Perilous Times of Great Stress

Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win

Some people have asked about the computer projections for a tremendous increase in civil violence. There is absolutely no resolution to the great divide that has unfolded politically. The Democrats advocate violence as Hillary clearly states. She says that civility can ONLY return when the Democrats take back the government. Clearly, this is throwing down the gauntlet that it shall be their way or no way. This is the end of Democracy for what she is saying is there is to be none.

Back at the beginning of the current Private Wave on the Economic Confidence Model in 1985, I warned that we would face a Crisis in Democracy. It would begin as the government loses power over the economy and the people, it first becomes more abusive. We have been gradually witnessing this trend with the hunt for taxes.

The next stage is the violence. This is what will carry us into the peak of 2032. By that time, the hatred we are witnessing today drawn on political lines is simply that what will happen is all civility vanishes and this will build into violence and end in civil war. Unfortunately, this is not my OPINION. It is simply a correlation of trends that repeat throughout history.

Hillary is effectively advocating the destruction of the United States. She has simply stated bluntly that democracy will no longer be tolerated unless the Democrats win and then subjugate the opposition. She just can not see what she is doing.

So welcome to the new reality of where this madness is going. The embattled Supreme Court nominee secured 50 votes in the Senate and was sworn in as Justice Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrats knew that they would lose so they turned the appointment into a dramatic confrontation that was so outrageous at this point NOBODY in their right mind would ever again throw their hat into the ring.

This was all staged and it is intended to be taken all the way into 2020. My live sources say the strategy will make Kavanaugh as a poster child and they will label him as a rapist from here on out.

We have crossed the line. There is no going back. We will now face the Decline & Fall of the United States and this is part of the shift of the Financial Capital of the world to China after 2032. When I lived in New Jersey, at the home next door, a bitter divorce took place. The wife refused to agree with anything and even refused to sign their taxes. The house had been on the market and was under contract for $2.6 million. She refused to sign just to spite her husband. The IRS seized the house, put it up for auction, and sold it for $750,000. Her bitterness wiped out her own future. This is what is taking place on a national level.

Copyright © 2018 Martin ArmstrongAll rights reserved.

True Definition of Absolute Tyranny: Lawlessness

Robert Mueller’s team members are the people who destroyed Arthur Anderson. When the firm finally got to the Supreme Court, they overruled Mueller’s team for what they had done was unconstitutional. Well, they are back at it. This is what is wrong with our legal system.

Prosecutors act with immunity and can do whatever they want FIRST and it is the burden of the great unwashed to go to court to argue what they have done was illegal. Then you cannot sue them. They are always ABOVE the law. That has to change if we are to go on and pretend we are a nation of free people and the rule of law.

This time they are once again acting unconstitutionally and destroying the Attorney-Client Privilege. They think they are slick and going after Trump’s lawyer for paying a hooker to keep quiet. What they are really trying to do is see if Trump paid the $130,000 payoff. This is clearly a vendetta for this has nothing to do with Russia preventing their chosen leader Hillary from ruling the world.

Mueller is part of the Deep State and he is now running lose with the power to destroy the country going far beyond the intended investigation. This is how they operate in the Department of Just Us. If they cannot prove a case against someone for what they thought they did, then comes phase two – prosecute them on anything else they can find. The mindset is that nobody is innocent – they just lack the evidence to prove they were right all along. So they then prosecute people for anything else they can find.

In the United States, the rule of law is one of the worst in the world despite the propaganda they fill children’s head with equal protection and justice for all. There are only privileges against testifying that are limited to your clergy–penitent privilege, spouse, and your lawyer. They routinely will torture your family and threaten your children with contempt imprisonment for life if they refuse to testify against a parent or a parent against their own child.

The US government comes before God and family. There are no ethics or morality when you look into the eyes of a prosecutor like Mueller. They are just inhuman people who see themselves as God and jury. There is a coldness in their eyes as if they have no soul for they know they have absolute immunity and are above all laws.

If you are divorced, then there is no longer a spouse privilege.  The Supreme Court refused to take a case in 2015 where a priest could be forced to testify against someone confessing their sins. The Louisiana Supreme Court refused to recognize any clergy–penitent privilege.

The hatred of religion among many Democrats was exposed in the email leaks during the campaign. Hillary’s staff said Catholics are “severely backwards” and further demeaned them saying they don’t know “what the hell they’re talking about.”Then you have Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi who recently said: “They pray in church on Sunday and then prey on people the rest of the week.” Neither Pelosi nor Hillary have any respect for the law, the country, no less religion.

It is no wonder why Mueller is doing what he is doing. Mueller wanted to be a prosecutor when he left law school. He was rejected and joined the San Francisco firm of Pillsbury, Madison & Sutro out of law school. He later became an assistant US Attorney (prosecutor). Mueller joined the DOJ, or Department of Just Us, in 1989 and spearheaded the prosecution of Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, which many saw as a cover-up since Noriega was working with drugs and the CIA.

Then Mueller took charge of the DOJ’s criminal division in 1990, where he oversaw the Lockerbie bombing case and formed the agency’s first cyber-dedicated unit. He then returned to private practice in 1993 as a partner at Hale and Dorr to make some serious money. After lining his pockets based on influence, which is why such firms hire former prosecutors, he returned to prosecuting people. Mueller loved prosecuting people. Perhaps he gets a rush from going after people.

Mueller then returned to the Department of Just Us taking on a lower-level job in the homicide division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia in 1995. He quickly advanced to the chief of homicide and then moved to the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of California from 1998 to early 2001. He then took the position of deputy attorney general under George Bush.

That is when he worked hand-in-hand with Ashcroft and denied prosecutors any credit for their work unless someone goes to jail. Mueller and Ashcroft converted the USA into the largest prison system in the world surpassing all of Europe combined, China, and Russia. Nobody has more people in prison for non-violent crimes than the USA where people are supposed to be free.

What Mueller has done with Trump’s lawyer is no different from what the Louisiana Supreme Court did commanding a priest must reveal what people say in confession. They can already turn parents against children or the other way around and a divorce eliminates any privilege of a spouse. No doubt, they will even use separation agreements for that one as well. So what is left? It is starting to look like you cannot talk to anyone from your spouse and children to a priest or lawyer about anything and you better just pray silently in the backyard and do not even go to church. There is nothing left with any respect whatsoever.

The Superior Court of Pennsylvania held that a company waived the attorney-client privilege when it forwarded an email containing legal advice to one of its consultants, a public relations firm; see BouSamra v. Excela Health, 167 A.3d 728 (Pa. Super. Ct. 2017). That means if you ever forward any email from a lawyer to anyone else, they will claim you “waived” all privileges and now the attorney can be coerced to testify against you.

There is no privilege with your accountant. They can threaten them with contempt imprisonment if they refuse to testify against you for any reason. Government comes before everything and anyone. We live not in some mythical free society, but we have been reduced to the great unwashed to be here as economic slaves to exploit for the amusement of the rulers who pretend to be elected.

This is the true definition of absolute tyranny. Mueller protected the Deep State in the Noriega case. It looks like he is the main secret agent of the Deep State in an all-out war against the Trump Administration. To accomplish that goal, Mueller will destroy the family, the legal privilege, and God. Anyone who stands in his way he will destroy with absolute immunity.

Copyright 2018 Martin Armstrong-All rights reserved

Civil Unrest and Bloodshed in the West?

Tony Blair Says Brits Should Now Rise Up and Revolt

In studying history, it is interesting to see that it is always the left which creates uprisings and tries to force their beliefs upon all others. Historically, the left is responsible for the murder of countless tens of millions of people beyond what anyone can count.

Besides the intolerable American mainstream press who should be criminally charged for advocating the overthrow of the government (18 U.S. Code § 2385), now we have another left-winger in Britain former PM Tony Blair advocating that those who lost in the BREXIT referendum should “rise up in defence of what we believe”.

We are headed into such civil unrest and bloodshed, we do not need to worry about invasions, they are already here – the left who has lost in various elections and referendums. So get ready. They are the people who have justified in their own mind that anyone who dare to disagree with should be terminated and then their world will be perfect.

© Copyright 2017, Armstrong Economics

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