Leonard Ravenhill’s Son: US Persecution Levels Could Be a Sign of the Second Coming

Will strong persecution come to North America in our lifetime?  Seasoned preacher and Christian author David Ravenhill believes it will. He states that in his lifetime, we could see the “underground Church” start in North America because of persecution.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0exSfv7h7iA]

Currently around the world, persecution against believers in Jesus Christ is on the rise. Many churches’ theology leaves out the possibility of persecution, because in their lifetimes, they did not have any

However, the Gospels are clear that coming worldwide persecution will happen before Jesus comes a second time:

You will be arrested, punished, and even killed. Because of me, you will be hated by people of all nations. Many will give up and will betray and hate each other. Many false prophets will come and fool a lot of people. Evil will spread and cause many people to stop loving others. But if you keep on being faithful right to the end, you will be saved. When the good news about the kingdom has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come (Matt. 24:9-14).

You can read below a transcription of David Ravenhill sharing a stern warning of what could happen and the need for revival in the church:

How many of you know that we need revival? Unless we have revival in this nation, we won’t have a nation. My father [Leonard Ravenhill] said, way back in the 80s, that “if America does not concentrate in prayer, it will pray in concentration camps.” And I used to laugh not outwardly, because I respected my father, but inwardly I would think, This is America! The land of the free, the home of the brave. We have a Constitution. We have a Bill of Rights, and so on and so forth.

But I have learned that those things are fast disappearing. And the church is being turned against. We are the ones who are the problem, if you like. We are the ones who speak out against homosexuality and all the other things we know are wrong morally. Yet we are the ones [who] are mocked and laughed at and so on. We will be, I believe in a number of years, driven underground. It would not surprise me that in my lifetime we will have an underground church in North America because of the persecution. And the only answer is revival. The Spirit of God coming and sweeping through this land.

Copyright © 2017 Charisma News Magazine-All rights reserved.

Why So Many Believers Don’t Pray for Revival

As I have been praying for a heaven-sent visitation of God and for people to have a heart to pray for one, the Lord spoke to me four reasons why we do not pray for revival. But first, a short description of what revival means to me: Revival is God, in His love and mercy, invading earth with His glorious manifest presence, intervening in lives in a tangible, life changing way that influences and impacts all spheres of society.

Revival is Father’s outrageous, unstoppable love transforming lives, giving us a heart that burns with passion for the least, the last and the lost. Revival is God’s glorious, majestic, powerful, awe-inspiring, kingdom here on earth as it is heaven.

  1. We do not pray for revival because we do not realize just how much our Father loves us or recognize His passionate heart for the world (I John 4:16, John 3:16)
  2. We do not pray for revival because we do not understand or believe in the effectiveness of our prayers to move the mighty hand of God.

Learn about effectual, fervent prayer in James 5:16. Sarah, Rachel, and Hannah (and many more) prayed for a son, and God saw their tears and heard their prayers (Gen 17:16, 30:22; I Sam 1:10-11, 20. David, a man of prayer and worship, wrote again and again that the Lord heard and answered his prayers (Ps 6:8-9;10:17-18; 34:4-6; 50:15; 55:16-18; 107:6,13,19; 116:1,4; 118:5; 120:1, to list a few).

  1. We do not pray for revival because we either have not had an actual born-again experience or we have allowed ourselves to become worn out and weary, distracted, overwhelmed, lukewarm or complacent and passive.

When kings went to war, David stayed home; then it happened. Read 2 Samuel 11:1-2. See also Amos 6:1; Revelation 3:16-19 and Matthew 25:1-13

  1. We do not pray for revival because we have not studied past revivals, thus we do not know what happens in a revival and therefore have no basis for any expectation of one, and thus no faith and desire to pray for revival.

There is heaven-backed power in testimonies and God-stories (Rev 12:11). Remember why God said to take stones to build an altar of remembrance? If God did that then, He can and will do it again. Oh Lord, what You did for them then, do for us now! Testimonies and God-stories are stirring, faith building and fans the flame of fire in our soul.

Before I share a couple of short stories about two revivals, know that the moral condition was far from godly. Crime was high, churches were all but empty with no youth attending and bars and prostitution houses had no lack of customers. The spiritual atmosphere was dark.

1904 Welch revival stories: A teenager stood up in the church and cried out: “I love Jesus Christ with all my heart!”, and God broke out. A whole town walked down the streets joyfully singing praises to Jesus on their way to church at 6:00 a.m., prostitution houses and bars closed; the jails were empty; judges had no cases; national soccer teams quit playing to go out and spread the good news of the gospel. The church should lead society, not follow society.

1948-1952 Hebrides Revival stories: two aged sisters praying and seven men in a barn praying led to revival that covered the islands off the northwest coast of Scotland. Couples got up in the night in agony over the condition of their souls; people stopped alongside the road, praying in the ditch for repentance; whole villages wailed and grieved over their sins, crying out to God for forgiveness and giving their hearts to Jesus, singing with joy all the way to church meetings with services four nights a week at 7 p.m., 10 p.m., midnight and 3 a.m.

Why we should pray for revival: One morning, while praying and worshiping in my office, I was overcome by His presence and His goodness. I then heard the Lord say to me, “This is why you are to pray for revival, so that All my children can know me and experience what you are feeling right now”.


  • Do you awaken in thankfulness overwhelmed by the goodness and kindness of your loving Father, then allow that thankfulness to cause you to pray that all would be overwhelmed by their loving Father?
  • Do you absolutely love how God’s presence comes when reading and praying the Bible, then direct that love to pray that all will have the same experience when reading and praying God’s Word?
  • Do you stand in awe of God, basking and soaking in His glorious presence, enveloped in the fragrance of Jesus, then allow this to cause you to pray that all would enjoy this kind of time with Him?
  • Do you have a burning zeal and fervency for the least, the last and the lost and put it into action, then allow that to motivate you to pray that all Christ-followers will have this passion?
  • Does it thrill you when you hear your Abba Father’s voice as you pray, study His Word and worship, then use that affection to stir you to pray that all would hear their Daddy’s voice?
  • Do you rejoice and thank God daily that He rescued you from the dominion of darkness and brought you into the kingdom of His Son, then pray everyone in every nation would be rescued?
  • Are you an extravagant worshiper who uses that adoration to move you to pray that all would be extravagant worshipers of the only One worthy of all our worship?

This is why you and I should pray for revival—so every tongue, tribe and nation would share our white-hot love, passion and adoration for Jesus with a heart to follow and obey Him all our days.

So, what’s next?

Prepare our hearts to seek His face, His presence. Become God-seekers. Become addicted to His presence.”When you said, ‘Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, ‘Your face, Lord, I will seek.'”

2 Chronicles 12:14 is an example of too many today. We do evil, because we do not seek His face.

We are told to “prepare” our heart to seek the Lord: 1 Chronicles 22:19.

Yes, we are told to seek His face, His presence: 1 Chronicles 16:10-11; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Matthew 6:33.

Three examples of benefits to seeking His face: 2 Chronicles 14:7, 15:15 and Hebrews 4:8.

Seek Him and He will be found by you: 2 Chronicles 15:2, 4, 15; Jeremiah 29:13-14.

Set your mind on things above: Colossians 3:1-3; Hebrews 3:1, 12:2-3.

Hang out with people who love Jesus more than you do. Be desperate.

Read everything you can get your hands on about revival. Be desperate.

Everyday spend an hour or two praying and worshiping. Be desperate.

Revival will come when we seek His presence, with all our heart, mind, strength and soul, because His presence changes everything!

Thoughts from others on revival versus awakening (both a heaven-sent visitation of God):

Revival historian J. Edwin Orr “distinguishes between revival for believers and awakening for the community:

A spiritual awakening is a movement of the Holy Spirit bringing about a revival of New Testament Christianity in the church of Christ and its related community. The outpouring of the Spirit accomplishes the reviving of the church, the awakening of the masses … the revived church, by many or by few, is moved to engage in evangelism, in teaching and in social action.

Geoff Waugh, author of Revival Fires, writes,

The terms ‘revival’ and ‘awakening’ have been used interchangeably in revival literature. However, revival usually refers to local revivals of spiritual life … touching the surrounding community through conversions and social transformation. Awakening usually refers to the more widespread influence of revivals across a large area and for a more extended period of time with considerable influence in the community and the nation.

Here is how Martin Lloyd-Jones described revival:

It’s  an experience in the life of the church when the Holy Spirit does an unusual work … it is a reviving of the believers … revival is by definition, an enlivening and quickening and awakening of lethargic, sleeping, almost moribund church members. Suddenly the power of the Spirit comes upon them and they are brought into a new and more profound awareness … they are humbled, they are convicted of sin, they are terrified at themselves. And they come to see the great salvation of God in all its glory and feel its power.

Duncan Campbell, author of Revival in the Hebrides, writes,

Revival is a moving of God in the community and suddenly the community becoming God-conscious before a word is said by any man. But, if we desire to experience the kind of revival today the people experienced in Wales in 1904, in the Hebrides in 1948 and in many other places and times in history, we must repent of our unbelief and complacency.

We must get hold of God and in obedience do what He says. We must believe He is a covenant-keeping God. And we must become men and women who are not simply casual seekers of God, but desperate souls who mean business, like the men in the barn, who will not let go until they received the confirmation that He has heard according to His own covenant.” (Excerpts from Bright and Shining Revival by Kathie Walters)

Copyright © 2017, Brad Tuttle, Charisma Magazine-All rights reserved

We Really Need Another Reformation

Five hundred years ago this week, Martin Luther staged the most important protest movement in history. He was upset because Roman Catholic officials were promising people forgiveness of sins or early escape from purgatory in exchange for money. So on October 31, 1517, Luther nailed a long list of complaints on the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther’s famous 95 Theses were translated from Latin into German and spread abroad. Like a medieval Jeremiah, Luther dared to ask questions that had never been asked, and he challenged a powerful pope who was supposedly infallible.

Through this brave monk, the Holy Spirit sparked the Protestant Reformation and restored the doctrine of grace to a church that had become corrupt, religious, dysfunctional, political and spiritually dead. I’m no Luther, but I’ve grown increasingly aware that the so-called “Spirit-filled” church of today struggles with many of the same things the Catholic church faced in 1517. We don’t have “indulgences”—we have telethons. We don’t have popes—we have super-apostles. We don’t support an untouchable priesthood—we throw our money at celebrity evangelists who insist on flying in private jets.

In honor the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, I’m offering my own list of needed reforms in the modern charismatic/Pentecostal movement. And since I can’t hammer these on the Wittenberg door, I’ll post them online. Feel free to nail them everywhere.

  1. Let’s reform our theology. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He is God and He is holy. He is not an “it.” He is not a blob, a force or an innate power. We must stop manipulating Him, commanding Him and throwing Him around. (And we should also stop ignoring Him, as if He is an optional “add-on” to our scripted agendas.)
  2. Let’s return to the Bible. The Word of God is the foundation for the Christian experience. Any exotic experience must be tested by the Word and the Holy Spirit’s discernment. Visions, dreams, prophecies and encounters with angels must be in line with Scripture. If we don’t measure them against Scripture, we could end up spreading deception.
  3. It’s time for personal responsibility. We charismatics must stop blaming everything on demons. People are usually the problem.
  4. Stop playing charismatic games. Spiritual warfare is a reality, but we are not going to win the world to Jesus just by shouting at demonic principalities. We must pray, preach and persevere to see ultimate victory.
  5. Stop the foolishness. People who hit, slap or push others during prayer should be asked to sit down until they learn that gentleness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.
  6. End all spiritual extortion now. Christian television ministries must cease and desist from all manipulative fundraising tactics. We must stop giving platforms to prosperity preachers who make outlandish claims of supernatural financial returns, especially when Scripture is twisted, deadlines are imposed and the poor are exploited.
  7. No more Lone Rangers. Those who claim to be ministers of God—whether they are traveling evangelists, local pastors or heads of ministries—must be accountable to other leaders. Any who refuse to submit their lives to godly discipline should be corrected.
  8. Expose the creeps. Preachers who have been hiding criminal records, lying about their past marriages, preying on women or refusing to pay child support should be exposed as charlatans and shunned if they do not repent.
  9. Stop faking the anointing. God is God, and He does not need our “help” to manifest Himself. That means we don’t sprinkle glitter on ourselves to suggest God’s glory is with us, hide fake jewels on the floor to prove we are anointed or pull feathers out of our sleeves to pretend angels are in the room. This is lying to the Holy Spirit.
  10. Let’s return to purity. We’ve had enough scandals. The charismatic church must develop a system for the restoration of fallen ministers. Those who fall morally can be restored, but they must be willing to submit to a process of healing rather than rushing immediately back into the pulpit to cause more damage.
  11. We need humility. Ministers who demand celebrity treatment, require lavish salaries, insist on titles or exhibit aloofness from others are guilty of spiritual pride. Christians should avoid prideful leaders instead of rewarding them with applause.
  12. No more big shots. Apostles are the bondslaves of Christ and should be the most impeccable models of humility. True apostles do not wield top-down, hierarchical authority over the church. They serve the church from the bottom up as true servants.
  13. Never promote gifts at the expense of character. Those who operate in prophecy, healing and miracles must also exhibit the fruit of the Holy Spirit. And while we continue to encourage the gift of tongues, let’s make sure we don’t treat it like some kind of badge of superiority. The world needs to see our love, not our glossolalia.
  14. Hold the prophets accountable. Those who refuse to take responsibility for inaccurate statements should not be given platforms. And “prophets” who live immoral lives don’t deserve a public voice.
  15. Stop the politics. Our deadly mixing of nationalism and party politics with the gospel has diluted our message and ruined our credibility. We are not Democrats or Republicans first—we are followers of the Lamb. Our allegiance is to Jesus, not Trump or Obama. Christ’s kingdom transcends presidents.
  16. Quit trying to be so cool. Our desire to be popular has ruined our witness. Today we care more about our giant LED screens, our coffee bars and our stage lighting than whether people have an experience with the Holy Spirit.
  17. No more racial division. Let’s get rid of the idea of a “black church” or a “white church.” There is only one body of Christ, yet we pretend we are integrated if one person of color serves on our greeter team. True Pentecost is multicultural. The Holy Spirit builds bridges, not walls.
  18. Let’s make the main thing the main thing. The purpose of the Holy Spirit’s anointing is to empower us to reach others. We are at a crossroads today: Either we continue entertaining people with our charismatic sideshows or we throw ourselves into evangelism, church planting, missions, discipleship, and compassionate ministry that helps the poor and fights injustice. Churches that embrace this New Reformation will stop trying to please the crowd so they can focus on God’s priorities.

Copyright 2017, Lee Grady, Charisma Magazine– All rights reserved.

The Transforming Power of God’s Grace

How Holy Spirit Brought Karen Wheaton’s Prodigal Daughter Back Home

This is one of the most powerful miracle testimonies I’ve ever followed. It’s especially powerful to me because I know many of the key parties involved—namely, Karen Wheaton, the mother of the author, Lindsey Wheaton-Doss.

I share this on my blog because I believe Lindsey’s story carries an impartation for hope and supernatural breakthrough. Read her words carefully. I encourage you to pick up her new book, The Way Home.  I believe there’s a powerful anointing on her story. She doesn’t try to clean things up, sanitizing the testimony. It’s real, raw and highly relatable to any reader who: 1) is praying for a family member, spouse or child to come back to the Lord or 2) who is currently in the same place Lindsey was in, under the tyranny of the enemy’s lies and accusations.

Lindsey Doss is the real deal. I wholeheartedly endorse her and her story, once again emphasizing that there is an impartation of breakthrough on this. The key is letting it get into your spirit and compel you to believe that if God could supernaturally transform Lindsey’s life and marriage, He can do the same for you!

Finding My Way Home

Lindsey Doss

I Hated Divorce

Divorce was not on the agenda when I said, “I do.”

After all, I hated divorce more than anyone. It destroyed my family as a child, and I was determined to never take the same path.

However, life does not always turn out as planned.

Most stories of divorce and restoration are told from the pen of the hero. My story is different. It is told from the heart of the villain.

I was that villain.

I was the one who destroyed my marriage, and I was also the one who had to try to find my way back home before it was too late.

I was raised in church my entire life. My family had faithfully served God for generations. My mother, Karen Wheaton, is a world-renowned gospel singer who has ministered to hundreds of thousands of people, and I will never forget the example of righteousness she set for my sister and me. I married my husband, Casey, when I was 18 years old, on Valentine’s Day, 2005. The following years included us bringing our two beautiful daughters into the world. Life was perfect. Casey served in a pastoral leadership role for The Ramp, and I was in charge of the performing arts department. The future seemed so bright.

The Breaking Point

However, regardless of my godly upbringing and our picture-perfect marriage, there was a monster lurking deep within me. Growing up in a home without a father leaves an open wound that can go unchecked for years, and you never realize it. Due to the destruction of my own family, the pain festering inside me turned into a breeding ground for disaster. I do not know if it was the responsibility I put on Casey for “healing” me or if it was an identity crisis from being a broken child with “daddy issues.” Truthfully, it was the combination of a number of things that drove me to the breaking point. Once I finally faced this conflict within myself, I decided to run as fast and hard as I could down a road I thought would lead one way, but it turned out to lead someplace radically different.

For years, I had allowed the voice of deception to slowly plant lies into my life. Those seeds established deep roots in my heart, and before I could detect the impact it was having on me, I was too far gone. Even after visiting prayer altars countless times and having these things “broken off” of me, I still clung to my pain, never allowing it to be dealt with by the only one who could really heal me: Holy Spirit.

The ‘Other Man’ and Emotional Affair

So, it was 2010 when he came into my life.

No, not Holy Spirit, but another man.

You never intend for affairs to happen. You usually do not see them coming. By the time you realize you are entangled emotionally with someone else, you are so deep you do not want out. It is the church’s way of having an affair without having an “affair.” Most people living in this type of adultery do not consider it being unfaithful. After all, they have not been intimate, right? Perhaps they have not crossed any physical lines, but their hearts are gone from their spouse, and they are longing to spend their time with someone else. They dress in ways the other person finds attractive. They talk about them constantly, act like them and are seen with them everywhere they go.

You do not have to have sex to commit adultery. If you are doing something as simple as hiding and deleting text messages, you are already there. This is the emotional affair. All the warning signs were there for me and everyone saw it. Everyone except me.

For three years, Casey begged me to cut it off. For three years, I denied it was happening. But eventually, your sin will find you out. By the time my affair was exposed, I wanted out of the marriage. I knew I could not leave and people still accept me if they knew I had been the unfaithful one. So I lied and manipulated in every way I could to try and make my husband look like the one at fault. I tried my dead-level best to destroy his reputation and ministry. I stopped at nothing to make him look bad, justify the relationship I was in and walk away not only with a clean slate, but with people feeling sorry enough for me to support my horrific decision.

Deception, Decisions, Divorce, Near Destruction

Did I know I was lying about and slandering my husband while it was happening? Of course I did, the whole time. But I so desperately wanted the other relationship that I was willing to do whatever it took. I wanted to get away from all responsibility, to pursue my dreams with zero obligation, and to keep my young, single friends who constantly reassured me that “I should be free” and “God wants me to be happy above anything else.” Simply put, I wanted the affair.

So, in the spring of 2014, I left and filed for divorce. My family was shattered. I turned my back on the ministry where we were both employed, which happened to be led by my mother. Our two beautiful girls were confused, hurt and tossed back and forth between two homes.

They watched on the sideline as their mother turned into a bitter, angry woman they did not know. My mother was torn between her baby girl and shielding the ministry and Casey from the torrent of lies hitting them on every side. With broken hearts, the people who loved me the most could do nothing but watch while I destroyed my life. They could do nothing but pray.

Most divorces are final after a few weeks. Ours took almost two years. During that time, I lost not only my husband, but our ministry, the adulterous relationship, my friends and more than anything, myself. I went from the free-spirited, loving, sanguine woman to a hateful, resentful, shell of who I once was. Once a passionate, godly mother, I was now spending my time in and out of bars, cities and boyfriends. Not only had I given myself away emotionally, but now also physically. I hated my life and blamed everyone else for what I had become.


As time passed, I began to realize more and more that this “freedom” I had found was not what I thought it was going to be. The sin did not satisfy anymore. Actually, it left me emptier than ever. My dreams, my family, my life—it was all gone. It was in this pigpen moment I realized something had to change. With our divorce being settled, and nothing left to do but for the judge to sign, I knew I was running out of time.

Going back home would require that I take ownership for the lies, the sin and the affairs. I would have to face my family, my husband and my failures. But after two years of pure hell, I did not care. I made up my mind. I was going home.

It was a cold, January morning in 2016 when I finally made my decision. In my tiny apartment, I felt the presence of God fill my room. I felt Him drawing me back to truth and back to Him.

“God,” I said from my small, cold bedroom full of tears and fear, “My answer is yes.”

In that one moment, with that one “yes,” everything changed. All those past hurts washed away. All the pain, all the shame, everything—it was gone. I did not know what I would happen. I did not know if Casey would even give me a second chance. Heaven knows I did not deserve one. But I was so determined to make things right that even if he said no, I determined not to quit until I got a yes. It might take a year, maybe two or maybe 50. I did not care anymore. I was going to do whatever I had to do to heal my family. The more I prayed, the more irrelevant people’s opinions became. I knew people would be angry about my lies. I knew people would look at me as “the one who cheated on her husband.” And I did not care. I was ready to take ownership and repent. I was ready to be right with God and get my life back. No matter what.

The Breakthrough

I emailed my husband, asking for a meeting and apologizing for having ever left him. I was not sure if he would respond, but to my surprise and joy, he did. Three days later, I found myself in his living room for six hours, pouring out my heart. I repented for everything. I owned everything. There was no excuse or defense I could use. I was wrong, plain and simple.

I knew he would probably not be open to restoration, in fact I had already convinced myself that would be the case. But again, I didn’t care. I was going to keep trying. To my astonishment, I was not met with “No.” Instead, it was a resounding “Yes.” I had found a love and forgiveness I did not deserve. I knew the path to winning back his trust was still ahead of me, but I was up to the challenge. I had finally found my way back home.

It has been almost two years since I returned. God is faithful, true and more than anything, He is forgiving. He redeems back exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could ask, dream or imagine. I wake up every day in awe of His mercy to me.

There’s Hope for Your Turnaround

If you have found yourself in the pigpen and you are trying to get home, it starts with returning to the Father. Open your heart to truth and shut the mouth of deception. Run as fast as you can to the road of life. If you are believing for a prodigal to come home, do not give up. Please know, I cannot promise that they will return. Only God has that answer.

But can they return? Can God really reach your loved one who has become a different person right in front of your eyes? Can He still change them after everything they have done, after all the lines they have crossed, after they have said and done things you never dreamed they would say and do?


Copyright 2017, Charisma Magazine-All rights reserved

Revival or Revolution? The Church will Decide

America is at a crossroads. Never in our short history has our nation been so divided, either racially, politically, spiritually or ideologically. Jesus made it abundantly clear that a nation divided cannot stand. What that last straw is that will forever break the back of this nation nobody knows for sure. What we do know is that we are either heading for revival or revolution.

Yes, I voted for Trump for president; however, I was not caught up in the vitriol like so many of our evangelical leaders that considered Trump God’s anointed.

When Israel rejected God as their King and demanded a king like the nations around them, God anointed Saul as their king. I believe, like Israel of old, the church likewise rejected God and sought out a man to be their political savior. Speaking of Saul, I see many similarities between Saul and Trump. Saul was proud and bombastic about his accomplishments.

He even went as far as to build a monument to himself. Trump likewise likes to boast about his achievements. Saul was thin-skinned and lashed out at those around him. Trump likewise loves to be honored among the people. Saul was quick to turn against his own son as well as David. Trump too has turned against those who helped him win the election. Saul failed to obey God or seek after Him and thereby lost his office and anointing. Trump could easily do the same.

Prior to the presidential election, I recall writing that if Hillary became president, she might doom America but save the church. On the other hand, if Trump became president, he might save America and doom the church. In other words, my fear was, and still is, that the church will settle back to her complacent state, thinking to herself, Thank God we dodged that bullet, meaning Hillary.

Hillary would have been a disastrous choice for America, but might have provoked the church to turn back to God and cry out for revival. Only time will tell if Trump is/was God’s anointed or if instead God gave us the desires of our heart while sending leanness to our souls (see Ps. 73:25).

Regardless of who is in office, only God can change America. Unfortunately, the church has failed to fully comprehend its true potential. Jesus made clear that He intended to build a church that the gates of hell could not prevail against. Why then is hell prevailing at every turn?

One reason is clear, and that is that we have placed our trust in the office of a man rather than in the power of the living God. King David learned that lesson the hard way. After numbering Israel’s military capabilities, he was instantly convicted and cried out “I’ve sinned exceedingly”. Why didn’t David say “I’ve Sinned” as he did after committing adultery with Bathsheba?

The greatness of David’s sin is measured by the severity of God’s judgment. His sin of passion cost him one life but his sin of pride cost him seventy thousand lives. Little wonder he cried “‘I have sinned greatly in doing this thing'” (1 Chron. 21:8a). David failed to acknowledge God’s protective power when facing his enemies and chose rather to trust in his “chariots and horses” (see Ps. 20:7).

The church in America may well be taking a page from David’s folly and placing her trust in Trump rather than God’s promise to heal the land of those who humble themselves, pray and turn from their wicked ways (see 2 Chron. 7:14).

Only the other day, I was reminded again of God’s promises. An old Scottish writer was quoting from Exodus 34:7a  “Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty.”  The writer went on to say, “He is faithful who promised.” Do we bear sufficiently in mind another truth of equal fidelity: He is faithful who threatens? Ponder that solemn word, “He will by no means clear the guilty!”

With 52 million aborted lives on our record, is God going to simply turn a blind eye to America’s devilish sin against the unborn just because Trump is president? I don’t believe so. I know there is the belief among some in the prophetic community that God would never destroy America because of all the good she has done; I’m not of that belief.

Our choice is simple: We either repent and cry out to God for mercy or face the wrath of God as He promised so long ago. I was pleasantly surprised to hear while visiting Singapore recently that there were many churches there who prayed earnestly for our presidential election last year. The tragedy, though, was to have to tell them I knew very few congregations in America who set time aside to pray for our own election.

Prior to my father’s death in ’94, he would say, “If America doesn’t concentrate in prayer, they will pray in concentration camps.” President Trump was elected to govern in the natural arena; the church was birthed to govern in the spiritual realm. Our power and authority is far greater than any Congress, Senate, Supreme Court or president. If we fail to take our place, America will miss her day of visitation, like Jerusalem of old. It’s time to rise up and take our rightful place before the throne of God and implore God for a mighty move of His Spirit.

Revival or revolution? The church will decide.

Copyright 2017, David Ravenhill, Charisma Media-All rights reserved

Legacy of the First Black President!

Looking back over history, there have been numerous books and articles rating our United States presidents. Various criteria are considered along with the obvious subjective element.

From the title, the reader knows whom I believe places last. From a biblically informed perspective there are 10 reasons for the unfavorable ranking. They’re listed following three disclaimers.

  1. When Barack Obama came into office launching his “fundamental transformation of America,” I had a strong sense of foreboding yet prayed for him daily, repeatedly affirmed his God-given gifts and spoke of him respectfully.
  1. I tried to separate the person from his positions in evaluating our former president in light of Scripture and tried to not be influenced by his charismatic personality or persuasive communication skills.
  1. I was intentional in not giving him a pass because of our past racial history, as many in the media did, risking the standard liberal accusation of “bigot.”

Since Barack Obama left office, I want God’s best for him and have continued praying for him and his family every day. As a 40-year board member of Intercessors for America national prayer ministry, I encourage others to do likewise.

Best and Worst Presidents

When people list America’s best presidents, we usually hear George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt; there’s a reason they’re on Mount Rushmore. We also may hear the names of Truman, Monroe, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eisenhower.

Listed among the worst presidents are usually James Buchanan, who allowed the spread of slavery and the Confederacy; Warren G. Harding, whose administration was riddled with scandal; Herbert Hoover, who exacerbated the Depression; Andrew Johnson, who opposed Reconstruction, barely surviving impeachment; Franklin Pierce who added slave states, setting the stage for the Civil War; and Richard Nixon, who’s forever identified with Watergate.

A number of these unfortunate ones were admittedly dealing with the issue of slavery or had little time in office to achieve anything substantial. For example, William Harrison was commander in chief for just 30 days.

Biblically informed, not emotionally driven, I humbly submit these 10 reasons Barack Obama was America’s worst president:

  1. He presented himself as an authentic Christian, yet his life revealed a counterfeit convert, bringing reproach to the cause of Christ worldwide.

Jesus taught seven distinguishing marks of a genuine Christian. He also said, “Even so, every good tree bears good fruit. But a corrupt tree bears evil fruit” (Matt.7:17).

Examining the beliefs, policies and character of Barack Obama reveals a compromising, deceived man not living according to biblical teachings in numerous consequential areas. He led millions to follow his wayward ways and, like all of us, will one day give an account to God.

  1. As a candidate, Obama assured Americans of his conviction on the sanctity of marriage as only between a man and a woman, then once elected, pivoted to endorse homosexual marriage and said his finest moment of 2015 was celebrating the SCOTUS ruling as he lit up the White House in rainbow colors. He emphatically and unapologetically gave hearty approbation to what Scripture calls an “abomination.”
  1. Upon election, he became a staunch proponent and defender of both the dismemberment of unborn babies in abortion plus endorsed financial support for Planned Parenthood, which executes nearly 900 children daily. He pronounced “God bless you!” on them at their convention, shocking the sensibilities of tens of millions of pro-life Americans.
  1. He pledged to bring us out of the recession and reduce the national debt by one-half before he ended his first term in office but instead allowed it to double from $10 trillion to $20 trillion by his lack of leadership regarding reckless spending, entitlements and waste. Forty-seven percent of America’s debt was accumulated during his eight years in office.
  1. He promised affordable health care for everyone and promoted it with what has been called the biggest lie of the decade: “You can keep your doctor, and you’ll save $2500 yearly!” As foretold, premiums and deductibles skyrocketed as ObamaCare imploded, revealing it wasn’t affordable but a debacle driving us towards socialized medicine.
  1. He jeopardized national security by refusing to identify or even mention radical Islamic jihadism as the world’s greatest threat, goading them as a “JV squad” which was “being contained” while they laughed and advanced their terrorism worldwide. He irresponsibly cut strategic missile defense programs now being restored in light of North Korea’s defiant nuclear threat. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich declared in disgust that Obama “is the greatest threat to national security ever in the Oval Office.”
  1. He repeatedly acted in a lawless fashion regarding drug enforcement, illegal immigration and religious liberty issues, setting an appalling example replicated in cities throughout America. His repeated uncalled for, insensitive remarks regarding police officers, engendered suspicion and disrespect for law enforcement and encouraged left-wing radicals, even those in political office, to act accordingly in defiance of the rule of law.
  1. His aggressive advocacy of the LGBTQ agenda brought devastation to the future of the traditional family as he endorsed gay marriage, promoted transgenderism in schools, undermined the Defense of Marriage Act, celebrated the homosexual lifestyle by affirming people “coming out” and appointed unprecedented numbers of gay proponents to government and military positions. His policy instructing the military to recruit transgenders is only one example of his initiatives promoting what’s been labeled the “gayification” of the U.S. Armed Forces.
  1. He refused to heed the counsel of our military experts regarding withdrawal timetables and strategic initiatives in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya which led to the slaughter of tens of thousands of people, destruction of holy sites that can never be restored. This created a vacuum which birthed ISIS in addition to engendering the catastrophic refugee crisis.

I still remember a 60 Minutes report featuring a Christian leader in Iraq tearfully saying, “The United States walked away, and now ISIS is a cancer that has come to kill and destroy. It’s a cleansing of Christianity!” Former President Barack Obama is directly responsible for the carnage and destruction.

  1. He alienated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly and jeopardized the future of Israel, one of our strongest allies, in recklessly granting billions to Iran with the empty assurance they would not proceed in developing the nuclear weapon they continue to build to “wipe Israel off the map.”

Obama’s Legacy

In spite of a fawning liberal media and progressive left-wing secularists committed to a “fundamental transformation” of America, millions of patriotic Americans have recognized the astronomical consequences of Obama’s leadership from a Christian perspective.

Loving God, our families and this great nation, may we reconsecrate ourselves to pray for our current political leaders and ask God to continue intervening, as He obviously has, extending mercy on America. Only a true, heaven-sent spiritual awakening can turn things around so we regain lost ground and recapture the city on a hill vision upon which we were originally established.

Copyright 2017, Charisma MagazineAll rights reserved.

Wake-up Call to the American Church and Nation

Bob Eschliman writing for Charisma Magazine brought this to light a few months ago, asking whether this is George Soros Formula for Killing America.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeM_l5mkyYc?rel=0?ecver=1]

That billionaire George Soros is evil almost goes without saying. He has bankrupted entire nations and manipulated the elections in countless others.

Now, the American Association of Evangelicals have released a powerful 15-minute video (see above) on the Soros-funded globalist “formula” to weaken the church and America in an effort to destroy them both.

Kelly Monroe Kullberg, a spokesperson for the AAE, said most Americans know something is deeply wrong, and now we can overcome what we can understand.

The video is produced by The Awareness Project, and is meant to be a powerful wake-up call to the church and nation. It is narrated by Eric Metaxas, author of Bonhoeffer.

“God help us,” he said. “Please watch this video. Our country hangs in the balance.”

“Two Georges—but oh so different! George Soros is selfishly trying to destroy what George Washington sacrificially founded: America,” Dr. Jim Garlow said of the video.

“Thank God for these fearless producers exposing one of the most sinister, destructive forces to the Republic. Listen to this. Listen carefully. Your nation depends on it.”

Copyright © 2016-2017 Charisma News Magazine

Also Read:

Is George Soros Behind This Plot to Topple Trump?

Total Indoctrination

Here are two interesting articles confirming what we’ve been covering these past few days. This state-sponsored indoctrination has been a major goal of the educational system in the last 150 years.

School Pushes “Total Indoctrination,” Comparing Trump to Hitler, Mussolini

A group of moms in Saratoga Springs, New York has decided to fight back against what they call the radical left-wing indoctrination that has infested the local school system.

They call themselves the “Conservative Chicks,” and one of their leaders contacted me after reading my new book, The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again.

She realized it was time to take a stand after a teacher at the local high school led a classroom presentation on fascism that included a graphic portrayal comparing President Donald Trump to Hitler and Mussolini.

That’s right, folks.

A 10th-grade teacher at Saratoga Springs High School led a discussion on the rise of fascism during World War II by referencing President Trump.

“It’s total indoctrination,” said Melissa, the parent who contacted me. She asked that I not use her last name. “It’s not their place to indoctrinate our children.

It’s their job to teach the facts. Healthy debate is one thing, but this definitely crossed the line.”

The entire lesson plan was posted on the school district’s website. But once I started poking around and asking questions, the lesson was hidden behind a password protected wall.

Trump has absolutely no relation to World War II.There’s no reason why he should be included with Stalin, Mussolini or Hitler, They are trying to link him to the leaders of that time. That crosses a line.

Another graphics listed “early warning signs of fascism”:

  • Nationalism
  • Obsession with national security
  • Religion and government intertwined
  • Rampant sexism
  • Fraudulent elections
  • Obsession with crime and punishment

“The fact they posted this on the school’s website shows just how brazen these teachers are,” another concerned parent told me.

“Liberal teachers need to be reminded it’s not okay to use their platform to push their agenda on our kids,” the parent added.

Supt. Mike Piccirillo defended the lesson—telling me that “teaching about fascism as a political movement in the context of World War II is part of the curriculum.”

So how does President Trump factor into World War II?

“The cartoons you referenced were used as examples to introduce a student debate regarding how some media may be portraying our government as exhibiting the early signs of fascism,” he said.

The question posed to students was “Do you believe this is fair and/or accurate?”

So at some point, did the teacher explain to the classroom that such comparisons were not only unfair, but also grossly inaccurate?

The superintendent did not answer that question.

“These teachers are really pushing a liberal agenda on the kids,” one of the moms told me.

I commend the Conservative Chicks for taking a stand and embracing the call to action in The Deplorables’ Guide. 

© Copyright 2017, Charisma Media

In the U.K, Government Now Indoctrinating 4-Year-Olds with Gay Education

Children as young as 4 could be exposed to explicit teaching on same-sex relationships under government plans announced today.

Education Secretary Justine Greening has outlined proposals for a new statutory subject of “relationships education,” to be implemented in primary schools across England.

The vague subject could open the door for children to be taught about a “bewildering array” of alternative lifestyles, causing confusion and undermining Christian values.


At this stage, it does not appear that parents of primary school children will be able to withdraw their children from such lessons.

The government has tabled amendments to the Children and Social Work Bill, which it says will also introduce statutory “relationships and sex education” in all secondary schools in England.

Greening stated that the right of withdrawal from sex education at secondary level will continue and gave assurances for faith schools.

Currently, local authority-maintained secondary schools must offer sex education, but primary schools are not required to do so.


Deputy Director for Policy and Staffing at The Christian Institute, Humphrey Dobson, said:

Many parents would object if controversial sex education teaching could be imported into the new compulsory subject of relationships education which will be required in all schools, including primary schools.

This could expose young children to concepts that they and their parents fundamentally disagree with for religious or philosophical reasons. For example, it could be used to manipulate children into agreeing with same-sex marriage.

Over-broad language could be used to get pupils to agree with all types of relationship (which isn’t right), rather than teaching respect for individual people (which is right).

Forcing teachers to confront 5-year-olds with a bewildering array of alternative lifestyles will simply sow confusion and undermine marriage.

Right of withdrawal

Sex education has become increasingly controversial, with the push for ever more explicit materials to be used at an ever-younger age.

Parents are likely to have strong reservations about some of the materials dealing with subjects like pornography, transsexualism and contraception, especially when they believe their children are too young for this teaching.

In these circumstances, parents have always been able to withdraw their child from the offending element of the lesson.

If there is no opt-out from relationships education in primary schools, what will parents do if the subject is used as a pretext for controversial ideas or materials? Undercutting that right of withdrawal in any way would be highly controversial with parents.

Teachers Sacked

In an editorial today, The Daily Telegraph stated its belief that parents are always the best people to decide on what is appropriate for children.

It warned that teachers who hold to socially conservative values are already under extreme pressure not to go against the grain:

“Teachers know that saying anything that fails to conform to the prevailing sexual orthodoxies (as determined by campaigners and activists) could result in the sack or worse.”

“This decision will doubtless be greeted with approbation by MPs, but they also need to understand the limits to the statutory intrusion of the state into every aspect of our lives”, it concluded.

New Clause 5

The news follows a separate attempt to rewrite sex and relationships education, via a different amendment to the Children and Social Work Bill.

New Clause 5 suggested that “Relationships Education” be made a national curriculum subject. It was put forward by MPs David Burrowes and Maria Miller

© Copyright 2017, Charisma Media


Look at What’s Happening Spiritually in England

worship.service.HTB2-234Part of my role as a Christian journalist the last four decades is to cover what the Holy Spirit is doing around the world. We’ve had many reports on revivals in different parts of the world. One part of the world where there seems to be little activity is Europe. However, a recent guest from England says there are hopeful signs!

His name is Steven Halford from Portsmouth, England. He is married to an American, has lived in America for many years and has worked in various charismatic ministries on both sides of the ocean for a number of years. He also has a passion for evangelism and is gifted in preaching on the streets and winning people to Jesus.

When he spent time in our offices recently, I recorded a podcast with him on the Charisma Podcast Network, which will air next week. I am interested in what is happening in England because I am going there in a couple of weeks to attend Empowered21 in London. I’ll be speaking there and will be involved in some other interesting activities, which I will report later.

Steven reports that Holy Trinity Brompton, an Anglican church that has been connected with the renewal for more than two decades, is having enormous impact. His own mother accepted Christ through their Alpha Program, which was developed there and spread worldwide. I attended services there once and hope to again on Mother’s Day.

The Elim denomination, which celebrated its centennial last year, is also growing. The leading church there is Kensington Temple, and I have attended several times when I’ve been in England. Elam has been able to embrace each move of the Spirit over the decades and has a vibrant freshness.

One of the most hopeful signs is what is beginning to happen in the Church of England, the official church of which Queen Elizabeth II is the titular head. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, is a Spirit-filled Christian who speaks in tongues. Steven told me that recently he gave an altar call and prayed for each person who came forward for the baptism of Holy Spirit. This is virtually unheard of.

His predecessor was said merely to preach on intellectual subjects from books he read and never from the Bible. He also had himself ordained not only as an Anglican priest but also as a Druid. Can you imagine the head of the Anglican Church cooperating with a pagan religion?

There are of course negative trends in the Anglican Church, including some embracing gay marriage and many churches drying up. But there is also a lot of excitement and a new freshness in that historic denomination.

One of the things that’s happening is the “tent on the green” for three days in mid-May on the grounds in front of Winchester Cathedral, the historic seat of government in England during the days of Alfred the Great. The Anglican Church is cooperating with modern “charismatics” for three days of prayer and praise as well as evangelistic outreaches. When I discovered I would be there during that time, I decided I wanted to attend, and I will be reporting on it.

I am also looking forward to Empowered21, where some of the best Pentecostal preachers will be ministering. I am giving a seminar with Bishop Ken Ulmer of Los Angeles and Pastor Lawrence Khong. It is an honor to be invited to speak, and I will report on that as well.

Each generation must believe God for revival in their generation. While times do seem bleak, this is not the first generation to face these circumstances. Other generations have believed God and seen great things happen. I am encouraged by the report of my friend Steven Halford that the stirrings of revival are taking place in many parts of “the mother country.”

I encourage you to subscribe to my Strang Report” podcast and then you can hear my interview with Steven when it is posted next week.

What do you think about this report? Are you aware of other examples? Send this to your friends in England and ask them to participate in our dialogue on charismamag.com.

Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him on Twitter or Facebook.

© Copyright 2016 Charisma Media


One Big Giant Problem: Sin


Once Deceived, Christian Culture Warrior Blasts Facebook CEO

Last week after the grisly terrorist attacks in Brussels and Pakistan, Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO and founder of Facebook, offered his solution to the problem of Islamic terrorism via his own Facebook account:

Each of these attacks was different, but all had a common thread: they were carried out with a goal to spread fear and distrust, and turn members of a community against each other.

I believe the only sustainable way to fight back against those who seek to divide us is to create a world where understanding and empathy can spread faster than hate, and where every single person in every country feels connected and cared for and loved. That’s the world we can and must build together.”

Really, Mr. Zuckerberg? Do you really believe that your ideas will work? They may sound hopeful but, can they work? No offense, but what you are proposing sounds just like the Coke commercial ideology that we baby boomers grew up singing. Back in our day we also desperately wanted to figure out how to “teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.” We earnestly desired to “furnish the world with love” while we helped them “grow honey bees and snow white turtle doves.”

Together in harmony we sang. It sold a lot of Coke and gave us goose bumps as it became a sort of rallying cry. But that’s all it did. It didn’t work. No matter how passionately we sang our songs and rallied around our favorite political reformers, peace failed. And with good reason. For standing against both the lofty platitudes and the genuine desires for world unity, global peace and how to coexist is one big giant problem: sin.

Sin: that nasty detail that keeps the whole world enslaved to depravity (Rom. 8:21). Sin is that force that that keeps mankind trapped in a universally selfish state of greed and lust and makes peaceful coexistence impossible apart from God (Gal. 5:19-21).

It may not be in vogue to talk about, but sin is exactly why all of mankind will never be able to be fixed. And that’s why, Mr. Zuckerberg, it’s not possible for every person in every country to feel “connected, cared for and loved” this side of heaven as you suggest. In fact, the direct opposite of your suggestion is the result. We can’t and won’t build this world together—at least not now.

How do we know this is true? The proof is found hidden in a biblical event that many of us may have dismissed as an odd story with little relevance to modern times: the Tower of Babel.

Please allow me to explain how this historical event has doctrinal significance in an age where Bernie Sanders has influenced young Christians with platitudes of socialistic and communistic ideologies and Obama has peddled policies of false world cooperation and international peace. For in this story is an unchangeable truth that remains today.

The Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 comes right after the account of Noah and the destruction of the world with the flood (Gen. 10). The historical sequence of the two stories is significant. In Noah’s day the world had deteriorated under the influence of sin to the point that “every inclination of the thoughts of his [man’s] heart was evil all the time” (Gen. 6:5). The flood became the doorway. It brought judgement of the world for sin, but it also brought hope that mankind could try again.

After the flood, when God allowed man to repopulate, we were given a second chance at human culture. According to Genesis 11, the whole world had one language and one speech, and it was through this commonality that the people said to themselves: “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly. … let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth” (Gen. 11:3-4).

On the surface that sounds like a great plan. The people were working together via a common cause instead of destroying each other. It sounds sort of like the Coke song with the world coming together in perfect harmony, does it not?  It was a Zuckerberg/Bernie style moment when mankind was seemingly sweetly building together, and yet if you look at the rest of the story you discover that God did not like (or trust) what was happening. In fact, He responded to their efforts with a strong statement and action:

“The Lord said, ‘The people are one and they have one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do; now nothing that they propose to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.’ So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they stopped building the city” (Gen 11:6-8).

In my youthful days, God’s response seemed crazy. Why would He intervene to stop what could have been the utopian moment of all human history? Why would He stop the unity that we modern progressive thinkers knew would certainly solve the world’s problems?

It was only when my eyes were opened to the rest of the Bible that I discovered what God knew all along.

Collective tower building won’t achieve good things. In fact, in the days of the Tower of Babel, it would lead humankind right back into the same hopeless state that caused the flood. God knew what my human mind struggled to comprehend. He who sees into the inner heart of man knew where the sin state condition would lead again. That is why He accurately diagnosed that their unified, collective, unbridled sin would cause mankind to build a tower that reached to the heavens and yet become their object of worship. Their unbridled human “oneness” would ensnare mankind once again and bring about their own destruction.

So God stopped their plans immediately and set a boundary in place (diversified languages) that would hinder their ability to come together in that way again.

It is beyond the scope of this brief article to consider all the ramifications of that historical event. But I believe it is critical that we recognize where we are today in relationship to this God-ordained boundary, lest we fall for deceptive modern ideas that lead us to believe that in our own ability we can somehow save the world.

Collective human efforts toward world peace will not work. Not in this dispensation of human history and not until the end of the age when Jesus comes back and finishes His work of judgement on the earth which ushers in the establishment of God’s peaceful kingdom where the wolf will lay down with the lamb and true peace shall reign (Is. 11).

That is why Jesus, in His discourse about the last days, before His return in Matthew 24 clearly states,

Watch out that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”

As mature followers of Christ, we must be ready to rightly discern the false Christ (or anti-Christ) voices that will come on the earth before His return, promising a false peace apart from the Lord Jesus who is the Prince of Peace.

The closer we get to the time of Jesus’ appearing, the more mankind will rally around the false hope of self-preservation by a collective human effort and pride that refuses to bow to the King of Kings. It is the inevitable “one world system” predicted through the pages of Scripture.

Are we ready? Are we, as the church of Jesus Christ, equipped to reject the tantalizing lure Jesus warned us about in Matthew 24? How many of us—who should know better—will fall victim to the same deception of the Tower of Babel that shakes a fist in the face of God and declares “together we will build?” We will visualize world peace and in our collective mind, we will Facebook it into existence!

As a formerly deceived person, who was blinded by these same false beliefs in humankind, I have compassion on those who cannot understand. And yet, I cannot sit back and fail to sound the alarm about these deceptive ideologies that for a season entrapped me.

It is foolish and ridiculous.

Gandhi couldn’t make world peace happen, and neither can Oprah or Zuckerberg or any other do-good charismatic leader. There will be no peace without the Prince of Peace. There will be no justice without an allegiance to the Lawgiver. There will be no love without the One who is love.

As we see this clash play out before our eyes, as His Church we must stay true to our call to love people, preach the gospel, make disciples of all nations, and prepare our self for our Bridegroom, the Prince of Peace who is to come. And that, for now, is enough.

© Copyright, 2016 Charisma News