Come-on Paul! Was His Funeral Really An Orwellian Space Opera?

The memorial services for the late President George H. W. Bush were so over the top that it transcended an Olympic ceremony or a Broadway musical production such as Les Misérables.

Beneath all the pomp and ceremony were multiple messages for the primary demographic target — conservatives, Republicans and Christians.  The purpose? To redefine and rebrand patriotism, conservatism and Republicanism in the subconscious mind.

Masterfully layered into the Bush memorial services were repetitive symbols like American flags, Bibles, church sanctuaries, choirs, military rituals, and families along with the sounds of Christian music and patriotic testimony, Bible verses read aloud, Christian songs, and the synergistic forces of God, country, duty and service.

For the informed viewer, these are the signatures of persuasion experts like journalist and political commentator Walter Lippmann, “the father of public relations” Edward Bernays, and Nazi Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels who produced massive rallies with over 180,000 people packing mega-stadiums with massive Roman columns, Wagnerian opera music, and giant Nazi flags featuring swastikas — an occult symbol from ancient Tibet. During these rallies, tens of thousands of people lined up in endless rows shouting “Sieg Heil” as they raised their arms and hands in the Nazi salute.

The propaganda genius of Goebbels, the talents of Albert Speer, the Nazi architect who built massive, futuristic Nazi stadiums and buildings for giant rallies, and the stirring music of Richard Wagner, the highly-gifted composer and director of Hitlerian operas, combined to catapult Nazi leader Adolf Hitler to a Messiah-like level.

This is not to suggest that the late President Bush was a Nazi because he wasn’t. President Bush’s highest loyalty appeared to be towards an idealized New World Order, a massive fact completely erased in the mass media spectacle.

Bush, Sr. and the New World Order

The behind-the-scenes, Orwellian propaganda masters carefully rewrote and revised the history of President Bush, Sr. from one of a total commitment to the New World Order to one of a total commitment to Christianity and the Bible.

Consider a few of his past remarks.

On February 28, 1990, he spoke at the United Nations, saying:

Time and again in this century, the political map of the world was transformed. And in each instance, a new world order came about through the advent of a new tyrant or the outbreak of a bloody global war, or its end.

On September 11, 2001, he said,

Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective–a new world order–can emerge…. We are now in sight of a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its founders.

On September 11, 1990, he delivered an address to Congress titled, “Toward a New World Order,” regarding the crisis in the Persian Gulf after Iraq invaded Kuwait the previous month.

President Bush, Sr. repeatedly spoke before the nation and the world in support of the New World Order.

In the best-selling FaithWords/Hachette book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon by myself and Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, we uncover the Deep State forces that are allied with numerous secret societies in an all-out effort to remove President Donald Trump from office.

An Orwellian Deep State Funeral

The President Bush, Sr. funeral services featured an endless series of evangelical Christians, Christian symbols, Bible verses and Christian hymns. Instead of summoning the adopted Nazi god Wōtan and German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s Ubermensch, or superman, the Orwellian Deep State producers epically created endless funeral ceremonies for the late President Bush, which were perhaps the single, greatest global pageant surrounding the death of any world leader in the past 100 years.

Although, stylistically and ideologically different than the Nazi’s annual Nuremberg rallies, the Deep State producers of what can only be described as the “Bush-Orwellian Space Opera” were very similar in construction of a massive, media propaganda machine on many subconscious levels that tapped into the Jungian archetypes of the collective consciousness.

Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung theorized that Hitler and the Nazis had released a powerful spiritual being named Wotan, or Odin, that supernaturally energized Hitler and the German people.

In Christian theology, Wotan would be characterized as a specific territorial spirit that can rule over a nation. This ancient Nordic and Germanic god are connected to Yale University’s Skull and Bones, the secret society that the late President Bush, Sr., and his son President George W. Bush belonged to.


Inside three different majestic cathedrals, the Bush Dynasty consisting of former President George W. Bush, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, President Bush, Sr.’s granddaughters and other notables, gathered to pay their respects to the late Bush, Sr. Former President Bill Clinton and former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, former President Barack Obama, current President Donald Trump, and their wives, were in attendance at the funeral ceremonies of the late President Bush, Sr. which took place at numerous locations with unrivaled glory, pomp, worshipful music, endless Bible verses, traditional Christian hymns, and choreography that exceeded the devotion given to any modern king.

Funeral Designed to Reprogram ‘Deplorables’

In fact, this was on many levels deeply moving to Americans of all political persuasions and specifically designed to re-program the minds of what Hillary Clinton called the “Deplorables,” or conservative President Trump supporters, through a strategic “counterpoint process” that subliminally caused both Republicans and President Trump supporters to subconsciously compare and contrast the behaviour and style of Donald Trump with an idealized and mythological President George H. W. Bush who became larger than life.

When Jenna Hager Bush, one of the granddaughters of President Bush, Sr. read from the 21st chapter of the book of Revelation it was very moving.

Now, I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea. Then I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, ‘Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.’ Then He who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’ And He said to me, ‘Write, for these words are true and faithful (Revelation 21:1-5).

In a very revealing manner, every major television network broadcast the ceremonies and heaped worshipful comments on the late President Bush, Sr., as if he was the Messiah.

Please do not misunderstand my words here. I am not implying that this was the intention of the Bush family and the deceased President Bush, Sr., but this entire event spanning over several days was masterfully planned and directed by one of the world’s most gifted creative teams — a team that understood the deep-seated need of ordinary people to worship, if not God, then a man.

The funeral of the late President Bush, Sr. took place in multiple cathedrals in which major evangelical leaders, singers, and musicians sang “Amazing Grace,” “Onward Christian Soldiers,” and other traditional Christian hymns. The Bush family and others also read actual Bible verses.

The late President Bush, Sr.’s granddaughter, Jenna, read a moving passage from Revelation, yet about three-quarters of evangelical churches in America forbid the teaching of the entire book of Revelation and any secular or public employee, teacher or student who dared to read that exact same passage of the Bible would be punished, fined or fired!

Lauren Bush and Ashley Walker Bush, the daughters of businessman Neil Bush, read from the book of Isaiah where it states, “The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you by night, but the Lord will be your everlasting light and your God will be your glory” (Isaiah 60:19).

The Coming Global System – ‘Mystery, Babylon’

The verses read by Jenna, Lauren and Ashley are what theologians call the prophetic verses of the Bible. But the ultimate focus of the prophetic verses consists of very strong warnings about a coming one-world government, one-world religion and one-world economic system known as “Mystery, Babylon” that will be ruled by the Antichrist.

The first Babylon arose at the time of the Tower of Babel, as described in eleventh chapter of the book of Genesis. This was the world’s first global government, religion and economic system that God judged because He knew it was Luciferian in nature.

God’s judgment upon ancient Babylon consisted of destroying their globalist society and separating the nations and the peoples of Babylon into independent, sovereign nation-states in order to establish checks and balances and prevent a Luciferian global dictatorship from emerging.

Through these judgments, God reveals Himself as being in support of nationalism and against globalism. Ancient Babylon was the world’s first New World Order.

In the best-selling FaithWords/Hachette book The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End-Times Mystery by myself and Troy Anderson, the former executive editor of Charisma magazine and a Los Angeles Daily News reporter, we explore this biblical mystery in great depth, revealing the link between today’s globalists, secret societies that passed down occult knowledge over thousands of years, and the Tower of Babel.

Babylon was the First New World Order

Through the prophetic verses God warns about a soon coming second New World Order and a globalist system that is satanic in nature and one which Jesus Christ will judge and destroy at His literal Second Coming.

It must be understood that the New World Order, which is the goal of many secret societies such as Skull and Bones, is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God.

The prophetic verses of Scripture warn that Jesus Christ is returning to planet Earth to destroy “Mystery, Babylon” at the Battle of Armageddon where Christ will defeat Satan, the Antichrist, False Prophet, the fallen angels, and the New World Order.

Jesus Christ will then bring in the New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem where all those who put their faith in Him will enter Paradise in an eternal dimension and live forever.

Conversely, all those who choose to worship the Antichrist as God will be sentenced to a cosmic prison called the Lake of Fire for all eternity.

It’s very difficult to believe that the late President George H. W. Bush, former President George W. Bush, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and other members of the Bush family who claim to be strong “born again” Christians would not be aware of one of the central themes of the Bible and not be aware that the beliefs of Skull and Bones are in direct opposition to that of the Bible.

The Goal was to Degrade President Trump

The mainstream media is continually revealing its Orwellian nature by operating as the one, unified monolithic voice of Orwellian Big Brother. They must be reading from the same script told to us non-stop about how incredibly Christian, kind, sensitive, humble, people oriented, servant-like, great listeners, and deeply-committed Bible believing Christians the late President Bush, Sr. was, and then programmed the viewers into comparing the aggressive and bold President Donald Trump with an illusory President Bush, Sr. who apparently was more Christian than evangelist Billy Graham.

The mind-control goal was to degrade President Trump and erode the loyalty of his base. One of the primary ways to do this was to reinvent President Bush, Sr. as an “on-fire evangelical Christian.”

But if the late President Bush, Sr. and other Bush’s are such devout evangelical and born-again Christians how can they simultaneously be members of a secret German occult society known as Skull and Bones, which advocates the New World Order that is warned about in Genesis 11 and the book of Revelation, and which the Bible says that Jesus Christ is coming back to destroy this New World Order, or “Mystery, Babylon”?

The Skull and Bones secret society, also known as the Brotherhood of Death, uses a symbol of a human skull and a pair of human crossbones very much like the symbol of pirates.

Hitler’s highest-ranking Nazi officers wore leather trench coats and military caps with the Skull and Bones on them. They also wore the Skull and Bones proudly on their belt buckles, above their medals, and in other places. Skull and Bones, or the Brotherhood of Death, comes from the Thule Society, a secret German occult society dedicated to creating the New World Order.

In Bush family history, Prescott Bush, the father of the late President Bush, Sr., had a business relationship with E. H. Harriman who purchased the Union Pacific Railroad with the help of the British royal family and members of the Rockefeller family.

A private bank was created for Harriman’s sons, Averell and Roland Harriman. In 1926, Bert Walker connected with the Morgan family who brought his son-in-law, Prescott Bush, into the bank that began gaining control over German shipping and business assets.

Prescott Bush and Harriman were members of Skull and Bones. Prescott Bush was connected to the funding centers for Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. Prescott Bush was very active in launching the career of President Bush, Sr.

This doesn’t mean that the late President Bush, Sr., former President George W. Bush, and other members of the Bush family have Nazi-like intentions, or that Skull and Bones today has the exact same beliefs as Skull and Bones did in the past

But on the most basic level there is an inherent conflict between the teachings of the Bible regarding the New World Order and a system of global government.

The fact is that during the Orwellian Space Opera surrounding the funeral of the late President Bush, Sr., there was a strategic and methodical effort to revise the history of the late President Bush, Sr.

All of the late President Bush, Sr.’s many references to the New World Order were erased from the mass consciousness of millions of people, not by the Bush family, but by an Orwellian media.

Copyright © 2018 Paul McGuire All rights reserved


Is This Why Trump is Attacked 24/7?

Stormy Daniels, A Weather Modification Weapon, And Trumpocalypse

The relatively recent appearance of Stormy Daniels, a porn star who claims to have had an affair with President Donald Trump for money, like the Category 4 hurricanes that seemed to come out of nowhere to devastate the Florida coast, appears to be a geoengineered storm created to devastate Trump.

But the real target of this artificial storm involving Stormy Daniels is strategically designed to destroy the widespread support Trump enjoys among evangelical Christians as the mid-term elections approach.

The question remains, as we pose in our bestselling Hachette book Trumpocalypse: The End-Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, co-written with Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Troy Anderson, whether Daniel’s account is true. Many Americans have serious doubts about the truthfulness of her story because of the timing of her announcement, inconsistencies in her story, and the fact that despite what she claims she has a lot to gain monetarily and in terms of notoriety in both the adult video business and mainstream entertainment.

For Trump’s political and Deep State opponents to use Daniel’s so-called testimony against him, it’s not necessary for it to be true. It’s only necessary for evangelical Christians to believe that it’s true, or at least wonder. The goal is to constantly bombard Trump with an endless series of alleged scandals, Russian collusions, improprieties and so on to erode his political and moral credibility with his political base.

The operatives behind this, whoever they are, have strategically targeted Trump’s “evangelical Christian” voter base with things like “Stormy the Porn Star’s” accusation of an affair with Trump. These dark political operatives know full well that the “Stormy Daniels affair” does not fly well with evangelical Christians, especially women, because both Christian men and women view the “affair” as biblical adultery. This also has a secondary effect of destroying Trump’s growing favor among Democratic and Republican women, who are not religious.

The challenge before evangelical Christians and some evangelical Christian leaders is not to allow themselves to be manipulated and controlled by highly sophisticated political operatives who often know more about the moral values and theological principles in the Bible than many Christians. They are already creating an “evangelical Christian narrative” based on biblical principles and enrolling targeted Christians who will be easily led to go against Trump for money and a slick counterfeit of biblical morality.

The only reason this is possible is because we now have several generations of Christians and Christian leaders who have not developed a strong biblical worldview capable of understanding historical truths in the Bible, such as the long record of pagan and immoral world rulers that God raised up to deliver his people in times of crisis. These Christians have a weakened understanding of the Bible and cannot discern the difference between superficial holiness and piety and the deep sins that break the heart of God.

The Orwellian mainstream media has artificially engineered a national social crisis in which powerful men in the entertainment and other industries have been accused in large numbers of using their power to abuse women sexually and psychologically. The reality is that it is highly possible that a significant percentage of these women are telling the truth. Most women have experienced sexual abuse in different degrees in their own lives or know a woman friend who has.

The social climate right now is a kind of pervasive disgust of men and their sexual aggressiveness. While Trump has not been accused of abusing or molesting women, and if it was true, which at this point there is not enough evidence to prove this conclusively, Trump may get caught in the riptide of all the abused women accounts and, if it were true, large numbers of Christian women and men would perceive it as the sin of adultery.

The bottom line is if Trump lied to his wife and committed adultery with a “porn star,” this alone will not jeopardize his evangelical Christian base, but it will damage it and that is the goal of the political operatives. “The Stormy Daniels Porn Star” situation cannot be viewed singularly. It is part of an overall master plan that involves manufacturing, fabricating and if possible discovering numerous situations politically, sexually, and ethically that added up have the collective power to hurt him.

Before we get into the reality of operational weather modification technology or what some people claim are weather modification weapons of which this article contains publicly documented proof, many in the mainstream media will falsely attempt to call that claim a “conspiracy theory,” which according to former CIA Director John O. Brennan and Russian President Vladimir Putin it is not a conspiracy theory, but a scientific reality.

Brennan spoke about this during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington D.C. on June 29, 2016. This speech, “Director Brennan Speaks at the Council on Foreign Relations,” is available to be read on the CIA website. In his speech, Brennan talked about modern technologies we currently have that can change the weather.

Geoengineering refers to technologies such as “Chemtrails” and the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HARRP) in Alaska, which can change the weather.

“Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do,” Brennan said.

The former CIA director then talked about geoengineering technologies that can transform of modify the weather, create or stop the rain, and end droughts. Although he openly admitted that this technology is online today and demonstrated his enthusiasm for positive things through geoengineering, these powerful technologies can be used for good or evil purposes. As with so many technological and scientific breakthroughs, modern technologies can be used to benefit or harm mankind.

Examples of this dichotomy would be nuclear energy, which can produce nuclear power or atomic bombs, or genetic engineering that can heal and prevent diseases or create worse problems like some of the genetically modified organisms (GMO) foods that genetically produce harmful diseases. It’s not an accident that Putin publicly announced that America has weather modification weapons and that Russia does too.

Highly advanced modern technologies also exist in the realm of scientific mind control, persuasion and creating groupthink for controlling the masses. Political campaigns, public opinion and wars have always been manipulated through the mass media’s use of advertising techniques, propaganda, social engineering and the science of mind control.

In the same way that weather modification technologies can generate good or severe weather, psychological operations (PSYOPs) can artificially create positive or negative perceptions among the American public regarding candidates and issues.

In this way, the “Stormy Daniels Porn Star” matter is like a weather modification storm. It bears all the hallmarks of an artificially-generated mythology designed to attack the trust between evangelical Christians and Trump who is the first president in America’s history that has championed Christianity in a serious way by standing up for Christian martyrs around the world, acknowledged Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, defended the constitutional rights of pastors to speak out on issues from their pulpits, challenged abortion, and truly sided with evangelical Christians on many moral and spiritual issues.

Finally, Trump has boldly confronted the technology giants on their unconstitutional suppression and censorship of Christians on social media and the Internet.

Once again, the mainstream media in America cannot report the truth because they are part of the problem. They are sold out and are nothing more than agents for the globalist elite and their agenda. The mainstream media is owned by just six globalist corporations. They are the “thought police” of Big Brother referenced by author George Orwell in his book, 1984.

As we revealed in Trumpocalypse, there is an historical relationship between the Deep State, the mainstream media and the Internet and social media giants. It was American intelligence agencies like the CIA that started “Operation Mockingbird,” allowing the CIA to embed its operatives—some of the biggest names in journalism—into mainstream media companies.

The CIA placed into top media positions countless reporters, editors and producers who were trained at a CIA school of journalism. This includes major media figures at Time, Newsweek, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CBS, NBC, and ABC, along with major motion picture studios and radio and television networks. The CIA played an active role in either directly or indirectly funding and controlling both leftist and conservative media such as William F. Buckley, founder of the National Review.

Google, Microsoft, Facebook, YouTube, Amazon and countless other tech giants were initially funded by the CIA and continue to receive massive investments through front companies. If you want to know why Trump is attacked 24/7 by most of the mainstream media and the tech giants, it’s because the mainstream media and the tech companies represent the views and opinions of the CIA, and not those of “We the People.”

The mainstream media and the big tech companies are significantly controlled by the CIA and the globalist elite.  Beginning around 1947, the first CIA director appointed by globalist David Rockefeller was Allen Dulles. What legal and governmental authority gave Rockefeller, one of the world’s richest individuals to select and appoint the first head of the CIA?

The answer to that question involves who really controls and owns America? The answer is very simple. The world’s wealthiest international banking families such as the Rockefellers rule America from a “Shadow Government” and the Deep State.

When David Rockefeller, who founded the Council on Foreign Relations and set up the globalist United Nations, was alive he and other globalists like former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, members of the Rothschild banking dynasty family and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger laughed privately at this fairy tale in which the average American believes their nation is run by “We the People.”

The notion that America is actually ruled by “We the People” ended in 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act. This fairy tale reality is a virtual reality illusion projected by scientific mind control and media technology. It is the “Scientific Dictatorship” outlined by Brave New World author Aldous Huxley who gave a speech before 2,000 neuropsychiatrists at the University of California, Berkeley in 1961 when he said, “In the truly effective Scientific Dictatorship men and women will not know that they are slaves. They will learn to love their slavery (though scientific mind control.)”

The reason that a significant percentage of the mainstream media would openly lie about the existence of these technologies is because the majority of journalists who work for mainstream newspapers, blogs, news sites, radio, television, tech giant social media firms and major search engines have chose not to be true journalists like many were decades before, but they are now the Orwellian armies of Big Brother and the “thought police” that Orwell warned of in his novel, 1984.

Many of them are painfully uneducated in the true sense of the word and have little or no understanding of history, politics, economics, philosophy, culture, religion and how our world really works. They are merely the programmed voices and faces who are paid to conceal the truth and drive the globalist agenda of which they have no clue what it is about.

Most of them have never been real journalists. They are second rate salesmen and saleswomen for the dissemination of globalist propaganda. In their delusional world of group-think and scientific mind control they are propped up by expensive sets, wardrobes, graphics, make-up people, plastic surgery and Botox injections.

In their insular, bi-coastal world where they and their Hollywood star friends scream at the American public for not supporting gun control, the higher-level media have their lives, families and children protected by literal ex-military and small private armies of ex-Navy Seals who are heavily armed with multiple, fully automatic assault rifles, bulletproof vests, bulletproof black Cadillacs and specially fortified homes that are patrolled 24/7 by a private military of anywhere between four to ten private soldiers.

Yet while they scream for gun control and carefully edit the news videos and interviews to support their narrative even it is not true, they demand that defenseless elderly people, single mothers with small children, and African Americans and Hispanics in gang-infested neighborhoods to give up their means of defending themselves. Guess what happens when these defenseless single mothers, elderly, people, African Americans and Hispanics in dangerous neighborhoods are the victims of a home invasion robbery involving heavily-armed gang members smashing into their homes high on powerful mind-altering drugs?

If these people can afford an alarm system, how long do you think it really takes the police to get there in any major city? Let me give you a hint. It takes about an hour after the gang has tortured, raped, brutalized and done things to the single mother, her children and others that are too graphic to put in this article.

Yet this narcistic media in collusion with Hollywood stars and politicians want to eventually take away all guns so every person in America is defenseless. Many in the media know the truth, but the mainstream media are owned by just six globalist corporations that are owned by the globalist elite families that represent less than percent of the world’s population and control and own 99 percent of the world’s wealth.

The globalist elite have an agenda to completely disarm the global population for a very specific reason that you will never hear the mainstream media report on, just like the mainstream media never told you the truth about what would happen to the American working class and middle class when all these secret trade treaties were signed. Instead of having integrity and acting like journalists, they were paid off to keep their mouths shut and they knew full well what was coming.

© 2018 Paul McGuire – All Rights Reserved

America 2016 at the Crossroads: Great Awakening or Repression

american map and flagAmerica has entered into some time machine and is playing with technologies and multi-dimensional realities that it does not understand. It’s as if we have activated live streaming from the fourth dimension, which has brought back the ghosts of the past into our present reality.

The fleeting images of Nazi Germany keep entering a kind of collective consciousness in the American soul with major motion pictures like Star Wars, with what look like Nazi storm troopers in white body armor gathering at a massive Hitler rally with a giant symbol that looks like a Swastika.

Countless other movies and television shows churn out a 24/7 cycle of cop shows, surveillance shows, military and “special ops” and spy movies, so that all you see is a stroboscopic bombardment of images of guns, surveillance technology, large black Suburban SUV’s with dark tinted windows, terrorists, militarized police, bomb plots, and suitcase nukes.

The Hunger Games movies, including the latest, Mockingjay, whose title is a subliminal wink to the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, which involves planting information, themes, and messages into films, entertainment, music, and television, shows Nazi motifs very similar to the latest Star Wars movie.

What we have is the militarization of American consciousness and the revving up of a “will to power” to confront ISIS and the hordes of Hell getting ready for their orgy of slaughter, death, and destruction across Europe and America. In the book Mass Awakening I outline the dynamics of both evil and good mass awakenings.

Storm clouds from Hell are blowing over the soil of the America first planted by Native Americans, Pilgrims, and Puritans and then toiled upon by slaves from Africa brought here by “Christian” plantation owners. Digital American generations blinded to reality by their social media, cell phones, and iPods cannot see what the Indians, Pilgrims, and slaves knew: what you say, think, and do matters.

Deceived by their unseen puppet masters they think that they are they are gods of their own universe and the center of the world. When multiple nukes go off on this precious American soil and human bodies light up like the Christmas trees they have censored from the public square, they are going to have what they call in the American secular corporate world a “come to Jesus meeting.”

2016 will be the most pivotal year in the history of America. In 2016 America will either experience some form of Great Awakening or America as we know it will die. We are one mass terrorist event away from a police state. The seismic pressures upon America are about to erupt with volcanic force, and as they do America as a free nation will be plunged into chaos and totalitarianism.

The seductive, magnetic power of this Nazi nightmare pulls upon each of us, and if we yield to it we will enter destruction.

Is our destiny to be inevitably pulled into the chaos with no way out or do we have some degree of choice? The newly released movie, The Force Awakens, sends out a duality of messages. George Lucas, the film’s creator, was clearly depicting a mystical force with its roots in Hinduism, Shamanism, Taoism, and witchcraft. The “Force,” according to Lucas, is neither good nor bad; it is a duality. It is the Yin and the Yang in Taoism. While acknowledging the intent of Lucas, it is possible to lift the words and change the narrative of the film.

This is not a blending or synthesis of New Age and Biblical thought. It is simply a technique of communication, borrowing a term from popular culture or “jacking” the narrative. Just as when in corporate culture they talk about a “come to Jesus” meeting, it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; it is simply using revivalist language to communicate.

Thus, the term “the force awakens,” although intended to be mystical, can be used to illustrate the spiritual concept of a Biblical revival or “Great Awakening.” There is a power that can be accessed that is more powerful than nuclear weapons, terrorists, the schemes of the banking cartels, shadow governments, social engineering, and the seduction of totalitarianism. What power is this?

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The Coming one World Economic, Governmental, and Religious System

King-World-News-U.S.-Orchestrating-The-Next-Disastrous-Global-Financial-Crisis-1728x800_c-1Our entire planet is convulsing from the massive changes coming to our economic, political, and religious systems. Watching our television news and social media, millions of people are simply overwhelmed by events; it is as if our collective unconscious is being infected with dread and despair.

Images of ISIS terrorists wearing black robes and masks beheading journalists and innocent women in their attempt to establish a new Islamic caliphate are both horrific and barbaric.

In response to this terrorist threat from an extreme Islamic religious sect, Pope Francis and the Vatican and a rising number of “Evangelical’ churches are calling for a more inclusive one world religion where all faiths merge.

Economic news of the potential for Greece to default on its loans and the rising practice of “bank bail-ins” where banks are now seizing the deposits of the common man in order to pay off their debts, threatens to move across the EU like falling dominoes and eventually into the U.S.

To prevent the possibility of a global economic collapse a New International Economic Order is being set in motion where the dollar will not be the de facto world’s currency, but something like the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) proposed basket of competing currencies, which would constitute a new one world currency.

Simultaneously, Denmark is its way on to being the world’s first cashless society, as the government proposes new laws that will allow retailers to refuse cash payment.

Already a third of the population uses the Danske Bank app called MobilePay, which links your mobile to other users’ phones and allows you to confirm payments with a simple swipe on your smartphone’s screen. In the UK, cashless technologies like Paym, and in the U.S. Google Wallet allow people buy and sell without cash. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland are now leading the world in cashless payments, from small purchases for a pack of gum to large purchases.

Five of Sweden’s six big banks now operate cashless branches and some predict the country could become cashless by 2030. Clearly, other countries around the world, including the U.S., are quickly moving to a global cashless economic system. The final step would be the use of some kind of microchip or nano-chip implant…and a person could not buy or sell without this technology.

As we look at all these crises a common theme seems to be emerging: the “solutions” being implemented and proposed all contain the elements of globalism and the creation of some kind of new global economic, political, and religious order. It is as if history is repeating itself because thousands of years ago Mankind attempted to deal with similar problems by creating the world’s first one world religion, one world government, and one world economic system at the Tower of Babel in ancient Babylon, founded by Nimrod.

Ancient Babylon was a globalist society built on mysterious but real science, technologies, and spiritual systems that have been passed on for many thousands of years through a secret priesthood. This is why it is no accident that a Babylonian commercial and economic system known as Mystery Babylon is prophesied to return, in the Book of Revelation 17:5.

Although I have been researching Babylon for many decades, I began the most intensive pursuit of my life about five and a half years ago when I partnered with Troy Anderson, a Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist, in deciphering the coding system imbedded in the Tower of Babel and being implemented today by a secret priesthood who plan to radically restructure our society based on the “Mystery Religions” of ancient Babylon.

We believe that we have uncovered some of these “mysteries,” which can explain what is going on behind the scenes in the world today. We have co-written our research in a new book that is coming out in October called The Babylon Code.

Our research has uncovered a secret coding system passed on by secret societies who plan to recreate the one world religion, one world economic system, and one world government developed by Nimrod and recorded in Genesis 11. This secretive elite has passed on this prophetic code and occult teaching in Egypt, Rome, China, Europe, and the U.S. Our research has uncovered the secret of the ancient god-kings who ruled the world’s most powerful empires.

In fact, the ancient pre-flood super civilization Atlantis provided the science and technology which allowed ancient Babylon to flourish, and while many in in the so-called higher levels of our society would ridicule such ideas, the men and women who compromise what Aldous Huxley termed the Scientific or Technocratic Elite, who currently rule our global system, have always been avid students of the science, geopolitics, and governmental structure of Atlantis, primarily through reading the Greek Philosopher Plato’s writings.

On a global cultural level the lower classes, middle class, and managerial classes, which includes prime ministers, presidents, senators, CEO’s, scientists, and college professors are clueless about what is really happening because they suffer from a socially engineered myopia and they cannot connect the dots because their brains have been programmed from youth to be left brain dominant.

This means that they are good at thinking inside of the box and following orders. But due to social engineering they are unable to access their right brain, which is creative and could ask the big questions and connect the dots. When the neurological pathways are trained from childhood to bypass the right brain, eventually people become hollow shells who are able to conform to the artificial norms of society and are programmed to serve their scientific or technocratic masters.

An example of how this programming works is the social engineering system called Common Core, which is designed to create people who are capable of group think and connecting with the hive mind and “World Brain,” but not capable of thinking as empowered individuals.

As Anderson and I began to delve deeper into our research we were able to interview people who are part of this Scientific Elite, such as world class economists, the heads of NSA psy ops programs, military generals, presidents, prime ministers, and high ranking members of the Freemasons and Illuminati because we found as a general principal that these individuals were hiding nothing…everything was “hidden in plain sight” and out in the open for anyone to see. But due to their programming most people cannot see what is actually in front of them.

What we discovered and extensively document is that the chaos we see in our nation and world is largely scientifically engineered, inspired by one of the primary coding systems from Babylon, which is “Order Out of Chaos.” The fact that the U.S. dollar openly displays Illuminati symbols like the all-seeing Eye of Horus and the words “New World Order” in Latin on the base of a picture of a pyramid is evidence of the fact that no one is hiding anything! It is all in plain sight. But through extensive interviews and examination of historical documents, we found that this ancient code explains many contemporary current events.

For example, we are seeing a steady increase in the number of race riots in America and across the world. Jesus Christ spoke of this when he talked about the signs of the times, and referred to “war and rumors of wars” and said that “nation will rise up against nation,” meaning racial or ethnic groups. So Jesus Christ is telling us that in the last days there will be an increase in race wars. But what is causing those race wars in the United States are highly trained activists working behind the scenes, agents who specialize in “manufactured crisis” or chaos. In order for a new order to be established they have to destroy the old with chaos.

Now to this add hard economic realities. The Republicans in the 1990s passed a whole string of trade treaties like NAFTA and GATT and promoted the WTO, which has created an annual trade deficit of $500 billion, which caused a loss of four million jobs in places like Baltimore. In addition, the U.S. economy in 2015 shrank by around .7% which represents a massive hit on the once most powerful economy in the world.

The trade deficits, which are set to continue with the TTP promoted by both Republicans and Democrats, will further destroy America’s inner cities like Baltimore. Jobs that were once available to Americans, such as manufacturing autos, mobile phones, clothing, and furniture no longer exist in cities like Baltimore. Baltimore, like many American cities, was once a place where tens of thousands of blue collar workers could earn a good living in industries building cars, airplanes, steel, etc. But just like what happened to Detroit, these good paying jobs and industries moved to China, Mexico, and other Asian nations.

The Technocratic Elite and their foot soldiers like Newt Gingrich and others did this deliberately. So now American inner cities are like war zones that look like Iraq and are ripe for the agents of manufactured crisis. If you study the system of the Technocratic Elite established at Babylon and passed on through the ages in places like Egypt, which had millions of slaves operating under their god-king system, you see that on a global level the god-king system is emerging once again. But one of the most powerful secrets of The Babylon Code is that this secret priesthood is not hiding anything. They have learned that through sorcery, or what would now be called scientific mind control, the masses can be conditioned to love their slavery.

This is what Aldous Huxley referred to when he said “In a truly effective Scientific Dictatorship men and women can be trained to love their servitude or slavery.” When the Book of Revelation refers to the return of “Mystery Babylon” in the last days, it is talking about a global economic, religious, and governmental system that uses modern economics, science, and technology, but also uses the same occult systems that controlled the original Babylon, and that means under this “world system” the masses willingly surrender their wills to this collective hive mind. This is one of the mysteries revealed by the pyramid with the all-seeing eye of Lucifer above it and below it the words “new world order” on the back of the U.S. dollar.

Race riots, the transfer of the wealth of the middle class, and social and moral anarchy are intensifying. Events are spiraling downwards ever more rapidly and things will get much worse before they get better…we are in for a rough ride. But, at the end of it all, there will be a divine intervention, something completely unexpected is about to arrive.

Paul_McGuire_com_hdr-1Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, The Day the Dollar Died and Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio show, “The Paul McGuire Show” for 10 years. Paul McGuire is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN.

Copyright © 2014-2015 Paradise Mountain Church International. All Rights Reserved


The Worst Catastrophe to Strike Mankind

king-world-news-u-s-orchestrating-the-next-disastrous-global-financial-crisis-1728x800_cMany Americans, lulled to sleep by that Great American Dream Machine, the corporate-controlled media, seem to forget that in the 1990’s the Republicans, along with Bill and Hillary, promised us an economic boom would come when we signed on to trade treaties like NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA and the plans of the WTO. The best politicians that globalist money can buy told us about all the new high paying jobs and new industries that would come to America.

So let’s look behind the smoke and mirrors and find out exactly what happened beginning in the 1990’s when the Republican Party and “Third Way” politicians like Newt Gringrich, who pretends to be a conservative, but in reality believes in the synthesis of communism and capitalism, passed the trade treaties like NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA and MFN (Most Favored Nation) status for China.

Why is the nation of China so very important? It is important because it represents the synthesis of Communism and Capitalism. As a direct result of these trade treaties, the American taxpayer artificially super-charged China’s economy and brought about the rapid decline of America’s economy.

From 2000 – 2010, 55,000 U.S. factories closed and six million high-paying manufacturing jobs went overseas. Not only manufacturing jobs left, but also things like help center call desk jobs for banks, internet services, retailers, and technical assistance have gone to places like the Philippines, Mexico, India, and other nations. Chances are if you call a big retailer in a shopping mall, the person actually answering the phone is probably in India.

In the 1990’s America began running up billions of dollars in trade deficits to China. In the year 2014 our trade deficit with China was $325 billion, which is double China’s defense budget. All these wonderful trade treaties have allowed China to experience an economic miracle and have infused China with countless billions of dollars to finance air and naval fleets, the backbone of what will soon become the most powerful military on Earth. The question is why was China so important to what Henry Kissinger called “The New International Economic Order?”

The globalist plan to transfer world power from the United States to China was conceived by David Rockefeller. After visiting China in 1973, he wrote an article entitled “From a China Traveler,” which appeared in the New York Times on August 10, 1973. Rockefeller wrote “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most successful in history.” David Rockefeller knew what Chairman Mao had done during his bloody revolution. Let’s look at the facts regarding this “most successful social experiment in history.” Chairman Mao’s “permanent revolution” and “Great Leap Forward,” which occurred between 1950 and 1976 was directly responsible for 80 million deaths!

Chairman Mao used the full scope of Communist Revolutionary strategies in his “Great Leap Forward,” such as endless class warfare. He used agricultural communes or slave labor and unleashed mass movements against his rivals and the “bad classes” of society, whom he targeted for brutal repression, torture, and death. In order to accomplish this he created quotas of victims, and used social isolation and humiliation through mass campaigns against the “enemies of the people,” torturing them and breaking them psychologically. The result was that many chose suicide as their only way out. Mao deliberately engineered famines between 1959 and 1961 that killed millions.

He used mass starvation as a means of slaughtering all who opposed him and used slave labor to build his economy. In light of all this Rockefeller, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the rest of the globalists praise Mao. Through trade treaties the globalists have transferred hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth, trade, and manufacturing to China. Privately, the globalists want lock down control on sovereign nations so they can create new feudal states where the people will become like serfs, enslaved by their lords and masters.

This is the “future” the “progressives” have planned for us…a future identical with the remote past. You will never hear this discussed in the media, which is controlled by just six corporations owned by the globalists, but the reality is we live in the Scientific Dictatorship that Aldous Huxley spoke of.

Zbigniew Brzezinski, a powerful globalist, openly wrote in his book, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970: “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values (like liberty and democracy). Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

Read very carefully what he is saying, because it reveals what the globalists really believe and plan. First, it calls for a more controlled society (That is why the globalists love China) and the “elite” are “not restrained by traditional values like liberty and democracy.” That is why they can celebrate Chairman Mao even though they know he murdered and tortured 80 million people, because the important thing to the “elites” is that Mao created a society dominated and controlled by people like themselves.

In 1970, Brzezinski was describing our current surveillance state, planned before 1970, and telling us the real reason why. But many people actually believe that some of these giant computer software companies, billionaire computer nerds, and social media giants were just a bunch of geeks tinkering away in their garages and then in a few short years they build computer software and social media that has a dual purpose of total surveillance.

In John Whitehead’s article, “Chinese Totalitarianism, American-Style,” ( 07/31/2008)“Naomi Klein’s expose, ‘China’s All-Seeing Eye,’ sheds light on how U.S. defense contractors have been helping China build the prototype for a high-tech police state that will be put to the test with the upcoming Beijing Olympics. It’s a must-read for anyone who is concerned that one more terrorist attack is all it will take for the U.S. to cross over into a totalitarian police state.

The reach of the technology being implemented is alarming. Imagine electronic concentration camps complete with high-tech surveillance systems and internet and cell phone censorship programs. What is more disconcerting is the extent to which U.S. companies have helped China oppress its people. But ironically, immediately after these American companies sold all this surveillance equipment to China, they then turned it around and sold it to America, so now the America people are under surveillance like the people in China.”

Under the guise of “invisible cloak” technology, the American people are being asked to support secret trade treaties once again, with the same exact promise they used in the 1990’s, which more high-paying jobs for Americans and boosting our economy….. Despite what the voters want, both parties continue to pursue the same agenda. Forty eight Senate Republicans voted for Trade Promotion Authority, which clearly indicated that they were doing the bidding of those who really put them into office… the powerful special interest groups who represent the elite globalists.

It was the socialist candidate Elizabeth Warren who had the integrity to say “We should keep the deal secret, because if the details were made public now, the public would oppose it.” Conversely, Republican Senator Orrin Hatch opposed Warren’s push to make the deal transparent. In addition, Senator Hatch, who supported the T.P.P., admitted that he does not know what is in the agreement because it is secret. It seems everything important our so-called elected representatives vote for these days is secret. In fact, our government is more and more being run in secrecy.

Secret powers are given to the President; major legislation is passed without anyone allowed to know what is in it; some government employees have secret email accounts while their official email accounts mysteriously disappear. How is it that all of this has been done for many decades right in front of the average American’s eyes and there is no widespread outrage?

Perhaps the primary reason is that it is being concealed from the masses by an Orwellian corporate controlled media. Most people simply cannot believe that some of their most cherished television news personalities, including many of the big “conservative” ones, are actively cooperating in giving out disinformation, because after all, the money is great and the perks are awesome. But, as difficult as it is to conceive, there are certain media personalities who are in the real sense what I have termed “Manchurian Candidates.” In other words, they are either the products of rigorous social engineering or they are in fact MK ULTRA babies.

Many people who read that last sentence will reject it because they do not really understand how far down the road we have come with science and technology. Most people try to understand what is happening in our world based their erroneous belief that our current science and technology is as it appears based on what is publicly known. In reality there is advanced and secret science and technology currently being employed, especially in the area of scientific mind control, that most people do not believe exists.

They do not understand that there is what could be called science fiction type technology being used now that most people think we probably won’t develop until, say, about the year 2045 AD. That is a completely false premise, as I document in my book Mass Awakening. The science fiction type technology that people think will not be discovered until around 2045 was discovered decades ago and it is secretly being used on populations around the world.

Let’s look at what Brzezinski wrote around 40 years ago while he was a professor at Columbia University:

Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behavior. Geophysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a specialist in problems of warfare, says accurately-timed, artificially-excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels over certain regions of the earth … in this way one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.

This means that starting over 40 years ago the elites have had the technology to control the moods, emotions, beliefs, psychological state, and brain performance (which they impair) of very large populations in both large and select geographic areas upon planet Earth. They use EMF waves and scalar technology (which officially does not exist) that can cause people’s intelligence and perception to be degraded so substantially that they cannot process or perceive what is going on right before their very eyes. Brzezinski called openly for the use of these pyschotronic weapons on the public as far back as 1976.

“Speaking of a future at most only decades away [Disinformation because the MKULTRA technology was already being used], an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, ‘I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain.’” Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era, 1970

Obviously, Brzezinski was lying about the time frame when he talked about these technologies coming in the future. He and all the others knew full well that these mind control technologies were already in widespread use in America since the U.S. government and the Dulles brothers under the direction of Rockefeller brought in large numbers of Nazi mind control scientists and rocket scientists.

Fabian Socialists like science fiction writer H.G. Wells and mathematician Bertrand Russell began conceiving of these technologies in the early 1900’s; some of their ideas date back to the mid-1800’s. Bertrand Russell said long before Brzezinski “Truly high-minded people [the elites] are not bound by traditional values of right or wrong.”

What he meant by that is that the elites view themselves as being above any kind of morality and it is only when you really understand what that means that you can understand what is really happening. If one makes this assumption that other people have the same morals they have and adhere to concepts such as right and wrong, they are making the same mistake that people throughout history have made. It’s like a woman who fails to see the subtle cues that she is dating a serial killer because he appears so nice, kind, and caring.

When we speak of the “elite,” we are not painting them with a broad brush, for there are a few members of the elite who do hold to moral values. But there also those who are so powerful that they can cause nations to rise and fall and when they hold to no moral code, no belief in God, but simply the Darwinian philosophy that “might makes right,” it is important to really understand that when they say they reject morality they mean it and if you refuse to accept that at face value, you are placing yourself in great danger.

The reality is that it was the “elites” who financed the brutal Bolshevik Revolution, Adolph Hitler and Third Reich, and secretly backed Chairman Mao who killed 80 million people. When they praise Chairman Mao, they are praising him because he successfully created a totalitarian state that could be run efficiently because he implemented total control, which is what they want for the United States and every nation on Earth. It is irrelevant to them that Mao did it through mass slaughter, torture, slave labor, and mass starvation; the only thing that matters is that Mao did it quickly, efficiently, inexpensively, and effectively.

These members of the elite sleep very well at night because they have no internal conflict about what they are doing. They are not wrestling with their consciences because they have none…their minds are utterly depraved. The social experiment in China and free trade are essential parts of their New International Order. First, free trade is a mechanism that forces the middle class around the world to compete with the labor in Third World Nations; the result is that in order to survive you will have to accept a far lower standard of living.

Secondly, they have to break America as we know it, which is based on things like “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” and replace it with the Chinese template. The WTO or World Trade Organization exercises economic control over all nations through trade treaties. It, along with the UN, is an initial phase of a world government. And this world government, if we allow it to be born, will be the worst catastrophe to strike Mankind since Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

Copyright © 2014-2015 Paradise Mountain Church International. All Rights Reserved

Paul_McGuire_com_hdr-1Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, The Day the Dollar Died and Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio show, “The Paul McGuire Show” for 10 years. Paul McGuire is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN. Paul is the producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. Website: