The Rebirth of America Dream

I recently had a dream I believe was prophetic. I want to submit it to you all to pray and ask you to seek the Lord about it. I believe there’s hope and redemption in it, but I believe it’s a warning.

There are some things we receive from the Lord that are conditional. We can pray about them, and it makes a difference. I know some things are set in stone, but some things can be altered and changed by human behaviour and prayer. Often, we talk about Hezekiah, who received the prophetic word, “Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.” He turned his face to the wall and repented, and fifteen years were added to his life (see Isaiah 38:1-6).

So, I share this dream in the fear of the Lord. I’ve given it the title “The Rebirth of America Dream.”

I had an intense dream Saturday morning, March 9, 2024, that seemed prophetic. It was about the coming eclipse in April 2024 triggering an awakening that starts in April 2024 and lasts until July 2025—over a year. I was moving fast in time, starting in April 2024 with the eclipse that crossed over Texas. It seemed in this dream that Texas was pulled into this.

At the same time, around April 2024, a metaphorical conception happened. It coincided with this eclipse leading to something serious happening in the nation before the elections in November 2024. This event caused absolute chaos and affected the elections in the U.S. in November 2024.

It seemed like an epic October surprise, and pandemonium ensued. In the dream, I knew that President Joe Biden had fizzled out, and they had tried hard to prop him up. But this event right before the election caused a major division of America right before and during the election time. It intensified the division already in the nation to a very scary and intense level.

Then, the dream shifted. Somehow I was in 1968, and I was given an old newspaper which said, “Assassination of two major leaders in the same year of the Chicago convention.” Robert F. Kennedy—Bobby Kennedy—and Martin Luther King Jr., were both tragically killed in 1968.

What’s also interesting about 1968 is that the Democratic National Convention was in Chicago, and it’s in Chicago in 2024. I knew that was significant. But through all the chaos in the streets, in the economy, and on the news, America had a huge awakening—an awareness of evil and corruption going on in America. And it was like the vast majority of the nation after this said, “We can never let this happen again. We can’t.”

At the end of the dream, it was July 2025. For some reason, July 11 was highlighted to me on the calendar. It seemed like most of the chaos ended in the nation, and things were starting to heal by July 2025. It had all started in April 2024 with the eclipse coinciding with a conception, and there were forty weeks of pregnancy, with birth pangs intensifying before the delivery.

Then, there were complications before and after the birth. Since the conception happens around April, nine months later ,the baby being born in January 2025. What’s interesting is that’s also when the presidential inauguration takes place. But this baby was born, and the thing that happened right before the election was almost like a mother having false contractions. It wasn’t the birthing time, but it was still very intense and real. It was like the baby wanted to come at tht moment, but somehow was delayed.

The birth was in January 2025, and the baby was placed in an incubator for several months after it was born. The baby lived, and it was a beautiful baby. The drwithm ended by me seeing this baby wrapped in an American flag. It was like it was in a maternity ward where babies were lying in little beds with name tags at the top. The name of the baby was America.

I couldn’t help but believe it was the rebirth of America. The dream seems to portray an awakening, starting in April 2024, then a long, painful, and traumatic pregnancy. A traumatic event triggers chaos before the elections, and the chaos lasts for several months. The birth occurs in January 2025, requiring care in the incubator at least until July 2025.

Here’s the part we need to pray about in all of this. I think this is a warning and a call for the intercessors and the people of God to take seriously. Seeing the 1968 Democratic Convention reference and knowing Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were both killed, I felt that the warning was there. It seems to be an indication of a coming assassination attempt sometime during this 16-month process from April 2024 until July 2025. We don’t want to see that happen to anybody.

I feel that this is important to share and to put before the body of believers to pray into, to see if the Lord can intervene and help us and show us what to pray and how to pray—and to see if some of this can be lessened or prevented. I believe the dream was significant. I think we are entering into a unique time in American history. Starting in April, there is a 16-month process that I believe is integral to the rebirthing of this nation.

Will you help me pray about this? Will you help me pray into this and take it seriously?

In a recent sermon called “When the World is on Fire,” I shared from Micah 7, which offers a lesson for our time. The prophet Micah described the dire spiritual crisis in his day, and we’re in a similar spiritual climate today. Micah gives us the solution in Micah 7:7: “Therefore I will look to the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me.”

In a time of spiritual crisis, we as the people of God have to get our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, get in the secret place, and wait patiently upon Him. God is looking for a people who, when the world is on fire, will turn to the Lord. If we’ll follow this, it doesn’t matter how dark it gets. “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you” (Isaiah 60:2).

Copyright 2024 Morning Star Ministries. All rights reserved.

Is America on the Brink of a Second Civil War?

How to Prepare for the Coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War

Since having the dream about the coming second American Revolutionary/Civil War, other national voices—both Christian and secular—have begun to say that we are in a civil war now. If we count a “war of words” and some violence, you might conclude that. However, we are still not in the civil war that I saw in my dream.

I think many are seeing that the divisions in our country are now so great, and seemingly getting worse by the day that it is extremely likely we will end up in some level of internal conflict, a civil war.

Until I had the dream about the coming Second American Revolutionary/Civil War, I would have concurred that we were headed toward civil war, but that there was still time to change our direction. I understand now that it is inevitable. Even so, I still believe that the cost of the rising conflict can be reduced in possibly every way.

Prayer, repentance, revival, and an awakening, as well as serious government reform, can all have a substantial positive impact and reduce the cost of the rising conflict. Focusing on all of these is one thing we can do to prepare for what is coming.

Even if all these things are accomplished and the impact of the looming conflict is reduced, it is wisdom to prepare for the worst while praying for the best. What I saw in the dream was devastating, but it seemed to be focused in only certain parts of the country.

There will be safe regions and cities of refuge. Yet regardless of where we live, it is better to be prepared and not have to use our preparations than to not be prepared when we need to be.

Our preparations need to be done in faith, not fear. Noah had faith to build the ark, as did Joseph when he helped prepare Egypt. The dreams The Lord gave them were evidence that He would help, but they did not just celebrate this, they took action. We must do the same.

Shoring up our faith in God is the most important thing we can do to prepare for what is coming. To do this, we need to understand that true faith in God is faith in Him, not an outcome. We must resolve to trust Him regardless of what happens.

Many suffer the shipwreck of their faith because they put more faith in their faith than they do in God. Others suffer the shipwreck of their faith because they put more faith in preferred outcomes than they do in God.

It is not wrong to pray for certain outcomes, but it is wrong to let this eclipse our faith in God. If our faith in God is rocked because we are disappointed by an outcome, then we had a distorted faith in something else, not Him.

We must trust that God is never unjust, and He prefers mercy over judgment. He is full of grace and mercy and extends them when He can. He loves all and desires for them to be saved. He takes no pleasure in the punishment of the wicked. However, there is a time when judgment is mercy and grace and is inevitable.

He disciplines those whom He loves, and His judgments are evidence that He has not given up on us. Here is a shocking factor proven by studies: As many as 90% of those claiming to be evangelical Christians have been taught more by the spirit of the world than by The Spirit of Truth.

The worldview of most Christians has been learned from the earthly, carnal perspective of the secular news, education, and other sources rather than from The Lord. For this reason we can expect most who claim to be Christian to be on the wrong side of the coming conflict, at least for a time.

So how do we prepare for this? First, let us be sure that we do not fall into that category. We can start by caring more for knowing the truth than we do for entertainment.

The word entertainment comes from the concept “to detain from entering.” There is a legitimate place for recreation, which comes from the words “to re-create,” but mindless entertainment is robbing many of their purpose in this life and the ability to know and discern the truth.

Revelation straight from The Father is the rock that The Lord said He would build His church on. We must do all we can to know Him, know His voice, and obey Him. We can accurately know everything that will come to pass but not be in His will, which is the only safe place to be in the times to come. If we are spending more time on entertainment than we are seeking Him, we are building on a foundation that will likely not survive the looming storms.

If we would each take this next month to remove the things in our lives that are wasting time and instead use the time to seek The Lord and get to know Him better, then there is nothing more profitable we could do to be ready for the future. Being ready is not just so we can be safe, but so that our lives are on solid ground and we can help pull others out of the quicksand.

If we take all of the wasted time and resources from our lives and use them instead to seek The Lord, it will pay great dividends for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our nations. Each one of us can make a big difference in the times to come, and we will if we abide in Him.

We have been called to be soldiers in His last-day army:

Suffer hardship with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life, so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier” (II Timothy 2:3-4).

We must get free of every entanglement that is keeping us from taking our place in His army and being the soldier we are called to be.

Watch the video for Joyner’s explanation on Sid Roth


Copyright © 2019 Rick Joyner MorningStar PublicationsAll rights reserved.

Thinking Generationally

Continuing our study of the Lord’s word to the church at Pergamos, the Lord acknowledged that this church dwelt at the place of “Satan’s throne.” Pergamos had a literal altar to the god Baal called “Satan’s throne.”

In the 1930s, German archeologists excavated this altar and moved it to Berlin where it still resides in the Pergamon Museum. Interestingly, the Nazis came to power in Germany the same year this altar was moved to Berlin, and many Christians there do not consider this a coincidence. Understanding this altar can help us understand a major power that Satan uses.

This altar to Baal was used especially for human sacrifice. Most of these sacrifices were children. The following picture is one I took of the altar called “Satan’s throne” in the Pergamon Museum. Later that day, I walked past it and was astonished to see the steps filled with children without adults at all. I knew this was a prophetic picture of how children are still being sacrificed to the false god of Baal.

Even though some human sacrifice goes on today in cultic satanic rituals, thankfully there is not a massive altar like this one set up where such sacrifices are being done on a large scale. However, our children and youth are actually being sacrificed on a much larger scale by what we have allowed into the culture that kills them spiritually, and in many cases, naturally. We need to understand Baal worship and how it manifests in our time.

Consider this: The U.S. government has councils established by Congress and the President on just about every obscure species or subject. However, there is no U.S. government council on children. This is at a time when the most dangerous place for a child is the womb because of abortion.

Those who survive to be born must run an unprecedented onslaught targeting them with drugs, sex slavery, increasing violence in schools as well as what is taught in the schools that kills them spiritually. Many who survive the day at school then face constant danger in their neighborhoods.

We can appreciate the need for saving endangered species, but when our own children are in such increasing danger, how has it been overlooked to at least have a council to discuss this? This is very revealing about where our hearts and minds really are as a people.

When the Lord said that He was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, He was stating that He is the God of every generation. If we are to have His mind and heart then we too must think of every generation, especially those yet to come.

One of the great hindrances to thinking generationally has been the development of some eschatology since the 1844 Advent Movement. These have had every generation thinking that they were the last before the return of the Lord.

This has kept the church from planning with strategy and vision for the future, and for preparing our children for it, as we should. As we gain a historical perspective that can and should influence our eschatology—and we see the unfolding plan of God—we see where we are and what is next so that we can effectively prepare for the future. Even the last generation will benefit from this.

Copyright © 2016, Morning Star MinistriesAll rights reserved.


Five Spiritual Trends That Will Change the World in 2016

great-awakeningThe premise of my last Prophetic Bulletin on the five trends that would change the natural world in 2016 began unfolding faster and with more impact than I expected. I wrote that it would happen in the first quarter of this year, but I honestly did not expect it to begin on the first day as it did. My prayer now is that what I’ve been shown that will unfold in the Spirit will likewise come faster and with greater impact. What is coming in the Spirit is the antidote to the troubles of the world. It is far more exciting than anything the world has seen.

We all “see in part,” but these are the five most important trends I saw unfolding that we will begin to see emerging this year:

  • A new reformation of the church will begin to take definition.
  • Councils of leaders will begin to form with true apostolic authority.
  • A kingdom economy will begin to form.
  • A new generation of prophets and teachers will begin to emerge with unprecedented authority and influence
  • So many Christians will rise up in Europe and North America with zeal and focus that it will be recognized as another Great Awakening, while the moves of God in the rest of the world will gain new traction.

A New Reformation of the Church Will Begin to Take Definition

I have been seeing and speaking on this for many years. Over time, I have seen more of what this will look like. One of the biggest changes with the greatest impact will be the body of Christ beginning to take on the military aspects we are called to have to become the army of the Lord we are called to be. I just published a book on this entitled, Army of the Dawn. One pastor just told me he thought this was my best book yet. That is a matter of perspective and also timeliness, but I know its message is on time. We will see the greatest force for the gospel since the Lord Himself walked the earth. Since this book has already received wide distribution, I will not say any more about this here.

The second aspect of this reformation I was shown is how the body of Christ will become the “city” it’s called to be. A change is coming to church life that will be more profound than we have yet seen. It will be based more on koinonia than ecclesia. This does not negate the need for ecclesia (the government and structure of the church), but according to I John 1:7, we abide in the light by having koinonia, not ecclesia. Koinonia determines if we are walking in the light because it is based on love first, not organization first. Again, this is not negating the need for organization and government, but it is a matter of getting the horse in front of the cart and building on the right foundation. The result will be spectacular.

The fellowship and union coming to the body of Christ will cause the church to be the “city set on a hill” that gets everyone’s attention. It will be the greatest society the world has seen since the first century, eclipsing even what was experienced then. “The glory of the latter house will be greater than the former” (see Haggai 2:9), causing the church to become the light it is called to be in the dark and confusing times the world is sliding into. This fellowship will become so wonderful that Christians will want to meet every day. Christian communities will begin forming again, having their own infrastructure, and ultimately, their own economy.

Of course we won’t see this happen in a year, but we will see the beginning of it. Ultimately no sporting event, entertainment, or other event will compare with the life and excitement found in the church.

Councils of Leaders Will Begin to Form with True Apostolic Authority

I was first shown in 1987 that this was coming. I think this has happened to a degree in some places, but not on the level that I saw. This year we will begin to see the real thing, but in its formative stage. Ultimately these councils will help release extraordinary authority and life in the church. They will moor the church to its right biblical foundation, giving it the stability that some of the greatest missions and ministries will be built upon.

This year we will see increasing grace on leadership meetings, especially those that cross denominational and movement boundaries, beginning to bring the necessary interchange and cross pollination in the church.

A Kingdom Economy Will Begin to Form

Ultimately the body of Christ will have its own economy that will grow with consistency and strength. Because of this, no Christian will need to be concerned about the mark of the beast. However, this is not just about having an alternative to the beast—it is laying a foundation for the economy of the coming kingdom of God, one built on the greatest economic principle: “Love never fails” (see I Corinthians 13:8).

As world markets continue to shake, plunge, and collapse, the kingdom economy cannot go down because “there will be no end to the increase of His kingdom” (see Isaiah 9:7). Whatever is truly built on the kingdom has to increase. For those looking for a safe place to put investments, it won’t get any safer or better than this emerging kingdom economy. For those saying, “Where is it?”, you can’t see it if you do not see the kingdom. If we can see His kingdom, we will see its economy as it emerges.

We must be born again to see the kingdom, but not everyone who is born again sees the kingdom. To see the kingdom we must use the key to the kingdom. That key is Matthew 6:33: “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

A New Generation of Prophets and Teachers Will Begin to Emerge with Worldwide Authority and Influence

The Holy Spirit is moving. One characteristic of every true move of the Spirit is a growing love of the truth and an increasing love for the Scriptures (the Holy Spirit’s bestselling book). At the same time, many called as teachers to the body that have devoured the Word of God and accumulated knowledge and understanding on a host of topics will be used to build the church, preparing it for what it is called to be in these times. The Lord really has saved His best wine for last. The quality of what He will serve His people will eclipse anything ever experienced before.

Knowledge has greatly increased in the natural. What is about to be released in the Spirit will mirror this. For those who love knowledge, truth, wisdom, and understanding, there has never been a better time to be alive. This increasing love for the Scriptures will be contagious, helping to feed and strengthen every move of God now unfolding.

Prophetic revelation will also eclipse anything God’s people have experienced before. As we are told in Acts 2:17-18, “in the last days” the Lord will pour forth His Spirit, resulting in “dreams, visions, and prophecy” upon the old and young, men and women. We will begin to see a new wave of the prophetic released. This happens “in the last days” because in these times, we will need this kind of specific direction and guidance. At times it may be life or death to hear Him say to us not to go somewhere, or to go where we are not intending. We will all need this kind of sensitivity to the Spirit in the times to come, and we will get it.

I saw the emerging prophetic ministers as mountain climbers. They would go up a little bit and secure their new position with stakes driven deep into the rock, fastening themselves to the mountain and to each other. Then they would go a little higher and do the same again. This time will not be like having a lot of individuals scattered all over the mountain climbing virtually alone. The emerging prophets will be secured to each other and to the mountain of the house of the Lord.

So Many Christians Will Rise Up with Zeal and Focus that it Will be Recognized as Another Great Awakening

The plagues that came upon Egypt parallel the ones in the Book of Revelation. This is because the plagues at the end of this age have the same purpose as the ones that came upon Egypt—to set God’s people free. For the last few years, some have awakened and begun to seek the kingdom first above anything else. These will be powerful messengers who will help wake up the rest of the body of Christ.

An awakened, encouraged church is also the most powerful evangelistic force there has ever been. As this Awakening continues to unfold, there will be many new believers. We are entering the first stages of the great harvest that is the end of this age. This will be the greatest ingathering there has ever been. It will change the spiritual and moral fabric of nations, profoundly changing the church throughout the earth. The church is then going to help change the earth and prepare the way for the coming King.

© Copyright 2016 MorningStar Ministries Prophetic Bulletin

Ways to Overcome Witchcraft

Always-pray-at-all-times-1The following are some of the ways we can combat and overcome eight specific areas of Satan’s attack through witchcraft.

1. Overcoming Discouragement

Discouragement never comes from God. He is the author of faith and the source of hope which never disappoints. Although God does discipline us when we need it, He never does so by afflicting us with discouragement. When James describes the wisdom that comes from above, he does not list discouragement as one of the characteristics: “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy” (James 3:17). Discouragement is the very opposite of love, joy, peace and other attributes of the Holy Spirit’s fruit (see Galatians 5:22-23).

We must learn to quickly and instinctively reject discouragement, giving it no place in our thoughts. We must tenaciously resist it, taking every thought captive to obey Christ (see II Corinthians 10:3). Discouragement must never be allowed to dictate our course. Faith is the fruit of the Spirit and the shield of our armor that counters discouragement. If we begin to get discouraged, it is because we have dropped our shield. We need to pick it back up!

2. Overcoming Confusion

“God is not the author of confusion” (see I Corinthians 14:33 KJV), so we can know for certain that when confusion strikes, it is not coming from Him. In the military, confusion is one of the primary elements of battle that a soldier is trained to handle. Since nothing will ever go exactly as planned, there will rarely be a battle where there is no confusion. The same is true in spiritual warfare.

The disciplined soldier who understands this aspect of warfare learns to use the confusion to his own advantage. He does not let it increase his discouragement, but begins to anticipate it, looking for an opportunity to gain an advantage over the enemy. We must learn to expect confusion as part of the battle and not be surprised or affected by it. Our resolve to stand and fight will quickly dispel this aspect of the attack.

3. Overcoming Depression God told Cain the most effective remedy for depression:

Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? And why has your countenance fallen [the ancient expression for depression]? If you do well, will not your countenance be lifted up? And if you do not do well, sin is crouch- ing at the door; and its desire is for you, but you must master it” (Genesis 4:6-7).

Depression is usually the result of allowing discouragement and confusion to cause us to drift from our basic spiritual disciplines, such as reading the Word, pray- ing, fellowshipping, and so on. Picking them up again with resolve will almost always start to reverse the downward spiral.

4. Overcoming a Loss of Vision

This attack can also be turned to our advantage and used as an opportunity. When we begin to lose our vision, we must commit ourselves to strengthening our vision more than ever. We need to sink our roots deeper and establish our purpose even more firmly upon the Word of God. When God begins to lead us into a purpose, we should record how He speaks to us. By searching all the Scriptures and reviewing the ways He has led us in the past, we will even more firmly establish His leading.

Above all, we must hold our course! We should not change our direction until we can clearly see the new course. In World War I, one of the most effective tactics of the enemy was to lay a smokescreen in front of allied battleship convoys. As the convoy entered the smoke, visibility was lost. The ships would start turning at any perceived sound or whim with the resulting collisions sinking more ships than the enemy torpedoes did.

The allies finally developed a simple strategy to thwart this tactic against their vision: When in the smoke, every ship was to hold its previous course without deviation. By doing so, they discovered that they would soon all sail out the other side into clear air. The same strategy will enable us to more quickly escape whatever is clouding our vision. When we lose our vision, we need to just hold our course and keep going forward. We will soon break out into the clear.

5. Overcoming Disorientation

As an instrument flight instructor, the first thing I had to teach a student pilot was that he must not trust his feelings when experiencing restricted visibility while flying on instruments. If a pilot tries to fly by his feelings when in instrument conditions, he will quickly lose control of the plane.

Even when flying perfectly straight and level through the clouds, it can begin to feel like the plane is turning. If the pilot reacts to this feeling, he will begin to turn in order to counteract this supposed drift, causing the plane to veer off course or possibly even turn the plane upside down. In a test conducted by the FAA, a group of pilots without previous instrument training were flown into instrument conditions.

Every one of them lost control of their planes because they tried to rely on their feelings for guidance. The same is true of immature Christians who enter spiritual conditions with reduced visibility or “spiritual clouds.”

They usually try to rely on their feelings for guidance and therefore lose control. The “instruments” we have been given to walk by are found in the Bible. We do not walk by feelings but by faith in the sure testimony of the Word of God. The Word of God will keep us oriented and on course if we put our trust in it, even when our feelings may be telling us to do otherwise.

6. Overcoming Withdrawal

In the Persian Gulf War, the majority of casualties were either reserves or civilian. The safest place to be in the war was on the front line. This has been true in most modern wars, and it is true in spiritual warfare as well. When we are being pressed in a battle, we cannot call a time-out. On the frontline, we cannot ask the enemy to stop the battle because we have a headache or want to take a break. When we are on the frontline, we know the dangers and do not let our guards down.

All Christians are on the frontline every day whether we like it or not. It is when we start to consider ourselves a “civilian” and not a soldier that we will be the most vulnerable to his attack. A Christian is never in the reserves.

However, there are times of reprieve from conflict because seldom do battles continually rage along the entire front. However, when we know we are on the front, even our breaks are taken with vigilance, realizing that a fresh attack can come at any time. Christians must never remove their spiritual armor or lose their vigilance. In times of warfare, there are occasions when strategic retreat is necessary.

At times, we over commit ourselves spiritually and must draw back—but that is not the same as withdrawing from the battle. Even when we have over committed ourselves, retreat should be a last resort, for an army in retreat is in its most vulnerable condition. If at all possible, we should at least try to hold our ground until our position can be strengthened.

Even when we discover that in a certain matter we have acted presumptuously, without being commissioned by God, we must not quit—we should repent. There is a difference between quitting and stopping because of repentance. The first is defeat; the latter is an adjustment that will always result in further victories. Repentance comes because of the truth that sets us free; defeat will result in spiritual bondage to the power of the enemy.

7. Overcoming Despair

In Genesis 2:18, the Lord said that it was not good for man to be alone. We are social creatures, and when we withdraw from fellowship, we usually sink into the deepest pit of hopelessness—despair. At this point in the downward spiral, we must return to fellowship and get help in reversing the slide or else we will be defeated.

As simple as this may seem, it is the remedy. Even though fellow believers can be the source of the enemy’s attack on us, we must never run away from the church. We should run to it and work out our problems until they are resolved.

8. Overcoming Defeat

Even if Satan’s stings of witchcraft have brought such devastation to our lives that we are temporarily defeated, we must see that God can still bring us to ultimate victory. Paul commented to the Corinthians that he had been “struck down, but not destroyed” (see II Corinthians 4:9). At one point, Paul faced such severe attacks that he “despaired even of life” (see II Corinthians 1:8), but through it all he learned that the secret of regaining victory was not in trusting in himself but in “God who raises the dead” (see II Corinthians 1:9).

Paul wrote, “but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:57). “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). Defeat is not an option in Christ. We will gain victory in that which He has called us to do. The only way we can be defeated is to quit.


Witchcraft is basically the practice of cursing others. This cursing does not just come through cults or black magic arts, but can even come through those who love us and have good intentions and are trying to manipulate us. Using manipulation or control is a form of witchcraft, regardless of who does it.

The mother who manipulates her son or daughter into marrying her choice has done it through witchcraft, and such relationships usually have to be held together through manipulation and control.

The prayer group that uses prayers to expose others is gossiping for the sake of manipulation. This is not genuine prayer—it is witchcraft. Much of what is written in the name of Christian journalism purportedly as an attempt to keep the church informed is gossip, used to manipulate or gain influence over others— this, too, is witchcraft.

When spiritual leaders use manipulation, hype, or control to build their churches or ministries, they are operating in a counterfeit spiritual authority equivalent to witchcraft. Much of what is taught in business schools is a form of manipulation or control that is witchcraft. Many of the strategies the church has borrowed from secular journalism and the business world have brought witchcraft into the camp, and it must be removed if we are to be free to accomplish our purpose for this hour.

Many of the “yokes” and human expectations that we face have some form of manipulation and witchcraft attached to them. The enemy wants to establish these strongholds to conflict with the calling of God in our lives.

However, this is not a license to disregard the expectations of our parents, teachers, employers, and so forth. We were known by the Lord before we were born, and many of the influences in our lives have been placed there to help steer us toward our purposes in Him.

However, some of the yokes and expectations that well-intentioned parents, teachers, or coaches put on us must be cast off. Yokes that are placed on us that are not from the Lord will become clear as we come to know our callings and purposes in Him, for the truth will set us free.

The only yoke that we must take is the Lord’s yoke. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (see Matthew 11:30). When we take His yoke, we find rest and refreshment instead of the pressure and discouragement that comes from white witchcraft.

Pressure tactics and manipulation are subtle forms of witchcraft that can have just as much power as the black magic arts. White and black witchcraft may be different branches, but they have the same root and the same deadly poison.

Regretfully, when unstable people recognize the dangers of being subject to charismatic or white witchcraft, they will often distort this principle in order to rebel against God’s ordained authority over their lives.

King Saul is a personification of one who was ordained by God but fell from his place of true spiritual authority to operate in counterfeit spiritual authority. King David, on the other hand, is a personification of true spiritual authority. How did David react to Saul? He was willing to serve in the house of Saul until Saul chased him away. Even then he never retaliated, rebelled or tried to undermine Saul’s authority, but chose instead to honour him as “the Lord’s anointed” (see I Samuel 24:10).

We need to learn from David’s example. Even though he was called to take Saul’s place, he never lifted his hand against Saul. David determined that if God had really called him to be the next king, then God would have to be the one to establish him.

David overcame evil with good by demonstrating the exact opposite of the manipulative or control spirits that had come against him. Had David manipulated his way into the kingdom, he would have almost certainly fallen to witchcraft just like Saul. However, David was of a different spirit.

Those who are the target of any form of witchcraft will usually feel the sequence of stings previously listed. If we react to the attack properly, we will not only be free of its influence ourselves, but we can also help to free those who have use witchcraft. The manipulation and control spirits gain entrance through fear.

Those who are fearful, insecure, and so obsessed with controlling others that they use evil influence, will take a demonstration of “perfect love” (see I John 4:18) to cast out these fears. Jesus commanded us to “bless those who curse you” (see Matthew 5:44). Paul said that we are not to return evil for evil; we are to overcome evil with good (see Romans 12:19-21).

When we discover that we are the target of witchcraft, retaliation is not the answer. In fact, that is the very thing the enemy would have us do, for it multiplies the evil we are trying to cast out. Satan will not cast out Satan; witchcraft will not cast out witchcraft.

We must pray for those who are praying against us and bless those who are cursing us. This does not mean we are to bless what they are doing, but we must pray that they are delivered from the fears and hatred that motivates them. Pray for your attackers to have a revelation of the perfect love of God. Our greatest victory is in winning those who are in the enemy’s grip, not just in afflicting them back.

Another source of witchcraft that can be one of the most unexpected causes of discouragement, confusion, depression, loss of vision, disorientation, and despair is ourselves!

When we use manipulation, hype, or control on others, we open ourselves to the consequences. Before we look at others to find the source, we should first look at ourselves. Again, Satan cannot cast out Satan; we will not be able to cast witchcraft out of others if we are using it ourselves.

Most who have been subject to witchcraft have tried to combat it in the flesh actually using the same spirit. When we do that, it gains a foothold in our own lives that must be broken before we will have the authority to deliver others.

Witchcraft is a serious offense that God will not continue to tolerate in the church. His intent is to bring down every form and manifestation of witchcraft that has ensnared His people. After we have been freed from this terrible evil, we will also be free to walk in the unprecedented power that can only be entrusted to those who walk in true spiritual authority.

Excerpted from Overcoming Witchcraft, Combating Spiritual Strongholds Series, Rick Joyner © copyright 1996, 2010, published by Morning Star Publications

Image Credit: Heavens Call

Overcoming Witchcraft

Wear.the_.Armor_.Of_.God.4.5.1The practice of witchcraft has dramatically increased throughout the world in recent years. One of the expressed goals of this movement is to destroy biblical Christianity. Many Christians are presently suffering some form of attack from those who practice witchcraft. Discerning the nature of these attacks, and knowing how to overcome them, is becoming crucial for all believers.

What is Witchcraft?

Witchcraft is counterfeit spiritual authority; it is using a spirit other than the Holy Spirit to dominate, manipulate, or control others.

In Galatians 5:20, the Apostle Paul named witchcraft, or “sorcery,” as one of the deeds of the flesh. Though witchcraft has its origin in the carnal nature of man, it usually degenerates quickly into demonic power. When we try to use emotional pressure to manipulate others, it is a basic form of witchcraft. When we use hype or soul power to enlist service, even for the work of God, it is witchcraft. When businessmen scheme to find pressure points while pursuing a deal, this, too, can be witchcraft.

Many of the manipulative tactics promoted as sales techniques in marketing are basic forms of witchcraft. The primary defense against counterfeit spiritual authority is to walk in true spiritual authority. Establishing our lives on truth and trusting in the Lord to accomplish what concerns us are essential keys to becoming free from the influence and pressure of witchcraft.

The attacks of witchcraft come in a series of stings. The successive stings are meant to hit the very places where we have been weakened by the previous stings. In this way they build upon each other until the cumulative effect overwhelms the target. The stings of witchcraft usually come in the following order:

  1. Discouragement
  2. Confusion
  3. Depression
  4. Loss of Vision
  5. Disorientation
  6. Withdrawal
  7. Despair
  8. Defeat

This process can happen quickly, as it did with Elijah, but it usually works more slowly, which makes it even more difficult to discern. However, if we know the enemy’s schemes we will not continue to be subject to them. When these symptoms begin to make inroads into our lives, we must resist the enemy until he flees. If we do not resist him, we will be the ones fleeing, just like Elijah.

The source of witchcraft used against us may not be the obvious satanic cults or New Age operatives. It can come from well- meaning, though deceived, Christians who are, in effect, praying against us instead of for us. These misguided prayers have power, because whatever is released on earth is released in heaven, and whatever is bound on earth is bound in heaven. If intercession is motivated by a spirit of control or manipulation, it is witchcraft, and its power is just as real as that of black magic.

Other sources of charismatic witchcraft can be things such as gossip, political maneuvering, and jealousy; and they can have an effect on us whether we allow ourselves to be manipulated by them or not. For example, consider the result if we refuse to be manipulated by someone who has a control spirit, but allow ourselves to become resentful or bitter toward that person. In such a case, the enemy has still caused us to fall, and the discouragement, disorientation, and depression will come upon us just as surely as if we had submitted to the control spirit.

We are defeated by the enemy when he can get us to respond in any spirit other than the Holy Spirit, whose fruit is love, joy, peace, and so forth (see Galatians 5:22-23).

The enemy’s strategy is to cause us to depart from the fruit of the Holy Spirit and try to combat him on his own terms. Satan cannot cast out Satan; resentment will never cast out Jezebel—it will only increase her power.

That is why the basic strategy we must use to begin freeing ourselves from the power of witchcraft is to “bless those who curse us” (see Luke 6:28). This does not mean that we bless their works, but that we pray for them and not against them. If the enemy can get us to retaliate, he will then have us using the same spirit, and we will have multiplied the very evil we were trying to cast out.

We are not warring against flesh and blood, and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual. When we begin to pray blessings upon the people who are attacking us, then the evil power of control and manipulation is broken over both them and us. We must not return evil for evil, but we must “overcome evil with good” (see Romans 12:21).


Everyone gets discouraged at times, and it can be for many different reasons, so this is not always the result of witchcraft being used against us. However, if we become subject to increasing discouragement for no apparent reason, witchcraft should be considered as a possible source.

When your difficulties seem insurmountable and you want to give up, even though matters are really not any worse than usual, you are probably coming under spiritual attack. The enemy’s attempt to afflict you with discouragement is meant to weaken you for the next level of attack, which is:


Again, we must look for a general and increasing “spirit of confusion” for which there is no apparent reason. Here we begin to lose our clarity as to what we have been called to do, which of course will weaken our resolve. This confusion is meant to compound our discouragement, making us even weaker and more vulnerable to further attack, which will usually come in the form of:


This is a deeper problem than simple discouragement. It is an unshakable dread that comes as a result of the combined effect of discouragement and confusion, along with a general negligence in spiritual disciplines that have usually slipped in by this time. This will become an increasingly prevalent problem in the last days, and we must gain victory over it. If we do not, it will quickly lead to the next sting:


This is the goal of the previous stings, and it works to increase their effect. Here we begin to doubt that God has called us to the task in the first place. The only way that we can sail through the storm of confusion is to hold our course, but we cannot hold our course if we do not know where we are going. We will not try to hold our course if we begin to think it was wrong for us to ever pursue our vision in the first place. Such a loss in vision will lead to our drifting in circles at the time when we most need to “make straight paths for your feet” (see Hebrews 12:13). This sets us up for the next level of assault:


The combined result of depression, confusion, and loss of vision is usually disorientation. By this time, not only have we forgotten the course we are supposed to be holding, but we have even lost our ability to read the compass. The Scriptures will no longer speak to us, and it is a struggle to trust the Lord’s voice or receive much encouragement from even the most anointed teaching or preaching. This is the point of spiritual incapacitation, the inability to function, which results in:


When disorientation sets in, it is tempting to withdraw or retreat from our purpose in the ministry, our fellowship with the rest of the church, and often from our families and others we are close to. Withdrawal will result in:

Sting 7: DESPAIR

Withdrawal from the battle leads quickly to hopelessness and despair. Without hope we can easily be taken out by the enemy, either through temptation, sickness, or death. Science has proven that when hope is removed, even the healthiest person will quickly deteriorate and die. But with hope, men and women have lived long past the point when a normal body should have quit. Despair will always lead to:

Sting 8: DEFEAT

The enemy’s purpose is to weaken us so that we begin to fall further and further behind—then we can be picked off more easily. In Scripture, the Amalekites were typical of Satan and his hordes. It was the practice of the Amalekites to attack the weak and the defenseless. As the camp of Israel crossed the wilderness, the Amalekites picked off the loners or stragglers who fell behind the rest of the camp.

This is what the enemy seeks to do through witchcraft. He seeks to weaken believers so that they will begin to fall behind the rest of the camp and become easy prey. This is why Israel was told that there would be perpetual war with the Amalekites. When Israel’s kings were commanded to fight them, they were also commanded to utterly destroy them and not take any spoil. We have a perpetual war against Satan, and we cannot take any prisoners. Neither can we use that which is his in the service of God.

King Saul disobeyed this command. He kept Agag alive, king of the Amalekites, and kept some of the spoil “to sacrifice it to the Lord” (see I Samuel 15:15). This represented a failure of the most foolish kind for one called to lead God’s people. In those days, keeping a rival king alive after a battle was only done for one of two reasons: to make him an ally or a slave. Saul foolishly thought that he could make the one who personified Satan himself into an ally or a slave.

It was no accident that it was an Amalekite who killed Saul and carried the news of Saul’s death to David. This Amalekite thought that the news would be pleasing to David, but David was discerning and had him killed (see II Samuel 1:1-16).

If we do not obey the Lord and utterly destroy the enemy we battle, he will end up finishing us off. There can be no alliance with the enemy; he and his hordes must be utterly destroyed. Neither let us be foolish enough to think that we can use the enemy as our slave; in his guile he will quickly turn the tables.

Witchcraft is being used against the church. Many who have failed to recognize it have been defeated—losing their vision, their ministry, their families, and even their lives. This is not sensationalism; it is fact. Paul said that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers (see Ephesians 6:12). Wrestling is the closest form of combat.

The enemy is going to fight, and he is going to wrestle with us. If we decide we are just not going to fight, we will get pinned!

As Christians, we have no option as to whether or not we are going to do spiritual warfare—if we want to survive, we must fight. How do we combat this witchcraft? We must first look at the basic principle of spiritual warfare required for every victory.

The Road to Victory

In Revelation 12:11, we see that the saints overcome Satan:

  1. By the blood of the Lamb,
  2. by the word of their testimony, and
  3. by loving not their lives even unto death.

We overcome by the blood of the Lamb as we take our stand on what He has already accomplished for us through the cross. The victory has already been won, and there is no way we can lose, if we abide in Him.

The word of our testimony is the Scriptures. Every time the enemy challenged Jesus, He simply responded with Scripture, countering the enemy’s temptation with God’s truth. The Word of God is “the sword of the Spirit” (see Ephesians 6:17). With the sword, we can deflect the blows from his deceptive words, as well as attack him. Of all the pieces of armor we are commanded to use, the sword is the only offensive weapon (see Ephesians 6:10-18).

That they “did not love their lives to the death” (see Revelation 12:11 NKJV), is the utter commitment to follow Him regardless of the price. We are called to take up our crosses daily, to do all things for the sake of the gospel, and to no longer live for ourselves but for Him.

To the degree that we remain in self-centeredness, we will be vulnerable to the enemy’s attack. When we have reckoned ourselves dead to this world, as crucified with Christ, then the enemy no longer has any access to us because he has no more access to Him. What can be done to a dead person? It is impossible for the dead to be offended, tempted, fearful, depressed, or to be continually looking for the easy way out, since they have already paid the ultimate price.

All of these—the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and a commitment to lay down our lives, are required for spiritual victory. Anything less will fail to bring a complete victory. We may make occasional, halting advances, but we will sooner or later be pushed back.

However, it is clear that at the end of the age an army of believers will be raised up who will not settle for occasional advances—they have committed themselves to the fight and will not stop until there is the total victory. “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains” (see Psalm 24:1). Until the earth has been completely recovered from the domain of Satan, our fight is not over.

No one will fight to win if they do not believe victory is possible. Many teachings have been promulgated that declare the church’s defeat before Christ’s return. Yet the whole prophetic testimony of Scripture is that the Lord, the church, and the truth are going to prevail. Satan is indeed being cast down to the earth, bringing with him a time of trouble like the world has never known before—but we will still win!

Isaiah 14:16-17 says that when we see Satan, we are going to marvel at the pitiful nature of the one who caused so much trouble! The Lord, who lives within the very least of the saints, is much greater than the combined power of all antichrists. These times are not to be feared—this will be our finest hour! As Isaiah 60:1-2 declares, when darkness is covering the earth, the glory of the Lord will be appearing on His people.

The darkness will just make His glory upon us appear that much brighter. We must start fighting in order to win, giving no more ground to the enemy, and taking back what he has usurped. To effectively combat witchcraft, we must determine that we are going to resist Satan until he flees from us. Our goal is more than just driving the enemy out of our own lives; we then must pursue him until he is driven out of others in whom he has established a stronghold.

Adapted from Overcoming Witchcraft, Combating Spiritual Strongholds Series, Rick Joyner © copyright 1996, 2010, published by Morning Star Publications

Image Credit: Heavens Call

Koinonia – The Great Commission

You are Never Be AloneContinuing with the commission to make disciples and connecting it with how spiritual authority is founded upon love, one way we will know who we are called to help disciple is by a love that God gives us for them. If I don’t feel a special love for a person, I won’t try to disciple them. I will consider that God has called someone else to help them. The same is true of nations.

I do not go to a nation just because I receive an invitation. I only go after God has given me a special love for that nation, as well as something to give them. When I start feeling drawn to a nation, I begin to study its culture, history, etc. Still, I do not go until I feel the Lord has given me a message that can help them and leave fruit that will remain.

When I was a new Christian, I was so fascinated by God that I was constantly going to any meeting that I thought would teach me more about Him. For the first two years that I was a Christian, I probably attended an average of at least five meetings per week.

Just anticipating what I might learn when a special teacher or speaker would come to town was better than Christmas to me, and I was rarely disappointed. This led me to a house church. Since I had been born again and baptized in the Spirit in a house church, I was especially interested in visiting another one. That meeting was so rich that I kept coming back. This is where I first experienced koinonia.

Koinonia is the Greek word often translated “fellowship” or “communion” in the New Testament. Neither of these words is really adequate for what koinonia really is. It implies a bonding together into a unit in such a way that separation is not possible. True church life is intended to be a bond that strong, but this will only be bondage if it is not built on Christ. If built on Christ as the Head, it is like no other relationship or association on earth.

The house church where I first experienced koinonia was in Richmond, Virginia. It was loosely connected to a group of house churches in the Washington, D.C. area. As I got to know this group better, I was introduced to the greatest vision of what the body of Christ is supposed to be that I have yet heard. It was also demonstrated in these churches. Every member of this group operated in gifts of the Spirit and a ministry. It was as close to a fulfillment of the Ephesians 4 mandate that I have yet witnessed as well.

The fellowship in these house churches was greater than any kind of fellowship I had experienced before, even better than the special camaraderie experienced in a unit in the military. It was not just because we were getting close to one another as people, but because the Lord was present when we gathered. Regardless of how good the teaching, ministry, or fellowship, every meeting was an encounter with the Lord. We knew He was in our midst. This bonded us together like nothing else could

This was a rich, fulfilling, and exciting church life. We could not wait to gather together. It was biblical koinonia. My time with those house churches only lasted about two years before I was sent out. Yet to this day when I see anyone from those churches, I feel a special bond with them.

When I moved from Richmond to Raleigh, North Carolina, I immediately sought out the house churches there. There were many. Again, I found a bond with members close to what I had experienced in Richmond and Washington and, for a time, maybe even more so. I have since been a member of a number of churches and fellowships and have visited and spoken in countless others. Many do have a wonderful unity and fellowship, but I think true church life—koinonia, the way God intended church life to be—is very rare.

As we are told in I Corinthians 10-11, this koinonia is vital for a healthy, thriving Christian life. It must be restored for the church to come into its full purpose. We will never attain it by just attending meetings a couple of times a week where we sit and look at the back of each other’s heads. These services can be very useful for teaching, vision casting, corporate worship, etc., but we will never attain koinonia without building the church life on small groups. This is the crucial issue we will cover over the next few weeks.

Copyright 2014,  Rick Joyner Word for the Week, Published:  February 25, 2014-All rights reserved