times has pointed out.

According to the OECD, the UK is up to three years behind the best education systems around the world. A BBC investigation in 2016 showed that the level of GCSE maths in the UK was around the level taught at primary school in South Korea (age 7 to 12). 

Employers’ organisations are consistently complaining that at least a fifth of school leavers are unemployable. Small wonder, then, that we are so reliant on immigrants.

Meanwhile, the current A-Level pass rate of 97.6 per cent has done nothing to alleviate ignorance. For several years universities have been running remedial catch-up courses for first-year students. 

This is the reality behind what The Times sees as children being ‘properly educated’ in mainstream, as opposed to home, schooling. This is the educational ‘hallmark’ of what the newspaper claims makes a ‘civilised society’.

Worse, in the wake of the November 2015 Paris terror attacks, the TES (formerly The Times Educational Supplement), published a model classroom lesson. It asked pupils to ‘give three good reasons for joining Islamic State’ and told children to imagine the world ‘from the point of view of a soldier of the faith’. ‘Isn’t it rather a challenge,’ it added, ‘rather a good way of getting to be important? Rather fun being awarded some female slaves? And you are one of the good guys too!’

Pupils were provided with ISIS propaganda and directed to the ISIS online magazine to assist them in being ‘properly educated’.

In its support for a home-schooling register The Times is in tune with the prevailing orthodoxies of current educational and sociological thinking. The intention, certainly, is to be helpful to children, to parents and to society as a whole.

Currently, we do not know how many children are being home-educated although the number appears to be growing significantly. A register will provide helpful statistical data; not least, the extent of parental desperation to find an escape route from failures in mainstream provision such as I have outlined.

The proposed register is, though, rather more than it seems and it is regrettable that The Times has not spotted what is going on. The BBC, though, has let the cat out of the bag:

Ministers say a register would help councils intervene when standards were poor or if children were at risk. 

The register is likely to become the government’s Trojan Horse. It will become the means by which the failed teaching and sociological ideologies of maintained schooling are foisted on to home-schoolers via local authority monitoring.

‘You are not teaching your child in line with best practice’ will be the reprimand of the home-schooling inspector. Either do as we say or we will serve a ‘child in danger’ order on you. Thus, the home-schooling escape route from low standards and PC brainwashing will be cut off.

There may be a need for a home-schooling register but there is an equal need for safeguards against educational ‘enforcers’ bullying parents into conformity with what is supposed to good for their children.

To adapt and paraphrase President Ronald Reagan, for home-schoolers the most terrifying words in the English language will soon be: ‘I am the home-schooling inspector and I am here to help.’

How sad that The Times, a respected and illustrious newspaper, can no longer recognise the threat to family life and a sound education posed by that knock on the door.

Copyright © 2019 The Conservative Woman-All rights reserved.

Bible-Snatching Police Confirm Their Anti-Christ Agenda

THE establishment pays lip service to Christianity, parading on special occasions in cathedrals and producing ‘safe’ Christian programmes such as Songs of Praise. But when it runs into unabashed Christianity prepared to deny progressive pieties, the mask slips. There is growing alienation between Christians holding a biblical worldview and the establishment in our increasingly secular society.

Video of the arrest of Oluwole Ilesanmi, a street preacher in Wood Green, north London, has gone viral.  Arrests of street preachers for causing offence have become routine. This instance reveals the underlying prejudices of the establishment.


Mr Ilesanmi was arrested by police under Section 5 of the Public Order Act for ‘using threatening or abusive words or behaviour or disorderly behaviour . . . within the hearing or sight of a person likely to be caused harassment, alarm or distress’.

During his sermon he argued there was a connection between terrorism and the text of the Quran. Two white non-Muslim political activists approached and accused him of preaching lies, and of being Islamophobic. He responded that the Bible speaks the only truth and that people need to give their lives to the Lord Jesus. Mr Ilesanmi was reported to the police for supposed Islamophobia.

Most commentators have focused on the initial attempt to stop Mr Ilesanmi from preaching. However, the most chilling part of the video comes almost unnoticed at the very end.

As the police handcuff and arrest Mr Ilesanmi, they rip his Bible from his hands.

Mr Ilesanmi pleads, ‘Don’t take my Bible away. Don’t take my Bible away.’

The police officer replies, ‘You should have thought about that before being racist!’

The handcuffed preacher is then marched off. He was later released without charge.

Many have pointed out the double standards employed by the police. The Metropolitan Police is the force which provided protection for hate-preacher Abu Hamza when he addressed hundreds of followers outside Finsbury Park mosque, later notorious as a haven for terrorists.

Others have focused on the importance of free speech for society. Unless we are free to say things others might find offensive, free speech is meaningless and conformity is enforced. An increasing number in Britain find the gospel offensive. Christians are obliged to spread the gospel in private, and in public.

However, what is of profound concern is the open hostility towards the Christian message displayed by the police officers. A police officer automatically assuming that preaching that Jesus is the only way of salvation amounts to ‘racism’ is something which should be of great concern to every Christian.

Unfortunately, this is neither new, a matter of ignorance amongst low-level police officers, nor confined to London. In Scotland the same antipathy toward biblical Christianity is apparent on a governmental and official police level.

You can read the full article here

The Book No Socialist Dares Read

WHEN a visitor to the Soviet Union returned to his home country, he declared: ‘I have seen the future, and it works’. While this sounds as though it could have come from the numerous British socialists who made the pilgrimage to the USSR during the 1930s, it was in fact uttered by an American investigative journalist called Lincoln Steffens.

He made the remark in 1919, after returning from Petrograd. According to his biography, Steffens was put up in a heated palace with servants, from which he ventured, stepping over emaciated corpses in the streets, to observe the starving local inhabitants at work in a communist society.

Of this, he wrote:Soviet Russia was a revolutionary government with an evolutionary plan‘ and that the dreadful conditions were a temporary condition of evil, which is made tolerable by hope and a plan. Meanwhile the Red Terror was in full swing. Steffens had willingly mistaken a ‘boot stamping on a human face for ever’ for a future that works.

You can read the full article here.



Copyright © 2019 The Conservative Woman-All rights reserved.

State of The British Male

Where have all the real men gone? Well, they don’t fly with Ryanair, that’s for sure. If you haven’t seen this story, where a disgusting white man racially abuses an elderly black woman, you should.

At the start of the clip it is a woman who stands up and defends the older lady, who is disabled, in strenuous terms. This may have been her daughter.

The whole video shows only two men intervening, one young man immediately behind the older woman and the man videoing the incident. The rest of the men seem to sit in silence, putting their heads down while this lady is verbally abused by a fellow passenger, hoping the whole thing will end soon.

Ryanair staff end up moving the woman so she can sit next to her daughter but not removing the abusive man from the flight. This is the kind of crazy behaviour we have come to expect from Ryanair but the fact that a wimpy, ‘look the other way’ mentality seems to have infected large numbers of our men is truly depressing.

Indeed, dear reader, you can predict what I am going to say. This video yet again displays the sorry state of the British male today. I find it incredible that so many younger and obviously fitter men would just sit on their hands and refuse to intervene on behalf of this woman. I am looking at you, man in blue, and you, man in red.

It would have been unthinkable for this kind of behaviour to go unchallenged 50 years ago. But today there they sit, quiet as mice, as this elderly woman with limited mobility is berated by a deranged racist only one seat away.

It is true that we all seem to surrender our independent thinking when herded like cattle on to a Ryanair flight, and nobody does herding better than Ryanair.

This also demonstrates the danger of the Big State. There are few places on earth subject to more government regulation than being on a plane, and it is good example of how such regulation and government dominance can transform sensible men into compliant and meek individuals reliant on big government to save the day.

Never forget that eternal truth – the bigger state, the smaller the citizen. Let’s not make our society into one large over-regulated Ryanair flight.

Copyright © 2018 Laura Perrins The Conservative WomanAll rights reserved

Our Battle For The Soul of The West

I recently read Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali’s book Triple Jeopardy for the West: Aggressive Secularism, Radical Islamism and Multiculturalism. Nazir-Ali’s point is that all three movements pose a grave threat to the West as the vacuum where Christianity once was is filled.

It is increasingly obvious that the multitude of errors in thinking that dog the modern world can be brought back to the same root problem: the rejection of God. An obvious example is the transgender obsession that has swept the country, seemingly coming out of nowhere.

Penny Mordaunt, a minister for the ‘Conservative’ party, said this week: ‘Trans women are women, that’s the starting point.’ She aims to make changing one’s gender easier. There was talk not long ago that the ‘Conservative’ government was going to allow individuals to change their gender on their birth certificates without even a doctor’s opinion.

In a society that respects God and believes in Him, this destructive confusion simply does not permeate. How can it? With faith in God you know that a man and a woman are two very different beings, created for one another, to complement. Further, God wouldn’t make such a mistake as placing the soul of a man in the body of a woman.

Yet because we don’t believe in anything, and everything is up for grabs, then why not gender? Once we’ve rejected the Truth and reality of the universe then everything will become confused. Transgenderism is but one example.

It’s clear to anyone with any semblance of intellectual honesty that radical Islam poses a profound danger to Western civilisation. Not only the terror attacks, nor the rape (not ‘grooming’) gangs, but the hard-won liberties that are now being sacrificed in a pitiful act of appeasement.

Even in the 25 years I have been on the planet I have seen freedom of speech undermined at a terrifying pace. How it must feel for someone older I can’t imagine. After Charlie Hebdo, the vast majority of British newspapers refused to publish its defiant cover cartoon despite overwhelming support for the magazine.

Obviously this is because they were frightened of repercussions: clear evidence that already there exists in British society a strain of radical Islam that wields considerable influence.

I do not, under any circumstances, want to have to give up the fantastic, life-affirming ability to discuss and exchange ideas freely because our political class are utterly naive about the extremely violent strains within Islam that have shown themselves, again and again, throughout history.

The problem goes back to the same root: God. A properly Christian nation, proud of its heritage, would not be so woefully ignorant about this historical tendency amongst Islam. Yet because we have abandoned our God, and have a woolly, fuzzy view that religions are all the same, we will continue to capitulate in the face of people who actually believe in something.

Bishop Nazir-Ali makes an excellent point in his book that before Christianity came along, England was an organised group of warring tribes. Christianity created an overarching narrative, and system of thought and morality, in which all can partake.

Multiculturalism will see us return to this pre-Christian age, bickering and arguing amongst ourselves, divided along lines of ethnicity or politics or whatever mad thing we come up with to distinguish ourselves from one another in order to feel special and different.

The soul of the West is in grave danger and the further we retreat from God the more errors in thinking we will see abound. The way we think, and the ideas a society is governed by, has a profound effect on every aspect of our lives.

It is for this reason that I am fully behind Nazir-Ali’s book and pray every single day that my beloved country will return to its Christian roots before it is too late.

Copyright © 2018 Fionn Shiner The Conservative WomanAll rights reserved

Jewish Schoolgirls Interrogated Over Sex. Not Nazi Germany, But Today’s Britain!

Yesterday I read about a country where State agents marched into a Jewish school and interrogated the girls on sex. No, this was not Communist Russia nor Nazi Germany, this was Britain, 2018.

Why is Ofsted doing the secularists’ bidding?

On Monday, I visited the Yesoday Hatorah Senior Girls School in Stamford Hill, where staff and pupils were preparing for the end of term and the coming Passover holidays. Their light, open and modern building was opened by Tony Blair in 2005 when the school became voluntary aided. A number of voices in their community … Continue reading

The Yesoday Hatorah Senior Girls’ School in Stamford Hill, north London, serves the Haredi community and seeks to reflect Haredi values. This community is not down with the whole all-of-the-sex all-of-the-time agenda that now passes for the secular culture, a culture that frequently depicts the sex act on television, watched by millions.

Unsurprisingly, the Haredi have taken a pass on this culture, and that means, for example, that the school redacts GCSE textbooks to remove references to sex. It was one of these textbooks that was picked up by the secular campaigning organisation Humanists UK, who then complained to Ofsted.

So Ofsted inspectors made a snap inspection and asked the pupils about sex. Parents were furious. ‘Our daughters came home severely shaken after a day of inspection where inspectors have attempted to force alien concepts on to our children,’ one said. ‘

An alien discussion with our girls of their private bodies and of intimate relationships with strangers . . . serves to undermine our beliefs in every possible way.’

Later Giles Fraser, for the website UnHerd, took the time to visit the school. ‘As I wandered around the corridors, the atmosphere was quiet and studious, calm even. None of the girls’ school lockers was locked, despite containing their valuables. Stealing is unheard of here. Even the local Sainsbury’s waives the usual two-at-a-time rule for schoolchildren when it comes to Yesoday Hatorah girls.

The girls know to stand respectfully as visitors enter the room, and they listen to their teachers. A few years after opening the new building, the school was the top of the Department of Education’s league table for value-added student progress.’

Fraser spoke to some of the girls at break time and found: ‘The Ofsted inspectors obviously came with a fixed agenda, they wanted to talk to the girls about sex. And those who told me about it were obviously made to feel extremely uncomfortable by the questions.

Three girls complained to the Principal and he told them to explain that to the inspectors. They did – but that only made matters worse, and invited further interrogation. They were very upset by the whole process. “This felt like an attack,” one of them said, “because under no circumstances did we want to discuss things that we were brought up our entire lives not to discuss”.’

Do take the time to read the full UnHerd report, for it demonstrates the authoritarian nature of Ofsted under the leadership of Amanda Spielman and how the British values agenda is being used to attack religious groups, in particular those who wish to protect their children from early sexualisation, which I call grooming by the state, and popular culture.

This is the same secular culture the feminists denounce as a ‘rape culture’ but the vultures at Ofsted believe it should be imposed on this Jewish community.

In 1984, George Orwell said the future was a boot stamping on a human face. In fact, the present is much worse than that: it is a subtle but all-too-totalitarian power grab by the State nudging us here, stroking us there, to accept their entire Leftist ideology.

And, no, it doesn’t matter who is in government because when the Leftists control education and there is a permanent Leftist bureaucracy, who is in Number Ten is neither here nor there.

Copyright © 2018 Laura Perrins The Conservative WomanAll rights reserved

How The Left Took over Academia

We start the working week by pointing you in the direction of this Rubin Report interview with Niall Ferguson.


It is a very interesting conversation that covers the familiar areas of Leftism, Brexit and Trump. It begins with an examination of just how the Left took over academia.

Niall Ferguson is a well-known historian very broadly ‘on the Right’ and his discussion on how the Left now dominates the history departments of almost all universities is both illuminating and deeply depressing. If it carries on like this for much longer, an entire generation will know next to nothing about the horrors of communism and believe Uncle Joe Stalin was indeed like a delightful old uncle.

The discussion on Brexit starts about one hour in. Ferguson was a Remainer but has since turned to Brexit. His explanation for this change of heart is convincing. He maintains that Brexit will probably have a damaging impact on the economy, but the vote to leave the EU was more than economics. It was about sovereignty and in particular controlling immigration. He takes the Leave campaign to task for essentially ignoring the immigration point. This part is certainly worth a watch.

Ferguson is best described as a Trump sceptic. Ultimately however he asked himself, if he lined up all the Trump voters and all the Hillary voters, which line would he rather be in. Answer – the Trumpsters.

So clear your evening and settle in for an hour and half of awesomeness.

Copyright © 2018 Laura Perrins The Conservative Woman-All rights reserved


People From Commonwealth Countries Were Never ‘Immigrants’ But Mostly British Subjects

Seventy years ago on Friday, the Empire Windrush arrived in Tilbury Docks, where 492 passengers from the Caribbean disembarked to begin a new life in the UK. Many had already been to the UK, fighting alongside other soldiers, airmen and sailors in the British armed forces in the Second World War.

1948 was a very different time from today. The British Empire was still largely intact. Anyone born in the last fifty years can only imagine what it was like. The passengers on the Windrush were not foreigners, they were British subjects, and had the legal right to move to the UK and remain here.

The migration of the Windrush Generation was not technically immigration at all, as there was freedom of movement throughout the British Empire – on which the sun never set. Movement was of course greatly restricted by the difficulty and cost of travel.

The Channel Tunnel did not exist, let alone cheap long-haul flights to the Caribbean. If you wanted to fly to Jamaica, you would have had to take at least three different planes. It was still normal to go by ship if you wished to cross the Atlantic.

All those who came over on the Windrush and subsequent ships over the next 25 years until 1973 were legal and British subjects. They spoke good English, found jobs, paid into the system and simply wanted to contribute to the ‘mother country’ by working hard and bringing up their children well.

This was mutually beneficial. The male population of the UK was depleted by the horrors of war, so men were needed to do construction work and other jobs which were hard to fill.

This is a far cry from immigration today. Whereas net immigration was controlled and steady at under 50,000 a year for half a century, when Tony Blair came to power his administration opened the floodgates for no good reason. In fact, their reasoning was despicable. Lord Mandelson has admitted that they ‘sent out search parties for migrants’ and that this caused trouble for ordinary British workers trying to find a decent job.

Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Blair, claimed that Labour engineered mass migration to make Britain multicultural and ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity.

Today, there is mass, rapid, uncontrolled immigration of an order which is at least ten times higher than in the legal, controlled migration of the Windrush generation. Hundreds of thousands of migrants arrive every year in the United Kingdom from vastly different cultures, many of whom do not respect or love our country, and certainly do not see us as the ‘mother country’.

The apparatchiks of the Labour Party and their allies in the LibDems and ‘Conservative-In-Name-Only’ party on the progressive Left of British politics are shielded from the effects of their own policies.

Safe within their gated communities, they never have to share their resources, time, space or facilities with the new arrivals, but consistently virtue-signal about the bigotry and xenophobia of ordinary hard-working British people who have seen their wages plummet and house prices go through the roof, and their children turned away from primary schools in their own towns because of overcrowding.

The British people are the ones who have to share their space and resources without choosing to do so, and are slandered as racists by the out-of-touch establishment simply for calling for immigration to be controlled, legal and purposeful as it was back in 1948.

There is not even a pretence any more that the UK is controlling its borders. The Home Office admits that it has lost track of more than 600,000 who have overstayed their visas.

These are just some of the known unknowns. Nobody knows about the unknown unknowns who sneak into the country illegally and are never registered entering. It is likely that England is now more densely populated than India, and the green belt and British countryside is under threat of being paved over as our housing supply, NHS, schools and transport systems creak and start to buckle under the pressure.

The gentle and genteel migration of the dignified Windrush generation who came to the United Kingdom with humility and hope, and a willingness to work and contribute to the nation, has been replaced by chaos. Seventy years on, the arrival of the Windrush seems a world away, and is remembered with fondness.

Copyright © 2018 David Kurten The Conservative Woman-All rights reserved