Covid-19 and the Vaccines

A means to an end?

If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Cor. 14:8)

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Eph. 6:12)

Since early 2020, our world and the lives of those of us who inhabit it have changed in ways that two years ago would have been totally inconceivable.

A “window of opportunity”?

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) declaring a Pandemic Emergency of International Concern and our populations gripped by a state of extreme fear1, the opportunity was seized upon by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in June 2020 to publicly announce the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

According to WEF Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab, the Covid ‘pandemic’ was and is a “rare but narrow window of opportunity” to introduce the all-encompassing agenda aimed at comprehensively reconfiguring the world in which we live and operate.

Questionable practices

In spite of over 50,000 medical experts arguing otherwise for ‘Focused Protection’2, over the last 18 months we have experienced restrictions and controls on daily life and social interaction which would normally be unthinkable and totally unacceptable in a free-functioning democratic society.

As a response to Covid-19 and the WHO pronouncement, politicians used emergency measures to introduce a lockdown; and dishonestly touted the experimental and insufficiently tested vaccines as the only remedy3. These vaccines – which some describe as experimental gene therapies – have now been shown to result in very serious health issues and multiple deaths in some cases, and not enough questions have been asked with regards to the risk. Yet this programme continues relentlessly with contingency plans drawn up to vaccinate our children in order to “protect their parents”; and carrying the disgraced Matt Hancock’s coercive “Don’t kill granny appeal to the youngest of vulnerable minds.

As a harbinger of the type of draconian measures that may yet be heading our way, we now have politicians in Spain reportedly planning to requisition private property and assets, and the conscription of citizens to provide their services. Totalitarianism is most certainly in the here and now.

Satan’s agenda

Meanwhile, within the Christian church, the matter of whether this global crisis is in God’s express or permissive will is an interesting one. Indeed, many countries – the UK not least – are fully deserving of God’s judgement; and plagues have been and continue to be used in this fashion to discipline his people in a redemptive-minded fashion (2 Chron 7:13).

But in the all-encompassing sense, the vital theological issue is not who is doing what . What we can indeed clearly know from God’s word is that satan ultimately wants to bring the world into total submission, dependency and servitude; and this dynamic is clearly manifest as the WEF game plan unfolds. The devilish inducement to ‘be as gods’ (Gen 3:5) – exercising absolute control – has never died. The title of Professor Yuval Harari’s book sums up this ambition: ‘Homo Deus’ (or ‘god man’).4

In the last days, many will, voluntarily or under coercion, worship the Beast (Rev 13:7-10), receiving a mark which allows them to buy or sell (Rev 13:16-17), allowing total control over the world population. The lockdowns and ‘vaccine-passports’ are but a shadow and a pre-cursor to what could arise. To achieve these things, WEC Chairman Klaus Schwab and the complicit cabal of NGOs, technological giants, billionaires and other globalist ideologues – all with the mainstream media in tow – are moving rapidly ahead with their long-in-the-making programmes to achieve their demonically-inspired aims.

Medical science is now capable of manipulating the human genome; altering the very thing that makes us what we are – which is truly made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26) The level of control which limits certain activities to the vaccinated could so easily be extended. It is conceivable that each individual could be uniquely identified, closely monitored and ultimately ‘controlled’ by Artificial Intelligence, which has already begun in China.

If this sounds far-fetched then it is sufficient to refer to Schwab and his ‘Build Back Better mantra of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: “New technologies and approaches are merging the physical, digital, and biological worlds in ways that will fundamentally transform humankind”.

So once we are hooked up digitally to the brave new world of quantum computing, artificial intelligence, digital currencies and genetic engineering, the potential for a circle of vice-like control will be complete. This is the global governance which big financial, pharmaceutical and technological corporations seem to be leading us towards.

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization’s (GAVI) ‘Trust Stamp development is currently underway in Africa and “marks a novel approach towards linking a biometric digital identity system, vaccination records, and a payment system into a single cohesive platform”. Meanwhile the Revelation to John tells us this is exactly what we should expect to see (Rev. 13:16-17).

End-of-age questions

But aside from all of this there is a huge problem for and in the Christian world: it is one of almost total silence. With the exception of very few brave voices, church leaders seem to be in a state of woeful unawareness or willful denial. There is either a failure to understand or an irresponsible ignoring of what is going on in our world with respect to what the Word of God clearly outlines as we approach the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So with a pressing need to ‘join up the dots’, the shofar is tragically silent.

World events are now moving at warp speed. If there was ever a time to fulfil the role of the sons of Issachar who “understood the times and knew what Israel should do” it is now. “Watchman, what of the night? The Watchman said: ‘Morning comes but also the night’” (Is. 21:11-12).

But there is good news in all of this. Many Christian believers are having to learn how to live their faith without depending on the institutional structures which have developed over the centuries, and they are returning to early-New Testament fellowship models.

Meanwhile in our fallen world, many of the unsaved are asking serious questions about what the Bible teaches; intuitively recognising that which swathes of the church are apparently failing to see. Those outside of the churches who might previously have thought little on these things are asking ‘end of the age’ questions. They need to hear of God’s offer and means of salvation; be helped to understand the true nature of the events of our age; and what the Bible teaches about the times preceding the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is the one who was and is and is to come. He is the true route to God for those who will turn to him in repentance and faith. The apostle Luke wrote: “When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near” (Luke 21:28). The remaining time for this troubled world could be shorter than we think.


1. The minutes of the SPI-B meeting on 22 March 2020 stated:The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased … using hard-hitting emotional messaging.”
2. The Great Barrington Declaration declared that the optimum response to the Covid-19 virus was to protect the vulnerable and allow herd immunity to develop in the wider population in a free-function environment. Currently this has been signed by over 57,000 medical experts and nearly 800,000 concerned citizens.
3. The highly-respected ‘Lancet’ medical journal admitted to publishing false information.
4. Harari Y. H.; 2016; Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow; English Edition; Harvill Secker 2016 ISBN 978-191-070-187-4

Copyright 2021- Prophecy Today UK All rights reserved.

Interpreting the Signs

Warnings from God

For more than thirty years this ministry has sought to interpret the signs of the times that point the way back to God. Bringing warnings to a people falling away and turning from God has been central to the prophetic ministry throughout history. God does not delight in removing his protection that, like a wall that has crumbled, allows our spiritual enemy to bring confusion and harm.

Earlier Signs

If we look through the pages of Prophecy Today over all these years we will discover many signs that were interpreted as warnings to the Nation during an era of decline. Sometimes they seemed to the natural eye like ordinary occurrences, accidents that happen from time to time in our world, such as the BSE that infected our cattle in the late 1980s, or the fire in Kings Cross station in 1987 and the Windsor Castle fire of 1992.

Sometimes there was an incident that could have been seen as a “natural coincidence” such the bolt of lightning that came from a clear blue sky to strike York Minster at the time when the liberal Bishop Jenkins of Durham had been consecrated there. Taken together, we see that a catalogue of warning signs has been given to our nation over this generation.

Biblical Precedent

We, who read our Bibles, should not be surprised. The Prophet Amos interpreted similar signs to ancient Israel prior to their being scattered as a nation by the Assyrians. They had become a nation who oppressed the poor, crushed the needy and revelled in drunkenness (Amos 4:1). God sent signs of hunger, strange weather patterns, blight and mildew, plagues like those in the days of Moses in Egypt, and judgements on those whose behaviour was similar to Sodom and Gomorrah.

After each of a catalogue of signs came the words, “Yet you have not returned to me, declares the Lord.” (Amos 4:6-11). These signs were a call for Israel to return to God and avoid inevitable disaster, but the signs were not heeded, and so eventually God removed his protection and allowed Assyria to take the Northern Kingdom of Israel captive to be lost even to this day.

In our day, God’s signs are among the Gentile nations at a time close to fulfilment of his final covenant purposes including the restoration of Israel (Amos 9:14).

Signs all Around us

Britain’s position before God has been one of great blessing but now there is a falling away just as in the days of ancient Israel, so it should be no surprise that the signs continue to be seen all around us for those who have eyes to see.

Consider the confusion over Brexit, our withdrawal from Europe hanging at times by a thin thread. Surely a spiritual battle is raging for the soul of our country! Consider the difficulties that our country faces financially so that there are insufficient resources to fund the National Health Service which is itself sick.

We may yet have further economic tremors in the nation that will make it even harder to maintain our services. Look across the nation and consider the sad situation of many of the poor and needy. There is a catalogue of situations that would make one weep if they were brought to our attention.

Consider the strange weather patterns of this year; a long winter, a late spring that seemed to merge with summer, characterised by unusual hot days in June with no water for our gardens which are already showing early signs of autumn.

Consider the fire on the Lancashire moors that cannot be easily extinguished but could be extinguished in one day if God sent a heavy shower – such as are common in the Manchester area. Then two other fires coincided with the anniversary of the Grenfell disaster. Are these not similar signs to those interpreted by the Prophet Amos when God was calling a stubborn sinful people to return to him? Are these not signs that show us how impotent we are without the help of God?


In Prophecy Today we have recognised an important moment in our own ministry and we are beginning preparations for the future when there will be a renewed call to prayer and study to take us through days of spiritual warfare similar to those behind the World Wars of the last Century.

We recognise that there is only a limited window of opportunity for continued warning to our nation, possibly coinciding with the remaining years of our Queen’s life.

With a new monarch who lacks the biblical faith of our Queen, once-blessed Britain could fall even farther from God. But days of opportunity have not yet fully passed. I have taken responsibility for this week’s Editorial while Dr Clifford Hill puts the finishing touches to his latest book, which in my opinion has a great significance. He has written a personal review of the many years of ministry both he and his wife Monica have exercised.

It has spanned the Queen’s reign and that of four Archbishops whom he knew personally, so that he has first hand experience of the Church and State over these years leading to the present decline in our nation. We expect this book to bring a significant contribution to the rallying cry for our nation to turn to the Lord, in the time that is still available.

Trumpet Call

This is also a rallying cry, a trumpet call, to all of God’s people especially those with prophetic and intercessory ministries, to bring a wake-up call to the Church and as a consequence to the Nation while there is still time. We must not be like the people of Jesus’ day who knew how to forecast the weather but did not know how to interpret the signs of the times (Matthew 16:3-4).

We must be like the wise virgins in the parable of Matthew 25:1-13. Jesus’ serious command to us is watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming (Matthew 25:13).

Copyright © 2018 Dr Clifford Denton Prophecy Today UK-All rights reserved.

An Extraordinary Testimony of God’s Mercy

We live in a strange and worrying era, when the value of life is in deep recession.

On the one hand there is the so-called morning-after pill, an insurance against unwanted conception, and – worse – the escalating use of abortion to destroy unwanted, unborn children. On the other hand, at the other extreme we hear of new scientific ‘advances’ in the way eggs can be cultivated outside the womb for women who find difficulty in conception.

Add to this ever-increasing rates of family breakdown, the general acceptance that one’s gender (even that of a child) can be manipulated and re-configured, and the mounting pressure to legalise assisted suicide, and we begin to realise how far our society’s value of life is being eroded.

Sometimes I have wondered how the wastage of life might be made clearer to those blind to what they are doing. Perhaps someone could write a story that imagined the potential of lives lost in the womb, following the imagined life story of those who might have been born, grown up and contributed to our society, but who never made it past the start-line.

Could one illustrate this in a powerful enough way to touch a generation like, say, Uncle Tom’s Cabin challenged a whole nation to reconsider slavery and eventually reverse that tide of evil?

I don’t have the skill to write such a book, but recently I discovered something in the testimony of my own life that, at least for me, illustrated these things in a deep way.

A Blessed Childhood

My life has been wonderfully blessed. I grew up in the era immediately following the Second World War, conceived in 1945 and born in 1946. My earliest memories are of the hard winter of 1947, with its deep snow up to my waist, at a time when we had been temporarily housed with other families in a village in South Wales.

My father returned from Belgium in 1946, was demobbed and resumed work as a plumber, enjoying plenty to do in those days of rebuilding a nation and building houses. My mother kept house and was always the anchor of our security as children (my older sister and I).

What followed was a blessed and stable childhood through the 1950s – the era of rationing and austerity but hope, strong families and supportive community, when Sundays were kept special, when there were few phones and few cars. That era lives with me to this day.

A Fruitful Life

I did well at school and was optimistic about my future career. When my father asked me if I would join him in his plumbing business, that he might write SF Denton and Son on the van, I rather bluntly turned him down, having plans to join the RAF.

I did indeed become an RAF pilot, followed by studying for a maths degree at Kings College Cambridge, followed by teaching Maths and Computer Science at Banbury School, and then Educational Research at the University of Oxford where I also picked up my DPhil in the study of the educational of able children. Since the mid-1980s I left all that to go into full-time Christian work, which has, since then, taken me all over the world. It has been a wonderful and fruitful life.

One thing that typified my life from as early as I can recall, was my commitment to serve God, which I brought to prayer every single night in my years of growing up. Much later, I recall a day when the Lord spoke to me on my way back home from a ministry meeting. I was recalling how blessed and encouraged my early life had been, when the question came into my mind: ‘You thought that was your parents encouraging you, didn’t you?’ “Yes,” said I. ‘Well, that was Me’, said God.

It was like a Bar Mitzvah experience at a time when perhaps the Lord wanted me to turn more fully to him as Father and recognise the quiet but significant role he had played in my life all through those blessed years of growing up. Amazing.

Searching for My True Father

Yet the story has become even more amazing recently, ever since a friend put together a genealogical tree for both sides of my family. I was quite pleased to discover a fairly normal set of ancestors from the working class – labourers, agricultural workers, domestic servants and so on – going back through the 19th Century.

At this time a thought came back to my mind that had, despite having wonderful loving parents, often posed a question during my early years: was my father really my father? It is remarkable what a DNA test can show, so I took up the offer of one towards the end of last year. The results confirmed my hunches and so began an incredible period of investigation to see if I could find my true father.

Amazingly, my DNA results strongly linked me paternally not to the Midlands where my supposed father came from, but to the USA.

Piecing together clues I picked up from other known relatives, I went looking on US genealogy trees for the person most likely to be my real father. I was looking for someone who would have been serving in the US forces, stationed in the UK near where my mother lived in 1945 with my baby sister, at a time when my presumed father was away serving in the RAF.

Surely that should have been like a needle in a haystack to find; but miraculously, with the help of an historical society, I was able to locate a man who ticked all those boxes. More than that – I have obtained a photograph of him and have discovered that he is still alive in the USA – a frail 96-year-old, but alive. I may yet have personal contact with him, though he will probably be quite surprised at my existence!

What Really Happened

The true story is that I descend from a Native American tribe in Mexico (perhaps the Pima tribe). In the days of immigration and of pioneering (including the California Gold Rush no doubt), beginning around 1800, an Italian went to Mexico and married a young Indian squaw (I imagine her living in a tepee) – and so the line from which my true father came was launched.

In 1942, when America entered the war, a young Italian with Native American roots enlisted and became one of those GIs who came to the UK with bars of chocolate for the children and nylons for the women. Amazingly, it was on the exact day that my deceased mother would have been 100 years old that I discovered this man’s name.

History of the closing days of the war describe the way GIs linked up with local young women. During those uncertain days, my mother formed a temporary relationship and I was the unplanned result. Soon the GIs went home and eventually my (adopted) father came back from Belgium. It was all covered up and we got on with that life that turned out to be blessed.

I think about this, having complete forgiveness for my mother, and being aware that but for the events which took place, neither I, nor my own children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nor the consequences of my life (good or bad), would have happened.

In fact, despite finding him after all these years, I find myself not so much drawn to know my real father as being drawn closer to my heavenly Father.

A Father to the Fatherless

The point of describing all this is that, in raw terms, my origins were from the unwanted of the developing USA, descending from a ‘half-breed’ (as they would be called in the cowboy films), a nobody, then later born in sin, the unplanned and unwanted result of a temporary fling. An accident with a questionable background.

Yet, God did not leave me in my vulnerability. He put his mark on me even as I was a young child. As Psalm 68 says, he is a father to the fatherless and puts the isolated in families.

If I had been conceived today, I would very likely have been eradicated by the morning-after pill or through abortion.

I only boast about this to highlight what God has done with my life, for there has been some fruit, for example in the education of gifted children, the establishing of Bible colleges, participating in the eradication of polio from Morocco, to name a few highlights. For his glory it is important to see the potential in my life that God planned to use, and which he is still bringing to fulfilment.

God Values Life

This is a story with two-fold application. One is to highlight the utter waste of potential in our generation, when life is allocated such little value as to wipe it out before birth. My life is unique and colourful in its origins, but there are many such from our generation. There are many lives from the current generation who never had the chance to find God’s love or to fulfil their potential. They simply weren’t born.

The other is the way Almighty God cares for us when we ask him to help us. In an unseen, sometimes hardly perceptible way, God has been alongside me wonderfully all these years. He will do and is doing the same for others who reach out to him in hope and in growing faith.

God values life so much that he gave his life so that we might live and, as he said, that we might have life in all its fullness. How many of those children destroyed before birth might have grown to have their own testimony, we can only imagine. But here is one who could have been at the bottom of the pile, who might have been lost, but was spared for this life, shared in the work of God, and saved for eternal life.

That is my testimony – still developing and hopefully worth sharing. How about yours? It is the sum of our personal testimonies about what God has made of our lives that could be that ‘book’ I was imagining.

Copyright © 2018 Dr. Clifford Denton Prophecy Today UK-All rights reserved

A Message of Love

Drama in the snow

One of the most dramatic incidents in my life happened soon after Christmas high up in the Swiss Alps. My wife and I were walking through the little Alpine village of Adelboden to watch the Men’s Downhill of the World Cup.

We are both poor skiers, but we were not there for the skiing. We were speakers at a conference at a local hotel and we had the afternoon free. On the way there I had a growing awareness of the presence of God: it was not just a spiritual response to the grandeur of the scenery.


So, it was with a heightened sense of expectancy that we arrived at the foot of the slope and joined the crowd watching some of the world’s most skillful young men risking life and limb to hurl themselves down the mountainside, trying to reduce record-breaking times by mere fractions of a second. We cheered the Swiss boys who were popular with the local crowd (there being no British competitors!)

I was sure that God had something to say to me so I carefully watched every competitor racing down the mountain but nothing of significance spoke to me.

Eventually it was all over. The presentations were made; the TV camera crews closed the eyes of the world and the crowd began to disperse. Several thousand people began to walk back into the village. I had a sense of disappointment and found myself silently saying, “Lord, have I missed something? Forgive me if I’ve not been attentive.”

The footpath back into the village was narrow and winding. It was slow going with the large crowd threading its way along the snow-packed icy track which in some places was only four or five feet wide. At one point the pathway turned a sharp bend hugging the mountain face on one side, and on the other side there was a low wooden guard-rail protecting a steep snow-covered slope running down towards the edge of the ledge with a sheer drop onto rocks below.

A Near Tragedy

We had hardly turned the corner when the air was suddenly rent with a piercing scream of a child just behind me. She had evidently missed her footing coming around the bend on the outside of the crowd, slipped under the guard-rail and was now sliding helplessly down the steep slope towards the edge.

I swung round, and together with many others, stood frozen to the spot powerlessly watching the small figure of a three or four-year-old child sliding down the mountainside on her stomach, feet first, with arms outstretched screaming with the full power of her lungs and her eyes looking imploringly upwards. I doubt whether I will ever forget the look of helpless terror in that child’s eyes as her body gathered speed on its way down towards almost certain death.

Before I could even take in the full horror of the situation another dramatic event occurred that was to leave an indelible picture in my mind. Within seconds, as the first screams from the child were echoing from mountains across the valley, a man hurled himself through the crowd, leapt the guard-rail and ran down the slope with such incredible speed that he rapidly began to overtake the child still screaming at the top of her voice.

It was little short of a miracle that he managed to keep his balance on the acute slope – actually running down the mountainside! A few more strides and he reached the child, sweeping her up into his arms, and then was lost from sight for a few moments in a flurry of snow as he stopped himself just yards short of the edge of the slope. He stood there for what seemed a long time with the child’s arms flung round his neck clinging tightly and sobbing loudly.

An Amazing Rescue

The man, later identified as the child’s father, steadied himself in preparation for the dangerous climb back up the snow-covered slope. The climb seemed to take ages as he dug into the deep snow, testing each foothold before taking a step, ensuring that it was safe to take him with the additional weight of the child in his arms. Eventually he reached the guard-rail where there were plenty of willing hands stretched out to help him onto the pathway and to lift the little girl over the rail into the comfort of her mother’s arms.

As I watched the father standing there so close to the sheer drop onto the rocks below and as I watched him on his slow ascent to safety I very clearly heard God say to me,

This is what I brought you here to see. You saw how that child was sliding towards certain death. You saw how her eyes were looking up to her father and you heard how she cried for help. You saw how her father responded immediately, not hesitating to assess the danger to himself, but flung himself down the mountainside to rescue his child. That is how I love my children.

A Message of Love

“Lord,” I responded, “That is wonderful! Your love is just amazing!”

Immediately, I felt a sense of rebuke as though God was saying to me,

Why do you say that? Do you think that my love is less than that of a human father? Did I not create him? Did I not make him capable of such a love for his child? Am I less than my own creation? I am God. There is no other! I created the universe and I created human beings in my own image. My love is at least as great as human love and a million times more and a million times more.

It was then that I heard the words that were to have a long-term impact on my life. I very clearly heard the Lord say, “Tell my people I love them. Tell my people I love them.” From somewhere in the back of my mind there came the words of a song:

Tell my people I love them,

Tell my people I care.

When they feel far away from me,

Tell my people I’m there.

We walked along the path back into the village, silently re-living the drama of the last few minutes, each of us conscious of the presence of the Living God, ‘lost in wonder, love and praise’. In that little drama of human love, we had both witnessed a tiny glimpse of God’s great saving purposes for his children.

The fresh mountain air, the winding path, the breath-taking view across the valley, all seemed to take on a new significance of the God of Creation revealing his everlasting love for the people whom he had created in his image. I think we both felt a little bit like Moses standing on another mountain when he took off his shoes feeling that the very ground on which he stood was holy with the presence of Almighty God.

The experience on the mountainside transformed the evening message especially as we sang:

Mine is an unchanging love

Higher than the heights above

Deeper than the depths beneath

Re-Living the Drama

There have been many times during a sleepless night when I have re-lived that drama on the mountainside and asked myself the question, ‘If that had been my child would I have jumped the guard-rail and run down to save her?’ I would like to think that the answer is, ‘Yes I would!’ But I have never been in that position so I can’t be absolutely certain.

The one certain thing I do know is that I made no attempt to go and save someone else’s child. I don’t find that a very comfortable thought. There were scores of other men near enough to try to save the child, but only one man actually risked his life and ran down the mountainside to save the child – her father!

This powerful illustration of a father’s love has given me so much more understanding of the love of God our Father; who so loved the world that he sent his only Son to teach us to know God as our Father. It’s his birthday we’re celebrating right now. Make sure you invite him to the birthday party!!!

Previously published in: Hill, C, 2010. Unbreakable Love. CCM, Bedford, pp18-22.

Copyright © 2017, Prophecy Today UK-All rights reserved.

Prophetic Encouragement

It is not just Christians who can see that the nation is in trouble. Everyone can see that things have not been going well in Britain recently. The terrorist attacks, the Grenfell Tower inferno, and the hung Parliament all confirm that something is wrong in the nation.

Many Christians know that as a nation we have rejected the word of God in many ways which has resulted in Britain being no longer under God’s cover of protection, prosperity and blessing.

‘Confusion’ is one of the signs of judgment upon a nation, according to Deuteronomy 28:20. But Jeremiah 18:7 reminds us that even when things go badly wrong, if we repent of our wrongdoing and ask for God’s help, things would quickly improve. Through Jeremiah God says:

If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.

God still speaks to us today so that we can understand what is happening and how he is working out his purposes. This enables us as Christians to speak to others, Christians and non-Christians, reassuring them of God’s love and his desire to bless the nation, restoring peace and prosperity.

The latest word received by my colleague David Noakes (we have worked together since 1984) brings this reassurance. We reproduce it below noting that we do not claim that modern prophecy carries the same authority as the Bible. But God does speak to those who are listening to him, although we express what we are receiving in our own human language and understanding. It is for each of our readers to weigh this prophecy.

Rev Dr Clifford Hill

Prophetic word, first given at East Grinstead (17 June 2017)

David Noakes

Beloved, you are living in momentous days. These are truly the days of a turning point in the affairs of your nation. It is a time of my appointing. I have allowed you to go your own way but I have never let go of you.

There are many voices in your midst which are full of pessimism and I understand that if you look upon your circumstances, pessimism is often the outcome. But I want you to perceive as I perceive.

Beloved, when there is turmoil and upheaval, do not look upon it with dismay; do not look upon it with foreboding; do not look upon it with fear. But look upon it with eyes turned to me with a questioning heart: a heart questioning what your God is doing in the midst of it. For beloved, all these things taking place are under my hand. I have brought about a remarkable work in your nation in recent times. This is not accidental, nor is it sudden, but has come about at my appointed time.

I do not have accidents; I do not have coincidences; I do not have sudden unexpected events. I have appointed events, at appointed times, and I am the one who is seated in the heavens and does whatever He pleases. Do not lose heart, because I am in charge. My hand is on your nation and I have not given up my purposes for you.

I have blessed your nation in the past and truly you have been faithless; but beloved, I have remained faithful. Your enemy has done much to sow lies, to sow false doctrine, to try to bring down all that is good and all that is of God. But I have kept for myself a remnant. My Word remains true for all time and all eternity and I will fulfil my purposes.

This is a time of turmoil and upheaval because your adversary is in great rage and great fear. He is in great consternation that I will use your nation to tear his purposes apart. But that is exactly what I intend to do. I intend to bring his purposes crashing down. There will be turmoil and upheaval; there will be blood in the streets; there will be anxiety amongst those who do not know that God is in charge and do not understand what I am doing.

Beloved, there cannot be victory in war without war taking place; and war is indeed taking place, because I have joined battle. I have joined battle against the forces of darkness which desire to bring your nation to nothing and I have declared I will not have it so. My purposes for you are from all eternity. I have known exactly what I will do at this time. I have known exactly what I will do in the future and I purpose to glorify my name through your nation once again.

Therefore do not be disheartened. Do you think of yourself as being just a little flock? Truly there is only a small remnant who hold fast to My word. But beloved, continue to hold fast to my word and pray that the purposes that I have begun to reveal will come to fruition and fulfilment, and I will visit you afresh with my Spirit.

I will visit you afresh with my Spirit that you may be empowered: Not for your glory, but for Mine. Not to build empires but to build my Church. I desire also to visit you with my Spirit that you may be instruments in my hand to go into the fields which are ripe for harvest, and bring in a harvest; for there is a harvest waiting to be brought in.

There are many in fear and trepidation and utter confusion, and I want you to be a people who know their God and do exploits. I want you to be a people of compassion; not of judgement; not of condemnation. Judgement is mine, I will repay. But I ask you to be a people of love and concern; of compassion for the lost, and of deep desire that the truth should be brought to many who will understand it and be saved. For surely there are those whom you think are your enemies, who are longing for truth.

Do not be down-hearted, therefore. Do not be dispirited. Yes, I know all too well that you are surrounded by those who wish you ill. Beloved, do not heed them but look to your God who wishes you well. Look to your God who wishes them well. I desire a people who are willing to bless their enemies and to do good to those who speak evil about them.

As you do this they will see your light. Many will reject, but many will see the light in the darkness and will desire the only light they can see. For all their plans and schemes will have fallen to the ground and then they will turn to the only truth.

Do not give up therefore. Hold fast. Hold fast to Me. Hold fast to My Word. Hold fast in love and unity, to one another. Be loyal and faithful to each other. Forgive each other all offences and stand together, that as one you may show the character of your Lord and Saviour.

Beloved, understand that I have not given up, and I say to you: do not give up either, but look to Me and hope in Me that I will do what I have planned.

Copyright 2017, David Noakes, Dr Clifford Hill, Prophecy Today

Is There Any Word From The Lord?

The nation is reeling – but why, and what can we do about it?

I have had a few days up in the Austrian Tyrol, walking, praying and breathing fresh mountain air. It was a little glimpse of paradise – physically and spiritually refreshing. Coming back to Britain there was a palpable sense of heaviness and depression hanging over the nation. Even the immigration officer inspecting my passport at London airport gloomily referred to the state of the nation and commented that I would have done better not to have come back!

We reached home at 1 o’clock on Wednesday morning, which was just the time the terrible fire broke out in the Kensington tower block. The tragic news in the morning could only add to the depression hanging over the nation like the thick black cloud of smoke drifting over London.

Since then I’ve been searching for good news – something I could say in this editorial that would lift the hearts of our readers. The last thing I want to do is to add to the doom and gloom coming out of Westminster and filling our news media. Then, with the still burning Grenfell Tower in the background, the TV news showed crowds of people bringing food and clothing and toiletries and a multitude of gifts for the survivors of the inferno.

The spontaneous generosity and goodness of the ordinary people of London who immediately sprang into action on behalf of their neighbours was a wonderful reminder that love and goodness are not dead in our nation. People were coming from every part of the multi-ethnic community in Kensington, which was a powerful testimony to the latent goodness of human nature that goes beyond race, colour, class, nationality and every other human distinction.

Nation Under Judgment

This outpouring of love and generosity is a true picture of our nature created in the image of God. But we reserve this outpouring for special occasions; we do not carry it over into our everyday lives, where we display our fallen human nature marred by selfishness and corrupted by personal ambition.

This gives us a clue to the central problem affecting the nation. Everyone is asking why the nation is in such a mess. The plain and honest answer is that we are a nation under judgment.

The spontaneous generosity of the ordinary people of London was a wonderful reminder that love and goodness are not dead in our nation.

No-one really wants to face this unpleasant truth because Christians who firmly hold to biblical values are scorned and labelled, ‘right-wing’, ‘homophobic’, ‘Islamophobic’ and all the other clichés and invectives invented by secular humanists to try to discredit those who stand firm against the liberalisation of the nation and the rejection of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Sadly, some who call themselves Christians have adopted this language to abuse those who remain true to the Bible.

God’s Ultimate Authority

Just look at the facts: our Prime Minister had a perfectly workable majority in the Commons which she gambled and lost through putting her trust in the polls. It is probable that she also trusted advisers who elevated her to ‘celebrity’ status, basing the election campaign around her rather than the ‘strong and stable’ government we were promised. So the hoped-for landslide fell into the valley of disaster.

This is where Scripture comes to our aid in understanding what has happened in the political sphere. Paul’s teaching is very clear: “There is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God” (Rom 13:1).

Then in Deuteronomy 28:20 we read what God does when a nation deliberately turns their backs upon biblical truth: “The Lord will send on you curses, confusion and rebuke in everything you put your hand to, until you are destroyed and come to sudden ruin because of the evil you have done in forsaking him.”

But this harsh statement is tempered by the solemn promise of God in Jeremiah 18:7: “If at any time I announce that a nation or kingdom is to be uprooted, torn down and destroyed, and if that nation I warned repents of its evil, then I will relent and not inflict on it the disaster I had planned.”

Call to Remain Faithful

We should always be careful not to apply biblical statements literally to our contemporary situation, but look at the situation when they were written. The Deuteronomy quote was specifically to Israel, a nation in a covenant relationship with God. The promise given in Jeremiah was to all nations at any time. Paul’s teaching was designed to re-assure the Roman authorities that the small company of Christian believers had no political ambitions or desire to challenge the authority of the Emperor.

We are a nation under judgment – but nobody wants to face this unpleasant truth.

Again, look at the facts: Britain is a self-declared Christian nation in which our monarch pledged on behalf of us all to be faithful to the Protestant religion and to uphold the word of the Lord. So long as we, as a nation, remain faithful to uphold biblical values and the Lord’s name, we can be sure of his protection and blessing. When we forsake the Truth, we put ourselves outside God’s protection. That is judgment.

Although the Conservatives have the most seats in the new Parliament, the only way they can form a Government is by co-operating with the DUP, whose distinctive feature is their commitment to upholding biblical beliefs and values. Surely we have to conclude that God is speaking to our nation through this situation.

Time for Christians to Rise Up

Disasters will continue to happen unless we acknowledge that as a nation we have departed from the ways of truth and earnestly seek God’s forgiveness and blessing, which he is more than eager to bestow upon us. We cannot expect the whole nation to understand this situation and to respond rightly: but surely Christians can understand the ways of God! Now is the time for us to steady the nation with the word of the Lord. God’s love has not been withdrawn and never will be, but we have brought this situation upon ourselves.

It is time for Christians to steady the nation with the word of the Lord.

The greatest need today is for the mobilisation of Christians to intercede on behalf of the nation. God does not wait until there is a democratic majority before responding – he’s looking for the faithful remnant of believers to break their silence, to ask for the power of his Holy Spirit in making our witness in the nation and to re-affirm our love for him and for Britain. The fruit of judgment will quickly be removed if we are faithful and blessings will flow.

Copyright © 2017, Dr Clifford Hill, Prophecy Today-All rights reserved.